Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e15 Episode Script

Stopped Short

[Mighty Eagle whistling]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[hard rock music playing]
For catapultin'! slingshottin'!
Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees, ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zip'n in the air ♪
Crashing everywhere ♪
Archery, dodgebird
Borb tennis -- it's absurd ♪
Here they come
Red, Stella, Bomb, and Chuck ♪
Flying fast
Look out, duck ♪
All your life you'll be glad
you had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness ♪
[campers shouting and laughing]
[dance music playing]
Oh man, I can't wait to check out
the new mod Harold and Penley built.
[stomach rumbling]
Speaking of can't wait-- ugh!
Why did I eat all that tapioca?
But must get on the slide.
I can do this. I can and I--
-[squirting noise]
-[Chuck humming]
-[lotion bottle squirting]
Oh! False alarm.
Chuck, what are you doing?
Just a little something called
aerodynamic friction reduction.
Plus, this weather dries
my feathers out.
Don't you think you're too slick?
There's no such thing
as too slick, Stella.
Hey! Where y'all going?
[Chuck yelps and sighs]
[Chuck yelping]
Here we go.
Hey, not cool.
Not so fast.
New rule,
there is now a minimum height requirement
to go on the big slide.
Stand over there.
Aww, too short. Next!
Wait, what?
You're kidding, right?
I never kid, kid.
No way I'm too short.
I demand a recount.
[Red yelling]
You can't do this.
This is a total injustice.
It goes against everything
Camp Splinterwood stands for.
When I look around, you know what I see?
I see equality.
I don't see tall or short,
boy or girl, pig or bird.
I see--
[Bomb, Chuck and Stella
hooting and shouting]
My so-called friends totally turning
their back on me!
Sorry, buddy. Epic speech and all,
but that slide!
Yeah! If I don't go, I'm gonna blow.
-[stomach rumbles]
-And not in a good way.
Okay, A. Gross. Two, can't let all this
slickness go to waste.
And, F. Seriously, ew.
There's probably a reason for the rule.
Not everything is some big injustice
that needs to be fought.
It'll take like 10 minutes, then we can
go to something else. Okay?
-[catapult resets]
Hello, Red. How come you're
not on the big slide with everyone else?
Ohh. Apparently, there's some
new height requirement.
That's why the hatchlings couldn't get on.
That is so cute! You guys are twinsies.
-[hatchlings yipping]
-[Red sighs]
You're welcome to join them.
I'm sure you'll fit right in.
[hatchlings laughing]
[Red groans]
-[hatchlings] Huh?
-Oh! Ow!
[hatchlings chirping]
[Red groans]
[hatchlings groaning and moaning
[hatchlings giggling]
Unh! [straining]
[hatchlings groaning]
That was amazing!
Yeah, I'm gonna go get on,
like, a thousand more times today.
OMG. That was so much fun I laid an egg.
Like literally.
-I'll call him Chuck Junior.
-But you can call him Chazz. It's cooler.
[Chuck] Me and Chuck Junior
are gonna ride the slide
every single day!
You okay, Stella? If you're getting sick,
I'd ask you to please
step away from Chuck Jr.
So I'm guessing the slide was…
Yeah, it was so-so.
Who am I kidding?
It was chick'n awesome!
We're sorry, Red.
Hey, cheer up, buddy. I'm sure
you'll be tall enough in a year.
-[Red groans]
-Or two.
-[Red whimpers]
-But you little guys,
gonna be a long time.
[hatchlings sigh wearily]
So what do you want
to do next?
[hatchlings groaning]
You know what? You guys go on without me.
I've got something I need
to do with the hatchlings.
Really? Okay. Well, then I guess
we'll see you later?
Listen up. I'm getting us all
on the big slide.
[hatchlings cheering]
Look, we may be small,
but we can use that.
Turn our weakness into our strength.
-[hatchlings coo]
-And here's how we're gonna do it.
Phase one, carbo-load.
We're going to need
all the energy we can get.
Also, I have a hankering
for some worm muffins.
[hatchings chatter]
Ah, well.
[all laughing]
Phase 2, we use stealth
to get to the front of the line.
Next, our biggest challenge, phase 3.
The Big Cheese herself, Lynette.
[megaphone whines]
-Ahh! Unh!
-[Hatchling] Whee!
Come back here!
-Ahh! What?
And we are go!
[hatchlings] Red! Red! Red! Red!
Yeah, I guess I am a hero.
Now let's get our slide on!
[Lynette grunting, riders yelling]
Here it comes.
This is gonna be awesome!
[hatchlings cheering]
[Red yelps]
[hatchlings yelling]
You'll be hearing
from my attorney, Mister.
Hey, Matilda, you haven't seen Red
have you?
He said he was going to do something
with the hatchlings.
Actually, I haven't seen
any of them for a while.
[all gasp]
If you see them, please tell me,
because if anything were
to happen to my beautiful babies,
I wouldn't know what to do!!
[Bomb whimpers]
Ah, look at that. An really interesting
thing you should definitely look at
for at least long enough for us
to get out of here.
[Red grunting]
Oh, jeez, they're not gonna make it.
Should we give them a hand?
Absolutely not.
This is why I implemented
the height requirement in the first place.
They broke the rules,
they're own their own.
Let's do this.
We gotta get to them quick.
They're gonna fall.
This is the moment
I've been waiting for my whole life.
Daddy's gotta go be a hero.
Grease me up.
-[Chuck humming]
-[wood creaking]
-[all gasp]
[Red and hatchlings yelp]
Hang on, Red! We're coming!
Don't worry, cheeps.
My friends are gonna save us.
[hatchlings cheer]
Mwah! Ha ha!
Let's lock and load.
It's go time.
[Chuck yelling]
Have no fear, Chuck is here!
[hatchlings cheer]
[Chuck grunts and moans]
-[hatchlings gasp and groan]
-It's gonna be okay.
-[wood creaking]
[all screaming]
-[Stella and Bomb gasp]
-I may have spoken too soon.
No, wait, it is gonna be okay.
You're small. You can do things
other birds can't, like fit on that ledge.
On my count. Ready?
And, one, two, three, swing.
[hatchlings cheering]
Now, you guys get out of here.
A goodbye would've been nice.
Well, I guess this is it.
Never doubted you guys for a second.
[hatchlings and Red grunt]
[Red yelps]
[all yelling]
[both gasp]
[campers gasping and moaning]
[campers cheering]
Well, I hope you all
learned your lesson here.
That's why there are rules.
Sorry, little cheeps.
I thought I was a hero,
but I was an idiot.
Are you freaking kidding? We got to
save the day. It was awesome!
I decided not to press charges.
-You're okay!
-[groans] I was.
Thanks for trying to save me, Chuck.
Sorry about, you know.
I'm totally fine. I was so slippery
I slid to the infirmary.
-There you are.
-[hatchlings cheer]
Did something happen to the slide?
I was so busy looking at that thing you
pointed out, Chuck, I didn't notice.
Well, now that that's settled, I think
Chuck Junior needs a little Daddy time.
All right, Junior, let me tell you
the tale of Mighty Chuck Senior
and how he saved the day
when the big slide broke.
Uh, little help?
[Chuck yelping]
-[egg cracks]
[theme music playing]
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