All That Glitters (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

What's wrong? Feeling nervous?
I've never been so nervous,
not even during my boxing matches.
Have you ever
backed out of a boxing match?
Of course not! I'd rather be defeated
than back out of a match.
Because if you back out once,
you'll be a loser forever.
And so?
Let's enter the boxing ring!
He's tall, suave and handsome.
He could practically be a star.
Who knows? If he goes back
to Thailand and shoots to fame,
you'll become a celebrity's mother-in-law.
Dad, Mom.
Hey, Jiahui.
See what I mean?
Tall, suave and handsome.
Were you paid to put
in a good word for him?
Er this is Susakong,
a Muay Thai instructor.
He's a Chinese Thai,
so he speaks Mandarin.
Uncle, Auntie.
-My bro.
Jiahui, it's a hot day.
Give him some herbal tea.
We don't give out free herbal tea.
Mom, Susakong has brought you a gift.
Auntie, a little something for you.
Wow, you get a present!
Here, let me
-Get him a herbal tea.
Wow, you've got a present!
Don't you want to find out what it is?
It's very heavy.
Why so surprised?
It's a gold bar!
A gold bar?
Let me see.
It's a 1kg gold bar.
Oh, it's quite heavy. It's real!
How much is it worth?
According to today's gold prices, this
You know your stuff!
Aunt, you've got yourself
a rich son-in-law.
As if!
Just one gold bar,
and he wants to cohabit with my daughter?
That's too cheap!
I keep telling you
they're co-living, not cohabiting.
I'm not a fool, you know.
Since you don't approve of
their seeing each other,
you shouldn't accept
his expensive gift, right?
All right, too bad then.
Hey! What do you think you're doing?
What? I'm returning it to him.
See that? To my mom,
I'm only worth S$30,000.
Isn't that good?
If she thinks you're worth more,
you can forget about
being with Sun Wukong.
His name is Susakong!
Susakong or Sun Wukong,
you'd better treat Jiahui well.
If you let her down,
I'll hunt you down no matter
how far you run. Understood?
You won't let me down, right?
I won't.
Aw, come on.
He's Susakong. Hey!
It's from the Malaysian police.
Two afternoons ago,
two men suspected to be
Lin Musen and Huang Jintiao
were spotted at
a small jetty in Merang, Malaysia.
He's Huang Jintiao,
and this man is believed to be Lin Musen.
They hired a boat to go fishing,
but the boat owner
had an urgent matter to attend to,
so their plan was disrupted.
According to the boat owner,
they communicated with him via phone.
They claimed
they were going fishing at sea,
then spending the night
at a small fishing village in Thailand.
The boat owner found them suspicious,
and called the police.
But when the police arrived,
they had already escaped.
We now know that Huang Jintiao and
Lin Musen are still in hiding in Malaysia.
They're planning to escape to Thailand.
The colleagues we assigned there
are assisting the Malaysian police
in capturing them.
We must remain vigilant too.
We must provide them with
as many leads as possible,
so the frontline officers
can capture them ASAP.
I took you off Lin Musen's case
because your elder sister
was in a relationship with Lin Musen.
But that was in the past.
Your sis is now married and has a child.
This case no longer
has anything to do with her.
So I've appealed to the higher-ups
to put you back on this case.
Thank you, Sir.
I have my own opinion about this case.
Tell me more.
Lin Musen and He Jianzhi
were once as close as brothers.
Why did they turn into enemies?
Also, Lin Musen fired
six shots at He Jianzhi.
He must have hated He Jianzhi very much.
Once we find out his motive,
we'll have a higher chance of
nabbing Lin Musen.
My gut instinct tells me that
this is related to a case
from more than a year ago.
Which case?
Lin Jiahui's murder.
We received a phone call that day.
Someone discovered a corpse
in the Lim Chu Kang forest.
There, we found a pair of women's shoes.
Forensics suspected the victim was female,
between 25 and 35 years old.
