The Assassins (2024) s01e14 Episode Script

Ascetic in Jerusalem

The brothers' thirst for power
made Al-Sabbah becomes more brutal
It's no longer time for hiding
and calling for dawah in secret.
and dives into the streets of Isfahan
It's a golden opportunity, when
Malik-Shah's sons are at odds
an opportunity that would allow
people to serve the powerful giant
that has emerged in Isfahan.
They even began to openly roam the streets
fear filled the hearts from Al-Sabbah
Everyone who opposes our dawah
must be killed in the most horrific ways.
For the sake of the soul
and greatness of Malik-Shah
I extend my hand in peace.
However, the reconciliation occurs
among the sons of Malik-Shah
However, the reconciliation occurs
among the sons of Malik-Shah
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq.
Long live Sultan Berkyaruq.
So that Berkyaruq can be
the Sultan the Seljuk state
Berkyaruq is strong
-800 individuals did this in Isfahan!
Oh, my lord, people are afraid.
He lacked the wisdom of Malik-Shah
and didn't have a minister
as cunning as Nizam Al-Mulk
Gather the elders of Isfahan to me.
-As you command, my lord.
-He chose to assert control over sultanate
and so he did
performed the grandest massacre
on Hassan Al-Sabbah's followers
a massacre that will cause chaos in Alamut
killed 800 from the Esoterics
in one night.
"Episode 14"
"Ascetic in Jerusalem"
It's a sad day in the history of our dawah
mourning at the castle for three days
I want the children
of the 800 who were killed
I want the children
of the 800 who were killed
to be here in the castle by any means
and to give them food,
beverage, clothing and weapon
a mourning ceremony should be
conducted immediately upon their arrival
a mourning ceremony they will never forget
and every week after
they finish their training
they should sit and the story
should be retold in front of them again
that the disbelievers and
wicked people of Isfahan
killed 800 of the noblest people on earth
I want the spirit of vengeance to
forever haunt the memories of every child
of the martyrs' offspring.
Long live
the Sultan
the Sultan
-The best news.
We are one army again
I've had lost hope.
But I never lost hope
every passing minute, I
feel like everything will return
every person I lost, I
will see again one day
my father and my mother.
Your father and mother
are in heaven, Yahya.
only the lord knows Nourhan's fate
I see her face every night
it's as if my dreams are
mortgaged just to meet her
to the point where I rush my
sleep just to see her in my dream
as if there is an appointment
between us in my dreams.
This is torture, Yahya.
It’s better if you forget her.
Who can forget his own soul, Suleiman?
Eat up, everyone. Eat.
Eat up, everyone. Eat.
Omar Khayyam
Aren't you going to tell
me anything new today?
Actually, I was planning on
excusing myself from the court
so, I could finish constructing
the observatory you requested
Later, later.
Later, later.
The observatory can wait.
Tell me something amusing.
-A poem?
I don't want poetry.
Poetry requires relaxation
and focus on visual imagery
and verbal suggestions.
I want a story
a joke
a pun.
A pun.
Or an extraordinary tale.
I will tell you a funny tale.
-There were three friends.
-There were three friends.
They pledged that whoever
reaches a position or influence
will help the other two
one of them attained power
he gathered the other two and
gave each of them a position
all three of them reached a good position.
one of them betrayed
his benefactor and fled
and the other kept trying to
get even with him but couldn’t.
Because the one who fled was crazier
Because the one who fled was crazier
he managed to kill his friend
before his friend could kill him
because life always favors the mad.
What about the third one?
The third one
The third one couldn’t bear being the
friend of both the killer and the victim
so he fled
to a foreign country to
work as a clown and jester.
A clown, a clown.
A clown and a jester.
A clown and a jester.
My Lord.
Have you chosen someone suitable?
The target this time
is dangerous and different.
Who do you think is currently
our biggest threat, Zaid?
A lot
the Sultan and his brothers
the Abbasids and the Crusaders
even the Fatimid,
followers of Al-Musta'li
our enemies are plenty, praise be to God.
These are all traditional enemies
The most dangerous enemy is
the enemy of your thought
The most dangerous enemy is
the enemy of your thought
the enemy of your approach
the enemy of the true
meaning of your existence
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali.
But he has left Isfahan
-and quit teaching in Nezamiyeh schools.
-I know
he is now in Jerusalem seeking the truth
-I know
-so his influence is less.
