The Crowned Clown (2019) s01e14 Episode Script

The Deposition of Queen Dowager

The Crowned Clown
The characters, organizations, locations, and events in this drama are fictional and have no relation to historical facts.
Episode 14
Eunuch Jo.
Yes, Your Majesty?
Before the queen's father arrives,
I'd like to do something for the queen.
If you have anything in mind, please give your order.
It's nice to see you.
Your Majesty, where are we going all of a sudden?
Why? Do you not trust me?
I trust you.
Let us go.
This kind of scenery is a first for me.
What a relief.
I wanted to make you feel better.
I was in a lot of pain after hearing the results of my diagnosis from the court female physician.
I feel as if I lost my right to be with you,
and I also lost the way of protecting you.
I was sad and lonely, Your Majesty.
That pain was so severe that I forgot momentarily
that there is someone next to me who understands my feelings better than I do.
I will save this scenery in my heart for a very long time,
so that even if I go back to the palace, I can picture it again.
In the spring, let's go see the flowers.
In the summer, we'll experience the rain showers.
In the fall, it'd be nice if we went to the mountains to pick hazelnuts.
Will we come here again in the winter?
Next winter, I'll make you a beautiful snowman.
You've made your promise.
Of course.
Is this not a locust tree?
That's right.
In the past, when I was on my way to the capital,
I remembered that I passed by here.
I wanted to show you, as well, my queen.
How could these two trees that each have their own roots become intertwined?
I like to think that these two trees were fated to be together.
There is a legend about this tree that's been passed down from a long time ago.
When lovers pass under this tree together,
they say that they will be together for a hundred years.
Will you be with me for a hundred years?
♫ Something that you realize once, ♫
♫ something that your heart realizes ♫
♫ Because you shine so definitely brightly ♫
♫ My heart flutters that much ♫
♫ I'm scared by that much ♫
♫ Precious things make people hesitate sometimes ♫
♫ How could you laugh so painfully ♫
I promise you that I will become a good and wise king who will not bring you shame.
Could you promise me, too, that you won't cry by yourself again?
Whether it be painful events or happy events,
promise me that you will share them all with me.
I promise you.
♫ If I could be with you in all your nights and all your days ♫
♫ Every single breath would be better ♫
♫ Every single step would be better ♫
♫ Even if it hurts if I could be by your side ♫
Your Excellency! Your Excellency! Your Excellency!
Your Excellency!
Chief Royal Secretary, you've already arrived?
Where is the queen's father?
Your Majesty.
Your Highness.
The queen's father
has passed away.
There is no way.
He was healthy the last time I saw him.
There must be a misunderstanding.
The news must be false!
I apologize, Your Highness.
Did he really pass away?
He was murdered
by someone.
When I heard Yoo Ho Joon was to be released, I was very angry and bitter.
You did well.
You have finally used your power properly, Prince Jin Pyeong.
I am happy that you are pleased.
I must go to see the king and queen's dismayed expressions.
Your Highness, please calm down.
The king might catch on, so it would be wise if you hide your true feelings.
Yoo Ho Joon was supposed to die
ever since the king killed my innocent father and Prince Gyeong In.
You reap what you sow.
Queen Dowager has incited these matters.
If the queen's father had returned, your power would've grown.
I will never let them get away with this.
The queen dowager and the person who received her orders and killed the queen's father
Your Majesty. I apologize, but Chief Royal Secretary's request is not right.
Yoo Ho Joon's crime is obvious, but Chief Royal Secretary wants us to discuss his crimes?
You cannot grant royal permission.
Prince Jin Pyeong.
Prince Jin Pyeong opposed the queen's father being released the strongest.
He must have killed the queen's father. I am sure of this.
I also think the same.
However, if we try to catch Prince Jin Pyeong based on a mere impression,
that could be countered just as easily, so we must be cautious.
Your Majesty, I, Eunuch Jo, am entering.
How did the queen dowager's side look?
Prince Jin Pyeong has been with her since earlier today.
Officer Jang, here is the arrow of those who tried to attack the queen and me?
I have it.
This is a different arrow from the one that almost struck you while hunting.
We are looking through the blacksmiths' workshops across the capital to find the source.
Search Prince Jin Pyeong's house immediately.
Pardon me?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Hold on.
Why are you blocking this?
After searching Prince Jin Pyeong's house,
what will you do if you can't find evidence?
We won't even be able to catch Prince Jin Pyeong.
