The Devil Judge (2021) s01e14 Episode Script

King of the Frogs

Salute and respect!
My baby…
My poor Su-hyeon…
You're not hurt, are you?
I love you, you know!
Will you marry me?
I love you.
Just kidding, you punk. I don't love you.
Maybe just a little.
-Sure, stay safe.
Take care.
Watch your step.
Talk about taste.
Do you really have to?
That's the excuse you used.
I'll be careful. Don't worry.
Because I just want to love you
for the rest of my life.
I love you a lot, Su-hyeon.
I, Kim Ga-on,
do solemnly swear
that I will administer justice
with a clear conscience and in conformity
with the Constitution and other acts,
and impartially discharge
and perform all duties
incumbent upon me
to serve the people of Korea.
Say cheese. One, two, three.
-Hurry up.
Come in closer.
You two take one together without me.
-Count me out.
Oh, come on.
One more now.
Please smile for this one.
One, two, three!
Red light, green light!
Red light, green light!
Red light, green light!
Red light, green light!
Ga-on, stop crying.
It's okay.
It's okay.
That's nothing.
Don't cry.
I love you.
Don't cry.
Don't cry, Ga-on.
Don't cry.
Ga-on, I love you.
How are you feeling?
What about the culprit?
Did you catch him?
We need to catch him.
-Where do you think you're going?
-Let go of me. I need to catch him.
Ga-on, where are you going?
-Let go!
-Stop it!
What if you die too, Ga-on?
What would Su-hyeon say then?
Do you want to take a bullet
in the middle of the street?
Do you think that's what
Su-hyeon would want?
Stay here.
Stay here for now, and…
we'll discuss this with Yo-han,
and do something about it.
Have you calmed down now?
Who was it that shot Su-hyeon?
She wasn't their target.
They were trying to eliminate us
amidst the chaos.
-The Department of Live Court Show?
-Think about it.
Think about everything
that the Foundation has done.
First they halted the broadcast,
and next they cut off the power
for that entire area.
That shows they were in a rush.
But when that didn't work,
they probably tried to
get rid of us for good.
Then Su-hyeon…
Are you saying
she died instead of me?
I know exactly how you feel.
It must be hell.
A hell you can never escape from.
I know…
because I'm down there too.
So if you have time to cry,
make those bastards
who did this burn in hell.
That's the only way to survive it.
Did you catch that Jukchang bastard?
We'll have to start with him first
if we want to punish the Foundation.
Let's begin.
I'm ready.
The emergency aid workers
dispatched by the government
inflicted violence
against innocent citizens,
even brutally murdered one elderly man.
one police officer has lost her life
to an unidentified assailant who shot her.
Despite all this, the government
continues to remain silent.
I will bring this state violence
before the court
and hold all those involved responsible.
But the President has announced
the launch of the Emergency Court
after disbanding
the Department of Live Court Show.
Let me make it clear right here
that I have no intention whatsoever
to participate
in the Department of Emergency Court
that oppresses our citizens.
The trial has already begun.
Over five million citizens
have already voted "Guilty."
So if anyone tries to stop this trial,
are the offenders.
Look at that punk.
That's explicit blackmailing.
So he'll promise trouble
if we try and stop him, will he?
Your obsessions with viewership
has gotten us into this mess.
How will you get us out of this?
Who knew that Oh Jin-joo
would stab us in the back like so?
I mean she was one ambitious wench.
So what happened to her?
She even had
her eyes on the Chief Justice seat.
I guess she plans on
getting there herself.
Well, she did sparkle
the brightest among them.
Sparkle, sparkle…
Sparkle, sparkle?
Are you fiddling while we burn?
If all of this gets exposed,
there will be a riot!
We'll all be stoned to death!
Then let them.
-Let them do the trial.
We absolutely cannot!
Let's first put a gag on the media,
and suppress the Supreme--
But the entire nation saw it live.
That old man was
beaten to death with a steel pipe!
It's too dangerous.
We can't allow any more of that.
For now…
We should cut off the tail first.
This is a tragedy born out of
excessive competition
and overdrive by some,
but not all workers at the scene.
On behalf of our government,
I offer my deepest apologies…
to the deceased
and their bereaved families.
However, this does not mean
production and propagation
of groundless propaganda
that slanders our emergency quarantine
and relief operations is allowed
under any circumstances.
