Follow Your Heart (2024) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

[Follow Your Heart]
[Episode 14]
[Guangyu Hall]
I'm Yan Nanxing.
Greetings, Your Highness.
It was you
who took the duke hostage?
Who are you?
Who do you work for?
How long has it been?
Now you're settling the score with me.
Your Highness,
it was a misunderstanding.
If I had really taken the duke hostage,
would he have let me off?
I'm asking you,
not the other way around.
Your Highness.
A word in private.
I'm a temporary secret scout
of the Inspection Office.
I'm working on the Zornia case.
That day, I helped the duke seize Zornia
at the Ghost Market.
As for taking him hostage,
it was just for show.
I've never heard of the Inspection Office
hiring a girl scout before.
That's why it's called a secret scout.
Do you think I'll buy that?
W-Why not?
If you don't believe me,
there's nothing I can do.
you can't just tell me
to close down Blossom Beauty.
I don't mind bringing it up
to His Majesty.
You're hot-tempered.
You're out of your depth!
You overestimate yourself!
So what?
Believe it or not,
I can take you down and grill you!
You came just in time.
Whatever you want to know,
just ask me.
Why make such a fuss?
Will you be honest with me?
Will you tell me anything
without reservation?
This is about a major case
of the Inspection Office.
Forgive me
for holding it out on you.
She's part of the case too?
Oh no.
He has face blindness.
I doubt he can read faces.
Ms. Yan has indeed
helped me a lot
in finding Zornia.
Then why did she take you hostage?
That day at the Ghost Market,
Ms. Yan noticed hidden Zornia
in the secret warehouse of a shop.
But at that time,
the suspects were all there.
To avoid alerting them,
pretended to take me hostage
and took me into the warehouse.
In that case,
I wronged you, Ms. Yan.
Ms. Yan, you've helped me many times.
I haven't thanked you.
I'd like to say thank you.
I heard
you're a traveling doctor.
You're so kind and righteous.
From now on,
you are
a friend of the Jiang family
and also my friend.
Can I call you that?
O-Of course.
Actually, I've long heard
about your amazing beauty creams.
You're really good with your hands.
Since you're here today,
impress me.
Go do your thing.
I have a lot to say
to Nanxing.
don't let a girl like her
do such a dangerous thing again.
Get your men to do their work.
You know what?
I've got small spots on my face lately.
You can leave.
I can't find a way
to remove them.
I'm glad you came.
you came in without knocking.
Don't you think it's rude?
You're already preparing a gift in return?
since when do you care?
No rush.
It's still a week before you take up the post.
In a week,
there's no telling what'll happen.
Is that a threat?
The crown prince has come of age,
but there's the second prince,
the third prince, and the fifth prince.
If I tell His Majesty
that you still want
to serve the royal family,
do you think
His Majesty will be very pleased?
How dare you!
Of course I dare.
You're my sister,
but if you insist on
starting a war between us,
I'll give you a war.
Just don't drag the innocent in.
So it's for that woman again.
Are you admitting you egged Mother on?
We've been at odds for years,
but you've never fallen out
with me
for anyone or anything.
Is that woman
so important to you?
Don't act like a kid.
I'm not a kid.
Keep what I said
in mind.
[Guangyu Hall]
The food here is amazing.
Thank you, Your Highness.
Don't mention it.
Feel free to visit.
By the way, Your Highness,
this is
my specially formulated new product.
I named it Yearning.
No one has tried it yet.
Do you want to be the first one to try it?
-Yearning? Good name…
Ms. Yan is a traveling doctor.
She's not qualified
as a legit doctor.
Don't take risks, Your Highness.
Give it to me.
Look, Your Highness.
It's even safe to eat.
Applying it to the skin is even safer.
It's great for your skin.
Do you want to try it?
I really like your personality.
So interesting.
But you just gulped
half of it.
Refill it for me next time.
Of course.
Your Highness,
I shall take my leave.
Come again.
Why hasn't Boss
come back?
I don't know.
Has something happened?
Are you okay?
Did they mess with you?
No, no.
I'm alright.
You asked Jiang Xinbai for help?
Or did you?
We were wrong?
Are you angry?
Not really.
I know
you just wanted to help me.
given how smart I am,
I could definitely make it through.
So whether he came or not
didn't matter at all.
You're the best, Boss.
Yan Nanxing.
You must be hungry.
What brought you here?
