Flex x Cop (2024) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

[tense music]
Let's just get in.
[Ganghyun] Okay.
What about me?
[whispering] Where's my gun?
You can't use one yet.
[whispering] Two, three,
- [Ganghyun] Freeze!
- [Junyoung] Police.
[suspenseful music]
That punk.
[Isoo] Damn.
[Hyeonbae groans in pain]
[shallow groan]
[snatching sound]
[Hyeonbae groans]
[Isoo groans]
[Isoo exhaling]
[Isoo and suspect grunt]
[Isoo and suspect fight]
[suspect groans]
[Isoo breathing heavily]
[banging sound]
[shallow groan]
[dark music]
[shallow groan]
[banging sound]
[Miyeon groans]
[Isoo grunts]
[Isoo] You
[suspect groans]
may remain silent
and challenge the legality of arrest
[Seungju groans]
[dark music]
[Junyoung panting]
[radio signal sound]
Please take him to the station.
[siren wailing]
[dark music]
[siren wailing in distance]
I'll go talk to him first.
[sighing] Okay.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Mr. Choi Hyeonbae.
[tense music]
Did you kill Han Daehoon?
[sighing] Han
Who's Han Daehoon?
[shallow scoff]
[shallow sigh]
[Ganghyun] It was all recorded.
On the 25th, Han Daehoon
[Ganghyun] climbed up
the Taegwan Mountain at 1:10 a.m.
And you
went up there at 1:05 a.m.
Han Daehoon was stabbed
and got back to the car
at 1:55 a.m.
[seatbelt clacking]
[Ganghyun] You drove away urgently
at 1:56 a.m.
[Ganghyun] Then, you chased his car.
Everything was recorded.
[putting down pictures]
Until you chased him
up to Chairman Jin's house.
[touching pictures]
[Hyeonbae] Yes, I went to the mountain
on the day.
I like hiking in the early morning.
I don't know who this man is.
Was this man
[shallow scoff]
You used a jackknife, right?
It was not fatal,
so the victim could run away.
[Junyoung] But you were so urgent
that you left the clothesline
you had used to strangle the victim.
We're analyzing it to find your DNA on it.
You're working so hard.
By the way,
which place is good in this town?
I'm hungry.
Where should I report when I'm locked up
without being given any food?
Human Right Commission?
[Ganghyun] Okay, let's eat first.
Maybe it'll take long.
I prefer Korean meal.
[Ganghyun] No weapon was found yet?
[Hyeonbae rattling]
Maybe he has already removed
or hidden it somewhere.
[Hyeonbae eating]
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
[Isoo] What happened?
Why were you there?
Why did you meet Choi Hyeonbae?
Who's the kidnapped woman?
You sound like a real cop now.
[mellow music]
It's not time to joke.
You could be accused as an accomplice.
Are you
interrogating me now?
Are you?
Han Daehoon.
You know who he is, don't you?
I checked the security cam footage
of the publication party day.
You didn't trust me.
It's you who lied to me first.
Why did you do that?
[door opens]
Please excuse us, sir.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
Found out anything?
How about Jin Seungju?
His attorneys are here.
[Isoo] Ganghyun.
Let me show you something.
[pressing enter key]
[mouse clicking]
[dark music]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[mouse clicking]
When did you find it?
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Maybe I wanted him
not to be related to this.
[Ganghyun sighs]
[Ganghyun] Jin.
Can I trust you?
If your brother violated the law,
can you arrest him?
[sighing] I don't know.
I still hope
that he has nothing to do with it.
If you can't remain objective as a cop,
I'll have to rule you out of this case.
I want to know the truth
more than anyone else.
[Isoo] If there's any secret in my family,
it's me who can reveal it.
[Changun] Lee.
You brought Vice Chairman Jin?
[sighing] Yes.
[Ganghyun] He was with the suspect
at the scene.
And in the suspect's car,
we found a kidnapped woman.
