Firebuds (2022) s01e14 Episode Script

Call of the Siren/Jamal's Jam

(alarm ringing)
-Let's roll!
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin' the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get Into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl, yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
-Here we come ♪
-And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
AXL: "Call of the Siren"
BO: Ooh, cool Car-nicorn kite, Violet.
VIOLET: Your dragon kite
is pretty sweet, too, Bo.
JAYDEN: Here comes the J-Kite!
ALL: All right! Whoo!
-Yeah! Let's go!
Okay, looking good, everyone.
Now let's pack up and
head over to the Kite Festival
before it gets too crowded.
Way to think ahead, Axl.
Jayden, your kite won't fit in my trunk.
P, I thought ahead, too.
All right, let's roll, Firebuds.
Nothing can stop us now.
-(tires screech)
-(cars honk)
Except traffic.
I wonder what the hold-up is.
(sighs) We're never gonna get
to Motopolis Park going this slow.
We just have to be
patient and wait, Flash.
(siren wails)
Sirens. Better pull over, Firebuds.
Why aren't Carlos and Khalil pulling over?
I don't know, we should go check on them.
Where's everyone going?
Well, Khalil, sirens mean
there's an emergency
and first responders
need to get somewhere fast.
So when you hear them,
you have to pull over
to the side of the road
-and let them through.
-I can do that.
Can you do that now?
Oh, right, I'm gonna be the best
pull-over-er from now on!
(siren wails)
Hey, Dad! What's going on?
Oh, hey there, Axl!
Yeah, this car got in a little accident
so I'm bringin' him to the hospital.
Ugh. Well, at least my kite's okay.
It's gonna win Best Kite Trophy
at the festival.
If I get fixed in time.
Ah, I'll get ya patched up
in no time, buddy.
See ya later, kiddos.
(siren wails)
Oh, my hoodness, his bumper!
He's probably gonna need that.
Got it.
But how am I gonna get it back to him?
Axl, you're an ambulance.
-Use your sirens.
You think it's okay?
Bringing a bumper to the hospital
so emergency mechanics can re-attach it?
Definitely an emergency.
They're right, Axl.
Light 'em up. We got a bumper to deliver.
(siren wails)
I'm pulling over, see?
-(siren continues)
-'Scuse me! Comin' thru!
Of course, go right ahead.
That's the exit for the hospital!
On it!
His bumper fell off on the freeway.
(gasps) I didn't even notice it was gone.
-Thank you!
That was good of ya to go outta
your way to help, kiddos.
I'll get this back on ya in a jiff.
Ha. Cool. Please hurry.
The festival's gonna start soon.
Right, the kite festival.
We gotta go. Bye, Dad!
(groans) There's even more
traffic than before.
And our Buds are way up there.
Well at least we fell behind
because we were helping someone.
It felt good, didn't it?
Que desastre!
-Hey, Chef Fernando.
-What's wrong?
I need to pick up vegetables
from the farmers market
before they close.
And this traffic is going to make me late.
Well, we can get you there in time.
-You can?
-We can?
Sure. I'll just use my sirens
to clear the traffic.
Oh, I don't know, Axl.
Yeah, I'm not sure this is an emergency.
But what if the farmers market closes
and you don't get your veggies?
Then Chef Al will be so sad.
And your customers
won't get a balanced meal.
I hadn't thought of that. You're right.
(gasps) Violet?
Okay, Axl, light 'em up.
(siren sounds)
Right this way, Chef.
(siren continues)
I'm getting so good at pulling over!
Axl? What are you doing?
I gotta get Chef Fernando
to the farmers market
to get his veggies.
But veggies aren't an emergency.
They are to Chef Fernando.
Sirens for groceries?
-That doesn't seem right.
-Not at all.
And here we are,
with plenty of time to spare.
Thank you from the bottom of
my engine, muchachas.
Veggie or not, here I come!
You were so right.
Helping people does feel good.
I kinda want to do it again.
(June groans) Look at all that traffic!