I came to see
if you've come back safely.
Don't worry.
What happened today
won't happen again.
What happened today?
You mean eating
and making new friends?
can't have too many friends.
Why are you staring at me?
[July 1st] [June 7th]
Today is the last day of mourning for Gaya.
You're considerate.
If there was no Zornia in this world,
and General Nan
would be a loving couple for their whole lives.
By the way,
have you found Mr. Cao?
Please protect General Nan
from heaven,
help Jiang Xinbai
find Mr. Cao as soon as possible,
and find the ringleader
to avenge you.
Buying groceries?
Did you study all night again?
Classes at the Imperial Academy are starting soon.
Take care.
Help! Help! Help!
Someone fell into the well!
My lord.
We found this tea
in the victim's throat.
Any signs of poisoning?
The victim died between 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
from a cut on his abdomen.
My lord,
this tea seems to be Moon River.
In the whole capital, only Longxin Teahouse
has this tea.
My lord,
I heard that Moon River
is exclusively supplied to Longxin Teahouse by Mr. Shang.
Other teahouses don't have it.
Shang Bieli?
Longxin Teahouse.
My lord.
This blood letter was nailed
to a tree near the well.
I committed too many sins.
I can only die to atone for them.
Go get Liu Ruoqian.
My lord.
Liu Ruoqian.
You used to be the bookkeeper
of Cao Wenquan's pawn shop.
Do you recognize his handwriting?
Look carefully.
Is this his handwriting?
This is indeed Mr. Cao's handwriting.
Mr. Cao was barely literate.
He couldn't even spell tea
and used circles instead.
There was no way he could say
he committed too many sins,
let alone write it down.
You can speak your mind.
I worked for him before.
He was selfish, cunning,
and cowardly.
I don't believe he'd commit suicide.
But he wasn't poisoned
and was holding the dagger
in his abdomen.
Foul play?
My lord,
it doesn't make sense.
[Prevent Wrongful Convictions and Don't Coddle Criminals]
If he was immobilized,
the murderer could
hold his hands from behind…
to stage the suicide.
My lord,
he was in charge of the Ghost Market.
Who could have easily immobilized him?
[Royal Palace]
the Inspection Office
has found a stash of Zornia
and seized kilos of it.
It benefits both the country and the people.
The Inspection Office
is rewarded with 2,000 taels of silver.
The chief constable,
Jiang Xinbai,
is given the Seven Privileges.
Mr. Pei.
Since ancient times,
the Seven Privileges
[Pei Linfu, the grand councilor]
have been the highest reward from the emperor
to his subjects.
Since His Majesty ascended the throne,
you're the second person
to be granted this honor.
The first person
to get this honor
was my father.
Back then,
His Majesty rewarded my father with the Seven Privileges
and allowed him
to set off fireworks on his birthday.
Before that,
[Taiji Gate]
only the royal family
had that privilege.
If your father knew,
he'd be proud of you.
I'm put on a pedestal today
and may fall off it tomorrow.
Life is unpredictable.
Mr. Pei.
Mr. Lu.
Mr. Jiang.
Mr. Lu.
Congratulations, Mr. Jiang.
I want to invite you
to Jinchuan Restaurant
for a celebration tomorrow.
Mr. Lu.
Are you going to
exclude me?
I was just about to invite you.
Tomorrow, at Jinchuan Restaurant,
I'll wait for you two there.
No need.
I was just kidding.
Don't take it seriously.
Enjoy yourselves.
See you.
Mr. Jiang…
Mr. Lu,
I don't like the food at Jinchuan Restaurant.
How about
we meet
at Longxin Teahouse?
As you wish.
Mr. Jiang.
My lord,
Mr. Yao is not around.
It's not safe for you
to go to Longxin Teahouse alone.
How about bringing guards with you?
It's just a dinner.
Don't make a fuss.
Will you alert the targets
if you show up there?
I want to alert them
and make them scared.
Mr. Shang.
The man I sent to Heman
sent a letter back.
You won't believe that
Jiang Xinbai
actually got married in Heman.
Jiang Xinbai is so obnoxious.
He actually found a girl to marry.
The witnesses
were General Nan and his wife.
Nan and Gaya witnessed his wedding?
Who was the bride?
I guess it was Yan Nanxing.
Any evidence?
Not yet.
But I've sent my subordinate
to Heman
to draw the portrait of the bride.
After the portrait arrives,
my guess will be confirmed.
