Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

It was Seon-woo.
Dr. Bong!
What's going on?
Run! Hurry!
Please help me.
The serial killer is here.
The only person I trust…
The only person
who trusts me right now is you.
Ms. Bong.
I hear you were with the victim.
Did you happen to see the killer's face?
Do you remember anything in particular?
You can't pass.
Bong Ye-bun,
are you all right?
Are you satisfied now?
What are you going to do now?
Seon-woo's dead.
What are you going to do?
Can we talk at the station?
Give her some time.
Ms. Bong.
Was Kim Seon-woo really murdered?
That's what Detective Moon said!
The Major Crimes Division
won't be okay with us doing this.
I'm going to catch this bastard
no matter what.
Look for any evidence
before the Major Crimes Division arrives.
Yes, sir.
What the…
Hey, what happened?
Wake up!
- Sit him up.
- Yes, sir.
What happened to you? Come on, wake up!
Wake up!
Are you okay?
Here, drink up.
What on earth happened?
Someone suddenly
struck my head from behind.
Who did?
I didn't see who because I fainted.
Where's Dr. Bong?
She was with me.
She's okay.
What about Mr. Kim?
He's okay too, right?
Well, the thing is…
There's no use going right now.
There's nothing you can do.
Mr. Kim!
Mr. Kim…
Can you explain what happened?
Why were you with Mr. Kim Seon-woo?
He said he had something to tell me.
And he asked me to meet him
at the workshop.
Then how did you end up
at the crime scene?
I came out of the workshop,
and then Seon-woo followed me.
And that's when the killer showed up?
Did you see the killer's face?
You also ran into the killer
when Ms. Lee was murdered, didn't you?
You're the only witness
who's met the killer twice.
This is footage
from the day of Mr. Jeon's murder.
The crime scene
wasn't that close to the hospital.
But instead of calling the police
or the emergency services,
the victim walked all the way
to your hospital despite the pain.
Why is that?
Was it because
he had something to tell you?
Did you hear anything from him?
You snuck in during
Mr. Park Jong-bae's interrogation.
What did you say to him in there?
Mr. Park…
didn't seem to remember
meeting Seon-woo at nine…
on the night of the murder.
He didn't seem to realize
that he had an alibi.
So I helped him.
And how did you know that? Did you see it?
You're not answering me again.
What is this about?
There seems to be a misunderstanding.
Mr. Jeon probably went to
her hospital to ask for help.
The ER would have been too far,
and her hospital must have caught his eye.
It's a hospital after all.
I'm going to need to hear
Ms. Bong's answer.
Since this isn't
any of your business, please leave.
I was the one who let her
into the interrogation room that day.
So talk to me
instead of interrogating
an innocent person.
You're the one who caused
an innocent person to die.
It's a crime for a detective
to be so incompetent.
Don't create more victims,
and just stay in your corner.
You son of a…
Why you little…
Get off me!
- Let go of me!
- Bong Ye-bun.
- Bong Ye-bun.
- Let go!
We have to catch that bastard!
- Let me go.
- Come with us.
- Let's go.
- Come on.
- Let me go!
- Take him.
- Bong Ye-bun!
- Go!
Come on, drink this.
Try to calm down.
Calm down.
You're going to pass out at this rate.
I'm trying to calm down,
but I can't stop crying.
We understand.
He was almost like your family.
Right, they lived under the same roof.
This is so unfortunate.
Who's going to take care of his funeral?
Apparently, he had no family.
Then maybe
we should be the ones to send him off.
I'll take care of that.
What do you have in mind?
I should at least perform
a funeral rite for our poor Mr. Kim.
That way, his soul won't wander around,
and he'll move on to the afterlife.
Detective Moon,
are you a thug or a detective?
He's a thuggish detective.
Why are you harassing one of our own
instead of going after the gambling ring?
It was originally our case.
Let us close it ourselves.
Who are you to decide?
Are you Oh Seung-hwan the closer?
He'll get in trouble again soon.
We won't be able to cover for him then,
even if we wanted to.
- So await disciplinary action.
- Disciplinary action?
It was just a fistfight between guys.
Is disciplinary action necessary?
You guys crossed the line!
You never take my damn orders seriously!
How many more times do I have to tell you
to get off this case?
