7th Heaven s01e15 Episode Script
Happy's Valentine
OK, I'll ask him.
Sure he'll wanna go.
See you.
Patricia and Morgan want us to go camping.
- Yes! - No, no.
- Just me and your dad.
- We'll put the kids in the kennel? - They can stay here.
- Who's gonna baby-sit? - Not me.
- Of course not.
- Who's gonna keep an eye on you? - I'm 17.
- Exactly.
- John and I have Valentine dates.
Breaking them at the last minute would be irresponsible.
I guess we can't go, then.
- I have plans.
- Me, too.
What plans? You can't go to the mall.
You said my friends could come and watch videos.
I can't watch kids and videos at the same time.
Since I can't go out, I thought Jimmy could come over.
Besides, the last time I baby-sat, Simon and Ruthie escaped, remember? - I remember.
- You'd do a better job this time.
I have puppies to give away.
I cannot watch Ruthie and Lynn.
- We don't need watching.
- You don't need watching.
There is no reason why we can't have and all of you do what you've planned, as long as everybody acts responsibly.
Did you hear yourself? As long as everyone acts responsibly.
Mary, Keesha and Lucy can watch Simon, Ruthie, Nigel and Lynn tonight.
John and Matt can entertain them tomorrow till we get back.
Just go.
Your father and I will figure this out.
You'll be late for school.
You want me to stick around for this? You can go play with the puppies.
I'll be right in.
She gets to go play with puppies and I have to go to school.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Don't you wanna go camping with me? - I do wanna go, believe me.
It's just I have so much stuff I have to get done this weekend.
- And I'm not much of a camper.
- You used to love to go camping.
- Love is such a strong word.
- Please.
You make me feel I have some say, but if you and Patricia have made a decision, I can't imagine it's up for discussion.
- They're picking us up at five.
- Happy Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day.
John, wait up.
You hear about this camping trip? - Stroke of luck, huh? - What? You wanna go to the movies or hang out at my parents' house? No one's home.
Except Mary, Keesha and their friends, Lucy and her boyfriend, and Simon, Nigel, Ruthie and Lynn.
We'll tell Keesha and Mary to go to the movies and take the kids.
- They aren't gonna do that.
- Have you asked them? - Have you asked them? - There's Keesha.
I'll ask now.
Keesha! [WHISTLES.]
I gotta go, guys.
Do I look like a dog? Don't just yell my name out like that.
Matt and I wanted to know if you and Mary could No.
So you just ask Mary.
She'll do it.
- No, she won't.
- Counting on you.
Mommy, do we have to give the puppies away? Honey, it's time, and they have a good home to go to.
We have a good home, too.
I think they're starting to get so big, they're getting in Happy's way.
I get in your way, and you still keep me around.
It's not the same, sweetheart.
It would be like you living here when you're 30.
I have to live somewhere else when I'm 30? You'll probably wanna live somewhere else when you're 30.
Yeah, maybe even when I'm seven, or maybe eight.
I think Dwight's very happy to have the puppies live with him.
He's very sweet.
They'll get lots of attention.
He'll take very good care of them.
They'll be fine.
I tried.
You don't have to have friends over tonight.
I've asked them.
Keesha's got friends coming over, too.
Can you at least keep them upstairs, do girl stuff, makeovers? There's no TV upstairs and we're gonna watch videos.
You and John can have the den with your dates.
Keesha and I will keep our friends in the living room.
- Tell them to keep out of the den.
- Yes, I'll tell them.
I don't know how you're gonna keep Simon, Nigel, Ruthie and Lynn out.
I hope Mom and Dad are happy.
Jimmy's mad at me about not going to the movies.
Maybe you could go to the movies.
I could drive you guys and it wouldn't be a date.
- It wouldn't? - No.
Not if you take the little kids.
- Ten bucks.
- Ten bucks? For what? He's the guy.
He'll buy the tickets.
But if he buys the tickets, then I should buy the popcorn.
And ten bucks from you, too.
Why would I have to give you ten bucks? If you don't, Jimmy and I will hang out at the house with you.
Ten bucks is my whole week's allowance.
Fine, ten bucks, and not a penny more.
So, how was your day? Well, first I er dropped by the hospital to see Mr Wilkerson, who described every detail of his ailing colon.
Then I had to bring the card table by Mrs Bink's.
She said she only lent it to the church.
She's playing pinochle with her friends.
Then I had to run by the market and drugstore for Mrs Martin.
In the deacons' meeting a fight broke out over whether to turn the restrooms into pay toilets in order to earn money.
So, it's gonna be great to get away and go camping.
I'll just write that sermon in the car.
Well, the puppy stuff is all packed up and ready to go.
I guess you might be feeling a little sad about seeing them leave.
Only a little.
Dwight's mom said I can bring Happy to visit any time.
That is so sweet of her.
You might wanna keep an eye on Happy tonight when the puppies leave to make sure she doesn't go out and look for them.
I think Happy is gonna be happy to be the only dog in the house again.
The puppies have been taking a lot of attention.
It's like what Ruthie did to me when she first came home from the hospital.
- That must have been tough on you.
- I got through it.
Have a good time.
Don't worry about not taking us.
We'd much rather stay here.
You think they'll be OK without us? Don't worry.
You'll get your sermon written.
You always do.
Matt will drive us.
It'll be almost like a date.
We just have to take the kids with us.
- We don't have to sit with them.
- I don't know.
It makes me nervous doing something the reverend wouldn't approve of.
He might find out.
It's not that he wouldn't approve.
It'd just better to tell him after.
He'd probably think it was generous of us to take them.
The French film we saw the first time I came to your house is in release now.
It would be romantic to see that.
Is anything playing at the same cineplex that they'd wanna see? An animation retrospective.
But I hate animation.
The kids can go see that and we'll see the French movie.