If something like that
should ever arise in the upcoming trial,
I will consider it an act of treason
against our country!
Good work.
But the issue here isn't
the assault and the death of that old man.
It's the virus.
We should get ready.
What do you mean by getting ready?
Well, there is lots of talk about
whether the virus has re-emerged or not.
Why don't we just spread it?
As long as there really is a virus, right?
So let them find it
in one of the slums
at the outskirts of the city.
Don't tell me…
you're not thinking of
disseminating it, are you?
If we need to, we must.
You see,
a leader sometimes
needs to swallow back his tears
and make small sacrifices
for a greater good.
I know even I will be faced
with such a lonely dilemma
at one time or another.
You know how it is
in the Hollywood movies.
They cross their hearts,
and press down hard on the nuke button!
Is something wrong? Do you have a problem?
It's nothing.
I'm just touched.
Chairwoman Jung, your tone is cynical.
I see you're not too happy about it.
So what? Do you want out?
But that's cheating!
You can't do that to us.
Or what?
Are you still not over
Kang Yo-han or something?
I'll deal with Kang Yo-han,
so you just silence
that friend of yours, Mr. President.
Your biggest fan
who got us into this mess
by beating that old man to death.
Don't tell me you're still not over him.
We've managed to bring them to court.
Let's expose the truth in the courtroom.
We'll also need to prove
there is no virus.
Will that be possible?
Mr. Go has been reaching out
to one of the researchers at ERTF,
and I'll be meeting with him later.
Do you want to join me?
Yes, why not?
Hold on.
Did you have dinner?
I don't have the appetite.
Hold on.
What is it?
I'm feeling a little hungry,
so I'm going to cook myself some ramyeon.
Do you want me to
throw one more in for you?
Thank you.
But not today. Maybe next time.
What are you listening to?
Nothing much.
Just music.
Listen to something brighter
so you won't keep sulking like that.
Did you have dinner?
I'm about to cook some ramyeon.
You two are alike.
What? What do you mean by that?
Your uncle.
Seriously? How am I like that old man?
You're both clumsy
when it comes to comforting others.
Comfort who?
I just can't stand seeing you like this.
It's as if you've given up on life.
And it's no fun.
But you know, it's actually comforting.
Because you are clumsy.
Thanks, Elijah.
Will you marry me?
I love you.
Just kidding, you punk. I don't love you.
Maybe just a little.
Will you marry me?
I love you.
Just kidding, you punk. I don't love you.
Maybe just a little.
Well, there's lots of talk about
whether the virus has re-emerged or not.
Why don't we just spread it?
So let them find it
in one of the slums
at the outskirts of the city.
That psycho clown!
Yes, Seon-a.
You know my old neighborhood, right?
Is it also where
the emergency operation is in place?
I guess so. Isn't it a total slum?
Yes, I guess you're right.
Oh, you know that youth shelter
I gave my speech at.
Are they also…
Oh, but they're affiliated
with the Foundation.
I'm sure they left them out.
Do you want me to check?
It's okay, I was just asking.
I guess that's what my mom wished for me.
She wanted me to grow up nice
like everybody else.
So why did she?
I wonder why she beat me so
whenever she was drunk?
My mother was like that too.
She's normally an angel,
but whenever she drank, she…
First she'd cry, and then…
This is so unlike you.
Seon-a, have you hit menopause?
It's rare for you to worry about others.
Hey, I'm always
worried about you, you know.
As if, when you have me do
all the dangerous stuff.
Seon-a, I know it's strictly
business between us.
Just pay me handsomely
for my hazard allowance.
You rude, heartless wench.
I'm hanging up.
How did I end up like this?
But what can I do
when I've already come so far?
Thank you for coming, Dr. Yoon.
Judge Kang.
I'm Kim Ga-on.
It's a pleasure to meet you, Judge Kim.
I'll get straight to the point.
Is it true that
a variant has been discovered?
Honestly, I personally haven't seen
any scientific evidence.
But you've been with
the Infectious Diseases Response Team.
Yet are you telling me
you've seen nothing?
A month ago, the Blue House suddenly
started replacing our researchers.
They then classified all key data as
top secret, and kept them from us.
There is an atmosphere of terror
at the TF right now.
Armed soldiers are controlling everything.
