Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Charhound Chase/Creature Comforts

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[both grunting]
-[Lys exclaims, grunts]
-[Lys grunts]
-[Nubs exclaims]
[both grunting]
-Nice job, Nubs.
-[Kai] Yeah!
-[speaking Poobian, chuckles]
Lys, Nubs, you'll never guess
who's coming to teach a class later today.
Master Loden Greatstorm and his Padawan!
[speaking Poobian]
Who's Master Greatstorm?
Some people say he's one of
the best teachers in the whole Jedi Order.
-I've read all about him.
-[Nubs grunts]
Plus, I want to meet his Padawan.
I'd love to be a Padawan,
an apprentice to a great master one day.
-[ships approaching]
[Kai] Jedi Vectors?
That must be them!
[Kai, Nubs panting]
Ah, hello, younglings.
-This is
-I know!
Master Loden Greatstorm
and his Padawan Bell Zettifar.
Hi, Bell. I'm Kai.
I want to be a Padawan just like you
when I get older.
[chuckles] Nice to meet you, Kai.
-Hi, I'm Lys, and this is Nubs.
-[speaking Poobian]
Welcome to planet Tenoo.
Oh, we're delighted to be here.
I'm looking forward to
teaching our lesson later today.
Me too, Master Greatstorm.
Oh, Bell,
do you have time to talk with us?
I want to know everything
about being a Padawan.
Your adventures with Master Greatstorm,
and how you got your kyber crystal, and
-[gasps] Is that a
A charhound!
[speaking Poobian]
I've never met one in person.
-Aw, hi there.
-[chuckles] That's Ember.
She's very friendly.
Hey, Ember.
-Did you see that?
She just breathed fire.
[giggles] Yeah, charhounds do that.
It just means she's excited.
-[exclaims, speaking Poobian]
Since we have some time
before Master Greatstorm teaches
his class this afternoon,
I was gonna show him and Bell
around the Temple.
Would you like to come?
-Of course!
I'd like to stay out here for a while.
Ember needs to run around
after that long flight.
Just remember to be back
before our class starts.
Yes, Master Greatstorm.
Can I stay and show Bell
a good place for Ember to play?
Of course.
-[Ember panting]
-I know just where to go.
This is where we do a lot of our training.
Should be plenty of space
for Ember to run around.
-[Ember barking]
-[chuckles] Ember seems to like it.
[sniffing, barking]
You want to play fetch, Ember?
-All right, here's your toy.
Sometimes I use the Force
to play fetch with her.
It's a good way to practice control
and concentration.
-Want to try?
Check this out.
[Force rumbling]
Remember, as Master Yoda says,
"Breathe, concentrate, stay calm, and"
-And throw.
Oops. [chuckles]
I guess I still need more practice.
[chuckles] Yeah, that was pretty far.
It might take Ember a while
to bring that back.
You want to practice some more
while we wait?
Do I?
[barking, panting]
-[creature chitters]
[Bell] Good.
Now, last time, it seemed like
you got distracted and threw it too far.
This time, just throw it a little ways,
more controlled.
-[inhales deeply]
-Concentrate. Slow and steady.
Now throw it.
Getting better.
Hmm, it's been a while.
I wonder where Ember is.
Ember! Come here, girl!
Hmm. She usually comes back when I call.
We'd better go check on her.
Ember! Here, girl!
-Ember! Come here, girl!
I know Ember can take care of herself,
but this is a new place for her.
She might be lost.
I'll go up to one of those branches
and get a better look.
Uh, Kai?
[Bell] That looks a bit high
for you to jump!
Kai, I don't think you can make that.
[chuckles] Watch this.
[grunts] Whoa!
I got you! [grunts]
-[Force rumbling]
-[Bell straining]
[Kai grunts]
Guess I still need to practice that too.
I'm just glad you're okay.
Wait. Look!
Burnt leaves?
I bet Ember did that with her barking.
There's more.
Looks like she went this way.
[both grunting]
Over here!
These burn marks are still warm.
Ember's got to be close.
Uh-oh. She must've splashed
through the water.
Doesn't look like there's any burn marks
on the other side either.
It's hard to tell which way she went.
She could've gone anywhere
in this wilderness,
and it's almost time to head back
for Master Greatstorm's class.
It's okay. We'll find her.
Let's just slow down and breathe.
-[inhales deeply]
-[birds chirping]
[inhales deeply, exhales]
That mud over there
kind of looks like paw prints.
Well done, Kai Bright
[Kai gasps]
She could've gone through those bushes.
[laughs, gasps]
Oh, Kai! Wait up!
[grunts, exclaims]
-[Kai screaming, grunting]
[chuckles, screams]
Whoa! [grunts]
[pants] You okay?
-[spine cracks]
I think so.
I'm sorry, Bell.
I was excited for you to visit,
and I wanted to show you I could be
a great Padawan like you one day.
But Ember's lost,
and I keep messing things up, and
Some Padawan I'll be.