I might as well
be talking to a brick wall.
Be grateful that it's just
a one-month suspension.
The next time you butt in,
I'll give you the sack.
Chief, even so…
What are you…
You all better watch out!
Leave the Major Crimes Division alone,
or you'll all face disciplinary action!
Why would you come out? Go back in.
It's just…
The chief said
you should return your car too.
Bong Ye-bun.
Are you satisfied now?
What are you going to do now?
Seon-woo's dead.
What are you going to do?
Get up.
I went through so much trouble
to make this for you.
Get up and eat.
I'm going to leave this here.
You have to at least have a bite, okay?
Did you just wake up?
The ones who live the closest
are always late.
Here's your iced Americano, Jang-yeol.
What are you all doing?
What do you think?
We need to catch the serial killer.
I'll catch him on my own.
You heard the chief yesterday.
If this goes wrong,
you all might get fired.
Who cares?
I've been the breadwinner all this time.
If my husband has a conscience,
he'll find a way to make money for us.
Same here.
I can just inherit my father's boat.
Here, take this.
I had a sinkhole
kicked into my knees to get you this.
There's a world of difference
between messing around with a police ID
and without it.
Without this, you're nothing
but a common gangster.
You can thank us, you know.
Let's first go to the scene
of Kim Seon-woo's murder
to see if there's any evidence.
I'll go to the National Forensic Service
to see if they found anything.
All right.
What's this?
You don't have a car anymore.
It's my husband's car.
Feel free to use it.
I don't care if you wreck it.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
But why on earth
are the windows tinted so dark?
He did this so that no one could see
what he's doing inside.
Some nonsense about
protecting his privacy.
It's pissing me off again.
I'll get going then.
- Okay. Go.
- Yes.
See you.
You don't think
we'd really get fired, do you?
I get extremely seasick.
Can you make decent money
working on a boat?
We got this.
The killer created blackouts
with his eyes open.
I'll be able to catch him
once I figure out his trick.
what brings you here?
Poor kid.
It's not much,
but please use it for his funeral rite.
Thank you.
You need seasoned veggies
for the funeral rite.
Here, I butchered and cooked
my grandson's favorite chicken.
It's not much,
but I caught this myself.
I'm sorry that this is
all I have to offer.
Thank you.
I'll perform a nice rite for him.
Mr. Kim…
will appreciate everyone's offerings.
Hey, didn't I tell you
to at least have a bite?
Are you trying to starve to death?
You should eat up
and get back on your feet
so you can catch the killer
with Detective Moon.
Don't bring up Detective Moon
in front of me.
What's with you?
It's not his fault that Seon-woo died.
He was just doing his job.
He had a good reason to suspect him.
What do you know?
Don't take his side
when you don't even know anything.
I'm not taking his side--
I don't want to hear any more.
- Bong Ye-bun.
- I don't want to hear it.
I told you I'm not hungry.
Why won't anyone listen to me?
Why are you all
just doing whatever you want?
You're the same as Detective Moon.
Get out of my sight.
Mr. Park is performing a funeral rite
so Seon-woo can move on to a better place.
I stopped by earlier to chip in,
and the people in the neighborhood
brought him all sorts of nice things.
Let me know
if you want to pitch in anything.
I'll bring it over for you.
Everything including his nails are clean.
There's no evidence
that could point to the killer.
The only thing the victim had on him
was this cell phone.
Did you run it through digital forensics?
Privacy laws are strict these days.
Third parties can't access phones
without consent.
So the phone
can only be accessed by its owner?
Right. Unless you know
the passcode, that is.
Is there absolutely no way to access it?
The phone manufacturer
might be able to help,
but they've recently
denied our request for another case.
So it's basically impossible.
Who said you could touch the evidence?
How many times do I have to tell you
to stay out of this?
Wait, I thought he was the detective
in charge of the case.
That freaking nutjob…
Do you have this pair in a size smaller?
A size 270?
Are you getting a gift for your boyfriend?
He has to go far away,
and I'm worried he'll be barefoot.
Yes, Captain?
No, there's nothing to note here either.
I'll head over to the station and…
What were you saying?
Why aren't you answering me?
- Is he passing through a tunnel?
- I'll call you back.
