Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Another Time Traveller

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
[Episode 14]
Geez, please work. Please work.
What? It reminds me of Squid Game. I like it.
I sold my cello. Because I'd rather die than play it.
- Where did you sell yours?
- An instrument shop.
- Ahjumma!
- Ahjussi!
[On Eun Yu]
I have a secret I can't talk about.
I saw it in the future.
Where was the shop? Was it in front of Hongdae-
Shut up while I'm asking nicely, Ahjussi.
The time traveler Master mentioned was
The helper Master mentioned was
- You?
- You?
We have to get off at the next station. What are you two doing
What are you holding in your hands?
Why are you so surprised?
Let me see.
Let me see, I said.
Where are you going? Hey!
Hey, hey, hold on!
Driver! Driver! Hold on!
Excuse me! Hold on!
Hey, what are you doing right now?
Hey! Sir, someone jumped off!
Come here! What's with this bastard?
Come here!
No way. How could Ahjumma be I mean
How could you be a time traveler?
Everyone in the year '95 thinks you're Choi Se Kyeong.
Because I look exactly the same
I look just like my mom.
- Mom?
- Yes.
I'm Choi Se Kyeong's daughter, Oh Eun Yoo, from the year 2023.
How about you? What are you?
I'm Ha Yi Chan and Yoon Cheong Ah's son, Ha Eun Gyeol, from the year 2023.
Are you two making a movie?
You'd better come back.
We'll wait here until you come.
Hey, the next train isn't coming for an hour.
Tell them to just come straight to the cabin.
Forget it. Just come straight to the cabin-
Hey, what if they get lost? They don't know how to get there.
Gosh, seriously.
Wait right there until I figure out a solution.
I'll kill you if you go somewhere else!
You're Yi Chan's son?
you're Choi Se Kyeong's daughter?
It's fascinating how genes transform.
You don't look like him at all.
Genes are so powerful.
I thought you were a clone.
Hold on. Have you been flirting with my mom, then?
With an Ahjumma who's the same age as your parents?
Hey, how about you? You flirted with my dad, Ha Yi Chan.
At least, I had a reason for it.
Reason? Okay, let's hear it. What was the reason?
Is this "name"?
This is "name"?
Are you okay?
Gosh, I didn't think Eun Gyeol would do this.
How could he put on a show like that right after you got dumped?
Anyway, cheer up.
I can't.
I mean, I won't.
How am I supposed to cheer up seeing that?
Brother. Brother. Please pick me.
How could she? For me, seeing her smile is more difficult than winning the lottery Gosh.
- Please pick me!
- My gosh. My gosh.
She thinks that's funny? Is saying "Brother" funny?
Why? Which part?
Which part exactly Hey.
My gosh. Hey, you. Hey!
You tried to set Yi Chan and Cheong Ah up?
Why? Aren't they supposed to be together, anyway?
Was it necessary to set them up?
Because of you.
- What?
- Because you suddenly came back from the US.
Se Kyeong.
Hi. Long time no see, Yi Chan.
You were cold as ice,
but you suddenly started acting friendly.
I went to the ice cream shop,
but I heard you're doing band practice today. So I came to cheer for you.
Ta-da. How does a theme park sound?
If Mom and Dad don't end up together because of you, I won't
be born.
How about you? Why were you suddenly friendly to Yi Chan?
You pretended to be your mom, too.
- Because of you.
- What?
Because you called my mom's name.
- Choi Se Kyeong?
- No, I'm not.
You're Choi Se Kyeong. Don't you know who I am?
Because you told me about Yi Chan.
Don't you feel guilty toward Ha Yi Chan at all?
He formed a band for you, and he's practicing day and night, singing his heart out.
How could you leave without a word?
Because of what you said, I thought he was Mom's first love.
And I had to set them up, no matter what.
W-Why did you try to set them up?
Because I didn't want to be born.
If Mom ends up with her first love instead of Dad, I won't be born.
So, it was a battle between matchmaking and breaking people up.
We were like a sword and a shield.
By the way, hold on. Didn't you say you're a Coda?
Yes, I just got the key to the cabin from your friend. Yes.
Yes, we found it right away.
There are too many heads to mess up.
By the way, sir. Would you be able to give a ride to two runaways on the way?
A boy and a girl idiot couple got off at the previous station by accident.
