Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

The rest of you seal off the building
and make sure no one leaves.
Division Seven will go
straight to the ceremony hall.
Go in and take your positions.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
There are all these reporters here,
what a disgrace…
Being disgraced isn't the issue.
We'll all be arrested at this rate!
Drag them off the stage
then come guard us!
What are you doing?
Stop filming.
Slow down.
They always do this
when they get cornered.
Who are you people?
-What's going on?
Go back.
-You can't come in here.
I guess it's time for some action.
Take it easy, come on.
It's not like this is your fault.
Let's go.
Get them.
You little punks.
Tie them up.
Should such a corrupt project continue?
Of course not. Who knows
how many other sins they've committed?
You're all screwed now.
That hurt.
-This is why I don't like fighting.
-It hurts.
Look over there!
-What's that?
Oh, my.
Are you okay?
-Oh, my.
-I can't believe this!
-Oh, my.
Damn it.
That reminds me.
Kang Eun-hye.
Has the case been taken care of?
You should have taken it easy, Mayor.
She should have taken it easy.
She went crazy for the drugs
and just wouldn't stop struggling.
I was only going to scare her.
Who knew she'd die so easily?
It's all been taken care of.
You don't have to worry.
Im Hui-suk.
You're under arrest for drug trafficking
and coercion of a minor into prostitution.
You have the right to remain silent,
and the right to an attorney.
You think the likes of you can catch me?
I did so much for this project.
Exactly. Why do something like this?
It's a road that leads right to jail.
Now be good and wait here.
Hey, isn't that guy running away
Cha Seung-won?
Yes, it is. I'll go.
Sir, why don't you take this?
-I invented it. It's a laughing gas gun…
-No, thank you.
This is really great…
What are you doing here?
What do you think?
You have to come with me.
Let's get out of here.
-What is this?
-Where are you going?
I was afraid we wouldn't get to use it
after all that hard work last night.
What the hell?
What is this?
-What are you doing?
-This is why Mr. Shaman
-told us to rig it over the red carpet.
-It was the perfect spot to catch them.
Wow, I can't believe
that crazy plan actually worked.
It is simply the will
of the spirits.
Cha Seung-won's been apprehended.
What are you doing?
The police can't do this!
I happen to know your chief very well.
I'm going to ruin every one of you
and your mother. You'd better be ready.
You still don't get it.
I should just stomp on you all.
-A minor? How dare you? You beasts!
-Yes, you lowlives. Repent in prison!
Lee Myeong-jun, Park Jeong-hyeon,
Nam Pil-gu.
You are under arrest
for the rape of a minor,
murder, the use of illegal drugs,
and more.
You have the right to remain silent,
and the right to an attorney,
and anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
Thank you for your help.
-You too.
Where's Auntie Im?
Over there.
Hey, don't raise your heads.
-Put them back down.
-Put them down.
-Damn it.
They're here.
-They're here.
-Let's go.
-Come on.
Who is it?
-Sir. Over here.
-Please look here.
Is the leaked video real?
We offer our sincerest apologies
to the bereaved
and to the citizens of this country.
We feel a heavy responsibility
for the mistakes that occurred
during the investigation
of Ms. Kang Eun-hye's murder.
We promise you that we will investigate
the truth of this matter
with great thoroughness
and expose all of the corruption
associated with the Jakdu-dong
Land Development Project.
Hello, sir.
Why don't you have a drink of water?
-Chief Kim.
-Yes, sir.
Prosecutor Cha here doesn't get it.
This case is going
to peter out in the end,
so make him understand that it'd be better
not to waste the energy.
How dare you talk like that to me,
you goddamn criminal.
Hey, you think you're some hot shot
just because I brought you some water?
I brought it so it'd jolt you awake
and knock some sense into you. Got it?
I'm the Chief of Police, what do you think
you're doing trying to boss me around?
This time, the evidence is so strong that
the case isn't going to peter out.
