Guilty Crown (2011) s01e14 Episode Script


1 We're sick and tired of you dodging the issue! I am not dodging the issue! I'm just saying that we shouldn't do anything rash until the situation clears up.
We should be hearing from the Kuhouin head, my grandfather, soon.
All we need is a little more patience! Come on! Face the facts! We don't officially exist anymore! Don't you get it? They're gonna kill us along with the virus! We're all gonna die! It's all over! Hey, cut it out! Nobody knows that for sure! That's right.
Also, don't shout.
This is why I requested that no one takes the floor until they have the microphone.
The way I see it, our biggest problem right now is that we don't know anything about the situation.
Shouldn't someone take responsibility and inspect the wall enclosing Loop 7? Yeah! He's right! Nanba's right! You go! Why does the president bother taking guys like that seriously? I don't know if it's integrity or just stupidity She's just trying to hear everybody out! What's wrong with that? Nothing, but only we were in a peaceful time.
What's wrong, Shu? Nothing I was just wondering what Gai would do at a time like this.
Please! Please do something! I want to see my mom and dad! What we're saying is that we want you to decide on a course of action.
If you ask me, "Grandpa will come and save us, so wait for him" isn't something a leader should say.
Am I right? Good point.
What are you, a kid? Per Article 32, Section 3 of the student council charter, I'm hereby filing a no-confidence resolution against the president and requesting that we elect a new president.
The reality of the destruction around us fills our mind The raging rain sounds like a storm of tears Notice that your eyes were given to you to acknowledge others, that your eyes were given to you to acknowledge others, that your eyes were given to you to acknowledge others, that your eyes were given to you to acknowledge others, that your eyes were given to you to acknowledge others, that your voice was given to you to tell others how you feel and that your hands were given you to hold those dear to you All living things bear witness to my song Your heart contains all its truth Even when all you see in your path are storms remember that your strength is no coincidence and on it, rely It's time to distribute the vaccine.
Everyone allotted a dose this week, report to the student council room on the fourth floor before lunch hour ends.
Here you go.
Take good care of it.
I think the dam's finally burst.
Dam? What dam? This is the school's unofficial website, Tennozu Underground.
Take a look.
The internet is back?! Wow, it is.
The jamming suddenly lifted on just the school's local network, so the internet came back up.
But, we're still cut off from the outside.
Let me see, let me see! They're really going after the president.
But she's working hard! That's just mean! I can see their point, though.
I mean, she's really not cut out to lead.
Hey! That's a horrible thing to say! She's one of us, and we care about her! "One of us"? We're only together because of the circumstances.
You're not cute at all! I'm so sorry! Tsugumi! What's her problem? Gather as much information you can on what's happening outside and on people who want to leave.
We'll confront her with that at the assembly.
Why don't we just kill her? Don't get hasty.
We can play our trump card whenever we want.
Hey, Inori.
You don't have any family, right? Have you ever felt lonely? Only once.
The one time when Shu wasn't there and I was cold.
Gai told me that's "loneliness.
" Thanks for sharing that.
Are you lonely? Tsugumi, are you lonely? N-No, of course not! I mean, sure, the Undertakers are gone But I was living on my own even before I joined them.
I'm way past being "lonely.
" Yeah I've always been alone, so So you don't have to worry about it, Shu! R-Right! Perfect timing.
I'll give you this.
"Genomic Resonance Gauge"? Yep.
To put it bluntly, it's like a gadget for measuring the strength of Voids.
It was just lying on the ground near the truck those guys attacked us in yesterday.
Seems like the bigger the number, the more powerful the Void.
I see Impressive! Wh-What!? What is it? Come to think of it, what's Tsugumi's Void? Well, I've never drawn it out Think of the situation we're in.
It's best to get an idea of everyone's Voids, isn't it? Don't worry.
It only hurts for a second.
It hurts!? All right, Dr.
Ouma, have at it! Hey— Wait— Okay then.
Sorry, Tsugumi.
St-Stop! No! Report.
Yes, sir.
We're deploying a mop-up team based on your strategy.
Next, we'll form a ring around the area and proceed to purify, then shrink the blockade zone.
As for our main force, I've strategically stationed the Ghost unit formed from the data you gave me.
Now then, Mr.
President Begin.
Yes Sir! Now beginning Operation Purify Tokyo! This is an announcement from the new Japanese government.
As of midnight tonight, we are shrinking the quarantined area.
Anyone who attempts to venture outside the red lines will be purified on sight, so please be careful.
I don't like this.
President's orders or not, there's no love in this kind of killing.
And that "Ghost unit"— they're not connected from here, are they? And they're not on scene, either So, where are the operators? That's top secret.
Is it true!? It's happening at Koenji.
I heard they lynched everyone there! Scary I heard everyone who tried looking for help were killed! So the government's started a massacre at Koenji? A massacre Things are really getting really bad now.
It's all over now Everyone's dead.
What are you up to at this time of night? According to rumors, there's been a massacre at Koenji.
What now? Do you still want to wait and do nothing? Rowan.
Do you know what brought down the ancient city-states of Greece? In one word.
I'm afraid I was a physics major.
Look at what happens when we stop jamming their signals.
And Now, I wonder how they'll react.
You're a perverse man, Sir.
Please, don't compliment me so much.
Thanks a lot, Gramps.
We couldn't have stayed on the run any longer.
How can we repay your kindness? All lines of communication and transport into the city center were shut down as soon as Keido took office but there should still be plenty of survivors left.
