365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e15 Episode Script

It's Too Late

The person you are calling is on another line.
You'll be directed to the voicemail box.
Ga Hyeon, answer the phone.
I'm next.
I'm not lying this time. I'm serious.
Ga Hyeon, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Ga Hyeon, please save me.
(Recent Calls, Kim Se Rin)
The phone you have reached is turned off. Leave your message.
You will be charged after the beep.
I'm not lying this time. I'm serious.
I'm sorry.
Ga Hyeon, please save me.
I went to her house, but she wasn't there.
And her phone is still turned off.
I hope she's lying,
and that this is just me getting deceived again.
But what if something happened to her?
Then what happens?
This is near her studio.
This was where her phone was last used.
This is Se Rin's phone.
Let's report her as missing first.
Young Woong is gone.
He just left his phone here.
He disappeared.
- What about her family - Young Woong's phone.
Se Rin has his phone.
(Calling Choi Young Woong)
The person you have reached is unavailable.
It must be somewhere around here.
There's no way she would be in a place like this.
Hyeong Ju.
No, right.
It's not her, is it?
Ga Hyeon.
Wait. Wait a second.
You're right. Ms. Kim Se Rin called you at 8:15pm.
All right. I'll contact you again if I need more information from you.
Please take her home safely.
This way, please.
The next victim
will die a gruesome death.
She knew Se Rin would get murdered.
She knew.
Did you sleep well?
Yes. I mean
Yes, Mother.
What was that?
Where did you learn to say that?
Ms. Song.
She said I was no longer a baby.
She said I had to mind my manners
since I'll have to go to school soon.
Do you want to go to school?
I'd also like to see you
go to school.
Kim Se Rin, 19 years old.
Her family signed the autopsy paper, and we requested an autopsy.
We'll only know the cause of death once the autopsy results come out.
But the estimated time of death is between 8pm and 12am last night.
It's a headache to have no suspects
and to have too many of them. But we have two already.
- Two? - One of them is Choi Young Woong,
her ex-boyfriend.
A few days ago, he reported her for stalking him.
Is he the one who requested a restraining order?
Yes. There's a high possibility
that he and Se Rin fought because of that.
- Who's the other suspect? - Do you remember
the assault case at a studio in Sinyeong-dong?
She's the victim.
The assailant, Bae Jung Tae, was discharged yesterday.
The results don't look good.
I'm not telling you to give up.
It's all up to you now.
Are you prepared for this?
Se Rin is dead.
She's dead.
Se Rin did everything you told her to do.
So why did she die?
Why did you let her die?
You said you quit work because your friend committed suicide.
That was a lie, right?
There's no way
you would mourn for someone else.
I'd like to report something.
When was the last time you met Ms. Kim Se Rin?
It was right before I reported her for stalking.
I saw her for the last time at an expressway rest area.
When was the last time you talked on the phone?
at around 6:30pm, she called my friend.
- Was that it? - Yes.
So that actually happened?
Young Woong.
Kim Se Rin, please!
She kept asking where I was.
So I just hung up on her.
Did she say anything else?
Not really.
Where were you between 8pm and 12am yesterday?
I was
at my friend's house.
Are you talking about the friend she called?
It was another friend.
I confirmed Mr. Choi Young Woong's alibi.
It checked out.
I checked the call she made to his friend.
It lasted for 3 minutes and 40 seconds.
3 minutes and 40 seconds?
What is it? Is something on your mind?
No, nothing.
Ga Hyeon.
To be honest, when the news said
that it was a woman in her 20s,
I was worried it was you.
So I called Detective Ji.
That's when I found out it was Se Rin.
Ms. Lee Shin
must've toyed with us again.
Se Rin had lied
about everything.
I don't understand.
That's unbelievable.
You must've been greatly shocked.
You cared for her like you were family.
You're right. I hated her so much.
That's why I told her never to visit me again.
And it really happened.
She must've been terrified.
She must've felt
extremely lonely.
I should've believed her one last time.
Perhaps, I wasn't mad at her.
I might have been mad at myself
for being so terrified about dying next.
I visited Ms. Lee Shin.
I begged her to save my life and said I'd do anything.
That's what I did after acting all courageous.
Even at this age,
I still don't want to die.
It's understandable.
I visited her as well.
I begged her to tell me the date of my death.
But she didn't give in.
Whenever I think
about leaving my sick wife behind,
it tortures me
every single day.
What is it?
- What? - I got Ms. Kim Se Rin's call logs.
I'm going to meet the last person she spoke with.
What is it? Give it to me.
No. Summon her.
Why aren't you going in there?
Are you trying to intimidate her?
I thought you'd refuse to come here. I'm surprised.
This is concerning Se Rin.
I should do everything I can to help.
What did you two talk about?
I'm afraid I can't tell you.
I'm not allowed to disclose my conversations with my patients.
You do know that, right?
Are you saying Ms. Kim Se Rin was a patient at Zian Clinic?
If not, how do you think I knew her?
I can show you the records.
That is, if you have a warrant.
Where were you on November 9, between 8:00pm to 12:00am?
Do you doubt me as the culprit?
It's just a formality.
If you aren't the culprit, it's not that difficult to answer.
I was at Zian Clinic.
Could you turn in the security footage?
If you need me to bring one,
I'll bring the warrant.
So this was your plan.
To investigate Zian Clinic by using this case as an excuse.
It won't be easy.
It may be difficult, but it's a great opportunity.
What are they talking about?
What on earth is Zian Clinic that he wants to investigate it?
What we do know is that this isn't the first time they met.
I didn't think we had an honest talk in there.
Both the questions and answers.