We're never gonna make it to
the birthday party on time.
-(siren wails)
-(all gasp)
Axl, are June and Vance okay?
They will be after I rush them
to a birthday party.
A birthday party is not an emergency.
-It is if it's mine.
All right, it's not an emergency.
I'm gonna radio Axl.
(Flash and Piston gasp)
How's that possible? Axl just passed us.
She is the fastest car in school.
What are you doing, Axl?
Taking Iris to Motopolis Park.
You wanna follow us?
No. Getting an ice cream truck
to a park is not an emergency.
Sure it is. Think of the children.
Yeah, the kids need their fudge pops.
And the cars need their fuel pops.
-We sure do!
Right. It's still not an emergency!
With all the traffic and fake emergencies,
this mail is not going
to get delivered on time.
Yeah, I'm gettin' tired of
pulling over for no good reason.
(siren continues)
(wind blows)
(siren continues)
Oh, thanks for the help!
(ice cream truck music plays)
I don't know what Bo was going on about.
We helped out a bunch of folks
and we're at the park now
-so we can fly our
-(girl) My kite! Thief!
-Someone stop them!
Oh, no! Hey!
My kite!
VIOLET: It's Wiley Riley and Gauge!
They stole everyone's kites!
Not quite!
Now we've stolen everyone's kites!
(evil laugh)
And the trophy.
We've gotta stop 'em.
Oh, we will. Hang on!
(siren sounds)
They're gaining on us, Gauge.
The freeway on-ramp's just up ahead.
They're heading onto the freeway.
Then all that traffic's gonna
stop 'em in their tire tracks.
(tires squeal)
You might as well give up!
You've got nowhere to go.
Nowhere to go but up!
Later, taters.
They stole the kites
so they could fly away.
The trophy is what we really wanted!
They headed back to the park.
We could still catch 'em.
I'll clear the way!
Buds! Why aren't you moving?
Because you're not using your sirens
for real emergencies.
You're just using them
to get someone through traffic.
And we've got places to go, too, sweetie.
-But this is a real emergency.
-Is it?
Axl, you've used your sirens so many times
for non-emergencies,
it's hard to know what's an
emergency and what isn't.
I guess I did get a little carried away.
We're just trying to help people.
But when you have sirens,
you've got a responsibility
to only use them when you
absolutely have to.
-I'm sorry.
-Me, too.
But Wiley and Gauge did just
steal all the kites in the park.
And they stole the trophy, too.
Bo, that does sound like
a real emergency
Well, I'm not pulling over anymore.
Thanks for the kite, kid.
I guess it is a real emergency.
Pull over so Axl can get my kite back!
We'll all get it back.
Let's roll, Firebuds!
-(sirens sound)
Go get, em!
Hit the sirens, turn on the lights ♪
There's trouble brewin'
And we gotta make it right ♪
We're gearing up, we're in the groove ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Our crew is on the move ♪
Our rescue crew is on the move ♪
Firebuds on the move ♪
(sirens wail)
I can't shake 'em!
Let's use the kites again.
But not fly back to the park this time.
That was my first time steering
getaway kites, okay?
They're heading onto the freeway.
They're probably gonna fly over
the cars on their kites again.
Not if we take away their kites.
How are we gonna do that?
With my trusty J-Kite.
Time to fly, Gauge!
(gasps) What's that?
-Got 'em!
-My kites!
-The cars!
(tires screech)
At least we still got the trophy.
Not anymore!
(groans) There's only one way left to go.
(tires screech)
You won't be so lucky next crime!
Well, at least we got
the kites and trophy.
FLASH: Now let's get 'em back
to the festival.
Hey, Buds, to make up for using
my sirens when I shouldn't have.
I thought I might get everyone
some ice cream and fuel pops?
-Premium, please.
-I'll go with you, vroomie.
-(tires screech)
This line is really long.
You know what? I'm happy to wait.
It's not like
it's an emergency or anything.
