When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

When the Devil Calls Your Name
Episode 14
First, let's save Luca.
I will fulfill the rest. I will fulfill all of your wishes.
Sign it right now. Sign it right now!
I wanted to see you.
And, goodbye, Ahjussi.
- I am certain there is a way to get your soul back.
- Don't get it wrong.
You're not giving it back to me. I will retrieve it.
I don't trust you anymore.
Quit music now.
Leave Soul Entertainment.
What just happened to Yi Gyeong is purely your will.
It's from your selfishness.
We should find a solution.
For each of us in our own way.
Where will my soul go, now?
If I have my soul until I die,
what does that mean to me?
You're going to take me now?
One at a time.
Yeah, let's stop.
Just like other humans.
I think it wouldn't have been like that.
Even the devil lies.
Soul Entertainment
The company's performances are at rock bottom when the company public listing is imminent.
Even managing of our celebrities are a mess.
As you can see, the directors are very worried.
Now that we are starting anew in our industry we have to bottle the new alcohol in a new unit.
If we get publicly listed and our stock price escalates, our CEO Ji can pull hard on her share.
Public listing.
Yes. My share will be nice. But when did you start thinking of this?
When we first co-worked as CEOs, or recently?
Did you plan this from the start? You bastard.
You threatened me and ripped off my shares. Are you firing CEO Ji?
CEO Ji is Soul Entertainment and Soul Entertainment is CEO Ji.
Rich people like you think you can run this place without CEO Ji.
PD Ha, watch what you're saying.
I am watching. How did this bastard sweet-talk you?
Do you think you're going public on KOSDAQ (Korean Stock Exchange) so you can make a fortune?
You trust this bastard when he's been like this for years?
Ha, this bastard's always been like this.
You're a dabbler in the arts, on the fringe, pretentious know-it-all.
I made you a person.
You are arrogant as if you're the top of the world just because you know the basic of how to compose.
Didn't I put food on your table?
- Are you finished?
- I have a lot to say. But
The directors are having a meeting. Why is an outsider present?
Did I pay the security team for this poor job?
Come up here and kick him out, now!
We're leaving.
You are not kicking me out but I am leaving voluntarily.
I don't need a share. Please buy my share as soon as possible.
Hey, why would you leave? This is your home.
You founded this place!
Hey, Lee Choong Ryeol. Without Harib or CEO Ji, how long do you think Soul Entertainment will last?
- How many days do you think you'll last?
- PD Ha, shut up.
All of you are making a huge mistake, you know?
I asked if you knew.
- That scamming bastard.
- Let's go.
How many days?
That bastard Lee Choong Ryeol came planning this from the start.
He's going to merge our company with Cat Pharmaceuticals or whatever and get listed in a round-about way.
- I knew everything.
- What?
If the stock price increased and we got investors through the round-about listing, I thought it would help the company.
I knew everything.
- I didn't think he'd fire me.
- CEO Ji.
But I'm remembering our past now that I'm with you here in daylight.
Do you remember, PD Ha?
Did you come for money?
I don't have any. Not a cent.
Um, excuse me
Are you okay?
Is it bad?
Did you really make this yourself?
You think I stole someone else's?
If you drink a toast to this, we have a contract.
Yes, ma'am.
So, starting from today, you're my exclusive producer?
So, starting from today, you're my boss?
I'm your boss.
Anyway, Harib presented me with a great 10 years.
That's enough.
Great 10 years?
In the last ten years, did I bring happiness to
the people around me whom I longed for?
Has my contract been a gift like that to me?
♫ Even though it sounds ♫
♫ I cannot hear anything ♫
♫ I pretend ♫
♫ as if I can hear it ♫
♫ Come to me ♫
♫ I can see you ♫
Sorry, but can we start again from the start?
What's the problem now?
It's the same problem. Your emotions aren't coming out.
Are you unwell?
Make those emotions from a machine. You're good at that.
I made this song with Harib so I know it well.
- Don't feel bad—
- There's nothing wrong with my singing.
I am the producer here
If you're going to play king you can leave.
