Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 39: Time Machine]
[Yu-mi has a cell that ignores rules.]
Hey! Why are you responding now?
Are your fingers broken or what?
Do I need to scold you? Goo Woong!
My goodness. Are you okay?
-Guys. Throw harder!
-Throw it.
-Throw it.
[Even though she threw most beanbags
at the gourd]
I have something to tell you.
I think
we need some time to think things over.
[Poor Woong. Look at his face.]
It breaks my heart to see his face.
But he said there is no going back.
How would he feel
to break up on such a nice day?
He should've been nice
when he had the chance. He deserves it.
You're so mean.
How can you be so cruel?
Rampage. Are you okay?
Is he dead?
I've made up my mind.
If Woong says he'll do better
No, even if he says something similar,
I'll make this situation invalid.
Give me CPR.
Emotion. It was you
who threw the beanbags to break the gourd.
I never did.
I saw you throwing them a million times.
You're mistaken.
You were the one most dissatisfied
with Woong.
[Emotion is always like that.]
[She keeps changing her decision
depending on how she feels.]
I'm not dying, am I?
I get it.
[I don't know whether I should be
sad or happy.]
[Woong said okay in a calm manner.]
[This is how self-centered Emotion is.]
I was so thrilled at the time.
Emotion. I know how you feel,
but you can't do this.
What do you mean?
You should be careful on a day like this.
Everyone can't sleep
because of the light from the screen.
Let me sleep.
Seriously. I can't believe you.
It's so bright.
I don't care. I'm not tired.
I'm going to finish watching this.
She's so rude.
[Think about Yu-mi.]
[She'll be so upset
if you play that on a day like this.]
[Please. Let's go to bed early today.]
[Bow Wow Time]
-Are you going to keep acting like this?
-I can't even sing?
Of course not. Look at the time.
Don't I have freedom of expression?
I want to express my emotion now.
Give me the mic.
Gosh. Stop it already.
I don't want to hear it.
You can't even sing. Stop it.
I couldn't sleep at all.
[Fortunately, Emotion is nocturnal.]
[She's not active in the morning.]
Did I
make a good decision yesterday?
Of course.
Yu-mi. Let's get ready for work now.
The weather is nice.
She should wear blue and white.
Make bubbles,
and you start from the cheeks
and rub the T-zone.
Then wash it off completely.
Cereal or toast for breakfast?
Or both?
[Wash Up Process]
I forgot to do the laundry yesterday.
There's no clean underwear.
What? You little
Now, now. We have a job to do.
Good morning.
Mr. Kim. You're early.
Yes. Did you have a good weekend?
Yes. I went to Gyeongju over the weekend.
Really? It must've been nice.
It was really nice.
Oh, do you want to see the pictures?
-One sec.
[Emotion might go crazy later.]
We should remove it before she wakes up.
That will do.
Mr. Kim. Please go over this too.
Okay. When should I send it by?
Probably by 2 p.m..
[When she focuses on work,]
[she has no time
to think about other things.]
Guys. Stop chatting.
Keep spinning the millstone.
That's the only way for Yu-mi.
But what if Woong visits her
when she gets off work?
Wait. Anxiety. You just said the word!
Oh, my goodness.
[For the time being,
if you say Woong, you go to prison.]
Guys. I heard it.
It was her. She said Woong.
Look at them.
They said Woong for nothing.
I hope no cell is dragged
to prison like me.
-We'll leave first.
-See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
[By the way,
the biggest problem is after work.]
What should I do after work from now on?
It's Monday.
I have no one to meet up with.
Let me see.
Who's available for a sudden meet up
on a weekday?
[Yu-mi's List of Women She Knows]
Oh, there she is.
[Go Si-hyeon]
[Go Si-hyeon.]
[Si-hyeon lives nearby,
and she's always free.]
[It won't be a problem.]
Why did you call me?
Did you miss me?
Did you break up with your boyfriend?
Never mind.
She'll only make me upset.
Should I go for a run in the park?
It's been a while.
[Yes. Let's do that.]
[You'll be tired after running
and pass out.]
Then Emotion has no time to act miserable.
It's still too chilly
to run at night.
[Hey. I sense someone looking at her.]
[-Who is it?
-It's Woong.]
If it's really Woong, I approve.
Let me see. Hurry up and turn her head.
It's not chilly at night.
It's perfect for exercise.
I'm off work too.
