Tunnel (2017) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

You punk. No!
I've got to get him.
I've got to get him!
Not again
[Episode 14]
[Youngest Professor,
Criminal Psychologist Shin Jae Yi]
Have you found the person who was
looking for you, Professor Shin?
Yes, I have.
I did find him, but
he disappeared again.
Officer Park is my father.
I found out too late,
but I'm glad I know.
She is Detective Park's daughter.
Mok Jin Woo.
What is this memory?
He said he'd be back soon.
Yeon Sook.
I left her there alone again.
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
Kwang Ho, don't leave me.
Yeon Sook, I'm right here.
Kwang Ho, you're not going to
disappear on me again, are you?
No, you don't need to worry.
Yeon Sook, look at me.
I promise I'll be back soon.
Yeon Sook!
I promised I’d be back soon.
I went after Mok Jin Woo instead.
My Yeon Sook
Yeon Sook.
You are mistaken.
Whether you strangle a person
once or multiple times
it's the excessive pressure
that kills the person.
You can't tell how many times
a person was strangled from the marks.
What do you mean by that?
It's impossible to tell.
That's something only
the killer would know.
Do you really think
Jung Ho Young did it?
He is a cunning person.
He takes pleasure in having
the lives of victims in his hands.
There are those with dots
and those without?
From my point of view,
this doesn't seem like one culprit.
I was correct about it.
Jung Ho Young said he repeatedly
strangled Lee Seo Yeon.
My theory is that there is
another murderer out there.
I thought you were hurt,
Lieutenant Kim.
I'm relieved you aren't.
You must be happy about something.
Yes. The weather is so nice.
You said you were curious about why
I pursued the killer so doggedly.
My mother is actually a victim of
the serial killings from 30 years ago.
How could that be?
I'm still alive and well.
Lieutenant Kim, your hands are bleeding.
Doesn't it hurt?
He was right by my side watching me.
He knew exactly who I was.
He must have laughed so much at me.
I never even recognized him.
I feel so wretched.
Don't blame yourself.
He stayed hidden for 30 years.
I ran around like crazy
in order to catch the killer.
Like a crazy person
I'm sorry, Lieutenant Kim.
It would've helped
if I had realized it a little earlier.
I wish I could be a source
of strength to you somehow.
I really am sorry.
I really couldn't think of anything.
I didn't know what to do,
so I just came here.
I'm the one who's sorry.
Kwang Ho
knew that Mok Jin Woo
was the killer too.
If he did know
he will try to catch
the killer in the past.
How did I come to the future again?
Stop, you punk!
That's right.
I have to run into Mok Jin Woo
inside the tunnel.
I have to catch that punk
in order for this to come to an end.
But how am I supposed to catch him?
Wait. Where's the fountain ink pen?
I don't have any time to waste.
Oh no.
Why did I have to leave it there?
Hold on.
It's the only evidence we have.
I can't even go back right now.
What can I do?
No one even knows that
Mok Jin Woo is the killer.
I don't have time for this.
It's not possible.
He couldn't have come back.
Gosh, why can't I find a lead?
It's not like he's a ghost.
- Hey, Sung Shik.
- Huh?
What is it?
Why are you acting like this?
Didn't you go back to the past?
I did, but I came back.
But what happened to you?
The killer wanted to meet
in the tunnel, so I went.
Right when I was about to catch him,
I went back to the past.
I should have caught him then.
No, I should have caught him in the past.
Then I wouldn't need
to come to the future.
You met him? You met him again?
Yes, I think I travel through time
whenever we're in the tunnel together.
What in the world?
What about Yeon Sook?
Did you meet her?
Does she know that you're here?
- No, she doesn't.
- Oh!
You tried so hard to get back to her.
How will you get back to her now?
I'm seriously going to go crazy.
I'm going to catch him and return.
I'll never let him go this time.
Hey, call Kim Seon Jae.
I have something to tell you both.
What? Kwang Ho is back?
I'll be right there.
Lieutenant Kim, what's going on?
I don't really know.
Kwang Ho is back.
I don't know what's going on.
I'm going to get going, Professor Shin.
I want to come too.
Will you be okay?
