Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) s01e14 Episode Script

Migratory Anticyclone

The leaves are falling!
Gosh, look at the leaves.
You look good.
Let's go.
Seoul's current temperature is 21°C.
The relative humidity is 43 percent.
What was that?
The high temperature and humidity
of the North Pacific air mass
have retreated.
The pleasant fall weather
that is neither hot nor cold has begun.
There is a migratory anticyclone
from the west around this season,
and it feels pleasant.
I'll be back.
Everything is wonderful
during this season, but I…
got my heart broken.
I never gave her anything.
Hey, it's me.
Are you still using these lotion bottles?
Yes, I haven't finished using them yet.
Really? Okay.
are all these chargers yours?
No, the black Type-C one is
Senior Forecaster Um's.
There are several black ones.
I'll pack them all up.
You can give it to him.
By the way,
you don't have to pack my things for me.
I'll go later--
It's okay. I'm almost done.
I'll hand them over at work.
But they're heavy.
-I'll stop by later--
-You don't need to.
Director Jin!
Are you here for your stuff?
I said I'd bring it to you. Wait here.
There's a problem.
What problem?
They found out.
Found out what?
That we dated.
I heard you're dating Director Jin.
Were you already dating
when we stayed at her place?
Where did you hear that from?
It wasn't from anyone specific.
Everyone on our team knew except me.
Everyone on our team found out
that you and I dated.
What are you saying?
They know that we went out?
Yes. And I'm sure
everyone in the KMA also knows by now.
You scared me.
I knew it.
Why are you here?
So that means you two dated at work.
Is that right?
-Mom, that's--
-I knew there was something going on.
-It's a misunderstanding.
-Misunderstanding, my foot.
I knew you'd deny it.
So I got evidence.
Will you deny it?
Will you still deny it?
What do his parents do?
Don't ask anything.
I can ask that much.
There's no point.
Why not?
We broke up.
What's wrong?
Are you just saying that
-in case I ruin everything?
Grade Eight or Nine?
Can you please…
This is important.
It does slightly bother me
that he's your subordinate.
But he's younger than you,
so we should be more understanding.
Did he go to university?
Are both of his parents alive?
Where do they live?
I said we broke up.
I ought to know
about his parents
to have a better understanding
of what kind of person he is.
Then I won't make any mistakes
when I eventually meet them.
You're wrong, Mom. We broke up.
I believed what you said
and was arrogant,
thinking I was a great catch.
Then he dumped me. Happy?
I won't fall for it.
Tell me his birthdate
and the time of his birth.
What? Shouldn't you find out
about your compatibility?
I can't believe this.
Why don't you listen?
Are you okay?
Did you speak with your mother?
The person you are calling
is currently unavailable…
Come on. Why isn't he picking up?
Tell me what happened.
Okay. I was driving on the inside lane.
I wasn't even speeding.
But then, he suddenly walked
toward my car.
I had no way to dodge him.
-Is he serious?
-I'm truly innocent.
Don't you lie through your teeth.
You drove into me
when I was just walking by!
My head is split open!
-You did nothing wrong?
Damn it.
Hey. Breakfast is ready.
Get dressed and come out.
I'm not that hungry.
But I made dumpling soup, your favorite.
Look. Doesn't it look good?
I'm feeling nauseous right now.
If it's too much for you,
let's postpone registering our marriage.
I'm really fine,
so you can take your time.
Honestly, there are many things
I still don't know
since this is my first time
getting married.
I really wanted to do well,
but nothing went the way I wanted.
That's why I haven't been
a great husband to you.
I was embarrassed,
so I wanted to look tougher
in front of you.
I'll put in more effort from now on.
Let's make this work.
Don't go to work on an empty stomach.
How about some hot milk?
Okay. Get ready and come out.
Twelfth floor.
I'm here because…
-Mom sent you, right?
Doors closing.
Doors opening.
Hey, try to understand her.
Imagine how worried sick
she was to send me here.
Still, she shouldn't have sent you here
so early in the morning.
