The Flash s01e14 Episode Script

Be My Baby

A couple pretzels, please.
What the heck, make it a dozen.
I need my salt.
- Taxi! Taxi! - Thank you.
What the? Taxi! Taxi! - Here, let me help you.
- I've got it.
No, I don't want you to think everyone in Central City's a jerk! Thanks.
- Hey, listen, you okay? - I'm fine.
Well, I'm from the neighborhood if you're lost or anything.
Are those pretzels? Yeah.
Help yourself.
Listen, stop me if I'm out of line here but when was the last time you had something to eat? I gotta go.
Thanks again.
Hello, Stacy.
Can we offer you a lift? Bodey! Hey! Hey! Somebody help me! Get away from me! Come on, Stacy, relax.
Give me the knapsack.
Get away from me.
Why can't you just leave us alone? Good question.
I guess dinner's on him.
Are you okay, miss? I heard a scream.
It's all right.
- I thought I saw someone chasing you.
- They They just wanted my stuff.
No offense, but I saw what was in your suitcase.
It's hardly worth stealing.
I'm a cop, all right? Please, let me help you.
I would be happy if you could just get us to a street mission or something.
I am dead broke and we could really use a bed and a hot meal.
- We? Oh, my goodness, don't you look beautiful.
What did you tell the landlady when you borrowed the highchair? You're now my cousin from Seattle.
- Did she buy that? - I hope so.
I'm telling you, in this building, gossip is a major-league sport.
Let me do that.
You go ahead and eat.
You must be starved.
- Are you sure? - Yeah, no problem.
My brother used to bring his kid into the station.
We'd take turns taking care of him.
He used to take his naps in a desk drawer.
What do you think of that? Here it comes.
Now open that mouth.
Here you go.
All right.
Now some for me.
What? Am I doing this okay? Better than okay.
I'm usually the only one she lets feed her.
I think she's got a crush on you, Barry.
The feeling is mutual.
All right.
Stacy what kind of trouble you in? What do you mean? Well, back there on the street it seemed like you kept looking over your shoulder.
Like you thought somebody was watching you.
Just habit, I guess.
Lily and I have been on the road a while.
Barry? - I think Lily's finished.
- What? Yeah, I think she is.
Come here.
What a mess.
What a mess.
Sure it's all right, us staying here? I mean, you've already done a lot.
What, a little Chinese takeout? That's no big deal.
Besides, in the morning I'll take you to a place downtown where you and Lily can stay until you figure things out.
I don't know, Barry.
We're only gonna be in Central City a couple of days.
Well, think it over, that's all.
Oh, yeah.
Listen, when you're ready, you can take my room upstairs, okay? - I'll bunk down here with Earl.
- Thanks.
Can you look after her for a couple of minutes? I'm gonna go wash up.
Yeah, I think I can manage.
Here we go.
Hey, what's the matter, Earl? Don't worry, you haven't been replaced.
Besides, you'd love having a baby around.
Here we are.
Better give me this.
We need a baby toy here.
Oh, thanks, Earl, but pre-chewed is not the idea.
It's a modern world, kid.
Get to know your tools.
Very good.
You've played this game before.
Well, just give it a try for a few days.
It's really a good setup here.
Yeah, but I know how these places work.
There's probably a waiting list a mile long.
Don't worry about it.
I got connections.
- Hi.
- What's the matter? You too big to hug your mother? No way.
Come over here.
- How you doing? - I'm fine.
Come on in.
You must be Stacy.
And this is Lily.
I'm Nora Allen.
- You run this place? - No.
Voluntary duty, three days a week.
Any more than that and his father would turn our house into a poker parlor.
Come on, let's take the grand tour.
The bedrooms are upstairs.
Each mother and child shares one.
Hi, Annie.
And the kitchen is in here.
Everybody helps out, so be prepared to pitch in.
And this is the dining room.
We also have classes in here.
Childcare, self-defense.
