Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14
Don't you know I'd never
let a woman get hurt?
How dare you talk
against my sultanate?
I broke Taculmulk's arm as a
punishment for hurting my mother.
For you didn’t know about this happened to be a proper
punishment for damaging your reputation.
I've come for the life of Meliksah, yet,
God has gifted me Tapar and Sencer, too.
I know how to punish
Taculmulk for his wrongdoings.
You'll come to account
for, too, now. Take Sencer!
Attack! Come on!
Where is Sencer?
He ran away, when the
combat was over, my Sultan.
Go after him immediately!
Deliver our martyrs
to their families
Make sure there is someone among
the high state officials on behalf of me.
My Sultan Hace
has been poisoned.
He's been paralyzed by the poison.
He can't speak or move now.
I'm going to Isfahan. Tapar
you examine the corpses.
We need to know if they are
from Kuvel or lands of frank.
We'll avenge our martyrs accordingly.
I prepared the medicine, but
someone put the poison inside it.
I saw her sneaking into
the palace secretly last night.
Obviously, she brought
the poison from the outside.
Now, your intention
has been revealed.
So, your intention was
to poison Nizamulmulk.
I didn't know about the poison inside it.
Turna Hatun never
tries to do such a thing.
-She is innocent.
- You shut up.
You were the one who brought Turna Hatun,
and delivered Nizamulmulk to her hands.
Nizamulmulk is the pillar of our state.
How could you hurt
such an important person?
You'll pay for this, Turna Hatun. You
are going to be thrown into the dungeons.
Don't do it, Terken Hatun. She is innocent.
When our Sultan comes back-
Who do you think you are to question
the order of the Head Hatun, Elcin Hatun?
If you say another word,
I'll put you into the dungeon, too.
When our Sultan comes
back, you'll pay for this, Turna Hatun
Until then, take her to
the dungeons right now!
I didn't do it.
I'd never do such an evil.
Help me!
Help me!
Don't do it, son.
Let me go.
I beg you.
No one can run away from Seyuduria.
For you are not
going to obey us
then, you will die.
My son
My son.
Leave the woman alone!
I'm in front of you.
If you want to fight, fight me.
Don't harm that innocent mother.
What is it?
Are you scared like a
dog near your servants?
Can't you face me?
Seyuduna is not afraid of anyone!
The shining of his sword
is the harbinger of death!
Seyuduna Hadrath!
Seljuk soldiers are also coming.
If they surround us, we cannot leave.
Go, Seyuduna Hadrath.
I know what to do when the soldiers come.
If you take one more step
I will kill her.
You are using your own mother as a
human shield for that charlatan Head Dai!
Let's see if he will be
able to save you from me!
Sencer, surrender.
Catch him.
Tell my Arslantas
I lied
to protect him.
is innocent.
did everything.
Arslantas saw the truth.
Don't worry, mother.
I will make you
meet with Arslantas.
Get the woman and Sencer.
Leave me and go.
Go after Rustem.
In the cave.
I heard it in the cave.
He will go to Daru'l Hicre
(headquarters of Batinis)
The great treasure of Batinis
..he will take the Book of Secrets.
He will escape tomorrow.
Protect my Arslantas.
My Rustem killed me.
Don't let him kill him too.
Take mother to Arslantas.
They couldn't be together
when she was alive
at least
..he can pay her his
respect for one last time.
Charlatan Head Dai has
escaped for now, but
we can still capture Rustem.
Before he gets the Batinis'
treasure from Daru'l Hicre
we need to go after
him and capture him.
Tell Arslantas:
Sencer will take his
mother's revenge.
And prove that he is innocent.
Who are you? Reveal your face.
Head Ambassador Sabbah.
My face can only be
seen by dead people.
I killed my own mother
for you Seyuduna Hadrath.
If I had a thousand mothers
I would sacrifice
all of them for you.
And Sencer is arrested by the soldiers.
Don't worry, Rustem.
Anything can be
sacrificed for our cause.
Now before losing any
time, go to Selemzar.
Faysal will take back
Daru'l Hicre from llteber.
After he takes it back
you will get into Daru'l Hicre.
And take the book that holds our
sacred secrets, and our treasure.
What if llteber does not
give Daru'l Hicre to Faysal?
Faysal will get it no matter what.
You will wait for news from me.
I will tell you tomorrow
where you need to take them.
Wait from me.
As you command, Seyuduna Hadrath.
Your time is up, Emir llteber.
You either give the mines
and Daru'l Hicre to me.
Or I'm going to issue these bills of debt.
If I give you the mines,
especially Daru’l Hicre
I will suffer Sultan Meliksah's wrath.
Why would you suffer his wrath?
What good is that place whilst empty"?
I will take it, and work
it, so Seljuk can win
and you will show that you are
trying to pay back for the damages.
Why is the location of
Daru'l Hicre this important?
Let's agree over somewhere else.
It won't work. My men did
the necessery inspections.
That place is suitable for mining.
Accept this agreement
so that I can work my men.
If you give me Daru'l Hicre,
Sultan Meliksah won't touch you.
But if I get these debt notes
through Fatimid Caliph
you will find your head
at the Selemzar gates.
How can the whole palace sleep while
the hace of the state is being poisoned?
What kind of neglect is this?
Those who show
weaknesses will be punished.
- How is his situation?
- It's not well, my Sultan.
The poison took over his whole body.
Oh great Nizamulmulk.
My Atabey.
My mind cannot
accept your situation.
You used to be able to see
the whole world with one gaze.
They took the light out of your eyes now.
You will stand
to give hope to our allies
and frighten our enemy.
Your duty is not yet done. You
will be light to our eyes
be a foundation for our
minds and support our power.
My Sultan, I've had my
people investigate the issue.
I got the person who
poisoned our Hace.
Daughter of Emir llteber, Turna Hatun.
Turna Hatun?
Where is she now?
In the dungeon, my Sultan.
Get her out of there
I want her before me.
