Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Wakamono no tokken

It looks like there are
all sorts of stores.
It'll be fun to shop here.
This is such a lively town.
There are so many bars.
That reminds me, Frieren.
Let's go shopping together later.
I think we'll find
a lot of good shops here.
That's fine with me.
What are you doing, Frieren? Let's go.
That's going a little too far!
You're always so mean to me!
Do you hate me that much?
Forget it!
I'm going back to Master's place!
Why is she always like that?
Can't she listen to me for one second?
What's all the fuss about?
Is it a lover's quarrel?
Today is Fern's birthday.
But Stark didn't get a present for her.
And so Fern is furious.
I think you went overboard today.
You didn't even try to listen to Stark.
I didn't get you anything either.
Men don't pay attention
to small details such as
birthdays and anniversaries.
Ouch! All right!
I'll buy you something, so stop kicking.
My knees are going
to give out at this rate.
Jeez, I feel bad for Stark.
At my age, even if I'm treated coldly,
it's easier to brush it aside.
But boys his age
are easily affected
by how girls treat them.
I think it's best to go after him.
I think you should go.
Her hair accessory
was a butterfly too, wasn't it?
What a cute pouch.
- You hate it, don't you?
- No.
It's just off-putting
that you seem so experienced.
Is that right
Did you find Stark?
He was at the plaza
You couldn't approach him, huh?
I know that you don't hate him.
You just don't know
how to deal with boys your age.
Oh, the woes of youth.
Anyway, you can pick out
whichever one you want.
We can look at other shops too.
No, it's all right.
Then I'll choose one myself.
In any case, you didn't have to get so mad
just because he forgot a present.
He's obviously not the type
to remember such details.
I'll bet you he doesn't even
remember his own birthday.
Don't hold it against him.
I gave Master Stark a present
on his birthday.
Oh, really? Did you pick one out
together that time?
How did you know?
Usually, people don't refuse when you say,
"Pick out whichever one you want."
In your mind,
it's probably a special memory.
Hence, you said "no" to me.
I'm not sure.
I just felt like doing it, that's all.
Is that right?
Well then, hurry up and apologize
and pick out a present with him.
He's still a kid.
He's not very intuitive.
You want to make up, right?
You've got to use words
to convey your feelings.
You're right.
- I'll go back to the inn.
- Um
I'm sorry for kicking you.
Master Stark.
- Um
- I'm sorry!
The truth is,
I wanted to pick something out together.
Because I don't know what you like.
I was worried
that you'd get upset if I said that.
So I couldn't bring it up.
I wouldn't get upset.
I'm sorry, Master Stark.
I said things I shouldn't have.
It's fine. I'm used to it.
I'm really sorry.
Let's go.
You're spying on them?
How classy of you, Frieren.
Right back at you.
It seems they made up just fine.
As you become an adult,
you learn how to deal with others
and begin to avoid conflicts in general.
Fighting like that
is a privilege of the young.
I bet they've been a handful, Frieren.
It's not easy taking care of kids.
- How do you "deal with others"?
- All three of you are kids, I guess.
Fern came up to me for advice.
Rather than you.
I wonder who she's comparing me to
and who she sees vicariously through me.
Fern was raised by Heiter, after all.
I can't stand to be compared
with such an incredible priest.
He's not incredible at all.
He was a drunkard who was always
suffering from a hangover.
Is he an undead?
He was so picky too.
Stop that.
- And he lied all the time.
- I didn't drink.
He was nothing but a corrupt priest.
you are even more corrupt than him, Sein.
Well, excuse me.
That's so surprising, though.
From what I recall,
Master Heiter was
a kind and dependable grandpa.
Unlike me, he was an ideal adult.
You've changed, Heiter.
You seem mature now.
What are you saying?
I'm an old grandpa already.
You naturally
turn this way as you get old.
Or so I'd like to say.
But in truth,
my heart has not changed much
since I was a little kid.
This is just the accumulation
of my efforts to pretend to be mature
in order to become my ideal adult.
I'm sure I will
have to pretend
to be an adult until I die.
Children need an adult in their lives
who can give them emotional support.
Fern is especially a hard worker.
I have to give her lots
of commendation and guidance.
Well then, who will commend you,
for pretending to be an adult
until you die?
That is what the Goddess is there for.
I'll have to wait until I go to heaven.
Then I'll commend you here.
But you probably don't understand
how I feel as a human.
How do you plan to commend me?
Surprisingly, this isn't too bad.
Frieren, when I go to heaven,
I'll put in a good word for you.
I still think
you deserve to be commended
by the Goddess.
Is that so? I'll look forward to it then.
What's this about, Frieren?
I think you're adulting just fine, Sein.
It would've been so nice
to be told that by an older lady.
Then good for you.
You can't get much older than me.
I appreciate it.
