The Longest Promise (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 14=
(When the God of Dragon is awake,)
(the Crimson Clan will
definitely be jeopardized.)
(Water counters fire.)
(I have to make plans for
Princess Zhu Yan in advance.)
I actually became
Priest of Grand Preceptor's
first disciple.
(I never expected Princess)
(to become the first disciple.)
(This is good too.)
(She can learn magic techniques)
(from Priest of Grand Preceptor.)
(That way, she can
protect herself in the future.)
(It's just)
(that if the God of Dragon wakes up
in a few days,)
(Jiuyi Mountain)
(will become the riskiest place instead.)
(And, I cannot stay here for long.)
I actually mastered
the Cloud Ascension Spell
and defeated Bai Xuelu
at the very last second.
Who would've expected me
to remain
in the mountain instead?
Yuan, what do you think?
Don't you think I'm a genius
at learning magic techniques?
If so, do you wish to learn
the merfolk's Fushui Spell?
We can see if you're a genius by then.
there's no water here.
Princess, please focus on
your spiritual power
and activate the Mirage Spell.
This time,
let's head inside together.
(I should teach her)
(some underwater magic techniques)
(so that she can fend for herself.)
It's as beautiful as always.
After you master the Fushui Spell,
you can act underwater
as if you were truly underwater.
Take a deep breath.
Close your eyes.
Exhale slowly.
Imagine that you're a fish.
I think I already mastered it.
Let me show it to you.
(What's wrong with me?)
(Could it be that the dragon blood)
(has been suppressing me for too long?)
(I cannot focus.)
(We need show solemn attitude
for the first day of)
(the apprenticeship ceremony)
(to show the propriety of
the Crimson Clan.)
Solemn attitude?
This won't do.
I think
this is the lovable look
that all first disciples have.
do I look good today?
this is my first day
being your disciple officially.
I wanted it to be more formal.
That's why I got into this getup.
Look at me.
Do I look nice?
Master, do I look nice?
Change your attire.
But I spent two hours
preparing them.
These accessories
will distract you.
What's worse is
that the hairpin will
make your head heavier.
And, it'll make you react slower.
These earrings
will obstruct your hearing.
You guys only had a basic understanding
of magic techniques last month.
I already mastered
the Wind-manipulating Spell.
How is that just a basic understanding?
The Wind-manipulating Spell
is the most basic magic technique.
From today onward,
I'll teach you magic techniques
from all clans.
Since you're from the Crimson Clan,
we shall start with
the fire magic techniques.
Show me
what you've learned.
First, there's an issue with
your casting gesture.
you don't release your spiritual power
through your index finger.
You let them seep through your palm.
you kept your hands too fast.
Your spiritual power wasn't able
to circulate entirely.
That's still wrong.
you're powerful
because you learned
magic techniques of all clans.
But I've only ever learned
the fire magic techniques
of the Crimson Clan since young.
I've recited the same chant
thousands of times.
It won't be any lesser
than your attempts.
But for some reason,
they don't work
when I train under you.
That can only prove
that the numerous training
you've done before this
wasn't up to standard.
I need to correct them
one by one.
Since you're my disciple,
I have to be strict with you
and help you to improve.
I have to do my duty as your master.
it's not like I learned
all my magic techniques
from the family
or my teachers.
I've also read many
magic technique manuals.
there might be a difference
in understandings
when it comes to magic techniques
due to the different systems.
For example
For example, the manual I liked
has an old man
and a kid
playing with fire
on the book cover.
The old man you mentioned,
is he wearing fire snakes on his ears
and stepping on fire dragons
with his feet?
That's right.
have you read the manual before?
That's not an old man.
That's the God of Fire, Zhu Rong.
And, the kid you mentioned,
he isn't a kid.
That's the devil.
The book describes
the story of Zhu Rong
repelling the devil with fire.
There's nothing fun about it.
Did you actually
read the manual?
I can't stand it
when there's a deviation
in your basic understanding
of magic techniques.
Even though you could cast fire ball,
you still need to practice it
repeatedly under me.
There's no fun
on the path of cultivation.
There's only suffering.