Soliciting the prostitution of a minor,
overseas gambling,
use of illegal drugs,
illegal real estate speculation…
Jeez, there's so much
I'm getting tired just saying it.
Anyway, do you admit to the fact
that you received the aforementioned
bribes for approving
the Jakdu-dong land development project?
No. I was only doing
what Auntie Im told me to do.
Hey, you're the mayor. Not that shaman.
Jeez. This is so disgusting
I can't even look at it.
Pick a picture.
I need to put one in the report.
-I'll make sure it packs a punch.
-It's going to cause a stir.
It'd better.
After all the crimes they committed.
You little pricks…
Come on, Mr. Nam told you to confess all
and beg for forgiveness,
not to take the fall for everything.
Why are you denying
Cha Seung-won's involvement?
None of the evidence here
is direct proof of Mr. Cha's involvement.
Would I be correct
in thinking that what you just said means
you're going to tell us everything
if there's conclusive proof of
Cha Seung-won's involvement?
Thank you for saving my father's life
and exposing the Jakdu-dong scam, sir.
I know this is nowhere near enough,
but it's a small token of my gratitude.
Come on. You didn't have to.
"Scan the QR code"?
Hey, I told you to show
your thanks with money.
Mr. Shaman's not the sort
of person who's motivated by money.
This is so damn funny.
It says he's the nation's finest.
Nation's finest?
What is this sound?
You never heard someone eat a lollipop?
You bunch of liars.
You two are secretly dating, aren't you?
Amazing. You hear this sort of thing too?
No, Mr. Shaman. It's not true.
I thought we were dating.
Hey, I'm not even divorced yet.
-But that day, you--
Now isn't the time for dating.
Come on, Mr. Shaman,
do you still have things left to do?
Cha Seung-won.
He needs to be taken care of
if you want your father to be safe.
The land development project
has been canceled.
That son of a devil will retaliate.
He knows your face now,
so you have to be careful too.
That's true.
What if something happens to Mr. Shaman?
With the lawyers that Cha has,
they'll get him released
from custody for sure.
I know.
Mr. Cha.
You colluded with Lee Myeong-jun, Park
Jeong-hyeon, Nam Pil-gu, and Auntie Im
and took part in the Jakdu-dong
land development project, right?
He did take part in the project,
but he had no idea
that anything illegal was involved.
Or he wouldn't have taken part in it.
This could determine
the future of his company…
For a project that could determine
the future of his company,
he made a rather rash decision.
He didn't even properly vet it.
So how did you come to take part
in the project?
That wasn't Mr. Cha's doing,
it was decided by the Planning Office…
I did make the final decision,
but my mistake was trusting Auntie Im.
You must have trusted her quite deeply.
She was close with my family
since my father's time.
So that's why you gave her
such unconditional trust?
Do you think it makes sense
that a head of a conglomerate went ahead
with a business worth hundreds
of billions over what a shaman said?
It's not so much
that I believed in Auntie Im 100 percent.
I trusted the mayor, the assemblyman,
the prosecutors, and my uncle,
who told me she could be trusted.
I guess I had been pretty naive.
It looks like they're trying to pin
everything on Auntie Im.
The 48 hours are almost up,
what should we do?
Park Dong-gi also stated Cha Seung-won
never gave him direct orders…
He'll be released due to
insufficient evidence.
You had real estate in Jakdu-dong
under someone else's name, didn't you?
Do you have proof of that?
I don't, but I do have a witness.
We can discuss this in court
after you check
whether this witness is reliable.
The 48 hours are up.
Do you have solid evidence
to prove his charges?
If not, I'll escort Mr. Cha out.
Let's go, sir.
Well, until next time, Mr. Cha.
It's not too late to confess
and pay for your crimes.
You're so bent on arresting
your own brother.
What brotherly love.
You better watch it since Father's
no longer here to protect you.