We're supposed to be baby-sitting.
We'll be next door.
Who's gonna know? You're a risk taker.
I like that.
It's exciting.
- Thanks.
- See you later.
See you.
Bye, Mommy.
Bye, Daddy.
Have a good time camping.
- Don't you wanna kiss us goodbye? - No.
One of these days, I'm going to be moving out and getting my own family, too.
She was a little upset about giving away the puppies.
Well, maybe we shouldn't leave her alone.
I mean, not too late to change our minds about going.
- Yes, it is.
- Hi.
- Mom and Dad are waiting in the car.
- I wanna see the puppies.
- Me, too.
Don't stay up too late and don't eat too much junk food and have a good time.
How can they have a good time if they can't eat junk food and stay up late? - Hi.
- Hey.
Well, you two are on your own, I guess.
You're on your own.
I already got the lecture from my dad.
OK, well Tell him whatever your dad told you.
Bye, guys.
See you.
Keesha and Mary are in the living room.
Lucy's taking the kids to the movies.
Not bad.
How would you like to go to the movies tonight? No, thank you.
- But it's a cartoon retrospective.
- What's that? - Your favourite cartoons.
- We've seen that already.
- It was good, wasn't it? - Yeah, it was good.
Don't you want Simon and Ruthie to see it? - Not really.
I wanna stay here.
- Me, too.
You're going to the movies.
Hi, guys.
Dwight and his mom are here for the puppies.
I'm not gonna watch.
It'll just make me sad.
That's OK, Ruthie.
It's my responsibility.
There you go.
Come on, guys.
Come on, Happy.
Time to say goodbye.
I don't think you realise how much work puppies are.
Look at those little babies.
They're the cutest things I've ever seen.
- I told you.
- Happy, they're gonna be fine.
- I'll help you get them in the car.
- That's OK.
We can manage.
What are you gonna name them? I think Little Precious and Sugar Plum.
They're so sweet.
Actually, since there's a boy and a girl, I was thinking about naming them Simon and Ruthie.
- You're a good man, Dwight.
- Thanks, Simon.
Bring Happy over to visit any time you like, you hear? All right.
- Bye, Simon.
See you around.
- See you, guys.
Maybe I should just stay here and watch Happy.
It's OK.
I'll watch her.
She'll be fine.
- I thought you had a date.
- I do, but I'll tell you what.
I'll bring her back here and we'll give Happy all the attention she can stand.
- Then I guess it'll be OK.
- Sure it will.
I love this dog.
OK, four tickets for the cartoon movie.
- The door is right there.
- What about you? We're going to another movie.
We'll be right next door.
- Ten bucks.
- What for? - Popcorn.
- I want ten bucks, too.
Snacks are expensive.
This is two weeks' worth of allowance.
- Come on.
It'll still be fun.
- I still have a bad feeling about this.
So you guys make yourselves comfortable and I'll get us something to drink.
- What would you like? - I've got what I want right here.
- And you? - I'm fine, just fine.
- What's that? - I thought we were alone.
It's cool.
Mary and Keesha have some friends in the living room.
We'll just tell them to turn it down a little.
- Hey.
Come on in.
- What are you doing? You were having a few girlfriends over.
They brought some guys with them.
What are you gonna do? - We're dead.
- They're gonna kill us.
- We might as well enjoy ourselves.
- Absolutely.
Let's go.
- I hate bugs.
- There aren't any bugs.
It's too cold.
I hate cold.
I hate sleeping on the cold, damp ground.
- They brought air mattresses.
- I hate dirt.
- Maybe it'll snow and cover it up.
- I hate camping.
- But you love your wife.
- Yeah.
I haven't even begun writing my sermon for Sunday, this Sunday.
- I'll let you use mine.
- Yeah, right.
What's it about? A parallel between Moses leading his people out of Egypt and Martin Luther King leading us out of our past.
That is beautiful.
That is really oh, beautiful.
Actually, I wish I'd seen that one.
That is hot.
- I hope so.
It's freezing up here.
- Those fools didn't wanna go camping.
Like we did this for us.
They need a vacation.
- I know.
- What's that? - Here.
You need this? Yeah.
Morgan Hamilton, was that your beeper? Where did you get that cellular phone? I, erm borrowed it from one of the deacons, in case there's an emergency.
You promised to leave church behind.
I meant to, honey.
I just forgot to turn off my beeper.
I don't even recognise this number.
I'll check it out.
Just one call, then I'm turning it off.
Yes, this is Reverend Hamilton.
I see.
Yeah, she's here.
- I guess that's none of our business.
- Of course it isn't.
Patricia's ex calls her every Valentine's Day.
- It was their anniversary.
- Patricia's what? She got married out of high school, didn't last a year, but this fool's gotta look her up every Valentine's Day.
What? You're the one who wore the beeper.
"All my love on this first Valentine's Day together.
Love, Lucy.
" "If a pretty girl is like a melody, how come you're such a strain"? Since we came to a heavy movie, I thought I'd go with a light card.
His name is Chris.
Star player at Westside.
Broke up with his girlfriend after Christmas.
And the rest you can see for yourself.
- Yes, I can.
- Want me to introduce you? I can take care of it.
- Uh-oh.
We've got trouble.
- I'll give her a minute, then butt in.
No, those guys over there.
- So, you're 18, huh? - Practically, yeah.
- Hey, you two, no alcohol.
- It's just beer, man.
- Who are you? - This is my house.
Get rid of the beer.
Could I have a word with you, alone? - That guy is too old for you.
- No, he's not.
He's my age, practically.
Looks like your date's getting a little bored.
Oh, this stew is really good.
- Delicious.
- Sure is.
I brought my guitar.
We could sing after dinner.
I don't think I'm in the mood for that.
- Maybe later.
- I doubt it.
