Queen of Swords (2000) s01e14 Episode Script

The Uncle

Are you hurt?
And over the going.
Please, these other bags.
This is my tax money for Coronale,
You take it and you lose my land.
Better than losing your life.
That's true.
Get the gold.
You will regret you ever met me.
But we didn't meet you all, man.
We robbed you.
I've been expecting you.
Are you continued delinquency regarding
the payment of taxes?
A royal appointee, Colonel Lewis,
from Miriam, Montoya.
He doesn't necessarily have it.
I'm glad to inform you that your land
shall be seized.
And all good to merchandise therein shall
be sold in the highest.
Eight in full.
Tell the Coronale.
I was rescued by an angel of mercy.
By the name of Maria Tres Alvarado,
Sir Horse, isn't it?
Nothing escapes you, Captain.
No, it doesn't.
Good day, Senorita.
For Coronale, Montoya.
He's probably wasted all morning plotting
the redecoration of my ascent.
When you laugh like that, I can see your
mother in you.
How well did you know her?
Not as well as I would have liked to.
How long will it take to get from here to
You're counting it again.
You want it to know how far it would take
us, didn't you?
Yes, but I'm not counting.
I'm figuring.
When you want dresses, pretty place to
live, find courage.
And is there enough for your girls and
your cigars?
Enough for two weeks in Monterey.
After that, we starve.
Well, then we'll just keep going till we
have enough.
There is the man we don't.
How did he find us?
I brought your mother, the jewel of my
heart, here to introduce to my best friend.
My father?
He took one look at each other and I knew.
She was no longer mine.
Ramon, what are you doing out in the
middle of the afternoon?
I was just Don't tell me has Yandas run
themselves these days.
Everyone needs some time out over there,
What's Ramon doing, talk here,
do I?
But I'm all moving to me.
He loves me.
They're not.
But it'll be the last thing he does.
He's still making excuses for him,
Just like when you were a children.
I think you're only good for one thing.
That's right.
And he's not finding myself.
Forget about the jewelry.
My Christ, don't be the man.
Your family, your family.
I miss where he is.
Oh, my God.
What time is he?
No, don't worry.
I'm late.
Just when we kill me, he finds me here.
Oh, I don't care of it.
Captain, do you sleep all afternoon?
You're still there.
I have been waiting for Colin and Montoya
in his office for more than an hour.
We are all busy, Captain.
Tell us the dogs.
Myself included.
Have a certain arrangement with Colin and
We pay our taxes and he protects us.
And yet we're still robbed at gun.
The thieves will be caught.
It's just a matter of time.
I'm not willing to wait.
My taxes pay your salary.
I expect results.
Of course.
Of course.
Man like you with wealth and power and
It's also a man with a great deal to lose.
Is that a threat, Captain?
No, it's just a piece of friendly advice.
Oh, Father, I'm certain the Capitash.
You're some advice for you.
Either you catch those thieves or I will
have your head.
Good day, Captain.
I've known Tessa since we were children.
I can't do this to her.
You've known Don Federico for years.
I didn't stop you from robbing him.
You've sold all your cattle.
Tell me.
What are your mother and sisters supposed
to live on now that your father is dead?
You have no choice.
I don't know what it's like to leave with
my father and brother.
In my life, at least I could escape into
the city, away from them.
But here there is only desert and ocean.
I could get married.
To a man, my father chooses.
He has his eye on Don Vasilia.
You know him, don't you, Rama?
Do this.
Old, but I don't.
Very, very rich.
Ask me to do anything with this.
Is it there?
If I were 10 years young, you'd still be
10 years too old.
Now, get out of my kitchen.
I will dance with the woman who
appreciates me.
Oh, that looks good.
I would cook too.
Everybody stay where you are.
How dare you come in here.
I will not stand by in there.
Be quiet, old man.
Get out of my house.
I'll give us your gold and we'll leave.
Marta, do it.
You care yourself, please.
Move back.
Behind the table.
Not this time.
Don't let it go.
I see them.
They say.
No, please, don't.
Your father and my mother, I miss them.
But so much.
You didn't have to get it.
What should I have done?
I don't have enough to get anywhere.
Where is that someone?
Where are you going?
I killed that man so you could get away.
I see your life.
You didn't do that for me.
We are in this together, Ramon.
Not anymore.
Your friends are the withers or against
Colin Elmentoya.
Mr. Vera.
Our unfortunate that this tragedy should
bring us together on this fine day.
Yes, unfortunate.
You have been avoiding all my requests to
speak to you.
Avoiding you, no.