I want to save them.
It will be our pleasure to assist you.
Hey, look! This is from someone who managed to get outside! "If you hand over the members of the Undertakers you can get outside the wall"!? Student Body Meeting Today! A vote of no confidence in current president Arisa Kuhouin will be held, along with the election of the next president.
Shu, did you hear about Koenji? Yeah.
It might be a rumor, but But it's definitely something the Anti Bodies would do.
I wonder what's going to happen to our school It's okay.
It won't get any worse than this.
We've got everyone with us.
Also, I'll fight if I have to.
But, if you get hurt, I promise I'll heal you with my Void! Thanks! But Shu, don't you want to be the leader? Why don't you run for student council president? Nah, that wouldn't work out.
I'm the last person who should be giving people orders.
That's not true! You've just convinced yourself that's the case.
You can be a king, Shu.
Now you're what I'd call a really soothing girl! Just kidding.
You sound like you're feeling better.
Well yeah, but being defiant's the only way to deal with other people seeing a Void like that.
There! It's the Undertakers! No! Don't let her get away! Confess! You're a part of the Undertakers, aren't you!? It says here that members of the Undertakers have tattoos on their backs.
Okay, check it out.
Stop that at once! What are you jerks doing!? Shut up! Don't get in our way! Get your hands off her! What's going on? We've got trouble, Shu! There's a rumor online saying that turning over Undertaker members will let you get past the blockade! That's! Where are Inori and Ayase? I-It's okay.
I'm only going to check whether you've got a tattoo.
Okay? I'll go check out the old building! Got it.
Be careful, Tsugumi! Inori What's wrong, Shu? There's an awful rumor spreading.
Did anyone attack you? It's okay, I haven't seen anyone else here.
Oh That's good, then.
Let's go! You know, I thought something was up ever since I first saw you.
What's your year and class? Out of my way.
Bingo, eh?! You bitch! Missile Kick! Let's go, Aya! Why, you! Aya! Why did you come back?! As if I could live without you! Well, aren't you cool! We're moving up our plans.
A student body meeting will be held in ten minutes.
All students, please assemble in the gymnasium immediately.
We mustn't be led astray by false rumors.
Help will come if we wait for it.
What we need to do now is weather the storm! You always say that! Don't you have anything else to say?! That stance isn't going to fly with the other students anymore.
How can you say that? Don't you feel bad for the president?! Ayase and Tsugumi aren't here either? President What we want to hear right now is how to avoid getting slaughtered.
We only need to hand over the Undertakers and we can get out of here, right? That's a false rumor! There aren't any Undertaker members here, either! Oh, but there are! In fact, we discovered some ourselves! Both of them?! They're wearing our school's uniforms, but has anyone seen them before the blockade? Undertaker members have tattoos on their backs, you know! Really? Well, maybe we should try looking for them! Stop it! The Undertakers are a criminal organization that has committed bioterrorism! We can't let them go unpunished! So We'll just have to do it! Whoa there.
You better be a good girl.
Do it! Do it! Do it! Stop it— This is bad! Kuhouin's totally lost control of the room! If we hand over the Undertakers, we'll all be saved! And you know that's a wonderful thing! Wait! Hey, this guy He's the one who beat an Endlave yesterday Ouma Shu! Y-You're Take your hands off Ayase.
I'm a member of the Undertakers, too.
Sorry, but could you let me handle this, everyone? I have an idea.
W-Wait a second! I brought some Undertakers members! See? There are still lots of students taking shelter in the school.
We'll hand these guys over! So please, let us go! That runt She was with the Undertakers? Go on, hurry up.
H-Hey, that's careless! So now can I? Y-You're kidding! But— Why? Handing over the Undertakers should solve everything! What the hell is going on?! You get it now, don't you? Relying on the government won't work.
And you understand Shu's Void power too, don't you? This is my Void: the doll-making Hand Scanner! The human copies I create with it are just like the real thing, and you can control them remotely.
Too awesome, right?! To me, you all looked afraid because there was so much you didn't understand.
So I made one fact perfectly clear.
Now we can move forward.
I want you all to calm down.
What the hell? The government and your powers It's all fake! Didn't I tell you to calm down? Don't make me angry.
Just like you saw yesterday, we have a way of fighting.
So rest easy regarding that aspect.
That's why I want whoever's going to be the leader to really think.
To think of a way we'll all be saved.
That's all.
Excuse me.
Hold up, Shu.
This isn't over yet.
Hey everybody! I think Shu's absolutely right! So let me ask you.
Who on that stage would make the best leader? Shu! Ouma Shu! Shu! Yahiro, what are you? Everyone who agrees Ouma Shu should be our new president, clap your hands! Yahiro, what was that for? I'll help you with the job.
Give it a try.
Don't you think this is what you can do right now? What? What did you just say, Yahiro? We'll rank all the students on a scale of A to F based on their genomic resonance values, and you, Shu, will reign over them.
From now on, the value of a person lies in the value of their Void.
You could call it a "Void ranking system".
Now that I am all alone in this world, what should I feel and think? After we spend countless days together and shared our feelings, we will never be truly apart I took you for granted, and now you are gone That's the pain I've come to bear Even if I had held onto your hand when you left me, and not let you go, I would have done it purely out of self-interest I'm such a horrible liar When I whispered that I was doing it all for you you had already stopped believing it Now I run to you to make up for it, no matter how often I may fall or get lost Wait for me, I'm coming to meet you, no matter what hardships may await me
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