By the way
About Professor Shin
Yes. What about Yeon Ho?
Nothing happened to her, right?
No, that's not it.
Hey, Park Kwang Ho.
What happened to you?
You're here?
Do you know how much
we searched for you?
We thought something happened to you.
Did you really go to the past again?
Yeah, about that
Oh, Yeon Ho I mean, Miss.
What's wrong, Miss? Huh?
Professor Shin
knows everything.
Knows what?
You didn't
Yeon Ho.
I was always alone.
I always thought I was alone.
I'm so sorry, Yeon Ho.
I wanted to tell you everything.
I wanted to.
Dad, Dad
Kwang Ho, you left again.
Catch the killer
and make sure to come back.
I'm going to trust you and wait.
You're going to come back, right?
Because you know I'm waiting for you.
I had so much I wanted to ask you.
I don't know what to ask you first.
I feel the same way.
I had so much I wanted to say.
How did you manage to come back?
Since he's in the past,
it's all over now.
I can go back to my normal life.
I'm telling you it's too dangerous.
You can't.
But you have to catch him
in order to go back.
Yes, but
Still, I forbid it. You can't.
I thought you would be having
a tearful reunion.
Are you two already arguing?
She just won't listen to me.
I told her we can catch him on our own.
Who do you take after anyway?
Who else would it be? It's you!
You were the worst
and never listened to the chief.
What, you punk?
The worst?
I think it would help for Professor Shin
to take part in the investigation.
Hey, why are you being this way too?
I think you're all saying this because
you don't know who the killer is.
I know.
I know who it is.
I know too.
I ran here like crazy
thinking you didn't know.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
What for?
I left the fountain ink pen in the past.
The fountain ink pen?
You mean one of the products
that used the dye?
Mok Jin Woo used the fountain ink pen
to put those dots on the victims.
The name Noel is engraved on that pen.
That's the conclusive piece of evidence.
If only I hadn't changed my clothes
we could arrest Mok Jin Woo
right this instant.
He must be looking for
that fountain ink pen now.
The DNA of the victims is on the pen.
It isn't the weapon used to kill.
It is still a special item to him.
He is probably very nervous
and anxious right now.
He's probably wondering if he lost it
or if someone took it.
He may suspect that Kwang Ho took it.
Then I should let him know that I'm back.
You can't do that.
Officer Park
I mean
Professor Shin.
Dad Dad.
That kind of term isn't easy
to start using overnight.
Just say what's comfortable, Yeon Ho.
Kwang Ho isn't the only one who
knows who Mok Jin Woo is.
Mok Jin Woo knows who Kwang Ho is.
- That's what you mean, right?
- Yes.
The killer is right in front of us.
What do we do?
What else can we do?
We need to catch him.
He will kill again.
Let's arrest him for now.
We'll try to get him
to confess or something.
We don't even have evidence.
Would he confess?
Then should we do nothing?
Mok Jin Woo might think
I have that fountain ink pen.
Like Yeon Ho said,
it's a special item to him.
We need to use that against him.
Let's go.
Where is this punk?
Then I opened my eyes.
It was all just a dream.
Professor, I thought it was a real story.
I have had a dream like that too.
- Really?
- Yes.
I didn’t know until I opened my eyes.
I thought it was real too.
I had a dream like this
What are you doing?
You're here laughing it up again.
We meet again.
How are you here?
You must've let your guard down
after I disappeared.
You must've thought it was over.
It's just getting started,
you bastard.
Get up.
What are you people doing?
What are you doing?
We're with the police.
Come on out.
There must be a mistake.
I'm okay, so don't worry.
Lieutenant Kim, what are you doing?
Hey, what will these people think
if they know what you are like?
Mok Jin Woo.
You are arrested for the murders
of Yoon Da Young and Nam Joo Hee.
You have the right to silence
and the right to an attorney.
Everything you say can and will
be used against you in the court of law.
You laugh again?
Ah, this guy
Get over here.
He had been hiding among people
with that face.
We have to make him crumble,
no matter what.
Let's go inside.
Hey, will you be okay?
I can do it alone.
No, I want to hear it for myself.
Okay. Let's go inside.