You're fired.
In all my years of living—
You're not only old but deaf?
- What?
- Get out immediately.
Kelly. What are you saying to an elder?
Is this an amusement park? being old doesn't matter.
This all started with you.
This whole thing is a miracle that started because of you.
Yeah, it's all because of me.
I made Kelly like this.
Do you like me?
I learned hope from you.
Both hope and remorse are your feelings.
But don't be attached to me, it's annoying.
Father, everyone.
I was happy that I could be next to the people I love.
My father is trash and your father abandoned you.
Face the reality.
Are you curious? Should I tell you everything?
Are you the devil? Kelly told me everything.
Take me and return Kelly and my father back to the way they were originally.
Kid, there is nothing you can do.
You were brave for nothing.
Everything is my fault. If I disappear, it'll be fine.
Do you think your dad wants that when he sold his soul to save you?
Why did you save me? You should've let me die.
Why did you save me? Why?
All you have to do is live as you've done until now.
Please turn Kelly and my dad back to the way they were originally.
Your persistence is just like your father's.
Go back.
Please, I'm begging you.
It's like she's a very different person.
Like she completely forgot her past.
When I was young, I once went to a Catholic church with my mom.
The priest said this.
Even when hoping for something, we have to believe it with your whole heart.
Just wanting something is selfish.
I once hoped that the man I saw before my surgery was my father.
I wanted to know if I really saw him or if I had just hoped for him.
I don't know if I hoped for it so much I imagined it,
but since I hoped for it so much,
I began to think, "He's my dad. He's worried about me."
I wanted to see my dad so much.
So what happened that day felt real.
And I saw you. Definitely.
Kelly who used to smile at me. Kelly who used to cheer me up.
I feel bad that she forgot those memories.
Like what the father said,
if I believe desperately that Kelly will remember her past memories,
will she come back as well?
You must leave. You can't be here.
Your father sold his soul because of you, to save you.
I will leave, but not now.
I must save Kelly.
I must save my father.
Why are these things all over the place?
Let me see. Look at me!
I'd have finished him then. It'll not end like this.
I am okay, Gyeong Soo. Gyeong Soo.
Don't go Gyeong Soo. Gyeong Soo. Gyeong Soo.
You came. Why? So you can bust my head again?
You bastard.
You have the courage to hit me
but no courage to fess up that you did it.
Right? You got scared and didn't go to police academy.
You stupid idiot.
Are those wenches your family?
Those wenches are total strangers.
I am your father, bastard!
Do you even know whose son you are?
The day Mother first came to our house,
you said you'd live a new life.
And when you woke up after ten years of being unconscious, what did you say to us?
You said you'd live a new life!
Be quite, bastard.
I hear that wench is making good money these days.
Go and tell her to bring me booze money.
If I don't drink even one day,
thorns spike out of my forehead.
As it is, won't you have to take care of facing the reporters?
You are a devil.
Just give me the money for my booze and get lost, bastard.
Go bastard!
Ma'am. Give me another bottle.
Si Ho.
Hyung. Noona.
He drove away in a car with the key in it at the car repair center.
He drove about ten kilometers.
He was arrested by the police who received the report.
It's absolutely not a theft.
It's probably a mistake.
Is there any way out of this?
If this gets published, his life will be over.
That's not possible because he was caught in the act and the victim is adamant.
I stole my own car.
There she is.
Talk to her directly.
Is it still not wrapped up?
Yi Gyeong.
Don't you think this is too much? It's not like we don't know each other.
It's not like we don't know each other yet he stole my car.
That's why I reported him.
Yi Gyeong, it is Si Ho's car to be precise.
But you gave it to me. So it's my car.
He must pay for his crime if he stole someone else's property.
Have you forgotten it after becoming famous by stealing someone else's music?
I think my part is done. Have a good one.
If it had really been drugs and not salt that day
What decision would have been made?
Whatever the decision, it would have been painful.
Let's not blame ourselves for what happened today.
But if he makes trouble again, he'll be out.
Startled me.
Why am I worried about this?
I got fired and no longer the CEO.
