Undead Unluck (2023) s01e14 Episode Script

Crimson Bullet

Tatiana! We're on the top deck!
I'll destroy everything before
I let that guy get away.
[Andy] Huh?
[Tatiana] No more.
You people hurt
someone special to me!
You won't touch her again!
I won't let you!
[Creed shouting]
[Andy grunts]
Do you see Unrepair?
Yep, I see him all right!
And it's all thanks
to your ability!
[Latla gasps]
[Andy laughing]
[Andy snickers]
[Andy snarls]
[whimpering] What do
we do? What do we do?
- [Andy] We settle this now!
- What?
[Andy] These guys infiltrated
the ship from the top deck.
They're bound to already have
a getaway plan.
If we let 'em slip
away, Fuko dies.
Hold on, you two!
And get ready for a
Negator shoot-out!
I'm gonna need that
power of yours.
Countin' on ya!
- Chikara!
- [whimpers]
[bones snapping]
[inhales sharply]
[exhales sharply]
[Chikara] Just watch, Mom, Dad!
- [Rip grunts]
- [Latla scoffs]
Don't they ever quit?
[Chikara] Unmove on!
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[Singing in Japanese]
[Anno] Tatiana faces off
against two Negator hunters,
the loneliness of her
past forever etched
into her memories.
On her fifth birthday
Tatiana suddenly became
the Negator Untouchable.
Compulsory activation
type abilities
are unleashed
regardless of will,
and she was robbed of
her home and family.
Knowing she can never touch
or be touched again,
Tatiana despairs.
But Billy rescues her
from this ill-fated life
and from then on
the Union becomes her new home.
Fuko becomes someone important
to Tatiana
The first person she could call
a close friend since becoming
a Negator.
In order to save
her friend's life,
Tatiana sheds her armor
and unleashes the power
that's been growing within.
The Untouchable Area spreads,
engulfing the Negator hunters
and crushing all in its radius.
Within the growing light
of Tatiana's power,
Andy catches sight of
Unrepair once again.
Now the battle to save
Fuko's life begins.
[booming and splashing]
[Rip] It appears as if we're
all frozen in midair?
But with neither of us moving,
we're at a stalemate.
Buying time?
[Latla] Wait, am I stuck making
a really ugly face?
[Rip grunts] Oh, I get it.
[Andy] Parts Bullet: Finger!
[Rip] He missed?
No, I know from our
last little scuffle.
There's no way that
guy would miss such
a crucial shot.
There must be some
trick behind it.
But that finger did help bring
something else to light.
Despite us being
frozen in midair,
Card Guy can still
move parts of his body,
and now I know why.
That kid.
By keeping his arms
and legs totally still,
he only negates the movement
of what he can see.
With the way they're positioned,
Card Guy only has the right side
of his face
and shoulder in sight,
so he can move any other part
of his body at will.
Meanwhile, we're stuck front
and center right along
with that finger he fired off,
meaning nothing
over here can move.
His ability is powerful,
but it has a flaw.
- Guess we'll
- Chikara!
- Deactivate it!
- Yes, sir!
[groans] Unmove off!
I can move.
- [groans]
- Latla!
- He added spin to make it curve?
- [Latla whimpering]
Okay, now! Switch her on again!
Huh? They're gone!
- Chikara! Up there!
- Up where?
You've had your fun,
and now, my turn!
Artifact: Blade Runner!
[Fuko Izumo] Here
it comes! [squeals]
Chikara, you good?
Didn't think so.
- Fuko, stretch your legs out!
- Mm!
- Chikara, tuck yours up high!
- What?
[Andy] An Artifact!
Son of a gun!
Had that thing up his sleeve
the whole damn time, huh?
He's taking me for a chump.
Ah, sorry, sir!
[Rip] I knew it.
Your ability activation
is inconsistent.
Your big flaw is that
scaredy cat nature of yours.
- You you jerk!
- [Rip] Too slow.
[Rip] Blink again and it will be
the last thing you ever do.
That-a-boy, Chikara!
You pulled yourself
together in time!
I, um I actually
didn't mean to do that.
I'm literally scared stiff.
Well, it worked out, didn't it?