They've shut this off too.
We've checked other entrances of
Daru’l Hicre. They are all destroyed.
We can't enter through there.
It seems that there is only
one way into Daru'l Hicre.
Where is it?
Do you see that door? There are
many doors behind that door.
The Batini house in Salemzar.
That's how we're going
to get in Daru'l Hicre.
They've emptied the
Batini neighborhood.
There are guards at all
times. How will we get in?
There are Hace's men with
llteber. We're going to contact them.
They are looking for
us everywhere, Sencer.
Not even the woods are safe.
We'll definitely get caught in Salemzar.
We have no other choice, Aydogdu.
We need to get Rustem
before he gets the
great treasure and
Book of Secrets of Batinis.
Or we can't clear our
names or Arslantas.
I know about the Book of Secrets
that Arslantas' mother talked about.
I've heard of it when I was with Batinis.
It's crucial for destroying Batinis.
We have to go violent to
get Rustem and the book.
Come on.
My Sultan.
They said you poisoned Hace.
I didn't, my Sultan.
I swear I didn't do it.
Besides, why would I
commit such wickedness?
- I took care of Hace very well.
- Then how did that happen?
He was paralyzed by your
medicine. How will you explain that?
Someone must have put the
poison. I have no other explanation.
You will pay for your betrayal.
Who is your puppeteer, Turna Hatun?
- I'm not a traitor
For many years my family lived
in these lands devoted to you.
My father and I would die
for the Seljuks I'm no traitor.
Who was with you when
you gave the medicine?
I see you're busy but I'm coughing a lot.
I can't even sleep at night.
I came to ask the physicians
for medicine but they're not here.
I can't wait any longer.
I think there is a cough medicine. Hang on.
Only a sick girl
She was caughing a lot.
I gave her a medicine.
She might have
committed the wickedness.
-There was nobody else.
- Can you identify that girl?
I remember her face, my Sultan
The truth will come
out when she's found.
We'll see if you're involved then.
I want every woman in
the palace in the yard.
Turna Hatun will identify that girl.
But if she fails
or no such girl
exists in the palace
you will pay the price greatly.
Hey you! Stop!
Selemzar's entrances and exits
are very well protected. Who are you?
Why are you here?
We are merchants.
We're here to buy goods.
Show me your gold so that I can
believe you're here to buy goods.
We won't buy goods
worthy of just a bag of gold.
We have a lot of gold.
We don't have them with us.
Are you going to create such
difficulties for traders like us?
Many explosions occurred in this city.
Are you trying to make us leave here now?
Think about what Emir
llteber will do to you,
after he learns what
you're doing right now.
Fine, you can go.
They are not merchants!
Catch them!
Slow! Slow!
What's happening?
Allah Allah!
Emir llteber.
I brought news from the palace.
Hace Nizamulmulk was
poisoned and had a stroke.
Your daughter Turna Hatun was
thought guilty and thrown into the dungeon.
She gave him the medicine.
What are you talking about?
My daughter wouldn’t do that.
Our Sultan is personally dealing
with the matter. Nothing is certain yet.
They are slandering my daughter!
My daughter wouldn’t do that!
I'm going to the palace
The entrance and exit to the palace
is prohibited by Sultan Meliksah.
I'll find a way in.
I can't let my daughter
stay in dark dungeons.
If you go, you will suffer
the wrath of Sultan Meliksah.
It's most appropriate
to wait for news here.
Turna Hatun is under the
protection of our Sultan's justice.
My daughter.
My Turna
InshAllah your innocence will be proven.
Or I'll burn the whole world for you.
Take a good look.
Is the girl who came to the
healer room among them?
She's not among them, my Sultan.
Send Esma away from
the palace now.
I'll tell you where
you'll take her later.
How can we know that she’s
telling the truth, my Sultan?
What if there isn't a girl
like that in the palace?
What if no one even entered the room?
• ♪
I'm telling the truth, my Sultan.
We gathered all the
women on duty, my Sultan.
But one of them isn't here.
We can't find her She
is not on leave, either.
She didn't tell the
maids that she was going.
She disappeared when we decided to question
people about the poisoning, is that so?
She has something to do with this.
We don't need another evidence.
Search for her
everywhere, Kamac.
Leaving the palace is prohibited
until this issue is resolved.
Army guards will
wait in Hace's room.
No one will enter the room.
As you order my Sultan.
Even if the disappearance of that girl
reduces the suspicions pointed at you
your carelessness is obvious.
Since you were careless and
caused Hace to be poisoned
you will help him get better.
Otherwise I will punish
you for your carelessness.
I will do everything I can
not only to make up for my mistake but
also to make him get better, my Sultan.
Come to my presence with Taculmulk.
I presented Selemzar to them, father.
Your power will rule there now.
We also took our Daru’l Hicre back,
which was destroyed by the Seljuks.
Very good.
Very good.
If my power rises like a tree, you
will also become one of its branches.
May you be glorious.
Nizamulmulk has been paralyzed.
For now he can't move or speak.
We'll accelerate our steps by taking
advantage of the old wolfs downfall.
My men have started to work to
open the entrance of Darul Hicre.
The entrances will be opened again tonight.
Rustem is in somewhere secure.
I’ll let him enter
Darul Hicre tonight.
You need to go to the place I'll
tell you by taking the book
containing our secrets and
treasures as soon as possible.
Our Book of Secrets is so important.
The names of our Dais and
servants are written inside of it.
There is even information
about me inside of it.
There is never a setback
in my place, father.
Don't you worry.
Seljuk has a private warrior named Sencer.
He's been wanted everywhere, but
he's been able to escape again today.
No one can know what he can do.
Who is this Sencer?
What kind of a man he is?
I learned he was from Kinik Tribe.
He has a warrior braid
and eyes of an eagle.
He can show up somewhere
that you never expect him.
You need to be careful about him.
You have never talked about a man of
Selcuk cautiously like this before, father.