And this, Lily, is the playroom.
Hi, Kathy.
How's it going? So, what do you think, Stacy? It's wonderful.
Why don't we go to my office and talk about paperwork and all that dull stuff.
Papers? I mean, if I stay, it's confidential and everything? Oh, absolutely.
It's just for our records here.
Okay? All right.
Kathy, I need you to go to the market.
Barry, will you watch the kids? What? Me? All of them? I can't do that.
Of course you can.
We'll only be a few minutes.
Say hello to Uncle Barry.
Here you go.
Hungry? Yeah.
Biscuits? Teething biscuits, huh? Barry, what's all that crying in here? Crying? Who's crying? Barry, why are you eating teething biscuits? Oh, I got this molar.
It's killing me.
Yeah, I agree.
And absolutely no disturbances after 11 p.
If he doesn't get precisely seven hours of sleep, heads will roll.
Also, we'll need new linens each day.
And I mean new.
Buy them at Caruso's, put them on the tab.
He'll want fresh fish for supper.
Make sure that it's fresh.
If it wasn't sucking seawater an hour ago, he'll send it back.
Got that? Fine.
Three, two, one.
The Flash? The Flash interceded? Yes, Mr.
- And he took the child? - Actually, we didn't see.
That is, we're not sure whether Stacy actually had Lily Lillian with her.
- And where is Stacy now, Roy? - We're working on that, sir.
She's out of precise range.
But she hasn't left the city.
The overall field reading on the homing device is in the southwest sector.
This ionizer won't be sufficient.
- Get half a dozen more.
And clear this.
- Yes, sir.
Central City.
I was here 10 years ago.
It's dirtier than I remember.
Even the air smells decayed.
Do we have any friends here? Yes, sir.
In the police department.
He's already been contacted.
He's keeping his eyes open.
Now, what about this Flash? There must be a file on him.
Sightings, rumors, et cetera.
Get it.
- You saw him? - Yes, Mr.
Big guy, red suit.
Thank you.
Very informative.
What makes him tick? Genetic engineering? Or perhaps he's completely synthetic.
Whatever he is, I have to find a way to deal with him if he intervenes again.
I want Stacy found tonight.
- Understood? - No problem, Mr.
Now, have them send up a bowl of raw vegetables.
And if they haven't been sterilized you will be.
I'm sorry, I have to stick by the rules.
No visitors after 5 p.
Except with prior consent.
All right? Now, if you'll excuse me.
But Stacy and Lillian are here, aren't they? I really can't help you.
Allen, you were a young girl once.
I'm sure you've had your share of lovers' quarrels and misunderstandings.
I mean, what kind of life is this? Alone on the streets with our baby.
Stacy left a good home.
She had everything she could have desired.
And I love her.
I just want to get her back solve our differences, take care of Lillian properly.
Please can't I just speak to her now, here, in the lobby, with you present? I'm afraid that's not possible.
- I'm going to have to insist that you - Mrs.
My husband is coming to pick me up in a few minutes.
My husband, the ex-policeman.
I understand.
I'm sorry to have bothered you.
She's on the move.
But she's close.
The signal's getting stronger.
Just find her, Roy.
I've got it.
Bodey, turn right here.
I said I'd find you.
It was such a useless exercise on your part.
And I was not happy that you exposed Lillian to the perils of the road.
Give me the baby.
She's safe, Philip.
You'll never find her.
Never? You know me better.
Put her in the car.
I know how people are about loaning things.
I've got loads of LaserDiscs.
Take what you want.
Great, because I have two nights off.
I wanna sit on my couch and watch movies.
I have all the classics.
The Great Escape, The Guns of Navarone.
God, Barry, don't you have any with women in them? Bullitt.
Yeah, that has a woman.
I think.
How about 3 Godfathers? Yeah, that's great.
It's about these three cowboys who find a baby.
Oh, boy.
Lily? One of your adventures before you became the Flash, eh, Barry? Lily is Stacy's baby.