Instead, we'll be letting it be known that we're suspicious of him.
Also, it will bring dishonor to your name if people think you are persecuting those who are innocent by framing them.
You cannot succeed if you fear failure.
Should you avoid what you are afraid of?
If we hesitate here, we lose our evidence.
The queen dowager and Prince Jin Pyeong's power will only grow from here.
Then, I will carry out your order.
Moo Yeong, hold on.
If Prince Jin Pyeong's house holds no evidence,
plant the arrows you possess as evidence.
Are you telling me to make fake evidence?
This is a royal order. Open the door this instant!
- Search the house. br - Yes!
Officer Jang.
Go look and see if there are other arrows.
Yes, sir.
What is the matter at this hour of the night?
We were called here by the king.
Did you not hear, Prince Jin Pyeong?
My Lord, you must go with us–
Stand aside.
Please save my life.
Prince Jin Pyeong, what are you doing?!
Stand aside, I said.
Stand aside.
Prince Jin Pyeong!
Prince Jin Pyeong.
My Lord!
What is the matter?
The king's guards suddenly came to the house,
and they discovered the arrows used when you tried to kill the king.
I have never left arrows in my house. How did they?
The king has laid a trap to make me a traitor.
Call for the soldiers.
Yes, sir.
Minister of Defense,
I heard you were harmed by Prince Jin Pyeong. Are you okay?
Yes. I am grateful for your concern, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty.
A traitor has been coming in and out of the palace, and you have been put in danger.
It is our fault for not taking notice of this.
I hope that you lay down a heavy punishment upon me.
Please lay down a heavy punishment upon me, as well, Your Majesty.
Please lay down a heavy punishment upon us.
Please lay down a heavy punishment upon us.
Please lay down a heavy punishment upon us.
If you wish to do something for me,
start the discussions for the queen dowager's dethronement.
I apologize, Your Majesty, but we cannot follow that order.
Minister of Defense, you were almost killed by Prince Jin Pyeong.
How can you say you won't follow the order?
Though Prince Jin Pyeong did commit the crime, it is not evidence that the queen dowager committed treason.
The queen's father was killed and Prince Jin Pyeong escaped.
But the court is hesitant to discuss deposing of the queen dowager.
We have no other choice.
At the morning royal audience tomorrow, I will order for the queen dowager to be deposed.
You cannot.
If you order for the queen dowager to be deposed without justification,
there will be strong opposition from society.
- But br- After arresting Prince Jin Pyeong and getting the land documents,
then I will lead and request for the deposing of the queen dowager.
Your Majesty, Officer Jang is entering.
Did you catch Prince Jin Pyeong?
I am very sorry.
Huijeongdang Hall
Your Majesty, the Royal Investigation Bureau has sent a message.
Criminal Sin Chi Soo has said he has something to report about Prince Jin Pyeong.
He has requested to see you.
Whose ancestral tablet is this?
It is from a great friend who comes and goes like the clouds and wind.
This bastard.
You have arrived, Your Majesty?
Since I'm in this condition,
please forgive me for not being able to show my manners.
I came because you said you had something to report about Prince Jin Pyeong.
Chief Royal Secretary seems to be requesting you depose the queen dowager
since the queen's father died,
but if I were you, I would not listen to him.
You will just be doing exactly what Prince Jin Pyeong wants.
Did you call me just to tell me that?
Playing the king must be fun for you.
Yeah, you must feel as if you truly became king after sitting on the throne.
But you are nothing but Chief Royal Secretary's puppet.
You aren't the one playing as king; Chief Royal Secretary is.
Is that not true?
You're wrong. My Lord isn't that kind of person.
You are so innocent.
I see why the Chief Royal Secretary killed the king and chose you instead.
What did you just say?
Did you really not know that Chief Royal Secretary killed the king?
- Don't speak such nonsense. br - Even though the king was physically and mentally ill,
don't you find it strange that he suddenly died?
And, I'm sure that no one saw the king die other than Chief Royal Secretary himself.
Since you look like the king and follow what you are told well,
Chief Royal Secretary will serve you like you're the real king for a while.
But if he ever thinks that you are not acting in accordance with what he wants,
he'll kill you too someday.
Chief Royal Secretary could easily do such a thing.
What is it that you truly want to say?
If you truly have to continue your role as a puppet,
you don't always have to hold Chief Royal Secretary's hand.
How about holding hands with me too?