Kai, when I was a youngling,
this kind of stuff happened to me
all the time, and it always worked out.
It'll work out for you too,
especially because you never give up.
I hope, one day,
to have a Padawan exactly like you.
You're gonna be a great one.
Any Jedi Master will be lucky
to have you as their Padawan.
[barking in distance]
That sounds like Ember.
And she sounds upset.
Uh, we'd better hurry!
[both] Ember!
Oh, no. A gangul!
This must be its home.
And they really don't like anyone
in their home.
-[Ember barking]
-[gangul growls]
-I got this.
[Bell grunts]
Hey, gangul!
You need to leave.
-[growls, roars]
Uh, that usually works. [chuckles]
-[gangul growling]
-[Kai grunts]
What do we do now?
-[gangul growling]
[inhales, exhales]
-[Force rumbling]
-[Bell straining]
-What What are you doing?
Remember how we played fetch
with Ember earlier?
You want the gangul to play fetch!
And I need your help.
[both straining]
[Ember barks]
[gangul chattering]
[inhales deeply, exhales]
[panting, bellowing]
And now.
-Fetch! [grunts]
-[gangul bellowing]
It worked!
-Way to go, Kai.
-[barking, whimpering]
[laughs] Ember!
I'm so glad you're okay.
[barks, panting]
[chuckles] Looks like I'm not
the only one who made a friend today.
I think we can still get back
before Master Greatstorm's class starts.
What do you say?
Let's go.
All right, younglings.
Please gather.
Class is about to start.
-[all gasp]
-[speaking Poobian]
-Come on. Let's go!
[whimpers, speaking Poobian]
I'm sure Kai and Bell are okay, Nubs.
-But they'd better hurry.
-[Nubs grunts]
-[Kai panting] Sorry we're late.
Goodness. Kai, what happened?
[pants] I'm okay.
Ember got lost,
and then there was a gangul, and
Kai helped me find Ember.
I couldn't have done it without him.
-Glad you're okay, Kai.
-[speaking Poobian]
[chuckles] I'm great, thanks.
Well, Kai,
glad you could make it to class.
Please, join us.
Now, younglings,
please take out your lightsabers.
Today, I'm going to teach you some forms
that my master taught me a long time ago.
Thanks for helping me find Ember, Kai.
Now, let's see those lightsaber skills.
[chuckles] I thought you'd never ask.
-Again. One.
-[younglings] One.
-[younglings] Two.
-Three. Four.
-[younglings] Three. Four.
Kai, Nubs,
you wouldn't believe this place.
We're finding so many new creatures
to add to the Galactic Creature Guide.
We can't wait for you to come back,
and tell us about
what you discover on your trip.
-Aree and Cam picked the perfect helper.
You can't find
a bigger creature lover than Lys.
-[Cam chirping]
-[chuckles] Thanks, Aree.
[creature chittering]
Kai, Nubs, I got to go.
I think there might be
a creature here right now.
I got to be quiet.
-Okay! Bye, Lys!
Oh, right.
[whispers] Bye, Lys.
-[Lys gasps]
-[Aree] Oh!
Hello, little one.
[snarls, coos]
[Cam chirping]
Cam's right.
There is no record of such a creature
in our databanks.
Exactly what we're here to find.
Aw, and I think it's just a baby.
[clears throat] I mean, fascinating.
We should create a new entry for it
in the Galactic Creature Guide.
-[bird screeching]
-[Aree] Huh? [grunts]
[Aree grunts]
[gasps] That bird is gonna get the baby!
-Back! Back away, please.
-[bird screeching]
Sorry, but I'm protecting this little one.
[screeching continues]
[gasps, grunts]
Aw, it's okay.
I've got you now.
-That was a close call.
We'd better get this adorable little guy
back to his home where he'll be safe.
Do you see a nest or burrow nearby
where he could've crawled from?
[Aree] Hmm.
Perhaps that mud puddle?
I think he just likes to play in the mud.
I don't think the mud is his home.
You really like digging, huh?
I think I'll call you Diggles.
Aw. Okay, Diggles it is.
I wonder where your family is.
I don't see any place around here,
uh, Diggles could've come from.
But most baby creatures leave
the nest eventually.
It's part of how they grow up.
Perhaps this is Diggles's first time
away from the family nest.
I don't know about that, Aree.
-I think Diggles must've gotten lost.
-[Cam chirps]
-Aree, I know what we have to do.
Name and add the creature to the guide,
consider it a new species,
and be on our way?
Well, yes.
But first,
we're going to get Diggles home.
A Jedi will always help
a creature in need, big or small.
I'll keep you safe
and get you back to your family.
-I promise.
I don't know about this, Lys.
[chittering, whines]
Aw, okay.
I guess a short walk won't hurt.
[sighs] Well,
that short walk turned into a long walk.
-[Cam chirps]
-But still no sign of his home.
Lots of creatures that live near water
have scales and tiny legs.
