Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

The Last Djinn

Perhaps a higher frequency
can illicit a response corridor?
What is your assessment?
You are right,
the odds of activating the portal gate
through frequency spanning is low
-[Mr. Frohicky] Oh.
Oh, apologies, Mr. Frohicky.
I did not hear you arrive.
I was being super quiet!
I didn't want to disturb Who-ho.
Whoever you were speaking to!
She went missing when the Merge happened.
Uh, thalking to a picthure?
Thath's thothally normal.
Please tell me the picture
doesn't talk back.
It does not.
I find talking as if she were still here
helps me solve problems,
like the problem of activating
this Portal Gate again.
You've been so busy with that gate,
I figured you need some extra ice!
Why would I possibly need ice?
Well, you're the Ice Ninja, right?
I'm sure you need a lot of it
to keep your powers ready
at all times.
I am the Elemental Master of Ice.
I form it as needed.
I do not need extra ice
to replenish my powers.
This is kind of embarrassing then.
Let's pretend this never happened,
shall we? Hm.
[whispers] What were you thinking?
Worst Assistant Monastery Keeper ever.
Oh, Mother was right!
[suspenseful music playing]
Are these tunnels getting smaller?
I swear they're getting smaller.
Sure, this ancient tomb is not the exactly
the safest place we've been
[both gasp]
[tense music playing]
I'm thinking we're not wanted here.
The boobytrapped spears
that shot at us when we entered
was my first clue.
The Dragon Core we need is missing.
This tomb is the only way
I know of to find out where it went.
It's why I brought these
A bag of rocks?
Seeker Stones.
The Cloud Kingdom Archives
let me borrow them.
[Nya] There's supposedly
a burial vault in here?
If I arrange the stones correctly,
it'll show us anything we seek.
Well, anything that isn't alive.
-Weird rules, I know.
-[Sora scoffs]
Given my luck recently,
I bet those stones fall into acid
before we get a chance to use them.
-What are you talking about?
If you haven't noticed,
things don't always go right for me.
I create a hard-light technology,
it gets used as a weapon.
Almost win a mech-race,
cause a war between two kingdoms.
We try to find a Dragon Energy Core
to save the world, it's missing.
I'm a black cloud.
Don't be silly.
Never lose hope, Sora.
-We'll be fine
-[both scream]
[screaming continues]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[electricity crackles]
[both screaming]
[groaning continues]
-[sighs deeply]
-[breathes heavily]
Is that acid?
-Did I not call this?
No, you said the Seeker Stones
would fall into acid
but look.
Ninja never quit.
Or lose hope.
Fair. [sighs]
It's just hard to be hopeful
when so many things go wrong.
It's tough for anything to go right
when you don't have any hope.
[soft laugh]
Is that a Master Wu saying?
No, it's a Nya-saying.
But Master Wu always said,
"Not all Spinjitzu lessons
are about fighting."
Consider this a lesson.
[growling, barking]
Ah, I cannot believe I tried to give ice
to the Ice Ninja.
If you don't get on top
of your job, Frohicky,
the Ninja are gonna fire you.
Perhaps if I initiate a polarity field,
the Gate will activate the
Um, why are you doing that?
So the Monastery will be spotless
when the others return
with the Dragon Energy Cores.
But why are you using
that miniscule brush?
It will take you approximately
61,696 hours.
That is a lot of hours.
Got it!
[suspenseful music playing]
Oh, whoever built this tomb
hired a good interior designer.
[Nya] The Djinn knew a thing or two
about showmanship,
that's for sure.
Who's "the Djinn"?
The Djinn isn't a person.
They were powerful and magical beings
from the Realm of Djinjago.
They used to wield "wish magic".
"Used to"?
Long before the Merge,
Djinjago was destroyed.
Including everyone who lived there.
Here we are.
According to the scrolls
in the Cloud Kingdom,
if we place the stones
in the right order on this altar,
it'll show us the location
of whatever we're searching for.
Great! So what's the right order?