You think Father would have chosen you
as the heir if I weren't in the picture?
Even if I weren't,
you wouldn't have got the job.
-Why do you think he gave me
the shares of Choekang
when I was so against it?
I couldn't understand why at the time,
but I think I do now.
Because he wanted me to stop you
from becoming the chairman.
You should know
there are limits to my tolerance.
I see.
Aren't you afraid all this impudence
might make me
rip you apart?
The more you struggle, the farther
you'll be from becoming the chairman.
I'm going to make you pay
for everything you did,
even the ones from the past.
The incident from 20 years ago.
You might have forgotten all about it,
but I still remember.
And you won't be able to run
like you did last time.
How many shares do we have so far?
Because of the project cancellation,
we didn't hit our target profit.
The press is reporting
your alleged corruption,
and the police are tightening their net,
so we can't access the money
from the borrowed-name accounts.
What if we use the secret fund
in Singapore?
Auntie Im's been managing
the paper company there,
and I think she must have secretly moved
the money to other overseas accounts
as the money was being laundered.
So can you or can you not find my money?
If we find Auntie Im
and extract the information from her--
You useless parasites!
I pay you all that money
and this is the best you can do?
Do whatever you can to get the shares
by the shareholder's meeting,
or you're all dead.
What is it?
The board of directors won't hold the vote
for the chairman
in the next shareholder's meeting.
They said the vote should be deferred
until your investigation is over.
They filed to delay the vote.
I told you to keep an eye on Do-won.
I'm sorry, sir.
How much does he know?
How does Do-won know those
people who ruined the ceremony?
He's a shaman who runs
a café called Minamdang.
Your brother's been in contact
with them rather often lately.
The shaman was also the one
who raided the club.
Nothing's going right!
I will find where Auntie Im is
as quickly as possible.
Whether it's thugs or the police, use as
many people as you need!
And we need to send a warning
to those bastards
who ruined the ceremony too.
Hey, Nam Hye-jun!
Hey, you went drinking again
last night, didn't you?
How can you sleep
after making such a mess?
If you aren't up by three,
I'm going straight in.
One. Two.
You're dead.
Jeez, is this a pigsty or a room?
Seriously, people would think a burglar…
Wait, what happened to
all the computer cases?
Why are these…
Sir, what's going on?
What is it?
Where's Hye-jun?
I don't know. What's this?
-I don't think anyone's here.
Gosh, who's the cutest boyfriend
in the world?
How are you so pretty?
I could just look at you all day.
Come on.
Hey, Nam Hye-jun!
No, it's not what you think.
Are you okay?
You're not hurt?
I'm so happy you're alive.
What is this? You're both being weird.
Su-cheol. Thank you.
What's going on?
What is this?
Hey, are you crying?
I can't believe those idiots
stole my computers.
You can't let this bother you,
what you should do is
go after the idiots who pissed you off
and knock out all their teeth.
It's a warning.
That they'll go after the people around me
if I anger them any further.
Thankfully, it wasn't so bad this time,
but we don't know
what they might do the next time,
so we should all be careful.
I bet they're in a shock too.
You know, no one can hack my password.
The good thing is,
I've backed up my entire hard drive, so…
Who cares about the hard drive?
You could've been hurt.
If we hadn't slept outside--
I already knew about you two.
You two were being so obvious about it.
This is Nam Han-jun here.
I was waiting to see when you'd tell me.
Anyway, you better
keep your promise.
What promise?
You gave me all that big talk.
You said you'd wash your hair every day
if you dated him.
Then we have your blessing?
But no staying out all night,
there will be a 10 p.m. curfew,
and a kiss is as far as you can go.
Is this the Joseon era?
I'm just going to go back
to dating in secret.
Then do you only want to hold hands?
I see that breaking up isn't an option.
Then stick to the rules!
Or else…
I'm going to kill this idiot.
We'll abide by the rules.
Fine. We'll follow them.
This is so nice.