So you're saying you've never seen
the sample of the variant.
I only managed to get a peek
at the victims' autopsy reports,
but there were no similarities
in their symptoms.
It's rare to see such a wide range
of symptoms with a single strain.
But if they shared something in common…
What is it?
Most of the victims are
the homeless, the beggars and the elderly
who have been neglected.
And the areas
where the virus has supposedly re-emerged
are all slums where the poorest live.
It's not the virus that killed them,
but poverty.
Many have died after suffering
from chronic illnesses
stemming from poor nutrition and hygiene.
And they're disguising that they have died
due to a fatal virus that's circulating
in certain areas to cleanse them out.
That's the truth behind this crisis.
Dr. Yoon, would you be willing to testify
what you just told us in court?
Yes, Judge Kang.
This entails danger.
Are you aware of it?
I'm ready.
Despite the Supreme Court
restricting public access to the trial,
citing the pandemic,
many eyes are on the trial
especially with the appointment
of the Head of Legal Affairs
at the Emergency Response TF,
who is also an incumbent colonel,
to defend the case.
The development of the situation is
being watched with keen interest.
Will the truth come to light?
This is a tragic accident
that was very unfortunate.
Did you just say "accident," Counsel?
Kang Yo-han!
Come down here.
Come down here!
I said come down right now!
Come down!
Please answer one more time.
-Is this an accident, Counsel?
-Yes, it's an accident, Your Honor.
Isn't it all down
to the context of the case?
Then would you tell us
under what context your client murdered
an elderly man in his 70s
by assaulting him with a steel pipe?
Right now, the situation Korea is in
is no different to a state of war.
In order to prevent
the spread of the deadly variant,
our task force took to the frontline
risking their lives.
This was a pure accident
that arose when the residents
failed to abide by and
resisted against evacuation orders.
Yes, it was merely an accident.
Is this really the right way
to execute official duties,
as you just claimed?
I repeat. We are in a state of war.
If we waste our time with
rights and procedures
until the virus spreads nation-wide,
who will be responsible for that?
Will you, Your Honor?
All right.
Then let's first confirm
whether we truly are
in a state of emergency
as you strongly claim.
As the judge ex officio of this court,
I'll call upon a witness to check
the facts on this virus variant
that has recently emerged.
Please do.
Mr. Yoon Myung-jin.
Mr. Yoon Myung-jin?
Mr. Yoon Myung-jin.
Mr. Yoon Myung-jin!
Perhaps you are after Dr. Yoon Myung-jin
at our Emergency Response TF,
Dr. Yoon Myung-jin
at our Emergency Response TF,
I regret to inform you
that he has passed away this morning.
He passed away twelve hours
after he caught the variant virus
while treating an infected patient.
May he rest in peace.
Dr. Yoon's noble sacrifice
is clear evidence
which is pinpointing
the current situation.
Your Honor…
Yes, the fun in courtroom dramas
is all about that bone-chilling
and bloody twist. Just like this!
Wouldn't you agree?
Those bastards who killed Su-hyeon
must have killed Dr. Yoon too!
Calm down, Judge Kim.
Judge Kang, what are we going to do?
Now that it's come to this,
I think the only way
is to get Jukchang to talk.
We'll have to by using whatever means.
There's something I have ready.
Just sit back and watch
without saying anything.
All right.
So what do you suggest
is the appropriate penalty?
Given how it was an accident
that occurred in an exigency,
how my client still has
many years ahead of him,
after all his days of struggle
without a job,
and how he is deeply
remorseful of his actions,
please show him your maximum leniency.
What about the Prosecution?
In extenuation of circumstances,
the Prosecution demands
seven years' imprisonment.
I see.
Thank you both for your opinions.
Let me now turn to the defendant.
Mr. Kim.
Yes, Your Honor.
Shine the camera on him.
Show them the loser's face.
Laugh all you can while you can, punk.
You were a member of
President Heo's production crew
when he was still a celebrity, correct?
You also headed his fan club.
Your Honor, what does that
have to do with this trial?
You were also an unofficial member
of his presidential campaign, right?
No, I know nothing.
You know nothing when this is
something that concerns you?
You'd go around
swinging steel pipes back then too.
Didn't you disrupt peaceful protests
with your comrades to exercise violence
and loot shops?