- I'll help Annie clean up.
- Morgan will help you clean.
I'm going to bed.
I guess I'm feeling a little tired myself.
After 20 years that guy still manages to ruin every Valentine's Day.
Sorry I brought that phone.
I thought we might check up on the kids.
- Sure you wanna do that? - We trust them.
But I don't want them to think that I don't care.
I just have this feeling that they might be doing something stupid, like throwing a party.
They're having a party.
The question is how big.
You're supposed to tell me I'm wrong.
Call Sergeant Michaels at the station.
Get him to drive by and check on them.
Routine patrol.
If he doesn't see anything wrong, he doesn't have to go in.
- I'm sorry.
You know I care about you.
- Right.
What do you want me to say? It's not so much what I want you to say.
It's more what I want you to do, in the way of an apology.
You mean? That's exactly what I mean.
We have to go home now.
- What's this? - The cops are here, man.
Man! - Dad, what are you doing here? - Dad? Sergeant Michaels is your dad? - Are you serving alcohol at this party? - I swear, sir, it's just us.
- Call your mother to pick you up.
- Dad, can't you just give me a ride? Call your mother.
- Alone with a guy you don't even know? - We were just talking.
Why's everyone leaving? Excuse me, Officer.
No one was drinking.
Just these two morons we don't know.
I just got them a ride home.
There is something else.
- Does Simon still have that white dog? - Yeah, Happy.
I just found her on the side of the street.
I'm afraid she's been hit by a car.
I got her to an animal hospital, but I should get you down there right away.
You wanna talk about it? - You wanna talk about it? - Yes, I wanna talk about it.
After 20 years, you wanna talk about Kevin? Oh, Kevin's his name? He calls himself Patricia's first husband.
What kind of name is Kevin anyway? Is he Irish or something? As a matter of fact, he is Irish.
What? You have always said you didn't wanna know anything about the man.
- Irish? - You got a problem with the Irish? - He's Irish Irish? - That's right.
He's white.
Now, would it bother you as much if he was a black man? Yes, it would, as long as he called on Valentine's Day every year, yes.
- Irish? - Yes.
- You wanna know anything else? - No.
- I can't believe she was married.
- Me neither.
See? Aren't you glad we came here? Oh, yeah.
And I'm glad you're not mad about the phone anymore.
Thank you.
You know what I think we should do? - Oh, I hope so.
- No.
I think we should call the kids and see if they're OK.
I don't know.
They'll think we don't trust them.
They know we don't trust them.
Hand me the phone.
Hello? OK, we're leaving right now.
- Are the kids OK? - It was Sergeant Michaels.
It's Happy.
She's been hit by a car.
- Is she? - No, they took her to the hospital.
I have her stabilised.
Why don't you go home and wait? We won't know anything for a while.
I'll call you.
I'd hate to leave her.
Does Simon know yet? - No.
- You go take care of your brother.
I'll take care of your dog.
I don't usually stay here all night, but tonight I'll make an exception.
- Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
- Thank you, Doctor.
Come on, son.
I'll drive you home.
This was such a stupid idea.
Those kids are too young to stay on their own.
- Don't say it.
- I wasn't gonna say anything.
I just hope Happy's OK.
If she isn't - I'm sure she is.
- I'd love to know how she got out.
How did one dog get past all those kids without anybody seeing her? Happy could have gotten out no matter who was home.
- I hate being away from Simon.
- We'll be home in an hour.
- An hour seems like forever, Eric.
- I know.
I should have never talked everyone into this.
You're supposed to say you all wanted to come.
I wanted to come.
Honey, the dog wasn't your fault.
Well, I still feel responsible.
You take no responsibility for that jerk calling.
- See, I heard that.
Get over it.
- Me get over it? - You should get over it.
- I can still hear you.
I meant for you to hear me.
By the way, how did Sergeant Michaels happen to have your cellular number? Oh, uh, Morgan and I called him earlier, just so he could ride by the house, an unofficial yet routine check, just to make sure everything was OK.
If Happy isn't OK, I will never forgive myself.
I'm sorry.
This whole thing got out of hand because I invited too many people.
Simon and Nigel got us kicked out of the movies.
They were throwing popcorn.
Don't ask.
When I picked them up, the manager chewed my ear off.
- Go get your pyjamas on.
- I'll read you a story.
Yay! - Where's Simon? - Racing Nigel to the bathroom.
Extra large orange drinks.
We could have dropped you off.
I wanted us to have a moment together.
- Really? - Yeah.
Sorry about that Valentine.
It was lame.
I see.
You wanna apologise? - Yeah.
- That's OK.
- That's my mom.
I better go.
Your mom's out front.
- Lucy.
- Yeah? Someday I will kiss you, but not because of some artificial holiday when my feelings for you are real.
- Bye.
- Bye.
You didn't tell Simon, did you? Tell me what? Erm Could you guys leave us alone? Thanks.
What's going on? Where's Happy? - Erm, Simon - Where's Happy? What have you done with Happy? Simon, I had to take her to the hospital.
There was an accident.
An accident? What kind of accident? She was hit by a car.
What? You were supposed to be watching her.
You knew she'd go after the puppies.
You knew it.
Dr Moore said she'll call us as soon as she knows something.
I want my dog.
Take me there or I'm gonna walk there.
- Dr Moore won't know anything.
- Happy's gonna know I'm not there.
I hate you! You were supposed to be watching her.
I hate you! Happy! I want Happy! Let me go.
- Come on, Simon.
Come here.
- I just want Happy.
I'll take you to her, OK? I'll take you.
Don't cry.
I'll take you.
I just want Happy.
I'm here, girl.
I'm here.
It's gonna be OK.
I won't leave you.
I'll never leave you again.
Hey, are Mom and Dad home yet? Yeah, he's He's in there with her now.
No, she's doing better, a lot better.