You're right. I didn't know
you went to work this early.
I didn't think I was too early.
Why is she so obsessed with me
and marrying me off?
Why can't she believe that we broke up?
You broke up? With whom?
Tell her to mind her own business.
Never mind. I'll tell her.
Hey! No.
She'll kill me.
Why would she? You did nothing wrong.
Do you think you'll be nice
if you talk to her right now?
You'll talk harshly and upset her.
Then whom will she vent at? It'll be me.
She'll vent at me for days on end.
Gosh. Hey, Ha-kyung.
Are you seriously going
to subject me to that?
That's exactly why you shouldn't call her.
I oppose it.
Never. At all costs.
Fine. What would you know?
Thank you, my dear sister.
You're really admirable.
You didn't see me today. Go to work.
I'll go first. Bye.
Look at this.
What is that?
Check this out.
My dear Bo-mi.
Happy birthday!
Isn't it funny?
An alarm goes off for self-protection.
She'll love to hang this
on her bag as a keychain, right?
She's in seventh grade.
Of course. I know that.
What kind of a seventh-grader
would want that?
Really? This is a brand new toy.
I'm going to school.
Eat first.
No, thanks. I have a stomachache.
Why is she sick?
It's that time of the month.
-That time?
-Bo-mi, at least drink this.
What time?
Oh, that time…
-Since when?
-I heard they're dating.
-Another colleague?
-How long has it been?
I heard it's Director Jin of Team Two.
I heard they're dating.
Since when?
They look good together.
Is it true?
-Forecaster Lee?
-And Director Jin?
Are you serious?
Will she get married this time?
They suit each other.
What a lovely couple.
What's done is done.
There's no turning back.
I'm talking about Director Jin here.
She's already experienced the pain
of dating a colleague.
Yet you still decided to date her.
What choice do you have?
"Heavy is the head that wears the crown."
-Don't you agree?
But to tell you the truth--
It's okay. I root for you guys.
I hope you have a beautiful relationship
and I also hope
she doesn't get hurt again.
If she gets hurt in the same way again,
she might really get on
a flight to Geneva.
I'm not just saying this for her sake.
Don't you think having
three different directors
in a year is ridiculous?
We're finally starting
to build up teamwork.
But then again,
I'm sure you guys thought long
and hard before making this decision.
I doubt you guys
would have dated to begin with
if it wasn't serious.
Don't mind the others.
-Good luck, Forecaster Lee.
-Thank you.
What is it?
What should we do?
People are taking it
more seriously than they should.
Ignore them.
Don't listen to them or reply.
Then they'll stop talking
about it over time.
-I'm hanging up if it isn't about work.
And don't call me
about things like this at work.
Good work.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
Anything in particular?
Things are peaceful for once.
The upper-level trough
near Lake Baikal is developing
quicker than it did last year.
It's only a week faster.
In any case, the weather's nice.
The disaster prevention season is over,
so we have more time now.
It's the best season to fall in love.
It's the best season to do many things.
I think the live monitoring team
won't be too busy.
To prepare for the winter season,
why don't you analyze the first frost
in the past 30 years?
Isn't it too soon?
Come on.
We're finally taking a breather.
Let us relax.
The prevention season may be over,
but you should still be alert.
Migratory anticyclones are always
followed by cyclones.
The slightest change in the air current
causes abnormal weather,
so let's be on our toes.
We don't have time to joke around at work.
All right.
It was just one joke.
You don't have to make
such a big deal out of it.
Are you coming in or going out?
You know Mi-seon, right?
We went to the same college.
She had a publication party yesterday,
and I was meaning to have just one drink.
She published another book?
Good going.
It's been less than a year
since she last published a book.
How many years has it been for you?
I'm publishing one too.
That's why I signed
a contract with a publisher.
Goodness. We'll see
if you really publish one or not.
Who knows how long it'll take
when you're wasting your time like this?
Jeez. Mom.
What if mine becomes a bestseller?
