The World of the Married (2020) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

When you came over,
did you see that your dad…
was there too?
That night,
we only met because
we had something to discuss.
You know how there's a lot to sort out
when one's considering a move.
You must think I'm clueless.
Do you really think
you can keep fooling me?
Stop using me as an excuse.
Hearing you say that only drives me crazy.
Just stop it!
What do we do?
You should hurry and take him home.
Be more attentive toward his feelings.
So that he stops hurting
and is no longer in pain.
That's all I truly want.
Why are you still upset?
I took care of it all.
I don't want to hear it.
Just send him back to Ji Seon-u.
Send him back to his mom.
You can't handle him.
He's Tae-oh's son.
I won't send him back to her.
Now that he's here,
he's my responsibility.
But you did what you could.
You've done enough.
I heard that he gets violent sometimes.
What if he hurts Jenny?
His anger got the best of him, that's all.
It happened once.
All he needs is some love and support.
I know I can take care of him.
What the hell is the matter with you?
Why? Is something wrong with Da-kyung?
I didn't raise her so that
she could raise another woman's child!
Unbelievable. You've got to be kidding me!
Lee Jun-yeong.
It'll no longer be complicated.
Your mom will soon leave.
Did you two go somewhere?
Honey, could I have
a moment with Jun-yeong?
Do you remember what I said
when you first came to live with us?
I wanted you to be comfortable here
because seeing you happy
will make your dad happy.
The adults made mistakes,
and you were hurt by that.
And I'm partially responsible
for what happened
which is why I'll let this incident slide.
But if something like this happens again,
I won't be so lenient.
So don't let this happen again.
If it does, it'll only hurt us all.
For the sake of your happiness too,
could you promise me that?
Thank you.
You'll ask for permission
when leaving this house from now on.
I didn't hear an answer.
What did you talk to him about?
I told him to ask permission
when going out from now on.
Honey, do you know
who Jun-yeong's friends are?
I'm not sure.
Who he meets outside
and what he does in his spare time…
I think we should be
more watchful of that.
I'll ask him.
He's been bothering me for days now,
but he chooses today of all days
not to call me.
He may have not loved me truly,
but it feels empty now that he's gone.
Is it bad? Have you eaten?
What's going on?
How did you know I was sick?
Myeong-suk told me
that you came by the hospital.
She told me
you had painkillers prescribed.
News travels fast. That was quick of her.
You should've told me sooner.
Must I hear that you're sick
from someone else?
I'll have to handle being sick alone
and growing old alone now.
I should get used to it.
What's that?
Oh, this?
Is that tiramisu?
I remembered how you'd eat this
when you were sick.
If I'm being honest,
it didn't immediately come to mind.
At first,
I wasn't sure whether it was this…
or chocolate cake.
Anyway, have some.
Aren't you exhausted?
No, I'm happy.
Thinking about what I needed to do for you
and driving over here with this
brought me joy.
I was just happy to know
I could do something for you.
-Good morning, Dr. Seol.
Is Dr. Ji in?
No, she hasn't come in yet.
Anyway, carry on.
Over here! Please help. Somebody!
Hold on.
There's something wrong with my daughter.
What's her name?
It's Park Hye-jin.
I see she's Dr. Ji's patient.
I'm afraid she already
has a patient waiting.
You'll have to wait 30 minutes.
But her condition worsened
after taking the medicine she prescribed.
Can't we jump the line?
The hospital isn't taking
any patients yet though.
-Can I see the chart?
-What about Dr. Kim?
-Dr. Kim has patients waiting as well.
Do something! Can't you see she's in pain?
We have no choice. Bring her to me.
Yes, doctor. Can you help?
Are you all right?
It's okay. One step at a time.
-What's going on?
-A patient of Dr. Ji's
came in with a bad case of abdominal pain.
"Irritable bowel syndrome"?
My gosh.
Gosh, Dr. Ji.
Sorry I'm late.
Check in with Dr. Seol.
It seems like one of your patients
was rushed in.