Do you understand?
I do.
Continue your practice.
General Qing,
thank you for taking care of me.
Tomorrow, we shall
go on our separate ways.
It was nothing.
You don't need to be so courteous.
Maybe it's due to the long trip.
Xuelu hasn't been doing too well lately.
Princess Xuelu is very competitive.
The first disciple selection
has affected her greatly.
Once we part ways tomorrow,
Princess Xueying, I hope
you can take good care of her.
Do not let her attempt
something silly again.
Don't worry, I'll take care of her.
General Qing.
You can show yourself now.
General Qing,
you always follow me when I go outside.
You finally showed yourself tonight.
What exactly are you up to?
I'm afraid that you might be in danger
when you head outside alone.
You think I'm a weak woman
just because I lost to Zhu Yan,
am I right?
When it comes to being hard-working,
I won't lose to anyone.
Is that why you sneak out at night
to practice the Cloud Ascension Spell?
You need to take your training
one step at a time.
If you're too hasty,
you'll hurt yourself.
I'm just unsatisfied with the result.
I would've never lost
if she didn't master the spell
out of the blue.
Even a person like her
can master the spell.
Why can't I?
You don't need to despise Zhu Yan.
you and she are pretty similar.
She and I?
Forget it.
Although I'm not good at socializing,
I will make a bold guess.
You just think that people
with a better background than yours
don't work as hard as you.
It's because she's the daughter
of the head wife
while you're the daughter
of a concubine.
I know
that you aren't a genius
at magic techniques.
You must've suffered a lot
to get to where you are today.
You're trying your best
to master the Cloud Ascension Spell
to prove
that you aren't inferior to anyone else.
But you know that I'm also the son
of a concubine.
I'm from the branch family
of the Azure Clan.
I understand your feelings.
You don't understand at all.
Do you know the identity of my mother?
I don't understand the marriage alliance
among the Six Clans.
However, since it's your mother
we're talking about,
I'm sure she should be a gracious
and talented lady of noble birth.
Gracious and talented?
You're right about that.
Back then, countless men
did everything they could
just to make her smile.
However, she wasn't a lady
of noble birth.
She was
a courtesan.
However, the leader of the Six Clans
doesn't allow clan members
to take courtesans as their concubines.
Am I right?
She's been teaching me
how to read and write
ever since I could remember.
She believed
that I would be successful one day
and that my father would recognize me.
She even came up with a flattering name
like Xuelu for me.
I was born in a courtesan house.
However, she believed
that I could stay untainted.
Is she
still doing well?
When I was five,
she committed suicide
in order to give me a chance
to return to the Bai Residence.
Outsiders only know
that I was the daughter
of the White King.
But no one
knows who my mother was.
Don't you think it's a joke?
How is this a joke?
Your mother was abandoned
by the White King
even though she was devoted to him.
The White King is the joke here, not her.
You don't despise my background?
No one would be a courtesan
out of choice.
Why should I despise
a pitiful girl like you?
That's why I want to prove
that I can become
the strongest woman in Kongsang
no matter my background.
I will not lose to Zhu Yan,
Xueying, or anyone else.
By then,
I can put my mother's memorial tablet
in the Bai Residence gloriously.
General Qing,
I'm grateful for what you've said.
But you and I
have our own paths to take.
We're destined
not to take the same path.
actually has such a pitiful background?
I'm sure General Qing
will be disheartened
if he finds out that we're leaving
without bidding farewell.
You heard everything last night, right?
I didn't mean it.
That's fine.
There's no need to pity me.
I'm not pitying you.
I just think
that Father is truly
That's why I expect myself
not to lose to anyone since young.
I don't hate Father.
But you,
as the descendant of the direct line,
you don't behave like one at all.
What a waste.
I don't care if you pity me
or understand me.
Keep your emotions away.
In the future,
we shall fight for the position
of the Empress.
I will not go easy on you
just because you're my little sister.
Wrong. Do it again.
is the casting gesture that important
as long as
we can get the job done?
If everyone
follows the beaten path,
we can never invent
new magic techniques.
Repeating the wrong gesture
10,000 times
can only reinforce
your ridiculous mistake.