Because Sencer is not like any
Seljuk we have seen before.
Didn't I tell you to bring Senser's
relatives properly by going to Kinik Tribe?
I did just as you ordered, my Sultan.
Then, why did Sencer
break your arm?
As I said before, when he
learned we were taking his mother,
he attacked just like a bandit-
You were the one
who acted like a bandit.
How could you dare to hurt
a woman on behalf of me?
My Sultan Shut up!
How could you try to defame me?
Don't you know me there is no
place for such a thing in my law?
When she resisted to let
me carry out your order-
Are you using my orders as a shield
for yourself to justify your cruelty?
This palace, this state ..
this position, this throne
They exist just for my people.
I'll break the hand, which is raised
to the innocent, before anyone else.
Especially, a hand which is
raised to a woman will be cut up.
If you make a mistake from now on, know
that your head won't stay on your body!
Get out of my sight!
What about you?
The Hace of the state was poisoned
and you learned about it afterwards.
The suspected girl is
nowhere to be seen, too.
Did we give the position
of Head Hatun for this?
Where is your sense of responsibility?
Because Hace chose
the servants himself.
I couldn't get involved
in the matter, my Sultan
Your excuses don't
compensate your negligence.
Seferiye Hatun was also
Head Hatun for years!
When did such an incident happen?
Pull yourself together.
If there is such negligence again
I'll dismiss anyone who
causes it from the palace.
You'll bring that
whoever that girl is
...into my presence
as the Head Hatun.
Otherwise, I won't
ignore your mistake
and punish you.
As you command, my Sultan.
My Sultan.
Our soldiers have found
the trace of Arslantas.
The traces is showing to the
lodge of Yusuf Hemedani Hadrath.
Obviously, they hid there.
I can't send soldiers to the lodge.
I need to go there by myself.
Come here.
I'll cook some food.
Eat with us.
Thank you, mother.
I don't want it.
I can't eat anymore.
Hasn't the wound on your
heart still been healed, son?
You've understood the truth, too.
And you also repented.
I should have drowned
inside my own wound.
I took Sencer with me.
He took Sultan Meliksah
on to save my life.
Now, he's trying
to save my mother.
I'm here.
He told you to
stay here for now.
I'm sure he has a plan.
I wonder if my mother survived.
Who knows what tortures
they inflicted on her for years.
It's obvious
that they threatened
her to lie to me.
Having a child
is like carrying
your heart outside.
A mother can go through
any pain for her child.
But your mother
has been through
the greatest of pains.
..has been through the greatest of pains.
While she was in the claws of the
devils, together with your brother
she has also
been away from you.
You need to be at peace for
having a brave mother such as her.
That's what's expected of a brave
one, who is the son of such a mother.
Do you think my mother
will come, Basulu mother?
Will be able to get together?
The thing I miss the most in my
life is my mom calling me "my son".
Will she be able to call me "my son" again?
Ayaz brother?
What's the situation'?
Did you bring my mother, did you save her?
Come with me, brother.
It's a feverish poison.
It can even paralyze a lion.
Its colour is red.
Its like water.
If the antidote is applied late.
this illness that attacks the veins
will cause death.
I found it! What makes this
poison this dangerous is
common sage.
And common sage is
required for the antidotq as well.
I heard the name of common sage.
But I have never seen it.
And I don't know if it
can be found in Isfahan.
Do what you can
and find that flower.
Hace's survival depends
on finding that flower.
What's the situation in Selemzar?
You are wanted everywhere.
They are going to capture you
and Arslantas, either dead or alive.
The real thing occurred at the palace.
Hace is poisoned.
He is paralyzed.
What are you saying?
Who did it? How did he do it?
Turna Hatun.
Turna Hatun?
How could Turna Hatun
do something like that?
Don't they realize it's a slander?
Calm down Sencer.
Sultan Meliksah interrogated her.
They are going to begin an
investigation in the palace.
Both of them are
in a dirty scheme.
We cannot leave Selemzar.
Learn their situation in
the palace and inform me.
I will get information from you.
We need to get into Daru'l Hicre.
And the only place we can
do that is Batini neighborhood.
You will help us regarding that.
You will tell us where the guards hold
position and what time it's best to enter.
It's almost impossible
to enter at daylight.
You need to wait for night.
The patrols of the
guards change at night.
I will tell you about the locations
of the guards before night.
We will wait at the
abandoned house.
Bring the information there.
Don't forget to bring us information
from the palace, come on.
Brother Ayaz.
Why are we going to the forest?
If my mother has come, why didn't
You bring her to the dervish lodge?
My beautiful mother!
Weren't you going
to call me "my son"?
They ruined our family.
While I was waiting for our reunion,
was I supposed to hug your dead body?
How did this happen, mother'?
Who did this to you, mother'?
Who stopped us from getting together?
Who separated you from me, mother?
How did this happen'?
Who did this, Bozkus?
Brother Ayaz who did this?
When Sencer was about
to save your mother
at the last moment Rustem..
What do you mean Rustem?
What do you mean Rustem? Brother?
Don't tell me that my own brother
killed my mother with his own hand!
Don't tell me that it was Rustem,
don't tell me it was my brother.
Don't tell me that it was Rustem,
We were destined
for such a big pain.
I've searched for you for years.
Now your own son my brother, killed you
I couldn't get enough of
your voice, your smell.
It's not just you that died.
My childhood died too.
It's not just you that died.
My childhood died too.
The hope I took refuge in when
was in a tough spot died too.
It's time to bury, Arslantas. Let's
do the funeral and grieving together.
- Peace be with you.
- Peace be upon you.
Are you here to seek
or find, my Sultan?
You have the answer to
that, Hemedani Hadhrat.
I‘m looking for the fool
Arslantas who wounded,
Hace Nizamulmulk and
Sencer who hides him.
My men believe
they are around here.
Only you can see
and only you can find.
As you know, we
welcome everybody.
