The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

(Episode 14)
Everything is set, sir.
This will be the final step.
You can start the lighting ceremony
Please come this way.
Wow, what an honor.
Okay. Shall we all
count down together?
10, 9,
- 8, 7, 6,
- 8, 7, 6,
- 5, 4, 3,
- 5, 4, 3,
- 2, 1, 0!
- 2, 1, 0!
(The one who killed)
(Min Seol Ah)
What is that?
What the
(The one who killed Min Seol Ah
is in here.)
My gosh
Goodness. Who would dare do
such a horrifying thing?
Who is it?
"The one who killed Min Seol Ah
is in here"?
Who on earth is it?
I'm certain that's Seol Ah's shoe.
Who would do such a thing?
The people of Hera Palace
are trying to kill me.
I'm so scared.
Please help me.
Please help me, Ms. Oh!
(The one who killed Min Seol Ah)
Someone pushed Seol Ah
from the 47th floor.
Su Ryeon, are you okay?
My apologies. I think someone
pulled a nasty prank.
I'm afraid we'll have to end
the party here.
I'll call you later.
I'm very disappointed in you,
Mr. Joo.
I was expecting something
a little more
Excuse me.
- Ms. Oh, see him out.
- Okay.
Over there! Get out of here now.
Get out!
Did you like the present I sent?
(Mr. Gu: Did you like
the present I sent?)
Where are you?
Why are you going this far?
Because your husband is the one
who killed Min Seol Ah.
It's your turn now.
Tell everyone Min Seol Ah is
your daughter. Do it now.
I'll give you a minute. Say it.
Say it now!
50 seconds.
40 seconds.
20 seconds.
It's you, isn't it?
The one behind all of this.
I know it's you.
You were behind all of this
from the very beginning.
Ms. Cheon.
What are you talking about?
Why would Su Ryeon do such a thing?
Seo Jin, aren't you going
a bit overboard?
Su Ryeon doesn't know anything.
No. I'm certain it's you,
Shim Su Ryeon.
The only one who would gather
all of us like this
and do something so outrageous
is you.
But why would she do such a thing?
We shouldn't blame someone
who's innocent.
I have proof.
Crucial proof that she has been
threatening us all this time.
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
Is that so? How long will you
be able to play dumb?
I brought this drawing
from your office this morning.
You fooled me once,
but you wouldn't have thought
I'd go there again.
I wondered where I saw
this apple necklace.
I knew it was Min Seol Ah.
Why would you have drawn
Min Seol Ah of all people?
You wouldn't have drawn her
if she didn't have anything to do
with you. Am I right?
Wait a minute That
My gosh!
- This eye.
- It's true.
This is really Min Seol Ah!
Su Ryeon, did you really draw this?
But you have no reason to do this.
The one who revealed
the recording file of our kids,
and the one who sent us
a blackmail letter
was you. But why?
For what?
Is she really Min Seol Ah?
Did you draw this?
Why did you do such a thing?
Answer me.
Because Min Seol Ah
is Shim Su Ryeon's daughter.
What is this nonsense?
Why don't you tell us yourself
if I'm wrong?
She's right.
I drew this drawing.
It's really you?
Why did you draw it? What for?
Because I saw it.
That night, Min Seol Ah
fell right here, from Hera Palace.
I suffered from nightmares
every night since then.
Min Seol Ah didn't kill herself.
Someone pushed her off the building.
I didn't see their faces,
but the hands that pushed
the struggling girl over the ledge.
I saw them clearly.
Min Seol Ah didn't commit suicide?
She was murdered?
No way. What have we done?
Did we aid and abet a murder?
Why did you keep quiet for so long?
You witnessed a murder.
Because I thought
my husband and Seo Jin were guilty.
What do you mean?
Seo Jin and my husband
are having an affair.
Min Seol Ah realized that
and was blackmailing them.
So, she knew.
They're having an affair?
