Pact of Silence (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Del amor al odio

[suspenseful music playing]
[cell phone ringing and vibrating]
[dramatic stinger]
[call connects]
- Adriano.
- [Adriano] Hi, honey. Where are you?
Um I'm about to get in the car.
[Adriano] Why didn't you let me know?
I would've come with you.
- [Brenda] You can't always monitor me.
- [Adriano] Monitor you?
I mean, take care of me.
Don't forget what I said
about the people in the party.
They can be very dangerous.
Tell me where you are,
and I'll go get you.
No. I'm gonna be
with Alex and with the team.
We're gonna make a video.
[Adriano] I can come with you if you want.
I swear I won't get in the way.
No. It's gonna take too long,
and I don't wanna keep you waiting.
[Brenda] I'll sleep at Alex's place
tonight, so you don't need to worry.
Okay. But I still want you to know
that I would've loved to spend
the night with you and that I love you.
Me too.
[woman hushes, echoing] Silence.
[monitor beeping steadily]
[softly] Dad
[hesitates] Brenda saved me.
[Rodrigo sighs] Yeah. We know
she paid the debt you owed.
But she really should've told us
what was going on.
What I still don't understand is,
why did you want to see Brenda?
I wanted to apologize.
[hesitates] Because she helped me a lot,
and you hate her because of that.
[Rodrigo] Wait. We don't hate her.
It's not that.
But were you really crying
because you apologized to her?
[Tomás] Yes.
Please promise me
you won't tell anyone that Brenda came.
[Rodrigo] It's okay. I know
you don't want to upset your mom.
[shakily] It isn't only because of Mom.
It's also because of her friends
and Adriano.
Because of Adriano? Why?
Because Adriano is Brenda's boyfriend,
and it's embarrassing.
I wanna make sure
there are no misunderstandings.
[Rodrigo] Hang on. Listen.
I promise I won't say anything. Hmm?
What matters right now is your recovery.
It's all gonna be fine.
Thank you, Dad.
[doorbell rings]
- Yeah?
- Evening. I'm delivering to apartment 11.
- [Genaro] Apartment 11? Hmm.
- Come on. I left the car double-parked.
- I'm gonna get fined.
- Well, okay. Come in.
- [pizza guy] Thanks.
- Yeah. No problem.
- [César] Hey, Genaro.
- Hey. What's up?
I need to see Brenda.
- [Genaro] I don't think she's here.
- [César] What? Did you see her going out?
- You know if she's okay?
- [Genaro] No. I don't think she's in.
[suspenseful music playing]
[lock rattling]
[line ringing]
Mr. Ricardo, there's nobody
in the apartment.
It's empty.
But César Silva's outside.
- Are you sure that it's him?
- Yeah. He's asking for Brenda.
Should I go ahead
with the plan if he comes up?
No. We can't get rid of
the two of them at the same time.
It'd be suspicious.
The priority's Brenda.
Wait until she's alone,
and make it look like an accident.
[suspenseful music swells]
[music fades]
[sighs] Everything was a lie.
Brenda was paying off Omar
so that he would seduce me.
And then get me to trust him.
She was even controlling the day
he was gonna fuck me for the first time.
[Sofía] Those lying fuckers.
But why don't we just use him
to find out why Brenda is doing this shit?
You know perfectly well why not, Irene.
- Brenda is somehow related to Pedro Silva.
- No. That's absolutely not true.
Enough with the lying.
Why didn't you tell us
that Brenda knew all about us?
- Hmm?
- [Martina] What does she know?
[Sofía] She knows we killed Pedro.
[Irene] No. She doesn't know.
She suspects.
But how? Does that mean
somehow she can screw us?
Martina, the investigators
have found Pedro's remains.
But how? Did they reopen the case
because of Brenda, or what?
No. Not Brenda. No. It was his brother.
It was because of his brother.
That's not true. That's a complete lie.
Brenda came to my house.
I asked if she was a relative of Pedro's,
and she didn't say no.
Well, that's just
because you're incredibly gullible.
[tense music playing]
Hang on, Sofía. What did you say to her?