You were right in front of our noses.
You stayed hidden very well
like a rat.
Mok Jin Woo.
You've been arrested for the murders
of Yoon Da Young and Nam Joo Hee.
Do you
admit to the crimes?
Do you really
believe that I'm the killer,
Lieutenant Kim?
You are a suspect right now.
I am interrogating you.
Respond to me properly.
I do not admit it.
Was that your baptismal name because
you were born on December 25th?
Did you bring me all the way here
to ask about my baptismal name?
I can't help but be curious about it.
That baptismal name is engraved
on that fountain ink pen.
Isn't that right?
You always wear it as if to display it,
but I don't see it today.
Did you lose it?
Where do you suppose you lost it?
Or perhaps
someone took it.
You killed women
and drew dots on them with that pen.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I suppose you would say that.
Do you not remember seeing me
in that tunnel either?
Those women
you killed them all.
Aside from Yoon Da Young
and Nam Joo Hee 30 years ago
Lee Jung Sook, Kim Kyung Soon,
Hwang Chun Hee, Seo Hee Soo
Kim Young Ja, Jin Seon Mi
don't know about any of it.
You're going to play dumb
about all of that.
All we need is the victims' DNA
from the fountain ink pen.
Then you're finished.
Do as you wish.
He'll be pondering whether
we have the evidence or not.
We need to let him go in 48 hours.
We have to find something
within that time.
If I only had that fountain ink pen
Hey, where does Mok Jin Woo live?
We can't get a warrant.
Even without a warrant,
we should look for now.
Kim Seon Jae, let's go.
Also, Yeon Ho. Go home.
I'll come with you.
Are you really not going to listen?
If something happens to you,
I can't go back and face Yeon Sook.
So please go home.
You understand me, right?
Sung Shik, you drive her for me.
Then I'll look into Mok Jin Woo.
Where did his MO come from?
If I can find some sort of lead
we might find a way
for him to destroy himself.
You really don't listen, do you?
Who do you get this from?
I told you she gets it from you.
Why bother asking?
Pursuing something until the very end
is just like you.
Yes, you are like me.
Anyway, make sure to lock up.
All right.
Let's go.
What is this place?
A person lives in this house?
He can live here
because he's not even human.
I'll head in there.
Did you find anything?
No, he's obviously used to
leaving no traces behind.
His crimes scenes are the same,
no traces left behind.
What is this?
It's not like they're funeral portraits.
They are funeral portraits.
He kept photos of people he killed.
Mok Jin Woo didn't stop murdering.
That crazy, psychotic bastard.
[Mother: Deceased 1985]
[Grandmother: Deceased 1987]
Mother and grandmother deceased.
He never even married.
Where did he get his victim type from?
It has to be associated
with his past somehow.
[Officer Park]
This phone is turned off.
Please leave a voice message.
He lost his cell phone.
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
What happened overnight?
The professor is the killer?
Where was Kwang Ho this whole time?
Why don't we tell them the truth?
We're not enough to catch him.
You know that they're trustworthy.
Yes, what did you just say?
Min Ha, did I just hear correctly?
He traveled through what?
Time Kwang Ho traveled through time.
My sugar level is low.
Are you writing fiction?
That makes no sense.
What is this?
What the heck is this?
No, that's ridiculous.
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier.
He looks the same, but still
It's true that Kwang Ho's from the past.
He was the detective
that investigated my mother's case.
Lieutenant Kim, you believe this?
No, you knew about this already?
He's really from the past?
If he was born in 1958, Year of the Dog,
he's 25 years older than me.
Gosh, that is so gross.
Rookie, I mean Park Kwang Ho.
Sir Park Kwang Ho.
Mister Park Kwang Ho?
There's one more thing.
You know Professor Shin?
She's his daughter.
Min Ha, hold onto me, would you?
Hold onto me.
Hello, I bought some sandwiches.
You didn't eat breakfast, right?
You're here, Professor Shin?
You didn't need to buy this.
- Have you eaten yet?
- Yes, I have.
- Did you really eat?
- Yes.
Professor Shin isn't that type of person.
They do seem like father and daughter.
Ah, that's why at the hospital
You understand it all now, right?