Yes, yes. That's the station.
Yes, yes. I will.
Thank you. Thank you, sir!
But Yi Chan knows how to speak.
He doesn't just speak. He sings, too.
Are you really sure he's your dad?
I found out when I came here, too.
My dad wasn't born deaf. He went deaf later.
He lost his hearing due to an accident when he was in 11th grade.
11th grade
- If so-
- Yes.
1995. The year we traveled to. It's now.
When did the accident happen, then?
I already stopped it from happening.
Don't touch Yi Chan, you sons of bitches!
Gosh, what a relief. That's such a relief.
I think I came here to prevent his accident from happening.
How about me?
What's the reason I came here?
- It's because-
- Why the two of us?
Who sent us to the same time period and space? And why?
There must be a connection between us two.
- Hello? Master?
- Hello? Master?
[Kangjeon Station]
Huh? Mr. Choi.
Were you the owner of the cabin who was picking us up?
A friend of mine owns the cabin.
I'm just his guest who visits a few times a year.
Oh, I remember.
You're the one who gave me the handkerchief at the festival, right?
Thank you so much for that.
Well, sure.
Well, what's your relationship?
She's Choi Se Kyeong. She's a friend who goes to the same school as me.
And she's the photographer for our band.
I see.
By the way, do you know me?
I think you called my name then, too.
I remembered hearing your name somewhere
Well, let's get going. They're waiting.
- Get in. Get in.
- Okay.
Why do you keep looking at me?
And you keep avoiding eye contact, too.
I'm sorry.
But she doesn't look 28 years older than you.
Mr. Choi.
Hey, what's he talking about?
Did you tell him that we're time-traveling?
I was talking about her maturity.
I think I said she acts 28 years older than me.
What the heck are you saying
That's it. I'll be at the cafe. Let me know if you need anything.
Okay. Thank you for the ride.
Age is just a number, and love has no borders-
Forget it. Yes, I'm a pervert.
We'll talk about this after the camping trip.
Let's act like we belong in this world for now.
If we get caught, the family tree and history get messed up
and it causes confusion.
Hey. You can't say that when you flirted with an ahjumma 28 years older.
Hey. Come on!
Fine. Just worry about yourself.
Don't you know I'm a genius at disguising?
I'm Choi Se Kyeong right now, man!
You're Oh Eun Yoo. Choi Se Kyeong isn't like that.
What? What's going on?
Yi Chan is angry.
Do you see the world with the Disney filter on?
Are you trying to cheat without the pain of creating?
I came up with an idea.
You can't be seriously calling this an idea.
This is a copy.
This is crude.
And this is a horrible mix between a copy and something crude.
- What are you, hacks?
- Excuse me. We're here.
What? So what if you're here?
Did you win a war or win an Olympic gold medal?
What's the big deal about the big entrance?
- Follow me.
- Right now? In this situation?
- That's right.
- Just me?
Just you.
Se Kyeong.
What happened, Se Kyeong?
Why did you suddenly jump off the train?
Well, the thing is It's definitely not his fault. I
I suddenly craved garakguksu.
(Thick wheat noodles)
- G-Garakguksu?
- Yes.
Cheong Ah, it's not me.
They aren't fighting because of me.
Have a seat first.
- Have a seat.
- Have a seat.
Here's your pillow.
Have some cucumber
I'm sorry, Eun Gyeol's mother.
I almost stole your husband.
I'll never do that again.
Give it to me right now.
Give you what?
It's really nothing.
I don't think you're telling the truth!
How dare you touch me there?
Give it back!
- Where did this come from?
- Give it back!
- How do you use it?
- Gosh, seriously.
It's just a voice recorder. It's a new model from overseas.
I just use it to record whenever I have a song idea.
It's a new beginning, I breathe out ♪
Hold on.
Did you
write that?
Why ask?
Do you think it's good?
For some reason
it stinks.
What? What? What? What is it? What's happening?
Hey, hey, hey. Hurry, hurry.
Se Kyeong just came up with the original song title. It's amazing.
I-I vote for "Fire Up."
Fire! It's cool.
"Dynamite" is cooler. Bam!
I really liked "Not Today," too.
- Are you crazy?
- Shut up!
- How could you talk to Se Kyeong like that-
- Hold on!
Hold on.
I just came up with an amazing motif.
- Do you want to hear it?
