Taxi Driver (2021) s01e14 Episode Script

The Rainbow Transport Team In Danger

What do you mean, you have a plan?
Baek's holding my colleagues captive.
They've been abducted?
If I don't show up,
there's no telling what she'll do.
Our revenge…
came back to us as revenge.
What's your plan?
I'll let her be judged by the law.
I'm going to catch Baek Seong-mi
no matter what.
That's the only way to save my team.
So please let me go.
Once I'm done,
I'll return for questioning.
A choice comes with responsibilities.
I will pay the price.
Where is Kim Do-gi?
I'm here.
Get him!
-Where did he go?
-Where is he?
-You go that way!
You little rat!
Where did he go?
My gosh.
Look at how nice Maria looks.
She looks even prettier through this.
You look like an actress.
You're the best.
You're much better than the other girl.
Go-eun, you're up.
-What happened…
-Hey. Jeong-eun's sister.
-Stop touching that.
-Damn it.
-Damn it.
-What is this?
You're up.
I never knew
Jeong-eun had a sister like this.
If I knew, I would've been better to her.
Don't you dare say her name
with your filthy mouth,
unless you want to die.
You're a bit on the rough side.
Jeong-eun was very gentle, you know?
-Just wait a bit longer.
-Go away.
You and I can play rough.
Man, that scumbag.
I told him not to touch that.
Hey, you.
Will you stop touching that? Come on.
What's the big deal?
I only touched a few buttons.
-What's with the temper?
-You know what this is?
Yes, I do. I know enough. Whatever.
How long am I supposed to wait?
How annoying.
I've already waited long enough.
We have to get out of here.
-I'm not getting mad.
-Go-eun. Over here.
-Maria. Let's get started.
Okay, look.
Where are my colleagues?
I'll tell you.
On your way to hell.
Tell me. Right now.
I have no idea, you asshole.
You'd better talk properly.
Where are you?
We haven't reached their hideout yet.
Where's Kim Do-gi?
Just as you wanted, he's barely alive.
Bring him over.
And about Choi Min.
I think he took the girls
and went somewhere else.
His phone is off too.
Do you know where he is?
I don't.
After you bring Kim Do-gi here,
go get Choi Min too.
Then I'll pay you double.
Yes, sir.
By the way…
Why are you speaking politely to me?
You idiot!
Damn it.
-Mr. Choi.
No, wait. No!
Baek Seong-mi! Have you gone insane?
What do you think you're doing?
Stop it.
I'm starting to get bored.
You know where this is, right?
It's one finger for every five minutes.
Take your time.
We've got plenty of fingers left.
Where's Choi Min?
I have no idea, you idiot.
I'm going to hit you for real now.
The warehouse!
The warehouse where he shoots
his videos.
The warehouse? That place is…
We'll be too late if we save Go-eun first.
Then you go get Go-eun first.
-I'll head over to see Ms. Baek.
-What's your plan?
I'll try to stall the best I can.
No, it's too dangerous.
I ran away all by myself
even though I saw
Mr. Jang and Gyeong-gu captured there.
I wanted to save myself.
So let me do this.
Don't tell me
you let him go.
Gu Yeong-tae told me about his accomplice.
It wasn't Kim Do-gi.
Then who was it?
His twin brother, Gu Seok-tae.
The stab on Sim U-seop's back.
It was you.
There's no use in denying it.
We found your DNA in there.
You idiot.
One! Two!
You probably cut your hand
when you stabbed him.
And we found another DNA from that wound.
It belonged to Investigator Wang Min-ho,
who was killed at the scene.
My brother abducted U-seop,
and he's in charge
of the trafficking operation.
All I did was stab him once or twice.
That's all.
Where's the weapon?
It wasn't mine.
My brother made it.
He said if it's long and narrow,
we can stab people even deeper.
That little rat just came out.
Crush him.
Make sure you kill him.
Kill him?
-Didn't you want him alive?
-It doesn't matter.
Yes, that's more like it.
Go-eun, please hang on a bit longer.
I'm so bored.
Has it been five minutes?
If I hit it the wrong way,
you'll never get to use your hand again.
You aren't going to die
from a broken hand, right?
That's enough!
Just break my hand instead.
I need a cigarette.
Fingers aren't going to cut it.
Did you know?
Your eyes.
They are clear yet cold.
They're charismatic like a wolf
that found its prey
in a snowy field.
Give me those.
Then I won't lay a hand on him.