Chairman Joo and Ms. Cheon?
No, right? Ms. Cheon, Chairman Joo?
Su Ryeon's mistaken, isn't she?
There's even evidence of them
at our Yangpyeong villa.
I have it all.
Ms. Cheon.
Seol Ah had something on you,
so you locked her
in the mechanical room, right?
I overheard you two talk.
That's why I was afraid.
I wondered if you two
killed Min Seol Ah.
It wasn't me. Why would I?
Then did you push her, Seo Jin?
Did you kill her because
she knew of your affair?
Tell me yourself.
Deny it if it's not true.
Quit the show. It won't work on me.
Tell me your relationship
with Min Seol Ah!
I wanted to protect my family.
And I warned you many times
in my own way.
That's why today,
I wore that scarf on purpose.
Eventually, it came to this.
I hoped for you
to get the message and stop.
I saw
the hand that pushed her.
The red ruby ring.
I won't mention that.
Shall I reveal it now?
Pull back.
Shim Su Ryeon
knew everything?
You're a total mess, Ro Na.
Seok Hoon should see you right now.
What are you doing?
I will make all of you pay for this.
You're so brazen.
No wonder you were able
to pretend to be Min Seol Ah.
Is this how you bullied her too?
Is that why she died?
I hate you and your mom to death.
I can't stand
how you lurk around Seok Hoon,
and your mom's vulgarity
hanging around my dad
just because she's his first love.
- What?
- You didn't know?
Your mom's been hitting on my dad.
That's why my parents fought
and Dad left home!
Don't be stupid.
My mom's not that kind of person!
You're just as shameless as her.
Because of your mom,
my family's a mess.
My parents might get divorced!
Did you know that my dad
recently spent the night at yours?
Don't lie. Do you think
I'll fall for that?
Did someone come by last night?
Oh. I couldn't sleep,
so I had a drink.
I like to drink alone.
No way.
It can't be.
If you don't believe me,
see for yourself.
Find out if I lied or not.
You'd better do as I say
from now on.
If you don't, I'll tell the world
what your mom did.
If I do that, you and your mom
will be done for good.
Ro Na! Bae Ro Na!
Don't tell anyone
what happened today.
Ro Na.
Ro Na. Are you all right?
- Are you okay?
- Get out of my way.
Didn't you hear me?
Quit putting on the show.
Ha Eun Byeol.
You'd better not be lying.
You'll pay if you are.
They were cheating
right under my nose
and I had no idea at all.
And I'm the great Kang Ma Ri.
She has no right to teach.
What would our naive kids pick up?
How could she go after
another woman's husband?
And on top of that, murder?
Did Ms. Cheon
really push Min Seol Ah?
To cover up her affair?
That would mean she's evil.
What murderer isn't evil?
I got dirt all over me this time.
The two colluded
to kill Min Seol Ah
and dragged us into it
so we'd get rid of the body!
This is crazy.
Honey. Honey, my dear sweets.
Shall we call the police?
We really believed it was suicide.
Isn't there
mitigating circumstances.
Don't we have that?
Youfoolish woman.
Our arms and legs are tied.
The moment we took part in
disposing of the body,
we share a destiny,
whatever it may be.
We're accomplices! Do you get that?
Why are we accomplices?
We were naive and they tricked us.
Will you do nothing?
Will you watch the upstairs folks
do as they please?
Then what can we do?
How long have you known?
A few months.
You must've noticed.
You must've known
I had someone look into you as well.
Why didn't you ask me about it?
I thought you'd end it soon.
That it'd be just a small mistake.
I waited for you to return
to your family yourself.
What now since you brought it up
in front of everyone?
- We must get divorced.
- We can't.
We can't get a divorce.
Isn't that what you want?
Now, the whole
Hera Club members know.
We can't stay together.
Nothing has changed.
You're all I need and want.
You two
are deeply involved
and I know that already.
I won't change my mind.