No, no, she is.
Look, I'll call you back in a half-hour.
Happy is not doing a lot better.
Now, you know that, right? In fact, she's just about the same.
I know.
I just didn't want the kids to worry with my parents away.
I'll let them know what's going on when they get home.
I wish I knew if Matt were telling the truth.
I don't think Matt would lie.
- If he had bad news, he would.
- You want me to just go down there? - Where's Simon? - Matt took him to see Happy.
- How's Happy? - He said she was doing better.
- Great.
- Help your brother and sister pack up.
Tell them I'm in no mood for a fight, so hustle.
Are they on their way home? What's wrong? Anything broken? Does Happy need stitches? - Why don't we just call? - Matt said he'd call back.
- He didn't give me any details.
- How's Simon holding up? I'm sure he's OK, especially if Happy's OK.
Mary, why don't you go help out upstairs? While we're waiting, I would like to know what went on here.
We usually separate them and interrogate them.
- I usually get it out of Ruthie.
- I don't know if that'll work.
I'll take Lucy and Mary and you give Ruthie a shot.
I'll take John and Nigel.
They're more afraid to lie to me than to you.
I'll talk to Keesha and Lynn.
We didn't wanna just go off and leave the kids here by themselves.
About 20 kids.
They were here when we got here.
We didn't invite any guys.
They just brought them.
I wanted Mary to meet him.
His sister was coming.
We couldn't just leave.
You should have seen this guy hitting on Keesha.
It wasn't a date, more like creative baby-sitting.
They were dying to see those old cartoons.
You know how kids are.
They made us.
We already saw those cartoons.
Jimmy hates animation, and it's not like The 20 dollars you gave me? Erm John gave us some money.
We got a candy bar that was as big as my head.
We didn't eat all of it.
We picked out the nuts.
Lucy gave me some money, too.
We really cleaned up.
We had to pay her, and she wanted to go.
We didn't do anything.
We didn't even hold hands.
We were good.
Simon and Nigel were the ones who got in trouble.
We spilled a little popcorn.
They were throwing it at people.
The man put a light on us.
Did I say spilled? I meant we were throwing it.
No one was drinking or doing anything bad.
Two of them were drinking.
Just beer.
And Matt told them not to.
That was Sergeant Michael's son.
Boy, was he mad.
Not that you're not mad.
I'm really sorry, especially about the way things turned out.
Believe me, it will never happen again.
It was irresponsible.
I confess, we made a mistake.
I still say I didn't do anything wrong.
We mostly sleeped.
- We're never gonna know.
- Sometimes it's best not to know.
- Was that a remark? - No, that wasn't a remark.
What was that for? That's for divorcing what's-his-name so we could have the last 20 years together.
Oh, stop it, you two.
Come on, kids.
I wanna get home before Valentine's is over.
Good night.
Thank you.
We had a really good time.
Excuse her.
She's had too much sugar.
Sorry for all the trouble.
Call us in the morning and let us know about Happy.
Hello? Matt.
How are you guys doing? How's Happy? Uh-huh.
I'll tell you what.
I'm not tired.
Maybe I'll just ride down there.
See you.
- Why aren't they here? - He was lying when he called before.
Here's the thing.
Happy isn't quite out of the woods yet.
Maybe I'll ride down to the hospital.
- Not without me.
- LUCY: How's Happy? If you're gonna go down there, please take us with you.
- Please.
- Please.
- Let's go.
- Come on.
- Dad.
- Matt, it's OK.
He told us.
We would have been here sooner, if we knew what was going on.
I said I'd watch Happy and I didn't, so I should be the one to deal with this.
We found out about everything.
This was not all your fault.
We wanna be here.
- We love Happy too.
- Yeah.
If I'd stopped the party, Happy would have never gotten out.
There shouldn't have been a party, any dates, any movies.
Your mom and I should have planned this better.
This was nobody's fault.
It was an accident.
- Punish me.
I'd feel better.
- There'll be plenty of punishment.
- Starting with no more parties.
- We will never have another party.
- And never go to another party either.
- Right.
- And we'll pay for the damage.
- The? We'll deal with that tomorrow.
I am just glad you were here with Simon.
He hates me.
He's never gonna forgive me.
Yes, he will.
As soon as Happy's OK, Simon'll be OK.
Where are they? - Back here.
Come on.
- You guys wait here for a little while.
Your child conked out about a half-hour ago.
- How's Happy? - The vital signs are good.
But we just can't seem to wake her up.
You're all welcome to stay, but we won't know anything until the morning.
And even then, I can't promise anything.
- Oh.
- I don't think we're going anywhere.
- You want me to get you some coffee? - No, honey, we're fine.
You must be exhausted.
Why don't you go home and get some rest? Not a chance.
Happy, you're OK.
Matt! Matt! Matt! She's OK! Look, Happy's OK! Yes, Simon, I believe you're right.
You're gonna have to watch her closely for the next 24 hours.
I'm gonna watch her the rest of my life.
I wanna see her Monday morning.
I'll go start the paperwork.
- ANNIE: Thank you, Doctor.
- Thank you.
- So when did you guys get here? - I think it was around midnight.
- We slept in the waiting room.
- First we said a prayer for Happy.
Everyone was here for you, girl.
Did you know that? I'm sure she knew you were sleeping right next to her.
I'm so glad she's OK.
So, am I forgiven? Well, I forgive you, but I don't know about Happy.
I think a few apologies are in order here, right, girl? - I'm really sorry, Happy.
- LUCY: Me, too, Happy.
- Yeah, me, too.
- I had nothing to do with it.
Nevertheless, Happy, we all hope you'll forgive us.
No more parties, girl, and no more movies for a long, long time.
- You know about? - The popcorn incident? We know.
- I guess we can talk about that later.
- I guess we could.