It's your patient Park Hye-jin
from yesterday.
She came in suffering
from severe abdominal pain.
Excuse me, sir.
I'm going to give you something
for the pain. Please relax.
When did the pain begin?
At dawn… It felt like my stomach
was being torn apart.
The ultrasound revealed a hemorrhage.
We'll start with a CT scan
of the abdomen first.
-Ms. Joo.
-Get her a CT scan.
-Yes, Dr. Seol.
-Get me a wheelchair.
-Got it.
I don't get it.
Why didn't you conduct an ultrasound?
Is it bad?
Stay put for now.
I'll handle the rest.
You! You said yesterday
that it was irritable bowel syndrome.
Because of your misdiagnosis,
my daughter could have been in danger!
How will you make up for this?
Sir, please calm down.
She isn't even married yet.
What if this leads to infertility?
What will you do then?
How will you make up for this?
-Please close the door.
-Of course.
Like I said, the pain was caused
from a cyst rupturing.
We'll need to keep a close eye on her,
but as of now, there hasn't been
any damage to her ovary.
This won't cause infertility--
Whatever it is, it's still true that
she misdiagnosed my daughter.
Isn't it?
I'm sorry, sir.
It's hard for this to be categorized
as a misdiagnosis.
If this isn't one, then what is?
A cyst ruptured which led to bleeding.
The chart says
that an OB-GYN consultation was suggested.
Didn't she mention that?
She didn't.
Then check with her first.
The hell we went through from dawn…
If anything bad happens to my daughter,
I'll make you pay.
I prescribed her pain killers
and some antibiotics.
You can take her home
once she feels better.
I'll schedule a follow-up
three days from now,
but if she gets dizzy
or if the pain worsens,
bring her to the hospital straight away.
If anything happens to my daughter,
I'll sue that doctor and this hospital!
You hear me?
Don't ever apologize so easily.
The moment you do,
people take it as an admission of guilt.
I was wrong not to order an ultrasound.
Negligence or misdiagnosis
are all the same to them.
Don't apologize
just to take the fall alone
and sit tight.
I'll take care of the rest.
Dr. Ji,
what has gotten into you recently?
I understand you taking time off work
for your son,
but forgetting to check the basics on
a patient's first checkup is inexcusable.
You're someone who used to diagnose
underlying diseases with unknown causes.
That's why you're the most
popular doctor here.
But now, you're coming in late,
leaving early,
and making errors
while practicing medicine.
What's gotten into you?
How is this not a problem?
I'm sorry, sir.
I admit I've been careless…
which is why I'll quit.
As the director of this hospital,
I have a right to voice my concerns.
If everything I say though
is met with a threat to quit,
how can I ever point out what's wrong?
I'm sorry.
Fine, I get it. How long do you need?
Two days? Will three do?
All right, I'll give you a week.
A week will be enough
to sort things out, right?
I'm sorry.
You should've come to me sooner.
My husband can be quite upright sometimes,
so he hates troubling people,
even his family members.
I'll talk to my dad instead.
Really? Gosh, I'd appreciate that.
Mom, is that all right with you?
Of course.
We both know how your father
will do anything for you.
Actually, why don't I invite
your whole family over sometime?
While discussing Councilman Cha's
supporters' association,
Hae-gang and Jun-yeong
can get a chance
to properly bury the hatchet.
That's an amazing idea!
I see you're working extra hard
to not only take care of Tae-oh,
but also your stepson.
Seeing how she embraces Jun-yeong
made me see her in a different light.
Da-kyung, you're admirable.
My daughter is still too naive
and too nice for her own good.
She doesn't think that the boy is to blame
and now she's going
the extra mile for him.
He's Tae-oh's son
which makes him my son too.
Besides, no parent should
give up on their children
without giving them a second chance.
Raising a child…
is the same as building a society.
If you only think of him
as a component of your husband's life,
you'll have another thing coming.
How far are you willing to go
to take responsibility for him?
I'll raise him with love
as if he's my own.