Is it that easy to get divorced?
What about Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung?
Give me some time.
I'll sort things out.
I want to check something.
Today's shenanigans.
Did you really not plan it?
The person who sent us
the blackmail letters
and the eye picture on the fountain.
Was it really not you
behind all that?
If someone set that up,
it would be you.
What are you saying?
I didn't kill her.
What if I don't believe you?
Would I risk the rest of my life
over that mere kid?
I'm at the villa. I'm waiting
for you. Come right now.
We can't meet today.
Some other time.
(Yangjae Flower Market)
Do you want me
to barge into the penthouse?
(Do you want me
to barge into the penthouse?)
Sleep in the study for a while.
I can't share a bed with you.
Trust me
and wait. Don't get any wild ideas.
It's me. How is she right now?
I'll come right now.
I said some other time.
Why are you acting like a kid?
How can you say that to me
right now?
Your wife exposed and shamed me.
Do you think I'd be in
my right mind?
You started it.
You said she blackmailed us
and talked nonsense about her
being Min Seol Ah's mom.
Do you believe your wife?
Shim Su Ryeon's a fearful person.
She knew of our affair and pretended
not to. She put on an act all along.
Do you think
she'd come clean
about blackmailing us?
I checked as thoroughly as I could.
I had her followed
and her schedule checked.
Don't you think she knew
you had someone follow her around?
Stop it! I'm so exhausted
I'm losing my mind here!
What about Oh Yoon Hee?
Why did you hire her?
I told you. It's because of
Logan Lee, but she won't stay long.
What skills could that brat have?
She just showed houses without
a real estate agent license.
Fire her immediately.
I'll help with anything you need.
Why are you so emotional?
At the party and even now.
Now that everyone knows about us,
shouldn't we be careful
for each other's sake?
Why are you so worked up
as if you have nothing to lose?
I lost
what's most important to me
right now.
And that's my pride.
I was humiliated in front of
the Hera Club members.
The pride I kept intact is lost.
How could I be okay about that?
Other than my father,
I never bowed to anyone,
and now
they have leverage on me.
If you turn from me too,
I will go crazy.
Come here.
Calm down.
You know I love you.
I'll make sure no one can touch you.
I'm Joo Dan Tae.
Divorce Su Ryeon.
I'm not asking you
to come to me now.
It disgusts me that
you eat and sleep with her.
There's something
I must get from her.
What is it?
Tell me.
Nothing happened
between you and Seol Ah, right?
What about you?
I am
Hye In.
That's my name.
Well done, Hye In.
You did so well.
I'm sorry. I'm so pleased.
You even said your name.
I never imagined
this day would come.
Don't cry.
I won't cry.
I'll do as you say.
(From Ha Yoon Chul.
You have a missed call.)
Yoon Hee. Is it right
to live like this?
Should I just get a divorce?
Mom How could Mom
You look like
you finally believe me.
Are you ready to save your mom?
I found this in my mom's drawer.
Stop it!
Isn't your dad
partially responsible?
If you want to complain,
complain to him!
Your mom's the person
who seduced a married man!
Until you moved in,
our family was happy
and had no problems.
Your mom ruined everything.
Why should it be just us?
Your mom should suffer too.
Don't touch my mom.
What do you want me to do?
I will do everything you want.
Secretary Cho. Get lost.
I said get lost.
I must speak with
Chairman Joo in private.
What is it?
Did you find out
who set up the mannequin show?
Whoever it is, they couldn't
have done something like that
unless they had a huge grudge
against Min Seol Ah's killer.
I don't want to listen to this
so early in the morning.
I'm looking for the culprit,
so we'll find them soon.
The person who killed Min Seol Ah.
It's you, isn't it?
Attorney Lee!
A few months ago, Kyu Jin
got his hands on this.
It's Min Seol Ah's phone.
Where did you
Why didn't you tell me about it?