[Minho] First, we have something
to clarify.
We have confirmed
that none of the client's actions
warrant your emergency arrest charges.
[Minho] My client is willing to cooperate
with the police investigation,
as he thinks there is a causal relation
between the suspect
and the death occurred in his own house.
Therefore, what my client is saying
from now on
is a statement not as a suspect,
but as a witness.
Please clarify this part first.
Okay, I got it.
[Changun inhaling]
[Changun] When did you first meet
Han Daehoon?
I first met him
at the publication party.
[dark music]
I'm Han Daehoon.
[Seungju] I got his business card,
and we greeted each other.
You shouldn't do this to me.
[Seungju] What're you doing?
I have something to talk to your mom.
Mom, are you okay?
[laughing shallowly] Come on,
don't get the wrong idea.
[Daehoon] We know each other.
[Daehoon groans shallowly]
Get lost now.
[Daehoon laughs shallowly]
[Daehoon laughs]
[Daehoon exhaling]
[Seungju] I learned
that he had died in my house
when Detective Jin visited me.
[Changun] I see.
So, what did you do?
I asked my mother
who Han Daehoon was.
[Seungju] My mother said
that she had been blackmailed by him.
[Changun] Oh.
Long time ago,
she had an affair.
[Ganghyun] Was it Han Daehoon
whom she had an affair with?
Han Daehoon was her senior in college.
She said she met him by accident
a few years ago.
They used to make contact sometimes.
[Heeja] He seemed
to have kept following me.
He found out that I was having an affair
and started to blackmail me.
I gave him everything he wanted.
he contacted me again when your father
ran for the election.
[Heeja inhaling]
I didn't know what to do.
[phone vibrates]
[tense music]
[Heeja] Seungju.
What's up?
He kidnapped Miyeon.
[Heeja sighs]
[Heeja] What should I do?
[phone vibrates]
[Heeja sighs]
What do I do?
[Heeja sighs]
[phone vibrating continues]
[Heeja sighs]
That's why I went out to meet him.
[Ganghyun] You could be in danger.
To protect my family
I could do everything.
How do the kidnapped woman
and your mother know each other?
[Seungju] I heard they met
while playing golf.
They've been close enough
to go on a trip together recently.
Then, what about Han Daehoon?
Why was he killed?
[sighing] I don't know.
Can we talk to your mother?
She collapsed and is hospitalized now.
I'll call you when she's ready to talk.
[Minho] Let's wrap it up here.
My client cooperated with you enough.
[Minho] Come with me, sir.
[quietly] Sir.
Wrap it up.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Ganghyun sighs]
[Ganghyun] Can we trust him?
I'll look into it.
[Daeyoung] Hello.
I'm attorney Kim Daeyoung.
[taking out name card]
Where's Mr. Choi Hyeonbae?
[dark music]
[door opens]
The kidnapped victim is Oh Miyeon.
She's the owner
of five adult establishments in Gangnam.
How is she in the hospital?
She's conscious now.
I'll go talk to her.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Junyoung] Police.
Do you have a cigarette?
I don't smoke.
Tell me what happened.
That jerk, Han Daehoon, blackmailed Heeja.
Why did she tell you about that?
Because it was me
who introduced her boyfriend to her.
Who is he?
You don't need to know that.
He's not in Korea now.
I don't know how Han found it out,
but he blackmailed her,
and she gave him money several times.
But this time, he demanded
a large sum of money from her,
so Heeja was panicked.
[dark music]
[Miyeon] Heeja.
Let me handle this.
[glass thuds]
How will you do that?
I have my own way.
[Miyeon] Don't go too far.
Just let him know his place.
[phone ringing]
Hello, sir.
[Miyeon] I heard about it from Heeja.
I prepared the money.
Should we meet tomorrow?
[Miyeon] And then, something went wrong.
He suddenly died
[Miyeon] in her front yard.
[meat grilling sound]
[Miyeon] What happened?