I can't say for certain
what the future holds for him,
but I'm confident enough to set an example
for those who are biased
against stepfamilies.
Of course.
A woman should be
the center of a household.
You have quite the caliber, don't you?
I guess I never realized it until now.
Sorry for my tardiness, everyone.
-Please have a seat.
Shall we head to dinner then?
I heard big news on my way over here.
Dr. Ji resigned.
There's a rumor about
her leaving Gosan too.
It's great news for you, Da-kyung,
isn't it?
You too, Ms. Um.
Well, it's not something
we've been wanting per se,
but I guess it's good news for us.
So what did you do today?
I stayed home.
-What about the academy?
-A private tutor will be hired,
so I won't have to go out.
One can say I'm grounded, right?
I'll talk to her about it.
You're home.
I see you're having a late dinner.
What about Jun-yeong?
He just finished eating and went upstairs.
Since his school's on break,
we should go on a vacation.
Just the four of us including Jenny.
Someplace close.
Sounds good.
By the way,
-about Jun-yeong going out--
-That reminds me.
I found someone Jun-yeong can receive
counseling from and booked a session.
Apparently she specializes
in adolescent psychology.
She is famous for behavior therapy,
so it wasn't easy to book a session.
Must he receive treatment?
He has kleptomania, so of course.
-Not handling the problem--
-What? He'll become a thief?
I'm saying that the matter
needs to be approached with caution.
Can't you give him some time?
Give him some time to breathe.
Just trust him
and wait for him to come around.
What's wrong about
seeking professional help?
I've been doing a lot of research
to do what's best for him--
I know that. Of course, I do, but--
Then stand with me on this.
Don't add your opinion
or try to persuade me.
Just think about
what's best for Jun-yeong.
Got it?
I'm sorry.
And thanks.
I should be the one taking him
to the counseling sessions, right?
If Jenny causes trouble when she grows up,
I'll do the exact same thing.
One by one,
everything is finding its rightful place.
Our life will only be perfect
from here on out.
Right? Here you go.
Got it.
How is it going? Good?
Can I trust you with that? Hello, sir.
Let me know of the progress then.
Here, look.
Your brother's going out.
Jenny, how sweet of you to wave.
Jun-yeong, how was your week?
Have you been angry or sad?
Could you perhaps tell me
what made you feel that way?
Come in.
You're here.
Oh, hey.
You're here.
You've got something here.
-Shall we?
Thank you.
It sure feels good to eat spicy food.
Where could she be?
She's gone completely off the grid.
She probably went to get some fresh air.
Quitting her job
must've been quite upsetting.
Why would it be upsetting?
I thought she was going to move anyway.
That bastard would be upset though.
Lee Tae-oh?
That's what it seemed like to me.
It's over between them,
so that's ridiculous.
You just don't know how men are.
Another woman attracts your attention
even when you have company
and you're constantly reminded
of the woman you were once involved with.
That's how men are.
Not me though.
I'm not like that.
I was talking about Tae-oh. Just him.
Hasn't your mom called?
Perhaps you didn't pick up.
That's not the case.
You didn't get back to me
about the job opening I mentioned,
so what brings you by unannounced?
To get some fresh air.
I quit the hospital, you see.
So are you off to Busan then?
Is that what you agreed upon?
For the time being, I'm taking a break.
Why did you come to me
of all people though?
There are decent psychiatrists to see
in your vicinity.
It's time for my rounds,
so what will it be?
Go ahead. I have nowhere to be anyway.
All right. We'll catch up later on.
Just don't suggest we get a drink.
You must've really quit.
Of course, I did.
Go ahead without me.
-Sure thing.
How did you know she'd come here?
Well, it's a relief.
How does she seem?
She's sullen, of course.
It seems like
she's here to clear her head.
If you're that worried,
why don't you come here yourself?
She probably wants to be alone,
so who am I to disrupt her peace?
All right. I'll call if anything happens.
You want me as the associate director?
There's no reason
to leave the position open anymore.
The chairman and I came to an agreement.