It contained footage
of an amazing movie.
Starring Joo Dan Tae and
Cheon Seo Jin, it's an erotic film.
It's titled "Wrongful Encounter".
I really enjoyed it.
You had quite the moves.
You must be eating
something special.
Don't you think now is not
the ideal timing to reveal that?
Everyone knows about Seo Jin and me.
You should've moved a bit sooner.
Then How about this?
It's Saturday, November 14.
I'm on my way to Hera Palace.
Seok Kyung's father asked to see me.
If something happens to me
No, if I die,
it'll be because of
Seok Kyung's dad. 100 percent.
This crazy witch
It is the perfect time
to reveal this.
Isn't this concrete proof that
you killed Min Seol Ah?
At least until you prove
your alibi that you didn't.
Things will be quite
unfavorable for you.
This is my advice as an attorney.
You little punk!
Joo Dan Tae. It's not the time
to be rude to me.
Well? Should I send this
to the police?
What do you want?
The 30 million I invested
in the Myeongdong land.
I want all of it back with
a monthly interest of five percent.
I have to live, you know!
I'm discussing the contract
with Logan Lee.
Logan Lee or whatever his name is,
I don't care!
I don't have the time
nor the patience to put up
with that capricious jerk!
So give me back my money now!
My law firm building
is about to be sold!
Is that your only condition?
For now.
Fine, then.
Giving you 30 million in cash
isn't anything.
Send it to my account
by the end of the day.
And when we meet next time,
don't talk down to me.
Got it?
What is it you want to say?
I have to go to work soon.
Now isn't the time to be so cheeky,
is it?
I'm thinking of filing a complaint
to Cheong Ah Arts High School.
I can't let an immoral
and shameless person like you
teach our kids.
How could a teacher have an affair?
With a parent from the same school?
What? What do you mean, "so"?
You should resign now.
You came here so early
in the morning just to say that?
My gosh.
I guess she takes us as fools.
I guess you don't realize how grave
this matter is. I have no choice.
I'll have to meet the director.
Or shall I report it to
the Office of Education?
Be my guest.
What is this?
Those are Min Hyuk and Jenny's
middle school report cards.
As you can see, their school grades
and their performance test scores
were way below average.
Yet, how did they make it
to Cheong Ah Arts High School?
Did you already forget
who made that happen?
The money for renovating
my home,
the famous painting that's hanging
in the living room,
and the money to rent the hall
for Cheong Ah's graduation ceremony.
Ms. Kang paid for all of that,
It was a bribe for me
to take good care of Jenny.
The one who delivered party food
at every school event,
sent food and gifts on holidays,
and always packed my fridge
with kimchi
and five other types
of side dishes
was you, right, Ms. Ko?
That was all because
we were on the same boat,
wasn't it?
If you want, I'll resign from
Cheong Ah Arts High School.
But mark my words.
Without me,
your kids' lives will end here too.
Why would unqualified students
with low scores
be needed at
Cheong Ah Arts High School?
Do you not want to send them
to Seoul University of Music?
Well, it's not that
It's just, Su Ryeon asked me
to say this so much
so I was just passing along
the message.
I actually didn't mean any of it.
Then make your choice.
That's a total no-brainer.
I will be on your side
no matter what.
I told you I didn't want to come.
Why make me wear these lame clothes
and drag me here?
Su Ryeon and I never got along.
You were the one
who was so close with her.
Why would I lose everything
for someone like her?
The midterm performance tests
will begin soon.
I will
support Jenny and Min Hyuk
all the way.
sorry for pretending to be
Min Seol Ah all this time.
This will never happen again.
But you kept denying it yesterday.
It was me.
- I'm sorry.
- Bae Ro Na. What are you doing?
Hey. You really creep me out.
Will apologizing cut it?
What about school?
Of course, you'll drop out, right?
She will since she confessed.
If she has a conscience, you know.
Promise you won't act up
like that ever again.
