Thunderbirds (1965) s01e14 Episode Script

The Mighty Atom

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Distant explosions) - Looks good.
- Perfect.
The charges are cutting through in line with the survey.
OK, Cheng, fire the remaining two.
It's clearing! (Eddie) We're through! - Bang on schedule! - Great.
Congratulations, Mr Houseman.
Thanks, boys.
There'll be a good bonus for this.
OK, let's go take a look.
(Engine revs) Well, we've done a pretty good job.
- Rock fall! - Reverse back! Reverse back! - That was close! - Yes, it was.
Let's finish up here and get back to base.
Visual check, 'tree and rock formations, range eight.
Tree and rock formations.
Range eight.
' Roger.
Fire two and three.
- There they are.
- They've made good time.
They need to, to make that completion date.
Welcome back, Eddie.
Good going.
Thanks, Lester.
Bob in his office? Yep.
Eddie, you did wonders! You actually cut through the mountain before the monsoon.
- We should make that date, now.
- Let's drink to that.
We must make it.
It's our first big contract.
If we fail, we've had it.
Well, you've played your part.
Now, I'll play mine.
If I finish the road before the rains, we'll be 0K.
Yeah, it's over to you, now.
Just go off and enjoy your vacation, and don't worry.
Where are you going to? - Anywhere special? - I'm just looking up an old friend.
Well, here it is, Tin Tin.
I did the best I could.
Why, Mrs Tracy, it's beautiful! We must think of a special occasion for you to wear it.
Or for a special person.
Just who did you have in mind? (Beeps) (Electronic whine) Aircraft approaching us! It's going.
- Wrong, Gordon.
- Sounds like it's going to land.
(Whine continues) It IS coming in to land.
- I wonder who it can be? - I hope they don't stay long.
It will be awkward if we get an emergency call.
A gentleman to see you, Mr Tracy.
(Kyrano) Mr Eddie Houseman.
Eddie? Eddie Houseman! (Sad tune) Say, where is Tin Tin, Gordon? Don't say you haven't heard, Virgil.
This Prince Charming flew in and he's really sweeping her off her feet.
- No?! - Yeah! - Is he as handsome as I am, Gordon? - Nearly, Virgil.
Knock it off, fellas.
It seems the only thing to talk about is Eddie and Tin Tin.
They're just friends, that's all.
Good to be with you again, Tin Tin.
It's been a long time.
It looks as though your company will make a go of it.
I'm pleased for you.
if we don't finish the job on time.
But it's fine, so far.
I wish you could see our outfit.
It really is great.
(Knock on door) Come in.
According to the forecast, we'll just make it.
The rains are due in two days.
But our instruments are picking up earth tremors.
What?! How bad are they? It's hard to say.
The signal is weak.
Let's take a look.
Look! - Look at that! I've seen enough! - That's bad.
The monsoon will bring it all down into the cutting we made.
We won't finish the road on time! Oh, hello, Father.
Oh, Tin Tin, you look beautiful.
- You've done your hair differently.
- Yes.
Do you like it, Father? Well he seems a nice young man.
You're going out again? Yes.
He's waiting for me downstairs.
He had some bad news from the road camp, Tin Tin.
And he couldn't wait to say goodbye.
His company must mean a lot to him.
He'll write to you.
That finishes Eddie, as far as Tin Tin is concerned.
Lucky we got no calls while he was here.
I wonder what trouble that road had.
We CAN'T give up now, Bob! It's too late.
The rains have started.
Do we just sit back and let the rains ruin all our work? - That's right.
Then, in spring - Spring?! We'll lose our contract! We'll try and get an extension.
But the only reason we got the job was because of our early end date! If we miss that date, this company is nothing! Everything we worked for and planned for goes up in smoke! - There's no other way, Eddie.
- You're wrong.
There's one way.
Let me place some nutronic charges to blast the peak AWAY from the road, not into it.
- You can't.
- Try me.
Eddie, that peak could collapse any second! Even a small slide could cause the charges to explode while you work.
You'll be blown up or buried alive! - I know my job! - And I know mine! And since I'm the senior partner, I say we apply for the extension.
- It'll break us! - Maybe.
But you'll be alive.
I'm not going to argue.
The decision is made.
Hi, Tin Tin.
Mind if I join you? I I thought I'd go water-skiing today.
Would you like to join me? - No, thanks.
I don't feel like it.
- Eddie was mean to go off like that.
What did I say?! Grandma, did you see that? What did I say?! Just all the wrongs things, Alan As usual! Gee, Grandma, I'm just no good at making fancy speeches.
Things were swell before that Eddie came along.
What am I going to do? Leave things to me, Alan.
Just leave things to me.
(Heavy rain beats down) (Sleepy groan) (Distant thunder) (Clap of thunder) Well, here goes.
(Alarm buzzes) Oh (Alarm stops) (Lester) 'Mr Gray, we're picking up a danger signal.
' Yeah, Lester, it woke me up.
I'll see you in the control room.
(Lester) There are severe tremors near the cutting.
I'm glad I didn't let Eddie go.
Where is Eddie? I haven't seen him.
It's not like him to sleep through an alarm call.
If he's gone out Find him! Whatever you do, find him! - Any sign of him? - Nothing.
- Keep searching.
What is it, Taylor? - The explosives tractor is missing, and so are three cases of charges.