Why? Can't you handle it?
If not,
let me know so that I can take it back.
On the contrary.
I know I can do the job
better than anyone.
Thank you…
for believing in me, sir.
Just so you know,
I personally persuaded the chairman.
If you cause any trouble,
I'll be held accountable
for your actions too.
I'll do my best
to make sure that never happens.
By the way, what will you do about Dr. Ji?
What else can I do
when she just left like that?
And it's not like we can let go
of our most popular doctor.
We all know of her talent
which is why even the chairman
can't decide to let her go.
Let's give it a few more days.
What brings you by?
I was passing by,
so I thought I'd come in.
Anyway, I agreed
to write a donation agreement
with Family Love Hospital,
so meet with Director Gong when you can
and finalize the deal.
I thought it'd take a while,
but you were able to deal with it quickly.
Good job.
There's no need to see me out.
Go back to work.
It's been a few days
since she handed in her resignation.
Where is she now then?
How should I know?
Why are you asking about her though?
What are you doing here?
Is Seon-u…
not home right now?
Why do you ask?
Do you know where she went?
Haven't you done enough to each other?
You brought her enough pain
and even won Jun-yeong in the end,
so what more can you possibly want?
Once and for all,
let Seon-u go.
Have you been listening?
We're having dinner
with Councilman Cha's family tomorrow.
Mom and Dad will join us too.
Right, of course.
My dad hates sponsoring politicians,
but he's doing this
for you and Jun-yeong's sake,
so talk it over well with Councilman Cha.
Of course.
I'll wash up then.
How did I ruin everything
I worked so hard for?
My family,
my husband, my son, all of it.
I lost everything…
that I wanted to protect in my life.
What do you mean by "protect"?
Obsession can be poison, you know.
It also applies to the relationship
between parent and child.
I'm done being greedy
about keeping him at my side.
I've accepted the fact
that he wants to live with his father.
What I can't stand
is that my son hates me.
I would do practically anything
to have him hate me less.
I doubt there's a way though.
Wanting him to understand you
after inflicting such pain on him?
That's more than being greedy,
don't you think?
Whether it's hate or resentment,
you should respect
how Jun-yeong feels about you.
Over time,
it'll get better.
Was time the solution in your case too?
Time may pass,
but it won't wash the pain away.
You know it all too well.
Life is never just sweet.
We all just bear what we can
and keep going.
Then, now and again,
we're met with a ray of sunshine.
And so time passes once again.
I'm too exhausted to keep going though.
I feel like
their lives will be better with me gone.
For me, Jun-yeong,
and Tae-oh.
But I already apologized.
Why must I go back
to being friends with that jerk?
This is annoying as hell.
I'm not saying you should force it.
You need to see him at school
for another year,
so it'll be better to be on good terms.
Just for today at least,
don't rock the boat.
Da-kyung invited them over for your sake.
We referred to
the former documents as templates
and came up with a draft on our end first.
At first,
I thought you were asking the impossible,
but it turns out
that you are a man with foresight.
Dr. Ji has had a lot of issues lately.
If she had still been
the associate director,
it would've made things difficult
for our hospital.
What about the agreement ceremony?
I'm sure you already have a plan.
I don't.
We're only a small regional hospital,
but TO Pictures is known
everywhere in the country.
How you promote this
must be carefully designed.
By having the ceremony filmed
and aired on a local TV network
will help both TO Pictures
and our hospital.
I'll have our PR team contact yours
to discuss the details.
You're probably busy,
so I should get going.
Of course. I'm sure you're busy too.
where are you?
Are you all right?
Oh, the female guest from yesterday?
She paid in advance
saying she'd stay for a few days,
but left at the crack of dawn.
What? When exactly?
I'm not sure. Around 6 a.m. maybe?
She probably went to see the sunrise.
Why do you ask though?
Is there some sort of issue?
No, of course not.
Thanks anyway.
I'm too exhausted to keep going though.
I feel like
their lives will be better with me gone.
She's okay, right?