Her hair has got to stink to high heaven…
So you haven't found any direct evidence
to arrest Cha Seung-won?
No. We're still searching
while we try to track down Auntie Im,
but it's not easy.
Gu Tae-su still states that he did
everything of his own volition.
Did you dig into Cha Seung-won's past?
I went to his old neighborhood
and asked around.
Their family is full of
all sorts of urban legends.
Urban legends?
How animals kept dying in that house,
and how they held
these exorcisms every night
as if someone there was possessed.
Then something must have happened
because their son
suddenly went abroad to study.
Why is it strange
that he went abroad to study?
He had been accepted
to a prestigious university here,
and he hadn't even applied to an American
but he left abruptedly after
the CSATs ended as if to run away.
There has to be a reason
he left the country like that.
I think I can tell you why.
Hi, you came.
My brother killed someone
when he was young.
He brought home his friends
on the day he took the SATs,
and one of them was Hyeon-u,
this guy he used to bully.
Hey, open your eyes.
Open your eyes.
Come on, try harder.
I saw Seung-won choking him
to death in the garage
- with my own eyes.
But when I woke up a few days later
from the shock,
they said that Hyeon-u killed
himself over his test results.
So your brother killed his friend
and covered it up to look like a suicide?
My father must have covered it up.
Like he did every time
my brother did something bad.
They didn't do an autopsy?
They found multiple fractures
in his hyoid bone,
but that couldn't prove it was a murder,
so it remained unsolved.
Hyoid bone fractures are sometimes found
in people who hang themselves,
so I guess they didn't consider homicide.
That's horrible.
When was this? It was before
the statute of limitations was abolished.
That means he can't be punished
even if we reveal the truth.
My brother went abroad
right after it happened,
and I can prove it.
If Prosecutor Cha can prove that…
That'd push back
the statute of limitations…
So we publicize the case
and get Cha Seung-won again.
It happened 20 years ago.
It won't be easy.
No, it won't be.
But don't you think we might be
able to find new evidence
with your profiling skills and my memory?
Of course, my skills are quite amazing.
the case happened such a long time ago
that solving it won't be easy.
What have we got to lose?
You might as well try.
Yes, it could deliver a blow
to Cha Seung-won.
Lieutenant Han, Prosecutor Cha,
and I will investigate the case.
And Su-cheol…
you find Auntie Im with her.
The two of us? Okay.
I've wondered
who lived in places like this.
Turns out it was you.
It's been empty
ever since my father passed away.
Our butler, Mr. Park,
comes to take care of the place.
-Wow. Honestly…
-Excuse me.
The garage is this way, right?
Yes, follow me.
He looks different. Yes, he does.
This is it.
Seung-won was beating Hyeon-u here,
and I was hiding behind that door.
You tried to stop them,
but Oh Hyeon-u asked for water,
and you went to get it?
Stop it!
If you ever tell Father again,
you're dead.
Give me some water.
You went to get water,
and Cha Seung-won was
strangling Oh Hyeon-u?
I brought the water
and looked inside the garage,
and Seung-won was strangling Hyeon-u
with his school tie…
Mr. Cha, are you okay?
He must be traumatized.
It's a scary memory and
he must find it hard to look back on it.
No, I'm okay.
Okay, we'll try again.
You brought the water,
saw Cha Seung-won choking him,
dropped the glass out of shock,
and it broke.
I dropped the glass…
-I don't think we should continue.
-Let's get out of here first.
Mr. Cha.
Mr. Cha. Here.
I'm sorry. We came all the way here,
but I wasn't very helpful.
No. Are you sure you don't need
to go to the hospital?
Gosh, you're more delicate than I thought.
We'll go see this Hong Myeong-su
on our own, don't push yourself.
I'm feeling better now.
I'd like to be there with you.
And he's the CEO of
Choekang Construction's subsidiary,
so it will be faster if I contact him.
