The Apothecary Diaries (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Atarashii shukuhi

- Are you serious?
- Of course.
Maomao came back,
so now's our chance, right?
All done. Unlike the rear palace,
there are no good medicinal herbs
in the outer palace.
I have to keep growing more bit by bit.
Didn't I ask you to clean the office?
Right away, ma'am!
Go easy on the gardening, alright?
She's a tough opponent.
- What does this mean?
- I don't know
Excuse me, sir.
You know about the new Pure Concubine
in the Garnet Pavilion, yes?
The successor for Concubine Ah-Duo,
who left?
The rear palace wants to educate
this new concubine.
They want you to be the instructor.
You must be joking.
Why would I make such a joke?
Here's the name of the person
who recommended you.
Recommended me?
And there's another one.
Lady Lihua
It must be that
So, I'm counting on you.
I can't ignore the request of
two concubines
They even listed how much I would
get paid.
Grams really ripped them off, huh?
Now's the chance
Are these teaching supplies you'll use
for your lessons?
Yes. And here's the bill.
Just this?
The color of the ink is different here.
She's really tough!
With her around, I can't be ripping
off Young Master.
What's inside?
I can't have him seeing my
precious teaching supplies!
Fine, I won't look.
Should I help you carry these?
No thank you.
If I have to do this, I'll go all in!
It's been a while being in
this environment.
The feminine atmosphere calms me.
- It's Sir Jinshi!
- He's as beautiful as always.
There are a lot of spectators today.
They probably heard rumors about
the lessons.
Listen up.
The classes are only open
to high-ranking concubines.
If that's not you, step back.
Is this eunuch some kind of
supernatural figure?
You mustn't!
You said yourself that the lessons are for
high-ranking concubines only.
He's stronger than he looks!
Beyond this point is a top-confidential
secret art only for women!
Lady Gyokuyou is as beautiful as ever.
Looks like Ms. Hongniang is
doing well, too.
Lady Lishu seems to be nervous.
Well, it can't be helped, with
three other high-ranking concubines here.
As long as the food taster attendant
is there, she should be alright.
Lady Lihua, too.
Her rich figure has returned,
and she seems to be doing well.
That attendant is from the
face powder incident
She doesn't need to be that scared!
Finally, the successor to
Concubine Ah-Duo.
The new Pure Concubine, Concubine Loulan.
Does she prefer those
southern-style flashy clothes?
Her facial features seem more northern,
but I can't really tell
Based on her age, the Emperor will
probably visit her at night.
Looks like the rear palace's balance
will be maintained for now, but
Whatever. That's not my business.
I'll be your instructor for today.
My name is Maomao.
What I'll be teaching you today
is a secret art to be used
in the garden of women.
Please keep it confidential.
Now, I'll hand out the teaching supplies.
What do you think is going on?
I can't tell
All done Huh?
Good work. You took a while.
He must've been eavesdropping.
What's going on?
What happened here?
You gotta change things up, you know?
Touch this like this
I can't. I can't do it.
Lady Lishu!
I just gave my lesson, like you asked.
Looks like the two recommenders
were satisfied with my lesson.
I couldn't tell what she was thinking
to the very end.
Use that any way you'd like.
What kind of lesson was it?
You can ask the Emperor
for his opinion later.
I'm so tired
I'm so excited to get paid!
This way!
I'd better not. So cold!
Sir Lakan? Sir Lakan!
Sir Lakan, I looked all over for you!
Does something bother you?
No. It's nothing.
What was the commotion last night?
He's a eunuch, but he also has work
for the outer palace, too?
Seems like he can't ignore proposed laws,
no matter how silly they are.
It's good paper.
Selling it would make some money.
What a waste to burn these.
The garbage incinerator is near
the military base
It's cold outside.
Thank you, sir.
He's watchful, as always.
What a waste that he's just a eunuch.
This is from Sir Jinshi!
I merely handed it to you!
I see.
He even needs permission to hand over
one padded gown to a maid?
Must be tough.
Thank you, Sir Jinshi.
Don't worry about it.
The outer palace is several times bigger
than the rear palace,
but I can't find many medicinal herbs.
Looks like the only usable herbs are
dandelions and mugworts,
which I can find anywhere
It's winter, so plants are hard to find,
but still
I should plant some seeds around here.
Red spider lily!
Here, and here!
The bulbs taste so good when you
soak them in water!