- Yes, yes, yes.
- My blood- ♪
- No!
Don't you understand copyrights?
Follow me.
Let go of me first. Your hand is too salty.
By the way, are they really dating?
Don't they act too much like siblings?
Might as well come up with an idea individually
and regroup after an hour.
- Okay.
- Dismissed.
Gosh, seriously. Why are you so angry?
A genius at disguising, my foot. Just have a press conference and say you're from the future.
Don't worry. I was just joking.
By the way, aren't they so pure?
They're so sweet and so pure. I'm having too much fun!
I figured out why I came here.
Master told me this when he paid me for the cello.
How about you go on a trip before you die?
It will be a bit unusual.
That was it. A trip. Something fun!
Excuse me. I'm time-traveling now, too.
I'll have fun. I'll just enjoy it.
I'll work hard on the mission until there are two moons.
Don't stop me.
Catch me if you can.
You think I will?
You'll have to. Otherwise, I'll go in and
sing a Blackpink song.
Hey, stop! Come here.
Gosh, okay. Okay!
Seriously. Come here!
We're taking a break for an hour.
Do you want to go biking with us?
I thought you might be bored alone.
I tried picking one that resembled me.
Since it's complicated to spell the name in sign language,
you name someone by their face, personality, or characteristics.
For example, "A cat with a spot under its chin." Like that.
Do you have a face name, too, then?
What is it?
What does this mean?
Clear sound.
My mom, whom I was separated from, named me that when I was little.
How pretty.
From now on,
I'll call you by your face name.
I came up with a name for you, too.
Me? My name?
What is it?
What does it mean?
Shiny voice.
I can't hear it, but I can see it. I can feel it.
You shine the most when you perform music. You look the coolest.
So don't worry about me and work hard as the frontman.
I'm not bored. I don't feel lonely, either.
I have eyes, a heart, and things to do, too.
It's time. Should we go now?
If only we could've been together ♪
I go all the way around a distance at the end of this road to sing about love ♪
These shining moments ♪
I can give them all to you ♪
So we don't lose our little dreams, I will ♪
What? You told me it stinks earlier.
Hey, I was just immature then.
Everyone grows.
Wow, that's pretty good.
It's good as a concept, but it's not a bad title, either.
You heard that, right?
Our manager can predict the Billboard charts.
He's actually thinking about becoming a fortuneteller in Miari.
So why don't we start writing the song now?
It's not like we're making rice cakes.
You think rice cakes appear if you have rice?
How did it go earlier?
Was this it?
You remembered that?
I didn't remember.
The genius DNA in my body remembered it.
Geez, here we go again. Somebody get him a leash.
How about
we add chords like this to that?
That's nice.
Pretty good.
What was it? Repeat the chords again.
Wow. This layout is pretty good.
I'll stop here.
Should we swap and have a look now?
I'm excited.
Wow. Isn't Yi Chan too flashy on his own?
Okay. Let's go with this.
Wow. Eun Gyeol's mom is talented.
I heard the '90s aesthetic is trendy these days.
This would work in 2023, too.
How cute.
I've been curious. When did you learn sign language?
I met a deaf at the hospital when I briefly had a hearing issue. He taught me.
I learned quickly because he's so handsome and fun.
Is he more handsome than Eun Gyeol?
Gosh, hey. You can't even compare them. Of course, Eun Gyeol is more
By the way, do you think they could finish writing a song overnight?
In the first six bars in the intro, I want the two of them to have the drum.
Make it fun. It has to be fun.
Boom, pow. Boom, boom, pow.
- That's it.
- Nice, nice.
And I want there to be a chorus starting at the third bar.
And I want the bass to kick in then, too.
Something like this?
Okay, okay.
By the way, this is A minor, right?
So you want A flat and B flat to be offbeat.
Let's try it.
- Something like that?
- Yes. Pretty good, right?
What would you call this theme?
- The coolest on earth.
- The coolest on earth.
We have to make it fun no matter what.
Fun, fun. The coolest on earth!
One, two, three.
- The coolest on earth.
- That's right. The coolest on earth.
Start with the guitar and
I'll jump in the center. Let's do it together.
The two of us have to sync.
We'll do it together at first and
Didn't you sleep?
Yi Chan.
Oh, good morning.
You didn't sleep a wink?
Do you think this could be a song?