Why? You can't do it?
"I was the one who pretended to be
Min Seol Ah and committed blackmail".
"I will not tell anyone about
what happened"
"in the community room last night".
"I will do anything
Ha Eun Byeol asks".
Write it.
(I will do anything)
(Ha Eun Byeol asks.)
(April 10, 2020, Bae Ro Na)
If you break any of the rules here,
your mom
will never be able to set place
in Hera Palace again.
I promise.
You can go.
They're really enjoying themselves.
Joo Dan Tae, that punk.
You don't even stand a chance.
You better not get on my nerves.
Hey. Thanks to you, I saved my life.
Well, then. Shall I see
if he sent my 30 million?
What the?
Why didn't he send it yet?
Seriously, Joo Dan Tae,
that scumbag.
He just doesn't listen.
Ms. Mi Ja.
Come on.
How dare you? "Ms. Mi Ja"?
You imbecile.
Did you use our law firm's name
to invest recklessly?
Is that all true?
Wait, who gave you
What on earth have you been doing?
Do you know what kind of firm
we are?
How could we be involved
in such an illegal deal?
Mom, it's just
Do you know what will happen
if your dad finds out about this?
You and I will be both kicked out
and we'll be done for good.
How will you sort this out?
Why are you getting mad at me?
You made all this money
through illegal investments too!
What are you talking about?
When did I do such a thing?
That's the only thing
I've learned from you!
You punk. Why you little
- Mom!
- I'm going to kill you.
Mom, no! Forgive me!
What is all this?
Why should I be the scapegoat?
Do you really not know?
You betrayed me first.
I don't have any reason left
to support you.
Your law firm will go through
a tax investigation soon.
You want me to take all the blame?
We did
all of this together!
My name won't be included
in any of the material.
Do you think I came this far
without a backup plan?
Must you go this far?
I understand, sir.
You're right. I was thoughtless.
I must've been blinded
by the 30 million for a second.
You fool!
You fool!
But still, you know
how I feel about you.
Think of all we've been through.
Chairman Joo, aren't I right?
Well I wonder what I should do
to make you feel better.
Shall I get on my knees?
I can kneel anytime.
I'll show you my bare sincerity
this instant.
Bring me Min Seol Ah's phone now!
Yes, sir.
The man named Gu Ho Dong
is at a hospital?
Yes. He got in a big car accident
five years ago,
and he's still unconscious.
This is the real Gu Ho Dong.
His hometown is Gyeongsang-do,
and after winning a
national sports festival,
he became a PE teacher.
Then who is that man
at Cheong Ah Arts High School?
He probably used Gu Ho Dong's
identity to get the job.
Who on earth are you?
Practice properly.
Why are you studying
during PE class?
(Mr. Hong)
What is it?
Min Seol Ah's phone
has been turned on.
My path to fortune.
Oh, dear. Darn it.
Who is it?
I'm sorry.
Darn it, how annoying.
You little
Are you kidding me right now?
I'm certain it was in here.
I took it out of the safe
and put it in my bag.
I'm not kidding.
Should I slit my stomach
to prove myself?
Joo Dan Tae. I mean, Chairman Joo.
Let's use words.
Hey. Hey
Hey, I used to be a bully in school.
Hey. Haven't you heard of
Lee Kyu Jin of Daechi-dong?
Fine. I'll teach you a lesson!
Bring it on. Come on!
My goodness, hello.
My name is Gu Ho Dong,
the assistant homeroom teacher
of the classical singing class
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
My name is Logan Lee.
Gu Ho Dong was
Logan Lee?
For the first time, I have a family.
(Welcome, Anna.)
Your brother is sick.
So we need your help, Anna.
- Come on.
- I was set up!
Hey! Please say something!
That was the first time
I heard that
I had a sick older brother.
(Pretty sister, Dummy brother)
He was Seol Ah's adoptive brother.