-On the contrary
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali is my most
dangerous enemy on earth right now
because he has both knowledge and proof
because he has both knowledge and proof
and he's not too old
his escape from Isfahan
and his asceticism of everything
means he will become the big idea
that could threaten the existence
and dawah of Hassan Al-Sabbah
the chosen one shall
enjoy and bestow my vision
to kill Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
before he completes his thought.
I love you! I love you!
I love you!
There's still the best to come
Our master.
The dream of Heaven
is much less than Heaven itself
Al-Aqsa Mosque
You'll go there and find a man
dressed in simple clothes, hiding
his name is Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
go there pretending
to be a Sufi worshiper
go there pretending
to be a Sufi worshiper
the moment he turns
to you and pays attention
your dagger should be in his chest.
You will be killed
as your soul leaves your body
You will find me waiting for
you at the gates of Heaven.
What's the price of a piece
of bread and water for a passerby?
The price is what you can afford.
Where are you heading?
To Jerusalem.
Oh, you have a long journey ahead
you seem to have come from
the path of the mountain sheikh
Who's this mountain sheikh?
Does anyone not know the
mountain sheikh, Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Yeah, I've heard about him.
I too have heard, but never seen him
I deal with lady Alinar.
Is Alinar his wife?
Alinar was a slave-girl of
the greatest rulers of the Levant
he bought and liberated her
she's now in charge
of his palace's slave-girls
every now and then, slave-traders
come and sell them slave-girls
and I am the mediator.
and I am the mediator.
I make some money out of it, he's
a generous man, Hassan Al-Sabbah.
I heard he's an ascetic.
There is no man who doesn't love women
But certainly, Hassan
has a secret and I'll find out.
I found this pigeon
on our rooftop.
and this message was on its leg.
In the name of Allah, the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful
from the palace and prison of Al-Sabbah
to my friend and lifelong companion.
Omar Khayyam
We learned of your departure
from Isfahan to Merv
We learned of your departure
from Isfahan to Merv
this is a different time, Omar
there is no suitable place
for you except Alamut Castle
come to us, you will
find safety and comfort
here no one can threaten you
I know you love freedom like birds
but the friend misses his friend
I am here a king in my prison
nothing would amuse me but having
a conversation with the free, mad poet
Think about it, it displeases
me that my crazy friend
to be a prisoner in a Sultan's
court just to make him laugh.
to be a prisoner in a Sultan's
court just to make him laugh.
Come to us.
I possess the world of our dreams
I only lack your company and your opinion.
What's the end of your journey, Omar?
Or dead person?
Or lonely?
The important thing now is
What will we do with the pigeon?
The pigeon should be grilled
and the message should be burned.
The pigeon should be grilled
and the message should be burned.
Omar Khayyam should
think about the trap of life
in which his parent implicated him into.
Open the door!
I missed you. I missed you my love.
I missed you. I missed you my love.
You too, my mom.
-Thank God.
-How are you, Hady?
I missed you.
Have you seen Khadija?
-Is this Khadija?
-How are you?
-Thank God.
I'm happy that you could come
and pass all the dangers alone
from your castle to Alamut castle.
I had to see my mom and my siblings.
I had to see my mom and my siblings.
Your mother, your siblings and your father
You look older, father,
in these few past years.
You've grown up too.
And it's time for you to be a hero.
My son will neither be
a chosen nor a guerrilla.
Is it possible?
‫The son of the preacher, the
grand imam, Hassan Al-Sabbah,
Won't be a role model?!
Will he get the honor to be part
of those chosen and promised؟!
Will he get the honor to be part
of those chosen and promised؟!
‫If that's the case, he should
go back where he belongs.
‫I've seen you and I have ensured
your safety, my dear. Come back.
‫It's me who decides if
he should return or not.
‫I think the years I
spent away from you
allowed me to become a
man and make decisions.
‫I will actually
return to my fortress
‫But not because I am afraid of
being a chosen one or a guerrilla,
On the contrary,
‫I am a preacher, imam, and a sign.
Like you.
‫It is my role to
choose the people,
‫Of course, until the
appointed time comes and
I am ready to take the
place of our Lord,
‫Imam Hassan Al-Sabbah
‫The one who holds
the key to heaven.
My inheritance is inspired by God
‫And I will decide who's gonna take Hassan
Al-Sabbah's place when God tells me so.
‫Relax and enjoy your time
with your mother and siblings.
‫And tell when you plan to leave
so I can ensure your safe return.
Don't worry, father,
‫I know how to take care of myself
‫.Just as I came, I will return
‫Thank God for your
safe return, my dear.