Based on the level of decay,
the victim had been dead for
probably more than six months.
We started our investigation
from the list of missing persons.
Lin Jiahui was among
the list of missing persons.
According to the ICA,
she had no record of
having traveled overseas.
Moreover, her passport
was found at her residence.
DNA analysis confirmed that
the deceased was Lin Jiahui.
The coroners postulated that
she died from a fractured skull.
They suspected she was
hit on the head with a heavy object.
You can probably guess
why I'm here to talk to you.
I won't be wrong.
You're here to ask about your second sis?
Who let you visit her?
Lin Musen?
Officer Li.
Are you accusing me?
You police officers
are looking for Lin Musen.
Are you insinuating that
we're in some form of contact?
News reports state that
Zhenting and Arthur Thng
fell from the building after a scuffle.
He died - she was injured.
Does Lin Musen believe this?
Do you believe this?
I find this highly suspicious.
There's only one person
who can give you an answer.
This person was at the scene.
Lin Jiahui?
Lin Jiahui was the only eyewitness.
But she's dead.
So Lin Musen also thinks
there's more to this than meets the eye?
Did he also start his own investigation?
One of them was his cousin,
one of them is the sister
of the woman he loves.
Do you think he'd do nothing?
Lin Jiahui's dead,
and your second sis is in a coma.
No one knows the truth.
Perhaps Lin Musen knows the truth,
but he's gone missing.
The investigation team
narrowed their leads to
a Thai national named Susakong.
Susakong was a Muay Thai instructor.
Lin Jiahui was his girlfriend.
They used to live together.
Lin Musen and Lin Jiahui
worked in the same investment company.
Lin Jiahui was an agent,
in charge of finding clients to
invest in gold and land.
But these two investment schemes
were eventually exposed as scams.
The investors lost a lot of money.
After Lin Musen was charged for fraud
and sentenced to jail,
Lin Jiahui became a property agent.
She then moved to Bangkok to work,
and moved back to Singapore
six months ago.
We found on her social media
wedding photos of her and Susakong
in traditional Thai clothes.
But there were no records of
their marriage in the registry.
We found out that
Susakong had left Singapore
and gone back to Thailand.
The Thai police were
contacted for assistance.
Three months later,
the local police
found a corpse at a beach.
The corpse was identified
as that of Susakong.
Cause of death unknown.
Lin Jiahui's case remains unresolved.
Hey, you're here?
I'm here to make myself some kopi.
The kopi you make is terrible.
They don't call me Kopi Kia for nothing
I grew up on the kopi you make!
I'll do it.
Where's Sis?
Beibei doesn't have school today.
She and your bro-in-law
took Beibei out for some fun.
There aren't many customers at this time.
Why don't you close the shop and rest?
I don't need rest.
Isn't it worse to have nothing to do?
Then go dating!
You know Sis and I have always
encouraged you to go dating.
I hear Director Fu is still unmarried.
Is he waiting for you?
Of course not.
He won't get married to a woman.
You need a new target then.
There are many dating websites these days.
Why don't I help you sign up?
Help me? You're too free, eh?
Have you been visiting Zhenting?
I haven't visited her in a long while.
Zhenyu won't let me go.
Mom, I don't want you to go either.
You get upset for days
every time you visit.
You lose your appetite and your sleep.
But poor Zhenting
Mom, take your mind off it.
I must have sinned in my previous life.
You see,
your dad died long ago.
Zhenyu was doing fine,
but she suddenly lost her vision.
Zhenting used to be so lively,
but now she's in a coma
Oh no.
Quit your police job.
All right, I'll leave the police force
and be your coffee shop assistant.
I'm being serious.
Go study for a few more years.
I believe you can get a better job
than being a policeman.
I can get a new job,
but I won't be happy.
I've always dreamt of being a policeman,
since I was a child.
But I'm very worried for you.
Mom, fate is sometimes unfair.
It can even be cruel.
But no matter what it decides for us,
we must face up to it bravely.
Sis is a great example of this.