Even though you got fired as the CEO, you still remain a person.
It's your wealth you accumulated.
Wealth? What I have left is a troublemaker singer and Harib who got fired with me?
The ten years with me, was it a really awesome ten years?
Of course.
We lived our lives so pathetically.
We lived fiercely.
Everyone lives like that as they sell their souls a little by little.
Selling their souls little by little?
Right. We all live like that.
That's comforting.
What are you plans for the future?
Do well.
I am not confident, but I should live well.
He must pay for his crime if he stole someone else's property.
Have you forgotten that you stole someone else's music and became famous?
Like what Father said
if I believe desperately that Kelly will remember her past memories,
will Kelly be back as well?
♫ Did our warm memories reach each other? ♫
Why don't you hire a housekeeper?
You are rich, aren't you?
Because I am scared to be found out.
Scared someone might recognize me.
I prayed desperately yesterday.
I prayed for someone to save me now. Doesn't matter who.
At that moment, well, you appeared. I thought you were an angel.
Like an angel
will I be able to save you?
♫ the voice I seem to know ♫
This porridge is really good.
♫ The voice ♫
If the memory disappears,
a scar appears in our hearts.
♫ I want to ask ♫
♫ You make me the colors of light ♫
Dong Hui, why aren't you answering your phone?
Did something happen to you?
Or are you disappointed in me?
I remember everything now.
3 years ago.
- Judge Jeong.
- Let's make it easy.
- Just because you are against it, will it become like that?
- Please save my father.
Even if you stand alone like that,
who'd acknowledge it?
Please save my father.
Please save, please.
He's been unconscious for three months now. My child is dying.
Please save my child.
Chae Han Industries, insufficient evidence for fatal accident on the job.
Dismissal of Naru Global on the charge of violating the Additional Punishment Act for Special Economic Crimes.
Charge dismissed. The charge against TPC Trade is dismissed for insufficient evidence.
Tiger Pharmaceuticals found not guilty for fatal accident on the job. Denied.
Insufficient evidence for fatal accident on the job. Denied.
Not guilty as charged.
Charges denied.
Insufficient evidence. Denied.
Charges denied.
Insufficient evidence. Denied.
A grown scar adds another pain and
it settles in place like that.
I was a coward.
I erased all my painful memories and ran away like that.
Look. Look.
Look, come to your senses. Look.
Look. Are you okay?
Why did you save me?
If you'd left me there, I wouldn't feel this awful.
If I left you like that there, then I'd have felt awful.
I hurt too many people because of my wrong decisions.
Don't you think there's a reason why you are sitting here now?
I should not forget. I must remember
and find a solution.
From now on, on my own.
You can erase a memory, but you can't erase a scar.
Hence, no matter how painful the memory is.
no matter how agonizing, we must remember.
This is Harib. I
want to see you.
Mr. PD, please help. Yi Gyeong is
Dong Hui.
I got a call from that bastard.
Yi Gyeong.
Gyeong. Gyeong.
Yi Gyeong. What's wrong?
Save me. Save me, Dong Hui.
Let go. I won't take this trash now.
No. No. No.
Habitual assault!
Circulating the video!
Even threats! You need to get the same experience, bastard.
What are you doing?
Give me the original.
What do you mean the original?
Hold on. I'll bring it. Bring it.
It's the last one.
Hey, kneel down.
Dong Hui. I really did wrong. Please forgive me.
You killed me. You go turn yourself in.
And! Engrave on your bone what you did.
Live with agony like me for the rest of your life.
I think you are mistaken. Do you think I am doing this because of Dong Hui?
Best friend.
Go ahead and hold hands and delete them until you die.
There you go acting all righteous.
You are that sort of a person, right?
Just what kind of a person are you?
You are the same. No different from any other human.
Do you want me to show you a true human image?
Take a look. Hamans never change.
Who is this? Isn't this my precious daughter?
Did you come to give me some money?
I hear you make a lot of money these days.
I won't hold it in now. I won't let it slide for anyone who's blocking my path.
I am going to step on them cruelly.
So don't interfere in my business.