Bong Ye-bun, I figured it out.
What are you doing?
I know you don't want to hear me out,
but you have to.
I figured out the blackout trick.
It was tinted glass.
That's how you can create blackouts
with your eyes open.
It would look completely dark,
but you can make everything out.
Your eyes would be wide open,
but it would seem like they're closed.
And what are the equivalents
of tinted windows for people?
It's sunglasses.
His trick was wearing sunglasses.
He faked the blackouts
by wearing sunglasses in the dark.
He was stabbing Assemblyman Cha
while wearing sunglasses.
But then your grandfather came in
and turned the lights on.
Blackouts won't work when it's bright,
even with sunglasses on.
So he closed his eyes right away
so you wouldn't be able to catch him.
Then he walked over
and turned the lights off.
That's why there was blood
on the light switch.
It explains everything.
So what?
The killer wore sunglasses
when he murdered people?
And then what?
Are you going to investigate everyone
wearing sunglasses?
I did everything you told me to do,
but it was no use in the end.
None of the people you suspected
were the killer.
They're all dead.
We can't catch him
no matter what we do.
So just stop
before more innocent people get hurt.
You'll be in danger if we give up.
I don't care.
I don't care whether I live or die.
You can't give up so easily.
What about your grandfather and Gwang-sik?
They all tried to save you.
- So don't say--
- Mind your own business.
I was happier
when I didn't have this lousy power.
I just want to go back to the days
when I didn't know you.
So please consider me
a stranger from now on.
Mr. Park.
I brought this for Seon-woo.
It's sunglasses.
His trick was wearing sunglasses.
Hi, Dr. Bong.
It wasn't the same day.
Mr. Park.
Mr. Park.
Gwang-sik must have seen this.
Dr. Jung, why did you have to…
Oh, no. Gwang-sik.
You poor thing.
Do you get it now?
I guess this gave you a hard time.
But you haven't figured out my power yet,
have you?
It's eyes for you.
What's really interesting
is that Mr. Kim realized I was the killer
even though he wasn't psychic.
Was it because he was smart enough
to get into Hankook University?
It's such a pity if you think about it.
He was so good-looking and smart.
On top of that, he had a heart of gold.
If only he hadn't been so darn curious,
he would have lived a full life
like he was meant to.
Right, Mr. Kim?
The people you meet
are what matters the most in life.
Why did he have to come to Mujin,
of all places?
Why did he have to end up
living in my house?
And why did he have to take the trash out
at that exact moment?
Why do you have blood on your hand?
I don't know.
I'm not sure why.
How did he find out
the knife was in that crock?
Is it because I served
pickled chili peppers for dinner?
He was just way too smart
for his own good.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know you were in here.
It's okay.
I guess that's also how
he figured out my power so quickly.
He wouldn't meet my eyes.
Sorry. I'll close the door.
This is why I hate playing mind games
with smart people.
Why don't you use a paring knife?
This works better.
Would you like
some apple?
No, thank you.
You go ahead.
Hi, Seon-woo.
I thought you'd come alone.
I met Mr. Park out front.
The neighborhood is dangerous these days.
I saw Dr. Bong
walking all alone in the dark,
so I thought I'd escort her here.
And I wanted to see you too.
But I just don't get him.
He clearly knew I was going to kill him.
He was so afraid of me.
So why?
It's to your right once you go inside.
I'll leave you here then.
Come with me, Mr. Kim.
I'm scared.
Why on earth didn't he run away?
Listen, Mr. Kim.
About Dr. Bong…
It'll be your fault
if she dies.
Dr. Bong!
Run! Hurry!
Was he trying to protect you?
Was he afraid I would kill you?
Where's the knife?
Why do you ask?
So you can hand it over to the police?
Do you think I held the knife
with my bare hands?
The knife won't prove anything.
The same goes for Mr. Kim.
Why did such a clever guy
put himself in danger
just to give you the knife?
Plus, you think
I'd still be holding on to that?
I already burned it.
There is nothing
you can do.
That's right, go tell the police.
"The shaman is the killer."
"I saw it because I'm psychic."
Let's see if you can
make it to the police station.
Are you going to kill me too?
I'll let you live.
You saw it yourself.
Killing your grandpa was a mistake.