Choekang Construction's subsidiary?
That means he's still
under Cha Seung-won's power.
It has been a long time,
but I don't think he's going to talk.
Well, we'll do whatever's necessary
and make him talk.
Can you bring him to Minamdang?
Sir. Come take a look at this.
What is it?
I did an image search with
a screenshot of the video, just in case,
and this resort in Jungcheon-do matches
the room in the video.
It does.
I heard a lot of celebrities
and politicians stay here because
this place is known
for its great security.
Then let's get a search warrant
and check this place out right now.
Nice job.
Aren't there any more CCTVs in Building B?
No. This place is
for our VIP clients' personal use,
so there are almost no CCTVs in front
of the rooms, for privacy reasons.
Right, okay. Thank you.
Those assholes must have picked this place
because it doesn't have CCTVs.
Hey. Did you find anything?
So much time has passed,
so don't get your hopes up.
Well, let me know
when you get the results.
Yes, okay.
-It's clean?
Check out the corridor
and places like those too.
-Yes, okay.
It's been too long.
I don't think this will be easy.
-All right. That should do it.
-Yes, sir.
Can I help you?
Do you usually apply plastic film
to the windows yourselves?
No, but it's an urgent situation since
there's been a privacy complaint.
A privacy complaint?
Well, this singer named Harry
comes to our resort often,
and there's been this huge ruckus
because a fan sent out a drone.
Do you by any chance know
which room that fan filmed?
It's on the floor right above this one.
Did this Harry stay on the same night
as the mayor of Sinmyeong?
That drone might have gotten something.
I only filmed Harry!
We're here to ask you for help,
not to cause trouble over the video.
We just need the video that you took
on January 16.
There is no video!
She says there's no video.
What should we do?
Since when were you so good at Chinese?
I got in through the admission process
as a foreign language speaker.
I was in the Foreign Affairs Department
Right, you were.
Wow, you suddenly look different.
Hey, if you can't persuade her,
then threaten her.
What? I thought you didn't know Korean.
There's no video and I won't cooperate!
-Come on.
-Come on.
Sit. Stop.
Filming someone without their consent?
That's illegal in Korea.
Invading a celebrity's privacy?
That's stalking.
I could arrest you on the scene right now
for filming someone without their consent.
Handcuffs. Clank. Clank.
-Gwang-tae here looks like Harry, right?
-Do it.
Are you okay?
You must have been so surprised.
Are you hurt?
I want to be arrested by him.
Here is the video.
-Thank you.
-I like you.
-I love that guy.
-How nice.
-How nice.
A selfie? Let's take it over there.
Yes, take a picture. How nice.
Yes, that's good.
Good, he's giving it all he's got.
Okay, let's see.
It's this one.
Damn it.
-Found it.
-Found it.
You guys are dead now.
Yes, Han.
We found a video
of Auntie Im and Gu Tae-su
moving Kang Eun-hye's body on the day
Lee Myeong-ju murdered her.
Good work.
I have a witness to meet,
so I think I'm going to be a bit late.
Could you wrap things up there?
Yes, okay.
I think we have the evidence we need
to arrest Auntie Im.
Okay, then we've got Auntie Im.
Now we only need to get Cha Seung-won.
You're so pretty.
Mr. Shaman.
I have Mr. Hong Myeong-su with me.
Hey, I came here because you asked me to.
But what does that shaman want with me?
So it is him!
Yes. What?
He is the man you were looking for.
Wait, someone's looking for me?
Your friend who died unfairly 20 years ago
is still roaming the realm of the living.
Imagine how tortured he must be
to come to me!
Myeong-su, I'm sorry. Don't hit me.
What are you doing?
You've got the wrong person.
My neck.
My neck.
My neck hurts so much.
Someone's choking my neck.
Why did you kill Hyeon-u?
Damn it.
What do you mean choke?
I only hit you.
That's not what he says.
He says he was choked to death.