Why on earth would she leave her with me? "Dearest Barry, be back in the morning.
Please take care of Lily.
Love" A rather annoying cute little drawing of a heart, "Stacy.
" - Are you sure you're not the father? - Tina, this is no time for comedy.
- What am I gonna do? - Well, nothing out here.
Take her inside here.
Very quietly.
It's a baby.
I can't believe this girl would leave a baby with someone.
Well, she's been running away from something.
She's obviously very confused.
- But she barely knows - No, Tina! You'll wake the baby.
Carefully, carefully.
Besides, it's only for one night.
How difficult could it be? - Okay.
All right.
Now, don't panic.
- Okay.
Just rock.
- Pick her up.
- Pick her up? Yeah.
I should pick her up.
All right, come on.
Come to Uncle Barry.
Come on.
It's all right.
- Maybe she's wet.
- Wet? - You're a girl.
You check.
- Trust me, you'll know.
I'll know.
All right.
Here we go.
Let's see here.
That doesn't mean she's gonna stay that way.
Come on.
Don't you know how to handle children? - Just because I'm a woman? - Yeah.
Barry, my doctorate's kinetic physics, not pediatrics.
Call an expert.
- Call your mother.
- My mother! That's perfect.
Yeah, she's done this before.
I forgot, they're out of town for the weekend.
Mom, listen, this is Barry.
You've gotta call me immediately when you get this.
I need some maternal advice ASAP.
This is idiotic.
We're both college graduates.
- Right.
We're responsible adults.
- Exactly.
Millions of people do this every day.
We can do this for at least one night.
Maybe she's tired, Barry.
- Hungry! Maybe she's hungry.
- Good idea.
See what we've got in there.
I don't think you've got what she wants.
She needs real baby food.
Real baby food? Okay.
All right, I'll make a run.
I'll make a run.
Well, step on it, Barry.
I don't really know my way around kids.
You'll be fine.
Get used to it, kiddo.
- Oh, there he is.
- I have just the thing.
I know.
Here we go.
You're gonna love this.
You're gonna love it.
Okay, here we go.
Come on.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Come on.
Come on.
You like this.
Here we go.
All right.
I tell you, you're gonna love it.
Come on, here you go.
- Here you go.
- Maybe we should sing.
- Sing? Sing what? - Yeah.
Well, it's gonna be a long night.
All right, now, where's my daughter? How did you find me? I thought you might try to run away, so No.
No! Give that back! It's the only thing I have to remember my parents by.
How sweet.
When you unfortunately discovered my real business and intentions I thought it best to conceal this small homing beacon in the one thing I knew you would never part with.
Why can't you just leave us alone? Because you took something that belongs to me.
Lillian is mine.
And one way or another, I will get her back.
I will not let her be raised by a criminal! I have never been convicted of any crime.
Stacy, please, have a seat.
How could I ever have loved you? You're so beautiful.
Your mother, Olympic gold medalist, your father, Nobel-prizewinning chemist.
You carry their greatness.
You're a monster.
All you wanted was a test tube! Stacy, you're young.
You can still have other children, if you live.
Now, where is my daughter? - Please, Philip - Don't touch me.
- My daughter.
- I will not give up the only good thing I've got.
That's awfully selfish of you, isn't it? I mean, look at yourself.
You're hardly a fit mother.
Whereas I can give Lillian everything.
I would rather she was raised by strangers even if I can never see her again.
- All right.
I'll give you 24 hours to change your mind, and then l'll have Bodey ask you.
Don't wake the baby.
- Oh, Mom, thank goodness.
- I got your message.
- Is Stacy here? - No.
She disappeared with Lily from the home last night.
She left Lily here with me and Tina.
- Tina? - Barry! Lily's gone! What? - What do you mean, she's gone? - Lily? Lily? - Lily? - Lily? We've got the largest inventory of large screens anywhere in Central City.
Bad credit? No problem at Wacky Walter's.