She knows Pedro raped you.
[Irene] Hey.
I wanna know
exactly what the fuck you said to her.
- I told her it was self-defense.
- Ugh. I can't believe it.
Did you tell her we killed him?
This is insane.
Do you realize you've betrayed us all?
- If anyone's a traitor, it's you.
- [Irene] Me?
[Sofía] You should've told us.
Wait a minute.
Fernanda told me not to say anything.
Wait, you knew about this?
Okay, wait. Let me explain.
Brenda said that I told her
when I was drunk at some point,
but that isn't true.
I swear I didn't tell her.
It feels like the two of you are
in this together
and are just buying time
to blame Martina and me.
What's your problem?
You wanna pin it on me.
I don't have money for a lawyer.
- "Screw the poor bitch," huh?
- There it is.
Your poor-girl inferiority complex
is finally coming out.
I'm sorry, but you're the one
who ended up fucking us.
It's your fault, god damn it.
[Fer] Hang on, Irene. Where are you going?
Don't leave. That's exactly
what Brenda wants. To divide us.
Know what? She did a good job.
You're all to blame.
That's it. It's every woman
for herself from this moment on.
[tense music continues]
- [Martina] This is all my fault.
- [Fer] No.
- Come here.
- [door slams]
[Brenda] Are you sure you're okay, César?
I mean, look at you.
That's why I've been calling you
all afternoon, Brenda.
You're also in danger.
I'm not sure if this has
anything to do with my brother's death.
- Could you see the person that did this?
- No.
But it's a big coincidence
that someone tries to kill me
right after you tell Irene Bustamante
you have evidence against her.
I'm sure this was done
by someone who wants to protect her.
So, how did you manage
to get away from the guy?
I saw his reflection in the computer,
and he tried to strangle me,
but I got away.
- We fought, and then he left.
- You should get out of here, César.
Don't go to your house.
They may come back.
But to a friend's house,
maybe, or even heading out of town.
Somewhere they can't track you.
You're not listening to me, Brenda.
- What if they also come after you?
- [Brenda] I'll be fine.
I'll just close the doors and the windows.
I've got a weapon.
- I can take care of myself.
- No. I'm not gonna leave you.
Listen. Let me just ask you one thing.
If you see Adriano, stay away from him.
But why?
That guy knows
that we're spending time together.
What's the problem?
- Is he jealous?
- [Brenda] No.
I'm not sure about anything,
but as soon as I can confirm something,
I'll tell you. Okay?
Just promise me
you'll protect yourself from everyone.
[quietly] Yeah, I promise.
Okay. Now, come.
You have to go now, please.
I don't want you
to get hurt because of me.
I'm gonna be fine. Okay?
Just let me know
if anything happens. All right?
[tense music playing]
[grunts softly]
[tense music playing]
[Tomás] He crashed your car that night,
and then he stayed
with you at the hospital.
He doesn't love you, Brenda.
He wants you close to him
so that he can keep an eye on you.
That's it. [echoing]
[tense music fades]
[ominous music playing]
[heart beating]
[gas hissing]
I've been waiting up for you
because I'm very curious
as to what all of this means.
And since you insist
on treating me like an idiot,
I have to ask,
what the fuck are you involved in?!
Who's Pedro Silva?
[voice shaking] Pedro Silva is a man
who raped Martina 25 years ago.
[tense music playing]
Fernanda, Sofía, and I found them.
We fought with him.
And during the fight,
he fell off a bridge,
which killed him.
[crying] And then
the four of us buried him.
You committed a crime.
And you kept it a secret
from me for 25 years.
Please forgive me, my love.
I I never thought that one day
this was going to
- [sobbing softly]
- [tense music continues]
[sniffles] The point is
that Brenda knows what happened,
and she has evidence against me.
[sighs] Look. I'll never understand
why Brenda has
this obsession to screw with your life.
Did she at least say
what that fucking evidence is?
[Irene] No.
But I'm pretty sure it's this.
[splutters] It's a button
that was found next to the remains.
[inhales sharply] That button was mine.
This isn't sufficient evidence.