We've seen those who
are seeking themselves.
They needed to find their self, and
we helped them with the will of Allah.
Now, we don't know where they are.
Sencer and Arslantas has
committed serious crimes.
We've given Sencer a warrior title.
But he chose to be a bandit.
I tried to be father for him
but he betrayed his father.
Can you say the same when
you find out he's your son?
It's my duty to put them before the
justice system, Hemedani Hadhrat.
Korkut Bey
Sencer is a warrior from your tribe.
Do you know where he usually goes?
My Sultan
..he said he was after
justice and so are you.
I'm sure your paths
will cross at one point.
Some incidents has
occurred outside of my orders.
I'd like to
talk to Senear's
mother, who was wronged.
I want to ask her about Sencer.
Is she here?
You came all the way here.
It's evident that what you're
looking for is not here.
It's evident that what
you' looking for is not here.
You will only find unpleasant
things in your next step.
What are you trying to say?
If Sencer's mother had anything
auspicious to say to you
she would have come here.
One should not force a door
that won't bring good words.
But as a Sultan
I need to ask questions
to a criminal's mother.
As you know, one of the
requirements to be a Sultan
is to know haste is devil's
work and peace is Allah's work.
Of course it's not my
place to question your will.
Maybe when I open this door
I will get Sencer's
location from his mother.
But according to your words, I
feel that it is best to look for him
rather than finding him now.
I will find Sencer eventually.
But if I don't listen
to your words
I'm afraid there will be some
things that can't be made up.
If nothing good will
come out of this door
then there is no point in
walking into evil intentionally.
Terken Hatun and Taculmulk
made Hace have a stroke,
because they don't
want him to get better.
No one else would do it.
Hace's stroke left us helpless.
Who will we ask for hfelp now?
You don't ask Tapar for
help because he is impetuous.
We don’t have another
choice but our Sultan then.
We can't go to our Sultan, Gevher.
Terken Hatun is the hatun of our Sultan.
To accuse her of treason
we need solid evidence.
We heed to go to the Sultan with
strong evidence, not with allegation.
Otherwise, we will suffer
the wrath of our Sultan.
We have poisonous liquid
that we got from oil as evidence.
When we give it to our Sultan he
will do the necessary investigations.
Turna Hatun found
the poison in the lamp.
And she is still a suspect
for Nizamulmulk's stroke.
If we can't prove that
we are telling the truth
Turna Hatun will be
blamed about this too.
We need to do it
ourselves, Gevher.
We can't ask for
help from anyone.
We have to spoil this
filthy game ourselves.
No one would believe
that we are telling the truth
unless we find that witch who made
the poison and bring her to our Sultan.
Seljuk is a huge empire.
How will we find that witch?
We will spoil Terken Hatun's filthy game
with a game.
We will make them
take us to that witch.
Our Sultan ordered
you to find Esma.
If we bring her here
everything will be revealed.
If you don't bring
her here this time,
you won't be able to
fulfill our Sultan's order.
What will we do?
I will bring Esma to our Sultan.
But I will do it whenever I want to.
But what if Elcin Hatun takes
the poison from the lamp
to our Sultan
in the mean time?
Elcin is not that stupid
to go to our Sultan
without solid evidence.
That's why she hasn't done it
so far. If she had any evidence
she wouldn't wait for Nizamulmulk
to get better to go to our Sultan.
They won't just sit and wait.
They will try to trick us.
They will wait for us
to make a mistake.
They will wait for us to make a mistake.
So we will wait for their moves
and we will act accordingly.
From now on I don't have
the same mother as Rustem.
I don't have the same father as him.
I no more carry the same blood as him.
He is my enemy.
I will kill him myself
and take revenge | from the Batinis.
You can't go Arslantas, they
are looking for you everywhere.
I will destroy whoever comes in my way
I won't give up until I
take revenge, brother.
If you go, you won't be able
to take revenge, Arslantas.
They will catch you.
How could I stay here and wait..
while my brothers are
trying to take my revenge?
Let me go. Please let me go.
Sencer would tell you to
go with him if they needed you.
Don't worry brother.
It's not just your revenge
it's our revenge too.
Everything will be
more difficult if you go.
Sencer risked everything to find
Rustem and prove that you are innocent.
If you go now, Sencer's
detailed plan may be broken.
The soldiers would catch us
before you take your revenge.
And you can't avenge
your mother's death.
We will go to Sencer anyway.
It's better if you wait
for news from us.
My Sultan.
An investigation was made
on the bodies of the infidels.
We caught them wounded
and made them talk.
It is Kovel's soldiers
who made the attack.
The information we got
from Kuvel informs this.
In addition, Andreas removed the
Muslim merchants from the castle.
He hung some of,
them on the walls.
I'm completely out of
patience because of Andreas.
It's time to strangle
him with our wrath.
We will take revenge for our
martyrs and innocent people!
Get ready soldiers!
We will go to raid Kuvel at dawn.
And take Andreas' head.
What about the response we
wait from the Emperor Komnenos?
He's late for giving us a response.
However, we will keep our promise on time.
Send the heads of these people
to Andreas as a declaration of war.
He should know that I'll ruin his lands
and take all of their heads!
My Sultan.
Urgent news has come from our spies.
Sencer is in Selemzar.
Is he captured?
Not yet my Sultan.
He keeps running and no
one knows why he is there.
Go to Selemzar
right away, Tapar.
Find and bring Sencer
here until tomorrow.
After I take Andreas' head and return
from Kuvel, I want to see him here.
As you command, my Sultan
I trust you completely.
Don't let Sencer run away
from your hands this time.
Succeed this duty.
Or you can't take greater
duties and get out of the palace.
As you command, my Sultan.
The antidote is not ready yet.
We lack common sage.
Finding common sage in Isfahan is
as hard as finding a red flag in hell.
If mighty Allah wishes
the flames of hell turn
into gardens of flowers.
Master Hayyam.
Finish the antidote now.