Happy Valentine's Day, Happy.
I love you.
Sure he'll wanna go.
See you.
Patricia and Morgan want us to go camping.
- Yes! - No, no.
- Just me and your dad.
- We'll put the kids in the kennel? - They can stay here.
- Who's gonna baby-sit? - Not me.
- Of course not.
- Who's gonna keep an eye on you? - I'm 17.
- Exactly.
- John and I have Valentine dates.
Breaking them at the last minute would be irresponsible.
I guess we can't go, then.
- I have plans.
- Me, too.
What plans? You can't go to the mall.
You said my friends could come and watch videos.
I can't watch kids and videos at the same time.
Since I can't go out, I thought Jimmy could come over.
Besides, the last time I baby-sat, Simon and Ruthie escaped, remember? - I remember.
- You'd do a better job this time.
I have puppies to give away.
I cannot watch Ruthie and Lynn.
- We don't need watching.
- You don't need watching.
There is no reason why we can't have and all of you do what you've planned, as long as everybody acts responsibly.
Did you hear yourself? As long as everyone acts responsibly.
Mary, Keesha and Lucy can watch Simon, Ruthie, Nigel and Lynn tonight.
John and Matt can entertain them tomorrow till we get back.
Just go.
Your father and I will figure this out.
You'll be late for school.
You want me to stick around for this? You can go play with the puppies.
I'll be right in.
She gets to go play with puppies and I have to go to school.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Don't you wanna go camping with me? - I do wanna go, believe me.
It's just I have so much stuff I have to get done this weekend.
- And I'm not much of a camper.
- You used to love to go camping.
- Love is such a strong word.
- Please.
You make me feel I have some say, but if you and Patricia have made a decision, I can't imagine it's up for discussion.
- They're picking us up at five.
- Happy Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day.
John, wait up.
You hear about this camping trip? - Stroke of luck, huh? - What? You wanna go to the movies or hang out at my parents' house? No one's home.
Except Mary, Keesha and their friends, Lucy and her boyfriend, and Simon, Nigel, Ruthie and Lynn.
We'll tell Keesha and Mary to go to the movies and take the kids.
- They aren't gonna do that.
- Have you asked them? - Have you asked them? - There's Keesha.
I'll ask now.
Keesha! [WHISTLES.]
I gotta go, guys.
Do I look like a dog? Don't just yell my name out like that.
Matt and I wanted to know if you and Mary could No.
So you just ask Mary.
She'll do it.
- No, she won't.
- Counting on you.
Mommy, do we have to give the puppies away? Honey, it's time, and they have a good home to go to.
We have a good home, too.
I think they're starting to get so big, they're getting in Happy's way.
I get in your way, and you still keep me around.
It's not the same, sweetheart.
It would be like you living here when you're 30.
I have to live somewhere else when I'm 30? You'll probably wanna live somewhere else when you're 30.
Yeah, maybe even when I'm seven, or maybe eight.
I think Dwight's very happy to have the puppies live with him.
He's very sweet.
They'll get lots of attention.
He'll take very good care of them.
They'll be fine.
I tried.
You don't have to have friends over tonight.
I've asked them.
Keesha's got friends coming over, too.
Can you at least keep them upstairs, do girl stuff, makeovers? There's no TV upstairs and we're gonna watch videos.
You and John can have the den with your dates.
Keesha and I will keep our friends in the living room.
- Tell them to keep out of the den.
- Yes, I'll tell them.
I don't know how you're gonna keep Simon, Nigel, Ruthie and Lynn out.
I hope Mom and Dad are happy.
Jimmy's mad at me about not going to the movies.
Maybe you could go to the movies.
I could drive you guys and it wouldn't be a date.
- It wouldn't? - No.
Not if you take the little kids.
- Ten bucks.
- Ten bucks? For what? He's the guy.
He'll buy the tickets.
But if he buys the tickets, then I should buy the popcorn.
And ten bucks from you, too.
Why would I have to give you ten bucks? If you don't, Jimmy and I will hang out at the house with you.
Ten bucks is my whole week's allowance.
Fine, ten bucks, and not a penny more.
So, how was your day? Well, first I er dropped by the hospital to see Mr Wilkerson, who described every detail of his ailing colon.
Then I had to bring the card table by Mrs Bink's.
She said she only lent it to the church.
She's playing pinochle with her friends.
Then I had to run by the market and drugstore for Mrs Martin.
In the deacons' meeting a fight broke out over whether to turn the restrooms into pay toilets in order to earn money.
So, it's gonna be great to get away and go camping.
I'll just write that sermon in the car.
Well, the puppy stuff is all packed up and ready to go.
I guess you might be feeling a little sad about seeing them leave.
Only a little.
Dwight's mom said I can bring Happy to visit any time.
That is so sweet of her.
You might wanna keep an eye on Happy tonight when the puppies leave to make sure she doesn't go out and look for them.
I think Happy is gonna be happy to be the only dog in the house again.
The puppies have been taking a lot of attention.
It's like what Ruthie did to me when she first came home from the hospital.
- That must have been tough on you.
- I got through it.
Have a good time.
Don't worry about not taking us.
We'd much rather stay here.
You think they'll be OK without us? Don't worry.
You'll get your sermon written.
You always do.
Matt will drive us.
It'll be almost like a date.
We just have to take the kids with us.
- We don't have to sit with them.
- I don't know.
It makes me nervous doing something the reverend wouldn't approve of.
He might find out.
It's not that he wouldn't approve.
It'd just better to tell him after.
He'd probably think it was generous of us to take them.
The French film we saw the first time I came to your house is in release now.
It would be romantic to see that.
Is anything playing at the same cineplex that they'd wanna see? An animation retrospective.
But I hate animation.
The kids can go see that and we'll see the French movie.
We're supposed to be baby-sitting.
