The Glory (2022) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

71-1 Seonghan-dong, Jongno-gu.
An unidentified body has been found.
I repeat, a body has been found.
We need an officer at the scene.
Unit One is en route.
The number you have dialed
is not available.
If you'd like to make a call,
please hang up, check the number…
What the fuck is going on?
I guess Hawaii's not in the cards for you.
It was right here. I left it here.
Wait. Just hold on, just hold on.
Let me…
The number you have dialed
is not available.
Ah, shit!
I just got a call from Myeong-o's aunt.
Did you know he's dead?
His body was found last night.
You sure have a lot of friends,
don't you, Hye-jeong?
You really kept in touch with his aunt?
What, are you jealous now?
You should know more than anyone
how hard it is to keep friends.
You don't even know what's coming for you.
You are totally fucked, Yeon-jin.
Thanks for the heads-up.
It seems like I've just lost two friends.
You want me to sell the motel?
Why? The business is going so well!
Sell it. Give it away for dirt cheap,
if you have to. Sell it now.
Sort it out with the real estate agent.
Call me when you're done.
Hey. Where have you two been?
You eat yet?
You make some good money yesterday?
We had ramen earlier, so we're good.
God, you guys can't survive
on ramen alone.
Hey, get yourselves some stew, huh?
-Wow. Thanks for this, boss.
Still working with Yeon-jin?
Yeah, for a little pocket money.
Right. Keep up the good work.
Don't forget, no minors, okay?
Of course, drive safe, sir.
We need to know
how often you drink alcohol.
What are you talking about?
I'm not a drinker.
I swear, I never touch the stuff.
It's not my thing.
Just ask my daughter. She'll tell you.
She's a teacher.
Look at my smart daughter!
You can trust her, can't you?
You were diagnosed
with alcohol dependency six years ago.
Are you saying you've had
nothing to drink since then?
Uh, I actually, uh, had a little glass.
Not even a full one. Basically half.
But I drank it really slow.
How much do you typically drink
once you start drinking?
How many bottles would you estimate?
I said I don't drink, okay?
How dare you accuse me, you fucking quack?
I understand why you brought me here,
you sneaky little bitch!
How dare you?!
You two are ganging up on me,
aren't you? Huh?
-Why did you start the fire?
-The fire? Come on! Hey!
It was really just
a tiny little burn on the floor.
I was just trying to teach my daughter
a silly little lesson, no big deal!
There are fire extinguishers everywhere.
We weren't in any danger.
We put the fire out right away.
I'm fine, she's fine,
everything is fine.
I have everything I need.
We're done here. You can go.
I can go?
Thank you.
We'll get these documents entered.
-Please come this way.
-No! Let go!
Stop, assholes!
Dong-eun! Help! They're taking me away!
You have to help me!
Say something, come on!
This decision is mine to make.
Because I am
the only family you have left.
I have to leave you here.
You fucking bitch!
How could you do this to your own mother?!
I hope you rot in hell!
Get off! Let me go, you assholes!
I'll go with this for the flooring.
And the wallpaper, let's see…
So, what's going on with you and Ms. Moon?
Ah, you startled me. Good to see you.
I didn't sneak up on you.
Have you chosen yet?
No, I haven't.
I'm debating if I should go with
the mid-century modern white,
or if I should choose something
more offbeat, like the Bauhaus grey.
Ugh, it's hard to pick one.
Oh, wow. Too much luxury for a rental!
You know which one he'll pick?
The most expensive one.
Yeah, of course!
You got a new tenant recently.
They leave already?
Oh, no. A unit caught fire.
Oh, I heard about that fire.
That was yours?
Wow, how did that happen?
Are they paying for the damages?
Even if they didn't, I wouldn't care.
I owe Ms. Moon my life,
because she saved it once.
What? really?
Here, drink this.
Tomatoes are good for detox.
Where's Yeon-jin? Where'd that bitch go?
Is that really the first thing
you're gonna say to me?
Can't you see how anxious I've been?
I've lost so much weight!
When do I have to go back?
You'll get a notice to return
to the station sometime next week.
If you cooperate with the police,
it gives you grounds
for a reduced sentence,
so it's best to show up.
Jesus Christ, this sucks!
Where's my old phone? Do you know?
Your old cell phone?
It's probably in your bedroom at home.
Why do you need it?
Important memories are on it.
Of one bitch in particular.
Let's go in there.
-Which one?
-Oh, that one?
-Ugh, so hungry.
Oh shit,
you're wearing matching clothes!