It seems you somewhat contributed to
President Heo's election,
who is a strong law and order proponent.
Or am I wrong?
So he wants to turn it
up a notch, does he?
The old man's death was an excuse.
He's trying to usurp power!
Damn it, that tenacious bastard!
No, and that case is already closed.
-It was a reckless act after I got drunk.
-Is it?
Then is it also a mere coincidence
that you happened to carry a steel pipe
to the scene of the emergency relief? Or…
were you under someone's orders?
To drag them out, using whatever means?
I wasn't under anyone's orders.
It was all under my own decision.
Mr. Kim, you ran
a popular online channel in the past.
-You rounded up your fans,
who were mostly jobless youth in poverty
for this rescue operation.
Whose instructions were they?
I received no such instructions.
I only took pity on their situations
and wanted to help them earn some money…
My fellow Koreans!
Who's going to build a safe Korea?
We can't just rely on the police.
We should be the owners of this country…
Ever since this particular episode
by President Heo,
you rounded up jobless youth
and started inflicting violence
upon foreign workers.
And the same people were dispatched
for this recent operation too.
Yet you deny receiving any orders?
I did it out of patriotism, Your Honor.
I rose up as a citizen of this country
because I was highly moved
by our President's state philosophy!
Is that such a sin?
How is it a sin, Your Honor?
So it's all your doing, is it?
At your own judgment
and at your own responsibility.
-All right.
Do you also agree with
our President's state philosophy?
Of course, Your Honor.
In times of crisis, we must
support our leader more than ever.
We have our answer
on the appropriate penalty
for our defendant.
Our President has
that answer for us here already.
In order to see our country
to function normally again,
as a global power,
what do we need again? Yes, the old adage.
Death penalty! Ta-da!
Death penalty!
Why should we even feed
and put a roof over
those criminal dogs
with our taxpayer's money, anyway?
This is all because of those hypocrites
who fuss over human rights and whatnot!
I mean, they are murderers.
How can you sentence just
10 or 20 years when they killed someone?
This is absolutely impermissible,
not by my books!
Listen up.
A life,
for a life.
Did you get that?
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Here's the second adage for today.
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
Oh, and those lawyers
who use emotional blackmail like,
"He had an unfortunate childhood,"
or "He still bears the trauma of abuse?"
We ought to lock them all up!
A strong law and order
makes a powerful nation!
Striking the enemy with his own blade…
-Change Korea!
-What Kang Yo-han is after is…
Come down!
Come down!
So everything is at your own judgment
and that nobody ordered you anything.
If your wish is to assume
full responsibility, then go ahead.
It will be a life for a life!
As the most appropriate
penalty for this case,
-I propose the death sentence.
-Your Honor!
This is absurd. There is no precedence
where a death sentence
was awarded for the murder of one victim.
Is one not enough?
Must we wait until we see
two, three, or four more victims?
Is the life of the victim
more valuable than the life of a murderer?
But my client had
an unfortunate childhood--
Enough of this emotional blackmail.
Not all with
an unfortunate childhood sins.
In this court,
all criminals shall be dealt with fairly.
Men have dignity
because they are responsible.
Cheap sympathy is nothing
but an insult to them!
My fellow Koreans,
just what is the rightful punishment
for a murderer?
How should he pay for the blood
that his victim has spilled?
Here is our people's fervent desire
for justice.
But justice shouldn't just end with words.
A penalty unexecuted
is not justice, but a fraud.
And I demand that justice is delivered.
Electric chair…
Twenty-four hours from now,
our Defendant will be executed.
Right where I'm standing.
I'm sorry…
Please deliver justice
with your own hands.
The more upvotes we receive,
the higher the voltage that will run
through our condemned criminal.
That means we need at least
one million votes for his death.
I'll see you tomorrow in court.
Your Honor…
Your Honor!
Excuse me. Your Honor?
Your Honor!
Is he trying to turn the court
into a slaughterhouse or what?
What's he trying to pull here?
That's what Kang Yo-han truly wants.
It's also why he's given him 24 hours
so that friend of yours will blow
everything out of fear.
In front of the entire nation.
Damn it. That brutal psycho!
How can he dare
call himself a human being?
So what will you do, Mr. President?
You'll need to put a gag over his mouth.
We need to get rid of him now
even if we have to kill him.
Park Du-man!