Can we please talk about that
after you publish one,
Writer Jin?
What's the point of having two kids?
Neither of them understands me.
It's about time you let Ha-kyung be.
Who cares if she's dating someone
or is against marriage?
Did she deny it in front of you too?
Deny what?
That she's dating her colleague.
Her colleague?
She's dating her colleague? Who?
You know…
That handsomely tall guy with a pale face.
The very good-looking one.
Handsomely tall and looks like an actor?
Mr. Shin Seok-ho?
Who is that?
The guy who lives above her.
They're on the same team.
Come on.
He's neither handsomely tall
nor extremely good-looking.
He's handsome enough.
Keep talking. Who's the guy?
His name is Lee Si-woo.
You know, they were living together
until not long ago.
They're secretly dating
behind their colleagues' backs,
but she's vehemently denying it
in front of me.
Of course, she would.
If not, you'd bombard her with questions.
Such as?
"Who are his parents?
What does his father do?"
"Which university did he attend?
Grade Eight or Nine?"
"Tell me his birthdate
and the time of his birth."
Did she tell you
that I asked those questions?
She doesn't have to tell me that.
Everyone knows
about the questions you ask.
Don't exaggerate.
Mom, just turn a blind eye to them.
If you interfere,
you'll just ruin what they already have.
Ha-kyung is seeing someone again.
Be satisfied with that, will you?
That's enough. Fine.
I got it.
Where did you sleep again?
At Shin…
-At Ms. Shin's.
-But you said Mi-seon earlier.
She and I attended
Mi-seon's publication party together.
I already told you this!
Gosh, she's so intuitive.
Why did you leave so early?
I was going to make you some coffee.
Are you free later this evening?
-Senior Forecaster Um.
Here's the temperature change analysis
that you wanted yesterday.
-Thanks. I'll check it out.
By the way,
how old are your kids again?
The eldest is ten,
and the second one is eight.
-Then you wouldn't know.
What? What do you mean?
You see, Bo-mi's birthday
is just around the corner.
But I have no idea what to get her.
I see. What grade is she again?
Seventh grade.
Seventh grade.
A luxury item.
A luxury item?
Don't be absurd. She's just a student.
You guys are so behind.
It's a trend these days for teenagers
to have at least one luxury item.
Even my niece asked her mom
to buy her a luxury winter jacket
in return for raising
her grades on a mock test.
How much would that cost?
Jeez, I bet a hefty sum.
For a middle-schooler?
That's insane.
I've never even touched
such an expensive jacket before.
Can you search up
migratory anticyclones' courses
in the past decade
from late September to mid-October?
Sorry? A decade's worth?
Yes. All of it.
Yes, ma'am.
What should I do?
Just buy her a decent gift.
Luxury goods are too much for students.
And they're extremely expensive.
Do you think so?
Do they really wear those?
Soo-jin, have you made up your mind?
Assistant Director Im
took a leave of absence?
Her husband is moving to the US for work,
so she'll be away for a few years.
I see.
So we have a vacancy.
Speaking of which, didn't you always want
to transfer to the Policy Division?
I did.
I even requested
a transfer numerous times.
Give it another try.
Knowing our director,
you'll be accepted in no time.
Who's analyzing the prognostic chart
for the next 24 hours?
It's me, ma'am.
How long will it take?
I'll finish it in an hour.
I need the cut-off low development
on Lake Baikal as well.
I'm also looking at it right now.
I'll prepare the prognostic chart
as well for your convenience.
It's okay. Just give me what you have.
-It won't take long.
-Just give it to me.
Yes, ma'am.
Ignore them.
Assistant Director Kim,
can you ask the NWP
for the foreign models
for the next three months?
Assistant Director Kim.
Why is he so distracted?
When did Director Jin
and Forecaster Lee fall in love?
Misery sure loves company.
He was the one Reporter Chae dated
before getting married.
Hold on. What is it, then?
-Crossed in love?
-Addicted to love.
That's what you talk about?
I'm sorry.
I only read the messages.