I didn't intend to kill him at all.
Why did he have to show up just then?
He had been so nice to me
since I first moved here.
I feel terrible.
That's why I'm not going to kill you.
As a way to say sorry.
So pretend you don't know anything
and go on with your life
so I don't change my mind.
Poor Mr. Kim.
Woe is me.
Woe is me.
Are these for Mr. Kim?
I'll make sure to pass them on.
He'll love them.
What are you doing here?
The killer might go after Ye-bun,
so I'm keeping watch.
You could do that right beside her.
That brat wants me out of her sight.
But I can't live without her in my sight.
That's why I have to
protect her like this.
Why don't you take more time off?
It's none of your concern.
I'm worried about you.
Because you want to keep using me?
Dr. Bong and Detective Moon.
There you are.
I thought you'd still be grieving,
Dr. Bong.
I'm so relieved to see you out and about.
I have something to discuss with Dr. Bong.
Could you give us a moment?
What do you need to…
It seems like
you two had a bit of an argument.
Am I right?
What is this?
Am I getting my shaman powers back?
I'll leave you to talk things out then.
I understand why you don't want to
see me anymore.
I ruined everything.
And I disappointed you.
But we'll never catch
the killer like this.
Is that what you want?
I don't want to care about that anymore.
I'm so exhausted.
And I have some regrets.
I should never have helped you
from the very beginning.
Please don't come back here ever again.
- Let go.
- I'll carry it.
I said, let go.
- Let me carry it for you.
- Let go.
- Come on.
- Just let go.
No need to feel nervous.
It's about the sneakers you bought.
I came here to tell you
I passed them on to Mr. Kim.
I'm sure he moved on
to the afterlife wearing them.
You came here to keep an eye on me.
I'm sure you already saw my past.
Did you see anything?
You would have made a great shaman.
- Get off me!
- Come on, Captain.
I'm just upset!
Let go of me!
Let go!
How could you do this to me?
I've spent half my life in the force.
I was loyal to my country
and devoted to the people.
- So how could you do this to me?
- Captain.
No, don't.
You rude punk!
You can't sideline me like this!
Get him out of here.
- Come here, you!
- What are you doing?
You're in the Major Crimes Division,
so what? Come here.
I'm not going to sit back
if you keep making a scene!
So what are you going to do?
What are you going to do about it?
- Calm down.
- What are you going to do, you bastard?
- Come here! What are you doing to do?
- You're going too far.
- Captain.
- Don't stop me!
"Your birthday"?
Let go.
I'll carry it.
I said, let go.
Just let go!
The shaman is the killer.
Seon-woo's phone, evidence, 0906.
Mr. Park Jong-bae,
you're under arrest
for the Mujin serial killing.
Excuse me? What do you mean?
It's no use denying it. We have evidence.
Park Jong-bae.
You killed them all, didn't you?
Mr. Kim.
That's the past tense.
"Are you going to kill them all?"
That's what you should be asking.
I'm going to keep killing.
Just like I am right now.
Mr. Kim Seon-woo left this behind
as he was dying.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used
against you in a court of law.
Take him away.
I guess you feel at home here now.
Kim Si-a.
Park Seung-gil.
Lee Ji-suk.
Cha Ju-man. Jung Ui-hwan.
Jeon Gwang-sik.
Kim Seon-woo.
You know them, right?
And we have the identity
of a Korean woman found dead in Australia.
Hong Mi-yeon.
Turns out she's your wife.
Call Detective Moon.
I won't say a word
unless I'm talking to him.
Zipping my mouth shut.
I'm sorry.
I took it out on you
when I knew it wasn't your fault.
I apologize.
To be honest,
I suspected Seon-woo too.
And I hated myself for it.
It was my fault.
I was too late,
and too many victims were sacrificed.
This will bother me
from time to time when I eat
and give me nightmares too.
It'll be painful as I'm reminded of this
for the rest of my life.
It's all
really over now, right?
We need you in the interrogation room.
Is something wrong?
Park Jong-bae is refusing to talk
unless it's with you.
I see you scattered Mr. Kim's ashes.
The ocean can be cold.
You should have buried him
someplace sunny.
Don't you dare look me in the eyes.
I'll gouge them right out.
I'm a shaman.