Gyeong. Who is punk?
Is he your this?
Nose booger.
I am looking for the cruelest way to destroy him.
Look at your glare.
Why? Did your mother say something?
Did she say she got hit?
I should've ripped that wench's mouth.
I found a way.
If I am blocking your path, then step on me.
But you better completely step on me first.
Yi Gyeong is in danger.
I don't know what to do.
A very long time ago, an angel saved a dying child.
And took care of the murderer who killed the child.
That angel became a fallen angel and wanders around the human world.
Then he proposed a bet with God.
For very selfish reasons, the humans
are evil beings capable of selling their own souls.
God believed in human goodwill
and accepted the bet.
He allowed him to buy human souls.
That fallen angel
became the devil who saves the corrupted humans on his own.
That is Ryoo, the one who made the contract with you.
What is it that you wanted to confirm by giving and taking my soul?
I am right,
and God is wrong.
So I won.
But Ryoo is wrong this time.
Yi Gyeong selling her soul was a sacrifice for someone else.
She didn't sell her soul for her own desire.
It was because of me.
Is there a way to turn this around?
Are you saying you want to turn her soul around on your own?
I am going to turn it around.
Even if I have to sell mine again.
I guess you carry many souls with you.
Are you joking now?
He probably told you to bring him a grade-one soul, right?
That's why you probably took her to him.
But there's a no such thing as a grade-one soul.
Pardon me?
Do you think a soul that is nice to everyone in the world
can exist in the human world?
If so, then it's not a human but a god.
Explain so I can understand—
I am saying it so you could understand it, idiot.
What's important now is not Yi Gyeong but you.
Don't worry about me.
What about Gyeong? What about Yi Gyeong's soul?
Do I just give up like this?
If everything in the world
goes according to God's will, don't you think it's too vain?
That thing called "human will."
Don't you think it's useful for something?
Five-thousand won.
I didn't drink it. Did I ask for it?
Who are you?
What are you?
Someone who delivers God's will.
Seo Dong Cheon.
Seo Dong Cheon. Your contract ends in 10 days.
God? Why God?
You told me my contract is for a lifetime.
Right. That is if you got Kim Yi Gyeong's soul contract directly yourself.
Let's do the contract. Contract with me.
But God claims I signed the contract directly with Kim Yi Gyeong and not you.
He talks about formality.
Very much into details.
You didn't bring Yi Gyeong's signed contract.
Hence the lifetime contract between you and me is void.
Thus, the prior contract remains unchanged.
This is God's order to complete the contract according to the original terms.
So, the bill
God will send it directly to you.
That's ridiculous. What are you talking about now?
He's saying it's time to end the bet.
From this moment on,
he's notifying me that I cannot make a new soul contract.
He's being adamant again.
It's a small divine act.
Then, me what am I?
- What about Luca?
- Nothing will happen to Luca.
No. Even if something happens to Luca, it's God's will, not mine.
That's just his destiny.
And now, there's nothing you can do.
Then, are you just stepping down so irresponsibly?
No, I don't acknowledge God's notices or orders.
But that's an issue between God and me. It has nothing to do with you.
How can it have nothing to do with me?
When you guys keep playing with us, how can it have nothing to do with us?
Devil bastard. You are just the same!
Gosh. He's brought out human wrath.
Do you think humans are nothing? Ignoring humans?
Do we look like insects to you?
Recovery of a soul?
Recovery of a soul? Try doing as you please.
Now you guys doing as you please, two can play the same game.
The disturbance involving singer Kelly and the popular producer Harib
at a restaurant is the talk of the town.
The reason why the two used violence
against Chef Jeong at M Restaurant.
is shocking. He is a repeat offender in assault and sex crimes.
A video
filmed by an eyewitness has been uploaded to the internet.
Netizens are concerned about the actions of both of them.
There is a wide range of responses.
There is heated debate for and against.
He's such a bad actor.
He should be punished somehow.
Even so, isn't a violent method wrong?
Unni Kelly and Harib were awesome.