- We carry our own financing.
- I should have known.
Come here, you.
Yes, I know, it's loaded.
Give me this.
Say bye-bye.
Barry with a baby, and me without a camera.
Hello, Mrs.
I'm Tina.
It's Nora.
It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Tina.
- So, Barry, you two spent the night, huh? - Mom! He can blush at the drop of a hat.
Mom, I think the baby needs you.
- Where? Where? - Over there.
Right over there.
Plastic diapers? Come on, this is the '90s.
You should use cloth.
- There, sweetheart.
- Mom, where's Stacy? Well, someone came to see her.
He claimed he was a relative.
Nice-looking man, but I didn't let him in.
And then during the night she just took off.
Well, she's been on the run from somebody.
Maybe this guy? - An old boyfriend? - Well he seemed too mature for Stacy.
And somehow dangerous.
Dangerous, Nora? Maybe I'm just being a policeman's wife, but I think she's in real trouble.
- Yeah, I picked that up too.
- She's a sweet girl.
I hope she's not abandoning Lily.
Mom, don't call the welfare people just yet, okay? I'll see if I can get a line on Stacy.
What do you want me to do with Lily? Take her to the mothers' home? No, no, no.
Lily is my responsibility.
I mean, if Stacy had wanted her to be at the home she'd have left her there, right? - But, Barry I only have a couple hours' computer work to do at the office.
Besides, if Stacy is in some kind of trouble, I would be happier if Lily is with me.
- Call if you need me.
- Call if you need me.
- It's okay.
It's all right.
- You make a great mother.
If there weren't children present Yes.
Say bye.
Say bye.
Okay, off to work.
Hey, Allen.
Who'd you arrest this time? "Baby Face" Nelson.
Hey, not so close, Murph.
You're a bad influence.
- Oh, give me a break.
- She's gorgeous.
Look at that.
I'm watching her for a friend.
- Hey, what a liberated guy.
- Well, whatever.
I've got work to do.
I didn't know Allen had a kid.
You know what? Neither did he.
Will you knock it off.
Come on, he's just babysitting.
- Come on.
- Why are you always on me? Because I'm always paying for the doughnuts.
Now, Stacy said she was from Chicago but this says there is no police record for Stacy Doubek.
Let me see if I can find a birth certificate for Lillian here.
"Mother: Doubek, Stacy Anne.
Father: Moses, Philip Mark.
" Philip Moses.
Why does that sound familiar? I don't know.
I'll run it through the federal linkup.
- All right.
- Here you go.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yes.
You again.
That's all right.
We're gonna be fine.
We're gonna be fine.
Just figure this out.
Hey, have I got an idea for you, huh? It's all right.
No, you're gonna love it.
I know.
Yes, yes.
Wait till you see it.
Everybody's a critic.
Come on.
There you go.
I'll be right back.
Don't panic.
It's all right, princess.
Come with me.
Wait till you see what I've got for you.
You are just gonna love it.
All right.
All right.
There you go.
I crosschecked Moses' federal data file.
There's more on the way.
Let's see what we've got here.
Oh, yeah.
According to this, your daddy is a real criminal mastermind.
Look at this.
A dozen indictments in five years.
Suspected of murder, sabotage, espionage, drug trafficking.
No convictions.
According to these and my mom's description this is the guy who was at the home looking for Stacy.
- See what else you can find.
- Right.
Think about it, Stacy.
The clock's ticking.
- Hello? Tina McGee.
- Yeah, Tina.
We got some information on Stacy but there's only so much I can do here.
I'm gonna have to hit the streets.
You think maybe you could look after Lily? Of course.
But you owe me for this one, Barry.
- Bigtime.
- Don't I know it.
See you.
It always looks so easy in the movies.
Good girl.
I knew you'd find a way to escape.
Follow her.
She'll lead us right to Lily.
Please keep an eye on your valuables, folks.
It seems there's a brace of pickpockets working on this block tonight.