This is a misunderstanding.
It really wasn't me.
Why are you telling me that?
He's the one with a grudge against you.
Not that way, this way.
In the back. Right there.
Hyeon-u. I, I'm sorry.
I was just taking my anger out on you
like I always did.
I didn't know you'd really die like that.
I wanted to reveal the truth,
but Chairman Cha told me that if I didn't
stay quiet, I'd go to prison too…
Did my father hush you up?
But I really
didn't mean to.
Did you see Cha Seung-won
choke Oh Hyeon-u with your own eyes?
It's been such a long time.
I don't remember it too well.
So you didn't see Cha Seung-won
choke Hyeon-u yourself?
We did beat Hyeon-u up together.
But then we went to a club right after.
He was still alive when we left.
I'm sure of it!
Do you have someone who can prove that?
I met someone that day,
I'm sure of it, damn it.
His counselor.
Seung-won fought with her
on the way to the club.
-His counselor?
He'd disobeyed teachers before,
but that was the first time
he hit a teacher,
that's why I remember it.
Hey, it's true! I really didn't kill him.
So could you please tell him
to stop haunting me?
Oh, that?
You can't get rid of a spirit that easily.
Then what do I do?
-You do an exorcism.
-How much is that?
Well, we'll talk about it later.
Darn it.
Keep that talisman with you.
We'll do the exorcism soon!
It doesn't seem like he's lying…
I definitely saw it, though.
Okay. The trauma might have tampered
with your memory.
What about the tutor? Do you remember her?
had so many tutors
because they changed so often.
I can't remember.
It's been so long, so there wouldn't be
any records left, would there?
Our butler…
Mr. Park might have saved all the records.
I'll call him and ask him
to find out who she was.
Please take this.
Thank you. We just opened.
Please take one.
Damn it.
I'm busy, why are you calling me again?
Do you think you could find
a list of Cha Seung-won's tutors
from when he was in 12th grade?
What are you on about?
We just opened.
-Thank you.
-We just opened. Give us a visit.
You can do it.
Don't limit yourself, okay?
You can do anything!
Think of whose sister you are!
Shut up before I clean out
your bank accounts.
Su-cheol, are you not done yet?
I put it in, but it's not starting.
-I checked that it worked before we came.
-What is wrong with you?
Why won't you work?
-Cha Seung-won's coming.
It's Cha Seung-won. Come on, hurry up.
Su-cheol, hurry.
Who are you people?
We just opened--
I don't care.
Leave before I call security. Move.
I almost lost my head
trying to tap that car.
Why isn't it working?
So the wire and the GPS tracker
both don't work?
What are you talking about?
The shaman Do-won introduced you to
asked about Hyeon-u's case?
Choke him?
What the hell are you talking about?
I'll take care of it,
so just tell them you don't know anything.
If you don't, you and I are both dead!
Have our men tail him
and find out what he's up to.
Yes, sir.
Good, keep working yourself up.
Don't get flustered
and go discuss it with Auntie Im.
To Oegok-dong.
Is he really going to see Auntie Im?
Let's go. Hold on tight.
What is this place?
He does need counseling.
He came to the right place.
Too bad it's a mental health clinic,
not Auntie Im.
Do-won went to see Myeong-su
and asked him about
what happened 20 years ago.
Why all of a sudden?
Maybe he's trying to
blackmail me with what happened.
You know it too.
As a prosecutor, he does
whatever it takes to get the job done.
It happened so long ago.
I don't know how much Do-won remembers,
but just in case,
it'd be better
if you tried not to provoke him.
If what happened then is exposed…
It's not me,
it's him who trying to provoke me.
I clawed my way up to this spot,
so why does everyone talk about it
like he gave me this chance?
If anyone gets in my way,
I'll make them regret it,
whoever it is.
Thankfully, Mr. Park held onto
the personnel records from back then too.
I was at a loss how to find her,
that's good.