What about the Park Kwang Ho
who was supposed to come?
Mok Jin Woo killed him too.
I don't know how that Park Kwang Ho
knew about the cases from 30 years ago.
Anyway, you see now that
Mok Jin Woo is no normal man.
He killed people 30 years ago.
Yoon Da Young, Nam Joo Hee,
and the dead Park Kwang Ho.
He even tried to kill you,
Senior Park.
He caused the witness Jung Ho Young
to commit suicide.
We can't let him go like this.
- Let's start the interrogation.
- Okay.
Why did you kill them?
You're asking the wrong question,
Lieutenant Kim.
You need to ask the right question
if you want the right answer.
I thought you were getting DNA
from the fountain ink pen.
Don't you have the results yet?
We'll have them soon,
so don't you worry.
You won't have much more time
to drag this out.
I don't think
I'm the one who has to worry.
You all seem to be
the ones who are short on time.
Should I be asking how
and not why you killed them?
You used the same method
as Jung Ho Young.
I didn't have much to ask about it.
You want to tell me you're
different than Jung Ho Young?
That you strangled them in one go,
not repeatedly.
Lieutenant Kim.
I even saved Professor Shin's life.
You think a person like that
would murder people?
Shut that mouth of yours.
I know exactly who you are.
Then who are you?
Lieutenant Kim.
What is his identity?
You told me you would explain
everything to me.
I haven't heard anything from you yet.
I know I did the autopsy
on the dead Park Kwang Ho.
You are pretending to be
someone you are not.
So, who are you?
You want to threaten me.
What do you mean threaten?
I am only telling the truth.
I have an autopsy to do this morning.
What should I do?
Looks like I can't go.
Do you think I can make a call?
He gives me the creeps.
How can a person be like that?
He's not a human being.
He's a monster.
Yes, that's him. It's Jin Woo.
Do you know him well?
Of course. I know him well.
I even knew which pot they kept
their soybean and red chili paste in.
His grandmother raised him on her own.
It was very hard for her.
She raised him by herself.
What about his mother?
Oh, she wanted to make money.
I think Jin Woo was 11 or 12 at the time.
She left him with her mother.
She would bring back this many
presents whenever she visited.
I would get stockings
every now and then.
Back then, stockings were considered
a luxury item.
She worked in a brothel house
or something.
Apparently, she did laundry for
women who sold their bodies.
That's what Jin Woo's grandmother said.
But who would believe that?
It was quite obvious.
She reeked of perfume
whenever she came around.
She spoke so carelessly
in front of her son.
His grandmother would get so angry.
Still, Jin Woo grew up so well.
He was smart and studied well.
At his grandmother's funeral
was the last time I saw Jin Woo.
How did his mother die?
She died in the hospital.
She was an alcoholic or something.
I heard his grandmother say
she must not have sold alcohol,
but drank all of it.
Was his mother's death a trigger?
- By the way
- Yeah?
Kwang Ho
What if Kwang Ho's identity is revealed?
We just need to pretend we don't know.
We need to find something
in order to keep him in.
Should we get fake DNA results?
Hey! What are you all up to?
You arrested who?
You're saying Mok Jin Woo is the culprit?
Section Chief, I will explain it to you.
I told you not to pursue this.
This case ended with Jung Ho Young.
Now you're saying the killer
is our medical examiner.
I tried to be nice about it and
you're digging yourself into a grave.
It's not that.
Let him go now.
It hasn't been 48 hours yet.
You want to test me? Is that it?
All right. I'll do it myself.
I'll let him go.
No, you can't!
- He's the killer!
- Where's the evidence!
I'm crazy for even asking.
Section Chief Section Chief!
I think there was a mistake of some sort.
I'm sorry, Professor.
They're just very suspicious,
but they're not bad people.
It's not a problem.
about Officer Park
Kwang Ho?
He wouldn't, right?
He's leaving.
Section Chief, what did he say?
What did Mok Jin Woo say?
You arrested someone for no reason.
What? Are you scared of getting sued?
He says Kwang Ho is overly suspicious
and he'll let it go.
Do your job properly, would you?
I don't know how he returned.
But he doesn't seem to have evidence.
