The Following s01e14 Episode Script

The End is Near

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
Breakup sex can be fun.
This is Sheriff Nelson of Havenport, neighboring town.
Whatever we can do to help.
Put your hands up.
Hey! Stop! Okay.
So we made Roderick.
I think the cult's gonna try to make a move now.
I fixed the property records and hid this place, but they will find us! You need to pull yourself together.
Unh! Mom! What's going on? Why did he take Joey? Claire! I said I will find Joey.
If you find him, please don't bring him back here.
You have one job since the beginning and that was to watch over my son.
Claire tried to kill-- Drop your weapon! Get down! Let him go, Jacob! Joe doesn't care if you live or die.
You okay? Come here.
We're gonna die soon.
I can feel it.
Unh! Hello, Ryan.
I'm sorry to say that our story has taken an unexpected turn.
Sadly, it is time for Claire to die.
Ha ha! Ho ho ho! I have to come over more often.
This breakup sex is hot.
Heh heh heh.
Is this okay? Yeah.
Just need a minute.
Ha ha ha! Ohh.
You know that booze is gonna kill you.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
You can't kill me.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
I'm already dead.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
Can't kill me.
I'm already dead.
Now you understand everything I have told you, yes? Do you have any questions? Because this is extremely important.
Been through it 10 times, Joe.
I think I've got it.
Because with, uh-- with Roderick gone, I am in dire need of someone to trust, Emma, so-- oh, dear.
Do I frighten you? Oh, yes.
Of course I do.
It's completely my fault.
I have been a tad erratic of late, so let me apologize.
Last night, I was angry and upset, and I took it all out on you.
It was insensitive and inappropriate, so please do forgive me, Emma.
Of course.
How is your wound? Are you okay? Oh.
It, uh hurts like hell.
Claire was crafty with that bloody knife.
But I remain undaunted! We have got so much to do.
The FBI is in full force here as the manhunt for Joe Carroll and his cult of killers continues.
You'll be backing us up with assists from State Police.
Local law enforcement is gonna stay sidelined for the time being.
Let's go.
Nick made it to DC he's in surgery.
There's no word yet.
Joey Matthews is being held at headquarters.
Claire's mother's en route.
They'll go in hiding immediately.
Keep me posted on both.
Joey Matthews gave us a detailed description of the house, okay, so we're looking for a surrounded by acres of land.
It's got a pond, it's got a large main gate, so we need to start with all the estates in the area.
The town records tell us there's There's two different country clubs with roughly 20 each.
We're narrowing down topography with satellite.
We've got choppers in the air, we've got roadblocks in place, we've got the Coast Guard on the waterways.
We're gonna work in teams and cover the entire town.
Want you to keep in constant radio contact.
Let's find them.
In death, there is life.
In death, there is love.
In death, there is everything.
Your love overwhelms me.
Today is going to be the most special of days for all of us.
Thank you.
Aimee, you be strong, be fierce.
For you.
Are you sure they're all ready for this? Are you kidding? We've all been waiting for exactly this.
Everyone knows their role? We've gone over it again and again.
We've trained, sir.
We're ready.
And you, Aaron, hmm? Are you ready for this? We all play different parts, sir.
We'll stay in contact.
Timing will be important.
Don't worry, Joe.
We're gonna get you and your wife out of this house safely, even if it's the last thing we do.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate your dedication.
It's my honor.
Whole world is watching.
Today is the day that our story will finally be heard.
Thank you.
This is insane.
What? We can't stay here.
We have to leave.
I know that.
It's Joe's plan.
It's crazy, all right? He's not thinking clearly.
He's all hopped up on booze and pain pills.
This is what he wants.
What's your problem? How do you know that he's not using us just so he can get out of town? He is taking us with him, trusting us, you and me more than anyone.
I don't know that we should be trusting him right now.
I can't help you with your trust issues.
Well, trusting people doesn't work too well for me, does it, Emma? Suck it up.
Morning, Claire.
You don't look so good.
Neither do you.
Tell me about it.
You should see a doctor.
That looks really nasty.
Well, thank you for your concern.
I have, in fact, been stitched up, so I'm gonna be fine.
You on the other hand, not so much.
You see, I, uh, I finished the rewrite, and I tried, Claire, I really tried.