Meanwhile, the victim of the restaurant rampage identified only as Chef Jeong
refuses to answer any questions
- and has turned a deaf ear to reporters' requests.
- Right. They aren't monsters.
The prosecutor's office investigated the victim previously
and concluded that the investigation process was not out of ordinary.
As the event has aroused social consciousness,
it is known that the investigation is being internally reviewed.
Seo Dong Cheon: Your ten-year contract will expire in ten days.
If everything in the world is done according to God's will, wouldn't that be too futile?
That thing called human will.
Don't you think it's something useful?
Against those who have iresistable power,
the only weapon I have is human will.
That's the only thing
♫ No one can achieve it. ♫
♫ Even if you run closer and closer toward the front ♫
♫ it seems like you can't even get halfway tnere ♫
Director Kim Yi Gyeong
I groomed you for a year and set the table for you, and you flipped the table?
Would you like to crawl back to the bottom?
That's why I shouldn't have associated with someone who wasn't first-class at the start.
Are you a woman who can sit there quivering in arrogance?
How can you be such an arrogant violence-prone bitch?
♫ How far do I have to look to find it? ♫
♫ I call and I call again ♫
♫ Don't turn and look back ♫
♫ Come back to me ♫
You're a bitch, huh?
On the news Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!
♫ How far far away ♫
♫ must I go to find it? ♫
♫ I call you and call again ♫
♫ Don't turn back and look and ♫
♫ come back to me ♫
♫ Even if it was not during a long life ♫
♫ I wished I met you once ♫
♫ How far far away ♫
What are you?
♫ must I go to find it? ♫
When he sings every night, wouldn't you say the owner is noisy?
The owner's grandmother is deaf.
This room may seem shabby, but because I'm here I'll bear it and live here.
But then, every day?
♫ Don't turn back and look and ♫
♫ Come back to me. ♫
Did you ask what kind of person I am?
♫ Saying come back to me with a gesture ♫
♫ By the time this song is over ♫
♫ Will this insignificant dream soar again? ♫
Due to my selfishness I took advantage of that pathetic kid and was going to throw her away.
You asked who I was.
♫ o somehere in my vague and painful dream? ♫
Someone who is worthless.
But you are different. For the sake of someone who is worthless.
on a charge of theft,
you've taken care of everything for an unlucky family.
You were a child who made such sacrifices.
When you fell forward, it fractured the back of your head,
It was because even when you were falling forward, you cared about someone who was falling next to you.
That's why you looked so unhappy.
Even so, you haven't given up on hope, you haven't given up on your dreams.
"you didn't give up on yourself."
You didn't abandon me who was worthless.
You were that kind of child.
There was only one thing I wanted from you.
Become like an eave for me.
The kind of eave that if it rained, I could go under for a while for respite.
But what got rid of the eave wasn't me but you.
Even though I heard that from you,
because you heard this song for you, you came here.
Gyeong, it's my fault.
Return to the way you were before.
I am still Kim Yi Gyeong.
Gyeong, I'll ask one last favor of you.
- In the time I have left—
- I'll warn you one last time.
Don't interefere in my life anymore.
Good bye.
Dong Hui.
♫ Talking to yourself like a habit ♫
You can't access voicemail
♫ will be fine. It's okay. ♫
I'm sorry. I really didn't know.
Dong Hui!
♫ Someday ♫
Dong Hui!
♫ it will make me laugh ♫
♫ I tried even though it's more awkward than in the mirror ♫
♫ All things must pass ♫
♫ Even the soft tears I held back ♫
♫ while counting the stars ♫
♫ will they all pass? ♫
♫ Both what happened yesterday ♫
Dad's life.
♫ and my weary spirit which I want to set aside. ♫
I don't mind if it wasn't the best.
It's okay even if he was a failure.
Even if he is just a father
I'm fine with it.
Ryoo came. The 31st Ryoo.
I know. It's God's will.
You must follow it.
So what?
Even now, must I go on my knees? Should I beg for forgiveness?
In order, in order.
We should accept punishment as determined by God.
And humans now must each follow newly determined destinies.
What about the child Luca?