Anyone could argue that somebody else
wore a sweater with that button.
Do you think I don't know that?
I know, sweetheart. [sobs]
Sofía confessed everything to Brenda.
She knows everything we did.
[Ricardo] Why did she tell her?
I don't know. 'Cause she's an idiot?
- I have absolutely no idea.
- Hey. Listen to me. No more!
From now on, stay away from your friends.
I'm not gonna let them bring you down.
I want you to focus
on closing your campaign.
And let me deal with this issue.
What are you going to do?
[tense music continues]
How will you silence her?
Are you asking if I'll murder her?
[Irene] Of course not.
Well then, trust me this time.
Even if you didn't
with the whole fucking gardener business.
[crying softly]
[gas hissing]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [suspenseful music intensifies]
- [continues coughing]
[gasping for air]
Hey, Genaro!
- Open up, Genaro!
- What is it? What's the matter?
- A window broke at Brenda's.
- [Genaro] Come on.
- Brenda.
- [cell phone ringing inside]
[breathing shakily]
[gas hissing]
It smells like gas in here. Brenda!
- [both coughing]
- We have to close the gas valve.
[suspenseful music continues]
[music fades]
[Brenda exhales heavily]
[girls scream]
- [all grunting]
- [screams echo]
- [doorbell rings]
- [Fer] How are you?
- Did you get any sleep?
- No, I didn't.
I can't stop thinking
that all this is happening because of me.
I mean, I can't let you guys get screwed
just because you defended me.
- I think I should go to the police.
- [Fer] Go to the police?
You don't have to talk to anyone
or go to the police or anything.
They found the body, Fernanda.
What are we gonna do?
I have to go and tell them
that this guy raped me.
That I was on my own.
I threw him off a bridge.
Afterwards, I was hysterical
and buried him!
Listen. Sofía talked to Brenda
and told her we all took part in it.
But Sofía could recant what she said.
It'll be her word
against the word of that bitch.
We don't even know
if Brenda can report us to the police.
If you do that, you'll put
a magnifying glass on you and all of us.
What do we do, then?
Irene turned her back on us.
Sofía doesn't trust us.
I don't know what to do.
We're in this together.
- [sighs] Come here.
- [softly] Fer.
[Fer] It's okay.
Brenda separated us once,
and we won't let that happen again.
Sorry for the late hour, dude.
Is Brenda in? She told me she slept here.
Yeah. She did sleep here,
but she left already. Why?
[Adriano] I don't think you guys
understand what's going on.
Brenda is in danger, man.
Uh, all right.
Can you give me a few more details?
I know what you're doing.
That you're investigating Pedro Silva.
You're trying
to intimidate my mother with that.
Do you think her people
are really gonna just stand around
and let that happen?
And because of these elections,
Brenda could be in danger.
Do you understand
how serious this is, man?
[sighs] To be honest,
Brenda didn't sleep here.
But we haven't been in touch either.
[ominous music playing]
Let me know if you talk to her,
and I'll let you know if I do too.
[ominous music continues]
[Adriano] Mm-hmm.
Care to explain
what the fuck you've gotten me into, Alex?
We were just supposed
to help César find his brother.
So, why are high-level politicians
involved in this?
Why haven't you dressed yet?
I'm not exactly
in the right headspace, Ricardo.
Irene, you need to stay focused
on one thing.
Wrapping up this campaign.
How can I be sure
Brenda's not gonna show up
and start running her mouth
about Pedro Silva's death?
- I assure you she won't.
- [Irene sighs]
[Ricardo exhales]
I told you.
I'm gonna take care of things. Hmm?
My love, it's not that simple.
She's becoming too unpredictable.
That girl has screwed up
every single one of my friends' lives.
And what's worse is
that she almost left poor Tomás bedridden
for the rest of his life.
[tense music playing]
So, does that mean Tomás is conscious now?
Yes, he is. Thank goodness.
That's what Fernanda told me
before we had our fight.
[clears throat] Well,
I'm very happy for Tomás.
Um, does Adriano know?
[Irene] I don't know. Why?
Well, because Adriano
cares a lot about him.