We'll be next door.
Who's gonna know? You're a risk taker.
I like that.
It's exciting.
- Thanks.
- See you later.
See you.
Bye, Mommy.
Bye, Daddy.
Have a good time camping.
- Don't you wanna kiss us goodbye? - No.
One of these days, I'm going to be moving out and getting my own family, too.
She was a little upset about giving away the puppies.
Well, maybe we shouldn't leave her alone.
I mean, not too late to change our minds about going.
- Yes, it is.
- Hi.
- Mom and Dad are waiting in the car.
- I wanna see the puppies.
- Me, too.
Don't stay up too late and don't eat too much junk food and have a good time.
How can they have a good time if they can't eat junk food and stay up late? - Hi.
- Hey.
Well, you two are on your own, I guess.
You're on your own.
I already got the lecture from my dad.
OK, well Tell him whatever your dad told you.
Bye, guys.
See you.
Keesha and Mary are in the living room.
Lucy's taking the kids to the movies.
Not bad.
How would you like to go to the movies tonight? No, thank you.
- But it's a cartoon retrospective.
- What's that? - Your favourite cartoons.
- We've seen that already.
- It was good, wasn't it? - Yeah, it was good.
Don't you want Simon and Ruthie to see it? - Not really.
I wanna stay here.
- Me, too.
You're going to the movies.
Hi, guys.
Dwight and his mom are here for the puppies.
I'm not gonna watch.
It'll just make me sad.
That's OK, Ruthie.
It's my responsibility.
There you go.
Come on, guys.
Come on, Happy.
Time to say goodbye.
I don't think you realise how much work puppies are.
Look at those little babies.
They're the cutest things I've ever seen.
- I told you.
- Happy, they're gonna be fine.
- I'll help you get them in the car.
- That's OK.
We can manage.
What are you gonna name them? I think Little Precious and Sugar Plum.
They're so sweet.
Actually, since there's a boy and a girl, I was thinking about naming them Simon and Ruthie.
- You're a good man, Dwight.
- Thanks, Simon.
Bring Happy over to visit any time you like, you hear? All right.
- Bye, Simon.
See you around.
- See you, guys.
Maybe I should just stay here and watch Happy.
It's OK.
I'll watch her.
She'll be fine.
- I thought you had a date.
- I do, but I'll tell you what.
I'll bring her back here and we'll give Happy all the attention she can stand.
- Then I guess it'll be OK.
- Sure it will.
I love this dog.
OK, four tickets for the cartoon movie.
- The door is right there.
- What about you? We're going to another movie.
We'll be right next door.
- Ten bucks.
- What for? - Popcorn.
- I want ten bucks, too.
Snacks are expensive.
This is two weeks' worth of allowance.
- Come on.
It'll still be fun.
- I still have a bad feeling about this.
So you guys make yourselves comfortable and I'll get us something to drink.
- What would you like? - I've got what I want right here.
- And you? - I'm fine, just fine.
- What's that? - I thought we were alone.
It's cool.
Mary and Keesha have some friends in the living room.
We'll just tell them to turn it down a little.
- Hey.
Come on in.
- What are you doing? You were having a few girlfriends over.
They brought some guys with them.
What are you gonna do? - We're dead.
- They're gonna kill us.
- We might as well enjoy ourselves.
- Absolutely.
Let's go.
- I hate bugs.
- There aren't any bugs.
It's too cold.
I hate cold.
I hate sleeping on the cold, damp ground.
- They brought air mattresses.
- I hate dirt.
- Maybe it'll snow and cover it up.
- I hate camping.
- But you love your wife.
- Yeah.
I haven't even begun writing my sermon for Sunday, this Sunday.
- I'll let you use mine.
- Yeah, right.
What's it about? A parallel between Moses leading his people out of Egypt and Martin Luther King leading us out of our past.
That is beautiful.
That is really oh, beautiful.
Actually, I wish I'd seen that one.
That is hot.
- I hope so.
It's freezing up here.
- Those fools didn't wanna go camping.
Like we did this for us.
They need a vacation.
- I know.
- What's that? - Here.
You need this? Yeah.
Morgan Hamilton, was that your beeper? Where did you get that cellular phone? I, erm borrowed it from one of the deacons, in case there's an emergency.
You promised to leave church behind.
I meant to, honey.
I just forgot to turn off my beeper.
I don't even recognise this number.
I'll check it out.
Just one call, then I'm turning it off.
Yes, this is Reverend Hamilton.
I see.
Yeah, she's here.
- I guess that's none of our business.
- Of course it isn't.
Patricia's ex calls her every Valentine's Day.
- It was their anniversary.
- Patricia's what? She got married out of high school, didn't last a year, but this fool's gotta look her up every Valentine's Day.
What? You're the one who wore the beeper.
"All my love on this first Valentine's Day together.
Love, Lucy.
" "If a pretty girl is like a melody, how come you're such a strain"? Since we came to a heavy movie, I thought I'd go with a light card.
His name is Chris.
Star player at Westside.
Broke up with his girlfriend after Christmas.
And the rest you can see for yourself.
- Yes, I can.
- Want me to introduce you? I can take care of it.
- Uh-oh.
We've got trouble.
- I'll give her a minute, then butt in.
No, those guys over there.
- So, you're 18, huh? - Practically, yeah.
- Hey, you two, no alcohol.
- It's just beer, man.
- Who are you? - This is my house.
Get rid of the beer.
Could I have a word with you, alone? - That guy is too old for you.
- No, he's not.
He's my age, practically.
Looks like your date's getting a little bored.
Oh, this stew is really good.
- Delicious.
- Sure is.
I brought my guitar.
We could sing after dinner.
I don't think I'm in the mood for that.
- Maybe later.
- I doubt it.
- I'll help Annie clean up.
- Morgan will help you clean.