In the name of Allah, the
merciful, the beneficent.
His pulse is slow.
His pulse is slow.
His heart pulse is also low.
May not let us face
with a insoluble trouble.
Look at him with your
name of Shafi, my Allah.
Thank Allah.
He breathes thankfully.
buried his father and
mother into his heart.
And the one, from whom he'll
take his revenge, is his brother.
This is not a pain that
every heart can endure.
And what we need to
do is find Rustem and
let our brothers pain
end as soon as possible.
And there is also Hace's situation.
The wolf fell down
and the dogs delighted.
There is chaos both in
the palace and outside.
The ones who did this to Hace are the ones,
who made us came across with the state.
All of them have different
faces, but their goal is the same.
Capturing the state.
We won't let this plan
happen, warriors.
I've learned the watch order
in the Batini district tonight.
It's written here.
What is the situation in the palace?
What's up with Turna?
Hace's situation is critical.
Sultan charged Turna
to find a cure for Hace.
If she solves the matter
her innocence will be proved.
At least, she wasn’t
put into the dungeon.
I'm sure Turna Hatun will find
the cure for Hace in a short time.
As long as Hace stays in bed,
this chaos can turn into a thunder.
Is there anyone suspicious
leaving Selemzar?
There isn't.
The entrances are guarded well anyway.
Only the mine cart leaves
because of its urgency.
And it didn't leave today.
Most probably, it will leave tomorrow.
Obviously Rustem is still
somewhere around here.
We'll finish this tonight, warriors.
We'll infiltrate Batmi's
district and enter Darul Hicre.
He's talked about calling my
brother, Berkeruk, to Isfahan recently.
What does it mean?
It means Tapar is deficient
and he wants to put Berkeruk
forward by putting you behind.
He's threatening you by
not giving you duties now.
Many incidents happened.
And my father is preparing for war now.
Obviously, he thought of calling
my brother as a support for his forces.
How naive you are.
So, you are not enough, so that he
considers your brother as a support.
How can't you understand this'?
Don't draw me like a bow, Gevher.
I need to go immediately.
Maybe, I carry a heir of the sultanate.
You are the son, who will
continue the bloodline of Seljuk.
Don’t let your value go down, even
if the one before you is your father.
For he bonded your future
to the capture of Sencer
then, show everyone
who you are by capturing him.
We sent words to Andreas
to let him take precautions.
He attacked Meliksah,
thinking it as a precaution!
Meliksah is determined
to remove his head!
After his sword is unsheathed,
he does not sheathe
it again without
drenching it in blood first!
Andreas was our ally
from the Byzantine.
Will the one that will come instead of
him be eager for an alliance with us?
Don't worry.
I have foreseen what would
happen and already found an ally.
And this ally of ours is
worth a thousand Andreas.
The most fierce warrior
of European lands.
And he is a monster
thirsty of Seljuk blood
enough to turn these
lands into a blood pool.
Who is this man, sir?
Do not think I come
to earth to bring piece!
I came to bring war, not peace!
The great Emperor Komnenos.
And his companion Einar.
It's good to see you
after such a long time.
We are talking about what we can
do against the growing Turkish threat
together with the lords,
cardinal and commanders.
It's good to see all the
Christian nobility together.
Why can't we do this in battle fields?
That's right.
Turks have been victorious
in battles for a long time.
Since you are a noble
and important warrior
you have the right
to speak these words.
But do not go further.
We will bless our unity
by swearing an
oath on the holy spear.
Did you come here
to praise Turks?
I came here to tell you
how to defeat them.
Dear lords
You have never seen
Turks in the battle field.
And about these commanders
And they haven't been doing
anything other than losing battles!
I lived amongst them for
long years to know them.
It’s not possible to defeat
them before weakening them.
We will sneak into their lands.
We will disrupt their
trade and their order.
We will attack their
tribes, armies and cities.
We will destroy their
scholars and their madrasahs.
Selcuklu will get weakened.
It will get so weak that
they won't be able to
go for a campaign again.
what comes after that?
After that?
the great crusader
army will gather again, sir.
We will destroy the Turks and
make our way way to Jerusalem.
The weakened Seljuk won't
be able to stand before us.
We will destroy Anatolia and
take back the sacred city.
That city will be ours again.
We are going to lower
the Muslim banners there
and raise Christian banners!
You were a noble and
important warrior before.
And now you are nothing
more than an useless lowlife.
You can go attack caravans with your
wild warriors and have fun with women.
The cause of the Christians is not something
unworthy that you can think about it!
The cause of the Christians have been
weakened because of unskilled men like you!
By killing you, I have already
begun making our cause better!
You dirtied the holy spear.
My companion glorified the
holy spear by killing this coward!
But if you don't like it
you can die by my dagger!
For the love of God!
What do you think you are doing?
We saved you from unskilled
and coward commanders.
Turks are holding Jerusalem for years.
It's in our nightmares every night.
I am burning with the fire of
revenge to take that city back.
Isn't it time for the great crusade?
If we do not destroy the Turks.
we will hear Azan
in all of Constantinople.
I have a strong ally
in Sejuk lanals, sir.
I will go there with
my strongest warriors.
I will turn the lands of
Seljuk into a blood pool.
And I will plant the
holy spear on Jerusalem!
Are you with me?
Or not?
I support you, Markus.
I give the holy
spear in your care.
Go and reduce the
lands of Seljuk to ashes.
Give us the way to destroy
Turks and take Jerusalem back.
Oh, great emperor..
We'll put those
guards out and get in.
Come on, warriors.
Stop. You can’t pass through here.
Sorry, we are the owners
of this place tonight.
When they were leaving, Batinis.
They hid the door to prevent
people coming after them.
There must be a keyhole around here.
Get down!
Those devils. They've
set up traps everywhere.
Their traps don't work on us. Come on.
Welcome, Melik Hadhrat.
If you came at this hour
then there must be important news.