Take them.
No, Mr. Jang.
Now, this is getting interesting.
Don't be scared. It'll end in a flash.
When I stab your eyes with this,
your clear eyes will turn murky.
I love that moment so much.
It brings me this odd pleasure.
I'll hold onto him well.
How can I put this?
It feels
like I'm throwing a stone
into a clear lake.
We've arrived at the scene.
-You go that way.
-Yes, sir.
Don't forget your walkie-talkies.
Go. Hey.
His colleagues? Then…
Jang Seong-cheol, Choi Gyeong-gu,
An Go-eun. They're all unreachable.
They might have been abducted
like Kim Do-gi insisted.
The phone is turned off.
You will be redirected to voicemail.
Who'd do this?
Kim Do-gi named Ms. Baek Seong-mi.
Why would she do that?
We can't investigate this case anyway.
There's no evidence she gave this to him.
So what will you do now?
Arrest Gu Seok-tae without a warrant
and conduct a search on Nakwon C&C.
Of course, we don't know if he's there,
and strictly speaking,
I can't do
a search and seizure at this hour.
Do it. Don't worry about the consequences.
Yes, sir.
It's you, Prosecutor Kang.
What brings you here at this hour?
Where is Gu Seok-tae?
Mr. Gu?
He's off for the next few days.
What is it?
We've been ordered to arrest Gu Seok-tae.
For murdering Sim U-seop and Wang Min-ho.
-Search the place.
-Get inside.
-Yes, sir.
-What are you doing?
Move aside!
What is this?
I'll have all of you arrested
for obstruction of justice.
Where's your warrant?
A warrant isn't required
for an emergency arrest.
Please move.
Open up.
Why is Prosecutor Kang here?
In any case, she just bought us some time.
We must find Gu Seok-tae
and the weapon first.
Search every corner a person might hide.
There might be people from Rainbow Taxi
who have been abducted.
Find the knife Gu Seok-tae used to stab
Sim U-seop and Wang Min-ho.
Okay, we're looking through everything
from cabinets to safes.
Yes, sir.
Where was that thing?
Found it. Hey.
Hey, get ready to shoot.
Can't I just do it with her?
How can we film it if she's tied up?
Untie her.
You're right.
Maria. I kept you waiting, right?
Maria, I'll let you go.
One second. Stay right there. It's okay.
Maria, you smell so good.
Okay. All done.
All right.
Maria, hey.
I already came up with a plan.
We'll buy a house with a yard,
have two pretty girls who take after you
and a brave son who looks like--
Maria, run!
Hey, Maria!
Maria, you have to go.
Hey! Maria! Move over!
Maria! I said move!
-You said you like it rough. You like it?
Come with me.
Hey, Maria.
Hey, Maria. Wait.
Let's talk for a moment.
Let's talk, Maria. One second.
Hey, Maria. Hey.
Why do you keep running away?
-Please spare me.
-Spare you? What do you mean?
I thought of you the whole time
I was in that hell.
But you were very happy out there.
-Hey, say something.
-Is it wrong for me to love you?
-Let me live.
Is that so wrong?
I love you!
I love you. Maria…
Let's play rough.
You can't try to run away
after ruining my perfectly good life.
Why did you do that to me?
What did I do so wrong?
Is it because of Jeong-eun?
Why are you being so sensitive?
Do you miss your sister?
Do you want me to show you?
Isn't she pretty?
How is this…
Look at her.
Isn't it nice to see your sister?
Your sister's life will never end.
I'll make sure she's remembered forever.
So she's never forgotten.
Don't cry.
I'll do the same for you.
I'll make you look pretty.
A video of An Jeong-eun's sister.
If I upload it like that, it'll be a hit.
No, stop!
Are you all right?
Long time no see.
Seeing you here brings back old memories.
What did you do to Go-eun?
It's nothing compared to what you did.
Go-eun, are you okay?
Oh, no.
What did I do…
With you,
the problem isn't this.
I'm sorry. Please don't.
It's this.
You might end up killing him.
His phone.
It's all right.
Everything is okay now.
The police will be here soon.
just let us go.
We won't ever show up again.
Right. When the police get here,
you won't be okay either.
Let's settle this amicably as possible.
Abducting us was wrong too.
If I don't throw all of you in prison,
I might end up killing one of you.
Damn it.
This is taking longer than I expected.
Then open this so we can speed things up.
Oh, that one?
If you're curious, we'll open it for you.