Although she's visually impaired,
she has a stronger will than most people.
Beibei, you have to open it up.
Open it from this side.
Like this.
I'm Zhenyu. Li Zhenyu.
But I think "You're-so-Pretty"
suits you better.
Because you're really pretty.
I like you.
I love you.
I really love you.
You're so pretty.
Your smile is so perfect.
-What is it?
Our little girl
nearly fell into the water.
Be careful.
Mom, it's all right. Dad will save me.
Time to go soon.
We have to go visit your Aunt Zhenting.
Can I play for ten more minutes?
Just ten minutes.
Why are you giving me a gold bar?
Don't worry. This isn't a betrothal gift.
When we do get wed,
I'll give you at least 10kg of gold.
Only that can prove my sincerity.
Wow, is this real gold?
Have a look yourself
"999,9 fine gold."
But don't be fooled by
some chocolate labels stating this.
-That's true.
At least hold it and feel it.
-Wow, it's heavy!
-Isn't it?
How heavy is it?
There are ten bars here, so 10kg?
Wow, Sis, you get 10kg of gold
as your betrothal gift!
How much is this worth?
The market rate for gold today
is S$33,000 per kg.
So, S$330,000?
Sis, it's S$330,000!
Wow, you're rich now.
It's the bride price. Just a formality.
don't just treat it as a formality.
You have to accept all of it.
I can't
You're-so-Pretty said,
no matter how much I give you,
you'll accept it.
-Didn't you?
Mom. Let's accept all of it.
We can't! People will say we're greedy.
-They won't
-They won't.
I actually think S$300,000 worth of gold
is too low a price for You're-so-Pretty.
-My dear sis is worth S$3 million.
-S$3 million?
-Wait, no S$30 million!
-S$30 million?
Let me say this,
my You're-so-Pretty is priceless.
This S$300,000 is from my bonus.
You got such a big bonus?
Of course. It's a big project.
I'm the chief operating officer, COO,
you know.
I'm in charge of
the entire investment project.
We attracted 3,000 investors
from Singapore and Malaysia
just in the first year.
The investment sum was over S$500 million!
Of course I deserved a bigger share
for the amount of work I put in.
I'll be in charge of
an overseas land investment project next.
I will probably make
more than a million from this.
Give me three years.
I promise I'll buy you a house with land.
Then our children
will have a lawn to play on.
Kopi Gah Dai.
The more you say, the more I
Go on.
You won't like what I have to say.
I know what you were going to say,
but I have to tell you that
those investors are not
your average uncles and aunties.
Some of them are teachers, principals,
doctors, lawyers, business owners
They aren't stupid or foolish.
Why don't you have faith in me?
I do have faith in you.
I know you're doing very well.
But I've decided to postpone our wedding.
But we've already fixed our wedding date.
We haven't fixed the time and location,
and we haven't sent out the invites.
We can still change the date.
But your Mom says the fortune teller
has already done the calculations.
That's the best day for us to get married.
We're the ones getting married.
We get to decide on our own wedding date.
Why should we listen to my Mom?
Or some random fortune teller?
Why did you suddenly change your mind?
I think
I'm not ready for it.
Why not?
Kopi Gah Dai, sorry.
Give me some more time.
All right,
I'll wait for you.
If you need one year, I'll wait one year.
If you need ten years,
I'll wait ten years.
Anyway, no matter what happens,
I'll not leave you.
I want you as my bride.
Li Zhenyu, what were you thinking?
He's already given us the betrothal gift,
but now you're calling off the wedding?
Does this mean we have to return the gift?
I'm not saying I don't want to marry him.
I just don't want to marry him so soon.
You're a sly one!
I don't want others to gossip that
I'm only after his gold.
Fine, you don't want to get married?
Return the gift to him!
The gold bars are mine.
I won't return them.
How could you say that?
Zhenting, did you hear that?
I heard that.
I did.
Mom, you can't blame Sis.
It's S$300,000!
Of course we can't return it.