I'll make it so that you'll be able to live in splendor as you've never seen before.
I'll give you the taste of power that the Chief Royal Secretary will never let you have.
I'll allow you to enjoy the pleasure of being king.
Shut up! Do you know why you're imprisoned here?
That's because you looked down on me,
and you assumed that Chief Royal Secretary would be a disloyal subject like you.
You lowly clown, you're trying to educate me now?
The lowly one is not me but you!
You're trying to cause trouble even when your death day is set.
How pitiful.
Your Majesty.
There is something I must tell you.
Request for an audience with the queen dowager.
Chief Royal Secretary, I didn't think you'd come to see me.
I had something to ask you regarding Prince Jin Pyeong, Your Highness.
I've heard about what happened to Prince Jin Pyeong.
He was plotting treason, correct?
From what I'm aware of, Prince Jin Pyeong has been seeking your well-being quite thoroughly.
Even if it is something small, or perhaps something that's bothering you, please let me know.
Something strange?
I am not sure. Prince Jin Pyeong only told me about the worldly news.
He never acted strangely.
Is that truly it?
What is the meaning of that?
From what I know, Prince Jin Pyeong would not cause trouble without someone backing him.
However, he made multiple attempts to kill the king and even murdered the queen's father.
He would never have dared to do so if he wasn't confident that he would be the next king.
Since the king killed his father and brother on the basis of treason, he must have wanted to avenge them.
How do you know Prince Jin Pyeong's feelings so well?
That's human nature.
Oh, right. Prince Gyeong In's death anniversary is coming up.
I didn't know you remembered.
How could I forget?
I still remember the moment he passed away vividly.
He had a delicious supper.
What are you saying right now?
Coarse multi-grain rice with soft, seasoned vegetables.
There was nothing particular about the prince's supper.
He even used his chopsticks well with his cute little hands.
He didn't even know that would be his last meal in this world.
The person who killed my son was not Sin Chi Soo but you.
Yes. I took Prince Gyeong In's life away for the king's sake.
After throwing up blood,
he called for you during his last breath.
You bastard!
I should have killed you first instead of the king.
Is that why you ordered for Prince Jin Pyeong to try and kill the king two times and even murdered the queen's father?
Yes! I ordered for Prince Jin Pyeong to kill the king and queen.
I ordered that the queen's father die as well. And what about it?
I was only punishing those who killed my son, who was my whole life.
What did I do wrong?!
I listened to your confession
quite well.
Since your crimes have been exposed, I will order that you be deposed at court.
You bastards. You bastards!
You bastards!
Just wait and see.
I swear on my son's grave
that I will rip you bastards to shreds and spread them all across the eight provinces of Joseon.
The crows will feed on you and not a trace will remain.
I will see to it that you bastards fall to hell and suffer through eternity!
You bastards. You bastards.
I was worried that you wouldn't arrive on time.
I will go to the queen dowager and receive her confession.
I will send a message through Officer Jang. Be sure to come on time.
After hearing my conversation with the queen dowager, you must have things you want to ask me.
Let's go to the side palace.
If you killed Prince Gyeong In for the king, who have you killed for me?
Was it the king?
Who said so?
Sin Chi Soo. He informed me.
He said that you killed the king and that when I am no longer any use to you, you will kill me, too.
Is that true?
I killed the king.
After Officer Jang sent me the message from you,
he confessed that Prince Jin Pyeong's arrow was fabricated evidence that he made.
Even so, Prince Jin Pyeong was not caught. Officer Jang confessed his sins.
It is not Officer Jang's fault. I ordered him to do it.
I thought that there needed to be at least one piece of evidence to proceed with the deposing of the queen dowager.
Take this.
What is this?
It's an appeal to change my government position.
I will step down from my position as Chief Royal Secretary.
Since the queen dowager and Sin Chi Soo have found out about what happened to Prince Gyeong In and the king,
my existence will stand in your way.
I will deal with my crimes myself.
How are those your crimes?
They are not your crimes
but my crimes.
My crimes as the king.
Please stop trying to deal with those horrible crimes by yourself.
You said that the position of the king is a horrible one in which people are ruined and left bleeding.
I want to be a true king.
The position of the king is a horrible one in which people are ruined and left bleeding.
It is a beast's position that draws out loyalty and duty.
In order to protect the throne and country,
just for those things, it is a horrible position in which you must give your all, even your heart.