‫?Why don't you go to the Castle of Death
‫For your information
‫It is the safest
place for you now.
‫Why is it the
safest place for me, Suhban?
‫In this time we live in
‫Safety is not found with
a caliph, sultan, or minister.
‫Safety is not found with
a caliph, sultan, or minister.
‫Safety is with those who
kill and are well fortified,
‫.And your friend is no easy target
‫No one is capable
of destroying his castle.
Take my advice,
‫Protection from a robber
‫Is better than protection
from a mad sultan.
Bathroom attendant is tired of the sultan's
ridiculous job and want to escape,
‫But the poet finds
no courage or wings.
‫I bet a single day of hard work
beats a hundred days in this house.
‫Why don't you have a
girlfriend, wife, or concubine?
‫Why don't you have a
girlfriend, wife, or concubine?
I used to.
The heart beats three times, but
T‫hey are meaningful ones
‫.And the rest are echoes
‫What are the three
meaningful ones, Suhban?
‫The day we are born
‫The day we fall in love
And the day we die.
And this is the last one.
‫You are right
‫.Love, and death
‫.Love, and death
‫Just so you know
I wasn't always only
a bathroom attendant.
- I was a king in Isfahan.
- A king?
Tell me more.
Tell me the story of the
bathroom attendant king.
I had a day in the week,
where I lived like a king.
The rest of the week,
I ate less, drank less,
and saved.
Then, on Thursday,
I would get food and drink
with all the money I had.
And I would eat,
get drunk, dance, and sing
Until I fell asleep.
Beautiful, O' Sahban
Beautiful, O' Sahban
You managed to steal
a day from time.
You stole what stole all of us.
One night,
I went out to get food and drinks.
- I found her.
- A jinn?
A slave girl.
Her face was as
bright as the full moon,
and her body was fire.
And you bought her?
With all that I had.
With all that I had.
And I left.
- And there was neither food nor drink.
- Doesn't matter.
I thought, just a week,
and I'll be a king again.
But beauty does
not wait for anyone.
Fortune turned against me,
The bathroom was as if abandoned,
And she endured.
She endured one day,
And the next,
And the next,
On the third, she said, Free
me for the sake of God,
Sell me for any price,
I don't want a bathroom
attendant who wants to be a king,
I want a man,
To cherish his days with me.
You sold her?
And sold my heart along with her.
My Lord, the Sultan calls for you.
We have become slaves too.
And I wish we knew
how to free ourselves.
I have a silly insomnia,
That doesn't let me sleep,
I called my minister and asked
him to tell me exciting news
Or a thrilling story to help me sleep.
He told me the hottest
news in the kingdom right now
Is the anger of the scholars
Is the anger of the scholars
At Omar Khayyam.
I said, What?
Omar Khayyam?
My guest and friend,
And source of inspiration?
He said Yes.
I asked him, What's
the accusation?
He replied,
They are saying that you
Are an atheist,
A heretic,
And a drunkard.
I'm not drunk here in front of our lord,
and I've never said I was an atheist.
You all argue every day for a month
And the one who
beats the other
Will be the winner.
And I will issue my orders
To kill the loser.
It's too long a time, my lord
Too long for whom?
For the world
For an existence that loses a month just
to know the intent of Omar Khayyam
Alright, let's make it a week
And may my lord
allow me just one day
So I can prepare
myself for the discussion
And finish building
the observatory.
What? A day?
And what am I
supposed to do that day?
Who would make me laugh?
- Who will entertain me?
- Just a day, my lord
- Who will entertain me?
- Just a day, my lord
A day
You will find plenty
of things to entertain you.
Take your day, Omar Khayyam.
My sons, oh Hassan.
- What about them?
- They have nothing to do with your plans!
If God wills it, they
are to be my sons
Should I defy God's plan?
So, let them learn horsemanship,
leadership, and wisdom
But to die and be killed, no.
Do you accept that the
faithful say in the fortress that
That Hassan Al-Sabbah sacrificed
his sons for the honor of martyrdom
Hassan Al-Sabbah sent the youth to their
deaths while keeping his sons by his side
You are killing the idea itself.
They have another
role, just like yours
How are they going to
rule after you if they're killed?
If I have to perform a mission,
do you think I wouldn't?
Meaning, if it's necessary, I
would descend from the castle
I will kill and be killed
Of course, I would do that.
Who will bring you
to heaven if you're killed?
Aren't you the key-bearer?
Who will lead you to it?
Is it right for Hassan
Al-Sabbah's wife to mock him?