- Sencer
was seen in Selemzar
last. I'm here to get him.
What kind of Emir are you,
llteber? What are your men doing?
A fugitive that Sultan himself
is searching is in your land.
How can you not know this?
You will block every exit
You will blockade every street.
I want every nook and cranny
(everywhere) searched. We will find Sencer.
As you wish, Melik Hadhrat.
Melik Hadhrat
what is the latest news
from my daughter Turna?
She wouldn't hurt
anybody, much less Hace.
We will see after
the investigation.
The truth will come out by then.
They said nobody can
leave and enter the palace.
When do you think I
can see my daughter?
A fugitive the state
is looking for is in
your lands and you want
to see your daughter?
Nobody leaves Selemzar
until Sencer is found.
Melik Hadhrat.
The patients in the hospital say that
Sencer was seen in the Batini neighborhood.
Now I have you, Sencer.
Get out.
Seyuduna Hadhrat sent this letter.
It says where you will take the
treasure and the Book of Secrets.
It's scorching inside.
Why is the fire on?
We bought this place from
Emir Ilteber for mining purposes.
If we don't seem like we are
working, we would arouse suspicion.
Did you get the gold and Book of Secrets?
I did.
I will take them where
Seyuduna wants them.
Some mining equipment
will leave Selemzar tomorrow.
You will hide in one of
them and leave the city.
Somebody is forcing the door.
- Who the hell are you?
- I'm the owner of this mine.
Who are you to enter
my mine like a burglar?
When did the home of Batinis become a mine?
We're after a criminal
We'll search the place.
Emir llteber didn't send
me a word about that.
- I'm not Emir llteber's man.
- Then how dare you search the place?
You ask a lot of questions.
You're the one who came
my place like a burglar.
Should I take your head
without asking questions?
If you keep on standing in my way,
you'll be the one that loses his head.
- Then search the place.
- You take the other way.
Why is this mine furnace
burning at this hour?
You are asking a
lot of questions too.
Should I take your head
instead of asking questions'?
This is a mine.
This furnace is
burning to melt the mine.
There is no trace here.
We couldn't find
any traces either.
No merchant speaks so boldly.
Who are you?
My name is Faysal.
Faysal from Bagdad.
Who are you?
The nightmare of the Batinis.
Seljuk has a personal
soldier named Sencer.
They are looking for him
everywhere but he ran away today.
You never know what he will do.
He is from Kinik Tribe
He has braided hair like a hero
and an eagle-like look on his eyes.
You can come across him in a
place and time you never expect.
I know you.
You are the fugitive that’s
being searched for by the state.
I will do what's necessary now.
If you know who I am
you'd know that
I won't get caught.
And that I will come back
to make you pay for it.
Get out.
It was too hot in there.
Don't worry, you're fine.
You need to get out of
Selemzar in the morning.
If Sencer came here, he
wouldn't go back without you.
The escape is over.
You won't be able to
get out of here tonight!
Split up! We'll meet at
the door of Selemzar.
I Split up! Come on!
They are holding the doors.
You can't get out of Selemzar.
Don't worry, Melik Hadrath.
I will come here
personally when I'm done.
Our Sultan will go to
Kuvel for war tomorrow.
Will you act like this when
he's going to such a difficult war?
What are you talking about?
Our Sultan will go to
war with the infidels.
Will you make the state
deal with your matters now?
I am not doing anything
against our state nor our Sultan.
You will understand me
when you find out the truth.
I will come to you myself.
But not tonight.
Elcin Hatun.
Gevher Hatun.
How is Seferiye Hatun today?
She's same. But
she has fever today.
When Terken Hatun heard
that Seferiye Hatun has a fever
she ordered me to
freshen her with water.
Turna Hatun proved that the
liquid in the lamp is poisonous.
But we can't go to
anyone with that evidence.
Nizamulmulk’s stroke left us helpless.
We won't just sit and wait when
there are traitors in the palace.
We need to do something.
We investigate every
witch as soon as possible.
If we can find the witch we can
find who asked for the poison.
Then they will suffer
the wrath of our Sultan.
I'll check Ahsen.
She should prepare Seferiye
Hatun's meal before she wakes up.
She took the bait.
She will tell Terken
Hatun what we talked.
And she will go to the
witch to not get caught.
They will take us to
the witch themselves.
Terken Hatun!
What's up, Firdevs? Is
it something bad? What is it?
I heard Elcin Hatun and
Gevher Hatun talking.
Elcin Hatun said she
was going after the witch,
from whom we took
the poison of the lamb.
So, this was their move.
We'll answer their
move with another move.
Listen to me carefully, now.
We've learned Sencer
left Selemzar, Emir Hadrath.
They put out the door
guards and ran away.
We sent soldiers everywhere.
Sencer will be found,
leave no stone unturned!
What is this
scandal, Emir llteber?
What do you think
you are doing!
You have the Melik of
the state before you!
Excuse me, Melik Hadrath.
My name is Faysal. I’m
a trader from Baghdad.
I can't see anyone
because of my anger.
That's why I couldn't see you.
What's up, Trader Faysal?
The bandit called Sencer
even entered Darul Hicre.
And you have locked
yourself in your mansion.
Doesn't Selemzar has any
safety of life and property?
I understand why Sencer
entered Darul Hicre.
Yet, what are you doing in Darul Hicre?
I took Darul Hicre and gold mines
in return of the debts of Emir llteber.
I'll operate them.
What is he talking about, Emir Ilteber?
How can Sultan be kept unaware of this?
- The debts of Emir llteber-
-I haven't asked you!
You know I need to cover the
damages caused by the explosion.
I owe Trader Faysal.
I transferred Darul
Hicre and mines
so that, I can cover the damages
and raise Selemzar in a short time.
How could you use an important
place like Darul Hicre for your debts?
What use does a Darul Hicre
in ruins have, Melik Hadrath?
Instead of letting it's seen like a symbol
of Batinis in the middle of Seljuk lands
let it work for the sake of Seljuk.