I'm certain someone took it.
I'm sure I had it in my bag
when I left the office.
Oh. I bumped into someone
in the lobby.
He must've taken it.
If it's the lobby,
there will be CCTV footage.
Is it
You're right. The one who set up
that mannequin show.
It's him. I'm certain it's him.
Chairman Joo, as long as
we catch him,
- we can get Min Seol Ah's phone
- You little
Just shut that mouth of yours.
Why did you hold onto that
darn phone in the first place
and cause this mess?
Attorney Lee?
About the redevelopment deal
What do you want?
Logan Lee just called me.
He's on his way to the hotel now.
Prepare the car.
Ms. Oh will come with me too.
Who are you?
How did you get in here?
Was it you?
Seol Ah's adoptive brother?
How dare you blackmail me
after doing that to my daughter?
How dare you use Seol Ah's name!
You adopted her
for a bone-marrow transplant.
Then you framed her for theft
and got her deported.
You should've just
abandoned her instead!
Why did you hurt such a poor child?
I had no idea.
I found out about the truth
later on,
and I wanted to take responsibility.
But Seol Ah
ended up dying.
How much did you pay
Congressman Cho Sang Heon?
I tried so hard to find you.
But you did a very good job
of hiding yourself.
Why did you have to show up now?
You were able to live
thanks to my baby,
so the least you could've done
was live a decent life!
You don't even deserve
to be called human!
That's why I'm here!
I know I don't deserve
to be called human,
but I wanted a chance
to live a decent life.
You darn jerk.
Stop acting like you're innocent.
I wanted to kill you every day.
Die! Die!
Stop it! Enough! Stop!
Enough. I get your point.
So just stop.
Fine. Go ahead and kill me.
But first, kill Joo Dan Tae first.
Do you refuse to give up
your family?
Do you still care for him
even if he killed your daughter
because he's your husband?
Shut your mouth.
I'll kill Joo Dan Tae
and Cheon Seo Jin myself.
And the same goes for you.
But first, we need to find out
who killed Seol Ah!
Before that,
let me give you a chance
to finally be a decent mother.
You promised to help me
find my mom, right?
Because I want to check something.
I want to see how she's doing.
How do you want her to be doing?
I want her to be unhappy
just like me.
That's what I used to think
back when I was young.
But not anymore.
I want
my mom to be happy.
I want her to be really happy.
Seol Ah.
Find my mom for me
and see if she's happy for me.
Then I don't
ever need to meet her again.
Seol Ah.
I don't deserve to be happy.
Join me to avenge Seol Ah's death.
You can punish me afterward.
I don't want to hold hands
with a guy like you.
No. You're mistaken about me
just like how I was
mistaken about you.
We have the same goal.
You have no right.
You should've protected Seol Ah
until the very end.
You should've protected her
no matter what.
I won't give you any excuses.
But I know what I need to do
to atone for it.
That's why I'm trying to find out
who killed Seol Ah.
I'll find them out
and make that person's life
a thousand times more miserable.
No, I don't trust you.
I put my life on the line for this.
I'm going to take revenge
for my poor baby, Seol Ah's death.
And I'll destroy everyone
who gets in my way.
What are you doing here, honey?
I just asked you a question.
Why are you coming out
from Logan Lee's room?
Will you please explain
what's going on?
Why did my wife just come out
from your room?
You have a very admirable wife,
Mr. Joo.
What exactly
- do you mean by that?
- Well,
to be honest, because of
the unfortunate event last night,
I was actually thinking about
canceling our contract.
But that was before
your wife came in
and apologized for you instead.
She really is the best wife.
She really did you a big favor.
I was very touched by
our conversation tonight.
I'll take a step back
and make a reconsideration.
I appreciate it.
I will look forward
to hearing from you soon.
We didn't lend Yoon Chul that money
because we trusted him.
We lent it to him
because we trusted you.