As long as you're still kickin',
you can do anything!
Fuko, could you help me out?
Sure! What'cha need?
[Andy] We've gotta
figure out a way
to get past that
girl's Negator power
in order to beat this clown.
[Latla] Wait, how come
we can move our mouths now?
[Rip] Because he can't see them.
I've got my shirt
blocking his view.
[Andy] I haven't figured
her power out completely yet,
but feints like the curve ball
I threw seem to get around it.
Looks like sneak attacks may be
our best bet
to slip under her radar.
We're going all in
on Unluck's random factor!
Only problem is,
we need to figure out how
to get close enough
to get him rolled up in it.
- [Tatiana] Roger that!
- [gasps]
[Fuko] Tatiana?
All I gotta do is
launch you up, right?
Untouchable Area:
Instantaneous Release!
[Chikara squeals]
Now it's up to you,
Zombie, Fuko!
Yep, leave it to us!
- [groans]
- [both gasping]
[Rip laughs]
Fine by me. Let's go.
Both: The one that's
dying today is you!
[Rip] Crescent.
[Andy] Crimson Crescent Moon!
That's a heavy blow.
Can't get enough power
from only the waist up.
That means defense is out.
Offense, then!
Hey, you got a
sweet sword, there.
- Andy!
- Yeah!
- [groans]
- [wails]
[Latla gasps]
[Latla] Are they kissing?
[Rip] Should we try that, too?
[Latla] Please, don't be stupid.
[Rip] Yes, ma'am.
Chikara, now listen carefully.
A meteorite's gonna
land on me soon.
[Chikara] Huh?
[Andy] Ideally
we're gonna try and
catch those two in the blast
but it's probably not
gonna hit him 'cause
of the girl's ability.
That's when your power comes in.
[Rip] The hell's with
all the chitchat?
This'll quiet you down!
[Fuko/Chikara yelling]
- We're falling!
- [Fuko] Don't worry!
- [gasps]
- [chuckles]
My, you're smaller
than I remember.
Y You mean this
guy's still alive?
Mr. Andy!
Wh What if I shake up again
and the whole plan's
ruined 'cause of me?
Hey, don't sweat it!
When I look at the three of you,
I see folks who won't hesitate
to put their lives on
the line to help others.
And no matter the era,
when it's time to
seal the deal
[both gasping]
[Andy] I know folks like that
will always come through!
- [groaning]
- [Rip] A meteorite?
Called on command?
That girl's doing, eh?
Hit them. It's gotta hit them!
But nothing to worry about.
While you're with me,
nothing they throw my way
will hit its mark.
[Latla gasps]
[Fuko] We should go find Andy!
Right! [grunts]
- [Fuko] Tatiana!
- [Tatiana] Yep, on it!
He's over there!
Take us that way!
[Rip] It's useless.
I told you that that wound
is unrepairable
And even shared
the deactivation conditions.
It won't be able
to heal itself till I die.
So at this point the
very act of trying
to kill me has become
Another healing technique.
I bet you think if you can just
overcome Latla's ability
then you'll finally have
a clear shot at me,
but here's the thing.
You can't.
The more you desire to live,
the more I negate you
and whatever's still left
of your sorry life.
Now, time to clean up the rest.
[Fuko gasps]
- Get ready!
- [grunts]
Here he comes!
Freeze him for a sec.
That's all I need.
And please find me.
[Chikara gasping]
- You can do this!
- [gasps]
You fell for it!
I wanted you to
come straight at me!
So that Mr. Andy could hide
behind you as a shield
to move freely!
That was sick!
Aw, yeah! You guys
are wicked sick!
Crimson Bullet!
- [strains]
- [gasps]
No way.
I see folks who won't hesitate
to put their lives on the line
to help others.
People like that
Really do exist, huh?
[Latla gasps]
Creed, Feng, help!
You're in here,
right? Give me a hand!
Hold it! Who are you?
Just who are you people?
What are you trying
to accomplish?
You can save that
question for Rip.
'Cause I promise,
he definitely won't die today.
What's that mean?
He won't
[both gasping]
They ran away?
[gasps] Fuko! Your
wound, are you okay?
