Rurouni Kenshin (1996) s01e14 Episode Script

To Save a Small Life! Challenge! Doctor Megumi!

A brush against the freckles
that I hated oh so much
A small flicker, that's all,
and then I heave a little sigh.
The heavyweight love
that I once shared with you
Miraculously dissolved
with the sugar cube.
The little prick that I feel
on my bosom that has shrunken
from the little thorn
really hurts me now.
I guess I cannot trust those
silly horoscopes after all
I wonder what it would be like
if we could go further away right?
I'd be so happy
just because of that!
Memories I have are
always beautiful in my mind.
But they can't feed me:
they can't fill up my stomach.
In reality tonight was
supposed to be somber.
I really do wonder why
I just can't see how all of the tears were
streaming down his face that night.
I just can't see it anymore
Wandering Samurai
Rurouni Kenshin
To Save a Small Life
Challenge! Doctor Megumi!
Kokoni clinic:
Dr.Gensai Kokoni
General practitioner,Surgery, Internal Medicine.
A wonderful morning!
Such a refreshing morning
And cleansing the
body with refreshing water
That is also wonderful!
He strained his back?
And so Miss Kaoru and Yahiko went
to the clinic to help out, that they did.
Kenshin, wouldn't it have
been better for you to go?
Why is that?
Think about it.
What can those two do?
You have a point
It would be nice if they didn't give Miss
Megumi headaches, that it would
Well, it has nothing to do with me.
Don't cry!
It'll heal if you just lick it!
Is it my turn yet?
I'll go take a look!
It will be fine if you keep
it from moving, like this.
Don't force yourself
to move it for a while.
Yes ma'am.
Miss Kaoru, how is it over there?
Oh my.
Oh, this is weird.
Sheesh, it's all
because you didn't stay still!
What the hell are you doing, Kaoru?
Call in the next person.
Wait up!
H-Hey now
Both of you!
Go play somewhere outside!
You have no need to worry.
I'll give you some medicine
please take it
every morning and evening.
Thank you very much.
And um lady doctor
Don't worry about the money.
Just think about
recovering from your illness.
I'm sorry for all this trouble as usual
What's wrong?
A fight at the gambling joint.
The guys from Hishimanji let
one of those wooden cannons go!
They always are so damn ruthless!
We'll talk about that later!
If we don't treat him
now, his life will be in danger!
Put him down over there!
Miss Kaoru, get me
some bleached cotton!
All right!
Yahiko, get some antiseptic lotion!
Hold yourself together!
Disinfect the wound!
We'll begin.
Hey now, are we gonna
be all right with a woman?
He has lacerations all over his body.
Since they weren't cut
cleanly by a sword, it may be tricky.
His arms and legs
hold them down.
Thank you
This should do it.
He's all right now
You're usual table?
No, she was pretty
amazing for a woman.
She never lost the
calm look on her face
and sewed up his wounds
as if she was sewing a kimono.
And she's beautiful to boot!
Man, I wanna get sick
and have her treat me gently!
But please pay your
tab before getting sick.
I want more rice.
Exchanges: Gold, Silver, Bronze
Really, these people
Doctor, is that medicine bitter?
Just a little.
But you have to bear with it.
It will make it much
easier for you to breathe.
So how is Kaede's condition?
I can't say that it's good.
She's rather weakened right now
This room has bad sunlight.
You have to move her to a
room with better ventilation.
Doctor, please give us
the more expensive medicine!
We'll pay, no matter how much!
Please, give us the
most expensive one.
Please, save Kaede.
I will leave the same
medicine Doctor Gensai prescribed.
But, you have to
make sure she takes it.
They just don't get it.
They think that if they have
enough money, they can buy anything.
Even the lives of people.
That girl's not going to survive?
If she takes that
medicine as prescribed and rests
she should head towards recovery.
But she's in danger if she
does anything to strain her heart.
What's wrong?
M-My stomach started
hurting all of a sudden
It hurts!
It hurts!
Someone call a doctor!
Hey, wait a minute!
No need to worry, the doctor
from all the local rumors is here!
The lady doctor from the clinic!
Yeah, the Rose of the Sewing Needle!
Are you a doctor?
Help me!
Let's go
W-Wait a minute!
Hey now!
Are you gonna leave a
sick guy here and walk away?
Aren't you the lady
doctor from all the rumors?
or are you saying you can't cure him?
Take a look at him, will ya?
He's so pitiful
I wonder why she won't look at him?
What are ya gonna do, lady doctor?
I can only heal the ill.
Please move out of my way.
Hey now, are you running away?
What's that supposed to mean?
Someone ill?
Leave all ailing people to me!
I am Raikou!
I am one with mystical
powers from the gods
obtained from years of
training in the mountains!
There is no illness I cannot cure!
Is that for real, man?
I'm begging ya!
Help me!
Kokuku byouma!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
You should take this!
It is holy water, imbued
with mystical powers from the gods!
L-I'm healed!
It doesn't hurt at all!
This is amazing!
He healed the guy
without touching him!
Doctor Raikou is miraculous
a medicine man
who can cure any illness!
Lord Raikou, I have
someone ill at home.
Please have a look at him!
Please look at my husband too!
Did you see that, Yahiko?
Please, Doctor Raikou!
Doctor Raikou!
I see
Hey, Kenshin, do
you think that is for real?
To be able to heal the sick with
mystical powers from the gods?
No idea
But it really was amazing.
And I was disappointed with Megumi.
She left the sick guy
alone and went ahead.
I'm sure it was because
Miss Megumi saw something
no one else could, that she did.
What do you mean by that?
Well, I have no idea
what it is either, that I don't.
That went really well!
Keep it up.
