Theodosia (2022) s01e14 Episode Script

A Date with Destiny

Previously on Theodosia The
past year has been pretty intense.
It all started when I found
a strange amulet in Egypt.
And now I have magic powers.
I made some new
friends. And enemies.
Chaos is coming.
We will tear down this world
and from the ashes we'll
build a better one.
But we stopped them.
In your face, Serpents of Chaos!
I'm hoping life can go back to
normal now, so I can have some fun.
You can see why they call
it the Great Pyramid.
It is pretty great. So great.
Er, Will, what did
you do with it?
You're not the only one
that can do magic, Theo.
Show me that!
Show what? What did you
do with the pyramid?
You mean
..that pyramid?
Wow, OK, yeah. That
was pretty great.
Theo? Theo?
Hmm? You OK? Hmm?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I was just thinking
about the Great Pyramid.
You want to come
with us, don't you?
Actually this time I'm
perfectly happy staying at home
and hanging out with my friends.
You're not fooling me. I
know how much you love Egypt.
I do, of course.
It's a magical place.
But you can have too
much of a good thing.
You're just saying that so I won't
feel bad leaving you and Henry.
I'm not. Why would I want to
when our favourite cousin's
coming to be our governess?
Nice try. You haven't
seen Nigella in years.
Yeah, but I remember
her baby-sitting.
She'd let us stay up
late eating sweets.
Oh, it's going to be so much
fun. But not too much fun.
There'll be lots of studying.
Don't forget your grandmother
is in charge of the museum
and she'll be keeping
a close eye on you.
Lots and lots and
lots of studying then.
It's only a game, Safiya.
Sorry. Got a letter from
my parents this morning.
Apparently it's time I learned the
finer points of being a princess.
They want to send me to some
la-di-da school in Switzerland.
Can't imagine why.
You should tell them
my cousin Nigella is
the World's Greatest Teacher
and they'd be mad to move you.
Is she any good? Well,
she was educated at Oxford
and she's travelled
all over the world.
Perfect. Let me write this down.
Where's a pen when you need one?
Use my latest invention.
It's a sound recorder.
You can mail them
a voice message.
Henry. Your inventions don't
always work. Just bring a pen!
Ah! Good morning, Mother.
So good of you to take the
reins while we're gone.
So let's start with the
layout of the museum.
On the ground floor, we
have Roman, Greek, Persian,
some of the late dynasty
Egyptian pieces and
Alistair, after your father
died I ran this place for years.
I know what I'm doing.
Yes, but a lot has
changed since then,
so if we go through this checklist
it'll help bring you up to speed.
Well, don't just
There we go, all sorted.
Now, why don't you
make yourself useful
and help Henrietta
with the packing?
Yes, Mother.
Oh, er You there.
What's your name again?
It's Clive, Your Ladyship.
For the millionth time.
I've got a little job for you.
Testing, testing,
this is the voice of
Henry Throckmorton,
checking this works for
Princess Angry Pants.
Hey. Where do you
think you're going?
Harold Throckmorton.
Nice to see you, Grandad, but what
are you doing hidden down here?
watch over the secret.
- DOOR OPENS - I have
a little job for you.
Want a game?
Stop daydreaming about Will.
I wasn't.
OK, maybe I was, just a little.
You were in front of
the Pyramid again?
What do you think it means?
It means you two are taking
way too long to get together.
We defeated the Serpents
of Chaos weeks ago.
What are you waiting for?
Well, you know, he's just been so
busy working at the Penny Arcade.
There hasn't been
the right moment.
So make the right moment.
On his break tomorrow,
ask him if he wants to go
for a walk in the park.
I can't do that.
Sure you can. Just two
friends, taking a stroll.
Nothing wrong with that.
OK, then what?
Then, as you're walking
along in the sunshine,
nice and relaxed, you
casually take his hand,
and before you know
it, you'll be
There he is!
He used to be right there by the
entrance to greet the visitors.
You know, I never knew why he
had it moved to the stores.
It's such a good
likeness of him.
What was he like?
He was the most extraordinary
man I've ever met.
It was your grandfather who
taught me how to ride a camel.
You've ridden a camel?
Well, I went on all his expeditions
before I had your father.
Careful with him.
STRAINS: This thing's heavy.
He's not a thing, he's the
founder of this museum!
So treat him with more respect.
Now, come with me, I've
got another job for you.
Got something to say, Grandad?
WHISPERS: I watch the secret.
How about now?
