Wonderful World (2024) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

She's back after eight years,
introducing Eun Soohyun.
Let's give her a round of applause.
This is Han Yuri,
Eun Soohyun's old manager.
What have you prepared so far?
If there's anything else, I'll prepare it.
I can contact the media for you.
Everything has a right time.
As for me, that time is now.
What can you tell us
about your new book?
My new book
will be written based on true events.
It's the hidden truth
about my son's accident.
There was another culprit
to my son's accident that day.
Wait, who is that person?
Presidential candidate
Kim Joon.
Do you have definitive proof?
That concludes the event.
The police have called
to get your statement.
They're going to start the investigation.
We will start questioning the complainant.
Eun Soohyun, is this the original file?
Why did you file
a complaint against Kim Joon?
Someone's coming.
How's the current
investigation going?
- It's still ongoing.
- Check the facts for us.
We'll announce the results
when we have it.
- Answer us briefly.
- Please wait.
Discuss some of the progress with us.
Eun Soohyun is being questioned
as the complainant.
Shouldn't we report this too?
Can you handle the consequences
if Kim Joon becomes president?
- Still
- Don't act recklessly.
He wanted us to have a sense of mission.
It must be true that
he's joining Kim Joon's camp.
Dear citizens,
there have been groundless rumors
circulating around me recently.
The deep-rooted tree
is not swayed by the wind.
I will not lose against slander and lies.
I will protect the people to the end.
Kim Joon!
Kim Joon!
- Kim Joon!
- Congressman.
I got a call from the chief.
You have to go for a questioning.
Kim Joon!
Thank you so much.
- Thank you!
- Number one! Kim Joon!
- Thank you for your support.
- Kim Joon!
You've had such a difficult time.
You just have to sign it now.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
What were you doing
when this all happened?
I'm sorry.
I took measures with
the social and political department.
I didn't think she'd use
her new book event to attack you.
What did the party say?
A few of the other congressmen
have been acting strange.
I'm looking into it.
Who is it?
But all of them
were Gwon Seonyul's targets from before.
First, we'll countersue Eun Soohyun
for defamation
- and refuse to attend the questioning.
- That's why you're incapable.
Tell them
I'll attend.
Best way to fight
is to win it without fighting.
We can take over the castle
without having to attack directly.
Can't we?
Open Gwon Jiwoong's file.
Yes, sir.
How do you feel about the fact
that Eun Soohyun is suing you?
I have a favor to ask.
She's going through a hard time
after losing her son.
If slandering me
will lessen her sadness,
it's fine with me.
Eun Soohyun
is also a precious citizen I must protect,
is she not?
So I want all of you
to stop slandering her.
Eun Soohyun has accused you
of being an accomplice
in her son's accident.
When it comes to that,
I hope the misunderstanding
can be cleared.
To be honest,
I have received a recording file
from Gwon Jiwoong's family.
I contemplated a lot on
whether to disclose this or not.
I think I should expose the truth,
so I'll let you all hear it.
You ruined my child's life.
So apologize properly!
Look here, lady. That's enough.
I won't be considerate anymore.
What the hell? Seriously?
Hey, do you know how many businesses
I'm involved in right now?
Do you know how many deals I've lost
because of your kid?
He could've died anywhere else!
Why did he have to get hit by my car?
This is the conversation between the two
right before she killed him.
As you heard,
Gwon Jiwoong was the one that hit her son.
Eun Soohyun will reveal the answer
to whether this file is the truth or not.
I drank a lot
with Gwon Jiwoong that night.
He called me to say he hit a child,
I told him to take him to the hospital.
I said to turn himself in.
He abandoned the child.
- What now?
- I told him
-The press is overturned.
- no human
-should ever do such a thing.
- The comments too. They all pity him.
Yes, Mr. Park?
The response
from Kim Joon's supporters
towards you isn't great.
They're saying you joined
the opposing party
so you can hurt Kim Joon's image.
It's best to be careful for now.
- You could be at risk.
- No.
I have no intention
of playing into Kim Joon's show.
I will
go all the way.
- Mom, eat up.
- Okay.
I'm going to my friend's house
in the countryside for a while.
- Mom.
- I want to take time off
and enjoy fresh air.
Let me do that.
The weather's nice.
Mom, I'll bring you back home.
For you
and for Gunwoo,
I have something to do.
Come in.
Are you living here?
Take a seat.
- Okay.
- I'll bring some tea.