It's not a mockery
You are the son of
your dream, as you wish
And I will be the
first to tell the faithful
That I believe in the message of our
lord, the bearer of the key to the heavens
I am ready to kill and be killed
And I'll await for you to take
me up to heaven with your hands
But my sons, Hassan,
You do not believe.
You will believe as long
as you don't kill my sons.
Don't let your dream kill mine.
Or is the dream of paradise,
O holder of the key
Only for men or what?
No, of course not.
There's also a dream
of hell, oh Donia Zad
There's also a dream
of hell, oh Donia Zad
For the believer and the
believer who doubts their faith.
I feel our master is
not in a better state.
Our master doesn't have a state.
I understand.
But we are in a fortified castle
Our victories have reached
the boundaries of legends
The whole world is calculating every
move for the castle of death
How could he not be happy!
There's no happiness
for an ambitious man.
Yes, but to where?
Ambitious to where?
- Do you not believe who is our master?
- God forbid.
- Do you not believe who is our master?
- God forbid.
I know he's the modest and pious
The argumentative preacher
The key holder of paradise,
receiving directly from the Imam.
And more
Because every day
his ambition grows.
What he has is not ambition
It's something divine.
- Divine!
- So what?
Do you doubt our master?
No, of course not.
No, of course not.
Our master is definitely different
from the rest of us
An extraordinary individual indeed.
But whether it's divine or not
I can't be sure.
Between him and heaven
is an open door
But still it's strange
Sometimes he speaks out
Acts and doings
Contrary to the usual and the religion?
And this increases my confusion
And the strange thing is
It increased my veneration
and reverence for him.
You're lucky with
your faith, Barzak
- And you?
- I am Zaid Ibn Sihon.
Once in sanity
And once in madness.
Once in sanity, once in madness
Once in sanity, once in madness
Come, Barzak.
I was just thinking
of the Castle of Death
I was just thinking
of the Castle of Death
- What about it, my master?
- Elevated much above the ground
Reminds me of the prophets who
were raised to the high heavens.
Yes, my master,
like Enoch and Christ.
So, here there is no death
And if it happened
Then Hassan Al-Sabbah too was
elevated to the high heavens.
What concerns you?
I didn't want to tell
you news like this.
Zaid Ibn Sihon.
Spends a lot of time in his room
Unfortunately, he's taken a large
portion of the Paradise plant
And uses it excessively.
Poor Ibn Sihon.
Barzak and two clerics we trust
Are discussing and making
their judgement in my presence.
Could we just get
through this week?
You thought it was just a week
Man's mood can change,
and your neck goes flying.
Where are we going now?
That's a great question,
Bathroom attendant .
So where's the answer now?
Zaid, you dealt
with the Paradise plant
Knowing it's prohibited
Except for specific purposes
Which is the chosen ones
entering the Paradise dream.
I know.
What's the clerics' judgment?
After close examination
and consultation
And reviewing the evidence
It is confirmed as a drug that
suppresses ambition, therefore
It has the same effects as alcohol
It has the same effects as alcohol
Intoxication and loss of conscious.
Therefore, we believe that
flogging is the punishment
Based on the punishment
for drinking alcohol.
The decision goes to our
master, Imam Hassan Al-Sabbah
If he wants, he can punish.
Or if he wants, he can forgive.
We do not have
any form of comparison
We judge based on
what's constituted upon us
And because Zaid Ibn Sihon is
a close friend, an ally, a support
I pronounce on him 200 lashes
Without mercy
Hopefully, the lashes will bring
back the light to his heart
Which was there because
of his obedience to us
It's in your hands, Barzak
Flog our beloved Zaid
ibn Sihon without mercy.
The same wounds that I showed you From
the torment of the oppressors long ago.
The same wounds that I showed you From
the torment of the oppressors long ago.
Zaid ibn Sihon
A long journey
That started when
you were a hunchback
hiding Running from
the oppressive infidels
And it's still continuing
I'm asking you
In this moment,
do you hate Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Be careful
Because when I upset you, your
heart should maintain The same love
Because when I upset you, your
heart should maintain The same love
That made you happy
Sometimes proximity
comes through trials, Zaid.
I might have tested
you to test your love
Could it be Zaid's heart
Closer to me than Barzak Amide's hand
The more your love for
me increases, despite all trials
The closer you are
And you still get closer to me
Until you become me
So when the Hassan Al-Sabbah disappears
Or it elevates far
from the earthly world
Or it elevates far
from the earthly world
You are Hassan Al-Sabbah, oh Zaid.
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