Ask the NWP
for any extra information needed
for the next three months.
Yes, sir.
Do you think Deputy Director Han
and Reporter Chae know about this?
I'm sure they heard the rumors.
This is why
you should never date a colleague.
About the climate projection report
for this winter…
We need to add more
to the part about La Niña.
I see. Is this because of
the statement from NOAA?
That too.
Europe, Japan,
and Australia's forecast centers
also predicted La Niña.
I need to send out
a news release by 4 p.m.,
so please update it before then.
Is that all?
It seems like there's something else.
I've known Ha-kyung
for quite a long time.
I must have gotten used to her
because I forgot
how precious she was to me.
I felt so entitled.
And after some time,
I stopped feeling grateful
and forgot how much she meant to me.
What are you trying to say?
At the end of things,
she just considered me an asshole.
But you're different.
You'll hurt her much more than I did.
She dumped me.
Do you think
the others would think the same?
People don't care about breakups.
They're just curious
about the reason.
At work…
Especially if it's about dating,
women tend to suffer more
than we men do.
People will gossip more about her than you
because of her past with me.
you and I both know
that she deserves better
than to be a laughingstock.
-I know.
I know it may sound ridiculous,
coming from me.
But I hope you think twice
before breaking up with her.
But if you must break up,
I hope you'll be courteous.
Don't be an asshole like me.
The chill is moving southward
quicker than we expected.
Let's hear what the analysts have to say.
If this is the case, we'll have to inform
the Impact Forecast Team.
Let's do that.
A cold wave out of the blue?
What's going on?
The cold continental anticyclone
suddenly developed in Siberia
and will impact our weather.
You can see the chill going southward
through the satellite photos.
The cold continental anticyclone
on Lake Baikal developed quicker
since the North Pacific's anticyclone
was in the far east.
This just adds insult to injury.
How is Daegwallyeong?
The morning temperature will be subzero
starting with the inland areas
such as Daegwallyeong and Cheorwon.
Assistant Director Shin,
what's the forecast for this week?
We've sent out a notice
about the temperature dropping
this weekend.
If the temperature drops 10°C or more,
the sensible temperature will be colder.
You're right. This is not good.
At this rate,
all the farmers shipping
their goods will suffer.
It's the kimchi season soon,
so the radishes on Ganghwa Island
and the cabbages in Gangwon Province
will be damaged
as well as the soybeans and chili peppers
in North Gyeongsang Province.
Let's keep monitoring
until the final analysis and decide on
the cold wave advisory in two days.
And send out
an official paper on the cold wave
to the farming organizations.
We'll do our best,
but if you knew that the anticyclone
was developing quicker this year,
you should have informed us sooner.
But then again, you must have been
too busy going on dates. Jeez.
How's your wife doing?
-That's good.
His wife used to be my subordinate.
That's right.
They had one passionate relationship
at work, right?
Jeez. One day,
they'd be all over each other.
Another day,
they'd ruin the work atmosphere.
You're right. We were all walking
-on eggshells.
-That's right.
I'll speak with the Office of Spokesperson
and send out that official paper
as soon as possible.
Please understand.
He's going through male menopause.
We'll take care of it.
You didn't have to do that.
They need to know
if they did something wrong.
Otherwise, they'll keep talking.
He's right.
Work and personal life should be separate.
He shouldn't have mentioned
you guys at work.
I completely agree with you.
A cold wave is coming.
Let's get back to work.
I have something to tell you.
To be honest…
Forecaster Lee and I--
I hope you support us.
We'll keep our work
and personal life separate.
You guys look nice.
But don't make it too obvious.
Okay, then.
Why did you do that? What's the matter?
Let's keep it a secret for the time being.
-Keep what a secret?
-Our breakup.
I don't understand.
It's just too much of a hassle.
They just found out that we were dating.
Imagine if they found out we broke up.
Those who like to talk
will be quick to assume.
They will gossip among themselves.
let's keep it a secret for the time being.
Until the dust settles.