Mr. Yoo.
It's not easy for someone
who's used to spending
so much time
with her boyfriend to suddenly be alone.
To spend time alone,
you need a lot of research.
How do you know?
Being alone
does that.
[Kim Yu-mi]
[Kim Yu-mi]
[It shows.]
[Kim Yu-mi]
Isn't it interesting?
The bus is here.
Let's go.
What should I do now?
I have nothing to do.
Yes, Woong.
Are you home?
[At this hour,
I used to be on the phone with Woong]
[or meet him.]
[It was either one.]
What did she do at this hour
before she started dating?
Why can't I remember?
Why don't you take the time machine
and go back to the time
before she started dating?
Oh, that's a good idea.
Let's go back to when she wasn't dating
and see what she did.
Come out, time machine!
She met Woong on a blind date last June.
Let's go back to May.
There it is. May 15.
[When I'm home after work,]
[I don't know what to do.]
[It's so boring.]
It's boring.
She was bored at that time also.
My goodness.
Let's go back to remote past.
Right after breaking up with her ex Ugi.
Diary from four years ago. Come out.
[Retro notebook]
Let's go back to four years ago.
[Retro notebook]
[Tuesday, April 18]
[I'm never dating anyone again.]
[If I ever date anyone again,
I will change my last name.]
[I don't need anyone.]
[I will never date anyone again.]
[I'm never dating again.]
Why was she in such a terrible condition?
That's right after the breakup.
[No, that's wrong.]
Let's move to some time after the breakup.
[Monday, October 23]
[After light jogging,]
[I took a shower and finished reading
the book I was reading on the way back.]
[I took a shower and finished reading
the book I was reading on the way back.]
[Now it's past midnight.]
[I'm so lonely.]
[Whatever I do,]
[if I'm alone, I'm lonely.]
[I'm lonely.]
What's wrong with you?
You were doing well.
Why are you lonely?
[When I read this diary again
in the future,]
[I bet someone is by my side.]
[I'm sure.]
What? I feel guilty.
[When I think about myself]
[spending exciting days
with the person I love,]
[I feel better.]
Sorry for letting you down.
But then
I wouldn't go over my old diary
when I have someone next to me.
That's so pathetic.
That is so brutal.
I can't keep going.
I only feel worse.
[This is all Love cell's fault.]
You can't even run this much, Kim Yu-mi?
[She should've maintained her routine
even when she was in a relationship.]
[Yu-mi's life, Relationship]
[But because she focused
on her relationship so much,]
[Yu-mi's life]
[it's hard to go back to her life.]
why did you do that
when you knew you'd regret?
You're here.
Doesn't the air feel nice at night?
It's perfect for exercise.
Yes, you're right.
You can't get your pace back at once.
I also have experience running again
after a long break.
I slowly started running faster
as if I were starting new.
I was able to do it in the end.
You'll find your pace back
if you work on it slowly.
Your old pace.
Take it slow.
How did you stop yourself
when you wanted to call her?
I ran.
What if you still wanted to call her?
I ran all night long.
You're spiteful.
Not exactly.
Didn't I tell you?
The ring I discarded.
[I suddenly regretted it after work.]
So I went back to look for it,
but it was empty.
It doesn't get better in one try.
It gets better slowly with time.
If it's hard to play alone,
do you want me to hang out with you?
-Do you want to run together?
[Episode 40: Leading Man]
[We were exhausted from the long trip.]
[We were running out of fuel,]
[and we were exhausted from taking care
of various incidents]
I told you to get rid of that fashion.
This is all your fault.
You should focus on doing better yourself,
you're temper mental.
What? I won't let this go!
[We couldn't ignore the internal conflicts
we were facing too.]
You should let go of me!
Hey. If you're going to fight, go outside.
Hey! Let go!
Gosh, they're fighting like crazy.
-Let go!
[In the end, we got exhausted
and decided to go back to headquarters.]
We're coming back to base so suddenly.
Will it be okay?
Let's call headquarters.
This is Yu-mi. Headquarters respond.
We would like to return.
Are we not allowed to go?
[This is Headquarters. Do you hear me?]
We hear you. This is Yu-mi.
We would like to return.
[-We welcome your return.
-Hurry back, Yu-mi!]
[Yu-mi's Hardware]
[Yeonsan Station]
You didn't need to pick me up.
I could've taken a taxi.
No. Let's go!
-Why? What's the rush?