Oh my God, Yeon-jin.
That's so embarrassing.
This is so fucking cute.
You two are like besties now.
Let's capture this beautiful moment.
Shut the fuck up.
Hey. Hey!
Take it off.
Are you fucking Deaf like your mother?
Don't make me repeat myself.
Take your clothes off!
I'm sorry, Yeon-jin.
These aren't even real.
They're knock-offs.
This is my fault.
-I'm sorry.
-They're knock-offs? God.
-She's running away.
-Yeon-jin is so pissed.
I'm gonna kill that bitch.
-Oh my God, she's so mad.
-Get that out of my face!
I keep thinking about
that statement the mother released.
The part of it that said,
"After that class, my daughter fell
from an abandoned building and died."
You think that's true?
That depends.
How deep are you willing
to go down this hole?
Do you want the truth,
or do you want to bury it?
Why did you quit the school?
Was Yeon-jin responsible for that too?
Not entirely.
I'm not that sure
that I would have made a good teacher.
Here's the address for her family.
One person lives there now.
It's her mother.
And you should know the girl's name.
Yoon So-hee.
I heard that…
her body's still frozen somewhere.
Which hospital is she in?
Do you want to move her?
Or are you willing to help me?
Seoul Joo General.
This here is what you asked me
to dig into the other day.
All the details are inside.
You should know, his family owns
Seoul Joo General Hospital.
-Yes, sir.
Why did you choose to protect Ye-sol?
You must have known that using her
would have been
the easiest way to torture Yeon-jin.
If I'd done that,
I would have hurt you too.
I don't want that.
Once you finally get revenge…
will you be happy?
I really hope I will.
I want to be happy enough that I…
feel like I could die.
That's how I want to feel
when this is over.
Jesus Christ, answer me, motherfucker.
We need to meet.
It's important.
I'm guessing you heard
from Hye-jeong, right?
About Myeong-o.
He was found dead.
you two are living together.
I heard.
I figured you'd be
the first person to know,
outside of his family.
I mean, he did work here.
They said anything? The police?
Like anything about have they determined
his cause of death, or whatever?
I heard…
something about where the police found
Myeong-o's body.
Where was he found?
That abandoned building
where So-hee fell.
I'm really sorry, Yeon-jin.
I swear, I threw all those clothes away.
They're gone.
Really? Thank you, Yeon-jin.
Of course you should thank me.
Uh… Uh, I… I swear I'll stay
out of your way from now on.
Bitch, I already know you will. And?
Come on. You're not even sorry, are you?
Uh, no, I'm really so sorry,
Yeon-jin, I really am.
You are?
Then you better strip to prove it to me.
Here's the thing.
I just got my hands on a file.
An audio file you'll find interesting.
You were the last person who saw him,
weren't you? At Siesta?
That asshole was actually recording?
Oh. That must be it.
Hye-jeong heard it, too.
What was it like?
Pretty fucking shocking.
God damn it, Yeon-jin. Come on!
So, what are we gonna do now?
I'm still Ye-sol's mother, Jae-jun.
I'm your daughter's mom.
And now you finally know everything.
You have to save me. Save me.
And you have to save Ye-sol.
Jae-jun, you're our only hope.
Tell me the truth.
What did you do to Myeong-o?
It was an accident.
And I thought I took care of it.
I… I don't know why this is…
I just know Dong-eun…
I know she did this.
There's a doctor helping her,
whose family owns Seoul Joo General.
So-hee is inside there right now!
At Seoul Joo?
It feels like everything's falling apart.
I'm gonna leave, okay?
We can come live with you, right?
Ye-sol deserves better
than be the daughter of a murderer!
Will you say it?
I was with you
the day Myeong-o disappeared, wasn't I?
Yes, you were.
You know how much fun
we have when we're alone.
Don't you?
Where's Ye-sol, is she home?
Uh, your friend's here to see you.
Wow, that's a really
beautiful drawing, Ye-sol.
Want to be my artistic apprentice?
What do you say, Ye-sol?
Do you want to get high? Sound fun?
-Get up.
Hey! God, what's your problem?
I meant "get hired", not "get high"!
Hey, Ye-sol! I'll make sure you get high
next time I see you, okay? Bye!
You psychotic bitch!
Wow. Shit, you're really the mother
of the fucking year, aren't you?
Wow, you must have spent a fortune
on lawyers. How are you out already?
So it was you.
I was just looking out for you.
You should be careful.
You're running out of chances.
Hey. I know it was you.