Is this because of me?
Are you worried people will think
I got dumped again?
Then? Is it because you feel bad for me?
-Then what is it?
I just don't want to hear them.
They gossip
when they know nothing about you.
I can't stand that.
That's why.
Didn't you know?
That's the price of dating a colleague.
People gossip about your relationship
at all times even if
you break up or don't.
Despite knowing that,
I chose that path once again.
-I'm sorry.
-Don't apologize.
It was my choice.
I chose to love and break up.
So don't be sorry.
It's me who needs
to bear with the consequences.
It's unbearable for me.
This breakup…
is too painful for me.
I didn't want to see you in pain
because of this poor breakup.
I didn't expect this
to cause you even more pain.
This is yours from today on.
Isn't Se-hui in charge
of this special article?
She wants less work
for the time being because she's pregnant.
No way. She's pregnant?
Being pregnant
doesn't entitle her to anything,
but she was so brazen.
That's understandable
during early pregnancy.
In that case, she should've just gotten
a maternity leave.
That way, I could ask
the company for more manpower.
But right now,
I can't do anything about it.
Until when am I in charge of this?
Consider it yours from today on.
Taking a leave for childbirth
and childrearing will mean
she won't be working for a year or two.
Once that happens,
she will lose her edge.
If she can't get on top of her game,
it'll be the end of her career.
Come on.
Her career wouldn't
come to an end because of that.
What? Do you think I'm lying?
Ask around then.
Countless colleagues of yours gave birth
and lost their jobs.
Consider this
your golden opportunity and do well.
You've always wanted your own column.
You do know
that the column is published
on the society front page, right?
I understand.
Okay. Goodbye.
What are you pondering so hard about?
You look gorgeous.
It's nothing.
What's wrong? Did something happen?
Actually, I'm in charge of a column now.
You got your own column?
Come on. That's great news.
Hold on.
I'm done for the day
once the briefing is over.
How about we have some wine?
I can't drink.
What's wrong?
Are you still feeling unwell?
What's wrong? Tell me.
I'm here for you. Okay?
Do you need a new laptop?
Or a handbag? Should we go shopping?
I'm 12 weeks pregnant.
Good work, everyone. Let's go home now.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Assistant Director Shin,
do you have plans today?
Sorry? Yes, I do.
You're playing a new game, aren't you?
-You're wrong.
-Then what is it?
Are you going
on a blind date or something?
-No, I'm not.
-He denied it.
He denied it.
You came in last.
I have a very important appointment today.
You can go down first.
Excuse me.
This is awkward.
It's fine for me.
So how long do we need to keep this up?
Until the others
stop talking about us.
Do we have to do this?
I'd like us to.
I thought there would be a traffic jam…
I see. You took the subway
to avoid traffic
but you got the exits mixed up.
Where should we go?
Oh, no!
Hold on.
-I'm sorry. Oh, no.
-What is this?
-Oh, no. Wait.
-My hair.
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
-That stings.
-It must hurt a lot. I'm so sorry.
Oh, no. I'm sorry.
Oh, no. I'm so sorry.
Oh, no.
I'm an idiot, right?
Yes. You are.
I thought long and hard,
but I really didn't know how to react.
I really wasn't prepared for it.
I can't believe him.
The first thing he said was…
Hold on.
But we weren't planning to have a baby.
Aren't you dumbfounded?
What did you expect him to say?
I expected him to at least say,
"I'm really happy."
"Is the baby healthy?"
He could have said many things.
What? What is it?
You must really love him.
I thought he'd be much more mature.
But he turned out to be a baby
once we got married.
He's still a bit immature.
I married him
because I thought I could rely on him,
but I was wrong.
I thought he'd be on my side,
but we kept disagreeing.
No relationship is easy.
Even with your parents.
I've never been comfortable
in my relationship with my father.
Parents, children, spouses, siblings…
It's more difficult and exhausting
since they're family.
That's why you become more upset
and hurt.
I'm glad I decided…
to never get married.
