Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Forewarned Bloodbath

[bird screeches]
[plane whistles]
[theme music playing]
[tense music playing]
[tablet clacks]
[agitated breathing]
[loud thumps]
Gang Nam-soon!
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
[deep inhale]
[clears throat]
[anxious breaths]
[uneasy music playing]
This is Geumju TV News. I'm Jung Na-young.
I'm Kim Gi-dae.
Doogo's CEO, Ryu Si-o has
has been caught distributing CTA4885,
a new synthetic drug
by hiding it in winter jackets.
Despite significant evidence,
the police have not issued any statement
regarding the matter.
[Na-young] In comparison, a Vietnamese
drug trafficking organization, Serakim,
was dismantled by Korean police
after persistent efforts.
Countless tons of meth
are now off the streets.
This disparity raises
the question of exactly
how Ryu Si-o and his government allies
have been able to suppress
any investigations so far.
Doogo's CEO, Ryu Si-o,
has taken extreme measures
to conceal his involvement.
[Gi-dae] He attempted to have
Geumju TV's CEO,
Hwang Geum-ju, assassinated
and made a second attempt
to have her murdered
when she was recovering in the hospital.
Furthermore, Ryu Si-o has silenced
the testimony of a key witness.
He sent an assassin disguised
as an attorney to murder his dealer,
Shin Gang-su,
when he was arrested by the police.
[serious music playing]
Okay, let's get this started.
[voice trembles] Good evening.
[shaky breaths]
Stop recording.
Ms. Jung, come see me, please.
Take a seat.
What's going on?
You know you can talk to me.
[sobs] Oh, Ms. Hwang.
-[concerned sigh]
-[Na-young sniffles]
[emotional music playing]
Ryu Si-o, he said that
that he would take my younger sister
in China hostage
if I didn't do what he says.
He told me he'd make her
one of his drug mules.
Is that why you stuttered?
Were you about to disavow
our reporting on air?
If that was my intention, I
I wouldn't have told you
the truth this way.
Na-young, I'm sorry.
I'm the reason
you're going through all of this.
Now I'm gonna make sure
absolutely nothing happens to your sister.
We'll push the filming an hour.
[relieved sigh]
[line rings]
Hello, it's me.
I need something taken care of.
[Gi-dae] The fact that the police
and the prosecution,
who should be spearheading
the investigation,
are instead in a collusive relationship
with the drug dealers
is sadly no longer shocking news.
The first golden opportunity
to investigate
Ryu Si-o's extensive drug empire
has thus slipped through our fingers.
[Na-young] However,
we at Geumju TV News promise you
we will do everything we can
to make sure it isn't the last.
[Na-young] Thank you.
[hopeful music playing]
[Seok-ho] Whoa!
Thanks for having us.
[Seok-ho] Hello, miss.
[Sun-kyu exclaims]
-[Seok-ho] Whoa!
-[Sun-kyu] What is this place?
A house or a palace?
How do they clean all this?
[grand classical music playing]
[Seok-ho] How are you doing?
Well, gentlemen, how can I help you?
-Say something.
-Oh, right.
I think we met at Nam-soon's mom's party.
It's been a while, hasn't it, Detective?
So then, you must all
be detectives, I suppose.
-Yes, sir.
Would the detectives like some coffee?
-Yes, that sounds good.
-[Hee-sik] Thank you, sir.
-[Young-tak] Thank you.
[clears throat]
I'm sorry, but, uh, who are you?
Of course.
Gang Nam-soon has a mother.
Hwang Geum-ju, you see.
Her mother's name is Gil Joong-gan,
and I'm her boyfriend.
So, then, where is Ms. Geum-ju?
-I've been told that she's still at work.
And what about Agent Gang? Where is she?
I've been told she's gone
with her younger brother
to locate their father,
Ms. Hwang Geum-ju's ex-husband.
-Ah, right.
-So, um, her grandmother, where is she?
My dear Joong-gan
was carrying her son,
Geum-dong, to the hospital.
He had just collapsed, you see.
[Jun-hee] Almost as soon
as he returned home. Out like a light.
So basically, you're saying
none of the actual family members are
Where is the Drug Investigation Unit?
[panting] Oh, uh, hello. Hello.
[deep exhale]
Ms. Hwang called and asked me
to show you the underground vault.
Who is that?
Oh, I'm the managing director
of the pawnshop, yes.
Will you follow me?
-Uh, what brings you
Oh, my god. Nobody here
is actually family. That's super weird.
Ah, well, I'll be off.
Time for me to go to work.
-[Young-tak] Oh, see you later, sir.