Do you think we're
doing the right thing?
Well, I could try jumping
up and down on it
I mean about going to Egypt.
We'll miss Theo's birthday.
Has she said something?
No, but she seems distracted.
I thought she seemed a lot
happier these last few weeks.
Maybe she's putting
on a brave face?
Success! No turning back now.
I'll talk to her, I promise.
You have to hear this.
RECORDING: Testing, testing, this
is the voice of Henry Throckmorton,
checking this works for
Princess Angry Pants.
Excuse me?! Not that bit.
Hey. Where do you
think you're going?
"Princess Angry
Pants"?! No, listen.
watch over the secret.
Doesn't that sound like
someone whispering?
No, I don't hear anything.
It's probably broken, like
all of your other inventions.
Hey, they're not broken,
they just don't work yet.
Listen, I think it was coming
from the statue of Grandad.
Oh, yeah, sure. Look, seriously,
Henry, you're worrying
over nothing. Right, Saf?
"Princess Angry Pants"?
Why don't you tell me what
you really think of me?
But I think you're perfect.
Put the aspidistra over there,
it'll jolly up this whole area.
Where's Harold?
No idea, Your Ladyship.
Well, he can't exactly
have walked off by himself.
It was probably one of
the kids messing about.
Don't be ridiculous.
He's far too heavy.
Put him back right now.
We should ban all the
kids from the museum,
starting with the Throckmortons.
There you are.
Your grandchildren
are quite the handful.
..there's been something I've been
wanting to tell you for a while now.
The thing is um
It's hard to put it into
actual words, but erm
..I have, I have had
this feeling, erm,
you know, inside, like ind
..indigestion or a
..or a stomach-ache?
Yes, OK that was bad.
- KNOCK ON DOOR - Permission
to come aboard, Ma'am?
Aye, aye, me hearty.
Is everything all right?
Sure, why?
Mum sent you, didn't she?
No. No, no, no,
no. Of course not.
I thought I'd just, um
..I'd pop in and
you and I, we, um
Yes, she thinks, um, you're
upset about us going.
I'm fine, Dad.
I mean, obviously I'm
going to miss you,
but, you know, it's
only for a few months.
It's not too late
to change our plans.
Go. Have fun. But do watch
out for the scorpions -
there's loads in the
Valley this season. Really.
And you watch out
for your grandmother.
She also has a
sting in her tail.
I know, it can be
scary. Very scary!
I love you, Theo.
I love you, Dad.
That's my girl. Good.
good, good, good.
Oh, you know
..Mum's bark is
worse than her bite.
When I was a kid,
she was a lot of fun.
But then Dad died and she got angry
at the world for taking him away.
Being alone all these years
has well, hardened her heart.
So try to go easy on her, yes?
Oh, I'll be good. Mm.
Most of the time.
Night-night, Theo.
Yup. I'm going to miss them.
Yes, Your Ladyship?
Let me be crystal clear.
When I ask you to do something,
I expect it to be
done. Immediately.
I swear, he was right
here when I left
Hop to it, man!
Oh, hi, Saf. Didn't
expect to see you here.
I was a bit harsh
on Henry yesterday.
He was only trying to help.
Yeah, he didn't come down
for breakfast this morning.
I think he was hiding in the
stores from Princess Angry Pants.
Off to see Will?
I'm more nervous than I was
when we fought the Serpents.
Don't be. You're
Theodosia Throckmorton,
the girl with the magic touch.
Thanks, Saf.
Go get him.
over the secret.
"I watch"
over the secret.
I knew it was one of
you lot moving him!
Look, he was there when
I came down this morning.
I thought maybe you moved
him back Stay here
at the scene of the crime,
whilst I tell your grandmother.
I'll say I saw you
moving the statue.
Well, I'll tell
her you're lying.
And who do you think
she'll believe?
Pull that stunt again
and I will tell her.
You won't always have your
royal helper with you.
Thanks. I owe you big time.
Look, about the whole Princess
Angry Pants thing, I
Yeah, about that.
Just kidding.
Now, what is going on
with you and this statue?
Here's your food.
My bad.
Let's make your food
appear real quick.
It's ready. Wow, thank you.
That's fine, enjoy.
Impressive trick. You
need to teach me that one.
There's nothing I can
teach a real magician.
Well, I'm taking a
break from that stuff.
Going to try to be
normal for once.
There's nothing normal
about you, Theo.
Oh, thanks.
You know what I mean.