I searched my soul for one good reason to let your character live, but you know what? I-- I couldn't come up with a single one.
So if you don't mind, after you.
Joe, don't do this.
Don't do this.
Don't do this.
Joe! Joe! Joe? Scroll.
Scroll up.
Stop right there.
What is this? I don't know, but satellite imagery doesn't match with the property manifests.
What do you mean? Someone's tampered with these records.
They don't match up.
It's a total sleight of hand.
They've been doctored like the surveillance cameras during Carroll's escape.
In the northwest.
That's it.
We got it.
We got the house.
Let's go! Go, go! Move! Clear! Clear! Clear! House is empty, sir.
_ We're going to be stuck in traffic.
The news said the roadblock was two hours.
Left my charger on the counter.
Grab me a water, please.
Can I help you? We were really hoping you wouldn't be home.
Oh, God! Phil! Oh, my God! Phil! Phil! Vicky! No! You must be Vicky.
Your husband and I were just having a nice, little chat about you.
So why leave a hanging body? To spook us.
Show of power.
To tell us he's still in control? Yeah.
That's the idea, but I'm guessing he's not so in control right now.
We're gaining on him.
You think Joe's still in town? Yeah, I do, but not for long.
All right.
We're running prints.
Did a quick breakdown of groceries, dishes, bed linens.
I estimate 37 actual residents.
Have all the traffic checkpoints on high alert, special attention to cars with more than 4 people.
Notify the Coast Guard to search all outgoing boats.
All right.
_ "The Mask Of The Red Death.
" Seen this before, but why did he leave it for us? To distract us, to take us off point.
Something happened with Claire.
I mean, he took her and Joey.
Some kind of fictional attempt to reunite his family, but that was never gonna work, not with her.
I think she did something to upset him.
She's not gonna live up to some false idea, so she's ruining his perfect plan, this whole story he's inventing.
And now he's gonna kill her.
But he hasn't yet.
You're the hero in the story, Ryan.
He's gonna give you the opportunity to save her.
He's made that clear.
He's gonna give me the opportunity to witness her death.
Only if we let him.
Move and stay.
Hmm? Good girl.
Just I'm gonna tie around your ankles.
Hey! Easy, tiger.
Don't play the hero.
Good man.
Hmm? Now-- unh.
Oh, uh, I do realize that this is, uh-- this is something of an imposition.
We will only be requiring your hospitality until nightfall.
What do you do for a living, Phil? Uh, mortgage broker.
That can't be going well.
- It's picked up.
- Has it? Don't do this, Joe.
Don't do what? Don't do this.
Don't terrorize them like this.
This is my wife, the martyr.
She takes care of everyone except me.
We were having a nice conversation, Claire.
Who was that? Alex.
He was checking in.
All's good.
What does that mean? It means all is good, Jacob.
So, what? We're just supposed to sit here and wait? Well, we have to wait until nightfall to leave.
It's less risky.
I don't-- I don't like this.
Alex and everybody, they're all on board with this? I don't like any of it.
Yes, Jacob.
You are the only one who's not okay.
What happened to you? You did a 180.
None of this is what I thought it was going to be.
Just what did you think it was going to be? I thought it was gonna be you and me.
What do you got? Images of anyone who ever visited Joe in prison or showed up at that weapons armory, anyone who's had contact with the cult or with Carroll.
How many can you actually ID? I'm up to 50.
Who's real, who's not? We got real identities, fake, some are faceless.
We don't know who is and who isn't.
Where you going? I'm standing here with residents of Havenport, Maryland, where the FBI believe Joe Carroll and his cult are residing.
Now while many residents have left the area, some have decided to stay.
The Mayor is urging these residents to please come to the Hannan Recreation Center simply as a safety precaution.
You think they're here? Yeah, I do.
How would we know? Ma'am, are you worried that there might be a cult lurking in your town? Oh, no.
Not really.
Why is that? Because the red death spares no one.
Uh, what do you mean "read death"? "No pestilence has ever been so fatal or so hideous.
Blood was its avatar and its seal.
Darkness and decay and the red death held dominion over all.
" Ma'am, is this a quote? - What exactly are you saying? - Death is coming.