-Open it up.
-Yes, ma'am.
You're handling it too rough.
Please try to be gentle.
Please open this one too.
That's Mr. Gu's personal safe.
If you don't know the code,
we'll take the safe.
I can't believe what you're doing.
Shouldn't you open these on your own? No?
Babe. Be gentle with other people's stuff.
Go-eun, are you all right?
Did you get hurt?
I'm fine. Thanks to you two.
I didn't do much.
Prosecutor Kang just came by
with a bunch of officers.
Great work.
Mr. Park, I see you.
Where are you?
Mr. Park.
I finally got you, you jerk.
You jerk.
Did you think I wouldn't find you?
Who the hell is this? He's not--
Mr. Park, wake up.
Mr. Park!
Go-eun, call for an ambulance. Hurry!
Someone got hurt here.
Please get here quick!
Mr. Park.
Wake up, Mr. Park.
Mr. Park.
Are you okay?
Mr. Park, wake up.
Mr. Park.
Open your eyes, please.
I'm fine.
Hurry up and go find
Gyeong-gu and Mr. Jang.
Please take care of them.
Don't worry.
I'll save them all. Please.
Please stay with me.
Sorry for always asking you to do things,
Mr. Kim.
Thank you.
No. Mr. Park.
Mr. Park.
Mr. Park.
Mr. Park.
Mr. Park!
Mr. Park.
Open your eyes.
Mr. Park, open your eyes!
Please wake up!
What the… That son of a bitch…
Damn it!
That little rat!
Die, you jerk!
That little…
Die, asshole!
How dare you mess with me? You asshole!
What the hell?
That rat…
Bring it on.
I'm going to kill you
even if I die trying, asshole!
You crazy son of a bitch!
Where are you going? You're hurt.
Stay with Mr. Park.
I'll go get Mr. Jang and Mr. Choi.
I promised
Mr. Park.
Locking you up in there
is what the prisoners wanted.
Who knew things would turn out like this?
How does it feel to be trapped in there?
I'm wondering
where it went all wrong.
I suppose it's the moment
I chose to work with a monster like you
to take care of other monsters.
I am regretting it.
To the point where I want
to kill the fool that I was back then.
That stings a little.
I liked you.
From what you were doing
to the way you released your rage,
I liked everything about you.
I can turn everything back.
I'll give you a chance.
Join me again.
You can catch and lock up bad guys
while I save lives with their organs.
You said your duty was
to isolate monsters from society.
Let's do it together.
Are you refusing because I'm a monster?
Be rational about it, Mr. Jang.
If you permit just one monster,
you can get rid of all the other monsters.
Can you promise me
you won't hurt innocent people?
Mr. Jang.
You'll bring me all the bad guys.
Why would I hurt innocent civilians?
All right, then.
Take my hand.
Then I'll give you a new cornea as a gift.
Come on.
Did you think I'd be tempted
by that ridiculous offer?
I may be a fool,
but I'm not a monster.
Are you sure you won't regret this?
I guess you still don't know
what we're like.
We lost our families to crimes.
Do you know what that means?
I'm fine.
Hurry up and go find
Gyeong-gu and Mr. Jang.
Please take care of them.
Sorry for always asking you to do things,
Mr. Kim.
Thank you.
Don't worry.
I'll save them all.
Please stay with me.
It means we must live
the rest of our lives
trapped inside the flames of rage.
Damn it!
You little…
Inside the ice-cold flames of rage.
We started this
to try to live decent lives.
But what?
You want me to sell people?
Just kill me instead.
All right then.
should just die.
-Mr. Kim!
Hey, asshole! Stop right there!
You piece of…
Get over here, you asshole!
The look in your eyes
is confusing me.
Are you here to save or kill?
Take one more step
if you want to watch them be decapitated.
On your knees.
Do-gi. Don't get down on your knees.
He's right.
You don't need to degrade yourself.
We're fine.
You're clearly not fine at all.
I promised Mr. Park
that I'd get Mr. Jang
and you
out of here.
No, don't!
I lost.
Let's stop this.
You punk.
Stop it, you asshole!
-Mr. Kim!
-Mr. Kim!
Mr. Kim.
Can you hear me? Mr. Kim.
No… Please say something, Mr. Kim!
Please take care of them.
Sorry for always asking you to do things.
You're so lame.
So lame.
Get rid of him.
It's not over yet.
-I said, it's not over yet.
Let them go now.