JAYDEN: "Jamal's Jam"
(tires screech)
Help! Can anyone save my cat?
Poor Miss Whiskerson
is stuck up in that tree!
Let's get rescuing, Firebuds!
We better hurry.
That cat can't hold on much longer.
Another job for the J-Catch.
Meow, I'm falling!
All right, we saved the cat.
Great practice drill, everyone!
Aww, Miss Whiskerson, you're safe.
(chuckles) Drill's over, Axl.
That rescue doohickey sure is
somethin', young fella.
Thanks, Farmer Jo. I invented it myself.
Well, if you or your friends
want to stroll on over for a pony ride
(angelic music)
You had me at "pony." Come on.
-(Farmer Jo) Ooh, Tess,
we gotta get those brakes checked later.
Violet, wait. We were supposed
to test out my new J-Talkies.
They have better range than our earbuds.
Test over. Pony now.
-Hi, kids.
-Hey, Dad.
-Hi, Mr. Jones.
-Ready to go, little man?
-Wait, what?
-You're going?
But we still have more drills.
And pony rides.
It's Take Your Kids to Work Day.
And we're going out on traffic duty
with Jayden's dad and my mom
for the first time ever.
They're gonna be helpin' folks
all over Motopolis.
Let's hit it.
Uh, Officer, I need help please.
Watch the boss go to work.
Aw, yeah. Here we go!
How may I be of service, ma'am?
I, uh, I'm looking for
the Bank of Ameri-car.
Well, you're in luck.
I happen to be a traffic officer
and I know these streets
like the back of my gloves.
You wanna go up Seatbelt Street,
take a right on Roof Rack Road,
then a left on Brake Light Boulevard.
Third building on the right.
If you reach the Carbucks,
you've gone too far.
Oh, thank you. Thank you!
Whoa. I can't believe you sent
her down Roof Rack Road.
Well, there's less traffic than
Airbag Avenue at this hour.
Wait, Dad, is this
what you do all day long?
-Of course not.
-Oh, okay.
This is what I do.
When a traffic light stops working,
your good old dad gets working.
No one keeps traffic moving
quickly and safely like Jamal.
They call him "The Maestro"
because it's like he's
conducting an orchestra.
He's magnificent.
What do ya think?
So all you do is direct traffic all day?
Hold up. Directing traffic
is a very important job.
There's no shame in this game.
Let me break it down for ya, son.
If the traffic makes
The school bus freeze ♪
The kids won't learn their ABCs! ♪
I help that 'ol bus make its turn ♪
To give those kids a chance to learn ♪
I get you where you need to go ♪
Yeah, traffic is my jam ♪
If a chef's stuck at a blinking light ♪
Then who will cook up lunch just right ♪
I guide that food truck straight ahead ♪
To make sure everyone gets fed ♪
I get you where you need to go ♪
Yeah, traffic is my jam ♪
'Cause with a gesture of my glove ♪
My glove ♪
The cars will keep on movin' ♪
And get them to the jobs they love ♪
Love ♪
So the city keeps on groovin'! ♪
Yeah ♪
If the mail trucks
Cannot make it through ♪
Your packages won't get to you ♪
But thanks to me you can be sure ♪
They'll bring your mail
Right to your door ♪
I get you where you need to go ♪
I'm here to make the traffic flow ♪
There ain't no street
That I don't know ♪
Yeah, traffic is my jam ♪
Traffic is my jam ♪
Oh, traffic is my jam ♪
Traffic is my jam ♪
I said, traffic is my jam! ♪
-You get it now?
-JAYDEN: I do.
But is being a traffic officer
really as important as rescuing people?
Pam, I think the only way
they're gonna truly understand
is if we give them the honor and privilege
of doing it themselves.
We get to direct traffic?
(chuckles) Y'all not ready for that yet.
Let's start with picking up traffic cones.
(sighs) There's nothing more satisfying
than making a neat stack of cones.
Except that feeling you get
when you clear the lane
and the cars can roll on through.