Why did you kill him?
- Hey.
- What the hell did you do?
[sharp sound effect]
[Hyeonbae putting down chopsticks]
I heard from that jerk.
This is huge.
She's the wife of Chairman of Hansu,
but what we get is only five million?
That's way too little.
I also want a big share.
Are you insane?
She's not the one you can use like that.
[Hyeonbae] Right.
I need a new weapon to use her.
That jerk is already dead.
Now, it's your turn to help me.
[swinging sound]
[heavy sound effect]
[thumping sound]
[meat grilling sound]
[Junyoung] Do you know
who the accomplice is?
He's Hyeonbae's brother.
Choi Hyeontae.
[tense music]
It's Choi Hyeontae,
Choi Hyeonbae's brother.
[call ending sound]
Find Choi Hyeontae.
[Kyungjin] Okay.
[keyboard clacking]
[Isoo] Did Seungju's mom
[soft music playing]
have a boyfriend?
She's been blackmailed because of that.
A few years ago,
that happened.
Did Father know that?
[ice rattling]
[Isoo sighs]
[Jeonghun] Who
was the victim?
It's Han Daehoon.
He blackmailed her.
Do you know him?
Not at all.
[dark music]
[mellow music]
Where's Hyeontae now?
[phone thuds]
[tense music]
[Isoo] What's up?
[Ganghyun sighs shallowly]
[Daeyoung] He left for the Philippines today.
[Hyeonbae laughs]
[Hyeonbae clears throat]
keep your word.
Of course, I will.
Don't worry.
[door opens]
[Daeyoung] Choi Hyeonbae wants to confess.
[file thuds]
Miyeon asked me
to handle an annoying guy.
Security cams were everywhere,
so we met at dawn
in the mountains.
[owls hooting]
[tense music]
Mr. Han Daehoon?
I was told to meet you here.
Where's the money?
Over there.
[Daehoon groans]
[Hyeontae grunts]
[Daehoon groans from choking]
It's time for a reflection.
Think about
what you did wrong.
[Hyeontae breathing heavily]
[Daehoon groans]
[Daehoon groans]
[Daehoon coughs]
[heavy cough]
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
[panting] How much did you get?
How much were you paid for doing this?
You need a receipt or something?
[panting] I'll give you 100 million.
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
Let's work together.
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
[Daehoon] Okay?
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
[panting] I have something
on Chairman's wife
of Hansu Group.
[Hyeonbae] Then I realized
that it was really huge.
[dark music]
It could change my whole life.
And I had no reason to share it with him.
Because we secured the evidence.
What evidence?
[Hyeonbae] Of course,
the picture of her having an affair.
[paper rustling]
[Hyeonbae scoffs]
You definitely got something huge.
[Hyeonbae inhaling]
Now that we have this,
we don't need you anymore.
[stabbing sound]
[Daehoon groans]
[Daehoon groans]
[stabbing sound]
[Hyeonbae grunts]
[stabbing sound]
[Hyeonbae grunts]
[shallow groan]
[heavy breathing]
[Daehoon breathing shakily]
[Hyeonbae groans]
[Hyeonbae groans in pain]
[Daehoon breathing heavily]
[suspenseful music]
[Hyeonbae] Damn it.
Why did Han
go to Jin Myeongchul's house?
I don't know.
Maybe he was pissed off
because I tried to kill him.
[Ganghyun] Who
was the accomplice?
[Hyeonbae] Don't waste your energy.
He's already left the country.
Choi Hyeontae?
He fled to the Philippines last night.
That's why you delayed your confession?
[Hyeonbae] It's me who stabbed him anyway.
[Ganghyun] Where
is the knife?
Get me a paper.
[dark music]
I'll show you by drawing.
[Hyeonbae] Paper and pen.
[tapping with pen]
Here's my house.
[drawing sound]
Here it is.
Wrap it up and send it to the prosecution.