What did he say?
He said he'll let it go.
He's up to something.
Put someone on him, Sung Shik.
Go home and sleep for now.
You too, Lieutenant Kim.
Why don't the two of you
follow him for now?
Switch out at night.
Let's go.
Go home.
You'll pass out before you're able
to catch Mok Jin Woo.
Call me if anything happens.
Are you starting to become like him?
Go home, would you?
You're going home, right?
I'll drive you.
Why would you?
I told you that you can't.
You cannot.
I'm just driving you. Come on.
What's with you?
You have to leave right away.
What are you doing?
[Professor Shin Jae Yi]
Look at this.
[Delete this contact?]
What are you doing?
I'm going to protect Yeon Ho.
I told you to leave right away.
Just get going.
- I'll go.
- Yeon Ho.
- Get in.
- What?
- Professor Shin.
- Lieutenant Kim.
It's something urgent. Get in.
Open open the door.
Kwang Ho.
Aren't you going? Aren't you busy?
You should go now.
Professor Shin. Professor Shin!
The place you're sitting, Yeon Ho,
is where your mom sat.
30 years ago?
You've never been here before, right?
Your mom likes the dumplings here.
I remember this place too.
I ate dumplings here.
You must've come here with Yeon Sook.
Then did you ride a ferry too,
by any chance?
For three people.
- Mom.
- Yes?
We're only two people.
I'm buying for your dad too.
What kind of person was my mom?
The most beautiful and kind person
in the world.
I felt like I was becoming that way
whenever I was with her.
I'm sure she loved you a lot,
enough for me too.
I don't remember it.
But when I first saw the picture
of my mom from the fire
I could just feel it.
I received a lot of love
from this person.
Thank you.
Let's eat.
You are too thin.
I saw last time
that you don't cook at home.
That's why you're so thin.
You have to eat well in order to
work well or do anything.
Here. Eat.
Dig in and eat lots.
Also, I really wish you wouldn't
do dangerous work like this.
You even grabbed a knife
with your hand that one time.
Let me see. Is it this hand?
Look at this. There's a scar.
And during the Jung Ho Young case
I really can't live
if something happens to you.
You know that, right?
Don't do it again.
Can't you just do some other work?
Also, this is the most important thing.
I'm against it.
It was a mistake telling you to
make it work with Kim Seon Jae.
That cannot happen.
No matter what,
that cannot happen.
You have bad taste in men.
You should be more like your mom
and find someone like me.
You know men like me.
The better looking a guy is,
the harder it is to know their thoughts.
Men are all the same.
They all have dirty minds.
What is it?
Your food will get cold.
Let's talk while we eat.
I feel rushed. That's why.
I have a lot to tell you before I go.
I have to put Mok Jin Woo away
before I leave.
Then I'll go back to your mom.
She's been waiting too long.
I have to go back.
I should go back and return things
to the way they should be.
I want you to be careful.
You said you're going
on a stakeout later.
You need to get back safely.
Okay. I'll be careful.
I'll be careful.
Oh, and take this.
I heard you lost your cell phone.
It's in service,
so you just need to use it.
I haven't even done anything for you.
Thank you.
[Kim Seon Jae]
What is this?
That guy is so shameless.
How can he actually read
at a time like this?
He is a very scary person, sir.
What was it?
You're speaking formally?
If he was born in 1958,
he's almost 60.
To me, once a rookie,
always a rookie.
Do a good job, Rookie.
Bye, Senior.
Hey, something's off about him.
Who are you? Where's Mok Jin Woo?
Professor Mok left work.
What did you say?
Is this it?
Where did he go?
Let's check his house.
Team Leader, Mok Jin Woo is not home.
Please trace his phone.
Yes, I'm almost there.
I'm by the apartment.
I'm so tired from dealing
with the kids all day.
I can't go in because I'm talking to you.
It's already midnight.
Yes, honey
Yes, Bo Mi. Bo Mi?
What's wrong?
[School Notebook]
Gil Ra Hee.
Bright and gets along well with friends.
Kim Da Jin.
Helps the teacher and sings well.
Kim Geun Dal.
Mother passed away recently.
Still, he is strong.