That article was
written by the same asshole
who wrote
all those cover stories about you.
Reporter Kang Hyeong-jin of Doowon Daily.
What the hell are you saying?
That's ridiculous.
What's ridiculous is that I got caught
on the same day
people found out about your past.
You planted that shit
so yours would get buried.
Is that why they know about
the tax evasion, too?
Thanks for the heads-up.
It sounds like I've just lost two friends.
It was right here.
I swear, it's the truth!
Why would I bring you here if I was lying?
I don't care!
You have to fix this right now!
What the fuck are you looking for? What?
Jesus, what are you looking for?
I'm not going down for this
all by myself, you crazy fucking bitch!
Where are you?
I came out here to see you.
Where are you?
Far away.
How far away are you?
Do you want a ride?
Before you get any ideas, you should know
I already have a crush on someone.
I have two kilometers left
to hit my daily goal.
It's been nice chatting,
but I have to get back to my run.
Do you go jogging often?
You take good care of your body.
Sorry ma'am, I told you
I have a crush on someone else.
You've got stamina!
-Stamina separates winners from losers.
-And who are you trying to beat?
Listen, lady, you've got the wrong guy.
I really do have a crush on someone else.
She's very beautiful.
If you don't get in, I'm gonna go.
Come on, you're not gonna drive away.
I know you're just joking.
Wait! Stop! Hey, wait up!
Come back! Hey, stop!
I've got your license plate number!
Hey! Dong-eun!
That escalated pretty quick.
What's this about?
I just really missed you.
I'm sure we just saw each other.
When we're apart, it feels like forever.
Why have my walls up
when you crash right through them?
Really? You still have your walls up?
Yeah, because you're a sweet psycho.
Of course I am.
Hey, your landlord at Eden Apartments,
do you know her well?
-Do I know her?
I ran into her and she said
you saved her life. What happened?
I don't think I did.
I don't think I can save myself,
let alone save someone else.
Well, that's obvious,
because you're not that nice.
I take back "sweet."
Hey, can't take it back.
Okay, gotta go. I have one more kilometer.
Let me get this straight.
A missing body has turned up,
and you're wondering if they're gonna--
Simple yes or no,
are they gonna perform an autopsy or not?
If they can't prove it was
suicide or an accident, they have to.
What if the family says no?
What if everyone
in the family's against it?
Doesn't matter.
If the police suspect foul play,
they can request a warrant for an autopsy.
So there'll be one.
And I can't stop it.
You're starting to scare me.
You never ask about anything
other than tax evasion.
Why are you worried about criminal law?
Okay. I'll find a way to deal with this.
-I have to go, I have a meeting.
-Hey, hey, hey, don't just leave!
Are you gonna tell me what's going on?
So, this might take a while.
You want a drink?
I'd prefer you get to the point.
Oh, you want to get the beating over with?
Never been beaten, have you?
I can relate.
You're the first guy
who's ever had the pleasure.
I couldn't even fight back.
I said get to the point.
Wow, someone's getting impatient.
Suit yourself.
You already know this place has
a special meaning to Yeon-jin, don't you?
Careful what you say here.
That's a voice recording
on Myeong-o's phone from October 19th.
Take this and give it a listen.
You know Myeong-o.
You were looking for him, too.
The last place he was seen alive was here.
The last person who saw him was Yeon-jin.
That's what I want to talk about.
Oh. There's something else
you should know.
Something I only realized today.
There was an expensive…
bottle of liquor over there.
Pretty good grip on it, yeah?
And now it's gone.
Where is it? Where could it be?
Would you mind asking Yeon-jin
if she knows where it is?
She has very expensive taste
in murder weapons. You know?
-You mean she's, um…
-Yes, she is.
You're married to a murderer.
What do you want me to do?
What do you really want?
Should I report her to the police?
God, you're insane.
I could have done that myself.
We need to help her,
not fucking call it in.
I won't give this to the cops if you swear
to divorce her and give up custody.
That sound good?
I mean, that poor kid, she can't have
a murderer for a mother, can she?
Whether she's your daughter or mine.
Are you…
using Ye-sol to threaten me?
I gave Yeon-jin an alibi
when the girl she bullied
fell off a roof and died.
Now someone else…
she was alone with ended up dead.
So, what do we do?
Is it going to be your turn
to give her an alibi?
Honey, please!
Just tell me what's going on, huh?
Just get in. Come on, hurry.
Go to Ji-min's. I'll be right behind you.
Call me when you get there.
-We need to meet up.