Why not just tell the whole world
that he was under our orders?
Then what?
-I'll shut him up.
-But how?
I know bastards like him best.
Don't worry, I'm Heo Joong-se!
I'm Heo Joong-se!
So just trust me. I've got this.
Judge Kang, I don't think this is right.
No matter how much
I think about it, this is not on.
Then what do you want me to do?
Do you have any other alternatives?
So you'll do anything to
get Jukchang to talk?
By putting him in the electric chair
and using our people too?
All I did was throw the question.
It was the people who answered.
You saw how the majority voted for it.
Isn't that what democracy is?
Then how are you any different
from Heo Joong-se?
If you still must oppose me,
-I want you out of this department.
-Judge Kang!
Judge Kim, say something.
Judge Kim, did you see the news?
Justice Min Jeong-ho has just resigned
from his post as an act of protest
against the death penalty delivered
by the people, hinted by Judge Kang.
This isn't criminal punishment,
but an act of barbarism!
I will leave this Supreme Court,
violated by a mad demagogue!
You must stop him.
Something like this
should not be permissible.
That man, Kang Yo-han…
is Satan.
He's now turning
the entire nation into murders.
I'm sure Judge Kang is only trying to get
Jukchang to open his mouth--
So what?
Is that the reason he's borrowing
the people's hands to electrocute him?
Do not trust his words.
That venomous man taunts
and ridicules the world
by using man's weakest spots.
But Professor,
those with power are harming the innocent.
-Su-hyeon also--
-Are you sure?
-I'm asking whether you're sure who it was
that killed Su-hyeon.
Who do you think it was that
tried to attack our department?
-If you think about the situation--
-Yes, that's what I thought so at first.
But you know?
There was still that one detail
that continued to bug me.
Su-hyeon had come to see me
a few days ago.
At that time…
Is there something going on?
Is this about Ga-on?
She said she thinks you're being
deceived by Kang Yo-han.
Su-hyeon never liked
Kang Yo-han to start with.
She didn't just dislike him.
She was tracking down Kang Yo-han's past,
especially on that fire at the cathedral.
That fire?
You know how tenacious Su-hyeon can be.
Whenever she had the chance,
she'd go to that neighborhood
and ask everyone
who had anything to do with the cathedral.
Except for one.
She just couldn't get a hold
of a man called Joseph.
It was as if someone had
sneaked him out on purpose.
Who is this Joseph?
He's someone who boarded at the cathedral,
doing all kinds of odd jobs in exchange.
And his chores included
maintaining the surveillance cameras.
Su-hyeon had been after him.
So what if…
Su-hyeon had finally tracked him down
and Kang Yo-han had found out about it?
But these are all just assumptions.
Are you implying Kang Yo-han
killed his own brother?
Do you know
what pain he's suffered because of it?
That's horrendous pain
you can't just invent.
What if his pain…
stemmed from guilt?
What if that was why
he's so eager to hide his past?
And what if that was what
Su-hyeon had been digging into?
That's enough.
I'll be leaving now.
Let me ask you something.
If Su-hyeon were to see you
next to Kang Yo-han,
electrocuting someone to death…
what do you think she'd say?
But that doesn't mean a judge is allowed
to do crazy things like Kang Yo-han.
What you heard and saw were odd enough.
And cheating is cheating.
That's a crime too.
And don't you be deluded.
Whether Kang Yo-han has a reason or not,
that still doesn't change anything.
Who out there doesn't have
a story to tell?
And it's not like everyone
breaks the law, is it?
If Su-hyeon were to see you
next to Kang Yo-han,
electrocuting someone to death…
what do you think she'd say?
Ga-on, what are you doing?
Why are you here?
-Tell me. Why are you here?
Do you know what I did because of you?
I destroyed evidence. Me!
How could you…
how could you have me see that?
What do I do?
What do I do?
I didn't know I'd die like this…
No… I'm sure he'll save me.
He dotes on me so.
I'm sure
he won't leave me to die like this.
No, not like this…
What the…
Let go!
Mr. President.
Will you really proceed with it?
Is there a reason to stop?
It's the villains who are the sinners,
so why punish the innocent citizens?
Is it not punishment
when you're making them kill someone
with their own hands in broad daylight?
Then is it okay as long as we borrow
someone else's hands to kill?
I don't believe in those who just sit back
blabbering cheap talk about justice.