He's very worried about him.
Don't forget, Tomás has known him
since he was little.
[suspenseful music playing]
[doorbell rings]
- [door opens]
- Hi. Um, is Brenda here?
No, there was a gas leak
last night in her apartment.
What do you mean, a leak?
Is she all right?
[Genaro] Yeah. One of her friends
got here just in time to rescue her.
What friend?
I don't know. I'm sorry, man. I gotta go.
[Brenda on recording] Hi, this is Brenda.
I'm busy, but leave your message.
- [phone beeps]
- Brenda.
I'm here at your apartment.
I heard about the gas leak. How are you?
Please call me when you get this message.
Tell me where I can come get you.
Brenda's gotten herself
into some dangerous waters.
You should see
how badly César got beaten up.
- Someone broke in and almost killed him.
- What?
Hang on. How?
Why didn't you tell me yesterday?
If that happened to César,
it could have happened to Brenda.
- I've gotta find her.
- That's exactly why I didn't tell you.
Don't you realize that it could be
dangerous for the two of us as well?
Alex, wake up.
Your friend always gets you in trouble.
You shouldn't get involved anymore.
If you don't wanna be involved anymore,
I get it.
And I do respect that.
Please. Don't ask me to choose
between Brenda and you.
[tense music playing]
[horns honk below]
[Brenda grunts]
- [music swells]
- [Brenda gasps]
Hey. It's okay.
Where am I?
What are we doing here?
It wasn't safe to go back to your house
or to mine.
I brought you here after the hospital.
The doctor gave you some painkillers,
so you might not remember much.
César, I'm so sorry
I dragged you into all this.
No, don't say that.
I can handle it.
I'm worried about you.
I need to show you something.
Do you have my phone?
[phone unlocks]
[Sofía] Put yourself in our shoes.
We were 16 years old.
Irene, Fernanda and I tried
to defend Martina,
but Pedro tried to attack us as well.
All we did was defend ourselves, and
[Brenda] And what?
And what, Sofía? Say it.
Have the courage
to acknowledge what you did.
[Sofía] We defended ourselves, and
Pedro fell off the bridge.
[Brenda] This belongs to you.
No, Brenda.
I don't want that voice message.
I thought you wanted justice, César.
Because I thought
they'd murdered him in cold blood.
For revenge.
Martina's boyfriend or her family, but
they were just a bunch of scared teenagers
who were defending themselves
against a man who
raped one of them.
You decide what to do with the message.
[cell phone chimes]
[César] Who is it?
He wants us to meet up.
[Adriano] You already know
about my father's illness.
Unfortunately, he's getting worse,
and according to the press,
he's a broken man.
That means there will be some changes
in the coming days for this family.
Which is why I wanted you to know
that from now on,
I will be giving the orders.
Is that clear?
[tense string music playing]
My mother isn't involved in this,
so I don't want you to bother her.
This stays between us.
So can I count on you?
Tell the others
I'll be generous in my compensation.
[music ends]
This is the manuscript, the original one.
And here's a copy of all the emails
that Sofía and I sent each other
while I was writing my book,
Learning to Love.
And I also printed everything out for you.
All she did was put her name on it.
Assuming what you say
about Sofía is the truth,
it still doesn't mean
she stole the material from you.
You sent it to her so she would sign it.
You had an agreement.
I was in jail, and there wasn't a chance
in hell anyone would've published my work.
Sofía knew it and took advantage of me.
That's still stealing. She has no talent.
What has she written since? Nothing.
From what I see, the only thing
you're trying to do is to discredit her.
Respectfully, sir.
It took a lot of courage
and many years for me to come here today.
I know I'm doing the right thing.
Which is to prevent Sofía from ripping off
this publishing house again.
We could all meet.
The two of us with you, here.
Let's see if she dares deny it.
- Hello. Can I come in?
- [Martina] Hey. Sure. Come in.
- Does Fernanda know you're here?
- [Rodrigo exhales]
Fernanda and I have decided
to get a divorce.
She told me.
I'm sorry, Ro.
The truth is, we both agreed to it.