-Your mom's waiting.
-Let's go!
[Yu-mi's Hardware]
[Yu-mi's Hardware]
-Give it to me.
-It's okay.
Dad. Is it okay to close the store today?
It's fine.
-Wait, but
-Let's go!
Honey! Yu-mi's here!
Mom, I'm home.
Okay. Hurry up and sit.
It won't be good if it gets cold.
-Have a seat.
Why did you make so much food?
Honey. Turn the fan towards Yu-mi.
The fan!
Hurry up and eat.
It tastes best right now.
Okay. Let me go wash my hands first.
No. It's fine.
It won't be good if it gets cold.
Here. Use this.
Here. Use this.
How can I eat all of this? It's too much.
Eat this and eat more.
My gosh.
Hurry up and eat.
-I'll scoop some up for you.
-That looks good.
The original Cell Snacks. Limited sale.
It's a limited sale.
it's been so long since this came out.
It's Original Cell Snacks!
I missed this so much!
It's not like anyone sells it!
So are you going to buy some or not?
Give me everything you have.
How is it?
It's good. It's so good!
-Isn't it good?
Your mom has been cooking all morning.
You called out of the blue
and said you were coming.
It would've been better
had you called yesterday.
I had to make with what we had,
so it's not that good.
No, Mom. It's good. It's really good.
Eat some of that. It's lotus root.
Mom's cooking is the best.
Come home more often.
-Isn't it good?
Try the ribs.
I'm so full.
I ate so well.
Here. Have some watermelons.
Mom, I'm really full.
You have no idea how sweet this is.
Try it.
I don't have any more room
in my stomach for it.
Hey. Stop! Her stomach is full.
She can't handle it anymore.
I want to eat some more.
Her stomach will explode!
Yu-mi, don't worry and eat!
Your stomach will explode!
I already talked to Stomach cell.
It's so sweet!
Oh, Reason.
I figured this would happen, so I made
a partition in her stomach in advance.
[Meal, Desserts]
Food and dessert.
There's space for dessert,
so don't worry, man!
[Meal: 2YB of 50YB available,
Desserts: 49YB of 50YB available]
Here. This is the last thing. Vitamins.
It's a gummy.
I know you have a hard time swallowing
pills, so I got the gummy version.
-I'm the best, aren't I?
-You are.
Ta-da! It's Yu-mi's favorite!
Dad. I'm full. I really can't eat anymore.
But it's your favorite, twisted donuts.
Twisted donuts?
[The twisted donuts
from the market in town.]
[I used to eat it a lot as a kid.]
Wow! They're twisted donuts!
Shouldn't we have some since Dad
went through the trouble of getting them?
Her stomach really might explode.
Reason? Don't worry, man.
I divided up
the dessert stomach just in case.
Fruit and bread, baby.
He's so meticulous.
Honey. Yu-mi just ate.
Why did you get twisted donuts?
Oh, my.
Everyone always has room for some bread,
Of course.
You have a stomach for food
and a stomach for bread.
Yu-mi's my daughter, after all.
I have another stomach.
I know. I have the same one.
-For liquor.
-For liquor.
My goodness.
Do you guys get it? You know?
Dividing up the stomach before
going to your parents' home
is the most basic thing to do.
Eat up. Eat a lot. Okay?
-Is it good?
I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Isn't it good?
It's so good.
It's really good since it's still warm.
Try some.
[Cell Snacks]
Will she be okay?
Don't worry so much, Reason.
She can eat a lot here.
We got into a fight while playing
the word chain game!
[This is where Yu-mi started,]
[and where she goes to reset
when she's tired.]
[It's her real home.]
We got it! You failed.
I knew it.
Let's try it again.
[Out of Office]
[Yeonsan Station]
Can you carry all of that with you?
I'll be fine. Goodbye.
Hold on.
I almost forgot to give this to you.
Oh, right. My twisted donuts.
You have to eat them on the way.
It won't be good cold.
Call me when you get home.
Okay, Dad.
Yu-mi. Come with him next time.
-Was his name Woong or Goong?
You said you were dating someone.
Bring him home one day.
Mom wants to meet him.
I'll get going.
You should go.
Go on.
[Yeonsan Station]
I'll come back soon.
Go on.
[She had fun, and now that she's alone]
she feels lonelier.
It's really lonely.
Maybe we should've stayed home longer.
Can you give me the mic?