Are you caught in a lie?
He also must live according to his destiny.
God was wrong. I proved it.
No. He is never wrong.
Son. There is just one soul now.
Please find one soul, even if it is the only one.
It's your task.
It can be a way to avoid the harshest punishment.
It's the last request of this incompetent father.
As you did then, you always don't listen to me.
I came here looking for you.
There were just those pathetic souls next to you.
The reason I came here is none other than you.
Only after hared has grown this big.
It's only after anger grew like this! Why are you saying this?
Like then, you just blame me! Like then, you only disrespect me!
That's what my father is.
That is the real face of my father!
Within your memory
I wish, even if it is a hideous image, that I will remain.
Even that is too large a wish.
I am sorry, Son.
I know my sins well.
However, in everything I did it was not my intention to defy God.
He knows also.
Yesterday I apologized to my son.
He seemed to understand.
He is the reason I abandoned my duties and came down to this world.
Will that be enough? Isn't that right?
To completely forgot, to be forgotten
is truly terrifying.
Why did God make this the worst punishment?
Why does a horde of demons think this is among the largest temptations?
Keep that in mind.
The view is like a picture.
Great location, great view, designed by a renowned architect and constructed with the finest materials.
Everyone is standing in line to have it.
There is only one property left like this.
But will you be able to pay the security deposit, Miss?
One billion? It's okay.
Miss, you've really succeeded.
I saw it on TV.
When you swung that bat and everything went flying, oh ooh!
I felt that was so cool. Really.
Hold on. I'd like you to give me an autograph later. Okay?
Yes, Madame?
Yes, she'd sign the contract.
Is this what you want?
I heard from the company.
When are you moving? Tell me if you need an errand boy.
If you are happy now, I will help you do whatever you want.
I prayed earnestly to God.
I asked you to remember your old self.
But I wondered if you would be happy with your old you.
I just want you to be happy.
I heard you told Luca that he could stay here?
It's one week.
Only one week. I said him he could stay for another week.
And I'll send him.
I can't do more than that.
All right.
One week. But I think I should go first.
Luca's father in Montenegro called me because he does not feel great.
Oh, I see.
Seo Dong Cheon.
You said you couldn't meet him these days, right?
My gosh, sometime we are so indifferent, right?
Sometime we hurt people and in return, we are even more hurt.
Leave? Are you serious?
You want me to leave?
I will soon turn 50 years old.
I'm living in a small room with just enough money for eating.
But you are the one who said first that you loved me.
Don't you know why?
I don't know!
What more do I have to know about?
Didn't we live together because we did not want to be alone?
You're a real jerk!
I liked him because he was a good person.
And I loved the way he played music.
But we weren't honest with each other to the end.
I didn't want to grab that poor man's ankles and bring him down with me,
and I didn't want to be a burden to the artist.
It was my choice to have and raise Luca alone, but I never gave him a chance.
I'm sorry for that.
For taking away Luca's chance, I'm sorry too.
No. You gave me a chance.
Are you leaving?
Without seeing your son?
Did you tell him about me? Don't call me again.
Let's live as now.
It was I who gave up that opportunity.
We grew up without maturing.
We were both stupid.
I'm sorry for all this useless talk.
Please, take care of Luca for me.
This is the command center. This is the command center. All officers on duty, stay off the radio.
Stay off the radio.
On 87 Baeksang Street, Apartment B 01
People report hearing the sound of a screaming woman being beaten.
Domestic abuse! Domestic abuse!
This is car 24, 24. We were en route to a drunkard's case
but we will go to the domestic abuse case first because we are in the vicinity.
Please send someone else to the drunkard's case.
- Aren't we going to a noraebang?
-Turn the car around.
- What about the noraebang?
- Turn the car around!
Officer Oh, just stay here.
Yes. Go.
No, Gyeong Soo.
This is how it was from the start.
You can't go through this again.
Don't try to go around it.
It is as it is.
You know that, Gyeong Soo.
Tae Kang? Did he change that much? He's not the old Tae Kang.
It's not the Tae Kang from the past.