It's Choi Hyeonbae
who stabbed Han Daehoon,
but we still don't know
who ordered him to do this.
[Ganghyun] Jin Seungju's mother
could have ordered him to do it.
You have any evidence?
[Ganghyun] No.
You know how to prove it?
[Ganghyun] No.
Not yet.
[customers chattering]
Wow, thank you.
Great job today as well.
[Kyungjin] Team 1, we got this!
[glass thuds]
[glass thuds]
[Junyoung sighs]
[Ganghyun exclaims]
[glass thuds]
Why are you so depressed?
[putting down chopsticks]
We got the culprit,
and the case was closed.
[glasses clink]
[in a drunk voice] What a relief.
I was so worried
if your family had anything to do
[Kyungjin] with this case.
If it did, how could I work with you?
How could I keep investigating it?
But it didn't.
[Kyungjin laughs]
[phone ringing]
[Kyungjin] Oh.
My girlfriend.
I forgot that we had a date.
But I'm now--
- You can go.
- Can I?
[Kyungjin] Oh.
Thank you.
[dragging chair]
I'm leaving early today.
[Kyungjin] Salute.
[glass thuds]
[Kyungjin] Goodbye, ma'am.
[glass thuds]
[door opens]
[door closes]
I should get going, too.
[dragging chair]
[door opens]
[shallow sigh]
[door closes]
[tense music]
[emergency light flickering]
[phone vibrates]
[phone vibrates]
It's Jin Seungju.
[Hyeonbae] Was the money transferred?
[Seungju] Release the woman
and leave the country.
Stay out of my sight, or you'll die.
[Hyeonbae] Seriously?
A rich son
can commit a murder?
You don't know what I'm capable of,
do you?
I got it.
[Hyeonbae] Then,
[paper rustling]
this will be
[lighter lighting sound]
Good deal.
[door opens]
- [Ganghyun] Freeze!
- [Junyoung] Police.
[emergency light flickering]
[heavy music]
[demonstrator] Jin Myeongchul!
You cheater! Resign!
[beating gongs]
[demonstrators] Resign!
[demonstrators making noise]
[eggs cracking]
[door opens]
Come in.
[Myeongchul clears throat]
The investigation was over.
[shallow sigh]
[door closes]
[tense music]
[Heeja breathing urgently]
Why are you here?
How dare you come here?
Now, Seungju should know
who I am.
[Miyeon] Heeja.
Let me handle it.
Find someone who can finish it clearly.
[shaky breathing]
[shaky breathing]
[glass thuds]
It's unhealthy.
Eat something while drinking.
Let's dig into it more.
[pouring soju]
You want to close it like this?
[bottle thuds]
Their statements matched.
You know that Choi and Oh
planned what they were going to say.
And someone
is pulling the wire behind them.
It might be Cho Heeja
and Jin Seungju.
But we don't have any proof yet.
Oh Miyeon won't say anything.
There's nothing we can do
only with a suspicion.
[Junyoung sighing] Damn it.
[dog barking in distance]
[door opens]
[door closes]
I'm home.
[Hyungjun] Hey.
[Hyungjun sighs shallowly]
You want a drink?
It's tough, right?
Some cases
aren't clear even after being closed.
[Hyungjun chewing anchovies]
Did you have any cases like that?
[Hyungjun laughs shallowly]
I've worked in this field for 30 years.
[mellow music]
[Hyungjun] I still have some cases
in my mind.
When I failed to get the culprit,
I can't forget the victims, either.
What did you do, then?
I just wait.
If a detective doesn't forget the case,
it's never closed.
Don't worry too much.
I asked the Philippines Interpol for aid.
He has assault convictions,
so he'll make trouble in the end.
Just wait until then.
[street noise]
[dark music]
Can I get some water?
[cup holding sound]
[Heeja sighs]
[cup thuds]
[Heeja] Why?
Didn't it go well?
It's not like that.
It went well.