So that is you, Tatiana!
Your hair, it's so
long and pretty!
Forget about me!
Are you gonna be all right?
If you're worried about
the wounds from Unrepair,
- you can relax.
- Andy!
Firing the Crimson
Bullet was big.
It slowed down my regeneration,
but my body's slowly healing.
Which means Unrepair's ability
has been deactivated.
Oh, thank goodness.
[Anno] The meteorite
from Fuko's unluck
sent Andy bouncing
off the ocean surface
and into the sky,
positioning him approximately
100 meters away from Rip.
By distancing himself so
far away from his target
and sniping from out of sight,
Andy hoped to break
through Latla's defenses.
He only had one chance.
If he missed and
drew her attention,
he wouldn't get a second shot.
However, at 100 meters away,
his normal Parts Bullet would
have lost speed
before reaching its target.
Such an attack would
have been unable
to deliver a fatal blow.
Therefore, Andy
made a crucial call.
He focused all regeneration of
the blood and calcium he lost
into his fingertip to fire off
a super-pressurized
finger bullet.
An extreme measure that would
considerably impair
his regeneration
for several minutes,
leaving him exposed.
Andy always thought
to protect everyone on his own,
so he could never use it before.
But now he wasn't alone.
- You can do this!
- [gasps]
That was sick!
Aw, yeah! You guys
are wicked sick!
Crimson Bullet!
[Anno] Unrepair made
only one miscalculation.
People like that do exist?
[Anno] There wasn't
a single person present
who was acting in the interest
of their own life.
[Andy] Hey, Fuko.
Sorry I wasn't
able to protect ya.
You held on like a
champ with that wound.
And great unluck!
[Andy] Tatiana, it's thanks
to your ability we were able
to track down and
corner that jerk.
I'm just making things right
for punching you before.
[Andy] And you, Chikara.
I know this situation
doesn't make a lick of sense,
but you did good regardless.
Oh, no, I I just, um
I couldn't have beat him
without all of you.
So thank you.
We did it! Great job!
Duh. 'Course we did.
I'm here, aren't I?
Uh, oh, yeah!
I've been meaning to say,
thanks for picking us up back
Don't look down here,
you perverted onion!
Perverted onion?
Hey, Chikara.
Uh, yeah?
You should come with
us to the Union.
Union? Of what?
It's kinda hard to
explain what it is.
Plus, things can get
pretty scary there.
I wouldn't wanna
pressure you to join,
but, um, maybe we
Andy, could you keep
Chikara a secret
from Miss Juiz and everyone?
Yeah, I sure as hell don't mind.
But will Tatiana
keep her mouth shut?
Please, Tatiana?
Fine, but only because
you're my friend!
And only this one time, 'kay?
Think about it.
We're short on members as it is.
[Tatiana] So if
the boss finds out,
she'll force him into the group.
You know I'm right.
You don't have to decide now.
We'll give you a week.
So you can decide how you want
to live as a Negator.
How I want to live?
[jet engines roaring]
[Chikara's Mom] In life you're
going to meet many different kinds
of people and if you're lucky,
you'll even come across those
who will show you kindness.
Cherish those people.
If they're in trouble,
take a moment to pause.
And then move again
to help those people.
If you do, I'm certain that
every one of those people
will become
irreplaceable to you.
[jet engines roaring]
YEAR 2020
[birds chirping]
[distant indistinct chatter]
[cicadas chirping]
[Fuko grunts]
What do you think?
Will he come?
Who knows?
We gave him a
necktie translator,
so as long as he can hide his
ability, he's just a regular kid.
[distant indistinct chatter]
Well, it's getting pretty late.
We said to meet us here with
his decision by 5:00.
He's got ten minutes
or we're outta here.
If he can't handle it,
he's better off not joining.
He'll just die.
Yeah, you're right.
We've only got one
life to live, don't we?
If you die, that's it.
There's no coming back.
[Kid Rip] Actually, that's
not as true as you think.
Latla told me that I would not
be finding you two here.
So I figured you'd
be here for sure.
Unrepair, but small?
Wait, how did
you you're alive?
[Kairi Yagi's
"know me" playing]
[Singing in Japanese]
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