Eye contact is crucial to my job.
That's how I read people's minds.
And thanks to that,
I even got a superpower.
I should've just stuck to the trail.
This is taking even longer.
What is that?
Did I come the opposite way?
That cow must have been a divine being.
We made eye contact,
and I could see everything from then on.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm a fan.
You could have used the power
for a good cause.
It would have been perfect,
you being a shaman and all.
Instead, the first thing you did
was murder your wife.
Isn't that right?
General MacArthur
must have taken pity on me.
"He doesn't even know
his wife is cheating on him."
"That poor idiot."
That's probably why he gave me this power.
He wanted me to look
into her hideous heart.
All I did was
take the god-given opportunity
and bring judgment upon her.
Get ready to be judged yourself.
The evidence is clear.
You'll rot in prison until you die.
Will I though?
Why do you think I asked for you?
Don't beat around the bush.
Get to the point.
You know what they say in movies?
"I still have one last shot."
Me and my big mouth.
I should keep my mouth shut,
but I can't help myself.
you want me to tell you?
You think you're some big shot, don't you?
I see the likes of you all the time
in my line of work.
You feel more guilt than anyone else.
You were desperate to catch me.
This is your chance.
You'll want to listen to me.
You want to make another mistake
like with Kim Seon-woo?
Dear me.
My, that's better.
So what's your "last shot"?
You can't expect me to reveal
all my cards for only undoing my cuffs.
Let me ask you something.
Why did you kill them?
My motive for murder?
The police always seem to
obsess over those things.
The keyword to my murders this time
is betrayal.
Yes, your wife betrayed you.
But what about the others?
They had nothing to do with you.
Did your father really get scammed
by Assemblyman Cha?
I plagiarized that.
I copied Mr. Kim's story a bit.
My father left us for another woman
when I was little, and we lost touch.
I guess that's why
I'm this sensitive to betrayal.
That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?
I should have planned this
more thoroughly.
I'm not much of a planner.
I tried to make the rules after the act,
so they didn't fit the logic.
I didn't necessarily have a motive.
It was just
for fun.
They say
when people die,
their whole life
flashes before their eyes.
When I kill people,
all their memories disappear one by one.
And the one memory that's left
as they breathe their last
is always the best.
I wonder what
your one last memory will be.
It'll be of me putting you in jail.
If I go to prison like this,
you'll never find out
what my one last shot is.
I guess you want to play games with me.
But I've had enough.
No, wait!
All right, then do this one thing for me.
This one will be easy.
Let me
go free.
You really think I would?
You're going to have to let me go.
Or else someone will die.
Come on, Detective Moon.
Will you have someone die
because of you again?
What's wrong?
What's going on?
Are you all right?
I was just… I'm okay.
Have you seen my sister around?
- What?
- She's not home, and I can't reach her!
What are you doing?
- You can't go in there!
- You can't!
Where's Ok-hui?
Tell me where she is!
Ye-bun, I'm sorry.
You're going through
a tough time as it is, and I…
This must be disappointing,
but you can still roughly understand
what's going on, right?
This is the end of my little hint.
You can't see, can you?
Of course, you can't.
I closed my eyes.
You're going to have
a hard time with this one.
I can't see it.
You bastard!
What are you playing at?
You're the ones who started it.
I figured it out too late.
January, February, March
April, May, June
Even as he was dying,
he left a message in Arabic.
But I didn't know what it meant.
Damn it.
I didn't know what it was,
but I figured I should
prepare something just in case.
Where's Ok-hui?
Look for her.
You have to find her quickly.
There's no time.
Let me go free.
That's the only way Bae Ok-hui will live.
- What are you doing?
- Don't get in my way.
I'm taking him out of here.
We have to go save her right now!
- Keep this up, and Ok-hui dies.
- You asshole.
There's not much time.
Detective, are you okay?
I heard your new partner
is quite fascinating, Detective Moon.
What happened with Park Jong-bae?
You said he already ran away.
I'll bring him in, sir.
We'll have to use our brains to catch him.
If you keep coming,
I'll kill the next person for real.
This bastard will never stop killing.
I told you I'd kill the next person.
And I guess that's you.
Subtitle translation by: Hyun-soo Cho
Ripped and synced by
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