- Thank you.
- There you go.
Sir, you dropped your wallet.
A little street theater, Fosnight? - What's next, a mime show in the park? - Do you know me? - So does National Express.
- I never felt a thing.
Listen, I need information, all right? A character named Philip Moses.
I don't know.
Moses is bad news.
I mean, the guy's got an ego that can kill you.
Let me see, what's the rap for counterfeiting? What, 10 years? Okay.
If Moses were in town with his pull and his cleanliness thing he's probably at The Highwayman.
But you never heard it from me.
- I never reveal a source.
- You got a light touch, Allen.
You're in the wrong line of work.
- Yes? - Where's Barry? - Oh, you must be Stacy.
I'm Tina.
- You're Barry's girlfriend? - Well, no, not exactly.
- Oh, you're a very lucky girl.
Barry's a great guy.
Oh, sweetie.
Oh, did you miss me? Baby, baby.
- How far do we go? - We should have no problems.
But if someone gets in our way, kill them.
She was here.
She escaped.
Or they let her escape.
Either way, she'll go to Lillian.
- Who's that? - Don't answer it.
- Why? - Don't answer it.
Who do you think you are, coming in here? - No.
- Poor, foolish Stacy.
Now, you didn't really think that you escaped on your own, did you? Please, Philip You know why I'm here.
- Philip, please don't hurt anybody.
- That is entirely in your hands.
- Philip, no! - Now give me the child, or the same treatment shall happen to both of you.
You wouldn't hurt her.
She's your only child.
Don't you dare underestimate me.
Can't you stuff something in her mouth to shut her up? That's better.
The baby.
Good girl.
That's the freak who stopped us the last time.
Lily! Oh, my God.
Oh, baby.
Are you okay, sweetie? What did they do to you? - How did you? - You can thank the Flash.
- Are you all right? - Swell.
Listen, I don't suppose you That is, the Flash.
- Got his hands on Moses as well.
No, unfortunately.
But the Flash assures me he's number one on his hit list.
Now, Stacy I think it's time.
The whole story.
And after you got pregnant, you found out about Philip's criminal record.
That's when Philip told me he never really loved me.
That he had used me because I was the perfect mother for his child.
I just talked to the feds.
They'll assist.
They've been trying to nail Moses to the wall for years.
You'll never catch him.
He's not giving up until he gets what he wants.
But if we could set a trap No! I will not risk my baby! Listen, you wanna put a stop to this guy, or what? I will not let Lily be used as bait! - I'm sorry.
- Don't apologize.
Now, it's your decision.
For you and for Lily.
Sooner or later you're gonna have to face this problem head-on.
- You can't keep running away.
- I'm so confused! Maybe Philip was right.
Maybe I am an unfit mother.
Now, you listen to me.
You are a tough girl, Stacy.
A smart girl.
I don't care what Moses says.
Now, your love for Lily will get you through this whatever you decide.
All right.
Lieutenant Garfield, I'll help you catch Philip.
We must leave Central City.
But not without my daughter.
She's the link to my future.
My heiress.
Listen, they just took the girl over to the home right now.
But there's something you ought to know about.
I see.
That calls for an appropriate countermeasure then.
Lieutenant, do you want us to use procedure code alpha? Over.
That's right.
I want this done without the usual fuss.
- Everything's under control.
- Yeah, except my girdle's killing me.
- What, you think you're the only one? - Hey, guys, knock it off, all right? We don't wanna wake Lillian.
- Lieutenant.
- Just a minute.
- Heads up.
- All set.
Good evening, ma'am.
Evening, ladies.
The main office sent me down.
There seems to be some kind of power outage in one of your tran Oh, look at the baby.
- All right, ladies - Freeze, punk.
- Roy.
- I can't believe it.
- He set me up.
- Moses.
Oh, my God.
What about Lily? Barry? Barry?! I cleared the back entrance for you.
But there's one uniform on watch upstairs.