I'm going to bed.
I guess I'm feeling a little tired myself.
After 20 years that guy still manages to ruin every Valentine's Day.
Sorry I brought that phone.
I thought we might check up on the kids.
- Sure you wanna do that? - We trust them.
But I don't want them to think that I don't care.
I just have this feeling that they might be doing something stupid, like throwing a party.
They're having a party.
The question is how big.
You're supposed to tell me I'm wrong.
Call Sergeant Michaels at the station.
Get him to drive by and check on them.
Routine patrol.
If he doesn't see anything wrong, he doesn't have to go in.
- I'm sorry.
You know I care about you.
- Right.
What do you want me to say? It's not so much what I want you to say.
It's more what I want you to do, in the way of an apology.
You mean? That's exactly what I mean.
We have to go home now.
- What's this? - The cops are here, man.
Man! - Dad, what are you doing here? - Dad? Sergeant Michaels is your dad? - Are you serving alcohol at this party? - I swear, sir, it's just us.
- Call your mother to pick you up.
- Dad, can't you just give me a ride? Call your mother.
- Alone with a guy you don't even know? - We were just talking.
Why's everyone leaving? Excuse me, Officer.
No one was drinking.
Just these two morons we don't know.
I just got them a ride home.
There is something else.
- Does Simon still have that white dog? - Yeah, Happy.
I just found her on the side of the street.
I'm afraid she's been hit by a car.
I got her to an animal hospital, but I should get you down there right away.
You wanna talk about it? - You wanna talk about it? - Yes, I wanna talk about it.
After 20 years, you wanna talk about Kevin? Oh, Kevin's his name? He calls himself Patricia's first husband.
What kind of name is Kevin anyway? Is he Irish or something? As a matter of fact, he is Irish.
What? You have always said you didn't wanna know anything about the man.
- Irish? - You got a problem with the Irish? - He's Irish Irish? - That's right.
He's white.
Now, would it bother you as much if he was a black man? Yes, it would, as long as he called on Valentine's Day every year, yes.
- Irish? - Yes.
- You wanna know anything else? - No.
- I can't believe she was married.
- Me neither.
See? Aren't you glad we came here? Oh, yeah.
And I'm glad you're not mad about the phone anymore.
Thank you.
You know what I think we should do? - Oh, I hope so.
- No.
I think we should call the kids and see if they're OK.
I don't know.
They'll think we don't trust them.
They know we don't trust them.
Hand me the phone.
Hello? OK, we're leaving right now.
- Are the kids OK? - It was Sergeant Michaels.
It's Happy.
She's been hit by a car.
- Is she? - No, they took her to the hospital.
I have her stabilised.
Why don't you go home and wait? We won't know anything for a while.
I'll call you.
I'd hate to leave her.
Does Simon know yet? - No.
- You go take care of your brother.
I'll take care of your dog.
I don't usually stay here all night, but tonight I'll make an exception.
- Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
- Thank you, Doctor.
Come on, son.
I'll drive you home.
This was such a stupid idea.
Those kids are too young to stay on their own.
- Don't say it.
- I wasn't gonna say anything.
I just hope Happy's OK.
If she isn't - I'm sure she is.
- I'd love to know how she got out.
How did one dog get past all those kids without anybody seeing her? Happy could have gotten out no matter who was home.
- I hate being away from Simon.
- We'll be home in an hour.
- An hour seems like forever, Eric.
- I know.
I should have never talked everyone into this.
You're supposed to say you all wanted to come.
I wanted to come.
Honey, the dog wasn't your fault.
Well, I still feel responsible.
You take no responsibility for that jerk calling.
- See, I heard that.
Get over it.
- Me get over it? - You should get over it.
- I can still hear you.
I meant for you to hear me.
By the way, how did Sergeant Michaels happen to have your cellular number? Oh, uh, Morgan and I called him earlier, just so he could ride by the house, an unofficial yet routine check, just to make sure everything was OK.
If Happy isn't OK, I will never forgive myself.
I'm sorry.
This whole thing got out of hand because I invited too many people.
Simon and Nigel got us kicked out of the movies.
They were throwing popcorn.
Don't ask.
When I picked them up, the manager chewed my ear off.
- Go get your pyjamas on.
- I'll read you a story.
Yay! - Where's Simon? - Racing Nigel to the bathroom.
Extra large orange drinks.
We could have dropped you off.
I wanted us to have a moment together.
- Really? - Yeah.
Sorry about that Valentine.
It was lame.
I see.
You wanna apologise? - Yeah.
- That's OK.
- That's my mom.
I better go.
Your mom's out front.
- Lucy.
- Yeah? Someday I will kiss you, but not because of some artificial holiday when my feelings for you are real.
- Bye.
- Bye.
You didn't tell Simon, did you? Tell me what? Erm Could you guys leave us alone? Thanks.
What's going on? Where's Happy? - Erm, Simon - Where's Happy? What have you done with Happy? Simon, I had to take her to the hospital.
There was an accident.
An accident? What kind of accident? She was hit by a car.
What? You were supposed to be watching her.
You knew she'd go after the puppies.
You knew it.
Dr Moore said she'll call us as soon as she knows something.
I want my dog.
Take me there or I'm gonna walk there.
- Dr Moore won't know anything.
- Happy's gonna know I'm not there.
I hate you! You were supposed to be watching her.
I hate you! Happy! I want Happy! Let me go.
- Come on, Simon.
Come here.
- I just want Happy.
I'll take you to her, OK? I'll take you.
Don't cry.
I'll take you.
I just want Happy.
I'm here, girl.
I'm here.
It's gonna be OK.
I won't leave you.
I'll never leave you again.
Hey, are Mom and Dad home yet? Yeah, he's He's in there with her now.
No, she's doing better, a lot better.
No, no, she is.