Did Soohyun
tell you about her mom?
Your mother-in-law
has dementia.
I went by the restaurant to check
and the place was up for rent.
They're not home either.
Then again,
how could she stay mentally stable?
I only lost my grandson,
and I've been losing my mind.
I went to someone like that,
and I asked her to forgive you.
I begged her.
Look at me.
No matter what happens to you and Soohyun,
you can't
turn a blind eye to your mother-in-law.
That would make you inhumane.
didn't raise you like that.
You should take care of her.
I came here to tell you that.
I should go. Don't see me out.
what's left for me to do?
When there's no other way,
I have one last choice.
The act of having courage.
In the presidential race,
Kim Joon of the Hankuk United Party
is accused of murder.
The truth has yet to be uncovered.
He attended his questioning,
denied the charges
and released related recordings.
Kim Joon's attorney has not stated
any position after hearing the facts.
He attended the police investigation
and revealed a recording between
Eun Soohyun and Gwon Jiwoong.
According to the recording,
Gwon Jiwoong confessed to the crime
and shows that Eun Soohyun
is aware of the fact.
There will be repercussions
after determining its
I am a mother who unjustly lost
a child to drunk driving.
I stand here
not as a professor or a writer,
but as a mother of my child, Kang Gunwoo.
For my son who died in fear and pain,
I will never
let the truth get covered up.
If you fail,
then I'll step in
and kill Kim Joon for you.
Thank you.
That's right.
Did you see Eun Soohyun protesting?
Her son died,
and her delusions got worse.
I knew she seemed strange.
Some say she's doing it
to sell her book.
Excuse me? Do you know Eun Soohyun?
How much do you know about her?
More than me? Her family?
My sister-in-law
isn't that type of person.
So please don't talk about her like that.
- Yes.
- Excuse me!
What brings you here?
Did you know Eun Soohyun
is protesting on her own?
- Yes, we knew.
- By chance,
can you post it
on the students' bulletin board?
Yes, hello.
Can you post a notice on the site?
Yes, please share it on other sites too.
You can't stand being cold.
Then again,
you buried your child in the cold ground.
How could you ever feel warm after that?
I'm leaving.
Take good care of yourself.
Thank you.
- I heard you went through trouble.
- It's fine.
I got to ride the media wave
thanks to your wife.
I'm getting more attention.
I should be thanking her.
Just leave her alone.
Didn't you see my interview?
Eun Soohyun is one
of my precious citizens.
My team will go to your camp
to get media coverage.
I'll make sure to get a good one for you.
I'll look forward to it.
Hey, Seonyul. It's been a while.
- What's going on?
- I wanted to give you one last chance.
Stop fooling the people. It's disgusting.
Seonyul, you keep upsetting me.
You were always so obedient to me.
Who turned you into this monster?
I'm really curious.
Can someone who killed another person
become the president?
Contract killing?
Do you want to die?
Haven't you killed enough?
I don't care if I have to kill
a hundred or a thousand people.
I'll kill anyone who gets in my way.
Kill me just like
- you did with my mom.
- I'm thinking.
Should I kill just you or Eun Soohyun too?
- Don't mess with her anymore.
- You little punk
Let's die here together.
Hey, Seonyul. It's been a while.
- What's going on?
- I wanted to give you
Why did you do that
to Gunwoo?
I know, right?
It would've been nice
if he had just died on impact.
It would've been easier for him.
For me too.
Do you know how I got this far?
Despite everything,
I'll become the president.
Stop acting up.
- The poor thing.
- I know.
Professor Eun Soohyun
is such a good person.
That's right. We can testify for her.
She's not the person who'd ever lie.
I'd protest with her
if my knees would allow it.
Eun Soohyun is someone
I'll never forget.
She lifted me up when I gave up.
She's a good person.
- Did you hear about Eun Soohyun?
- Yes, let's help.
She's no other than Professor Eun.
I know. She even loaned me
tuition when I was in financial trouble.
- Gotta pay her back.
- I'm going to go see her.
Yes, I understand.
Take down all the stories of her now.
- Send someone to the scene.
- I'll get right on it.
- Now, now. Let's start!
- Leave anonymous comments.
- Delete all the stories about Eun Soohyun.
- Delete these.
- Okay. It's urgent.
- Leave comments on that.
We need to delete them quickly.
Please delete all of them!
- Soohyun failed suicide attempt
- Does she want attention?
- Who'd believe that?