I guess you're scared that I might get a warrant.
Why? Is there something you need to tell?
I can't believe I'm the last one Se Rin talked to.
That's pretty sad.
If I had known,
I could have been nicer.
You're still in Seoul?
Yes. Because of Young Woong.
I gave you a chance to live,
but you're still looking for Young Woong.
You can't blame me now.
I made sure I keep my promise.
Was it me? Am I going to die?
When? Where? Ma'am, what should I do now?
Se Rin.
Yes, ma'am.
too late.
Ms. Lee. Ms. Lee!
Isn't fate
so fascinating?
In the end
you end up living the life you're destined to live.
Why are you taking things this far?
I told Se Rin everything she can do to avoid this.
She's the one who didn't do anything and died.
She was the first member who could have changed her fate.
Then you must have known she would've been killed.
That means you know the culprit. Who was it? Bae Jung Tae?
I'm not sure.
Up until the last reset,
Se Rin's case was unresolved.
If the culprit is Bae Jung Tae,
This unexpected turn of event will make it entertaining.
I really look forward to this,
Detective Ji.
- What? - Come quickly.
Things are chaotic here.
(Police line, do not cross)
What is this? What has he done?
- You're here. - He did this as soon as he got out.
We have to run a DNA analysis,
but it's probably her.
We have
a lot to discuss, don't we?
Why did you do that to me?
I did it because I wanted to work things out with Young Woong.
I didn't think the detective would show up.
I'm so sorry.
You do know that you can't say a few words
to make this okay, don't you?
What can I do
to destroy you without Ji Hyeong Ju finding out?
That's all I had on my mind
over the last seven months.
There's not a lot of things you can do in prison.
You aren't going to kill me, are you?
You aren't that bad.
That's why you helped me.
Bad news.
I definitely want to
kill you right now.
I haven't seen him for a few months.
He walked in with this woman.
Did she walk in willingly?
- Yes. - Do you know what time it was?
I was on my way to work in the afternoon,
so it was around 3:30pm.
Are you sure it was Mr. Bae Jung Tae?
Well, it was definitely a man.
You can go back for now.
One second.
I just asked around,
and the woman next door saw him at 3:30pm.
- Hello? - But I got here with him at 4:00pm.
- Yes? - Then who did that woman see?
This means he had an accomplice.
Kim Se Rin's phone was
found near her studio.
One second.
They found a record of Ms. Kim Se Rin taking a taxi.
(Sa Kyung)
She took the taxi at the bus terminal at 2:36pm.
Then she got off around Bae Jung Tae's house in 40 minutes.
Did you get a hold of the taxi driver?
Yes, I asked him for the dashcam footage,
but he's out of town right now. He'll see tomorrow at the earliest.
But she got in another taxi after three hours.
Where did she go?
Back to her studio.
But she didn't leave from his house.
- Then? - The hospital. Sejin Hospital.
Did she get hurt?
What's going on? Hey. Where are you going?
- Hey. - Hello?
Sa Kyung, request the security footage from Sejin Hospital.
- I'll see you at the office. - Yes, sir.
(Patient: Bae Jung Hee)
(Doctor: Lee So Jung, Nurse: Im Soo Ji)
Excuse me.
Who are you?
I'm Detective Ji Hyeong Ju of Makang Police Station.
By any chance,
can you reach Mr. Bae Jung Tae?
Why are you looking for my brother?
Wait, did he do something again?
No, he's just a suspect for now.
That's why I have to meet him.
A A suspect?
Wait, did he do something to that young lady?
"That young lady"?
The young lady from seven months ago.
Why did you think so?
He said he'll return very soon
with that young lady
because he didn't do anything wrong,
and that she will make his case for him.
Ga Hyeon.
Let's hold the funeral by ourselves.
We should let our family know.
A few of them already called after seeing the news.
She was always dying to get attention.
It's just as she hoped.
Let's just say she was a good girl for not killing herself.
How can you say that?
She was murdered.
Even strangers pity her!
How can you say that as her parents?
Don't you think we have our reasons?
She's humiliating us like this even after she died!
How can I say anything good about her?
Let's go.
If I die,
my mom and dad will be sad, won't they?
But I'm sure they'll be a little sad.
That's not going to happen,
so they won't be sad either.
("Looking for the Suspect of the Manhole Murder Case")
(A university student, A, had been found dead in a manhole)
What about Ms. Kim Se Rin?
Are things not going according to your plan?
That little brat
deceived me again and ran away.
I know she does everything you say.
You have to call her here.
You have a lot of requests.
You can do that much for me after all I've done for you.
Kim Se Rin, that brat.
This time, I will not let her live.
Quiet. One second.
I'm sorry.
I don't think
you'll get another chance.
Just now,
Ms. Kim Se Rin died.
Yes, Professor.
I know that very well. Don't worry.
I'll give you a call.
Is that girl who's all over the news
really Kim Se Rin?
You have no time to walk around like this.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae, you do know you are
the key suspect, don't you?
You know the best that
I didn't kill her!
I was here at Zian Clinic with you. at that hour.
That's exactly why you need to behave.
I'm the only one who can prove
your innocence.
Then this should be easy.
You do remember that I know your secrets, don't you?
That deal was only valid
for your sister's life.
I've done more than enough for you.
I guess you forgot that I'm a thug.
- Mr. Bae Jung Tae. - All you have to do is
say a few things at the police station.
My sister is finally able to breathe again.
I can't let her live as a murderer's sister.
Okay? I'm sure you don't want your secret
to be out in the world.
How can I trust you?
The decision is yours, Ms. Lee.
(Episode 16 will be aired shortly.)
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