I can look for an opportunity
to test his bride.
The newlyweds
have worked together to fool me.
have you crossed paths
with Yan Nanxing too?
This is a serious matter.
No matter who in the Jiang family
wants to get married,
they must inform His Majesty
and get his approval.
Jiang Xinbai is overbearing.
He never cares
about our family.
Mr. Shang.
Will you…
I wish
I could skin Jiang Xinbai alive,
but if reporting him
will hurt your family
and our friendship,
I'll keep silent.
I won't report him.
Thank you.
There is only one thing
you need to think about now.
If this matter is true,
you'll have something on him.
How will you use it against him?
He wants me to leave his girl alone.
No way.
I want him under my thumb
and never to disobey me.
I want him to renounce the succession
of his own accord
and be at my mercy
for the rest of his life.
Mr. Jiang, this way.
Jiang Xinbai?
He never deigns
to socialize.
Suoluo, go back.
Leave it to me.
I want to see
what tricks Jiang Xinbai has
up his sleeve.
Top-notch Moon River.
Please, enjoy.
[Li Jun, Vice Director of Personnel]
Moon River?
It does taste great to me.
But I wonder how it tasted
to the dead.
Mr. Jiang, what do you mean?
a body was found
in a well.
The dead guy was Cao Wenquan,
a Zornia dealer who I'd been looking for for days.
This is the evidence
we found in his throat.
Li Wufang.
Take a look for me.
Is this Moon River?
Mr. Jiang.
Many people
come here every day.
I can't remember
everyone who ordered tea.
that man died
after leaving Longxin Teahouse.
His death
had nothing to do with us.
We don't know that
until an investigation is done.
Seems that Mr. Jiang
is not here to celebrate.
I planned
to use this dinner
to clear our misunderstanding
that has lasted for more than 20 years.
I'm deeply sorry
for what happened to Chief Constable Xi back then.
But under the order of His Majesty,
I had to put him on trial.
My lord.
Counting is done.
We've seized a total of
425 boxes of Zornia
and 31 suspects.
They've all been imprisoned,
awaiting your instructions.
The witness is already outside the capital.
I'll bring the witness to His Majesty tomorrow
and let him point out the culprit before everyone.
This time, we can definitely get rid of Zornia,
a scourge of our society,
to reassure our people.
Yes, my lord.
after solving this case,
the Inspection Office
will have done a great service to Daqi.
We'll be remembered for generations to come.
You're right, my lord.
If I can follow you
to complete this task,
I'll have no regrets in my life.
My lord,
Zhu Village was attacked last night.
The witness and his family all died.
The whole house was burned down.
Where's the suspect?
We only found the victims' burnt bodies.
All traces of the crime were erased.
We have no clue at all.
Xi Zhaoming.
Your operation failed
and resulted in a tragedy.
Do you admit your dereliction of duty?
I failed in my duty.
I have nothing to say.
I, Xi Zhaoming,
should pay with my life.
Xi Zhaoming neglected his duties,
caused innocent people to die,
and damaged the reputation of the court.
After our investigation,
his dereliction of duty is confirmed.
He's dismissed from his position as the chief constable
of the Inspection Office
and sentenced to death.
Mr. Pei.
Mr. Pei.
Your Excellencies, you're conducting a trial.
The Censorate is not supposed to interfere.
there's something
I have to say.
Go ahead.
I'm here
to plead for Chief Constable Xi.
I have three reasons.
Chief Constable Xi did a great job in past cases,
and his investigation into Zornia
aligned with His Majesty's directives.
Zhu Village was slaughtered.
The one who should be executed
is the murderer.
Finding the culprit
is our priority now.
Killing the chief constable who made a mistake
can shut up the officials at court,
but killing a loyal official who doesn't deserve to die…
Think about it.
Will His Majesty
have regrets afterward?
Chief Constable Xi
is Prince Weiding's son-in-law.
Prince Weiding is not a member of the royal family,
but in terms of military exploits,
no one can compete with him.
Besides, he's given the privilege of staying in the capital.
Shouldn't you
take him into consideration?
Since Xi Zhaoming
seized a large quantity of Zornia,
he'll receive a lighter sentence than the death penalty.
After careful consideration,
we decide to relieve him from his position
and banish him to Yazhou.
He must never return to the capital.
Don't be sorry, Mr. Lu.
I'll delve into the case
my father couldn't solve.