Don't you think so?
What's wrong? Are things
not working out with Director Jin?
We broke up.
There's still time until the baby is born,
so take your time preparing.
Raising a baby is expensive.
We're barely paying rent
and making ends meet.
I'm still not giving you half,
so don't bring it up again.
I heard English kindergartens
are really pricey.
You even thought of that?
Learning English at a young age
is crucial these days.
I can't give up on that.
You're actually happy, right?
To be honest…
I'm worried that I won't be
a good dad.
I'm already struggling
to be a good husband.
You'll do well.
You will.
You've always done your best
when it came to your responsibilities.
It was just that I was
a lousy and fussy perfectionist.
Are you really going
to end things with Si-woo?
Hey, Ha-kyung.
You can't maintain
a relationship if it's one-sided.
Exactly why does he want to break up?
I'm not sure.
There were many reasons,
but it's obvious.
I'm just not good enough for him.
Hey, don't be ridiculous.
You're a terrific woman.
You're smart, competent,
responsible, and athletic.
Do you still not know
how charming you are?
-You dumped me too.
That was because…
Forget it. That's water under the bridge.
Getting dumped like that twice means
I'm not suited to date anyone.
Come on.
So treat your wife well.
Stop drinking.
Buy some flowers or a gift
at the department store before it closes.
I was the lousy one.
It wasn't because of you.
You're a good person, Ha-kyung.
I was never happy
to be his son.
It wasn't my fault.
But my parents…
blamed me
for being born into this world.
"It's your fault."
"You're the reason why
your mother sacrificed her life."
Then she passed away
at an early age due to illness.
My father even blamed her death on me.
"You're the reason why
your mother died early."
How harsh of him.
They shouldn't have had me
if they weren't confident.
Parents who give birth
and blame everything on their child…
are the worst.
Hey, Honey.
I'm sorry.
My mom's condition
is worse than I thought.
Yes. We're on our way home.
Honey, the bus is here.
I'll call you back later.
Sir, please give me a minute.
Let me help.
Okay. Thank you.
-Go ahead.
-Thank you.
Don't cry, Se-chan. It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Goodness. My baby.
Taking a leave for childbirth
and childrearing will mean
she won't be working for a year or two.
Once that happens,
she will lose her edge.
If she can't get on top of her game,
she'll eventually lose her job.
It's okay.
Don't cry.
You must be exhausted. Give me that.
What's all this?
I couldn't even congratulate you.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't meaning to do that.
It was just so sudden.
It must have been hard
to keep it to yourself.
I'm so thankful
and I love you so much, Yu-jin.
I booked an appointment
with my ob-gyn next week.
What day?
Let me come with you. I'll make time.
I don't think it's right to have a baby
when we're not prepared.
What are you saying?
Let's be frank. You don't want it either.
A baby in our current situation?
It's too much of a burden.
Yu-jin, are you going to…
Let's do that.
isn't a given in life.
That's why we broke up.
I could see
that we'd never be happy
no matter how hard we tried.
I didn't want her
to carry my burdens.
That's why.
Hello, ma'am.
-I was just passing by.
-Where is Ha-kyung?
Where is my daughter?
I'm here to see Mr. Lee Myung-han.
Okay. One minute, please.
Oh, are you his guardian?
Well, yes.
He was in a car accident.
After doing a blood test
and a few other checkups,
I found something strange.
-Something strange?
Can you please pick up?
Yes, ma'am.
Let's talk.
Amid the clear, fall weather
throughout the country,
a sudden cold wave advisory
has been announced.
This sudden freezing weather
could easily alarm our bodies.
At times like this,
it's important that you
take care of your immune system.
So when do you think
this cold will subside?
As things stand…
We may have to overturn the forecast.
You're going to take the bullet
for what Si-woo said?
Say that again!
What are you doing?
Did you already know?
You need a biopsy.
My relationships started with love
but my father was always
at the end of them.
Because you'll regret it.
You might regret it later.
I still like you a lot.
Do you know that?
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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