I have a trial tomorrow, so I'm afraid
I won't be able to go with you.
Call me when you find out who it was.
But Mr. Cha.
Are you okay?
I'm okay,
don't worry.
I know you're busy with work,
but make sure you don't forget to eat.
Okay. I'll call you as soon as
we find out who it was.
Yes, I'll call you too.
Come on, who cares if he eats or not,
why would you ask him that?
That was a work call.
So stick to work,
why would you ask him if he ate?
"Cho Hye-won."
You must have been so scared.
It's okay now.
It's okay now.
I'm so hungry.
-Oh, my.
-You must be hungry!
I could eat a horse, but I'm okay.
Gosh, it's hot.
Wow, he really is a chaebol.
He had more than ten tutors.
Wow, and that's how he turned out?
It's like he was raised by wolves.
Should we order another set?
Yes. That's my favorite.
Why haven't you ordered it already?
Come on.
I think one won't be enough.
Would two be too much?
If you really want to order it that much,
just order two.
It's better to have too much
than too little.
Of course!
Two sets please.
Wow, we ate so much.
I'm so full.
Oh? There's someone unusual
among the tutors.
A psychiatrist…
Perfect for his mental health.
Wait, wasn't the mental health clinic
Cha Seung-won visited called Hyeyoon?
Yes. "Hyeyoon Mental Health Clinic."
Can you check if it's the same person?
Yes, just a minute.
It's the same person.
-Anything else unusual about her?
I see. She's got quite a bit of debt.
I think she's having trouble because
her husband's business went bankrupt.
I'd better go see Jung Hye-yoon in person.
I can't spare much time
because I have an appointment.
I hope you understand.
I heard you tutored
Director Cha Seung-won.
Yes. I did.
A psychiatrist working as a tutor…
That's unique.
Director Cha lost his way
after his mother died.
The chairman felt that he needed to look
after his children's emotional well-being
and hired me.
By the way, why exactly
have you two come to see me?
We'd like to know more about how
Oh Hyeon-u died 20 years ago.
Hong Myeong-su said that you quarreled
with Cha Seung-won that day.
I don't know. I've quarreled
with Seung-won quite often.
This is related to a recent murder,
so it's important.
Every little bit helps.
So please, think about it carefully.
What do you mean, a recent murder?
His psychopathic tendencies
must have shown from his youth.
That's why Chairman Cha hired you.
Wasn't it?
Medical records are confidential,
so I can't tell you.
Then at least tell us about that day.
I'll look for the diary
I kept at the time.
I have a habit of
recording even small details.
Could you wait here for a minute?
A diary would be admissible as evidence.
She's taking longer than I thought.
More than ten minutes to go get a diary…
I've got a bad feeling about this.
How does it feel,
dying at the hands of your own creation?
You think you and Father are the reason
behind my acts of judgment?
You think I seek justice
because I've been brainwashed?
I'm giving victims the gift of
salvation through my own will.
This is the man we will punish.
He lured away a child on the street
and brutally raped her
but was released on grounds
of temporary insanity.
I think it's finally time
to show the world what happens
to people who evade
the judgment of the law.
Prosecutor Cha. You…
You're scared.
You know it too.
That what you're doing right now
is violence masked as justice.
That you aren't any different
from the men you've killed.
That's why you came to kill me,
to stop that from getting out.
Who are you to criticize me?
No one can get in the way of my judgment.
I'm sorry.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
It seems to have been out of impulse.
This wasn't planned at all.
Only the diary from
when the murder took place is missing.
Let me make a prophecy. Expose everything
and turn yourself in,
or you will die at the hands
of the person you serve.
The file that Prosecutor Han
had before he died…
I have that file.
You made a deal with Auntie Im?
Give me another chance
so I can catch Gopuri.
You were just used by Nam Han-jun.
I'll do it myself this time.
It's him who has you where he wants you
using that file as bait.
What do you think you're doing?
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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