-[Sun-kyu] Goodbye.
[Nam-gil] Did you sleep here?
[Jun-hee chuckles]
This way, please.
[all exclaiming]
[Seok-ho] Whoa, look at this.
This is technically better
than the precincts. Whoa.
Whoa, this is dope.
Well, um, I'll leave you to it.
Oh, detectives.
If you ever need my help, call me anytime.
You know, it was always
my dream to be a cop.
Happy hunting.
-He's a character.
Jeez, look at the door
on this safe. Woo! Big boy!
Yes, hello?
Feel free to use
that space as your office.
That's the most secure room
in the entire house.
Gold Blue, Geumju Hotel,
Ryu Si-o hacked them all.
When are you heading to Busan?
I leave tomorrow.
The sea slugs are arriving
at Busan Port the day after.
I see.
Well, I wish you the best of luck
on your mission, ma'am.
One more thing.
No one can know you're in there.
And that includes Nam-soon,
you understand?
But the pawnshop's managing director
brought us in here.
Don't worry about him.
He already knows
more than 800 of my secrets.
He won't have room for any more.
His little brain is full.
Anyway, no one can find out you're there.
I want all of you to lay low.
Right. We'll do that.
[funky music playing]
Just like in Parasite.
[phone vibrates]
[Daniel] We've dispatched agents
outside of Ms. Jung Yun-jeong's lodging.
[heels clacking]
Ms. Hwang, thank you for protecting her.
I, uh, I'm not going to shy away anymore.
Hang on.
I want you to lay low.
Ryu Si-o will be furious
and desperately searching for you.
Go to Busan and stay in the villa.
Get a treatment
while you're resting there.
I have to go there anyway.
I'll try to rest. Thanks again.
[phone vibrates]
[relieved sigh]
Yes, hello?
Ms. Hwang, we have an emergency.
Gang Bong-go, uh, I mean, your ex-husband
What's he doing now?
[Nam-in panting]
[Nam-in coughing]
[Bong-go grunting]
[Bong-go] One.
Hey, come on, man. Have some water too.
He must think having a security detail
makes him invincible.
Put him on.
Ms. Hwang for you, sir.
Oh, yeah?
-[Geum-ju] Listen.
I thought I told you
and Nam-in to lay low.
Was simply doing nothing too hard for you?
The family's in danger.
What part don't you understand?
Do you have to do gymnastics now?
Well, what if I do, huh?
I'm taking responsibility
for my own safety.
I'm a man.
Oh, that's rich.
Why choose now to be a man, you idiot?
[deep breath]
We leave for Busan tomorrow.
So cut it out and go home right now.
Why? What's in Busan?
My god. She still orders me around
like when we were together.
If that's what she wants, okay.
You guys can go home.
[quirky music playing]
[Nam-soon] Hey, Dad.
What are you doing here?
We were looking for you.
Well, why?
-Nam-in, you good?
-So tired.
Are you all right?
[door closes]
I'm sorry, sir. Geumju TV's report
I know.
I should've killed them all
right from the beginning.
From Jung Na-young to
Gang Nam-soon.
[deep inhale]
I get it now.
How Pavel deals with traitors.
They just kill them
and never give anyone a second chance.
Get out.
[door opens]
Hello, I'm Tsetseg.
That's incredible.
Should I cry?
[fake weeping, chuckles]
Come on, Si-o!
[both singing in Korean]
So I ate it to replenish my energy ♪
Well done, great job ♪
[in English]
I wanna get married to a Korean.
[Nam-soon giggles]
That's just the way I am.
Ground lamb meat.
I don't think you know if you are
a real light or a fake light
but with a little effort,
I know you could be a real light.
Would you like to go out with me?
"Go out"?
[Si-o] I'm right
to do that, aren't I?
Trust me, Si-o.
[Si-o] Why would Tsetseg steal?
[Nam-soon] About the stealing, I'm sorry.
I just wanted to send those things
to my parents in Mongolia.
[serious music playing]
Hello there.
Hwang Geum-ju.
I'm Hillary.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
[phone vibrates]
[Sang-cheol] Mr. Ryu, there are reporters
in the lobby and they won't leave.
-Gather them all in the warehouse.
-[Sang-cheol] Excuse me?
Tell them we'll cooperate
and we respect their dedication.
We all believe the same thing,
that the truth is enough
to speak for itself.
Tell them I'll be there soon.
[intense music playing]
[door opens]
-[Geum-dong grunts]
-Oh, god!
Uh, Mom, it can just be the two of us.
Do we have to bring the whole family?
We're in danger.
I need to keep the family within reach.