No clue. But we'll figure it out.
Maybe this goes Hm, wait.
Mm. That doesn't match.
But if If this lines up
with that one, then
No, wait what about
Oh, I think I got it
What about this one?
Oh. Missed that.
Maybe here?
Something's happening!
[suspenseful music playing]
You saw that eye, right?
That was weird.
Rocks don't have eyes.
And it gave us no clue
where to find the Dragon Core.
[sighs] My bad luck
just curses everything.
Stop it, you're not cursed.
I must have used these stones wrong.
Guess we're back to trying
other ways to find our Core.
Let's get outta here.
[tense music playing]
I just do not understand, Pixal.
This gate was not here before the Merge,
but appeared right
after along with a matching gate
at a second Monastery under Imperium.
Oh, yes, and Nya found another Portal Gate
under the Cloud Kingdom.
Are these the only three?
[Mr. Frohicky yells] Help!
Oh, I have blundered!
I cannot comprehend
how this situation came about.
Oh, I picked up this automatic mop machine
from Kreel!
I thought it was going to make
my cleaning easier!
I was wrong!
Whoa, you really can produce your own ice.
Thank you.
I think I'm going to be sick.
-[Mr. Frohicky vomits]
-I could use that mop machine over here.
Hey, gang, we're back.
The bad news first,
our mission was a failure.
Also, we have no good news.
What's wrong, Sora?
"What's wrong"?
The world's gonna end and we have no idea
where the Dragon Energy Core
Not you, Sora!
Other Sora!
Dragon Sora!
Sora One!
Why am I not Sora One?
What? Do we smell like tomb?
-Wait, what is this?
I have one too.
[soft growl]
[soft growl]
[foreboding music playing]
[both grunt]
[both growling]
What are those?
Well, this has not been
your best day, Frohicky,
but once Zane sees how
you've organized the library,
he's certain to be impressed.
Looks good, right?
-The scrolls were out of order,
so I rearranged them
alphabetically by author!
They were in order.
The tradition is
to order them chronologically.
[quirky music playing]
Split up and take them on separately!
[tense music playing]
[gasps, yelping]
[Sora screaming]
[both grunt]
[soft growl]
[soft growl]
[dramatic music playing]
-You you saved us.
-[soft growl]
Where are we?
Guess we're supposed to follow?
[tense music playing]
What are we doing here?
What are you doing here?
You dare invade the sanctum
of the mighty Arrakore the Djinn?
Trespassers will feel the full might
of my unstoppable magic
as it presses down upon
Hm. Zanth?
[grunting] Stop! Stop!
You know I'm ticklish!
Why did you call her "Zanth"?
Well, that's her name, duh!
You travel with a dragon
and you don't know her name?
I thought I sensed someone
from my realm nearby,
but I assumed it was my imagination.
You sensed me too, I presume.
[baby dragon growls]
And who is this?
Wow, you certainly have
a special energy about you, little one.
Are these "name-not-knowing"
two-legged people also with you?
You can stop staring.
I am real.
The last Djinn.
I'd have cleaned up if I knew
I was gonna have company,
but, uh, nah, I wouldn't have
cleaned anything actually.
I thought Djinjago was destroyed?
It was.
However, I was on a long quest
in another realm
when it happened.
Upon my return,
there was nothing left of my homeland.
Except this grain of sand.
It is all that remains of the once great
and noble Djinjago.
Well, except me.
And now you, Zanth.
You must have been
in another realm like me.
Djinjagan dragons could always
travel to other realms.
So you've been alone this whole time?
Does this look like a place
that gets a lot of visitors?
I started that puzzle
but figured what's the point.
No one's ever going to see it.
That stack of laundry's
been there for years now.
You should at least hang up
some of these pictures,
make this place feel like home.
For what?
So I can impress the rocks in this cave?
Wait, what?
Howlers? Are you sure?
Of course this would happen to me.
Just my luck.
What's just your luck?
Let me see your hands.