I'm sure the ruler of the world,
Sultan Meliksah, will also like this.
Pray this will happen. Otherwise,
it won't be any good for anyone.
I'll first find Sencer.
Then, I'll make you account
for this matter, Emir llteber.
The particular and detailed
information about this matter
..can be only reached by the ones
who know about our holy Book of Secrets.
Give me that one on the top.
The future of our mentioned Dais..
is determined by the rules
written in our holy Book of Secrets.
Give me the other one.
After all this information is acquired
and all the tests are passed
the names of Dais and servants, whom
they believed to be loyal and worthy
are recorded in the Book of Secrets.
What is the Book
of Secrets, sir?
The thing they say holy is poison
and the thing they say
secret is their dirty faces.
Obviously, it's
hard to solve Batinis
completely without
finding the Book of Secrets.
And where is this the
Book of Secrets, sir?
Do we have to find this
book to solve everything?
They apparently still have this book.
We trust the warriors
of our state to get it.
And then, we'll trust our pen to
rip that secret out of the souls.
Ah Melik Tapar. ah!
We swung swords
many times together.
I wish you could
have understood us.
Don't say anything about Melik Tapar.
He's doing his duty.
The man called Faysal. I
didn't fancy him at all, Sencer.
Why is llteber giving Darul Hicre to him?
To pay his debts seemingly.
That Faysal doesn’t
know about us, yet, but
if he keeps this attitude we
know how to introduce ourselves.
Rustem took the treasures of
Batinis and their Book of Secrets.
But obviously he couldn't
get out of Selemzar.
According to the information
we got from Hace's man
the cars will leave
the mine tomorrow.
And Rustem will be
inside of one of those cars.
This is the only way for
him to leave Selemzar.
Why are you troubled, Sencer?
Our Sultan is going to war tomorrow.
I heard they were
going to fight with Kuvel.
I wish this hadn't happened
and we could fight together
with our Sultan shoulder to shoulder.
We are not with him in
such an important war.
We also wouldn't want this happening.
We'll get rid of this
calamity tomorrow, InshAllah
Let's wait for the return
of our Sultan from this war.
And after we capture Rustem
everything will be okay.
May Allah make our Sultan
and army be victorious, InshAllah.
What do you think as a
capable healer, Turna Hatun?
Do you think Nizamulmulk will
stand up for our unity in a short time?
We use all of our skill
regarding the nature to heal him.
I said all the prayers I know.
The rest is up to the will
of Allah, Master Hayyam.
Hope and love is the best cure.
I'll come to visit again.
Take care of Nizamulmulk well.
Good night.
Oh, the one, whom her smell
is like rose, her soul like heaven.
I'm jealous of the moon, which
sees your face instead of me.
My heart is in the
fire of your love.
I'd sacrifice my heart a
thousand times for you.
I have neither a goal apart from your
goal and a shelter apart from your heart.
Your words are my hope.
I believe you'll return by getting
rid of claws of the scorpions.
Know that my eyes are
set on your return path.
You fed me with your white milk.
You raised me in your cradle
My dear mother from Akptircek.
It's the time for us to
equip our swords again.
Yet, I'm also worried.
Hace, who has been my
companion for 30 years
He stood tall like a mountain
and they took him down.
Our warriors were like sons
and they stopped
listening to our orders.
Whenever you
are in a tough spot
I remember
Malazgirt, Alparslan.
It was a holy Friday.
The enemy army
was five or six
times more in numbers.
Some people fell into despair,
saying "Sultan Alparslan
wouldn't be able to beat
an army six times larger."
But on that Friday
you wore all white
like your funeral shroud
and went in front of
your army like a lion.
You accepted martyrdom but you didn't
stop yourself from fighting the enemy.
That day, in every mosque
of the Islamic world
people prayed for your victory.
And you came out on top.
A victory that nobody
thought was possible.
That victory as underdogs
was the victory of faith,
bravery and intelligence.
You will come
out on top again, Alparslan.
The bigger they are in numbers
the harder the path is
you get that much stronger.
Always count on the
u faith in your heart
the power in your arm and
the devotion in your intelligence.
That's all you need.
Everyday I can't get
revenge on Meliksah
I will hang one of these Muslims.
I will take it out on them.
We have yet to see Meliksah retaliate.
Doesn't that worry you?
may not have realized we
are the ones behind the attack.
Besides, Kuvel is a balancing factor
between Byzantium and the Seljuks.
He wouldn't dare come here.
- What are these boxes?
- Sultan Meliksah sent them, sir.
Heads', of our men
that he captured.
- This
- This is a declaration of war.
A declaration of war.
Meliksah knows we are
the ones behind the attack.
He'll come to Kuvel.
Get ready!
To the walls!
- Get the hot oil boilers!
- Dig a hole in front of the castle!
I want everybody
in defense formation!
Meliksah is coming to the castle!
Defense formation!
To the bastions!
Meliksah is coming! Come on!
I couldn't get Emperor's
niece Theodore’s revenge.
If I let Meliksah come to the castle,
the Emperor will take my head.
Do you have a plan, sir?
I do, Zenon. We need
to stop them in the valley.
Meliksah needs to be stopped
before Kuvel at all costs.
Maybe it's high time we got
in a deadly fight with Meliksah.
I, Meliksah
descendant of Seljuk Ghazi,
grandson of Cagri Bey
son of Sultan
Muhammad Alparsian's.
It is I who ascended to the
glorious throne of Seljuks at 17
swore to spread the
cause of almighty Allah
and make his state greater
carry justice in his sword
brought this justice
all around the world
stood against the cruel
and protected the oppressed
spent his life in wars
against the cruelty of infidels.
It is time for holy war again.
The infidels will be
destroyed by our sword.
Hearts that beat with Allah
will either be martyrs or ghazis.
My Sultan, we've sent
the word everywhere.
There will be prayers in
mosques for your victory.