We go back 40 years, Yeong-jun.
We should at least end things
in person, shouldn't we?
What time?
I'm calling on behalf of
the woman from Pyeongchang.
I'm texting you the address now.
Meet me there.
Shit, I can't believe
this is actually happening!
Dinner's almost ready.
I just need to bring this to a boil.
Ah, Jesus, I'm sick of cheonggukjang.
Aren't you sick of that shit?
After this deal's done,
I'm never eating that shit again.
Don't wait up.
I might be gone for a few days.
Don't even bother trying to find me, okay?
Where are you right now?
Across the street?
Keep walking forward more,
and then cross the street.
-This bag is very heavy, so please hurry.
-You're up there?
Okay, I'm coming.
I'll be there in a second!
Can you at least tell me
where we're going?
We're here now.
I don't know this.
You used to be easier to deal with,
when all you wanted was money.
I guess those days are over?
What do you mean? What is this?
Manslaughter only gets you probation?
And if there's a witness,
it's even more likely to go in your favor.
You weren't watching the road!
Is he dead?
Looks like he's dead.
Oh, god. Fuck!
Wait, this is…
What did you do?
There's been an accident!
I hit a jaywalker. He came out of nowhere!
Hurry, send an ambulance!
Are you insane? Why'd you call that in?
I wasn't drunk. I wasn't speeding.
All the rain. It obscured my vision.
You're my witness,
so suck it up and help me.
You really think you could play me?
That I wouldn't find out you two were
working together to blackmail me?
What the fuck are you talking about?
In order to get what?
He knew details about things
only we would know.
Who else would've told him?
I have no fucking idea,
but I know it wasn't me, okay?
Have you always been this crazy?
Don't lie to me.
You can't escape this.
This is happening, and you have to
find a way to protect me.
I still have the evidence
that proves we're in this together.
Yeon-jin's name tag.
Fuck, I could kill you!
You've fucking lost your mind,
haven't you?
That name tag would only work
against you and your daughter.
You plan to turn in
your daughter for murder?
How would some housewife even possess
evidence that was handed over to the cops?
It's still sealed,
exactly the way you gave it to me.
Between everyone involved,
who's the most fucked?
Don't you think at least one of us
left some DNA?
This is fucking ridiculous.
What the fuck are you trying to do,
take us all down?
I'm just trying to get what I need
before you run off
like the coward you are.
You would go down with me, no matter what.
So take care of it.
Because whether this kills us
or we come out the other side,
we're in this together.
Right, Yeong-jun?
Light the candle at the shrine,
and then go bleed a chicken.
I will.
Also, did she come with you?
Oh! You startled me.
I'm sorry, the sanctum's not open,
and it's very late, so leave.
Are you only working
with one client today?
Yeon-jin's mother is demanding.
But does that surprise you?
Vroom, crash!
Who are you?
Funny running into you here.
What are you doing alone in the dark?
I could ask you the same, Dr. Joo.
I was curious about the building.
What, you ended up here
completely at random?
Both times?
I own this property now.
Oh wow, no way.
I was looking for a bathroom.
God, even I don't believe
I can't think of a better excuse.
Open the gate!
I'm just trying to keep out trespassers.
Gotta be careful.
Why are you doing this?
What did you do to me the other day?
When you put me under, what did you do?
Your jawline looks more chiseled.
Really thins out your face.
I don't know
what that bitch has said to you,
but you don't know the whole story.
Stay out of it.
Did you know I'm also a dermatologist?
When I look at a wound,
I can see the pain
that the person wanted to inflict.
I know what you did.
You were looking for something,
weren't you?
Is this it?
You can take it.
I already have everything that I need.
And as for the gate, you can just open it.
Those chains are fake.
It's not even locked.
Don't worry,
I won't make you pay for parking.
Because I have a feeling this is
the last time you'll get lucky.
Drive safe out there.
With rain like this,
you wouldn't want to hit anyone.
I'm at the police station. Pick me up.
It was raining heavily,
and that man came out of nowhere.
They ran a breathalyzer at the scene,
and we can confirm she was sober.
He was jaywalking. She wasn't negligent.
She didn't flee. She has no record.
I think we're done here.
Yes, I'm aware of the circumstances.
Unfortunately, the site
had no security cameras.
We're still trying to get in touch
with the man's family,
so if you wouldn't mind,
you're going to need to stay
a little longer.
As for you, you can head home, Chief.
Okay, good luck here.
Just try not to worry.