You must understand some of your main
responsibilities out fast.
The don'ts and I will request
an audience from the Royal
Court regarding a new
appointment for military governor.
I'm sorry to hear that.
We feel that we are at least that to the
memory of Don Federico.
See some of you.
At least that.
It's up to me, I'd kill him.
And it is that singular lack of imagination
that I must treasure about you, Capitan.
However, this delicate situation requires
a certain amount of finesse.
I will deal with Salvera in my own way.
And if that doesn't work, then you can
kill him.
Yes, sir.
I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Do you remember how he'd carry us both?
One on each shoulder.
He'd call us a three-headed monster.
Together we could vanquish all enemies.
I remember.
It will pay for this.
You mustn't do anything.
It's too dangerous.
I will avenge him, Ramon.
Thank you.
You're a good father's death, West.
A senseless tragedy.
I leave with you.
Reverse killers.
You tell her the truth, and we all hang,
including my sister.
I wonder if this passion
displays as a result of a
genuine desire for
justice, or is it out with guilt?
I'm going to find those responsible.
But you must look only to yourself.
You gave Don Federico money.
He had no choice but to try to stay face
in front of you.
If only you hadn't interfered with
But he was my godfather.
I was interfering in my business.
And now?
Now you come to me wanting a favor.
That is your advantage, Colonel.
Why you should hear how the Don's are
It's questioning your authority,
saying you're not fit to command.
It's scandalous.
I know how the Don's are talking.
No, I know.
I'm just a woman.
But I do have an idea.
You're going to set yourself up as a
Where's my riding pants?
Montoya will make sure that everyone knows
that I was so scared by the robbery.
I decided to move my gold.
He knows about your gold?
Of course not.
I told him I had nothing.
When the robbers come back for the gold.
Gushum and his men will be there to trap
Not if that's a good plan.
They'll catch them for the legal killers.
And I don't have to hide behind the
queen's mask.
You're laying down with dust, this.
For once, on the Don's, I want the same
Do you?
I don't feel mine.
This is the last time that I'm gone.
One man is dead.
This is already gone too far.
I know it has.
But there was going to do this to me.
Oh, without you.
Then he'd do it without me.
I can't control him without you,
I'm afraid of what he wants to.
I think I'll go to Montoya.
And tell him what?
To hang my brother and me.
There was plenty of everything but the
But there's something that happens with
the saddest.
I'm so bad.
No, I know everything has gone wrong but
Once we get them on the day, we'll stop
You get everything I came before,
Right, Herman.
You didn't need to come.
I know.
Martha, what are you doing with that?
They'll be armed.
I made that promise to your father that I
would have got.
I think it's quite clear I can look after
my son.
Oh, yes, mate.
Let the gang begin.
Come on.
Move it.
Where are the soldiers?
Let's go.
Patients can't be done, patients.
Fortune may reward us with another happy
The box is empty.
She's got the gun!
It's right there, I'll take her with you.
Put it down.
Please, bottle.
It's your choice.
You are coming with us.
Leave her.
What are you doing?
We take her and hold her for ransom.
Whatever happened to honor amongst
Let's go.
Now, let's see who I am.
Come on.
you kill Don Féverico?
Please, Tessa.
Try to understand.
Just answer my question.
No, I didn't.
Who killed him?
I can't tell you.
I can't portray them.
But you could betray me?
It wasn't my idea.
I knew it was a mistake.
Is that what you call it?
A man is dead Ramon.
Tell me who they are.
Don't Féverico was your friend.
Tessa, I only have a small piece of my
honor left.
Don't fool yourself Ramon.
You have no honor left.
I tried to tell you it wouldn't be simple.
It doesn't matter.
He was part of it and now just as a
That is what the queen of sorts fights
for, isn't it?
I'm unprotected.
You against the other one.
He's still a criminal.
And the friend.
Do you think I should break him out of
prison despite what he's dying?
It's her.
I recognize her voice.
Oh, God.
I should know by the way Ramon looked at
You can't accuse her Don's thoughts
because her voice sounds familiar.
How could she let Ramon pay for all their
She's not fit, Tessa.
And her meet me ice on you right now.
Remember who you are.
A powerless young woman who breathes
before I got fathered.
It's lucky you have a queen to convince
You can explain to the workers why they
won't be getting paid.
Because of your oversight on the cattle
We will spend all night working together
to correct your mistakes.
How can you expect one day take my place
if you're so incapable?
Really tonight or I swear to God,
I kill him.
I'm not leaving for a moment.
Don't tell me you really love him.