- She wants to benefit from Joon.
She received money
from the opposing party to harm Kim Joon.
A presidential candidate
attracts annoying people. Poor Kim Joon.
With her son dead,
she must have gone crazy with depression.
I worked here for 15 years.
There was no one like Professor Eun.
She always approached me first
and greeted me so warmly.
She even gave me this scarf.
There are so many people
insulting her online.
It's not true. She's a good person.
Ms. Eun Soohyun?
Good luck.
We're rooting for you.
Good luck.
We lost our family
in an accident too.
We came here to join you.
Thank you.
Let's stand behind her.
- What's all this?
- I'm so sick of this.
It's been years since your kid died!
That's enough, will you?
Why would you come here
and do this?
You punk!
How much longer
will you milk this?
Excuse me! What are you doing?
What did the congressman do?
Step back!
- Overthrow Kim Joon!
- That's enough! Stop it!
- Overthrow Kim Joon!
- Get rid of it!
How much longer will you do this?
Professor Eun, you had a rough day.
We came for you.
Good luck. You can do this.
We'll cheer for you.
-Good luck.
- Ignore the weather, you got this.
We're sorry we're late.
We're here to join you.
You can do this.
Good luck!
We're here to support you! Good luck!
We'll always support you.
- We'll always be with you. Good luck!
- Good luck!
- You can do this.
- Good luck.
Good luck!
I was friends with Gunwoo as a kid.
- I brought the kids from school.
- Hello!
- Good luck!
- You can do this!
Professor, thank you for everything.
You can do this.
Cheer up.
Cheer up!
- Good luck!
- Good luck!
Cheer up.
- With the people
- Together!
- a prepared president
- Kim Joon!
Kim Joon!
A prepared president,
Presidential candidate Kim Joon!
Kim Joon!
Kim Joon!
- Hello, sir.
- Hey.
Kim Joon!
Kim Joon!
We're a minute out.
Everyone, the person who can protect
this country!
Who is it?
Kim Joon!
I, Kim Joon,
will turn crisis into opportunities.
I'll make sure all citizens
have the right to safety,
and make Korea
a happy place to live!
Hello, viewers. I'm Kang Suho.
Today's first news
will be an exclusive report by ABS.
The leading presidential candidate,
Kim Joon,
has been accused of murder
and crucial video evidence
has been exclusively acquired by ABS.
I will release the video sent by Mr. Gwon.
Let's watch it together.
Hansang, I have a plan.
I'm going to work for Kim Joon.
Kim Joon will never trust me.
He'll only trust my weakness.
So I'll try and use it.
The moment he puts his guard down,
I'm going to take him down.
Hey, Kang Suho!
People are whispering, you jerk!
Kim Joon's sniper
has become his sycophant!
Let's take down Kim Joon together.
Why did you do that to Gunwoo?
I know, right?
It would've been nice
if he had just died on impact.
It would've been easier for him.
For me too.
Deepfakes are so common these days.
I can just say the rest are manipulated.
Stop the broadcast!
- What do you think you're doing!
- No, sir.
- We have to release this.
- Get out of the way!
You don't believe this, do you?
- We don't believe it!
- No!
It's a deepfake! It's manipulated!
That's right!
They're trying to slander me!
Don't be fooled!
Kim Joon!
The tablet you see right now was recovered
on the day of the accident, July 12, 2015,
and belonged to the late Kang Gunwoo.
It recorded the details before
and after the accident.
Let's hear the urgent voices
of the scene together.
The kid saw my face.
- What do I do about this?
- What?
I'm so close to the Blue House
Do I have to stop in my tracks
just because I stepped on a little bug?
Or shall we make sure it's dead
- and keep going?
- What? Wait.
I am speaking to you
not as an Anchorman Kang Suho,
but as a citizen
and a father of a child.
A killer of a six-year-old boy,
a destroyer of a peaceful family
stands before you
claiming to be a president
that serves the people.
But he deceived the people
and tried to be above the law.
He's a criminal
who must be brought to justice.
remember the voice
of Gunwoo who cried out for his mother
in his last moments
as he laid alone
on that cold ground.
Let's go.
If that's real,
you have my head!
They're trying to defame me!
Don't be fooled!
Who will be the people's president?
You must choose wisely!
Wait for me!
Wow! It's you!
It's my dad!
You're so cool.
You're the best! The best!
You were right.
I respect the decision you made back then.
You were more righteous
than any other journalist.