What do you think Woong is up to?
Do you want to be arrested again?
Let them arrest me.
I'm curious about him.
[Should we call Woong?]
[That's enough.]
[Can we call Woong?]
[Why? What are you going to say?]
[I miss him.]
I miss you.
[Phone, Yu-mi]
[Genie Express]
Hey, Louis. What's up?
What did they say?
[I said I needed time to think,]
[but I don't want to be alone again.]
[Am I afraid that Woong will leave me?]
[am I afraid of being alone?]
[That night,]
[I had the strange dream]
[that I had years ago.]
I've been here before.
Right. I've definitely been here before.
[I went to a village that looked like
a place where small fairies lived.]
[I walked around here and there.]
Wait. What is this?
Is it a millstone?
Oh, I remember this.
There was a bulletin board
beyond this corner.
Oh, it's still here.
[I'm certain
that I came here a few years ago.]
[On the day I got the feeling
my relationship would end,]
[I came here
and wrote a wish on this board.]
[I want a happy]
Are you going to put up that memo?
Are you going to put it up?
Who are you?
I'm in charge of that bulletin board.
If you put something weird on it,
I have to take it down.
Something weird?
This isn't something weird.
I wrote my wish.
[I want a happy ending with Woong.]
You want a happy ending with Woong?
I still want that.
[I want a happy ending with Woong.]
I thought Woong
was the leading man of my life.
I'm sorry, but Woong isn't
the leading man in your life.
Then who is it?
There's no set person for that role.
There's only one leading person
in this place.
[Episode 41: Woong's Card]
Hey. Can you give me more details?
What exactly did they say?
[Everyone has their own cards.]
[I want to be alone.]
[Set me up on a blind date.]
What about this?
[Don't touch me.]
[I'm sick of this.]
[-Hot Friday night!]
I'm sorry. I'll revise it right away.
Okay. Thank you.
[You can't see it]
[since it's a card inside your heart.]
[Woong: Yu-mi. Have you been well?]
[Yes. I'm doing good.]
[Yes. I'm doing good. What about you?]
[I'm doing well.]
[Do you have time tomorrow?]
[I'll come by your place.]
[Yes. What time?]
[Yes. What time?]
[How's 2 p.m.?]
[Okay, then.]
[Let's meet in front of Bonjour Fountain.]
-I'll see you tomorrow.]
[Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.]
[This is the card I'm going to use
when I see Woong tomorrow.]
[Break Up]
Ms. Kim.
Can you check the revisions on this?
What is that?
It's nothing.
[I don't show people at work]
[the cards regarding my private life.]
Oh, wait!
Your boyfriend's photo isn't here anymore.
Did you take it down?
Did you guys break up?
No, we didn't.
[There are people like Mr. Kang
who just has to ask.]
[And like Ruby]
[who lay bare their cards.]
[And like Ugi]
[who never reveals their card to anyone.]
I got some concert tickets.
Let's go together.
Why would I go there?
Come on, let's go together.
Ruby wants to watch it with you.
Mr. Ji, I'll go back to the office first.
-Let's go back together.
-No, it's fine.
Come on! Let's go.
It's Ruby's birthday next week.
Consider it as giving me a birthday gift.
I really want to go to that concert!
Are you coming with me?
this is how I feel about you.
[There are times]
[when Ugi also reveals his card.]
I'm sorry,
but this is how I really feel.
[Since the day Ugi revealed his card,]
[changed the card
she had on her forehead.]
Two iced lattes and
What about you, Ruby?
Ruby! What do you want to drink?
There's no anything.
Then I'll order three iced lattes, okay?
Three iced lattes, please.
Ruby, is something going on?
Is it obvious?
I was trying so hard
to look like the usual.
It's really obvious.
How cool.
You're really sharp.
Where do you think my life partner is?
Will he ever appear in front of me?
Please hold!
Yu-mi, have you had lunch?
By the way,
did you say something to Ruby?
I just made it clear to her.
It seemed rude to keep ignoring it.
I see.
See you around.
Hold on.
Bobby is interested
in someone in the office
[and told me the alphabet U
is in her name.]
Mr. Yoo.
How's your research going?
Research? What research?
Research on playing alone.
It's going great.
Is that so.
Why do you look disappointed?
Shouldn't I be complimented
for playing alone well?
Then you wouldn't want to meet someone
for the time being, right?
If I meet someone nice,
I'm going to play together.