I mean, look at these guys.
Do they look like
they can handle themselves?
You're right. We'll take them with.
While we're gone, Inspector Kang
will handle the investigation.
[Geum-ju] He'll do a good job.
We'll use the time we're there
to simply enjoy being a family.
We haven't taken a trip
since you got back to Korea.
Mm-hmm. All right.
In half an hour,
we're all leaving for the airport.
Oh, we're flying? That's great!
If something goes wrong,
I'll take care of it.
"Goes wrong"?
[terrified gasp]
-Come on. Why can't we just drive?
When running a business, the most
valuable thing in the world is time.
Time is gold!
If you're going to run a café,
you need to learn about opportunity cost.
That's easy for you to say.
You're all so thin.
When I fly, I'm always afraid
the plane will crash.
I think, "What if
it can't handle my weight?"
If a plane can't handle your weight,
then how will a car?
Cars stay on the ground.
But planes go in the sky.
You're right, nephew.
I overlooked that part.
You take the plane by yourself.
Then we're all good.
You think I can take a flight by myself?
And my bags, who's gonna carry them?
I overlooked that part, Uncle.
[Joong-gan] Oh, shut up!
[Joong-gan grumbles]
I'm not going.
Have fun without me.
I need to finish things with your dad.
So it's over, then?
You're dumping our father?
All to go live with that man?
-Of course, I am.
-How could you do that to our poor dad?
"Poor dad"? Did I hear that right?
Why? Why are you
bringing strangers into our home?
Wait, "strangers"?
They're just the detectives.
They're here temporarily.
He's the barista, I thought.
Hey, hey.
You see that? I still have my strength
after beating up your dad, don't I?
-[Joong-gan] If I did something bad,
I wouldn't have my strength today.
That's how these powers work, right?
So what does that tell us?
That your poor dad did something
to deserve getting hurt. That's what.
This is the kind of man who can't open
his mouth without spewing lies.
I mean, if he was really looking
for Nam-soon as he claims, why not call?
You can't tell me
there are no phones in Tibet.
It's hard to get a signal
because it's high in the mountains.
Shut up! Don't you start!
Relationship advice from you?
Now that's rich.
-I was just trying to help.
-Well, don't.
I'm going to hire an attorney
-and file for a divorce.
-Now, Mom.
-[Joong-gan] What?
If you live with that stranger,
I'll never see you again.
Noona, speak up. You need
to make your position on this clear.
You can't sit neutral on the sidelines.
[Joong-gan] Oh, okay.
Hwang Geum-dong,
you can just move in with your dad.
How's that? Happy now?
-Forget the trip.
-Suit yourself.
-I'll be at the hospital.
-Then go.
I'm gonna stay there.
And look after poor dad.
Do you have any idea
how much he has to pee?
He has circulation issues.
Oh, boohoo.
I like him more anyway.
Sort of like how you care
about that man more than me!
Ugh, my head.
-I can relate.
-[phone vibrates]
-[Bong-go] Jesus.
Search warrant?
For our business?
[Geum-ju] Even better.
The lower they go,
the more riled up the public gets.
Pack it up for them real nice.
[Nam-gil] Right. Uh, package it.
-Of course.
-[prosecutor] Pack up all of those there.
-Don't leave anything out.
-[investigators] Yes, sir.
[Nam-gil] Sure, sure, Ms. Hwang.
Yes. Will do.
[prosecutor] Get that.
She says you can take it all.
The station, the hotel, the hospital.
We'll cooperate in every way.
That's what the boss wants.
So I'll pack everything up nicely for you
and provide meals if you get hungry.
Are you hungry?
The kimchi stew is my favorite.
What would you like? Something spicy?
Savory? Listen up, everyone!
Help out these gentlemen.
Yeah, pack things up nicely.
Ji-hyeon, load these up, please.
[journalist] Excuse me,
I need to move my camera right here.
[media clamoring]
[camera shutters clicking]
[tense music playing]
Recently, an unlicensed streaming channel
featured this jacket.
[cutter crackles]
They claim adding water
turns it into a drug.
[water sloshes]
Doogo distributes several jacket brands.
Would you be willing to show the others?
We've recalled all jackets
that were distributed
to our partners overseas.
The Prosecution has them now.
To be clear, I do not sell drugs.
None of the reports about me on Geumju TV
contain a single ounce of truth.
In particular, the allegations
of murder are entirely false.
Is there a theory as to why Geumju TV
would be targeting you?
Hwang Geum-ju has a clear objective.
Simply put, she wants to take over
my control and interest in Doogo.