There were no horse-drawn buses
around here, so you're a life saver.
We need to help each other around here.
I actually work as a merchant
in the next village.
My family runs an accessory shop.
Would you be interested?
You're quite the businessman.
That doesn't really interest me,
but Fern likes that kind of stuff. Oh?
You bought a new bracelet?
This was
That's a cute design.
I have a ring with the same design.
I got it from Himmel.
I think it's matching.
- Really?
- Let's see
Where did I put it?
That's weird
This is what you get for being messy.
Here it is.
I'm sorry. I let my guard down.
Bird monsters are cunning
and skilled at hiding their mana.
What should we do?
Once we take down the monster,
can't we somehow
get to safety with flight magic?
You can make a wagon float, right?
have you ever seen a flying wagon?
We're in one right now.
It may come as a surprise,
but it's not even been 40 years
since mankind learned how to fly.
Up until then,
the sky was monopolized
by demons and monsters.
The flight magic that mankind uses
is just a reproduction of the spell
that demons use.
Enough of the complicated details.
Say it in a way that I can understand.
We don't know the logic behind the spell,
so we can't adapt it as we wish.
If it's larger than a human,
we can only make it fly for a little bit.
- I see.
- We have no choice but to escape.
I'll fly with the merchant.
- Fern, you take Sein.
- Understood.
I'll get our luggage together.
Hey, what about me?
- Stark, you jump off.
- What the heck is she saying?
I think I will die.
A warrior wouldn't die from this height.
Of course I'd die!
Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy?
That's strange.
Eisen could free fall from any height
and be completely unharmed.
What is wrong with him?
Heiter was left speechless.
The fact that he was left speechless
means Master Eisen was not normal.
Then why don't we make the wagon float
right before we hit the ground?
We have to calculate whether we can
counterbalance our free fall.
If we can't neutralize the momentum,
we'll become minced meat.
She said something scary right now!
Either way, we should probably act fast.
This type of monster hunts
by smashing its prey on the ground.
I see.
You never know unless you try, I guess.
Don't drop us so suddenly!
I'm alive?
It seems it was a success.
- You call this a success?
- What sort of plan was that?
The horse had minor injuries,
but they've been treated.
The wagon is in bad shape, though.
We need to repair it.
- Sorry
- Not at all. I'm so grateful.
If I was alone, I'd be dead by now.
We'll be busy
repairing the wagon for a while.
Oh? That's weird
Where did it go?
It's getting warm these days.
It might be time to change our wardrobes.
By the way,
where did that bracelet come from?
It was a birthday present
from Master Stark.
It took me three hours to pick out.
You ended up picking it yourself?
I asked him to pick something out.
I see.
That must've been tough, Stark.
That's the hardest position to be in.
Tell me about it.
Is this okay?
I spent three hours
trying to read her mood.
- It was unbearable.
- Poor you.
- I can hear everything.
- But
I'm glad she likes it.
I'm impressed, Stark.
I thought you'd be more cowardly.
That design is a mirrored lotus.
It means "eternal love."
In this region,
it's something you give your lover.
- Master Stark.
- I I didn't know!
This is a misunderstanding!
Do you think I know
the meaning of flowers?
You have a point. You're stupid after all.
She's harsher than usual!
You didn't know either.
- Did you say something?
- It's nothing.
Um, should I replace it
with something else?
You gave this to me
after thinking long and hard about it.
Don't you ever ask that again.
I'm sorry!
What is it?
It's nothing.
Mistress Frieren.
The wagon is all repaired,
so we're leaving early tomorrow morning.
You've been sneaking out every night.
What are you looking for?
The ring Himmel gave me.
I'll look too.
We'll stay here until we find it.
It's fine.
If I don't find it tonight, I'll give up.
I'm used to losing things.
Plus, that wasn't the only thing
I received from Himmel.
It was a ring with the same
mirrored lotus design as this, right?
that flower means "eternal love."
Yeah? I didn't know.
It doesn't matter.
I'm sure Himmel didn't know
about the meaning either.
Even then
I'm sure it's very precious.
We should all search together.
You should have told me!
There were always
people in the village who lost
their accessories.
It's a spell for finding lost accessories.
It's one of the spells that I planned
to give you as this time's reward.
you worked really hard
during this time's subjugation quest.
Go ahead and pick whatever you want.
Accessories, huh?
I'd rather go to a magic shop.
- This is fine.
- That was fast.
Put some more thought into it.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
It's a good thing you didn't give up,
Mistress Frieren.
You might be right.
By the way, why is Fern wearing
a mirrored lotus bracelet?
Because Master Stark is stupid.
How mean.
- I know spells for combat too.
- I feel anxious.
- He's not as talented as his brother.
- Yes, father.
This isn't good.
- This is hell.
- We should hurry.
"Smells Like Trouble."
Let's go to the next village.
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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