We both knew it was for the best.
So, what're you doing here?
Nothing. I came to see how you're doing.
How do you think I'm doing?
I feel like a complete idiot.
All men treat me like shit.
It's all the same.
That's not true.
I never treated you like shit.
Oh, never?
When your problems started,
what did you do?
- You came to me.
- All right.
What for?
To distract yourself,
or maybe have some fun?
- Hey. That's not true.
- Yeah, whatever.
It isn't.
I do sometimes think about the two of us.
And I don't even really know
why we broke up that night years ago.
I remember that we had
some stupid fight, and then
Oh really? Just a stupid little fight?
That night changed my life, Rodrigo.
That stupid fight.
Hey. Are you all right?
What's the matter?
Martina, you can trust me. Huh?
- What happened that night?
- [sighs]
What happened?
I was raped that night.
[gentle music playing]
[crying] I was raped that day, Rodrigo.
- [sobs]
- [Rodrigo] It's okay.
[Javier] Ah. There you are.
Don't just stand there.
Sit down, Sofía.
This is Enrique Hernández.
He says he knows you.
Is that true?
[tense music playing]
[Enrique sighs]
He claims to be
the author of Learning to Love,
the novel you sold us years ago,
that you said was yours.
He was just a consultant.
- [Enrique laughs]
- I'm the author.
Don't deny it, Sofía.
I've already given him
all the emails we exchanged at the time.
- [Javier] I need to talk to Sofía alone.
- [Enrique] Of course.
- [Javier] We'll be in touch.
- [Enrique] You're doing the right thing.
[whispering] If you wanna resolve
this situation, you know what to do.
Sofía, regardless of what this guy says,
I don't understand
why Brenda Rey hasn't come to see me.
We don't have her authorization
for this biography.
I know, Javier.
- But
- [Javier] Listen.
Think carefully about what you say next.
Because if Brenda Rey
doesn't authorize her biography,
we're not going to publish it.
And we are going to have to sue you
for all the expenses incurred so far,
including the advances we gave you.
And her mother didn't pick her up?
No. Of course.
I'll go pick her up myself right now.
Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Course. Goodbye.
[indistinct chatter]
[Manuel] Hey. I've gotta go.
I've gotta go pick up my daughter.
What? You can't leave now.
- I won't be long. I'll be back soon.
- No way. It's busy.
I know. But it's just around the corner.
I'll be quick. Thanks. Be right back.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- Hello, sweetie.
Why do you keep running from me?
Your beloved teacher, Enrique, huh?
What you just did in there destroyed
every bit of love I still felt for you.
I warned you, Sofía,
when you abandoned me at the hotel
that you would pay.
Every time I tried breaking up with you,
I could see your desperation.
Your obsession.
But I thought it was
because you were in love with me.
Except you're nothing more than a bastard.
[Enrique] You're a dilettante.
Your ambition is misguided
because you're not talented at all.
You took advantage of me.
The only one
who took advantage of anyone was you,
when you abused your young students.
- Don't say that.
- [Sofía] I wasn't the only one.
But I was the most ignorant.
Because I couldn't see
that you were a child molester.
Prison was nothing
compared to what you deserve.
You're repulsive.
- [boss] They've been waiting.
- [Manuel] I came to get them.
- Come on. Hurry up.
- Thank you. Thanks.
Excuse me. Here's your order.
I'm sorry it took so long.
Enjoy. Thank you.
I'm so sorry.
I came as soon as I heard your message.
Who were you with? Your lover, maybe?
[Sofía] I can't handle this now.
I've had a terrible day.
- Oh, I see.
- I came to get Camila.
Oh, really.
Congrats. You stopped thinking
about yourself.
You remembered you had a daughter.
Stop it, Manuel.
Come on. How could you forget
to go to the daycare?
I didn't forget.
I had a problem.
[tense music playing]
Listen. You can be with whoever you want.
I don't have a problem with that. Okay?
But if you fail to look after
my daughter again,
I swear, I will take her away from you.
[tense music continues]
[tense music fades]
[Ricardo] What are you telling me?
It's the truth, sir.