I didn't think the daughter
of Cheong Ah Foundation
would take my money
and disappear.
I know nothing about it.
He never told me anything.
You're still accountable for it.
You guys are married.
What are you doing here?
If you have something to say,
talk to me.
Hey. You kept ignoring my calls.
Get out! I'll call you, okay?
Do you want to lose your credibility
as a doctor?
Pay me back my money right now,
you darn con artist.
How dare you call him that?
You're the one who lent him money!
Aren't you his hometown friends?
How could you ask
for a five-percent monthly interest?
Are you trying to use him
to get rich?
- Hey, watch it.
- You watch it.
I didn't borrow money from you,
so keep your manners!
Stop causing a fuss at my school
and get lost.
Do you want to get dragged out?
We can't give you too much time.
The next time we come,
we'll stay until we get paid.
Yoon Chul.
You must've gotten bold
after you married me.
What did you do with that money?
Did you start a business?
Or did your aunt
cause trouble again?
Stay out of it.
I'll deal with it myself.
I heard your friends lent you
seven million dollars.
How will you ever manage
to pay that back?
I'll pay them back instead.
It's for agreeing to get a divorce.
Instead, you'd better give up
your custody, house,
mutual properties, and your position
at Cheong Ah Medical Center.
Oh, there's one more.
I also expect you to cooperate
until I become the chairwoman.
Then I'll help you
take care of your debt.
You want to cover-up
your adultery
with just seven million dollars?
My adultery?
You just sounded like my husband.
But we were never a true couple.
It's been over 10 years
since we last slept together.
And you never gave me
love or money.
How are you going to compensate
for making my life so miserable?
You're actually the one
responsible for my affair.
For the past 17 years,
I was lonely.
And you never once
gave me money as a husband.
You never cared for your own wife.
And now you're acting like
I hurt you?
You're the reason I had an affair.
But even so, I'm offering
seven million dollars for alimony.
Isn't it a great deal?
I guess being selfish is
an incurable illness.
No way. I will never let you get
what you want.
We'll see what happens.
Open it. It's a gift.
I heard this is popular
among kids these days.
I bet you're stressed because
you have midterm exams coming up.
So I wanted to cheer you up.
What do you think? Isn't it pretty?
Why? Don't you like it?
Should I get you a new one?
When did I ever ask you
to buy me this?
When did I ever ask
for an expensive wallet?
Ro Na, what are you doing?
I'm so sick of everything.
Why did we have to move
to Hera Palace?
This is so annoying!
What's the matter with her?
Don't worry, Mom.
I'll take care of it.
It's not a big deal.
I'll quickly deal with it.
Let's hang up for now.
The creditors must've gone
all the way to the orchard.
I bet your parents are
really worried.
That's why you should always
be cautious when borrowing money.
Think about the offer I made.
I think it's a pretty nice offer.
I won't tell Eun Byeol for now.
If she gets shocked,
it could mess with her studies.
Sign the divorce papers.
Then I'll wire you the money
right away.
It's useless to keep this up.
(Divorce Agreement)
(Wife: Cheon Seo Jin)
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School,
Midterm performance test)
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School,
Midterm performance test)
Excellent. Perfect.
You're amazing.
Eun Byeol, you've improved so much.
I guess the apple doesn't fall
far from the tree.
You sound just like your mother.
Thank you, sir.
I'm really happy these days,
so I'm in great condition.
Next. Bae Ro Na. Come on out.
What? You want me to fail my test?
Are you telling me to sing badly
on purpose?
Yes, that's right.
- What if I refuse?
- Did you forget?
Your mom's life is in your hands.
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School,
Midterm performance test)
(2020 Cheong Ah Arts High School,
Midterm performance test)
(Bae Ro Na's mother
is an adulteress!)
(Bae Ro Na's mother
is an adulteress!)
Ro Na, did you not practice?
You're an embarrassment
of our school.
Show me.
Is this for real?