Drop it! Drop it! Drop the knife! Drop it! - My name is Ryan-- - Ryan Hardy.
Oh, I know.
So you know my name.
What's your name? What? You don't want to tell me your name? "It was many and many a year ago, in a kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived whom you may know by the name Annabel Lee.
" Your name is Annabel Lee? Heh heh.
No, silly.
Annabel Lee is the story of the death of a woman by the sea.
And the man who grieves her death.
Ryan, will you grieve for your love when she dies? Will you? Will you lay down by her side in her tomb by the sea? Heh heh.
So it was quite a show you put on out there with the reporter.
Thank you.
You know, you killed that woman.
You're welcome.
You were quoting "The Mask Of The Red Death".
What was that about? Death, Ryan.
It's about death.
See-- seen this trick before.
You're activating something, so why don't you just tell me what it is? You.
It was meant for you.
Okay, Annabel.
How about we stop all the creepy cult stuff, huh, and you tell me where I find Claire? In death, there's everything.
What are you doing, Ryan? Are you ready to die, Annabel? Yes! - I'm going in.
- No.
- Where is she? - Let him do it.
Where is Claire? You tell me where she is.
I will kill you.
Claire must die.
Through death, you live.
Why does Joe want her dead? What changed? In death, there is life.
But something happened to Joe.
What? Tell me.
Why does Claire have to die? It's so you can be reborn.
Dinner nearly ready.
Is he going to kill us? I'm not gonna let that happen.
How are you gonna stop him? He's crazy.
I need you just to stay calm and follow my lead.
All right? What are we talking about? I was just telling Phil and Vicky here that you're not gonna hurt them.
I promised them.
Why on earth would you make a promise you cannot keep? Well, because they can help you.
They can serve a purpose.
You can give them a message, and then they can go to the FBI and speak to them.
You mean, a message for Ryan? Mm-hmm.
Tell him how you're gonna kill me.
That is the final chapter.
He needs to know the plan, and these folks can be your messenger.
I've already dealt with that, my love.
Ryan knows I'm gonna kill you.
Well, I've already delivered all of my messages, and besides, Ryan is about to have-- excuse me-- a very busy few hours But I do think it is terribly sweet that you're trying to save their lives.
Oh, well.
Let's eat while it's hot, huh? I am ravenous.
Phil Parmesan? What are you doing out here? Just killing time.
Because it looks like you're thinking about leaving.
Where am I gonna go, hmm, home to my dad, back to med school, prison? I hate what I've done to you and I know we can't go back, and I'm sorry.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You remember those-- those hideous faculty dinner parties that we had to suffer through-- boring, long, stuffy? You hated them.
Ow! Joe, you're in pain.
Let me do it.
Yes, you'd have to untie me.
Come on.
Can I trust you, though, Claire? What do you think, Phil? Can I trust her, huh, hmm? Let me.
Thank you.
Tell me, Phil, you trust your wife, hmm? Yes, I do.
Thank you.
Do you love your wife? Yes, I do very much.
And, uh, would you die for her? Joe, stop it.
Oh, just serve the wine, Claire.
Phil? Joe.
Would you die for your wife? Yes.
Yes, I would.
Plea-- please.
You can kill me.
You can do anything you want.
Just let her go.
Do you hear that, Vicky? This man would die for you.
And you him, I imagine, hmm? You-- you hear that, Claire? That is love you hear.
That is marriage vows at work.
You see, Claire of course doesn't really understand the whole "death do us part" bit, but, uh, she will, she will.
Why-- why don't you eat your food, huh, have a glass of wine, enjoy the charming company? Because this will be your last supper.
It's the cops.
Stay here.
Is everything okay in there? No, no.
You're gonna have to keep very very quiet.
Sorry, ma'am.
We're doing a door-to-door to make sure all is okay.
Everything's fine here.
Are you home alone? It says on my registry that Phil and Vicky Gray live here.
You shot them.
They knew.
Don't you move.
- Ohh! - Unh! Aah! Unh! Here.
Unh! Go, go, go, go! Emma! Where are your nearest neighbors? Through the woods.
What happened? - Claire happened.
- Help me.
Agh! You got to go and find her.
Find Claire.
Are you sure you're okay? No.
I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, but you need to take the car and hunt down my wife.