- May Allah make your sword sharp.
- Ameen.
May you have a blessed holy war.
My beautiful daughter
Melek, like your name (Angel).
May Allah give you a
blessed holy way, my Sultan.
Thank you, Gevher Hatun.
Take care of yourself and
tfie life you are carrying.
My Sultan
You have spent
years on different wars.
For many days and nights
we waited for your return.
We will wait for your
return once again.
Worry not. If I return, I'll be a ghazi
and if I don't, I'll be a martyr.
Either way, keep your chins up.
May Allah protect you.
Markus from Rome. I came to
you with greetings and friendship!
How could you be Seyuduna?
And what is that weird,
mask on your face?
Are you leprous or something?
I don't show my face right away.
You will see my face as our
alliance pays off and solidifies.
I would like to see the
face of the man with
whom I will cooperate
against the Seljuks.
Or this means that
you are not Seyuduna.
And it means you deserve death.
My servants
what can you do for me?
We will sacrifice our lives
for you, great Seyuduna!
Who can take his own life with a
single command for other than their leader?
Four of my servants are
with the Great Imam now.
Now, I'm alone in front of you.
If you still don’t believe
that I am Seyuduna, kill me.
Even if you are not Seyuduna
I want to team up with
you because you could
train people that can kill
themselves with a single move.
I believe you. You are Seyuduna.
We had talked about our
cooperation with you before.
Now we can take
action by swearing.
Seljuks is in chaos.
The old wolf is about to die.
The best soldiers are
fighting against the state.
We are attacking them from within
and destroying their trade.
You should turn their
lands into a bloodbath.
You made me excited, Seyuduna.
Seljuks will collapse.
So we can start sharing the lands.
Anatolia and Jerusalem will be ours
the Seljuk lands
on east will be yours.
Jerusalem is an important
land for us too but
I just want Seljuks, the protector
of Sunni Islam, to be destroyed.
Every place we have will make
us feel as if we're in Jerusalem.
Now I will give you the
first gift of our alliance.
It is a big gift.
Is there any blood in it?
Of course.
There is-a lot of blood in it.
Stop the cart.
We will search the cart.
What are you talking about?
We are coming from the mines.
We are allowed to go.
We are looking for
the mines in the crates.
Come on.
There is neither Rustem
nor any sign of him here.
Will there be another cart
going out of the mines?
I don't think so.
We are the only caravan.
The carts are out of Selemzar.
But I prepared another
caravan You will go with that.
I will accompany
you until a point.
If something goes wrong,
I will take care of it.
Where did she go?
Let's go.
Stop the horses.
Is it you again?
It's not good for you to encounter
with me this often, Faysal.
Get out of my caravan.
Are you a bandit now?
I'm trying to find the
Batini I was looking for.
I don't need to remind you
what will happen
if you cross my path.
You're talking too much.
If you want to fight
I'll kill all of you one by one
and search the crates anyway.
These goods are my honor.
An enemy of the state
can't touch my honor.
Apparently I'll have to cut your
tongue before I take your head.
You can't run anywhere, Sencer
If you move your
soldiers, you will be dead.
Melik Hadrath.
Rustem is in Selemzar.
There is only one way for
him to get out of Selemzar.
Let us search the crates.
He searched my mines
but he couldn't find that man.
Now he wants to
search my caravan.
This is obviously an excuse.
Why would he be
worried this much if he
doesn't have anything
to hide, Melik Hadrath?
Justice will be
served sooner or later.
He should let us search the crates.
I came to these lands because.
Trust your state's justice and safety.
Are you going to listen to a bandit
who is escaping from the state?
You witnessed what he
did last night, Melik Hadrath.
If you let this traitor
search my crates
you would be insulting
both you and me.
the justice of our state
will be overshadowed.
The caravan will go on.
Arrest Sencer and his men.
We are going back to Isfahan.
Allah is the Greatest.
Allah is the Greatest.
Allah is the Greatest
Peace and mercy
of Allah be upon you.
Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you.
Oh my Allah.
We set out on this
path for your blessing.
And we wish for
Your blessing again.
Make us victorious against
the oppressors, oh Allah.
This army is fighting
against the infidels for You.
Make the soldiers of Islam win
against the enemy and be victorious.
Make our swords sharp.
Make our horses fast.
Make our hearts strong, oh Allah
Our cause is to protect
the world of Islam.
Do not make us fail the
world of Islam, oh my Allah.
My heroic warriors.
The time for
the great battle
against Turks has come.
Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit
is with us.
We will glorify our
great Christian cause
with the blood of the Turks!
and his army
will be destroyed!
will be destroyed!
The victory is ours!
you prepared the
enchanted poison.
Show your face!
You murderer!
My Sultan
Thank Allah
Allah is the Greatest!
Allah is the Greatest!
Rustem is holding the Book of
Secrets, belonging to the Batinis.
If we could get that book..
we could learn
everything about them
..and defeat them.
Now what did you earn by
capturing me, Melik Hadrath?
You can tell these to our
Sultan when he is back.
You have crossed the line by
the things you have done, Sencer.
And you will pay for them.
Melik Hadrath!
To the castle!
Not yet!
The time for you to pay for your
treachery has come, Andreas.
Your father
He has captured
my uncle Romanos.
Then he set him free.
Do what your father did.
Let's make a deal.
Your uncle
fought bravely
in the battle against us.
He didn't
plan many schemes
against us just like you.
He was an Emperor.
And you are nothing
but a dog in front of me.
There will be
bigger Christian
armies that will come.
They will destroy your cities.
They will destroy your mosques.
You will all die Meliksah!
Let them come!
No matter how
many of you comes
we have that many
swords to behead them!
I swear to an oath in the
to presence of Great Allah!
Until our last breath
we will continue to fight
against the oppressors.
Until the last castle
of the infidels fall
we won't sheathe our swords.
The fight is ours
and the victory
belongs to Allah!
Allah is the Greatest!
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