[Do you want to go on a blind date?]
-Do you
-Though I wouldn't
go on a blind date.
I guess you're not a big fan
of blind dates.
No, I'm not.
I see.
Let's start with the meeting.
[Mr. Yoo also isn't the type]
[to reveal his card either.]
This is what today's meeting is about.
I'm going to edit it further,
but this should be fine for the meeting.
[Who's the one on that flipped card?]
[It must be Ruby, right?]
[guessing others' cards]
[is meaningless.]
[Because I took out a break-up card,]
[but have another one hidden.]
[A random card that'll change my decision]
[depending on the mood of the moment.]
[I'm thinking of taking
both cards with me]
[when I meet up with Woong tomorrow.]
[It's Woong!]
[-It's Woong!
[Goo Woong has his hair up!]
[Did he not wash his hair?]
You're here!
You have your hair up.
Yes, because it's too hot.
The weather suddenly got really hot.
It did.
You look refreshing.
Do I?
Should we get some coffee over there?
Let's go.
[Did he not wash his hair?]
[Woong looks gloomy for some reason.]
Would you like some cake too?
No, I'm fine.
It's really hot, isn't it?
Right, it is.
have you been?
I recently signed
a very big outsourcing contract.
An unexpected opportunity came by.
I was surprised myself.
I wasn't expecting anything.
That's great. Congratulations!
Putting the money aside,
I think it's a good opportunity.
I'm glad things worked out well.
You might become big.
I'm just making a comeback.
I'm sure you'll become big.
I hope so.
What about you?
-Have you adjusted
in the marketing department?
[Mr. Kang is so annoying!]
[I'm seriously annoyed by Mr. Kang.]
Seeing you say that,
I guess you're doing pretty well.
Not well.
I get complimented by the general manager.
And quite often these days.
That's a relief.
I was worried.
I'm still at the beginning of work.
At any rate, writing is fun.
You'll do great.
I hope so.
[Oh, my gosh! He called out her name!]
[Is he finally getting to the point?]
[Someone go get Love cell!]
Remember what we talked about last time?
Woong took out his card.
Oh, goodness.
What is it? What card is it?
-I'm anxious. I'm so anxious.
-What do we do?
Hey, take out your card!
You have the breakup card!
Yu-mi is innocent! Yu-mi, you can do it!
Love, did you bring the breakup card?
I did. It's here.
I don't think
you should postpone it again.
Whatever conclusion it may be,
you have to make a decision.
Don't worry.
To be honest,
I brought along another card with me.
[Decide depending on the situation.]
If Woong's card is to make up, I will.
And if he doesn't want
to break up, I won't.
That's my decision.
Back when
we used to live together,
I remember it being my birthday.
You brought up marriage.
I did.
At that moment,
At that moment, for the first time,
I thought we might be
on a different wavelength.
Though that's only natural.
I've thought it through
and I think we should end it here.
[End of relationship]
Decide depending on the situation.]
This isn't it. This isn't.
Love, what are you doing?
You have the breakup card.
-Oh, gosh.
Hurry up and throw the breakup card!
-Throw it!
-Hurry up! Throw the breakup card!
Stop hesitating and throw it!
That's right! Pathetic!
Yes, Pathetic! Come help me quick!
Don't tell me you want to use
the clinging card?
I do. Let's try clinging onto him!
Please, Pathetic! Just this once!
Woong, I don't want to break up.
Must we really?
I just blurted out of anger back then.
Please think about it one more time.
You can't! Who told you to cling onto him?
Stop being pathetic!
And stop being absurd!
I, Pride cell, am still alive!
What do you think you're doing?
What's with you, Love?
Did your heart grow weak?
Do you not care
what happens to Yu-mi's pride?
Pride, I
You traitor!
You don't deserve to be the prime cell!
Hand me those cards!
Didn't you hear me? Hand me those cards!
Decide depending on the situation.]
Decide depending on the situation.]
If you can't do it, I will.
[End of relationship]
Okay, let's do that.
I feel the same.
Well then.
Shall we get up?
Yes, let's do that.
[End of relationship, Breakup]
Where are you going?
I have to stop by somewhere.
I'm going back to the office.
I'll get going first.
[Total dating period:
1 year, 1 month, 4 days]
[Yu-mi's third official relationship]
[The relationship has ended.]
[See you again in Season 2.]
Ripped and synced by
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