Vinland Saga (2019) s01e14 Episode Script

The Light of Dawn

do we really
have to be pure?
My father said that those who do not
follow your commands
shall be punished.
Even if they're an angel.
A person like me
could never understand your will.
But I feel that your kingdom in heaven
is very far away.
Help me get dinner ready!
I'm coming! I'm coming!
I felt burdened
to know that
you sit in heaven
and watch us.
Restore us to yourself,
oh, Lord,
that we may return,
renew our days
as of old.
Oh, it's like this, Mr. Priest.
That's it!
It's like me and my brother.
We've always been together since we were kids.
We helped each other out.
Our teamwork makes us unbeatable
on the battlefield. Right?
Yeah. We can read each other's minds.
He's the only one I can trust to have my back.
I'd never trade our relationship for silver.
Right, brother?
Of course not, brother. Well, it depends on how much.
It's a bond of brotherhood!
-What do you think?
-What do you think?
-Did we get it right?
-Did we get it right?
Well, who knows?
It's completely different from what I imagine love to be.
Listen, you priest.
You've never been on the battlefield.
So, you don't understand
how amazing this is!
A union formed in a moment of life or death!
You'd never be able to do it yourself!
I think it's wonderful.
It must be something very valuable
to you two brothers.
Well then.
If I were to enter the battlefield,
would you have my back?
What? What are you talking about?
I can do it because he's my brother.
I can't trust my back to a drunk priest!
That's why it's not the same.
Excuse me, could you explain it
in a way I can understand?
Well then, what about you?
You really like booze.
Maybe that's "love."
It's not that I love booze.
Then stop drinking.
I'm sorry.
He doesn't make sense.
You like things that don't make sense?
Then how about this?
The veterans still talk about it even today.
It's a story about when
we attacked a ship in the Faroes.
There was one warrior on that ship.
He had incredible strength.
We attacked him together,
but he beat 30 of our men with his bare hands!
His bare hands!
In the end, we killed him.
But when it was time to count our losses,
we found that no one had died.
I wonder what that was all about.
That guy was carrying a sword, right?
Maybe he thought we were no match for him.
If so, it angers me.
Where are his manners as a warrior?
Did he
do anything else?
What's his name?
I-- I don't know his name.
I guess
weirdos are drawn to each other.
That guy said some strange things, too.
"A true warrior doesn't need a sword."
Something like that.
What? Priest?
Hey. Where are you going? Hey!
What is it, priest?
Did we get it right? Was that "love?"
A warrior A true
Doesn't need a sword
A true warrior
Don't complain to me about the weather!
I'm a sailor. The weather on top of a hill
is not my area of expertise.
No one could have predicted that it was
going to snow this much
at the start of winter.
That's not what I'm trying to say.
I'm trying to say that luck is no longer on your side.
We changed our route to beat the winter snows,
and now we end up like this!
Your soldiers are also worried.
My men have been to hell and back.
For them, this is nothing.
They're following their orders with no hesitation. See?
Turn back. It'd be crazy to try to cross Mercia!
If we're going to walk through the snow,
we'll have to leave our plunder behind.
My men aren't going to like that.
Either way,
we can't camp out in the open tonight.
We're ready.
We can go.
All right.
When luck's not on your side,
no matter what you do,
it's going to backfire.
What are you hesitating for?
Attacking and plundering villages
is a tradition for us Norsemen.
Our father, who art in heaven,
give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
Hey, Father!
Why do we always pray?
Because Jesus told us to do so.
Jesus is always right.
What happens if we don't pray?
Well, the unbelievers are going to go to hell.
That's right.
Hell is a scary place where the devil lives.
You don't want to see the devil, right?
I'm scared of the devil.
Yeah. I'm scared of him, too.
But good kids who pray can go to heaven.
Don't forget.
It doesn't make sense.
Everyone's going to be taken to heaven
or hell soon?
I don't want our family to get separated.
But, Father,
why did God decide to pass judgment
on the world all of a sudden?
It's not sudden.
It was decided a long time ago
that it would happen a thousand years
after the resurrection of Jesus.
In other words, 20 years later.
When God passes judgment,
all evil men are going to hell.
I know!
The Danes are the evil men!
Yeah! They're really evil.
I'm sure God knew that
people like them
would turn up.
Listen. Make sure you follow God's commandments.
I have to pee.
What am I going to do? I'm so scared of the devil!
But it's so pretty!
I put it on again.
I wonder how much this ring costs.
I wonder if God would forgive me
if I paid for it.
The devil must have tempted me.
I shouldn't have gone to the market
when I don't have any money.
I bet bad children like me
will be sent to hell
on the day of judgment.
I bet I'm going to be the only one
in my family
who's not going to heaven.
It looks so pretty on my left hand, too!
Who are they?
What's wrong with your face?
Me, too! Me, too!
Weren't you listening just now?
If you're not good,
God is going to punish you--
I found dinner.
Run away!
The village is under attack!
The Danes
are attacking the village!
Shut up!
It's so warm here. I feel alive again.
What's with this family?
There's so many kids.
What do you want all of a sudden?
Milk porridge with barley and a bit of jerky.
It has onions in it.
Hey. Get everything that can be used
as a weapon.
This is terrible. You're eating some bad food.
Hey! What's wrong with you?
Don't waste food!
-You're going to be punished for this!
Are you okay? Hey!
How do you say it in English again?
"Give me all your food."
Yes. That's right.
-Hey, old man.
Give me all your food. I'll kill you.
And this one.
Is that all?
Put it there.
If we count two kids as one adult,
that makes 50 people.
That means there's only enough food for 50
to last the winter.
It won't be enough for 104 soldiers.
What am I going to do?
They captured everyone! What am I going to do?
Hey, Priest!
You're the prince's teacher.
That makes you our guest.
I'll forgive you just once.
But if you get in our way again,
I'm going to kill you on the spot.
I hate priests, to be honest.
Are you guys
Do any of you speak our language?
I beg you! Leave us half of the food!
Please, at least leave us half of the food.
If we have half, we can make it through the winter!
I have a baby! Please!
A baby? That's rough.
Don't worry. I made sure to think about you.
You don't have to worry about making it through
the winter.
Really? Really?
It's true.
You don't need to worry about making it through
this winter or any winters to come.
I'm going to release you from your suffering.
Askeladd. They're civilians.
Even if I let them live, I don't have any food
to feed them.
If even one of them escapes,
they're going to tell the enemy that we're here.
We can't allow that to happen.
How did it go? Were you able to dig the hole?
Yeah. We can fit 62 if we cram them in.
They're Christians!
So what?
This is what's best for the prince.
All right.
Any more questions?
No more questions.
Very well.
Kill them.
Are you watching?
Did my father,
my mother, my grandfather,
my brothers, and my sisters
arrive over there?
You aren't going to call me there too, right?
I feel elated now.
I can't believe
such evil people exist.
I can't believe
there are people who aren't afraid
of your punishment.
Just like the moment I stole this ring.
I feel
elated now.
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