When I refused her offer,
she decided to take revenge.
[thrilling music playing]
Hwang Geum-ju
is nothing short of evil.
Oh, man. A plane would've been faster.
You couldn't get your act together,
so we missed our flight!
Hey, Mom, was it smart
to leave Grandma behind?
It would just be a bigger pain
to bring her with.
Well, she was recently kidnapped.
What if they tried to get revenge?
Well, your grandma's
been kidnapped countless times.
Ever since the legendary battle
of Majang-dong.
[sighs] I'm worried.
You are. I can tell you're troubled.
Hmm, I'm worried for my dad.
Why for dad?
[machines beeping]
[pitiful music playing]
[assassin groaning]
I'm gonna destroy that lady.
It hurts.
It hurts so much.
[serious music playing]
[phone vibrates]
Gan Home-sik, I'm off to Busan.
I have a favor to ask.
Play that video.
I know you're worried about me and all.
But solving this case
is just more important to me.
My brother, my mom, my grandma.
My whole family, they
They all almost died.
And also, um,
your team leader has died just
because of that drug, so, um
[Nam-soon] Gan Home-sik,
I'd like you to do it, please.
Please do it for me.
Why haven't I been arrested by the police?
They already know
I tried to kill Hwang Geum-ju
in her hospital room, so
What are they waiting for? [scoffs]
You don't suppose they
need something from me?
Um, what could
they possibly need from you?
They're not arresting you
for a very good reason.
They can't prove their accusations.
You took off with a billion won.
And then you just returned?
You came back to me.
Why would you do that?
You know what I found out?
Turns out Hwang Geum-ju owns that café.
Oh, she does?
I My gosh, I had no clue.
[glass clacks]
Be straight with me.
[thrilling music playing]
She can sure drink.
[phone vibrates]
I'm sending you the VIP list first.
It's here.
[upbeat music playing]
[man] Okay, got it.
Excuse me. I'm sorry.
Mr. Yoon.
Did Tsetseg come to work today?
You'd know more than I would.
It's just that
[Sang-cheol] Mr. Ryu, it's about Tsetseg.
Mr. Yang saw her having
a strange conversation
in the emergency exit stairwell.
Tsetseg is fake.
Tsetseg is Gang Nam-soon.
[eerie music playing]
We're combing through everything.
But there's nothing, sir.
She's a conscientious taxpayer.
The Commissioner of the tax service
visits her every year.
She's received
the presidential commendation four times.
She's spotless more than we ever thought.
Now I know
where that arrogance comes from.
It's because she had nothing to hide.
[phone rings]
[receptionist] I have Mr. Jung Dae-cheol,
Director of TBO, on the line for you, sir.
Should I put him through?
This is Moon Seong-u.
[sneaky music playing]
I got your call.
I'm so honored.
Listen. This is dangerous work.
You could be a wanted man.
You could be arrested
and questioned by the police.
You sure you wanna do this?
Those things are trivial to me.
Let's do it.
For the Republic of Korea.
[Tae-jun] Case 123 of the year 2023.
Defendant, Mr. Han Jeong-sik.
I will now pronounce the judgment.
Please rise from your seat.
The judgment is as follows.
I hereby sentence the defendant,
Mr. Han Jeong-sik to
[Nam-gil singing]
Here ♪
Is the true guilty one ♪
[Tae-jun] Order. Silence in the court.
[loud thump]
As a citizen of our fair republic,
I hereby expose
the corruption of this judge
who stains this entire court.
Huh? Uh
Remove him right away!
[Nam-gil] This judge presiding
over a sacred court of law
paves the way for drug traffickers.
So tell me, who's really guilty here?
I respectfully suggest you ask your gavel!
-Get out of here!
-[maniacal laughter]
Unhand me!
Unhand me now! Unhand me now!
[Nam-gil] By God
I still have 12 banners left!
Do you hear me? Twelve banners left!
[Nam-gil screaming]
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Jung Ba-hun reporting.
Our guest is the face of Korea's
most prominent drug-related investigation,
Moon Seong-u, Deputy Chief Prosecutor
of the Seoul Central District.
Welcome, sir.
[door closes]
[tense music playing]
Keep your cool.
[Ba-hun] There is some controversy
over a certain claim regarding a drug
-that is undetectable in tests.
-Not gonna be tensed.
[Ba-hun] Is this something
your office is aware of?
All drugs, uh,
they're all basically detectable
from the moment they enter the body.
An undetectable substance
simply could not exist.
I'd stake my career on that.
-[clears throat]
-Did you see that?
I thought she was taking
a weight-loss pill.