[sighing] Now, it's all over,
[door closes]
[KCSI] Here's the evidence
found in the victim's car.
Oh, okay.
[Seungju] That man, Han Daehoon
I know who he is.
When I was young,
you used to talk about him
when you were drunk.
[tense music]
[dish clinks]
[Seungju] You ordered his murder, right?
[shaky breathing]
[Heeja] In the first place,
he approached me with the intention
because my family was rich.
He used you to keep blackmailing me.
[Heeja breathing urgently]
I couldn't hold it out anymore.
I did it for you.
I was afraid he would hurt you.
You know you're all that I have.
[Daehoon] My son's grown a lot.
He kind of resembles me, huh?
[Seungju] Anyway,
- he's my biological father.
- [Heeja] Your father is Jin Myeongchul!
[Hyeonbae] Then, this one will be
[lighter lighting sound]
[Heeja] Seungju.
[shaky breathing]
My dear son.
[dark music]
It's all over.
Just forget it, okay?
You think it's over?
You do?
[Seungju] It's just the beginning.
Now it all begins.
You and I
have just opened the gate of hell.
[Seungju] You got it?
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Myeongchul] Did you know
who the victim was?
[Jeonghun] I heard about him.
Does Isoo know who Han Daehoon is, too?
The case will be closed soon.
I want the truth.
It's a murder case.
If anyone in my family is related to it,
I'll take the responsibility.
[secretary] We can't let anyone in.
Get out of my way.
[Heeja] What the hell?
[sighing] Get lost. I'm tired.
- I might throw up seeing you.
- Ms. Cho Heeja.
Did you order Han Daehoon's murder?
- What the hell are you doing?
- Answer me.
[Heeja] Are you insane?
Why would I kill that man?
Because he is Seungju's biological father.
[suspicious music]
You don't need to answer.
I can tell from your face.
[Isoo] The investigation
will be reopened
to arrest you.
[urgent breathing]
[Heeja] It's not me who ordered it.
I just
told Miyeon that I was suffering.
I know the three of you
planned what to say.
will find out the truth.
You're also part of our family.
[Heeja] If it's revealed,
our family will be ruined!
Was I part of your family?
What about Seungju?
If everything is revealed,
what will happen to Seungju?
[Heeja] I know you hate me,
but you don't hate Seungju.
You know how much he cares about you.
[Heeja breathing in tears]
For Seungju,
[Heeja sobbing]
please keep it secret.
[Heeja breathing shakily]
am begging you.
Please. I'm begging you.
[Heeja crying] Keep it secret, please.
[door opens]
[Heeja screams]
[door closes]
[Ganghyun] You could be in danger.
To protect my family
I could do everything.
[birds chirping]
[mellow music]
[ball rolling sound]
What's up?
[Isoo] I'm just
thinking about our old days.
It's been a while.
[shallow laugh]
[Jeonghun] I confirmed
that a lot of money was transferred abroad
from Seungju's account.
Han is his biological father.
You don't think he ordered Han's murder,
do you?
Whoever ordered the murder,
Seungju already knew it
but just covered it.
What are you going to do?
I'll make him make up for it.
I can't let that kind of person
be the chairman of Hansu.
[keyboard clacking]
[printer operating sound]
[operation ending sound]
[door opens]
[paper rustling]
[door closes]
[paper rustling]
You know I trust you, right?
It's not because you saved my life
or you are helpful
for our investigation.
[Ganghyun] It's because
you are a person
who does the right thing.
[soft music]
[Ganghyun exhaling] So,
if you know anything about this case,
tell me.
I have something to tell you.
[paper rustling]
[Isoo] Here.
It's not fun anymore.
So, I want to quit.
You said
here's where you should be,
and you wanted to be a good cop.
You got it wrong.
[Isoo] I'm not the one
who can become a good cop.
[shallow laugh]
Thanks for everything.
[phone button beeps]
Prepare a press conference.