I bet you can't bear to return it either.
You two are making my blood boil!
Don't be angry.
Of course I'm angry!
First she says she wants to get married,
but now she calls it off.
Musen is a nice guy.
If it were someone else
I know!
Perhaps Sis finds
S$300,000 too low a bride price.
Maybe it cheapens her? That's it!
So she's holding on
for the price to increase.
Sis is like blue chip stock.
Her value will keep soaring.
Sell too soon
and you'll suffer a huge loss!
Blue chip stock? Nonsense!
A woman's value drops as she gets older.
You think the value will soar?
In your dreams, little girl.
Mom, you're so outdated.
These days, women age like fine wine.
You two You'll give me a heart attack.
I can make my own decisions.
Don't worry, and don't get angry.
I wash my hands of this.
I won't interfere with
your affairs anymore!
Mom, what about my affairs?
You can enjoy peace
and quiet when I'm dead!
You have already viewed your future house
and tried on your wedding gown.
He's already given you the betrothal gift.
But you're suddenly
calling the wedding off?
This isn't like you.
I'm just postponing the wedding.
What exactly are you worried about?
About you.
You're not getting married because of me?
Yeah. I haven't even got married,
and you're already
constantly making me worry.
Once I get married,
you'll go completely wild!
I know I did many foolish things
that caused you to worry.
that time I had an accident
and was hospitalized.
If Mom finds out I had a miscarriage,
she'll go nuts.
Glad you know that.
I've learnt my lesson.
I promise I won't be so foolish again.
I'll tell you the truth.
I'm worried for Musen.
Then all the more reason you should
get married to him sooner.
Once you two get married and have kids,
he won't dare to fool around outside.
Mom's worried that
now that his career has taken off,
many women will flock to him.
Don't forget.
My bro-in-law's handsome and charming.
Everyone says he's smart and capable.
Just over a year, he managed to
buy a luxury car and gold bars.
But it all feels so surreal.
Times have changed.
We can't remain conservative.
There are so many overnight millionaires.
Some of my classmates started their own
businesses without a university degree.
They've become millionaires already.
You shouldn't have doubts about Musen.
From an outdated point of view,
Musen is like a gemstone.
You may think
it's just a normal stone at first.
But after you polish it,
you'll discover it's a shiny gem.
He didn't have
any opportunities back then.
But now is his time to shine.
He must go all out
and be successful, right?
I hope I'm just overthinking things.
But I still want to give him
and myself some more time.
It's worth waiting for true love.
No matter what your decision is,
I'll be your supportive little sis.
Bro Gen.
Just call me Gen.
Boss is in there.
Everyone knows you've been
Boss's assistant since the beginning.
I'm just a humble assistant.
But both Boss and his son
think very highly of you.
I'm just a regular employee, Bro Gen.
You think Boss sees you
as just any other employee?
He only invites the ones he's close to
for steamboat here.
Thank you, Bro Gen.
Oh, thanks.
-Boss, Thunder is here.
Boss, Lady Boss.
why are you still calling me that?
I told you not to call me Lady Boss.
That's too polite.
Right. Call her Sis Suxin.
Just call this kid by her name.
Sis Suxin.
Miss Xuemin.
Thunder, charcoal steamboat
is quite rare in Singapore these days.
-Have you tried it before?
Gen, get another chair. Join us.
No, enjoy your family meal.
Uncle Gen, he isn't family.
You're family! Join us.
No, Miss.
My skin allergy acts up
whenever I eat steamboat.
Enjoy your meal.
-Come, Thunder.
-Thanks, Bro Gen.
Sit down. Come.
Thunder, please help yourself.
Don't stand on ceremony.
Bro Cong said he hadn't
chatted with you in a long while,
so he invited you here.
You're not going on a date today, right?
Not at all.
Liar! I bet you
ditched your You're-so-Pretty
so you could come and bootlick your boss.
His girlfriend!
He calls her "You're-so-Pretty."
You even know his girlfriend?