[Ba-hun] Huh?
There weren't any drugs
found in the autopsy,
but they told me
she needed to take an antidote.
-Focus on her. Zoom in.
-I couldn't afford it
because it was too expensive.
We always targeted wealthy clients.
At the end of the day,
they're the only ones who had the cash.
What I do know
is that the antidote business
is completely controlled by Doogo.
I'm in charge of 100 members.
But in Korea, there are a lot
of distributors working under Madam Kim.
-[Hee-sik] So that's how widespread
-this weight-loss pill is?
-Hey, Hee-sik, here they come.
[crew] What's going on?
What are you doing?
[staff] Hey, let go.
You're not allowed to be in here!
You heard me? Hey!
[upbeat music playing]
[phone vibrates]
Yes, Nam-gil.
You have to see this for yourself,
Ms. Hwang.
It's off the charts.
Quick, check the Internet.
All we have to do now
is find the sea slug shipment route.
It just so happens that I know
the shipping company that brings them in
because, after all, I am a businesswoman.
Wow, Mom, you're so cool.
I agree.
Let's see it.
[Nam-soon] So cool!
[Nam-soon] This is so nice.
[Zolzaya] Tsetseg.
[calm music playing]
-[Zolzaya] It's been so long.
Oh, sweetheart. How have you been?
Is Dad here?
I came alone.
His heart has been weak lately.
[Zolzaya] The doctor told him not to fly.
And also, the excitement of seeing
you again might be too much for him.
We can have a video call with him later.
[both chuckle]
This is my mom.
It's so nice to meet you.
Here's my dad.
Nice to meet you.
My brother, Nam-in.
[Zolzaya] Hello.
This is my uncle, Hwang Geum-dong.
Nice to meet you.
So this is my family.
I'm Bong-go.
I'm Nam-soon's father.
Thank you so much.
[Bong-go] So much.
For everything.
Thank you.
[touching music playing]
[Nam-soon] Wow!
[line rings]
-Please enjoy.
-All right.
I hope you like it.
I will.
-Hey, Mom, I have a boyfriend now.
A super cutie pie!
[chuckles] I'm sure.
-I'll show you his picture.
He's as bright as the summer sun.
Every part of him.
Even his lashes.
Does that mean
I'll have grandchildren soon?
Nam-soon, come on. Let's dance.
[dark music playing]
Gang Nam-soon and her family,
have you found them?
Well, she disappeared after the broadcast.
We haven't been able to track her.
[Sang-cheol] She's using a GPS jammer.
We don't think she's in Seoul, however.
I can wait.
[bright music playing]
[both] Whoo!
[all cheering, clapping]
Who knew my daughter could dance?
So good.
Say "That was my thank you for the meal."
That was my thank you for the meal.
[all chuckling, cheering]
Oh, how lovely.
[line rings]
-[line rings]
Good morning, dear.
Gan Home-sik's not picking up.
Mom, I'm worried.
It's because he's been arrested.
He's still in his holding cell.
They put a cop in a holding cell?
[metal clanks, squeaks]
So this is what being inside feels like.
Do you have anything
for us to read in here?
-Like a Bible?
-At least give us some cards, huh?
We'll get bored, huh?
And my phone call.
[Seok-ho] I need to tell my mom
I won't be home tonight.
Oh, maybe I can slip through.
Nam-gil managed to escape somehow.
He's hiding out at my Gangneung villa.
I'm sure he's having a great time.
Hee-sik, well done.
He truly will make
an ideal husband for someone.
[deep breath]
I'm still worried.
He'll be okay, won't he?
Don't you worry. He'll be okay.
I know your mom
wanted to take a tour of Busan.
Why don't you show her around?
I have some things to take care of.
Good idea, Mom.
[man] Ms. Hwang, I've put in a word
with the captain of the ship.
We've finished filming the products.
After spending a day
in the Busan fish hatchery,
they'll be transported to Seoul.
These shipments, what's the quantity?
[man] Each shipment is around two tons.
Send me the address of the fish hatchery.
I'll go there myself.
[funky music playing]
Bb Bread Boy?
Hwang Geum-ju?
[birds squawking]
[crunches, moans]
Hang on.
What are you doing in Busan?
I could ask you the same question.
What are you doing here?
Well, I'm from Busan.
What? I thought you came
to Korea from Wall Street.
I was lying.
What? Can't believe it.
Are you actually admitting you're a fraud?
[Geum-ju] Okay, fine.
Be straight with me. Who is Bread Song?
At least answer that honestly.
I've asked you this 30 times now.
[ship horn honks]
The truth is
that I'm an orphan.