[tense music]
Oh! Don't tell me you attempted
to use Seeker Stones
without proper guidance.
Um possibly.
But nothing happened.
The stones didn't work.
Oh, they worked all right.
Worked at cursing you!
Is that what those weird things
that attacked us were all about?
A curse?
They're called Howlers.
They are a curse from misuse
of Djinn items.
They can only be defeated
with Djinn wish magic.
Then good thing Sor-er,
Zanth brought us here.
Wish magic is your whole thing, right?
Used to be my thing.
But our realm was the source of our magic.
Without Djinjago,
all of my wish magic is gone.
You threatened to use magic on us, like,
literally a minute ago.
Ah bluff.
I'm powerless.
I was once a great hero, saving lives,
but now I can't even motivate myself
to take a bath.
Well, look, we're miles away
from the Howlers now.
What are the chances
we'll ever run into them again?
One-hundred percent.
Do I need to explain what a curse means?
The Howlers will hunt you
to the ends of the known realms
and beyond.
They never stop
until they drain the energy
of those who have been cursed
and all the living things they are with.
Even you, special one.
And now you have cursed me by coming here.
Okay, so it's a little worse
than I thought.
Didn't I tell you
I was a black cloud, Nya?
This can't be good, right?
-[Nya gasps]
-What is the weird eye for?
Do you know what that means?
It means they've found us.
[snarling in distance]
[all groan]
If they ask, I'm not here!
[tense music playing]
It's time to shut
these Howlers up for good.
Why aren't you fighting?
You're the only one who knows
how to beat these things!
You're only postponing your loss.
Just quit.
It's so easy.
You've clearly never met a Ninja.
They won't shut up about not quitting.
Don't you dare
[Nya grunts]
These things are unstoppable.
And that Djinn guy refuses to help!
What a downer,
all "You can never win, why even try?"
Wait. I don't sound like that, do I?
No comment.
Oh. [groans]
Haven't I made it more than clear
that I am powerless?
No one is ever powerless!
What what is happening?
I think I know.
What are you talking about?
Your magic is based on wishes, right?
Well, hope is like a wish.
A wish that if you try hard enough,
things will work out.
We're not giving up,
and our hope to stop these things
is bringing back your land!
That's preposterous.
Is it?
You may be right!
When I lost my land, I lost all hope!
But hope is what I've needed most!
Cool, so now will you help us?
[tense music]
-Wish it!
My magic works on wishes.
I need you to wish for me to help!
Uh, okay.
I wish for you to help us
kick these Howlers in their butts!
Your wish is yours to keep.
For the glory of the Djinn!
Come on!
[both yell]
Now, Master of Hope.
Wish for them to be gone!
I wish for the Howlers to be gone!
Your wish is yours to keep.
Way to go, Arrakore!
You're leaving?
I'm not worthy of this job.
I should leave
before the other Ninja find out
what a mess I am.
When installing the alignment coil
in a positronic matrix,
one must first allow the coil
to depressurize
before it will perform optimally.
I understood none of that.
All things have "an adjustment period".
You are new to the monastery.
Allow yourself time to "de-pressurize".
Once you do,
I'm sure you will be
an excellent Assistant Keeper
of the Monastery.
You really think so?
I won't be the worst
Assistant Keeper of all time?
Since there has never been
an Assistant Keeper before,
technically you are already the worst
and the best of all time.
But either way, you are certainly worthy
of being part of the team.
We won, right?
I remember us winning.
We did.
Thanks to you.
I haven't been able to use wish magic
in a long time.
This is the first time I've felt
like a true Djinn
since my land was destroyed.
It's a little less destroyed now.
Uh, it's gotten so big already!
With enough time, and enough wish magic,
you can probably
bring your entire land back.
I never dreamed any of this could happen.
I can never repay you
for what you've brought me,
but there may be
a little something I can do.
You were using the Seeker Stones
because you wished
to find something, correct?
Maybe I can help you with that.
[both chuckle]
[closing theme music]
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