If so, you're inferior to a layman
who has only trained for half a day.
Divine servant.
Priest, I
Don't panic.
Just follow my instruction.
How long have you been practicing
fire magic techniques?
I am not a cultivator.
I've never learned
any magic techniques before.
Zhu Yan,
do you admit defeat?
Very good.
Continue your training.
Does he need to humiliate me like that?
It's not like
I didn't improve at all
in the past few days.
(I'll do it seriously for once.)
(I'm sure I'm better than
a mere divine servant.)
(Zhu Yan,)
(why are you so useless?)
(You can't even master
an easy technique like this.)
(How could you train under
Master like this?)
Do you know your mistake now?
My head
is hurting like crazy.
I'm sure it's because
I've learned too much
in the past few days.
My knowledge of more than 10 years
has been subverted.
Master, look.
It hurts here.
It hurts here too.
I feel like my head is cracking.
Please allow me to rest.
It hurts!
I've already
mastered the gesture
you taught me.
Priest of Grand Preceptor has left
the mountain around seven
to check on the plague.
A plague broke out in Jiuyi District.
The villagers are seeking shelters
in the mountains.
Why didn't anyone tell me about it?
I know some medical skills.
Maybe I can help them out.
By the way,
where's Lord Chong Ming?
He's in the Hall of Books' infirmary.
Lord Chong Ming!
There might be
some misunderstandings between us
before this.
However, since I'm already
Master's disciple,
I will cherish this chance
and try to get along with you
and Master.
What has that got to do with me?
Since I'm going to train under Master
in the mountain,
naturally, I need to get along
with people beside him.
It's best
if you don't appear in front of me.
Lord Chong Ming,
are you going to leave the mountain
and meet up with Master?
You don't say?
You should get out of the way
since you knew that I would
go to deliver medicine to him.
Lord Chong Ming,
what's wrong with your hands?
What's wrong with my hands?
Lord Chong Ming,
how could you carry such a heavy thing
with your delicate hands?
Why don't you
let me carry your basket for you?
You want to leave the mountain
together with me?
Just you wish.
I know some medical skills too.
I can help you guys out.
For example,
Lord Chong Ming,
the effect of your favorite facial mask
will be enhanced
if you add a dash of
Crimson Flower to it.
Are you serious?
If so, where can I get
this Crimson Flower?
Crimson Flowers can only be found
within the Western Desert.
But I have plenty of them
in my residence.
Lord Chong Ming, just one word
and I'll ask my servants
to send them here by tomorrow.
Lord Chong Ming,
why don't you bring me with you
and let me expand my horizon?
Don't you ever think that
you can bribe me
with a mere Crimson Flower.
I have
a strong determination.
Hurry and distribute
the medicine to them.
Thank you.
Have some water.
Slowly, I'll support you.
He's a cleanliness freak.
I don't know how
he managed to endure this.
I never expected the plague
to be this severe.
It's contagious too.
We should hurry
and help Master out.
We lack manpower.
I'll count you in.
Don't be scared.
You'll recover in no time.
I've arrived.
Great timing.
Apply the herbs I've distributed
to the patients' wound.
It can lessen their pain.
By the way,
distribute the herbs
you brought
to those who are recovering.
Give it to me.
What are you doing here?
Master, why can't I be here
when you're here?
I'm here to help you out.
Do you know that
this disease is contagious?
Master, although you're powerful,
you're still made of flesh.
If you aren't afraid,
why should I be afraid?
I'm here to treat them.
What do you know?
You'll only be a hindrance.
If you contract this disease,
your face will be
filled with pusses.
How can you get married by then?
Stop right there.
Master, since you said
I'm a hindrance to you,
I should leave
when you tell me to.
Come back.
It's done. Go now.
Thank you.
I'm sure you were harsh to her
on purpose because you didn't want her
to be infected, right?
Actually, that lass isn't too bad.
I do like her.
It's a pity that she's the woman
in the prophecy.
We're here.
Shi Ying, thank you.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
you've rid us of the disease.
Words cannot express our gratitude.
It's my duty.