And you have scales and tiny legs,
so maybe you live near the water.
-An excellent deduction.
-[Cam chirps]
Hmm. Maybe this creek is Diggles's home.
Diggles, what are you doing?
-[Lys] Oh, you're hungry.
Let me help.
Um, maybe we can let Diggles
do that on his own
so we can learn
what this creature does in the wild.
But I told Diggles I'd take care of him.
-Here you go, little buddy.
Aw, you're welcome.
[Aree sighs]
I don't see a nest around here either.
Sorry, Diggles.
Aree, what happens
if we can't find Diggles's family?
I don't know.
Like I said,
many creatures leave the nest sometimes.
But we can keep looking.
[coos, exclaims]
[gasps] Hmm.
I guess we could check
the other side of the creek.
We can hop over these rocks to get across.
[Cam chirps]
Well, excuse me, Cam.
[grunts] Whoa!
Not all of us can fly.
[grunts, exclaiming]
Sit still, Diggles.
We're almost Whoa!
-Diggles, wait!
-[Aree] Uh-oh!
[Lys grunting, panting]
It's okay, Diggles.
I can help you.
You're scared of these, huh?
Don't worry.
They come right off,
and don't hurt at all.
There you go.
You're so good with Diggles, Lys.
Thanks, Aree.
I just want Diggles to feel safe.
[chuckles] With someone like Lys helping,
I'm sure we'll find your home soon.
You know, I was thinking,
if we don't find Diggles's home,
maybe he could come back to Tenoo with me.
-You said it yourself. I'm good with him.
Well, you are, Lys,
but we really shouldn't take creatures
out of their homes in the wild.
I know, but this is different.
He's just a baby.
And if we can't find his family,
then at least Diggles will have me.
Uh, I don't know, Lys.
-[Cam chirping]
[creature snarling]
[Cam chirps]
-[Cam chirping]
-What is it, Cam?
-[Aree] Oh!
Another new creature.
[Lys] Whoa!
It's beautiful!
-[Diggles exclaims]
-[Aree exclaims]
-And scary!
-I've got you!
[Aree] Run!
[Lys, Aree panting]
[both grunt]
[grunts, pants]
-[Aree screams]
Nice creature. Good creature.
[Cam chirps]
[Aree] Nice one, Cam.
Hang on, Aree! I'll get you out.
-[Force rumbling]
-[Aree exclaims, grunts]
-[creature roars]
-Whoa! Gotcha!
-[Lys gasps]
-[Aree exclaims]
[Lys gasps]
Oh, no. It's a dead end!
-[creature roars]
-Look out!
-[Aree grunts]
-Stop throwing stuff!
-[Cam chirps]
-[Aree] Hang on, Lys!
-[rustling, crackling]
[Aree] Sorry! I'll catalog you later
when you're not so upset.
Thanks, Aree.
Quick! To your ship!
[Lys pants, sighs]
[Aree sighs] Thank the Maker, we're safe.
That was the most running I've done since,
well, the last trip I went on
with you young Jedi.
I told you this place is
too dangerous for Diggles.
Don't worry, buddy.
You're safe now.
You can live with me.
We'll have so much fun together.
You'll love the Temple
and my friends and
-[whining continues]
-[Lys] Diggles, what's wrong?
You want to go back outside?
-[creature roaring]
I've got a bad feeling about this.
[roaring continues]
-[Aree] Whoa!
-Let's get out of here!
[Aree] We can't take off
while that creature is attacking us.
-[creature roars]
Why isn't Diggles trying to run away?
[both exclaim]
[both gasp]
Diggles seems sad.
[gasps] Wait a minute.
I think that might be
-Diggles's mom!
I think you're right.
Some creatures do look different
when they grow up.
She must've been searching for her baby.
So you just wanted to get back
to your family.
[sighs] And here I was trying
to bring you back to Tenoo.
I know you wanted to bring
this creature home with you,
but we have to do what's best for Diggles.
Even if that means approaching the huge,
unknown creature outside.
-[Diggles cooing]
[sighs] You're right, Aree.
We're doing what's best for Diggles.
Look! More babies.
Those must be Diggles's siblings.
Wow, would you look at that?
You just never know what surprises
the galaxy is going to bring.
Cam, can you please
make sure you record this
for the Galactic Creature Guide?
[baby creatures chittering]
[chittering continues]
What's wrong, Lys?
Aren't you happy
that you found Diggles's family?
Yes, but I was looking forward
to bringing Diggles home with me.
I understand.
Sometimes doing the right thing is hard,
but you did what was best for Diggles.
I'm proud of you.
Hi, little buddy.
I'll come back to visit soon.
Would that be okay?
-[creature roaring]
Bye, Diggles!
-[chittering continues]
Aree named it a Mardorsh.
And these are baby Mardorsh.
That one is my friend, Diggles!
One day, he'll grow to be huge.
Sounds like you really helped Diggles.
I think we really helped each other.
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