Everyone! Don't be startled!
All of this is
What are you doing?
That's not even the original.
- Stop it right now.
- It's the original, Congressman.
- What?
- From now on,
I won't be answering your calls.
Why did you do that to my mom?
- Well
- If you say it was Kim Joon,
who will believe you?
Kim Joon's finished.
You know I have a lot of evidence.
If I submit the evidence I have
who do you think
will take the fall for it?
Will you sink with Kim Joon
or get off the boat before it's too late?
It would've been nice if he had just
died on impact.
Deepfakes are so common these days.
I can just say the rest are manipulated.
Just until a few hours ago,
Eun Soohyun was struggling alone.
Despite terrible weather conditions,
more and more people are rallying
around her.
She stood up to a greater power
to uncover the truth.
She didn't do it as a professor or author,
but as a mother, and it has greatly moved
the hearts of the people.
You are under arrest for the murder
of Kang Gunwoo and Kim Eunmin.
You have the right to an attorney
and a chance to state your case.
You have the right to remain silent.
You have the right to file an appeal
to the courts.
Let's go.
Get this off of me.
I'm still a presidential candidate.
Let's go.
We did it!
We won!
We'll start the news
with last night's ABS's exclusive
which is now called the Kim Joon Gate.
All of the illegal acts of Kim Joon,
former Hankuk United Party's candidate,
are being uncovered one-by-one.
There have been allegations
of illegal profiting
from transferring funds
through a paper company.
This afternoon, Kim Joon will be indicted
on charges of fleeing overseas
with assets and embezzlement.
After signing the MOU
for Baekdudaegan Law Firm,
CEO Hwang Jiseok and Cho Seonghan made
over 200 billion won in slush funds.
A ledger was found with related people
from the political community
-and has been causing a stir.
- When Kim Joon was the mayor of Seoul,
there were human casualties
in the Buyeongdong fire.
Shockingly, it turned out to be a planned
arson for the redevelopment.
Various crimes committed by
Congressman Kim Joon are evident.
This is a very serious situation.
We can't entrust state affairs
to a criminal.
The Hankuk United Party
officially announces
the resignation of Kim Joon.
Case 2024-1427
and a consolidated trial in regards
to Case 2024-1657
will begin now.
Can we have the first witness?
My child was very sick.
Kim Joon said he'd save our child,
so my husband did what Kim Joon had asked
and hit Kim Eunmin with his car.
I worked under Kim Joon
for years,
and he assaulted me habitually.
He made me do all types of dirty deeds.
Among them,
he asked me to hire a hitman.
That day,
Kim Joon was near the scene
of Gunwoo's accident.
Right after the accident,
Kim Joon took away the security camera
in front of my house,
my dash cam and even my cell phone.
I can submit my call history
from that day.
I finally got
to keep the promise
I made that I'll help you.
I'm sorry it took so long.
I'd like to call
on Gwon Seonyul, the complainant
in Kim Eunmin's case, as a witness.
According to the recording
submitted as evidence,
it seems the defendant, Kim Joon,
and your father had made a deal.
Do you know what deal it was?
At the time,
I was in need of a heart transplant.
Kim Joon used my heart transplant
to make a deal with my father.
The heart inside my body
is proof of that.
Counsel, cross-examine the witness.
There's a witness who saw
you and Eun Soohyun visiting
each other's home often.
What's your relationship with her?
Objection, Your Honor.
- That has nothing to do with the trial.
- I
approached Eun Soohyun intentionally.
I wanted to ruin her.
the person who killed my father
had to be a bad person.
She was the first person
who told me to live properly.
She meddled in my life.
She worried about what I ate.
She looked into my wounds.
No one consoled me like that before.
Just as she said,
I won't waste my life anymore.
That's why I came here today.
I hope people who were hurt
and are in pain
will gain the strength to rise back up.
I will give the sentence
for Case 2024-1427
and Case 2024-1657
of the consolidated trial.
Considering various evidence
such as video footage at the time
of the incident among the charges filed,
the defendant's guilt regarding
the fleeing of the murder suspect
is acknowledged.
The defendant, after this incident,
has not sincerely apologized
or compensated the victim's families
for over eight years.
Furthermore, the defendant has not shown
any signs of remorse.
Therefore, this court
sentences Kim Joon
to life in prison.
I'm sorry, Congressman.
Get ready to appeal.
Mom, does that hurt?
Let me blow on it for you.
It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?
Don't cry, Mom.