We'll deal with him, Mills.
Thank you.
Just in case.
Let's go.
So are you and Sabrina getting serious? - Well, I guess.
- Can I help you, gentlemen? Julio, it's the man who came to the home! Bodey.
- You're not going to take that child! - Oh, really? That's one woman I wouldn't threaten, Moses! I'm ready for you this time, you speed freak.
This ultrasonic weapon is doing things to your equilibrium that shouldn't happen to a dog.
Thank you very much.
- Where you been? - I've been checking with the station.
Mom and Julio are all right.
They just have headaches the size of Mt.
- You okay? - Yeah.
According to the FBI, Moses spent the past few weeks liquidating all his financial holdings and transferring them into bearer bonds.
They figure he's got close to 10 million in assets.
And look at this, huh? All the exits to the city are covered.
- Highways, trains, the airport - Don't bet on it.
Moses is too smart to let himself get backed into a corner.
He's got an escape route.
What I can't figure is how they knew where the baby really was and how they got in and out of police headquarters so easily.
Maybe he had help.
- Meaning what? - Meaning a man like Moses can buy almost anything.
Or anybody.
I don't like your implication.
Who was on duty at the back entrance tonight? - Central City Police.
- This is Garfield.
- Who was on the back door tonight? - Dave Mills, sir.
- Dave Mills? All right, I wanna talk to him.
- He already left.
- He did? - Yes.
He volunteered for roadblock duty.
- When? - About an hour ago.
Where? - He volunteered for roadblock duty.
- Where? Skyline Drive.
That's the road to the old airport.
This is Garfield.
I want all available units out to Skyline Drive now! Lillian.
Lillian, look at this.
You know what this is? This is a bond.
A bearer bond.
And they are better than money because you can take them anywhere.
And they are all ours.
All $ 10 million worth.
That's right, $ 10 million.
Roadblock up ahead.
I just heard there's a half a dozen units headed this way.
They must know your escape route.
But the time they get here, we'll be long gone.
Move your car.
If they know about the airfield, they know about me.
You gotta take me.
- I don't think so.
- You can't leave me here.
I know too much.
You know, I do believe you're right about that.
Hey! Okay, here we go.
Come on.
Bodey, do something with this, will you? Get her to stop that racket.
It's giving me a headache.
Moses, I think it's wet.
Then change it.
I'm loading the plane.
Don't dally.
Don't worry.
Don't cry.
Everything's gonna be all right.
It will be as soon as you're out of her life.
Face it, Bodey, you're really not the maternal type.
I see you more as hard labor.
In fact, I know of an opening you'd be perfect for: Making license plates for the state for the next 20 years.
Personally, I think you'd look a lot better in gray.
Prison gray.
Lily? You've broken your last commandment, Moses.
Give me the baby.
She is my daughter.
Mine! Oh, well.
Easy come, easy go.
No! No! No.
No! No! Please! - All right, move in.
Let's get them.
- Yes, sir.
- Lily! - Spread out around here.
Has anybody seen my baby? Lily! Come on.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
My baby! Has anybody seen my baby? Sweetie.
Oh, sweetie.
Did you miss me, honey? - How's Lily? - I can hardly keep up with her.
- Your mother's been wonderful.
- My mom? - That lady? - Yeah, your mom.
She got me a job downtown.
I finally think that Lily and I are gonna be all right.
More than anyone else, it's because of you that Lily and I are still together.
Well, I guess the Flash had something to do with it, huh? Listen, I just want you to know that if you and Lily ever need anything - Mama.
- She said your name.
Yeah, she's just starting to talk.
- Lily, look who's here.
- Hey, cute stuff.
How you doing? - Uncle Barry.
- Flash.
- You know, it sounded like she said - "Splash.
" She said, "Splash.
" You know, time for her bath, I think.
- Is that what you want? To take a bath? - I think that's it.
Come on.
- Bye, Barry.
- Bye.

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