[Bread] Although I was born in Busan,
so how I ended up in Russia
was via an anchovy fishing ship.
[Geum-ju] "Anchovy fishing ship"?
An anchovy fishing ship.
I got kicked out of the orphanage at 14.
I've been on my own since I turned 18.
In truth, I have never
even been to the US.
I'm starting to see clearly.
When I was in Russia,
my diet consisted solely of Choco Pies.
That was when Choco Pies
first came into Russia.
The Russians go completely crazy
for Choco Pies.
So naturally, I started selling them.
The anchovy ship became a Choco Pie ship.
I started working hard
and making good money.
In fact, my nickname at the time
was Mr. Choco Song.
Let's pack up.
That photograph.
[Geum-ju] Explain it to me.
The photograph you tore up.
With you and Ryu Si-o together.
That photo.
It shows my shameful past.
The Choco Pie ship
was technically still an anchovy ship.
Which means I was smuggling.
Choco Pies?
I got caught
by the Russian police eventually.
So then I started going all over Russia,
selling the Choco Pies I had left.
Kazan, Ufa, Omsk, Perm, and Moscow.
When that photo was taken.
Choco Pies ♪
That photo shows me back
when I was a lowly peddler.
And when you shoved it in my face,
I felt like Choco Song all over again.
I was caught off guard, all right?
I was upset.
You don't know Ryu Si-o?
This name, who the hell is this guy?
Please tell me. I'm getting curious now.
[sharp inhale]
What are you doing in Busan?
I come down here sometimes
when I feel lonely.
[singing] Busan seagull, please ♪
Have you really forgotten
All about me? ♪
Busan seagull, please ♪
-Busan seagull, please ♪
-[Geum-ju] Will you shut up? Please!
-You're making a scene.
-Have you really forgotten? ♪
All about, all about me? ♪
Shut up. Shut up. Ugh.
Dad, Mom told us to just eat in the villa.
What was the point
of coming to Busan then?
We should enjoy the sea.
When Mom finds out, she'll be
Mom's here.
[Bread] Geum-ju, baby.
Wipe the sugar off my lips with yours.
Hold on.
Since you're going
to be kissing off my lipstick
I might as well put some more on.
That kind of seems like a waste.
[sensual music playing]
[Bread] Come closer.
Geum-ju baby.
I feel like I'm being sucked into you.
I can see I'm just wasting my time here.
[Geum-ju] I'm going now.
[sensual music playing]
[ship horn honks]
Huh? But
I know a good number of people in Russia.
[Bread] And I think you may
need help with something.
Well, why don't we scratch
each other's backs here?
What can I do to assist you?
-Come on, let's take a pic.
And say cheese.
[camera shutter clicks]
[bright music playing]
[both exclaim, giggle]
"The sea."
"The sea"?
[both gasp, chuckle]
[both] Oh!
So how does it taste?
Apparently, gukbap is famous in Busan.
-Sort of like bantan.
We should have some.
As long as we face the sea.
I really like the sea.
Since we don't have any back home.
-Catch me if you can!
[Zolzaya] I can't.
[gulps, sighs]
Oh, for god's sake.
[Guk-jong] Get off me.
[both grunting]
[door slides open]
Oh, god.
[Guk-jong] Hey.
You got some nerve, you adulteress.
-You call me an adulteress? You little
Ms. Gil, if you get violent,
it can work against you in court.
[blows air]
I couldn't have said it better.
So look here.
I've already been beaten up.
The jerk she committed her adultery with
came in here and tore my mouth up.
I've gotten myself a lawyer.
You should get one as well.
I'll even pay their fee.
Aren't I so nice?
Uh, a lawsuit, you say?
That Seo Jun-hee, I will sue
that jerk for adultery as well.
-Mr. Hwang, I'm sorry to tell you.
But what you just said
won't reflect well on you in court.
Adultery has been decriminalized
for seven years.
-You just said with your own words
that you've been away
from your family for a long time.
Wait, adultery is no longer a crime?
Why not? It was a perfectly good crime.
There's no such thing as "a good crime."
Oh, please. Come on.
You're reading way too much into it.
[Guk-jong] Why isn't it a crime anymore?
I need to have
that goddamn adulterer locked up in jail.
Will you stop using that word?
Hey! Please stop.
[deep breath]
We can be civil and get this done.
But you need to promise
to act like a gentleman, okay?
Like hell. All's fair
in love and war, isn't it?
I'm not giving you up ever.
Oh, that chance is long gone!
That should've been your attitude
when you abandoned me ten years ago.