-Eat more.
-Thank you, Boss.
Miss Xuemin texts me sometimes,
asking me to spill the beans.
Stop disturbing Thunder, all right?
Mommy, he's more than willing to.
Just ask him.
Yes, gladly. Very.
Super bootlicker.
Tastes great!
Doesn't it?
-Eat more.
So, have you received your bonus?
Satisfied with it?
Yes, I'm very satisfied.
It's just a paltry sum, but you're elated.
Just eat your food.
Richard says you're performing well.
I hear he's put you in charge of
a new land investment project.
You're very capable.
But we aren't machines.
We all get exhausted eventually.
Tell you what, get a couple of people
you trust to assist you.
Doesn't matter if they have no
educational qualifications or experience.
Look at you, not a graduate,
but doing so well.
What's most important is
a sense of responsibility
and a willingness to sacrifice themselves
for you when push comes to shove.
Got it, Boss.
Did you hear what my daddy said?
Of course I did.
I may be busy eating,
but I'm listening to every word too.
Then do you know what he really means?
Xuemin! Your daddy is
discussing work matters with Thunder.
Stop interrupting!
Daddy, just look at him.
He looks idiotic. You really think
he understood what you just said?
If you don't believe me,
ask him to explain what you said.
Whoa, it's hot!
Go on, say it.
I already did.
When did you say anything?
I said, "It's hot!"
Huh? "Hot"?
That's your answer?
Boss is worried that I've burnt my tongue,
and all the good food will go to waste.
That's right.
You've burnt your tongue.
If you want to enjoy good food,
make sure you don't burn your tongue.
Thank you, Boss.
Go on, eat.
Continue eating.
Lin Musen.
What is it?
If you don't want to be "burnt,"
go find a scapegoat at once.
What scapegoat?
So I'm right. You didn't understand.
Of course I know the word "scapegoat."
Then go find one now!
Miss Xuemin.
You used the word "scapegoat" wrongly.
A scapegoat is someone made to
bear the blame
for you when you've done wrong.
Your dad told me to find assistants
to reduce my workload.
Just because you use big words
doesn't mean you speak the language well.
How dare you mock me.
Hey, I'm losing my patience with you!
What can you do? I'm your boss's daughter.
So what? Turn around.
-What for?
-What? You're afraid?
Try kicking my bum
and I'll accuse you of sexual harassment.
You're already threatening people
at such a young age?
Let me tell you this
even if I wanted to
sexually harass someone,
I wouldn't target underage girls like you.
Now turn around!
Fine. I'm not afraid of you.
Hey. Lin Musen?
Lin Musen!
Hey! Lin Musen.
You cowardly crook!
You're using the wrong expression again.
You're fleeing in terror.
That makes you a cowardly crook!
I'm not fleeing in terror
I'm helping you solve your problem.
Since you hate me so much,
when you see me next time,
just turn away from me.
Be glad I didn't kick your butt!
You're so bony. I'll need to see a doctor
if I hurt my foot kicking you.
Lin Musen!
Hey, Lin Musen! I'll remember this
That little brat.
She's finally met her match.
Get a couple of people you trust
to assist you.
What's most important is
a sense of responsibility
and a willingness to sacrifice themselves
for you when push comes to shove.
Why is Boss asking me to find
someone responsible
who's willing to
sacrifice themselves for me?
Hope you had a satisfying night.
Come here.
Aren't you bored?
We've been in Thailand
for more than a week.
All we do is suntan, go to the beach,
eat, shop and go for music performances
You should be enjoying this.
How can it be boring?
Of course, it depends on whom you're with.
He Jianzhi.
I finally see your true colors.
My true colors?
I used to think you were a dull guy,
boring and uninteresting.
You were not good with words,
and hopeless at charming girls.
But now that I've known you for a while,
it turns out you can actually be charming.
I'm only charming towards you.
No way!
I'm serious.
Look into my eyes, and you'll know.
Can I be your girlfriend?