What if I do?
And you are a fool.
He's going to give us up.
Go to the ruin, bring back what we have.
And when the moon sets, we leave.
Once we're in Monterey, I don't care if I
ever see your face again.
But while we're here, you
do as I say or Oh, what?
Tessa, you kill me too.
But you've only got one of them.
And he's not talking.
The other two haven't turned in their
Have they?
No, they haven't.
So there is no guarantee this scourge is
It will be.
Colanelle, you failed.
Our petition will be the statue in the
And I assure you, you will be replaced.
And I can assure you, Seniors Alvera,
I am dealing with it.
The boy will talk.
You still have your teeth.
You know, Colonel says next to him,
I'm allowed to use force.
So you should just rest now.
I want to be too lazy.
Happy time.
This is the son of Don Aileira.
You can't treat him like a peasant.
It's in your hand, I'll just leave him.
I will petition the royal court myself if
you don't.
Oh, God.
Don't have to be in the face.
Leave us.
Yes, sir.
You don't belong in jail.
Aguilera is a brown name.
Not anymore.
Did you just talk?
Your name would be cleared.
I cannot.
The woman.
You are in love with her.
Any woman who would let you die is not
worth it.
She means everything to me.
Colonel Montoya's place are everywhere.
He will find her.
And then she's dead.
Only you can protect her.
I'm sure he will spare her.
If everything is returned.
Tell me what the gold is hidden.
And it's your worry.
Mount up.
We're going under for gold.
A fox?
A good choice for a woman who will do
anything to save her own skin.
Wait, you don't understand.
You've got to hide.
Jack Biden.
Back it up.
Now I will cut up a finger for every piece
of jewelry and gold is missing.
Keep working.
You're planning on taking that jewelry for
yourself, Captain?
Not if you beat me to it.
You know the rubies in that necklace
really bring out the red in your eyes.
Thank you.
Save her head for me.
Going so soon?
How can you love Ramon and leave him to
die for a crime he didn't commit?
What do you want?
I know Ramon didn't kill Don't feel
Did your brother?
Do you want to live your whole life
knowing he died for you?
What's about my brother?
What can I do?
Tell the truth Isabel.
That's all you can do.
I must be with Quramatoya.
Quramatoya is busy.
You will want to hear what I have to say.
You know the trouble is this.
If we believe the girl we hang around with
them, hang the other guys in a compass.
In all your years of
military training, have
you ever come across
the concept of tactics?
Yes, but you're playing politics.
So you're going to show a little bit of
mercy, gain some popularity points,
become the generous hero of the people.
I don't know.
Generosity costs a money.
Okay, but we can't hang Ramon now.
So, someone's got to pay.
Oh, yes, most assuredly.
Okay, how about this?
We hang a brother, we hang Ramon,
and we hang a sister.
You know what to say through his
Executing both children of the rich and
powerful Don could be called many things
Christian, but
what charming is not the first it springs
to mind.
Bottom line is this, that we have to hang
The dawn's been killed.
In one hour, we shall
place the truth before
Don Salterra, and we
shall let him decide.
500 realities, and one eighth of my land.
He's only offering one eighth,
I'm sorry, Senor, but my capitan says that
is unacceptable.
This is a strange place for our
But a perfect place for a confession.
What will it take?
Please, Senor, don't ask me to put a price
in your children's lives.
I will leave that up to you.
Baba, please, listen to me.
All right.
5,000 realities and one quarter of my
And the petition for my replacement?
But you must assure your total silence.
Please, Senor.
Are we both not men of honor?
Baba, we are both as responsible as Ramon.
Then, you will both be there to watch his
And the Gandalf stick, Capitan.
Could it have been overlooked?
Find the candlestick.
So, will Senor read Al-Marano be at the
What execution are you talking about,
Ramon Aguilar is confessed to the murder.
These should be shot by Farron's boy.
Ramon, are you sure what about the other
We have the killer of your god,
It's all a matter.
Some of these are bad.
He can't die!
Roll your investment, Zai.
I've seen it.
I'll do anything.
Is there a place?
It's like the M.
He's a brother.
In your own time, Capitan.
Mr. What's he writing up with him?
Then my son is a killer.
I won't protect you anymore.
I will.
I'll never come back.
Do you think they're a Monterey yet?
Let's be glad if they were.
I've lost two more people.
Don't feel that he'd go and Ramon.
Justice doesn't bring them back.
It doesn't make me feel better.
They said their own paths long before you
came along with this.
You did the right thing.
Did I?
Let's go home.
It begins again.
And it's not much.
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