Asking others to fight evil
on their behalf
so they don't dirty their hands
with blood?
They're no more than an accomplice.
There is no man in this world
who is free of sin.
No, you're wrong.
There are many more people
who may not be able to rise up and fight,
but who live earnestly
without harming others.
And that's why others risk
their lives to protect this world
like Dr. Yoon Myung-jin.
the police officers like Su-hyeon.
A world where everyone must taint
their hands with blood is hell.
And you're trying to turn
this world into hell, Judge Kang.
The world I was born into
has always been hell.
Will you please stop here?
I don't want to see you
cross the point of no return, Judge Kang.
I have
no other option.
May I ask you something?
When we took to the scene
of the forced migration,
you knew the collision between them
may result in deaths.
Didn't you?
Your neighbors are dying,
even as we speak.
Will you continue to
just sit back and watch?
-Judge Kang!
-They just stoned Judge Kang.
Judge Kang!
You ought to go to hell!
Kang Yo-han!
Come down here!
Come down here!
I said come down right now!
Is that what you'd actually
planned from the start?
Because to get people to fight,
you needed the blood of a sacrifice.
Is it really true, then?
If you have time to ask questions,
just get to work.
It's finally time.
Please get ready.
Will you really assume
full responsibility?
Are you sure you weren't
under anyone's orders?
Yes, so why do you keep on asking me,
you demon.
All right.
My fellow Koreans,
we now await your judgment.
You think this is fun, do you?
I'm not going to die. Why would I?
I've done nothing wrong.
I can't believe you're going through this
when you're a true patriot.
Honestly, you've gone to so much trouble.
Here, have a seat.
Hey, why are you crying when you're a man?
Did you really think I'd abandon you?
But I'm Heo Joong-se!
No, sir. I had my full faith in you.
Yes, all you need to do is just trust me.
So why not trust me till the end?
I need you to sit in that chair
for me tomorrow.
Kang Yo-han is just putting on a show.
That's what he's doing!
A blackmail show
until you blurt out my name!
But how can you tell me to die?
Come on, don't be a chicken!
You just need to hang in there.
But if it looks like things
might just get dangerous,
I'll put a stop to it.
I'll save you even if it means
cutting all the power off!
So don't you worry, all right?
This is all for our country!
Your lifelong wish…
I've told you over and over again.
That I'll make it happen.
-Really, Mr. President?
-Your lifelong wish…
An apartment with a view of the Han River,
a regular job at a public enterprise,
and I'll throw in plenty of Bitcoins too!
Mr. President…
Thank you.
That's right, you punk!
You brave little punk!
Who do you think you are to kill me?
Go on and try.
My fellow Koreans!
You are the owners of this nation.
Owners are those who are responsible.
In fact, they are owners because
they are responsible for themselves.
So please be the owners of our country.
"Please be the owners…"
You make me laugh.
Will you just let him be, then?
Still, it's just so horrible.
How can I kill someone with my own hands?
There's no guarantee
he won't kill someone else again.
Besides, he's been up to all kinds
of trouble since a long time ago.
We should vote.
Let's all vote.
-Let's all do it.
-Shall we?
Wow, they're really coming through.
Hey, it's really legit.
Is it? That number just went up
because you pressed it, right?
Yes. I doubted it, but it really is legit!
Is it? Then shall I try it too?
That damned bastard…
Right, the law is law.
It's right that we vote.
Hey, but this really does work.
Who knew?
It's bearable.
It's okay.
He told me to hang in there.
-Press it!
-Oh wow.
I need to hang in there.
Wow, he's about to die.
Electric shock!
-Press it!
-No, stop!
He told me to hang in there.
Judge Kang.
The Ministry of Justice
has just ordered a stay of execution.
On whose orders?
Judge Kim Ga-on
held a press conference just now.
All trials
of the Live Court Show
were manipulated.
I am a sinner.
Are you scared of me?
Don't you want to become
a monster like me?
You're just a clown
that I took as my puppet.
Kang Yo-han for President!
-What are we going to do about this?
-Isn't he lucky?
This is Su-hyeon's keepsake.
Now it's time for her
to learn the truth too.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Did you meet Joseph?
This is what the Young Master
tried desperately to hide.
But you'll regret it.
For life.
Now you look a little lonely.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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