ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e14 Episode Script

Dr Dometone

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
All right, everybody, you ready
for an extra-special assignment?
- [all exclaim]
- Is that a map of Third Earth?
That's right, Lion-O.
A world both strange
and alien to us.
[Tygra] We've met some people
in these green areas,
but we know nothing about
these gray parts.
- So, we're gonna split up,
- [beeping]
and take different sections
of the map,
and introduce ourselves
to our new neighbors.
And remember, we wanna
make friends.
So, we'll have to be
good ambassadors.
You heard him, Thundies!
Let's go ambassador some people
right in their faces!
- Thunder, Thunder, ThunderCats
- Hold on, Lion-O.
If you run in sword first,
you could start a war.
Ah! Give it a rest, Tygra. I have a near-perfect
record with not starting wars.
And on account of that, I want
you to explore the beach.
And just remember,
if you meet anyone,
use your words.
And, generally, do the opposite
of what you normally do.
[scoffs] Whatever, Tygra.
Give me five minutes
and I'll make allies
of everyone on that beach.
Wait a second! There isn't
anyone on this beach!
[grunts] Tygra wouldn't have
given me busy work, would he?
You're right, Snarf,
he wouldn't.
Whoa! That's it, Snarf.
Tygra must have wanted me
to meet everyone
under the water.
Hey, hello, crab, I'm Lion-O,
Lord of the Huh?
Hey! Get back here and let me
ambassador you.
- [water splashes]
- [Lion-O grunting]
[muffled] I just
want to say hello!
- [Snarf meowing]
- [crab panting]
- Found you!
- [crab whimpers]
- Found you!
- [crab exclaims]
- [laughs]
- What in the heck is this thing?
- [thuds]
- Found you!
[both yell]
[Lion-O grunts]
Aye! Think you can beat me in an arm
wrestle, eh, caveman? I'll show you.
All right, Moleman, get ready, I'm
going to serve the ball to ya.
- And
- Out.
Good first try, Moleman.
Great job, giant. That is exactly
how you make your face look stupid.
[water draining]
Woof! Your water
pressure's terrible.
[sighs] Now, speaking of water,
- I should check in on Lion-O.
- [phone beeps]
- [phone ringing]
- [Lion-O grunts]
Hey, Lion-O, how's it going
at the beach?
Uh, uh, the-the beach?
[hesitating] Yeah, oh,
it's great. Sand everywhere.
[imitates signal break-up]
Sorry, you're Shh Breaking up
Shh Tygra. I can't hear ya.
I know you're just making
those sounds, Lion-O.
Just remember what I said. Use
your words and do the opposite.
- [signal beeps]
- Phew. Anyways,
let's get started
on this infrastructure problem.
Phew! Crisis averted.
- [grunting]
- [thudding]
What the heck? We were gone
for, like, five minutes.
Where did all the water go?
What happened to the plug?
Someone to ambassador.
Hi, there, tiny man. I'm Lion-O,
Lord of the ThunderCats,
and I'm here to ambassador
everyone at the beach.
- Put her there!
- Pay attention, nitwit.
Everyone at the beach just got
sucked down that drain hole.
And now, it's up to me
and my robot son, Hercules,
to get down there and fix it.
I am the great Dr. Dometone,
after all.
[Dr. Dometone] Now, dive!
I don't know how we're going
to do it, Hercules,
- but we'll find a way to undo this damage.
- [presses button]
Sounds great. What's my job?
What are you doing here?
Well, since I'm the one
who pulled the plug,
I'd be a pretty bad ambassador
not to come help fix things.
What? You pulled the plug?
No, of course, a nitwit like
you would do something so
Keep diving, Hercules.
Any minute now, we should be
at the bottom of the
- What?
- [all exclaim]
[Lion-O] It's a whole
underground city.
- This doesn't make any sense.
- [pulls lever]
[Lion-O] Why aren't we upside
down anymore?
Who are these weird
mushroom people?
- Help us!
- Hmm.
Brother, you're soaked.
Why are they all wet?
And what are they
so upset about?
We're trapped.
It's almost like all of this
water isn't supposed to be here.
Oh, toots!
I flooded their city.
Which is really
bad ambassadoring.
My socks are all wet.
We'll get you new socks.
My baby's all wet.
We'll get you a new
Uh, we'll dry your baby.
- Everybody, stay calm.
- Oh, he looks important.
People, please. I know that we're
all upset about the flood,
but it doesn't do us any good
to blame one another.
My papi floated away
on a fungus.
Your papi was a fungus.
Now, listen, we need to work
together if we want to get
Moldtropolis back to normal.
He definitely seems
like the guy to talk to.
You're quite right, Lion-O,
but let me do all of the talking.
You've done
enough harm already.