Since you have dealt with those horrible things by yourself,
Sin Chi Soo misunderstood and believed you were the one playing as king.
However, I do not believe so.
Although I do not know how you felt while doing such things,
I cannot even imagine how pained and lonely you must have felt.
After finding out about everything, are you not afraid of me?
Can you still trust me?
How could I fear and doubt you?
I trust you.
That applies to what happened with the arrow as well.
While I was acting so hastily,
did you not handle the matter in that way to support me?
I won't allow for your change in position.
If you truly believe that I am a king, please stay by my side
and protect this country and its people with me.
In all honesty, I was anxious.
Whoever sits on the throne can become drunk on power.
Their temperament and heart could change in an instant,
and it would be irreversible in the end. I knew that so well.
I was afraid
that you would follow that path.
I was afraid that I'd fail again.
But now I know for sure.
Ha Seon, you are different from him.
After choosing you,
I couldn't completely trust you.
Trusting someone is so important.
I came to that realization through you.
Your Majesty, I will no longer be afraid.
I will protect my duty,
trust in you completely, and serve you.
Please forgive my past mistakes.
Your Majesty. From now on, I will serve you with utmost respect and etiquette.
Thank you for trusting me.
Injeongmun Gate br (The main gate leading to Injeongjeon Hall)
Petition to depose the queen dowager to the West Palace.
Your Majesty, I am making an appeal to dethrone the queen dowager.
Please accept it.
Your Majesty, if you depose the queen dowager, that unfilial act will remain with your descendants,
and they will curse your reign.
Please show your grace.
Minister of Defense's words are correct.
Confucian principles of duty must be followed, and we must set an example for the people.
The queen dowager cannot be deposed.
Your Majesty, the queen dowager used Prince Jin Pyeong
to inflict harm upon you and has already confessed to plotting treason.
The queen dowager could also work with other treacherous individuals and cause a rebellion.
She should be rid of completely in order to prevent a civil war.
Chief Royal Secretary, please watch your words.
Get rid of her completely, you say?
You should not speak so easily of the loyalty between a mother and son, between the Queen Dowager and His Majesty!
Your Majesty, since the queen dowager acted as a traitor,
she herself gave up on the loyalty between mother and son and her duty to the people.
It is only right to dethrone her and make her leave the palace.
Your Majesty, she worked with the traitor Prince Jin Pyeong to harm you.
Her crime is clear.
I also recommend that you depose the queen dowager.
Please accept it.
Please accept it.
Please accept it.
I will accept your request.
Chief Royal Secretary.
I ran here after hearing that the request to depose the queen dowager was accepted.
The opposition to this will be fierce. Will you be okay?
The queen dowager's crimes are clear.
The king also has a strong will. You don't have to worry.
Just trust and follow the king.
I understand.
this is a letter from the clerk in Hamgyong.
You may leave.
Letter from someone in Hamgyeong Province to Chief Royal Secretary Lee.
It is an update on the situation at the border of Northern Hamgyeong Province.
Thank you for informing me about the situation at the borders.
I will soon let go of my position as Chief Royal Secretary and go there.
Please report to General Kang In Bok who's at the border security of Northern Hamgyeong Province until I get there.
You put a lot of effort into making these clothes for your father, Your Highness.
To think that he didn't even get to wear them once
When his casket is sent to the relatives back home,
ask for these clothes to be sent as grave goods.
Yes, Your Highness.
Your Highness, Court Lady Myeong is entering.
Your Highness, the king has accepted the deposing of the queen dowager.
The king has avenged your father, Your Highness.
I must go to the queen dowager this instant.
But the funeral service for your father has not been completed yet, Your Highness.
We need to stop the queen dowager from exiting the palace.
Pardon me? Why?
If the queen dowager is deposed, that'll pose as a threat to the king's peaceful reign.
I was going to kill them and avenge your death,
but I fell for the schemes of my enemies, and I have just become more bitter.
But do not worry.
I will never give up.
Your Highness, the queen has requested to see you.
Let her in.
Since I am in the period of mourning, forgive me for not showing my utmost manners.
Did you hear that I am to be deposed and come to have a look?
I will not discuss the witchcraft that you have tried against me or the tea.
However, you tried to prevent my father from being released and had him killed.
I will never forgive you for that.
However, even though I was desperate to take the lead in deposing you,
I held back the urge for the sake of the king.
You're finally letting your true feelings show.