When it's manslaughter, try to come
to an agreement with the bereaved.
It's very important.
I know.
Thank you, Yeong-jun.
Uh-huh. I'll reach out soon.
-I'll see you.
-Careful out there, sir.
It was raining.
I couldn't see.
Why did he have to die?
Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry!
You don't have to
apologize to me.
-So sorry! I'm so sorry!
-Just try to calm down. You'll be okay.
Son Myeong-o's body
was found by the police.
Had you heard about that yet?
I hadn't. Where was he found?
You don't seem surprised.
Have you already spoken to Park Yeon-jin?
Or am I here because I'm a suspect?
We searched Mr. Son's emails.
It seems like he was doing
a lot of research on Yoon So-hee's case.
It appears you were the one feeding him
most of his information.
And is that illegal?
Most of the people around him
are far worse than me. I'm insulted.
What's going on?
What actually happened
between you and these people?
I already told you everything.
The problem was, you didn't believe me.
So, everything you said was true?
Do you smoke?
On the list of evidence,
there's a lighter.
It was discovered on the ground
at So-hee's crime scene.
So you know when you use a lighter,
traces of DNA are left behind.
Do you have your car?
Let's go to the shaman.
Why would we go there now?
What the hell is going on?
I feel more comfortable at the sanctum.
I feel better there
than when I'm with a goddamned shrink.
Do you have
the family's contact information?
You don't have to worry about that.
I'm taking care of everything.
How can you expect me
not to worry when someone's dead?
Reporters are going to have
a field day with this.
Hey, Yeon-jin,
how many times do I have to tell you?
Everyone makes mistakes, but still,
the solution does not lie in the past.
It's in the future.
Somebody died yesterday.
It's done. We have to live for today.
What are you saying?
If that man still has the original file,
I'd suggest you make a decision soon.
If he chooses to leak this first,
this could be very bad for us.
Can you find some small town
in England or Ireland to send Ye-sol?
Her nanny will accompany her.
It's snowing heavier now.
Be careful.
Yes. You too, sir.
Where's the shaman?
She's preparing for a ritual.
It'll be starting soon.
Not sure if I need to tell you,
but that lady you know, Kang Hyeon-nam,
her husband died yesterday.
He got hit by a car while jaywalking.
Is this your husband, ma'am?
Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Yeah, that's…
my husband.
Oh, Yeon-jin!
It's been so long! How have you been?
Hi, Yeon-jin. It's me, So-hee.
I'm Yoon So-hee, the girl who transferred.
Remember me?
What the fuck are you doing right now?
Should I take them off?
Do you want that?
Should I take these clothes off
and give them to you?
What do you want?
What the hell is this?
Go on, strip off all your clothes for me.
Yeon-jin, I'm sorry,
but these aren't even the same clothes.
It's not about what you're wearing.
I care that little bitches like you
don't listen, even when I ask nicely.
Is this even a sweater?
Or just a gross pile of lint?
You have a minute
before your time's up.
You didn't strip?
I've had enough, okay?
I'm not afraid of you anymore.
You're nothing
when you're all by yourself.
What the fuck
are you even saying?
Is that from a movie?
I'm not scared of you or your money.
When I think about it, I feel bad for you.
So, I've decided to forgive you.
Because I'm a better person
than you, Yeon-jin.
Are you calling me pathetic?
You feel bad for me, so clearly you are.
Fuck, that's a lot
to take in at once, you know?
So you wouldn't mind
if this pathetic loser
helps you get this lint off.
You're better than me, right?
You should at least dress the part.
What… What are you doing?
Don't move.
or I'll visit you at your new school.
Go on. Tell me again
how you feel sorry for me.
Help me!
Get away from me!
Oh my God, Mom.
What am I gonna do, Mom?
What am I going to do with you?
Why'd you skip your private lessons?
Oh, I think I really messed up.
We were being dumb, just messing around
on the roof, and something caught fire.
There was this girl…
She started screaming
and freaking out and she fell.
It's true, I swear!
We were alone, just messing around.
What do I do now? Huh?
Are you there?
Are you there, Mom?
Get a grip, Yeon-jin!
First, get away from there.
I'll have Mr. Shin call you right away.
Stop crying and get it together.
Did anyone see you? Any witnesses?
Uh, no. I don't think so.
You better make sure. Look around you!
There isn't anyone here!
There's no witnesses.
It looks like
they didn't do a DNA test at the time.
According to the report, they said
that the lighter was used by the deceased…
-Where are you going?
-The NFS. Meet me there.
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