Did you write the lyrics, too?
I just put together what we talked about.
You think we could use it?
Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!
Hey, hey. Come here, Shi Guk. We got a song.
We got a song.
When did you write all this?
Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol!
Yi Chan wrote it!
Yi Chan wrote it, I said!
H-He's sleeping.
It's a new beginning, I breathe out ♪
A moment I've been waiting for ♪
Erase the times that have already passed ♪
We're here on this shining stage together ♪
Don't look back, you won't have any regrets ♪
No need to hesitate ♪
This chance won't come again ♪
So let's begin ♪
The days that shone so bright ♪
All our full dreams (shining, shining) ♪
Just like now. Don't stop here like this, right now ♪
Run without looking back ♪
So you can dream again, higher, higher ♪
Fly higher. I hope this moment lasts forever ♪
My heart is racing. I'm running out of breath ♪
I waited for this moment at the end of long days ♪
Just like our dreams that are shining in the distance ♪
Let go of everything with this tireless song ♪
Let's give it a go, we won't regret it ♪
Forget about your worries ♪
Guys, look over here!
Let's try getting started ♪
Let me film you.
Guys, look over here!
Hey! Come here, come here!
Come inside the frame!
So you can dream again, higher, higher ♪
Fly higher. I hope this moment lasts ♪
Okay. Have one piece at a time.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- It's Hyeon Yul.
- Yes, Hyeon Yul.
I'll have some, too.
Oh. Hold on, hold on.
- Enjoy.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Be as cheerful as possible.
One, two
It's so refreshing. So refreshing.
All our full dreams (shining, shining) just like now ♪
Don't stop here like this, right now ♪
Run without looking back ♪
So you can dream again, higher, higher, fly higher ♪
You worked so hard for the past couple of days.
I don't need to say a lot.
I want you to just remember this one thing.
I. G. O. T. M. Y. G. U.
I. G. O. T What's that?
It's game over the moment you give up.
Dang it. I thought it was an actual saying.
I never questioned that we'd lose to Ilyoung High.
So keep that in mind.
- Viva
- La
Gosh, there are too many people here.
Come on, come on! Viva!
La Vida!
- Dismissed.
- Okay.
Let's go.
Let's go, Cheong Ah.
Huh? No.
- You come with me.
- Where?
Are you that bad at reading the air?
Should we have an afterparty, then?
Leave, leave, leave. You dumbass. Let's go.
What are you doing?
Shall we?
Gosh. I'm sure you'll get born just fine.
You might get born sooner than you're supposed to.
I suppose they're rich kids. I was contacted by their lawyer first.
They said we should settle if we're going to demand compensation later.
I just made them write an apology letter to be done with it.
Didn't you say there was one more?
Oh, his name is Ha Yi Chan, and goes to Baegwang High. You must know him, too.
He's the one who crashed the garden party, caused a scene,
showed up at school with a truck.
He apparently was violent first this time, too.
Chairman can't know about this.
Do you understand?
Go in now.
If someone bothers you again, contact me immediately.
Go in. I'll get going.
If there's only a pay phone around,
tap on the receiver like this.
Three times.
Can you do it?
Try it, then.
Good job.
I'll really go now.
Cheong Ah, what are you doing in front of the gate?
Hello, I'm an 11th-grader at Baegwang High, Ha Yi
You must recognize me, too.
I only have unpleasant memories about you.
Do we have to keep seeing each other here?
No. I'll say hello another day. Well, then
You skipped your lesson and didn't come home without telling me.
You hang out with thugs and get into fights.
And you chat in sign language so the whole neighborhood can see.
What else do you have left?
How else will you humiliate your family now?
Did you laugh? How dare you laugh at me?
Don't touch me.
I said not to use sign language.
I'm no longer alone.
You're the queen of this house
and your slaves, whom you pay, will do what you want.
But there's another world out there.
And there are friends who listen to me and help me.
Talk, talk, talk.
I told you to talk!
Touch me one more time.
And you'll see your name in the newspaper.
Bring me the key.
Pardon? Which one-
Why are you asking? Bring both!
Yi Chan, help me. Come pick me up.
Dad, help me.
The teacher hits me.
She ties me up.
She traps me.
I don't want to learn cued speech.
Bring her out.
If someone bothers you again, contact me immediately.
What are you doing? Catch her!