Your son took command
of the security team.
[Adriano] That's right.
And what are you doing here?
- You don't work with us anymore.
- You're not authorized to fire anyone.
[Adriano] You're wrong.
From now on, I give the orders.
What the fuck are you doing, Adriano?
I know what you tried to do
at Brenda's apartment.
I told you that if you did anything
to her, you'd lose me as your son.
Tell me what you intend to do. Huh?
Are you gonna kill me
to protect that damn woman?
I'm not going to kill you.
But I could always tell my mother
what you've done behind her back.
Would you like that?
You wanna lose your wife?
The future mayor of Mexico City?
You're a total embarrassment.
You're the one
who's gonna lose everything.
Tomás just woke up,
and he'll undoubtedly betray you.
So, you just better get your act together.
I have to tell you something,
or I'm gonna lose my mind.
Tomás has woken up.
So, I went to see him, and I asked him
who had ordered him to follow me,
attack me, and
He told me it was Adriano.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- [Alex scoffs]
No. No, no, no. That's impossible.
No, I don't believe him either,
but Tomás knows things
that only Adriano could have told him.
Places where we were together.
Moments when we were alone.
Look, Brenda. Tomás is not someone
that can be trusted.
[Brenda] Believe me, I don't trust him.
But there's something else.
A hooded man attacked César
in his house, and they both fought.
Yesterday, I saw Adriano,
and he had bruises on his rib cage.
I told César to watch out
for Adriano, but
Ugh. I just
Alex, I just feel so bad.
Just by doubting him,
I feel like a traitor.
I understand.
But you can't leave it unresolved, Brenda.
Tomás told me about this place.
A secret location where, apparently,
I can find evidence against Adriano.
Well then, let's go to that place.
And Brenda, don't even think
about going on your own.
Stop with your bullshit
about protecting me
because that's what friends are for.
It's not that. It's just
I don't know where the place is.
Tomás didn't have time to tell me.
I'm going to govern
for everyone without prejudice.
I'm going to work day and night
so we can achieve well-being
for all our citizens.
So, let's win, everyone.
We're going to win.
[crowd applauding]
[crowd chanting] Irene!
Irene! Irene!
[sounds distort]
[man, distorted] Great, great job!
Great speech, Irene! We love you!
[crowd chanting] Irene!
Irene! Irene! Irene!
[birds singing]
[door squeaks]
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
[breathing shakily]
[Fer on speakerphone] Yes.
Tomás woke up. We're all very happy.
I'm very happy for you.
[Fer] Thanks for all your care, Adriano.
- [Adriano on phone] I'd love to say hi.
- [Fer] I'll tell him. Wait a sec.
It's Adriano. He wants to say hi.
[tense music continues]
[shakily] Hello.
[Adriano] You finally woke up, man.
How are you?
[shakily] Fine.
[Adriano] What a fuckin' scare
for your family, huh?
You know they had a terrible time, right?
[Tomás] Yes.
[Adriano] Especially your mom
and your little sister.
They couldn't stop crying, dude.
You know your family loves you.
Yes, I know.
And be careful with what you do, dude.
Don't break their hearts.
It might kill them.
[Adriano] Do I make myself clear?
[tense music swells]
[Tomás splutters] Yeah. Don't worry.
- [rattles]
- [Brenda exhales]
[tense music continues]
[shutter clicking]
[door slams]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Alex on speakerphone] You said
you didn't know where the place was.
Why are you so stubborn?
I didn't wanna put you in danger.
[sobs] Alex. It was all true.
I saw him.
Adriano showed up there. [sniffles]
- [Alex] Did he see you?
- No.
But there's no doubt.
[inhales sharply] Adriano is a monster.
[Brenda] He pretended to care
after he hurt me.
He pretended to love me
when I told him who I was.
But he already knew everything.
I swear, if he was involved
in Itzel's death, I [sighs]
[Brenda] I'm sure Irene is involved
in all this too.
She told Adriano.
Otherwise, how the fuck could he know?
Yeah. They have
an unusually strong connection.
They're a couple
of psychopaths. [sniffles]
But this all ends now.