I sense something odd
with that tone of yours.
Why? Do you feel bad now that
she's actually gone?
Do you know where she is?
Someone did notify me of her whereabouts.
-Should I tell you?
-Of course not.
I'm glad she's okay.
Did something happen between you two?
While dealing with Jun-yeong's issues,
she had to go through quite a heartache.
She said she was leaving,
but I didn't expect her
to suddenly quit and disappear.
I admit it worries me.
The last thing I want
is for anything to happen to her.
She'll be fine, right?
Dr. Ji disappeared?
I really hope that I'm overreacting,
but the circumstances
point to something bad.
I have a bad feeling about this.
I'm worried.
So what now, Dr. Kim?
Please cancel the rest of my appointments.
-I'm sorry, but this is urgent.
Can you please call them
and let them know?
Say that I'll contact them when I can.
Dr. Kim, what's wrong?
Dr. Ma just called. Dr. Ji…
Did something happen to Seon-u?
Where is she right now?
-Tae-oh, please--
-Where is she right now?
I don't see her here.
Whether that's a good thing or not
is still up for debate though.
I'll keep looking too.
Dr. Ji?
Dr. Ji!
Their poor daughter is all alone now.
How can something like this happen?
How can they have left her to cope
with everything by herself?
Things were in shambles
after her mom found out
about her dad's affair.
This wasn't an accident.
It was an act of suicide.
She killed herself
because her husband cheated on her?
I know she must've felt betrayed but…
Tell me about it.
This is murder-suicide for sure.
How can one be so cruel?
How could she do that
and abandon her child?
Some parent she was.
How can she leave her daughter like this?
Wake up!
Please wake up!
Are you all right?
You're all right now.
Are you all right?
Let me see you.
Cry. Cry your heart out.
Cry all you want.
Tae-oh's son has begun
his sessions with a therapist.
I don't know
if that'll do any good though.
Da-kyung's trying her best,
so all we can do is hope for the best too.
Of course. I guess you're right.
I never understood
why she bothered with the boy,
but seeing how it removed
Ji Seon-u from the picture
made me think
that Da-kyung made a wise choice.
But then again, seeing her
trying to do right by her stepson
infuriates me to the core.
I can't even tell what's good or bad
for her anymore.
We'll be late.
If you're ready, we should go.
Are we ready for our guests?
Yes, Ms. Yeo.
For a second there,
I thought you'd be late.
We still have time, right?
I'll go and wash up.
I laid out your clothes for this evening.
You can change into those.
Jun-yeong, are you ready?
My mom and dad are kind people, you know.
There's no need to be nervous.
Just remember to be polite to your elders.
We're really a family now.
You know what I mean, right?
-Please enjoy.
Da-kyung, it must've been hard
to prepare all this.
It was nothing.
Jun-yeong, Hae-gang,
they say
that kids grow up arguing.
That's actually a lie.
Making up after arguments and fights
is how you grow up
to be tall as your fathers.
You couldn't be more right, sir.
Boys become better friends
through a couple of shouting matches.
I appreciate your wisdom.
Anyway, Mr. Yeo, thank you for
taking the time to invite us to dinner.
-We're grateful.
-Thank you, sir.
How about we raise our glasses
to wish them a better friendship?
Sounds good.
For Jun-yeong and Hae-gang's friendship.
My gosh, Ms. Um. This wine tastes amazing.
It does, doesn't it?
This actually reminds me
of the new wine bar that opened
-in the building at the town entrance.
You know it too, right?
My friend Sang-hyeon is the head
of the shopping district association.
He's the owner of that wine bar.
I'd love to take you there someday.
I don't know if I lucked out
in the friendship department
or the fatherhood department,
but I'm honored to have
the greatest sponsor in Gosan.
Let's just say that
you lucked out in both areas.
Since I am sponsoring you now,
I'll hope for you to win, Councilman Cha.
Thank you, sir.
I'll do my best.
Thank you.
Is the groundbreaking ceremony
well on its way?
Of course.