If you mess up removing the poison,
you'll suffer from a stomach ache, but
Sir Lihaku? His ribbon is a different
color than before
Did he get promoted?
Oh, hey, miss!
Sir Lihaku.
Are you here with a concubine?
It must be unusual,
leaving the rear palace.
He doesn't know I was fired?
This is Sir Lihaku. He's in love
with Big Sis Pairin, one of the
Three Princesses of the Verdigris House.
He's a loveable idiot,
trying to get promoted for a woman.
To call for Big Sis Pairin,
you need about half a year worth of salary
for the common man.
She's too expensive
to call upon frequently.
I hear he comes to the Verdigris House
often to have tea with apprentice girls.
But he never ran into her.
Now that he tasted the heavenly syrup,
he visits frequently to get
at least one look at her.
He's a hard worker, huh?
- Huh? What's wrong?
- Nothing.
I don't work in the rear palace anymore.
I work as an assigned
live-in servant for someone.
An assigned servant?
That person has some strange taste!
I agree with you.
You must be on some business.
Yeah, that's right.
It's a small fire.
Not rare at this time of year.
They don't know the source,
so I'm here to investigate.
A mysterious fire, huh?
The commotion last night
must be from this.
Anyone injured?
Just the warehouse guard.
His life isn't in danger
Hey, don't get too close.
Got it!
He tells me all that,
and then he tells me not to get involved?
The coal reached all the way
to the next room.
The debris
scattered all around the building.
This isn't a fire. It's an explosion.
I see.
So they suspect it might be arson, huh?
Now I know why Sir Lihaku,
and not just some
lowly official, is here to investigate.
If it's just some warehouse,
they may not care.
But this happened in the Emperor's Court.
This country is relatively peaceful,
but not everyone is satisfied
with the current state of things.
Foreign troops sometimes attack us,
and there have been
some famines and droughts.
We don't know for how long
peace with other nations will continue.
There must be foreign countries
dissatisfied with the status quo.
Is this charcoal? No, it's a burnt potato.
How wasteful.
This must be a food storage space, then.
Is this ivory work? Looks like a pipe.
Don't just wander around!
A smoking pipe
Explosion, food storage warehouse,
a smoking pipe
Are you listening?
I can hear you.
But not listening.
Was the burned warehouse
arranged like this room?
Yeah. Looks like the old stuff
goes in the back.
Can I have this?
That's probably fine.
Also this. And I'd need a hammer, a saw,
and some nails.
What are you planning on doing?
Just a little experiment.
All set.
You're weirdly good at this.
I grew up a peasant.
I'm good at making things we don't have.
That's flour, right?
Yes. It was in the storage.
Is this good?
And the kindling coal I asked for?
- It's right here.
- Thank you, sir.
What the heck is going on?
We're all ready to go.
It's dangerous, so please step back.
Oh, alright.
Be careful, Sir Lihaku.
What's so dangerous?
No matter what you do, miss,
I'm a soldier. I'll be fine.
Fine. Do what you'd like.
It's dangerous, so be careful.
Run away quickly, alright?
What? What do you mean, run?
Erase it right now!
Didn't I tell you?
So, what did what to cause an explosion?
This is the cause.
Yes. Powder like flour and buckwheat
is highly flammable,
and when it scatters in the air,
it can catch fire.
And this started the fire.
A smoking pipe?
If you sneak inside for a smoke,
the outside air flows inside,
causing the flour to scatter.
If you light the smoking pipe in that
The flour that filled the entire
warehouse will ignite,
causing an explosion.
You should tell the guards
not to smoke inside the warehouse.
How did you even know that?
I've accidentally blown up a room
I was renting in the Verdigris House.
You stupid girl!
Grams was so scary then
But it's strange to think
that powder can explode.
There are very few strange things
in this world.
If you think it's strange,
it just means you didn't know.
Be careful not to catch a cold.
If you do, Luomen's medicines
in the pleasure district will work well.
Old Man is bad at selling.
I have to contribute sometimes.
He can stop by
when he visits Big Sis Pairin.
- I'll be going back to work, then.
- Okay.
I brought this by accident.
If I clean this up and add a new
mouthpiece, would it work?
It could sell for a good amount of money.
This is too nice
for a warehouse guard to own.
Maybe it's something precious.
I should polish this and return it to him.
I can do it too Shit
Next episode, "Raw Fish."
Subtitle translation by: Yukimi Ohashi
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