Cheong Ah.
Cheong Ah
I told you to bring Cheong Ah. What are you doing?
You did it, Cheong Ah!
You finally learned how to say "Dad."
Good work, Cheong Ah.
You really did a great job.
The class hasn't ended. Take her upstairs.
Let's go, let's go.
Good girl. Let's go, let's go.
How dare you block my path like this?
Pitying and being sympathetic don't help.
If she stops now, she'll stop talking again.
Be even-headed, Chairman.
I'll make sure Cheong Ah becomes someone who will lead the Jinsung family.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Bring the rope.
What did I say I'd do if you used your hands?
I said I'll tie up your hands.
What did I tell you to do if you want something?
Speak with your mouth, not your hands.
I said only the two of us
have to know what happened here.
I said your mom would come back that way.
[Used Books: That Day]
You went through here?
Yes. It was late at night.
There were two moons in the sky.
I was at an empty lot in Hongdae, and La Vida Music suddenly appeared.
I sold the guitar there and left and-
You were here?
You were in a back alley in New York?
Yes. I was in Gimpo Airport when I left the store.
We left from different places,
but we both arrived in 1995.
What? What kind of logic is that?
Two moons. La Vida Music.
Sold instruments. The suspicious master.
The year 1995.
To think of this in terms of quantum physics-
Wow, you're like Sherlock-
Hey, go over there and push the bookcase. Let's see if it moves.
Never mind.
- It's too unfair.
- What is?
Your matchmaking was a success, and you prevented your dad's accident, too.
But I failed at breaking up my parents and suicide, too.
This time travel must've been designed in your favor.
Favor, my foot. You got paid in dollars.
Because that master bastard only gave me 50,000 won bills
that I couldn't even buy a bungeoppang.
What is he, anyway?
It's either one or the other. He's crazy or has a loose screw somewhere.
- What's the difference?
- There's a subtle difference.
You pay for this.
Was this grand debate only about who pays for the meal?
The logic of the world and even quantum physics were brought up.
You succeeded in matchmaking, but I-
Okay. I'll pay for it.
I will, but
I haven't completed my mission yet.
I have the most difficult task left.
Wow, seriously? She won't let a deaf person use sign language?
That's not acceptable in the 21st century at all.
This is the year 1995.
I didn't know Cheong Ah was in a situation like that.
So you made a deal with Chairman Yoon I mean, your grandpa?
- Yes.
- You love torturing yourself, don't you?
Your trip is a pain since you came up with a mission on your own.
It's not a pain.
It's for my mom to become happy.
Wanting to see his daughter smiling must mean he wants to reconcile.
I really want Grandpa to see
my mom smiling.
She looks very pretty.
And how about you?
Did you have enough fun?
You think you'd clear all the missions before you go back?
Yes, pretty much.
But there's one thing
Never mind.
What? Tell me. I told you everything.
Later. I'll tell you when things become clear.
That's enough for today. I'm off.
Do you know a band named White Nights, by chance?
Of course. They were the best back in my day.
Is there a magazine with an article on that band?
Preferably one with detailed articles and a lot of photos.
I'm home
Y-You came.
You came.
Give me the clothes that need to get dry cleaned.
I think I'm okay.
Is Cheong Ah inside?
She's taking a lesson at Professor Kim's today.
Where's Cheong Ah right now?
I told you. She's at Professor Kim's-
Should I report her missing?
Should I get help from the police?
What are you people doing in this house?
Do you want to be an accomplice?
Tell me.
Tell me where Cheong Ah is right now!
We are in different times ♪
We met while wandering around ♪
Out of countless people ♪
I recognized you ♪
You found me.
The hide-and-seek is over.
After 12 years.
After taking a detour, at the end of this path ♪
I sing a love song ♪
You have a family, too, Mom.
You have a true family.
Let's go.
Let's go to them right now.
Let's get out of here immediately.
I'll protect you until then, so you don't let go ♪
Move it now.
We can't.
Move unless you want to get hurt.
Just leave them. Let's see how far they go.
Eun Gyeol.
Do you even know what you're doing right now?
Kidnapping is a criminal activity.
Not as much as imprisoning and abusing.
My gosh. You're using horrible words.
Instead of a good word like disciplining.
- Aren't you afraid of anything?
- No, I'm not.
I have no fear in this world.
There's nothing I can't do, either.