Spread the rumor that
the doctor broad is a quack.
That way, all of her
patients will come running to us.
Right, Doctor Raikou?
That's right!
Nothing is impossible
when I, Lord Raikou
teams up with the Hishimanji!
No matter how much we charge,
they'll gladly put out the money!
No doubt.
Let both of us make
a hefty profit from this.
We don't need any money,
go steal it from somewhere!
Starting with that broad
we'll put all the doctors
in this area outta business.
Maybe I won't be healed here after all
The old man over at the kimono shop
was also healed by
Lord Raikou's prayers, I hear.
The powers of the gods are amazing
It's that lady doctor from the clinic.
From the rumors?
The quack doctor.
Try saying that again!
That's the quack doctor?
I hear you have to be
really careful around her.
Really, it's no joke.
If she really did abandon a sick man
What the hell is going on?
That goes to table one.
Raikou favors the rich patients out of
the people who rush over to his place
after hearing good things about him.
He's charging some absurd price
for this "holy water" liquid medicine
that he prays to make.
And the guys spreading the
bad rumors about the lady doctor
are all from the Hishimanji!
T-The group that fired that
wooden cannon at the gambling joint!
Because they don't know their limits
they're more persistent
and worse off than any yakuza.
It looks like some troublesome guys
have their eyes on our lady doctor
What's that?
Here she is!
What are you going
to do with little Kaede?
What's this?
If you force her to move
They're going to pray to the
miraculous medicine man Raikou
because they can't
leave her to a quack lady doctor!
No, you can't!
What did ya say?
What the hell are you doing?
Shut up!
You guys are
There is no need for you
a quack doctor who abandons ill
men suffering right before her eyes!
Leave this place now!
I won't forgive you!
Stop it!
Let go of me
There is no way illness
can be cured from prayer!
I won't forgive you for
toying with people's emotions!
Leave it to me!
I'll find out
where they're going!
Kokuku byouma!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Onriedo abiraunkensowaka!
Stop that now!
W-What is it?
I'm in the middle of my prayer!
Don't you get it yet, Mr. Kanekura?
What will cure little Kaede
is not the power of money!
B-But, they say that you
abandoned a suffering man
He was faking it.
There is no way for me to
cure someone who is not ill.
What did ya say just now?
That's quite an
accusation you just made, eh?
You're the sick guy from that incident!
So what if I am?
I can't let you go home
quietly after all this, you know!
What in the world is
It's a little too late to
realize what's going on!
Everyone was being
fooled by their little act!
I've been looking for you, Hishimanji
I'm here to cash in on the
fight you picked with my friends
What was that?
Get him!
Too slow.
You bastard!
Get the girl!
You little brat!
Little Kaede
I won't let you interfere!
For now, you have
nothing to worry about.
T-Thank you very much.
I don't know how
to thank you for this
I don't need any thanks.
More than that, I need you
to believe what I have to say.
To cure an illness, you
need proper treatment and rest.
And more than anything else
you need to give the ill person
warm love from all those around her.
Throwing money will
not do any more good.
Look out!
Everyone, duck!
You sure have guts to pick
a fight against us Hishimanji!
They brought out the wooden cannon!
Y-You've got to be kidding!
Do it!
S-Stop it
My mansion will be destroyed
Hey, get the hell out here
if ya don't wanna get killed!
This "get killed" idea is
far from peaceful, that it is
They say "don't
heal what is not broken."
So I decided not to
bother your fake faith healing
because it seemed helpful to some
But it seems you have
gone too far, that you have.
What can some vagabond do?
We have this!
This reverse-blade sword
mercilessly cuts anything nonliving.
S-Shut up!
Get him!
They weren't an
enemy fit for Kenshin after all!
H-Help me!
It feels like my insides burst!
L-It hurts!
You should do
something with your own prayers!
There's no way my
fake praying could cure it!
He finally admitted it himself.
I'm begging you!
I see, you are in trouble.
If I leave you here, your
intestines will rot, and you'll die
But depending on the
following conditions, I might help you.
What, what?
It's Lord Raikou's estate!
Well, well
I apologize for causing
a disturbance, that I do.
Look, everyone!
Raikou admitted that
he was a quack doctor!
Come to our place later.
Leave 'em.
They can do no evil
as long as they're in pain.
Medicine is for everyone.
We shouldn't segregate.
Wait, you're also
It's like a mosquito bite.
If I treated each and every
one, I'd never see the end of it.
Raikou's pain seems to
have gone away with one dose.
What's that medicine called?
That was just water.
And he was cured
drinking that, that he was?
That's so stupid!
Dr. Gensai's back is better
so I guess all's well
that ends well, that it is.
Lately, when I go on my rounds
everyone asks about the lady doctor.
I see, I see
But I'm a little envious.
I wish potential students
came knocking at our door.
You both may be skilled
but you're lacking in
both sex appeal and mastery
What was that?
Wait, Yahiko!
Ah well
It really lacks romance
The lady doctor is the best after all.
But, there's something
even the lady doctor can't cure.
What's that?
All right, next person!
I'll cure anyone who's not lovesick!
When your heart is
shaken about with tears
What should i be doing to help you out?
Even looking up at the sky
My heart hurts as much as yours.
Something that you don't
have to get hurt over
Everyone accidentally feels
Just like the times
when you're surprised
by how cold the water really is.
Now, just being here right next to you
It's all that i can do, and nothing else
All the smiles that i can
make just for you, anytime
I'll embrace and send to
you, whenever you need it.
You can believe it,
dreams will someday be reality
Just for you and only for you
It's okay to cry, because
deep inside that heart of yours
every piece of
sadness turns to wings
for you to fly.
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