Flipante Noa! (2018) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Dad, Mom, have I ever told you about
the Capture the Flag competition?
Of course not!
Because I just learned what it is!
It's the most beloved competition
at school.
Team Red competes against Team White,
and you support your team the whole week.
Reds against Whites, blood cell war!
I'm going to enjoy this competition
like a seal on a wave.
Get it? A seal on a wave.
Awesome Noa
I'm from Antarctica
And everyone calls me Awesome Noa
Look around and you'll see
Everything's awesome
Awe-- awe-- awe-- awesome
Every single minute here deserves a party
Awesome Noa
Okay, we've assigned teams randomly
and you all have your T-shirts, right?
-Great. We've also decided
that Charlie will be
the referee for the competition.
For me, it's an honor
and a huge responsibility
to accept this appointment--
-Thanks, Charlie.
Because in the world of competition,
the noble task of imparting justice--
Charlie. Thank you, really.
Yeah, that's great.
All right. ESKA students, you all know
how important and dear this competition
is to our school, but…
But the main thing is
you keep on being good classmates
even though you're competing.
Don't worry, Teresa,
friendship is stronger than team colors.
-Well said.
Okay, you can put on your T-shirts.
Every year the same thing.
-It's taken.
-By whom?
By someone… in red?
It's unbelievable how worked-up
people are getting with the competition.
Has everyone lost their mind?
Sure, it's crazy.
But it's all because of those darn Whites.
Hey, I'm on Team White.
So are you, right? You're a penguin.
Excuse me.
I am, and always have been, a Red.
Give me an R! Give me an E!
-Give me a--
-Amazing. We are going crazy.
Any volunteers to show their work?
I think I speak on behalf of all Team Red
if I say it would be an honor
to hear Charlie's presentation,
our beloved and wisest classmate.
Well, how can I say no to that?
Team White wants to be the first
in congratulating Charlie
for his excellent work.
He still hasn't said a word.
You're such hypocrites!
Typical White behavior.
White behavior? The selection was random.
Go call someone else random, cutie.
I'm Red since I was born,
and I can prove it.
You want to bribe the referee!
-You started it!
You were the ones that started!
I won!
-Point for Team White.
-What? I won.
Sorry, Raquel. You hit Noa with an arrow.
What are you talking about?
Sorry, point for Team White.
Take that for cheating!
You think I cheated? I'm not a cheater!
It's how I express myself.
But you call me a cheater to hurt me.
Look what you've done!
You should be ashamed.
If you attack one Red,
you attack them all.
We're breaking all contact
with Team White.
Cheer up. I'm sure it won't last long.
Tonight we'll all be friends, you'll see.
This rivalry is going too far, Noa.
Friendships are broken,
students are divided,
we're witnessing authentic human dramas.
Hi, sir. You're allowed
to go through the White zone, right?
That's it. I'm neutral. Can I help you?
I have a friend called Maricarmen,
I used to share my breakfast with her.
I shared my sandwich, and she, her fruit.
But now…
You want me to give her
your breakfast, right?
Human dramas, Noa.
-Human dramas!
-Not awesome.
Today is the second day of competition,
and this doesn't look good.
-Are you ready?
I'm always ready.
We'll fight for red,
the color of passion, power and nobility!
And we'll fight for white! The color of…
of seal's milk!
Before that, you'll have to defeat us!
Who are you?
I'm Skate Man!
And I'm Skate Girl!
Girl? At your age?
Skate Woman, more likely.
Shut up.
You're so cool, Skate Girl!
Thank you, sweetie, but we're here to win
the Capture the Flag trophy!
Look, a big rabbit!
Minerva, you're out.
Now it's my turn!
-Look, a big rabbit!
-Come on, dude.
Lucas, you're out!
If we eliminate Raquel and Noa tomorrow,
the trophy is ours!
-And tomorrow we might see Skate Boy.
Thanks for accepting the truce.
This is how things stand.
If those two punks eliminate you,
the trophy will leave the school
for the first time in history.
We can't allow it.
It would be disgraceful.
Team Red will fight to the end.
-We just ask Team White to stay out.
Are you kidding?
They tricked you like babies.
At least I got attacked by a giant rabbit.
-Come on!
-No way!
Don't you see?
If we fight, they'll take the trophy.
Divided, we're weaker.
So, what do you suggest?
I suggest we form a single team.
Instead of Team Red and Team White,
we can mix and become…
Team Pink.
If you mix red and white, you get pink.
It's a hard color to pull off.
But I'm okay with it.
Please, what color
doesn't suit me… perfectly?
-I accept.
-Good. Then, pink it is.
It's time for teamwork.
Everyone in place.
Give me a P!
Give me an I!
Give me an N!
Are you looking for something?
A big rabbit?
Skate Girl, you're out!
Give me a P! Give me an I!
Give me an N! Give me a K!
That's it, pink! What are the odds?
Your turn, partner.
-I hurt myself!
-I'll help you!
It's time for teamwork!
Now we'll find out
who is hiding behind that mask.
What if it's a celebrity?
-Come on!
Then Skate Girl is…
-She looks like our principal.
We wanted you to be united,
create a team and work together.
-That's why we dressed like this.
-Although it suits me!
Oh, sorry.
We've learned the lesson.
We've worked together as a team.
Thank you, Julius and Teresa.
Now is my time to--
No, Julius! Your time isn't over!
Hold on, please.
Time to get up,
I fell on a skateboard and it hurts.
Oh, okay.
All right, but… I have a question.
How did you do the rabbit thing?
That's easy, it was Matías in a costume.
Well, we called the shelter
and he's on his way to the zoo.
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