I can yell in front of the National Assembly, too.
There's a child abuser in the famous Jinsung family of musical instruments!
Come in quietly when I'm asking nicely.
I won't talk to you.
I'll settle it with the Chairman myself.
Tell him when he gets back from the business trip.
Contact me personally if he wants to see his daughter.
Would you be able to handle it?
Can you be responsible?
If you go out that gate now, you'll regret it later.
That's what I want to tell you.
I'll change your history from now on.
A comfortable life? Forget about it.
I'll teach you what justice means.
I definitely warned you.
[Snail Boarding House]
I need to tell you something, Grandmother.
I had a feeling when they didn't show up when their daughter was at the police station.
But how could they do that as a human? Aigoo
Even animals won't do that.
This is for the better.
I'll sell my underwear to feed, dress, and sleep here if I have to.
So let here be here for now.
Thank you.
Where are you going?
Jinsung family's house.
I should tell them what they've done.
Why would you?
Should I just sit back and watch?
They're strangers to you.
- It's none of your business. Sit down.
- Grandma!
The head of the family is not home.
He apparently had no idea.
Don't you care about Cheong Ah?
You want to destroy the entire family?
You need to give her some time to think about
if she should forgive her ignorant father or not.
Just let him, sir.
He has too much anger in his chest right now.
He needs to let it out sometimes so it doesn't turn into resentment.
He's not that clueless. Just go to him and
listen to what he has to say.
Yi Chan.
Hold on.
Let go.
They need to know there are people on Cheong Ah's side.
They need to know that people are watching them.
Okay. Go when the Chairman comes back.
That money-making machine?
Whether his house is becoming a prison
or his daughter is being abused, he plays ignorant and works all the time. That guy?
- Yi Chan.
- How is he different?
How is he different from my father who's a gambler and roaming
around the country, abandoning his mom and child?
I didn't ask him to have me.
They never asked us if we wanted to be born.
They can't abandon us after having us.
They should at least hear us blaming them for creating us.
That's what parents should do!
Aigoo, there are no girls in this house.
I did wash it cleanly. I don't know if you'd like it.
Aigoo. You're so pretty.
How come your eyes are so clear and as dark as wild grapes?
Not being able to talk must be hard enough.
You must've been so upset and frustrated.
But you did a good job growing up as a pretty young lady.
I'm proud of you.
If someone harasses you or
tries to trap you in the attic again,
don't put up with it and run all the way here.
Or you can just start living with me.
Aigoo, aigoo.
Yes, yes.
Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Since I had Grandma
Thanks to her, I was able to endure.
But does she
have anyone by her side?
Yes, she does.
You, me, Grandmother,
Eun Ho hyung.
She's a good kid. And impressive, too.
She must've never been loved properly. But
how is she able to be so devoted to me?
You're cool.
You definitely deserve to be loved.
What's with you? Do you need to borrow money?
You'll become a very good father.
What are you saying? I won't get married.
What? Why? Why won't you get married?
How about me? What am I supposed to do?
You shouldn't be joking right now.
I won't do it.
I might not know how to love since I've never been loved by my parents.
I'm afraid of it.
You'd never be like that.
You'll be loved by your wife and be respected by your kids.
You'll become a very impressive and great dad.
I can guarantee you.
What is it? How much do you need to borrow?
Let's go. Cheong Ah must be waiting. She's alone.
Let's keep her company.
Aigoo, you shouldn't have chosen that one.
The one with a red ribbon. This. This.
I said you'll get Hongdan if you have one.
Hey, you should give up one card.
Come on! I can't backtrack.
If you keep insisting, I'll give up on the three Gos and stop.
You mean bastard.
Don't you know how many meals I made you?
Just give up on one card.
I said I won't play it the old people's way.
You should follow the rules.
Here comes a new player.
- Aigoo.
- Hey! Hey, hey, hey!
I can finally digest the tteokguk I had last year.
No, no. I had no choice.
What are you doing? Seriously!
- It was a mistake.
- Geez!
Grandma digested tteokguk, she said!
I finally found out after I came here.
That my mom and dad had painful youths, too.
No, no. This isn't right.
Hey, hey. Let's do it again.
My hands are slippery.
Grandma, it slipped out of my hand.
Aigoo, aigoo. What do we do? Aigoo.
Grandma finally digested tteokguk.