Even if my head was on the line
I shouldn’t have let you go.
I am sorry.
Mok Jin Woo you son of a bitch.
I'm going to kill you.
There are no dots.
He couldn't do it because he didn't
have his fountain ink pen.
Hey, Park Kwang Ho.
Park Kwang Ho!
Who are you?
Oh, sit down.
I knew you'd come, so I prepared tea.
What, you punk?
Are you even a human being?
Did you think I wouldn't know
if you didn't put the dots?
Where were you last night?
Did you ditch us and go murder someone?
Is preparing tea
something to get angry about?
Another woman must have died.
You crazy bastard.
Die die!
Let go, let go.
Let him go!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Let go, let go!
Don't you have anything to say to me?
I don't know.
What more can I say to you?
Did you know
when you first approached me?
Seven years ago when you first
saw me at the crime scene.
I don't know what you're talking about.
If I really am the killer,
bring the evidence.
Even if you make a bad move,
don't give up.
The game ends once you catch the king.
[Women in 20s Found Dead
in Park Next to Apartment]
Monsters are hidden in the dark.
That's why violent cases occur.
It is the ex-convicts who have previously
committed crimes that get arrested.
Criminals that are easy to spot
are often guilty.
The problem is people
who are not so easy to spot.
They are people who are hidden
among regular people.
Like you see on the screen,
they are our neighbors.
Murders occur.
When reporters interview the people
who knew the murderer
they say he wasn't like that.
You often hear them say
he was a kind person.
That's true, Professor.
They usually say that.
That they were good people.
It's because they wore their masks well.
Good and kind people.
People no one would suspect.
Also, people who are not very noticeable.
That is the reason
why you must be careful of them.
Where are you right now?
What do you mean?
You know about the fountain ink pen?
Yes, I remembered it.
Another memory changed.
Yeon Ho.
Mom, look at this.
Yeon Ho.
You can't touch this.
This belongs to Dad.
- Dad?
- Yes.
I don't know when it will be,
but he said he'd need it someday.
Can you give this to me?
I want to have it.
I can't give it to you.
I promised to keep it safe.
Then should we keep it somewhere
that both you and I know well?
It can be like a treasure hunt
once Dad returns.
Treasure hunt? Okay.
It was that fountain ink pen
that says Noel on it.
Yeon Sook didn't throw it out
and kept it safe.
So where is it now?
I don't remember.
I remember hiding it.
I tried to remember where I hid it.
What should I do if I can't remember
until the very end?
Don't worry. You'll remember it.
You remembered the dumplings
and the ferry.
Even if you can't remember,
I'll find a way to catch him.
Hold on.
[Kim Seon Jae]
Yeon Ho, go home. Be careful driving.
The game ends once you catch the king.
Why did you call?
We got a call from
National Forensics Service.
The cause of death was
strangulation of the throat.
The killer left no evidence.
What did the forensics team say?
They found nothing.
We couldn't track his phone yesterday
because he planned it.
He left his car and phone.
He walked there.
He killed someone again.
There is no evidence. Nothing at all.
I think we may be able
to find some evidence.
What do you mean?
Why did you suddenly want old albums?
I need to find something.
You should take all your items
while you're at it.
Or you could just move in.
Your room is still there
just as you left it.
I'll think about it.
I'm going to be late for school.
I'll be going now.
Yeon Ho.
Should we hide it here?
I remember where the fountain ink pen is.
Yes, I'll go to the police station now.
Where is it?
He killed someone again.
I think we may be able
to find some evidence.
What do you mean?
I think Yeon Ho has the fountain pen.
She should be here by now.
Where's Yeon I mean Professor Shin?
She left work.
It was a long time ago.
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
[My Daughter]
Yeon Ho Yeon Ho!
Yeon Ho!
Yeon Ho!
So, I am a serial killer.
I thought I had lived 30 years
without getting caught.
Why don't we introduce
ourselves to each other?
I am Sergeant Park Kwang Ho.
I didn't think he would follow me
all the way here.
I told you just to leave back then.
She died because she was dirty.
He was that woman's son.
Just like Kwang Ho did to me
I will take what's most important to him.
That is you.
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