[sighs] Oh, I could do
way more harm.
Hmm, I mean, in a good way.
Excuse me, good sir. Perhaps,
we could be of some help.
We are visitors to this place
and mean you no harm.
Cool. [chuckles]
I'm Sportimer Fungustis,
the mayor of the Moldians.
I believe I can find a solution
to your flooding.
These are my companions.
- Hey, what's up?
- [Dr. Dometone grunts]
Did you say, "What's up?"
[chuckles nervously] Uh, yes, yes.
It's just an expression of greeting
where we come from.
Uh, but you can just ignore
The ground, obviously.
- Pardon?
- The answer to his question,
"What's up?" The ground is up.
[laughs] No, the ground
is down.
The sky is up.
[chuckles nervously]
You are mistaken.
The sky is down.
Uh, what sky? You mean,
this sky right up here?
Up, above us!
Snarf, I'm just trying to help.
This mayor has got
it all upside down.
No! You're the one who's got it
downside up.
- Oh, yeah!
- Yeah!
And if you keep at it, I'm gonna
bury you six feet above ground.
Everybody, just calm down here.
I think I know what's going on.
You see, the Earth is a ball.
We live here,
on the outer crust.
But when we travel into the
hollow center of the planet,
our orientation reversed.
- No, you're dumb.
- No, you're dumb.
- You're dumb.
- You're dumb.
- [signal buzzes]
- Well, you're a moldy toast baby.
Well, at least, this baby knows the
difference between up and down.
This guy's not making
any sense.
When I pulled the plug, all
the water went down the drain
- and flooded their city!
- [echoing] City. City.
[Mayor Fungustis] Did you
say you flooded our city?
Prepare to launch the nitwits
into the great sky ball!
- [all] Sky ball! Sky ball!
- But, hey, I didn't start a war!
This is much worse!
Well, at least,
Tygra won't know I messed up.
He'll just think I mysteriously
disappeared forever.
[phone ringing]
- Oh, toots!
- Hey, there, Lion-O.
Sorry, to be a worry wart, but, I'm just
checking in, making sure everything's good
- down there at the beach.
- Yes.
I just met a seagull.
Really? 'Cause it kind of doesn't
look like you're at the beach.
[yelling] He isn't!
And the beach is gone!
And we're all doomed!
Oops, uh-oh. You're breaking up, Tygra.
- Lion-O, come on.
- [Lion-O] I can't hear you!
- [Lion-O imitating signal breaking]
- Just remember what I said.
Well, his day's going better
than mine. Anyways,
plumbing is easy.
Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey.
- [grunts]
- Oh, thunder toots.
It's the end
of the line for you.
What was it that Tygra said?
Use your words.
Do the opposite of what
you normally do.
Use your words.
Do the opposite.
By Jaga's beard.
Do the opposite.
- [all chanting]
- Rednuht, rednuht, rednuht.
What are you
[dramatic music plays]
- [Lion-O grunts]
- This means war!
[Lion-O] Let's get out
of here, Hercules.
- [chuckles]
- Get them.
Lion-O, where are we going?
- To the reverse plug.
- The what?
It's like Tygra said, I need to
do the opposite of what I did.
So, pulling the reverse plug,
will unflood the city.
- Who's Tygra?
- [bomb exploding]
Get ready, Hercules, on your right.
Now on your left.
On your right, again.
- Whoa!
- We'll get you for this.
[engines rev]
These guys can't take a hint.
- [firing continues]
- Time to dive, Hercules.
[Lion-O] Whoa!
That'll teach them!
Never mind!
[suspenseful music playing]
[blades clinking]
[blade clanging]
It's too dark down here.
Turn on the lights, Snarf.
Hurray! Looks like
the reverse plug!
Oh, you've got
to be kidding me.
I'm gonna pull it.
[suspenseful music playing]
[water gushing]
[Lion-O laughing]
Huzzah! The victory is ours.
[water gushing]
You still got it, man.
Nice work. You've really gotten good
at not getting hit in the head.
- And I win.
- Ooh!
I think it must just
have a clog. Huh.
Whoo-hoo! Looks like we saved
the ocean and stopped a war.
Yes, Lion-O, you're quite
the gem of an ambassador.
Can I get that in writing?
[Lion-O] And so, even though,
I didn't get it in writing,
I still saved the mushroom people
in the center of the Earth.
Lion-O, I know the beach was boring,
but you don't have to come up
with a whole fake story.
- But, Tygra, it all really happened!
- Right.
Okay, so who did everybody
else meet?
I taught a Moleman
how to play ping pong.
- I beat a caveman in an arm wrestle.
- We made faces with a giant.
Yeah, and he was,
like, "nah, nah, nah."
Well, if everyone's gonna make stuff
up, this meeting is canceled.
[all laughing]
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