They overcame the pain and wounds
and became my parents.
Okay. Ready, start.
[Everything about White Nights, the Led Zeppelin of Korea]
[Jonathan's woman. Newcomer actress Shin Ha Young.]
What's Mr. Choi like?
Ha Eun Gyeo says he was a legendary guitarist who conquered the rock scene in Korea.
Is that true?
It can't be more true.
You've heard of White Nights, the legendary rock band, right?
- You don't know White Nights?
- No.
I don't want to talk to you.
Why? Is White Nights that great of a band?
They weren't just great.
If only they lasted 10 more I mean, five more years,
Korea's rock scene would've changed. That's what the experts say.
The frontman of that band was
Why is someone that great grilling meat here?
It's all because of the scandal.
Hey, that was made up by the competitors-
What scandal?
There was a rumor that he fell in love with a rookie actress and had an illegitimate child.
Illegitimate child?
Of course, he lost his female fans
and the record sales went down.
The band collapsed, disbanded, and they retired.
The rumor hasn't been confirmed yet.
It was a great loss for the Korean rock music scene.
Hello, welcome
What brings you here?
I want to know about my mom.
The actress Shin Ha Young.
Press two to record a message
Eun Gyeol.
Why didn't you come to school today?
Cheong Ah didn't come, either.
Everything's okay with you two, right?
Something happened to me.
Something huge happened to me.
You know
I think I'm homesick.
I suddenly crave Mom's cooking so much.
I'm hungry.
Let's eat together.
It's on me today.
I'm sorry, Ma'am. We'll come back next time.
Okay, then.
- Why?
- Let's go.
I can't let you have your mom's food, but I can get you Grandmother's food.
So you brought Cheong Ah to the boarding house?
Yes. Just until the Chairman comes back.
You'll face your grandfather yourself once he comes back?
I'll try my best.
By the way, didn't you say something happened? What happened?
Never mind. You must be worried already. I don't want to add to it.
What is it? Tell me.
I was just hungry, like I said.
Anyway, I envy you.
Your mom, dad, and great-grandmother.
The whole family is living together.
It's not everyone. My brother isn't here.
Oh? Did you have a brother?
Huh? Didn't I tell you last time?
I went to the gym a lot because of my brother, who did taekwondo.
Oh, yes. You did.
Am I homesick, too?
I suddenly miss him a lot.
My brother's so athletic and handsome that he was very popular with girls.
Gosh, I miss you, Ha Eun Ho.
Hold on.
What's your brother's name again?
Eun Ho. Ha Eun Ho.
What's wrong?
Were you Eun Ho's younger brother?
Do you know my brother?
Eun Ho is the one who taught me sign language and the word "Coda."
I befriended him when I was being treated for hearing loss.
Seriously. Stop.
You got a girlfriend again, didn't you?
What kind of person is it this time?
Someone pretty.
She majors in cello at an arts high school.
By chance
are you "Metaphor On"?
Yes. I exchanged a lot of DMs with him
and we wrote to each other a lot, too.
I can't believe you're Eun Ho's brother.
What's the deal with you and me?
How tangled up are we, exactly?
- Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol.
- Yes?
You said you prevented Yi Chan's accident.
No, you were wrong.
What are you talking about?
I heard it from Eun Ho once.
The date he gets into the accident is-
Hey. The teenage boy and girl over there.
Are you on a date and skipping school?
Yi Chan, coming back from school?
Hello. Yes, I am.
It wasn't a day before the festival.
The accident
hasn't happened yet.
I'll get going now.
- Take care.
- Bye.
You're getting further away ♪
I feel like I can touch you ♪
I can picture you clearly in my memories ♪
My dream ♪
It got so close to me that it's blocking my view ♪
It's comforting me, who's inside my tired heart ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
I don't know exactly where the accident happened
but I'm sure he planned to see Mr. Jonathan that day.
Do you have something to tell me?
Let's go and let him hear our original song.
Let's ask him for help in person.
Please, sir. I beg you.
Chairman Yoon returned to Korea.
Could you bring Cheong Ah over?
Like I said, you can always come back.
Come with us for a second. We received a report.
You aren't police, are you?
Stop the car! Let me go!
Stay with Yi Chan, no matter what happens tomorrow.
Hey, son. Thank you.
I'll be born as your father in my next life.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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