He is saying it's hard to see you because you're too busy.
Did he really say he wanted to treat you to a proper meal just once for the last time?
The last time.
Oppa, I enjoyed your performance.
Congratulations on your performance.
Congratulations on your performance.
Mo Tae Kang
Always when you leave, you turn away from me looking so cool.
Just why are you showing up in front of me now?
I wanted to hurt you as much as I have suffered.
You also, that much.
I wanted to see you suffer.
For the last time, there's just one thing I have to say.
Wait a moment. Wait.
Are you there, Mo Tae Kang?
Tae Kang, do you hear what I'm saying?
You're drunk. Go home.
You deceived me to the end.
Did you think that's what I wanted of you?
So you sold your soul to the devil?
I know what you are feeling now.
I thought it was love but it was a game.
We were already finished a long time ago.
I couldn't admit defeat.
That's why I am obsessed.
I thought this person wasn't Mo Tae Kang. I thought it wasn't Mo Tae Kang.
I should be angry.
I should be grateful to this person
for allowing me to end it properly.
Okay. With Mo Tae Kang in here.
It's completely over.
You're the devil no.
Thank you for lying.
Both, I am the devil. And you are the devil.
We are all the same.
Don't hurt.
Live well.
Memory. When the memory disappears
a lump forms in out heart.
Please get some sleep, Seo Yeong.
For the last ten years I created Harib and Harib created music.
Plargiarism. I didn't care who did it.
Plagiarism is a non-occurence.
I will leave before it happens.
You can make the right decision.
You're not Mo Tae Kang.
Hello, Mr. Devil.
It's Seo Yeong.
If you really want that, then I will acknowledge that you are the devil.
Let's start again, from the beginning.
Both I am the devil and you are the devil.
The same.
You really are high-maintenance.
Seo Yeong! CEO Ji!
Seo Yeong! Seo Yeong!
I thought you were dead.
Just how many pills did you take?
As we're in this moment, what is happening to us?
What meaning does it have for us?
I can not know what role it has in my life.
That day I threw away my music.
Ten years ago, I threw myself away here
and everything changed.
It ruined not only me, but everyone around me.
Seo Dong Cheon Demo
If it is a punishment, I'll refuse it. If it is a joke, I will punish you.
There isn't anything else left.
Take my soul now.
And return everything to the way it was before.
If you're not going to return them, it's better if you kill me.
All I have to do is cease to exist.
How many times do I have to tell you?
All right.
Then you die.
You're the only one who will be gone.
I'll kill you as you want.
Did you long for death that much?
You can't do that.
Our contract is forever and you've lost your soul and want to die too.
You must live.
Just me only.
Let me die alone.
Everything you said was correct.
Everything was my name, my life.
So when I die, return everything.
I beg of you.
I never called your name.
It was you who called me desperately.
Driven by filthy greed you anxiously called my name.
You are the very ones.
I said I was wrong.
I said I was wrong.
I am begging you like this saying I am to blame.
I'm begging. Please.
I'm begging like this. I'm saying it's all my fault!
There was the last chance.
Even if everything was part of my plan,
in the end, you could have not agreed to the contract.
The phrases written in the contract must have been too sweet.
Remember that it was what you wanted.
The contract will never end.
I have to live forever without a soul
The contract will never end.
Now I must throw away my soul soon.
I don't want to.
I don't want to live like that.
How do you want to kill me?
Like this?
It's a shame your hobby collection is flying.
So kill me.
I said to kill me!
Now those souls
have no way to return.
When the Devil Calls Your Name Preview
- Hey, do me a favor.
- No.
Just one. Just one.
Inspiration? I don't need that.
As of right now, I'm good enough to be the best.
I didn't have the courage.
I was too selfish.
There are reports that Harib plagiarized Kelly's songs twice in the past.
There are also other songs.
I must create a song.
The last song before my soul disappears.
What did you want to do first when you met your father?
Let Hyung do it instead.
I don't know why but I want to hug you.
The will of god is enforced.
Now I will surrender my soul.
I must be erased.
You must make me disappear forever.
This is final.
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