Well, that's 'cause I went
to Tibet, you know, honey.
What? You didn't need me back then?
When you were young and healthy?
And now that you're old and sick,
you say you need me desperately
and come crawling here on your ass, huh?
In your dreams! Get lost!
No, I won't!
I'll never get lost!
You'll be by my side
till we die of old age!
Why you
Please stop!
You just said you'll be civil.
I don't need it. You hear me?
-You're no match for me, you little
-Wait, wait!
Please calm down. Keep it together.
-Keep it together.
-All right, I will.
I will.
-That's it! You little!
-Ah, don't!
When I get my hands on you, you're dead!
Do you hear me? Dead!
-[Hwa-ja] Cheers.
-[friends] Cheers.
[all exhale]
Wow, you really turned your life around.
No lie. You look great.
Well, Mom gave me an allowance
and a place to live,
so I'm going back to school.
I'm getting excavator certified.
That's the plan.
Work hard and earn a living the right way.
You mean Gang Nam-soon's mom, right?
You guys, I just had an idea.
Let's all go legit.
I don't want my friends getting hurt.
If I can do it, so can you.
I'll help you guys.
[touching music playing]
[line dials, rings]
[friend 1] Thanks for the food.
-Where are you headed?
-Going back home.
-Take care.
-[friend 2] Bye.
[foreboding music playing]
-[flesh pierces]
[tense music playing]
[Hwa-ja coughs]
[Hwa-ja's labored breathing]
I said I'd kill you if you lied.
And you did.
Gang Nam-soon was Tsetseg.
[tense music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[Geum-ju] Hello?
I just saw you called.
Is everything all right?
[agitated exhale]
[prosecutor] I'm sorry, sir.
Based on Judge Hwang's testimony,
you'll be investigated
along with Ryu Si-o and the Heritage Club.
There's public uproar over the matter,
so there's no avoiding this.
The court is just upstairs.
[heels clacking]
[eerie music playing]
[assassin 1] Who does this old woman
think she is attacking our boss?
[assassin 2] Obviously, this isn't
the work of just one old woman.
So who did it?
[loud thump]
[action music playing]
Joong-gan, run! Save yourself!
How dare you lay a hand on him?
-Come on!
Huh? Oh, no!
[grunts, groans]
-[body thuds]
[birds chirping]
-[assassin 3] Mad lady.
[groans, thuds]
[romantic music playing]
[Joong-gan sobbing]
[server] Hello.
[Joong-gan] You've been through an ordeal.
I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Don't worry about it.
All because of me.
If you're going to spend
the rest of your life with me,
you'll have to deal
with this kind of thing.
No matter what, I will stand by you.
Go on, eat up, honey.
I think this is the best dish
in the whole restaurant.
-It's tasty.
-Isn't it?
How about, after this,
we go for cocktails?
And see where the night
leads us, huh? Hmm?
Open it, please.
-[keys jingle]
[cop] You're free.
Orders of the new commissioner general.
Come on out.
You really kicked the hornet's nest.
The whole country is going crazy.
Because of you,
Ryu Si-o's on the wanted list
and banned from leaving the country.
I wouldn't be surprised
if a lot of people resigned over this.
[cool music playing]
Thank you, sir.
[Seok-ho] All right. Nice job, guys.
Hey, that doesn't include you, buddy.
[cheeky laughter]
Thank you, sir.
[phone vibrates]
I want you back on the case.
You and the whole drug unit.
A special prosecution is taking it on.
[fireworks whistling, exploding]
[Nam-in giggles]
Dad, after this, let's go home.
You wanna stay out?
I saw your mom with
with another man in
You mean Mom
I had no idea.
[deep breath]
I don't know why I feel like crying.
I'm so sad.
I shouldn't be. We're divorced.
Dad, it can't be.
I'll ask Mom about it.
This must be how Uncle feels.
Come on now, Dad.
Why are you crying?
I don't know why.
But my heart aches so much.
Oh, Dad.
It's okay.
[knocks on door]
Who's there?
It's Hwang Geum-dong.
Are you all right?
You doing okay?
I'm not all right, but I'm okay.
You can't be okay if you're not all right.
It doesn't make sense.
You know, I'm not really
in the mood for jokes.
What I really need is rest.
[Geum-dong grunts]
[seductive music playing]
[Geum-dong] Na-young.
If you need someone,
I'm here for you.
-All right?
-Just stop.
You're creeping me out, Hwang Geum-dong.
Look, stop clinging
and leave me alone or I'll
-[door slams]
Sorry. You're just not my type.
Understand? I like my men rugged.
-[Na-young] So quit it!