Look, I'll call you back in a half-hour.
Happy is not doing a lot better.
Now, you know that, right? In fact, she's just about the same.
I know.
I just didn't want the kids to worry with my parents away.
I'll let them know what's going on when they get home.
I wish I knew if Matt were telling the truth.
I don't think Matt would lie.
- If he had bad news, he would.
- You want me to just go down there? - Where's Simon? - Matt took him to see Happy.
- How's Happy? - He said she was doing better.
- Great.
- Help your brother and sister pack up.
Tell them I'm in no mood for a fight, so hustle.
Are they on their way home? What's wrong? Anything broken? Does Happy need stitches? - Why don't we just call? - Matt said he'd call back.
- He didn't give me any details.
- How's Simon holding up? I'm sure he's OK, especially if Happy's OK.
Mary, why don't you go help out upstairs? While we're waiting, I would like to know what went on here.
We usually separate them and interrogate them.
- I usually get it out of Ruthie.
- I don't know if that'll work.
I'll take Lucy and Mary and you give Ruthie a shot.
I'll take John and Nigel.
They're more afraid to lie to me than to you.
I'll talk to Keesha and Lynn.
We didn't wanna just go off and leave the kids here by themselves.
About 20 kids.
They were here when we got here.
We didn't invite any guys.
They just brought them.
I wanted Mary to meet him.
His sister was coming.
We couldn't just leave.
You should have seen this guy hitting on Keesha.
It wasn't a date, more like creative baby-sitting.
They were dying to see those old cartoons.
You know how kids are.
They made us.
We already saw those cartoons.
Jimmy hates animation, and it's not like The 20 dollars you gave me? Erm John gave us some money.
We got a candy bar that was as big as my head.
We didn't eat all of it.
We picked out the nuts.
Lucy gave me some money, too.
We really cleaned up.
We had to pay her, and she wanted to go.
We didn't do anything.
We didn't even hold hands.
We were good.
Simon and Nigel were the ones who got in trouble.
We spilled a little popcorn.
They were throwing it at people.
The man put a light on us.
Did I say spilled? I meant we were throwing it.
No one was drinking or doing anything bad.
Two of them were drinking.
Just beer.
And Matt told them not to.
That was Sergeant Michael's son.
Boy, was he mad.
Not that you're not mad.
I'm really sorry, especially about the way things turned out.
Believe me, it will never happen again.
It was irresponsible.
I confess, we made a mistake.
I still say I didn't do anything wrong.
We mostly sleeped.
- We're never gonna know.
- Sometimes it's best not to know.
- Was that a remark? - No, that wasn't a remark.
What was that for? That's for divorcing what's-his-name so we could have the last 20 years together.
Oh, stop it, you two.
Come on, kids.
I wanna get home before Valentine's is over.
Good night.
Thank you.
We had a really good time.
Excuse her.
She's had too much sugar.
Sorry for all the trouble.
Call us in the morning and let us know about Happy.
Hello? Matt.
How are you guys doing? How's Happy? Uh-huh.
I'll tell you what.
I'm not tired.
Maybe I'll just ride down there.
See you.
- Why aren't they here? - He was lying when he called before.
Here's the thing.
Happy isn't quite out of the woods yet.
Maybe I'll ride down to the hospital.
- Not without me.
- LUCY: How's Happy? If you're gonna go down there, please take us with you.
- Please.
- Please.
- Let's go.
- Come on.
- Dad.
- Matt, it's OK.
He told us.
We would have been here sooner, if we knew what was going on.
I said I'd watch Happy and I didn't, so I should be the one to deal with this.
We found out about everything.
This was not all your fault.
We wanna be here.
- We love Happy too.
- Yeah.
If I'd stopped the party, Happy would have never gotten out.
There shouldn't have been a party, any dates, any movies.
Your mom and I should have planned this better.
This was nobody's fault.
It was an accident.
- Punish me.
I'd feel better.
- There'll be plenty of punishment.
- Starting with no more parties.
- We will never have another party.
- And never go to another party either.
- Right.
- And we'll pay for the damage.
- The? We'll deal with that tomorrow.
I am just glad you were here with Simon.
He hates me.
He's never gonna forgive me.
Yes, he will.
As soon as Happy's OK, Simon'll be OK.
Where are they? - Back here.
Come on.
- You guys wait here for a little while.
Your child conked out about a half-hour ago.
- How's Happy? - The vital signs are good.
But we just can't seem to wake her up.
You're all welcome to stay, but we won't know anything until the morning.
And even then, I can't promise anything.
- Oh.
- I don't think we're going anywhere.
- You want me to get you some coffee? - No, honey, we're fine.
You must be exhausted.
Why don't you go home and get some rest? Not a chance.
Happy, you're OK.
Matt! Matt! Matt! She's OK! Look, Happy's OK! Yes, Simon, I believe you're right.
You're gonna have to watch her closely for the next 24 hours.
I'm gonna watch her the rest of my life.
I wanna see her Monday morning.
I'll go start the paperwork.
- ANNIE: Thank you, Doctor.
- Thank you.
- So when did you guys get here? - I think it was around midnight.
- We slept in the waiting room.
- First we said a prayer for Happy.
Everyone was here for you, girl.
Did you know that? I'm sure she knew you were sleeping right next to her.
I'm so glad she's OK.
So, am I forgiven? Well, I forgive you, but I don't know about Happy.
I think a few apologies are in order here, right, girl? - I'm really sorry, Happy.
- LUCY: Me, too, Happy.
- Yeah, me, too.
- I had nothing to do with it.
Nevertheless, Happy, we all hope you'll forgive us.
No more parties, girl, and no more movies for a long, long time.
- You know about? - The popcorn incident? We know.
- I guess we can talk about that later.
- I guess we could.
Happy Valentine's Day, Happy.
I love you.