[exhales] Brenda, are you sure?
There's no going back after this.
[Brenda] I don't care anymore.
I fell in love
with someone who wanted to kill me.
What could be worse?
I know you don't wanna talk about
what you told me earlier, but it's okay.
I'm not gonna pressure you.
I just wanted you to know that
I really appreciate your trust.
And that, whatever happens,
I'll always be there for you.
Hmm? Thank you.
[cell phone chimes]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [enthusiastic applause]
- [camera shutters clicking]
[camera shutter clicking]
[suspenseful music building]
I thought you weren't coming.
[Irene] Well, here I am.
I just hope
you can keep your mouth shut this time.
[Fer] Hey. We can't fight now.
If Brenda brought us all here,
we've gotta be united.
And she asked us to meet here,
where it all started.
[suspenseful music continues]
What now?
[music stops]
- [motor whirs]
- [metal squeaks]
[steam hisses]
[bell rings]
[attractions whirring]
Did you like my greeting?
What the fuck do you want from us now?
If you wanna report us
for Pedro, I can tell you
I thought that bringing you here
would refresh your memory.
[Sofía] What are you talking about?
Does that ring a bell for you?
Besides killing Pedro, one of you had
a baby girl that you abandoned.
Which one of you was it?
Which one of you is my mother?
All my life, I've imagined this moment
in a thousand ways.
But I never thought
that you'd react like this.
Like nothing happened.
I figured my mother would at least have
the instinct to reveal who she was.
- You can't be Lucía.
- [Fer] Brenda, stop.
Don't play this game.
- Lucía passed away.
- [Brenda] Is that what you wanted?
When you left me
for the rats in that abandoned hut?
We didn't abandon you.
We left you there with Carmen.
We knew she was taking care of you
I mean, Lucía.
Okay. That's enough.
We'd better keep our mouth shut.
[Fer] Yeah, Irene's right.
I think someone
probably told you the story,
and now you're pretending to be her.
I'm not pretending to be anybody else.
It was Carmen who found me.
She saved me and stayed with me.
And raised me until she died.
- [Sofía] Did she tell you our names?
- No.
She only told me
that she saw four teenage girls
running away in a van driven by Ramona.
I looked for Ramona for many years
Until the day she came back to Mexico.
Then she gave me your names.
But you.
You knew exactly who I was.
[Irene] Of course I didn't.
[Brenda] When are you gonna stop
this charade?
You've always known who I was.
That's why you tried to kill me.
- What the hell are you talking about now?
- I know it was you.
- And I know who you did it with.
- Yeah? You don't know what you're saying.
- I'm incapable of doing that.
- Why's that?
- Because I'm your daughter?
- [Irene] No.
Because I'm not a murderer, Brenda.
I know that for politics,
you're capable of doing a lot of things.
And if the media finds out what you did,
that'll be the end of your career.
I've been wondering my whole fucking life
why my mother abandoned me.
Was it because I got
in the way of her plans? Of her career?
Did she fear what people might say?
That Little Miss Perfect
wasn't actually perfect at all?
Because I was the product
of an inappropriate relationship.
I cannot judge you, Martina.
Because if I'm the daughter
of a rape victim, I would never blame you.
But I've got the right to know
who the fuck my mother is.
That's all I'm asking from you.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Sofía on recording] Irene, Fernanda,
and I tried to defend Martina.
But Pedro tried to attack us as well.
All we did was defend ourselves, and
[Brenda] Have the courage
to acknowledge what you did.
[Sofía] We defended ourselves, and
Pedro fell off the bridge.
[hesitates] I'm sorry. I didn't realize.
You're saying that you'd never judge me.
But you're using what happened to me
to blackmail all four of us.
Well, I'm really sorry, Martina.
But if my mother
isn't capable of showing
just a tiny bit of guilt and shame
or any other feelings for me,
well, at least let her feel
the fear of going to jail
and dragging all her friends with her.
If you don't want this recording
to make it to the police,
you have 24 hours to find me.
And come on your own, Mom.
[music intensifies]
[music fades]
[closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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