That's better. It was such a drag to hear you speak in such a cringeful manner.
Before you are deposed, you should back down yourself and join a temple.
What did you say?
You want me to become a Buddhist nun?
It is for the sake of the king and the royal court,
and to avoid further disturbances.
If you pray for the heavenly ascensions of your father and Prince Gyeong In until the day you die,
for the sins you have committed in this world and the karma,
I will give a Buddhist prayer so that they cease to exist.
Your Highness, how despicable.
Aren't you the one who's supposed to get tortured and stoned to death right now?
How will you make up for the crime of dirtying the position as mother of the state?
I have no intentions to conceal my own crimes.
If you come forth with your sins and receive punishment, so will I.
What are you so confident for?
Because there is no reason for me to not be confident.
What will you do?
This won't do.
Rather than begging for the preservation of my position to that lowly clown,
I'd rather just be deposed.
Your Highness, your methods have improved greatly.
Your Highness, please think this over again.
I have nothing else to say. Leave this instant!
Sujeong Palace
Your Majesty! You're confining the queen dowager to the West Palace? That cannot be!
Your Highness! Your Highness! Your Highness!
This can't be! This can't be!
Your Highness! Your Highness!
This can't be!
Your Majesty.
Since the matters of the queen dowager's deposing have concluded,
I have a request to ask of you.
What is it?
Since the war between the Ming Dynasty and Later Jin is imminent,
the borders have never been more chaotic.
I would like to step down from my position as Chief Royal Secretary
in order to help with the matters at the borders.
I will take whatever position you give me and do my very best. Please grant me your royal permission.
I still need your help, Chief Royal Secretary. Must you really leave?
I realize the importance of my duty as Chief Royal Secretary.
However, at this time, it is most urgent to calm down the situation at the borders.
Please accept my request. I am asking this of you.
My Lord, what happened?
You are suddenly speaking formally to the king,
and you have requested to transfer to the border.
I cannot understand.
It was wrong to not speak formally to the king until now.
Is there anything wrong with my decision to speak in that way now?
I am only letting go of my position as Chief Royal Secretary because the time has come for me to do so.
You do not have to be so surprised.
How is the West Palace?
There haven't been any movements in particular yet.
Prince Jin Pyeong could attempt to make contact with the queen dowager at any time. Make sure you tighten the security.
Yes, My Lord.
And, from now on, don't report things to me.
Report things to His Majesty himself.
I understand.
I was about to leave the palace. Why did you call for me?
How are Daedong policy and the land surveys coming?
People seem to have lost their minds over the queen dowager being deposed.
But do not worry. Even if I have to swing a whip,
I'll make sure things progress as we planned.
I'll leave things to you.
Is that all?
Why's he being like that?
He looks as if he was told he'd be dying soon.
By any chance, does he have a terminal illness that I'm not aware of?
It's a joke.
Seems like you get scared quite easily.
You look as if you heard some good news.
I feel great as if I'm about to meet my longtime lover again.
I just mentioned seeing my longtime lover again.
How come you are not even jealous?
I have prayed that you would find someone to share your heavy burden with.
Even if it is not me, if they make you feel at rest,
it does not matter who it is.
What I said was a lie.
But I'm a bit disappointed.
Well, why would you lie like that?
Until now, I have done my best to not look back on my actions.
I had already lived in regret multiple times,
so I will no longer hold onto past feelings.
That's what I promised myself.
Are you talking about the matters regarding Elder Gil Sang Bom?
There's that too.
But actually,
there were other regrets besides that.
When you had just finished your training at the brothel,
when you requested I be your first customer
You immediately denied my request, My Lord.
I always regretted the fact
that I never ran off with you at that time.
And, from time to time,
I thought to myself,
"Is it still not too late?"
If I ask you to come to the remote, dangerous borders with me,
will you come?
You have no idea how much I wanted to hear those words from you, My Lord.
Even if you say those are your past feelings, that can't be helped.
Since I have heard you speak of it now,
I am so happy.
A note to inform Prince Jin Pyeong that preparation at the four gates (of the Hanyang Fortress Wall) is complete and access can be done without worry.
Our secret communications within the capital have concluded.
The trainee soldiers and veterans from the five military camps
have sent messages that they would join forces with you.
If we combine all of those numbers, it will surpass 3,000 men.
If you give the order, things will be moving right away.
There is still something that I don't have, and it's in the capital.
I have to get that
in my hands first.
You must have this.