Forget it. You're hesitating.
I feel like I'm throwing myself at you.
I'm not hesitating. I'm just stunned.
It's true! I'm stunned.
Stunned that you want
to be more than friends.
My heart is pumping really fast now.
Check my pulse if you don't believe me.
Kiss me.
If you don't kiss me within three seconds,
my offer to be your girlfriend is over.
Offer's over.
Leaving already?
I already said I'm not
in Singapore this week.
If there's anything urgent,
look for Vincent.
You can't find him?
Uncontactable since yesterday?
Okay, got it.
Want to dance on the podium?
You go if you want to.
You're the most gorgeous here!
-Let's go.
Where the hell is he?
Guang? Do you know where Vincent is?
I've been looking for him since yesterday.
So he didn't say
if he went overseas or somewhere?
If you find him, call me at once.
What's wrong with you?
Don't grip me so hard. It hurts.
Let go!
Why did you get so worked up?
I was just having fun with him.
He was almost pressing himself on you.
He even wanted to kiss you!
Obviously getting fresh with you.
So you're jealous, eh?
I just didn't want you
to fall prey to him.
I find him quite humorous.
Handsome guy,
and more importantly, filthy rich.
How do you know he's rich?
He told me.
He said he's the CEO of
a gaming software company
and asked if I wanted to
download their latest game.
And you simply believed him?
All I had to do was
a simple Internet search.
He may be young,
but his net worth is over US$100 million!
So what if he's rich?
You think he'll be serious about you?
White men like him
are only into one-night stands.
I'm okay with one-night stands.
Who knows?
He may be addicted to me after one night.
Are you out of your mind?
Yeah, I'm crazy. Didn't you know?
You should stay away from me,
or you'll go crazy too.
Don't degrade yourself.
You're young, pretty and smart.
I really don't understand
why you feel the need to rely on men.
I don't want you to cheapen yourself.
He Jianzhi.
I didn't know you were capable of
giving such profound advice.
I really hate listening to all this.
I find it gross.
Just my honest opinion.
To me,
you'll always be perfect.
I don't want you to
I don't know how to put it.
I know.
In this world,
besides my mom and my sis,
you're the one who cares most about me.
There was Jiahui too, previously.
But she only cares
about her work these days.
She no longer cares about me, her friend.
You should go back.
I mean, go back to Singapore.
I want to stay here longer.
If you don't go back, I won't.
Oh, come on!
I know you've got something to settle.
Something important.
I can see that, you know.
You've been keeping a close eye
on your phone since yesterday.
Trouble at work?
Tell me. Am I right?
My business partner suddenly went missing.
Many customers have been
hounding us for payment.
Then why are you still here? Go back!
Because I care more about you
than my business.
Nothing is more important than you.
Go back.
I promise you I won't degrade myself.
He Jianzhi, you're making me feel guilty.
You're really jealous?
It's not like I didn't give you a chance.
You chose to remain good friends with me.
We can be good friends forever.
But lovers? Perhaps only for a night.
Go back.
I'll go back with you. Hm?
I said I'll go back with you.
All right?
Have you found Vincent?
That damned piece of
I bet he's fled.
When you said you wanted to
be his business partner,
I warned you.
He owns this car company.
It's always been a profitable business.
Had I not been his army buddy,
he wouldn't have let me
become a shareholder.
How was I to know he'd turn out like that?
It's too late to ponder all this.
Have you checked all the bank accounts?
How much is left?
Not even S$2,000.
How much did he abscond with?
There was about S$50 - 60,000
in the company's accounts.
But Vincent
He absconded with more than S$200,000,
all the money we owe
the car owners who sold us their cars.
They called, saying
if we still don't pay up,
they'll go to the police.
Any more cars on hand?
A few.
But he didn't pay the rent
for the last few months.
And the employees' salaries,
utility bills and other expenses
Even if I sell all the remaining cars,
I won't be able to pay up!
Tell me how much money you need.
Subtitle translation by: Zhou RC
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