Jenny came in third
on her performance test.
Min Hyuk came in fourth.
That's good enough
to get him into
the top three universities, right?
Of course. It's easy to get into
the top three universities
as long as you
fall into the top five.
Do you think Ms. Cheon helped us?
I know whom to side with now.
I'll stay loyal to Ms. Cheon
until Jenny gets accepted
to Seoul University of Music.
Me too. It's not like
she had an affair with my husband.
I'll just pretend like
I don't know anything.
- Salute!
- Salute!
Ms. Cheon.
Eun Byeol came in first
with the highest score.
And I took care of the other kids
you asked me to look out for.
- What about Ro Na?
- She got
the lowest score.
Mr. Ma, I'm sure the kids
were watching.
You didn't have to go that far.
I didn't give her the lowest score.
She sang out of tune
for some strange reason.
- She sang out of tune?
- Yes.
She was always obsessed about
getting the highest grades.
I really don't know why she made
such a big mistake.
She just made things
a lot easier for us.
We should thank her.
Ro Na.
I heard what happened.
- I heard you got the lower score.
- Yes.
I'm not interested in
what's going on with you,
but I can't forgive you
for ruining the atmosphere
by not preparing for your test.
It could have a negative effect
on the other kids.
(Withdrawal Letter)
That's why I'm going
to drop out of this school.
You were right.
I never belonged here.
I'll be out of your hair now.
Did you discuss it with your mother?
You need the approval
of your guardian.
I'll talk to her.
I'm sorry for all the trouble
I put you through.
I was never qualified enough
to enter Cheong Ah Arts High School.
I'm a liar, and I'm violent.
And because of
my twisted personality,
it's hard for me to have
a normal school life.
And I only end up
causing harm to my friends.
I've come to a conclusion
that I can't continue to study
- at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
- Bye.
And therefore,
I hand in this withdrawal letter
to drop out of school.
Bae Ro Na.
I have a question.
How did you find out
that I'm Seol Ah's mother?
Min Hyeong Sik, the director
of Hope Orphanage told me.
I went to see him in prison
before he died.
I haven't forgiven you.
I'm just holding back
for the sake of my daughter.
Don't get the wrong idea.
Okay. Let's get rid of
our mutual enemy first.
What's going to be next?
I'm sure there's more
than that surprise event
at the fountain.
Do you think
my husband is a pushover?
Of course, not.
I'll be holding hands with him soon
for the redevelopment project
in Myeongdong.
From now on,
have Oh Yoon Hee take care of
all the business transactions
you make with my husband.
"Oh Yoon Hee"?
Oh Yoon Hee
is my person.
Here's the list of all the people
that came to Hera Palace
on the night of the party.
Anyone suspicious?
No, I couldn't find anyone yet.
That's absurd!
Are you saying the dummy
fell on its own?
Check everyone that visited
the residents over the past week.
- And I mean everyone.
- Okay, sir.
I'll find you no matter what,
you little rat.
Chairman Joo! Chairman Joo!
I found him.
I finally found the guy.
I checked the lobby CCTVs.
I found the man
who stole Min Seol Ah's phone.
Who is it?
At the lobby, his face was covered
by his hat.
But I saw his face on the CCTV
outside the building.
You'll be shocked.
You know him too.
Why would this punk Gu Ho Dong
He's probably connected
to Min Seol Ah.
And he's the one who planned
the mannequin show.
No, please don't kill me
(The Penthouse)
Let's get a divorce.
I'll do what you want.
The most wonderful thing
happened to me today.
No ownership of the house
and custody of Eun Byeol.
Bae Ro Na's stepdad?
- I won't go to school now.
- Don't let her drop out.
- I'll submit her withdrawal now.
- Don't go.
The night Min Seol Ah died,
I stayed quiet for a reason.
The culprit of the mannequin
incident will be caught soon.
Who is it?
You know Min Seol Ah, don't you?
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