[heavy music]
[camera shutter sound]
[Myeongchul] Meanwhile,
I've caused our citizens
so much anxiety.
I'm sorry to worry you.
As of today,
I am resigning from the candidacy
for Seoul mayor.
[reporters murmuring]
[Giseok] Does this sudden resignation
have anything to do
with the dead body found in your house?
Do you admit the fact
that you have an illegitimate?
[reporter1] Did you think you
could hide your scandal from the voters?
[reporter2] Why did Ms. Kim commit suicide?
[reporter3] Is it related to Kim's death?
is my fault.
stop damaging
the honor
of the deceased.
[catching ball]
[ball hits the wall]
[ball hits the wall]
[ball hits the wall]
[ball rolling downstairs]
[shallow exclamation]
[ball falling]
[calm music]
[shaman] The questions in your mind
You'll find the answers someday.
It's time for you
to search for candies that you hid away.
[opening medicine bottle]
[closing medicine bottle]
[medicine bottle thuds]
[pouring water]
[drinking water]
Mom, what's that?
[cup thuds]
Oh, this is my medicine.
Are you sick?
No, I'm not.
This is for people who can't sleep well.
You shouldn't take it.
If you take it too much, you could die.
So, never touch it.
[Seonyoung panting]
You must be hungry.
Wait for a minute.
[soft music]
[shallow exclamation]
[young Isoo slurping]
Did you take my medicine bottle?
I told you not to touch it.
Where is it?
I threw it away.
I threw it away.
[young Isoo] You said
that you could die if you take it.
Why do you take that?
Take this from today.
[young Isoo] Doctor Jin Isoo.
Patient Kim Seonyoung.
Take one pill a day.
If you take it too much,
you'll get a cavity.
Wow, a great doctor gave me
good medicine.
I'll take this from today.
It looks yummy.
[shallow exclamation]
Thank you, sweetie.
[doorbell chimes]
[doorbell chimes]
[dark sound effect]
[Ganghyun] She had suffered
from depression.
[dark music]
It was a sleeping pill overdose.
[heavy sound effect]
[camera shutter sound]
OCTOBER 10TH, 1998"
[door creaks]
[firewood burning sound]
You want a drink?
Why did you remove my memory?
[bottle thuds]
What was the reason
you removed my memory?
[Myeongchul] As I told you before,
you were shocked--
Was there anything
that I shouldn't remember?
Mom didn't have sleeping pills.
[dark music]
She died from a sleeping pill overdose,
but she had no sleeping pill.
What do you mean?
I hid it away from her.
didn't killed herself, right?
[Isoo] What did you do
to my mom?
[heavy sound effect]
[footsteps echoing]
[closing theme]
[detective] It seems
that he committed suicide.
It's all your fault.
You killed my husband.
[detective] Sleeping pills
were found in the bottle.
You met him, right?
What did you talk about?
[Ganghyun] It's weird.
Someone might have poisoned his liquor.
[Minho] He wanted to revise his will.
[Isoo] Someone visited us,
but I'm not sure who it was.
[Kyungjin] Both could be murder cases?
Chairman was preparing to divorce.
[Jeonghun] His wife found it out.
[Isoo] She could've killed my mom.
[Seungju] I'll be appointed
as Chairman soon.
[Isoo] I'll get the culprit.
I remember.
[Isoo] Whatever happens to me,
I'll have to do it.
Long time no see.
[door closes]
I have a favor.
I need to restore my memory
of the day of my mom's death.
Why should I do you a favor?
Because the footage
that you care about very much
is still in the evidence room,
and I might leak it by mistake.
[mellow music]
[clear sound effect]
[Yukyung] Well
let's walk
deeper into your memories.
[tense music]
[music getting faster]
[time passing sound effect]
[shallow exclamation]
[doorbell chimes]
[doorbell chimes]
[door opens]
[Seonyoung thuds]
[shaky breathing]
[sharp sound effect]
[heavy sound effect]
Ripped and synced by
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