-Na-young, I
-[door slams]
[phone vibrates]
[Jeong-suk] Mr. Ryu, it's all over.
Judge Hwang and Prosecutor Moon
have both been arrested.
We have the CTA4885-gate.
Plus, the new Commissioner General
Lee Jeong-sik
is playing a wild card
to put all of us behind bars.
Where is the Commissioner General now?
[foreboding music playing]
One ballpoint pen.
Half millimeter.
-[deep inhale]
-[veins squelching]
[dramatic sting]
[vehicle approaches]
[tires screech]
[Jeong-sik] The hell?
-[driver] You all right, sir?
[foreboding music playing]
-Go check it out.
-Go see.
What are you doing?
[tires screech]
[labored breathing, coughs]
My sister called. She's all right.
She says nobody's going
to bother her anymore.
Glad to hear it.
[relieved sigh]
I believe that for all the bad people
there are in this world,
there are more good people
to balance them out.
This is the video I took today
at the sea slug hatchery.
Can you edit it?
Yes, Ms. Hwang.
-[phone vibrates]
-I'm just going to the bathroom.
[Hwa-ja] Hi, it's me, Hwa-ja.
-[door closes]
-How are you, Gang Nam-soon?
[Nam-soon] I'm fine. It's been a while.
How about you?
-[phone vibrates]
-[Hwa-ja] I'm fine. Thanks.
[phone vibrates]
[dramatic sting]
[Hee-sik] According to regulation,
we're still on duty.
So starting tomorrow,
let's ditch this place for good.
[Seok-ho sighs]
I feel like we're leaving
this place way too soon.
It's such a shame.
[Young-tak] I wonder
That thing's a safe, right?
[Seok-ho] Yeah.
Must be a ton of money in there, huh?
Diamonds too, right?
-Hee-sik's lucky.
[Sun-kyu] Bro, can you adopt me
when you're married? I'm serious.
I'll even cut off
my biological parents if you want.
Sheesh, ungrateful prick.
Oh, man. If there's no one
in this house right now,
why can't we just leave
the basement, you know?
For sure there's guest rooms somewhere.
She said to stay hidden like in Parasite.
[yawns] Come on, no one's here anyway.
Let's make ourselves ramen at least.
I mean, if we're parasites.
[Hee-sik snores]
Get up.
-Hey, let's go.
-[Hee-sik] Stop that.
Let's go. Let's go.
We'll come right back after we eat.
Over here's kimchi.
Hurry up.
[door opens]
-[Joong-gan] Come in, sweetie.
-[Jun-hee] Sure.
Oh, sweetie.
Yeah. What's up, hon?
Should we watch the rest
of that Netflix show we started?
Good idea. Let's finish it.
-[Joong-gan] Sweetie.
Do you smell ramen or something?
[Jun-hee] You're right.
I do.
Nice and spicy.
Should we make some for us?
-[Jun-hee] Should we?
-[Joong-gan moans]
But I'll get fat.
You're so slim. How can you say that?
[Jun-hee grunts]
[Joong-gan] I'm really heavy, oh, sweetie.
You're as light as a feather.
Oh, no, now don't be wasting
your energy. You'll need it later.
[both chuckle]
Oh, sweetie.
[Joong-gan] I'm blushing.
The women of this family
are really interesting.
Hey, you better prepare.
Let's clean up and return
to our Parasite bunker while they're gone.
-Let's go right now. Come on.
-Let's go.
-[Seok-ho] Hurry. Quietly.
-[Young-tak] Quietly.
[softly] Tidy up. Tidy up.
-Tidy up.
[phone vibrates]
[softly] Hello?
The commissioner general?
[tense music playing]
[Hwa-ja] Well, actually, I'm dead.
Ryu Si-o killed me just now,
all because I told him
I didn't know who you were.
Ryu Si-o.
You finally found out who I really am.
[Si-o] Now it's your turn.
[Geum-ju] Ryu Si-o.
I'm going to show the world
how far evil is capable of going.
[Su-san] It's been a while, Ms. Hwang.
[Geum-ju] I'm so disappointed.
You shouldn't be working
with drug traffickers.
Where's Bread Song?
[Nam-soon] I can't live an ordinary life,
even if it means I die.
[Hee-sik] Then what about everyone else?
You can't die. Promise me.
Do you still care
about the parents who raised you?
[Nam-soon] What is it you want?
[Si-o] I thought
I'd give you one final test.
-[Joong-gan] Where is Nam-soon?
-[Geum-ju] I don't know.
Nam-soon will die!
[Joong-gan] I will leave this world
having saved my children.
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