Well, that's more up to the workers
to do their jobs now.
So when will the next movie come out?
Isn't it time you released
another box-office hit?
I'm working on one.
That's odd. The nanny should be with her.
Excuse me for a second.
Are you all right?
What the hell did you do?
I'm sorry, Ms. Yeo.
I only left her for a second.
Please get her out of here.
What did you do to Jenny?
I didn't do anything.
-Jenny was playing and--
-Did you hit her?
I gave you everything.
You have enough.
Isn't it about time
you got your act together?
Couldn't this dinner
at least go by in peace?
What is the matter with you?
What on earth did I do wrong?
Jun-yeong, that's enough.
I didn't do anything.
She fell while playing by herself,
that's all.
What are you accusing me of?
We have guests downstairs, so stop it!
How patient must I be with you?
How much must I bear for you?
I never asked you to do anything for me!
Be more attentive
toward his feelings.
So that he stops hurting
and is no longer in pain.
That's all
I truly want.
You brat.
Get your act together.
How many more people
must sacrifice for you?
How much do we need to suffer
for your sake?
Da-kyung, what's going on?
Please finish…
your dinner.
it's Mom.
Are you there?
Is something wrong?
I'm sorry to ask,
but can you come for me?
Dr. Ji?
See? What did I tell you?
This is why you should never take in
other people's children.
Why waste your energy on something
so futile?
What is it that's making you feel
so nervous?
Ms. Um.
My gosh.
Is she insane? How dare she come here.
Wait. I thought she had left Gosan.
No, don't deal with her.
Just make her leave.
What do you want?
I'm here for Jun-yeong.
This is out of the blue.
Tae-oh didn't tell me about this.
Jun-yeong, come out right now.
Lee Jun-yeong, stop right there!
Get back to your room.
Go to your room right now!
Da-kyung, stop.
Let me go.
Just let him go!
Dad, don't let him leave.
-That crazy woman must leave.
-Let him go!
Let go of me!
But I tried so hard.
I gave it my all.
You know that, Dad.
Yes, I do.
It was almost complete.
I can't let her destroy everything!
Come here.
I took a while, didn't I?
Mom, let's get out of here.
Sure, let's go.
I told you to stop!
Wait for me in the car.
What's your problem?
Isn't it easier for you
to have Jun-yeong stay with me?
Does Tae-oh know about this?
We agreed
that Jun-yeong was free to come home
whenever he wanted to.
Your obsession…
is what's ruining your son.
For how much longer
must he live in confusion?
He was starting to have a stabler life.
Rather than being with an unstable mother,
he's better off being
with a normal family.
Can't you be rational about this?
You're the one obsessing over him.
Because this is what's best for Jun-yeong.
Even I'm exhausted
from you and Tae-oh's constant quarreling,
so I can't imagine how it is for him.
you're not mentally well.
You can't properly raise Jun-yeong alone.
I'm the one who stopped the school
violence committee from having a hearing.
Remember that?
Let's be honest, shall we?
This wasn't for Jun-yeong.
Your goal has always been
to save your marriage and family.
You were anxious because you saw that
Tae-oh was having doubts.
I understand how desperate you were
to keep your family together.
That used to be me once.
But you know what?
That desperation you're feeling?
It means nothing.
Marriage and married couples…
get rocked back and forth and torn apart
over what might seem
so hilariously meaningless.
So what?
That's not the case for me.
You probably know better
since you've been in my shoes.
What do you mean by that?
slept with me.
Can we just leave
to a place where no one knows us?
Tae-oh will have a hard time
getting over Seon-u.
What makes you so confident
to say that to me?
Think about it carefully.
This might be your last chance
to free yourself from him.
You said it was a mistake.
Do you still have feelings for me?
Think about the stuff you did
before you start blaming it on others.
There was only one thing
I wanted from you.
All you had to do
was make my daughter happy.
We promised to overcome this together.
You can't suddenly do this to us.
She wasn't the one who was delusional.
It was me all along.
Now, I finally get it.
Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park
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