It seems that
it's too soon to celebrate today.
We can wait until Zornia
is completely gotten rid of.
See you.
Mr. Jiang.
Mr. Jiang, you haven't eaten anything.
what did Jiang Xinbai mean?
Can't you take a hint?
Jiang Xinbai was warning us.
I was so scared just now.
Behave yourself.
Stop trading for now.
Then we'd take losses.
Just listen to your grandfather.
I outsmarted his father
back then.
It'll end the same way for him.
Mr. Jiang.
What a surprise to see you here.
Let's sit down and talk.
Mr. Shang.
You're doing business
with Longxin Teahouse too?
Aren't you here
exactly because
my business is here?
I'm curious.
Where do you get
Moon River?
Why do you only supply it to Longxin Teahouse?
Great! Great!
What did you say?
I didn't hear you.
I'm asking you why you only sell
Moon River to Longxin Teahouse
and where you get it.
No rush.
A question for a question.
I go first.
Where is Nan?
What has the guy
you sent out found?
He hasn't sent word back yet.
But my guess
is almost the same as yours.
Your brother didn't flee to avoid punishment.
I sent someone to look for him
to protect him.
You went to Heman not long ago.
What on earth happened there?
I've answered
your question.
It's your turn to answer mine.
Moon River
is produced in Mount Kunlun near the border.
It has a low yield.
I promised Gaya
to find a sustainable source of livelihood
for her tribe.
As for why I only sell it
to Longxin Teahouse,
it's because I can raise the price.
There's value in rarity.
You haven't answered
my second question.
The Zornia dealers in Heman
framed and coerced your brother.
died to protect him.
Now you know.
It smells so good.
-Your Highness.
-So comfortable.
Yan Nanxing is here.
Greetings, Your Highness.
did you bring me beauty creams?
I brought you many new products.
Let me apply one for you.
Okay. Come on.
Your Highness.
Let me check them first.
No need.
I do know a thing or two
about beauty products.
Ms. Yan's creams
are made of herbs.
They're gentle and nourishing.
Even if the cream is slightly toxic,
it would require high doses
to be lethal.
I don't think I'd ever use that much.
You're brilliant, Your Highness.
The people's admiration for you
is like a river,
endless and unceasing.
flattering me.
Apply it for me now.
The rest of you,
Nanxing, hurry.
Miss Bai, you heard Her Highness…
Should I leave too?
You can stay.
Come here.
So comfortable.
Ms. Yan.
Nice to meet you.
I heard that Blossom Beauty's cream
only works best
when combined
with Ms. Yan's special massage.
Since I'm here today,
Ms. Yan,
can you let me try it too?
My skin is brighter than usual, isn't it?
The hostage thing
at the Ghost Market
was a misunderstanding.
Now, Ms. Yan
is your mother's friend.
You should be nice to each other in the future.
Sure enough, you snitched on me.
Yesterday, you said
Xinbai secretly got married in Heman.
How is the investigation going?
How come she knows everything?
What did Jiang Xinbai do
to make her hate him so much?
But her beef is with him.
Can't she leave me alone?
Your Highness.
You and the duchess are talking about family affairs.
I should leave.
No need.
You're my confidante.
I don't keep secrets from you.
Go on.
That woman has come to the capital too.
But Xinbai is very protective
of her.
No one has seen her yet.
You can't even find a girl in the capital.
I can find her.
I just need to do it secretly
to avoid upsetting Xinbai.
You have a point.
Xinbai is always looking into other people.
If he knows we're secretly looking into him,
he'll definitely be angry.
That woman is infatuated with Xinbai.
why don't you give them your approval?
Did I say I'd break them up?
Given Xinbai's personality,
I thought
he'd die alone.
Now that he's found himself a wife,
why should I turn her away?
I want you to look into her because I want
to know who she is.
If she's from a good family,
I'll be elated.
Since Mother
wants to help them…
Ms. Yan.
Why don't you ask around for us?
I don't have the right.
You do.
You're my mother's friend
and Xinbai's friend.
You're the best one for this job.
if you're reluctant, forget it.
You're so smart, Suoluo.
I can only ask you to do it
without making Xinbai
mad at me.
I'll leave it to you.
Your Highness,
I'm just a businesswoman.
I'm not good at gathering information.
That's not true.
I think you're good at it.
Isn't it the same as running a business?
You just need to plan it carefully.
It's settled then.
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