But what about you? It will be dark soon.
No, no, no.
I'll be fine.
I'll call Alex.
He'll come for me.
- You know where to meet us, yes? - Yes.
All right.
Go, go, go, go, go.
"Mask Of The Red Death.
" Joe leaves it behind for us to find, the girl quotes it.
We keep coming back to this story.
Why? It's about a plague on a city.
I mean, people that feared death went to a palace for safety.
Death found them anyway.
So what are they planning-- a group suicide, a mass murder, what? I mean, is that fitting for Joe's final chapter? I mean Okay.
So we're in metaphor land with Joe.
If the cult is the plague The red death killed the people who feared it, who sought safety and refuge, so where? Here it would be the evacuation center.
Is that possible? All right.
The evacuation center is situated in the gymnasium.
We estimate there are about 100 people inside, most of whom came in voluntarily.
There were no prescreens or identity checks, so any number of them may be members of Carroll's cult.
So what's our approach? Let's get SWAT posted at the exits but guns down.
We don't want to start a panic.
We do a preliminary sweep going two by two.
Search for suspicious behavior.
Arrest and detain anyone out of the ordinary.
We'll question them later.
All right.
You heard the lady.
Guns holstered.
We got mostly innocent people in there, so no shots fired unless absolutely necessary.
We clear? All right.
Let's go.
Keep your eyes open.
Two o'clock, black hair, black jacket.
Saw him outside the police station.
Something's up with this guy.
We don't want to start a panic.
Ma'am, are you okay? Mike, paramedics now! - Turner! - Aah! Go, go! Unh! Raagh! Unh! Aaaah! Hey! Hey! Hold it right there.
Help, please.
She tried to kill me.
Keep your hands where I can see them.
Aah! Hey! Hey! That's our car.
It's them! Go, go! Run, run! Run! Unh! Ohh! Keep going.
Get up, get up.
Keep going! Oh, God.
Nice try, bitch.
What about them? No time.
Grab her.
We have to go.
Check around that corner.
Unh! Ohh! Argh! You found her? We did.
How about you? Any trouble getting here? No.
None at all.
The FBI were completely distracted by the murder and mayhem in town.
My sweet Claire.
Oh, what has become of you, hmm? Out.
Where are we going, Joe? I know you've always been fond of the open sea, Claire.
We're not gonna get very far.
The Coast Guard is probably already looking for us.
Do you remember when we rented that boat in Maui, just the two of us, huh? You know, we sailed for hours, we basked in the hot sun, did other things? Well, this trip won't be like that one at all.
They're patrolling the waters, Joe.
This is such a bad idea.
I'll take my chances.
Now all aboard.
Come on! No! No! I am really beginning to hate you.
Now get inside! Joe, no.
Joe! Joe! God! We have to meet Alex.
We'll be late.
We don't have to go.
What are you talking about? Look.
We got a car, we got a full tank of gas.
I bet we could get out of town, get past the roadblocks.
Jacob, why are you doing this? Look.
I know that you love Joe, okay? I love him, too.
I am extremely grateful for everything that he's done for me, but I don't want to die either.
What are you talking about? We're not dying.
Don't you get what happened tonight? All those people, they just gave up their lives for what? To be part of some book he wrote? It didn't have to happen that way.
But that's our purpose.
One day, he's gonna ask the same thing of me, and I can't.
I don't want to die for him, Emma.
I don't want you to die either.
Come with me.
You're really going to leave.
Yeah I am.
With or without you.
I love you, Emma.
I love you, too, Jacob.
And I love Joe.
But I don't know how to love you both.
- Fine.
- Yeah.
All right.
You okay? Fine.
What do we got? about a dozen or so wounded, the rest escaped.
Well, they weren't gonna surrender.
So this was just a big distraction to, what, get Carroll out of town? They knew all our resources would be here.
It was a perfect opportunity.
Guys, we got a problem.
Parker's missing.
Come on.
I got her feet.
You take her shoulders.
No! Whoo! Ha ha! Any last words, Agent? You don't have to do this.
You don't have to do this.
You're right.
I don't have to.
Take small breaths.
No! No! No! No! Help! Somebody, help! No! No! Help! Aah! Somebody, please! No! No! Somebody, help! No! No! No! No!
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