I, I was just going to go
for a walk in the park.
Wow, you really do know
how to have a good time.
No, no. I mean, erm
No, no, sorry. What I meant
was that you - you can park,
go to the park with me.
You know? On your break?
I would love to.
But we're too busy.
Oh, right. Of course.
Some other time.
Unless you've got a spell
to help speed things up?
I did read about a time
spell and they're very risky.
I mean, I could break the universe.
And I don't, I don't want to
I was joking!
I was joking.
Oh! Oh, got it! Good one.
What are you doing?
It's my new trick.
Making the dirty
dishes disappear.
On no account
are you to move my
husband from that spot.
Do I make myself clear?
But I
Yes, yes, Your Ladyship.
There's a good chap.
Our boat is sailing
this afternoon.
But I thought you
were going tomorrow?
No, there's a storm coming. They
want to stay ahead of the weather.
Oh, fuss and nonsense.
Are you all packed? Almost.
Almost. Clive have you seen
the maps of the dig site?
Yes, they're in the office.
Shall help you find them?
Please do. Please do.
Have you seen the children?
Neither hide nor
hair, I'm afraid.
I need to tell them
we're leaving today.
They can't have gone far.
You take upstairs,
I'll search this floor.
There are scratch marks
coming from the lift.
So you're saying the
statue got in the lift,
rode down here and
slid across on its own?
We've seen weirder
things happen.
What's that?
It must've been hidden
behind the statue.
"I watch over the secret."
That's the whispering
I could hear.
It's hollow. There's
something behind here.
This lock must be
the way to get in.
The hieroglyphs must
spell out a word.
"Open sesame"?
Let's try Kemet.
It's what the Ancient
Egyptians called Egypt.
We make a good team.
Yeah, I think so.
Hey, Will. Table over
there wants to order.
Oh, I'm on it!
Thanks, Theo.
Wait a second. When
did I hire you?
You didn't. She's
just giving me a hand.
Just this one. This one,
I'm afraid, refuses to help.
You know what? I've got
this. You two take a break.
Yeah, I can handle this. Easy.
Hmm! Wait for it.
Just point me towards a menu.
Thank you.
And again.
Cheers, mate.
Do you think he's
going to be OK?
There's only one
way to find out.
Let's go.
Let's try "Sphinx."
The Ancient Egyptians
called it "Horemakhet."
So, there's four panels,
five hieroglyphs
on each, that's
..625 possible combinations.
So what you're saying is
this could take a while?
I knew it. I was right.
I think we should
get Theo for this.
What's the code, Grandpa?
over the secret.
Wait a second. "I
watch over the secret".
He's talking about himself.
The statue is watching
over the secret.
We don't need Theo.
You've cracked it.
Look. He's staring at
the shelf over there.
Whatever was here has gone.
No, wait.
"D 317. On Display".
There's D 326.
And here's D 304. It must
be around here somewhere.
Theo? Henry?
Oh, no. Clive must've told
on me about the statue.
Safiya, have you
seen Henry and Theo?
No, but if I see them,
I'll send them your way.
Thanks, Safiya, you're an angel.
OK, you can come out now.
D 317.
Look at that cartouche.
Four hieroglyphs.
It's the name of the pharaoh Khufu.
He was buried in the Great Pyramid.
His name must be
the combination.
Here's an important
factissimo for you.
My ancestor Hemiunu
designed the Great Pyramid.
Wow, that's very interesting.
Now can we go open the
mysterious secret door?
This is better than
washing dishes.
Yeah, how do you reckon
Artie's getting on without us?
Oh, he'll be fine. He's probably
burnt the place down by now.
You can't give up magic.
Magic? What do you mean?
I'm going to teach you that
trick I did. What trick?
The one in the Penny Arcade.
That trick.
You have to learn how
to hide the object.
Now you can see it you don't. Oh.
Show me again.
STRAINS: He's so heavy!
Grandad, you really need
to lose some weight.
No, no! No, no, no!
Double whoops.
Granny is going to kill me.
This is so much harder
than real magic.
You can do this.
Come on, try again.
It tickles.
Hey, what's wrong?
Oh, nothing, just a bad feeling.
What kind of feeling?
I think something bad's
happened at the museum.
I know that look.
We should hurry.
This must be Grandad's
secret study.
Look at all this cool stuff.
Why'd he keep it hidden away?
What is that?
What? This is so cool!
Henry, stop!
Do not go in there!
Stop being so bossy.
Booby trap.
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