No need to be this courteous.
After receiving your treatment,
most patients
have already gotten better.
We've prepared some simple dishes
for you two.
Please rest here for the night
and proceed with the treatment tomorrow.
Come, quick.
Come, please have a seat.
Miss, what is this?
This is the Fire-manipulating Spell.
You're amazing.
If so, you should drink up.
Miss, the fish soup you made is amazing!
Drink it slowly.
Good kid.
There's more.
I thought you
Chong Ming.
You guys must be starving.
I thought you were
returning to the mountain?
I wanted to leave initially.
But most of the villagers are sick.
They can't even cook for themselves.
Although I'm not adept
at magic techniques,
I'm still good with
fire magic techniques.
That's why I was thinking
that I should make a fire
and cook for the villagers.
After all, they can only recover
once they have their bellies filled.
Master, this is also a chance for you
to review my progress.
(He's still the same person he was.)
Where are you going?
Chong Ming.
You loved fish soup, right?
Here you go.
you're an excellent cook.
I've never had
such tasty dishes before.
The fish soup is amazing.
This is great.
I was in charge of
preparing the food from
the start until the end.
Master, this is for you.
There are no cutleries.
And, we're in the wilderness.
How could we dine here? It's barbaric.
Master, you're being narrow-minded here.
The Western Huang has boiled mutton
and the Eastern Sea has
raw drunken prawn.
Since ancient times,
people had been cooking meat
by covering them with soil and leaves.
They use what they can find and
they don't care about trifle details.
Indulging yourself in food bare-handed
when you're hungry is the best.
The flesh is white as snow,
and it's not flaky.
This is so delicious.
I succeeded in making roasted fish
even though it was
my first time making it.
I'm a genius.
why don't you try it?
Try it.
What do you think?
Is it nice?
It's okay.
Actually, when I was
still in the Jiuyi Mountain,
I'd imagined a scene like this
where we enjoyed great food together.
Just like now,
without caring
about the occasion or customs.
We should eat up when we're starving.
Thank you.
Thank you, Master.
I should be thanking you instead.
Master, why are you thanking me?
You've been keeping me company
the entire day.
Master, you were saving lives.
As your disciple, of course
I should keep you company.
Actually, Master,
I should be thanking you instead.
Master, I knew you told me off
because you were afraid
that I might contract the disease.
You did so for my sake.
We should stop thanking each other
and finish the fish.
Master, you're right.
In the future, we still have to enjoy
many delicacies together.
Master, if you follow me
to the Crimson Clan's territory,
I shall bring you
to enjoy all the delicacies there.
The beef and mutton we have there
are the freshest.
Our clan members will make a circle
around a fire
and we'll sing and cook the meat
at the same time.
The taste is impeccable.
If there's rain in the desert,
after 15 minutes,
golden mushrooms
will appear
in the area.
If the mushrooms
aren't harvested within two hours,
they'll vanish.
Whenever the rain is gone,
my friends and I
will compete to see
who's the fastest harvester.
the wine there
is also exceptional.
If I must say, I miss
the milk tea my mother made the most.
However, my mother isn't good at cooking.
She'll create a mess
every time she tries to start a fire.
She always turns a pot of milk tea
into a pot of congee.
However, my father and I
will finish the milk tea
every time.
you must give that a try
if you have the chance
to visit my hometown.
I once read this in a book.
The autumn in the Western Huang
is magnificent.
The long river, sunset,
and smoke in the desert.
I will check it out
if I have the chance.
Actually, it's not just
the Western Huang.
I want to travel around
the entire Yunhuang.
I want to check out Jiangnan,
which looks like
a scene from a painting.
I want to check out the Northern Plains,
which is covered by pure, white snow.
It sounds beautiful.
can you bring me along
when you travel in the future?
It depends on your performance.
How could you
dispose of the fish bones randomly?
What if the birds choke
when they consume it by accident?
Master, you were only nice to me
for less than half an hour.
After that, you returned to normal.
You're still as rigid as always.
after reviewing what you've done,
you passed
the fire manipulation basics.
This is bad!
This is bad!
Hurry and check out the village!
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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