You fool, Eddie! Come on! We can still stop him.
(Bob) 'Hello, Eddie? Eddie, can you hear me? ' - It's getting worse all the time.
- Eddie, can you hear me? No word for half an hour.
- You'd better try again.
- Eddie? 'Eddie, this is Bob.
Call in! ' No good.
I guess 'Hi, Bob.
This is Eddie.
'I've laid the charges.
' Eddie, get out of there! That peak's cracking up! 'It'll be a landslide! ' - I'd better fire the charges now.
- 'You're too close! ' Get away from there! You'll kill yourself.
Eddie 'Eddie! ' He cut off! He cut off.
(Explosion) Eddie? Eddie! 'Can you hear me? ' - Yeah Yeah, I can hear you.
- 'You did it! ' You're 0K! Eddie, the cutting's in no danger now.
- We can see from here.
- 'Bob, listen.
' The blast took my tractor right to the edge.
If I move to the door, it will overbalance.
Keep calm, Eddie.
We're on our way.
'There's worse.
I still have some charges on board.
' If this goes over the edge, I'll be blown sky-high.
(Clap of thunder) Calling International Rescue.
International Rescue, come in.
'Calling International Rescue.
International Rescue, come in.
' International Rescue, receiving.
- 'Go ahead, please.
' - They're answering.
International Rescue, we need your help.
Eddie, what happened? I just tried to stretch my legs.
Just stay uncomfortable! I thought you'd go over that time! Yeah, so did I.
- Lester, are you still there? - 'What is it, Eddie? ' What's going on out there? Everything's in hand.
Mr Gray is contacting International Rescue.
'You can't reach the tractor because of the state of the ground? ' 'The explosions cut the ground up.
We dare not chance it.
' OK, Mr Gray.
We're on our way.
'I said we'd do it.
I hope I did right.
' Of course.
Why do you say that? 'You haven't heard who we have to rescue.
' - Who is it? - 'Eddie Houseman.
' Eddie Houseman?! - Father, he knows us! - That's right.
Eddie knows us.
- Are you saying we can't help? - No, Alan.
But if we do this job, we'll break our cover.
And we know how essential our secrecy is.
'So, do we turn this call down? ' No, we don't turn down any call! We must hide our identity, but not at the risk of wasting a life.
- Carry on, Scott.
- Yes, sir.
International Rescue, from Thunderbird 1.
Changing to horizontal flight.
Loose boulder! It'll hit the tractor! Any more of those and it'll be all over! OK, Virgil, use the magnetic grabs.
Alan can help on this one.
- Any questions? - (Both) No.
Away you go.
Good luck.
International Rescue, come in.
International Rescue, come in, please.
It's no good.
I can't reach them.
The weather's getting worse.
If they don't hurry, they'll have a wasted trip.
I'm glad Eddie can't see the rocks.
Oh, dear! Alan would insist on going on the rescue, even though he was very sick! - Alan's ill? - Afraid so.
- I just hope he can bear the pain.
- And Mr Tracy let him go? He couldn't stop him.
I wouldn't mention this to anyone.
- We're all worried enough as it is.
- I understand.
Well, I'll be getting along.
We all have to eat, emergency or no! Poor Alan! Scott should be there any time now.
Thunderbird 1 to Rescue Area.
- Thunderbird 1 to Rescue Area.
- 'Come in, Thunderbird 1.
' They're here! 'Did you hear that, Eddie? International Rescue have arrived! ' Yeah, I heard.
But I think this one might be beyond even them.
Rescue Area, it'll be a while before Thunderbird 2 gets here.
I'll try to do something about those boulders.
' We were going to build a barrier, but we don't have the necessary gear.
Well, WE have.
So, here goes! Wow! Did you see what I saw? - Some machine! - And here comes another! 'Thunderbird 2 from Thunderbird 1.
I'm glad to see you, fellas.
' I've laid down a steel screen to stop rocks from knocking the tractor over the edge.
- 'Lower your grabs and pick it up.
' - FAB, Scott.
OK, Alan.
- 0K, Scott, I'm coming in now.
- I'll guide you in.
Pull away, Virgil! Your jets are tipping it over! What are we going to do, Scott? We must go in close to use the grabs.
We need to stabilise the tractor so you can use the grabs.
- Can't they fix a line to hold it? - 'No, that's not possible.
' The ground is so cracked that even a small weight increase could tip that balance.
Wait! I have an idea.
If this works, Virgil, come straight in and grab it.
- Stand by.
- 'FAB.
' OK, Virgil.
Come in now.
I'll take the strain.
Coming in now.
' - 0K, we've got it! - It's all yours.
It's too heavy for the grabs! Virgil, hold her steady.
Eddie's jumping for it.
He's clear.
Now get the tractor to level ground so we can get to the charges.
'FAB, Scott.
' - Nearly there.
- We can't hold her.
She's going! - You saved the road, Eddie! - Did I? If you ask me, International Rescue did all the saving around here.
I sure want to thank those guys.
Doesn't look like you'll get the chance.
How about that? Pulling off a rescue without even landing! And Eddie didn't see them, so our secret is safe.
I'm so glad they're all right.
- Can I speak to Alan? - Sure.
Go right ahead.
'Alan, can you hear me? Are you all right? ' All right? Yeah.
Yeah, I am now.
I was worried about you.
You shouldn't take such chances.
Gee! Shouldn't I? Tin Tin, 'what say we have a talk about it when I get back, 0K? ' I'll be waiting, Alan.

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