Prison break
Did you conclude your father's funeral services well?
Yes, thanks to your consideration, Your Majesty.
I am sorry. I couldn't keep my promise.
I said for you to share your sadness with me, but
No, that is not the case. I am aware that the matters of the court were urgent.
I myself am sorry for not being able to share that hardship with you.
Actually, it was quite hard.
I thought I already knew what it was like,
but being king is different every single day.
Every time I'm confronted by hardships,
I'm realizing that I have to withstand them alone.
Are you afraid?
I am afraid.
Do you wish to turn things back to the way things were?
In all honesty,
I have had those thoughts from time to time.
If you say that you wish to run away, I will run with you.
If you say that you will withstand them, I will do so together with you.
I am thankful for your words.
I will not run or avoid these matters. I'm going to withstand them with all of my strength.
Please watch over me while I do so.
I will always offer you my support by your side, Your Majesty.
Then, will you help me?
Please tell me, whatever it is.
That over there.
Are those not the reports from each province?
That's right.
Eunuch Jo would rub his eyes in the dim room as he annotated it with the Korean alphabet until now.
I'd like for you to do that instead, my queen.
I understand.
This is the report from Gyeongsang province.
You can take your time,
so you should try and read aloud your interpretation.
Those who were caught during the Japanese invasion and returned,
it seems they are being harassed by people.
Did I read that correctly?
You did not get a single thing wrong. You read it well.
Please continue to read.
As I am requesting, please find a solution for me.
My Lord, the peddler is here.
Where is he?
What happened?
Did something happen?
After I left you, I was under attack.
Then, what happened to the secret letter?
My attackers seem to have stolen it from me.
I was knocked out for a few days. I'm here now to inform you of it.
That secret letter has His Majesty's seal on it!
Who is the one who stole the letter from you?
Since I was attacked from the back, I couldn't catch his face.
Before I lost consciousness, I could hear my attackers speaking.
The left state minister will be pleased.
He surely said that the left state minister would be pleased.
Left State Minister?
Left State Minister Sin Chi Soo!
Why have you come to visit such a shabby place like this, Chief Royal Secretary?
How long will you keep causing trouble for His Majesty's peaceful reign?
I have no idea what you are saying, so please elaborate.
Where did you hide His Majesty's secret letter?
Oh, that traitorous letter, you mean?
That was a decision made by His Majesty for the sake of this country and its people.
How is that different from His Majesty's duty?
I truly do not understand you.
Born into a reputable family and
having so much more than anyone in life,
how could you associate yourself with those lowly people
and lived a life misaligned with what the world wanted for you?
I have come this far with my own strength starting from my poor family.
If I were you,
I would have properly enjoyed what I had and multiplied all of it and given it to my descendants.
With the justification that it is for your descendants, you chase after your own self-interest.
Is that the justification that you have embraced and embodied?
You set up a clown to be your puppet and fulfilled your self-interest, did you not?
I told you.
We are the same kind of people.
Do not deny that.
I will not deny it.
But my path is different from yours.
A different path? What do you mean?
Thankfully, I have met two kings who have understood my heart.
One of them lost his path and wandered, but this time,
this one has decided to not wander.
I will step back from that path.
Step back? You?
Do you believe you can fool me with those words?
It doesn't matter if you do not believe me.
Where is that secret letter?
I can't tell you.
Just kill me while you're at it.
Will you truly be like this until the end?
I'm going to die anyway. It'd be fun to die by your hands.
Why do you hesitate?
What? Is it because you have no sword?
I looked for a sword, and my hands picked one up.
It seems as if the heavens are helping me.
Then, those heavens have become rotten to the core.
If they have rotten, so be it. My will is the same as theirs.
What-what is that?
Donuimun Gate (also known as The West Gate)
My Lord, a huge problem has occurred.
I believe a war has started.
What did you say?
I'll look into what happened, so you guys can—
- Open the castle gate. br - Yes, sir.
Donuimun Gate (also known as The West Gate)
It's a rebellion!
The rebels are coming into the palace!
The crowned clown
Bring me the royal seal and that fake man's head.
What's lowly and what's fake?
Everything that man did is for the people and its country.
You cannot call that lowly. It's even more false to call it fake.
Thinking that you have to take them on alone
makes me feel anxious.
The secret letter has not come out.
The king is someone who becomes more daring when you threaten him.
You cannot do this.
Do not worry. I will return safely.
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