Yes! We'll make the neatest
stacks of cones
you've ever seen.
Uh, yeah, sure. I'll give it a try.
That's my boy. We'll go pick up lunch.
Have fun, kids.
Already having it.
So beautiful
-Jayden? What's wrong?
I just thought we'd be doing something
more exciting today.
BO (over walkie): Axl, go right!
Don't let her get away!
Bo. Come in, Bo. What's goin' on?
Farmer Jo's pony got spooked and ran off.
We're on Airbag Avenue
trying to catch her.
-(pony neighs)
They need our help, Piston.
But we're on traffic duty.
These cones won't stack themselves
But a real rescue is way more important
than stacking cones.
Well, it did sound like an emergency
but what happens when
your dad and my mom get back?
I'll just leave 'em a note.
"We had to go help the Buds.
We'll be back soon. Love J and P."
Okay. Let's roll.
Easy now, Sadie
-(car honks)
-We got a runner!
-Stop that pony!
Don't you worry none, Farmer Jo.
I'll wrangle her.
One pony rescue, coming up!
Giddy-up, J-Hook.
(tires screech)
-Nice save!
Nice wrangling, boys.
We're just happy to help
JAMAL: Jayden! PAM: Piston!
Uh-oh. We're in trouble.
Where'd you go?
The pony was in danger.
But you already had a job to do.
I know, but a rescue is more important
than clearin' a bunch
of boring 'ol traffic cones
I see.
You think what I do isn't as cool
as putting out a fire
or chasing down farm animals.
I didn't mean it like that, Dad.
Yeah, you did.
-TESS: Oh, dear!
What is it?
I think my brakes just broke.
Whoa, whoa! I can't stop!
Great gaskets!
They're headed right for traffic.
-(all gasp)
-What do we do?
What we do best.
Pam, let's clear the way
for that runaway tractor!
-Here we go!
-(siren blares)
Come on, Firebuds!
Much obliged.
Turn up that ramp!
It'll slow you down!
You saved them, Mr. Jones!
Uh, not quite yet.
Brakes still broke, y'all!
(dramatic music)
Listen up. I'm gonna need
everybody's help.
Bo and Flash, stop the traffic
on Spark Street.
Violet and Axl, close down
Four-Wheel Drive Drive.
That way, when the tractor
comes down here,
she can drive straight down
that side street
without any cars in the way.
You heard Mr. Jones.
Let's roll, Firebuds!
Dad, what can we do?
Oh, I got the perfect job
for the two of you.
Follow us!
(tires screech)
All right, we're gonna set out
these cones in the road
so the tractor can drive over them.
Then, bam, bam, bam!
They'll get stuck under her
and safely slow her to a stop.
Whoa. Genius plan, Dad.
Farewell, neat stacks.
-(metal squealing)
-Oh, this is so embarrassing.
Here they come.
Vehicles Slow your roll!
-They're headed your way.
-We see 'em.
It's go-time, Axl.
They're slowing down.
But not stopping!
Brace yourself, Sadie,
we're gonna crash
-All right!
We're okay, Sadie. We're okay.
Oh, AJ here'll take you to the hospital
where they'll fix up your brakes,
good as new.
Oh, thank you all.
Especially you, Officer Jamal and Pam.
You're life-savers.
Just doing our job.
We should go with 'em
and keep Farmer Jo and Sadie company
while they fix up Tess.
Good idea, Violet.
To the emergency shop!
JAYDEN: Wow, Dad,
you knew just where to send
that out-of-control tractor.
And you knew just how to stop it.
But (sighs)
I'm still disappointed in you, son.
I know. Sorry I left when
I was supposed to be on traffic duty.
Well, to make up for it,
you'll be picking up all these cones.
And stacking them neatly?
Ha! How else would ya stack 'em? Huh?
It'd be an honor and privilege, Dad.
Aw, let's just all do it together.
(chuckles) What can I say,
I love this job too much!
Well, traffic is your jam.
And maybe mine a little, too.
(closing theme plays)
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