You can't kill me anyway.
Hold onto them tight! You got that?
You crazy son of a bitch!
If you make me say "Let them go" again,
I'll draw a line down your face.
Should I say it again?
Let them go now.
Let them go at once, you idiots!
Get out of here.
What about you? We should go together!
I'll be right behind you.
How could a man stoop so low
and take a woman hostage?
Aren't you ashamed of yourself,
you little bitch?
I am ashamed,
but they clearly outnumber me right now.
-Kill him!
You little…
Kim Do-gi, that lunatic!
What were you doing?
You can't even handle that prick?
The car! Where's the car?
Go ahead, ma'am.
Get away from me, you lunatic!
Hey, what are you doing? Damn it!
Kim Do-gi! That little…
Kim Do-gi! You son of a bitch!
I'll teach you a lesson. I will kill you.
What the hell is this?
Goddamn, that son of a bitch!
Kim Do-gi! You asshole!
Looks like it's over now.
Just give up.
Then I'll kill you
as painlessly as possible.
I will never forgive you.
For the sake of Mr. Park.
I see.
I was wondering why you were going crazy.
I guess he died.
Someone got their revenge.
I bet it was one of the prisoners.
Why do you think
only your revenge is justified?
Your prisoners are seeking
revenge against you.
Shut up!
This world is a simple place.
If you're a scumbag to me,
that's more than enough reason
to get revenge.
And that's why
my revenge is justified too.
Goodbye, Kim Do-gi.
The next one is live.
Is it just you two?
With a single gun?
Then go ahead and make a false move,
so I can just shoot you.
Please, calm down.
On your knees.
On your knees, asshole!
Drop your weapons and get on the ground.
Drop your weapons.
Drop your weapons.
-Don't move. You.
-Don't move.
Don't move.
Drop your weapons!
Drop your weapon, punk.
-Drop it.
-On your knees, assholes!
Arrest them all!
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Gu Seok-tae.
-You're under arrest for assault.
It's okay now.
You have the right to an attorney
and the right to defend yourself.
It's all over now, Prosecutor Kang.
If you take my firearm like that,
I'll need to file an accident report.
-That hurts.
-Hey, you!
-Eyes down!
-What the hell?
-What's your problem?
Yes, we're at the scene.
Damn it.
Mr. Kim!
Kim Do-gi!
Kim Do-gi!
Get away from me, you lunatic!
Why aren't these idiots calling me?
-Ma'am, the cops are here.
What? The cops?
Are you saying everyone got arrested?
Go to the villa in Songdo now
and get all my bags.
Let me get some air.
I need some rest! I need a break.
I'm so annoyed!
That son of a bitch!
Open up.
What's going on?
What is that?
-Kill him.
-Kill him!
What are you doing? Stop him!
You little prick!
Why are you following me?
Go kill that punk!
I'm so sick of you.
Do you have a cigarette?
You want payback for everything
you've been through.
It's natural to feel that way.
Kill me.
I said, kill me.
Here. Kill me.
You came here to kill me, didn't you?
So go ahead and kill me.
Kill me, you moron. What?
You can't do it?
Don't drag it out. Just kill me!
Why? You can't do it?
Then you can die, asshole!
That hurts! Damn it!
That really hurt…
-Go get them!
Dying is too easy.
Pay for your sins
for the rest of your life.
Although it won't be enough
to wash them all away.
Do you think I won't get out?
I have leverage over a slew
of political and financial big shots, kid.
Go ahead and call them.
Call everyone you can.
We'll lock them up too.
Damn it. This is driving me crazy.
It hurts!
-Grab her.
-It hurts! Hey!
-Why you…
-Grab her.
Hey, my hair! My hair's stuck!
I said, my hair is stuck!
You crazy bitch!
Did you hand her over
because you trust us now?
It means I have faith in you.
Thank you.
Mr. Kim.
Mr. Kim!
Mr. Kim!
-I think it's time to wrap this up.
-You want to shut it down?
Violence breeds violence,
and revenge breeds revenge.
You all saw that.
-This place is…
-I brought them here,
and Ms. Baek managed them.
-You were Baek Seong-mi's accomplice?
I'll keep my word and pay for my crimes.
I, Oh Cheol-yeong, killed her,
but Nam Gyu-jeong was convicted.
Let's request a retrial.
Does the statute of limitations
matter more than people?
I killed your mother.
The killer was caught years ago.
"I made soybean paste stew,
your favorite."
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