I heard you were punished severely.
I didn't get fired.
It was a broadcast accident
and a scoop at once.
When Gunwoo
left the front door,
I didn't hear the door open.
The person who didn't shut the gate
was me.
Heejae, try turning around.
Now, take it slow.
There you go.
Heejae, great job!
Where are you going?
Happy, where are you going?
I know why you stopped then.
I do.
Take a look. It's from that day.
There you go.
Heejae, great job!
Do you still have nothing to lose?
There wasn't a single day
when I didn't blame myself.
What if I didn't shut the door?
I felt so guilty.
Every night was painful.
I wanted to die.
It's not
your fault.
All that time
I bet it was so hard for you too.
It's time for you
to find peace too.
Soohyun, for as long as I have lived,
I thought I would have to protect you
and my son at any moment.
But I couldn't do that.
I always felt sorry.
I was unaware.
You're a much stronger person
than I could ever be.
That you shine on your own.
I'm sorry.
Also, thank you.
I heard you're appealing.
Of course.
Something unfair has happened to me.
Shouldn't I go by the law?
Do it by the law this time
and get punished.
Tell me.
Do you feel like a hero now?
Seonyul, just because you got rid of me
doesn't mean the world will change.
I know that.
But this world
isn't just filled with people like you.
There are good people out there.
It'll get better.
Come on.
Do you think I'll end here?
Far from it.
A never-ending trial
will be waiting for you.
We're just getting started.
This is your end.
Where are we?
It's the Wishing Tree.
If you make a wish here,
it'll come true.
What's your wish?
I don't have one.
Then think of one.
Let's not
live like a bare tree anymore.
Let's sprout and live.
Don't stay in dying things.
Is this a farewell?
I hope you will be warm
to yourself
with the time you have left.
Then one day,
you'll get a call
that everything
is okay now.
You too.
You're so beautiful today.
Aren't you cold?
My sweet son-in-law.
My mom isn't sick.
Maybe she just went back in time
to when she was happy.
Wait, Director!
We have to do this.
We barely got the proof
from undercover coverage and we can't?
Did I tell you not to do it?
It was the boss.
This is media suppression!
"We'll reject
"any interference or pressure,
"internal or external,
from individuals or groups"
including power
and financial influences
"that threaten the freedom of press."
Dang, you're so loud.
Get back to work.
- Do you have to release that?
- Yes.
It's justice.
Do it then.
But take responsibility.
No, I'll take responsibility.
Don't be scared and do it.
I love you, sir!
I love you!
I respect you! I love you!
You opened an exhibit with your skills
of shooting a gun.
- Goodness, you're amazing.
- Thank you.
- The flowers are beautiful.
- Really?
I think you're more beautiful.
Stop it.
I'll buy you a meal.
Let's eat what you want.
I want Korean beef!
I'll be right back
after I put these in a vase.
Thanks for being so nice to her, Mom.
I want do better my second time around.
Coffee's here.
Have some coffee.
Take it easy.
You haven't slept in three days.
This is insane.
We launch next month.
Be honest. Did you like being a CEO
of the editorial shop?
Mmm, nope.
I like working my own brand a lot better.
We're all living our own lives.
As for me, I have a child again.
My sweet babies.
Wow, there are
so many good things here!
Wooju, it's your birthday today.
Eat as much as you want.
Can I really eat all of this?
Of course.
Thank you for the meal!
It's not just chicken. It's grilled.
- It tastes better.
- Really?
It's so good with the scorched rice.
Also, the lights here are so shiny.
It's so pretty!
Yes, you're right.
How pretty.
As for the last person,
the child who lived in all things dying.
What's going on?
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
What a relief.
Are you feeling better?
- Please take care of him.
- Okay, thank you.
Seonyul, hurry up!
- You're late.
- Okay.
We're late. Let's go.
You're handsome. I'll forgive you.
I will continue to support you.
Eun Soohyun!
It seems time has no effect on you.
- You're still so beautiful.
- Thanks.
It's Hyeonjeong.
Thank you.
I'm okay now.
In the middle of life's journey,
I got lost and wandered.
No matter how much time passes,
losing someone precious to you
will always be lonesome.
But I will try to keep going.
If I keep going,
one day the pain will lessen.
I hope all those grieving find comfort.
I hope the world will be more friendly
to those in pain.
I hope a beautiful world will come
while you overcome your pain.
-One, two, three!
- I bet it came out good!
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