Call It Love (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

The will.
I have it.
Do you want to see me die?
That's mine. It's ours.
Dongjin, your mom can't live without that.
You have to live without it.
That's why
I didn't address you as Mother.
There were times I really wanted to.
But I restrained myself.
I'm telling you…
that I was unhappy.
I'm telling you
that I've never been happy.
There's a will that Dad left to us.
He left…
that house to us.
I found out today.
That woman had been hiding it.
If we want to get the house back,
we have to report her to the police.
But then, what about him?
She's his mom.
He said that his mom was his weakness.
I feel sorry for him.
It kills me how sorry I am for him.
I don't want him to suffer anymore.
I just wish he could live
peacefully from now on.
I want him to be happy, Mom.
We can be happy without the house, right?
I'm sorry.
What's on your mind?
I'm wondering how much you heard.
And if you did hear,
where should I begin explaining it all?
Maybe I shouldn't
tell you anything until you ask.
So that…
I could spend
the whole night out here with you.
That's what's on my mind.
Why are you here?
You're not the type of person
to just show up without a reason.
I have
the will.
It seems my mother hid it
before your father passed away.
You can
get the house back.
I'm sorry it took so long
to return it to you.
I don't want it.
Don't think about anything else.
Just take this will…
and go back to where you used to live.
It certainly felt like
I was in hell mere moments ago.
But when you said
you wanted me to stop suffering
and wished I would be happy,
that made me feel much better.
Don't settle for
being happy without the house.
Go back to that house…
and be happy.
I think…
only then I could be happy too.
Did you stay late at work
by yourself again?
I took some time off.
Is it that surprising?
It's just unexpected.
Back when I was working at Shinwoo Fair,
I used to use up all my leave days
around the holidays twice a year
and go camping for eight days.
I thought about it,
and I found my hobby.
It's walking.
I don't like running
because it gets me out of breath.
But when I'm walking, I can think.
Thoughts from a walk are easily forgotten.
And that's why I like to do it.
I just felt like I had to say something.
I'll get in contact with the people
who are buying the house.
Go home and tell your family.
Don't leave anything out.
I'll get going.
Get home safely.
What's up? You're late.
Get some rest.
I have something to say.
50,000,000 WON
RENT: 700,000 WON
What is it?
The testator, Sim Chulmin,
under clear and sound mind and body,
without any influence from another person,
with my own free will and intent,
hereby make and publish
the following will.
The Yeonhui-dong real estate property
under Sim Chulmin's name
is to be bequeathed
to the eldest daughter, Sim Haesung,
and all the rights
regarding this real estate property
will be owned equally among the siblings.
This will is to take effect upon my death.
Testator, Sim Chulmin.
I cried because
I've been wanting to cry for a while.
I didn't cry because I was sad.
What made you want to cry?
I felt sorry for myself.
There's so much to feel sorry for.
I felt sorry for myself that we had
to move when we didn't have money.
And I felt sorry that you were
turning and tossing every night
and couldn't fall asleep.
I've been…
resenting Dad this whole time.
But I feel sorry that he left us the house
and that we have to be grateful for it.
I feel sorry for myself
that all those things are happening.
I was going to take revenge on Dad.
I couldn't fling myself
onto Dad's car like you did…
but I had been planning
something for a while.
I heard that husbands
who get into an affair and leave home
tend to come back
to their children
once they get old and ill.
So if something like that were to happen,
I decided that
even if he came back sick and half-dead…
I wouldn't shed a single tear.
I wouldn't even blink and say,
"We don't need you anymore."
I'd tell him harshly.
I thought that'd be my revenge.
I probably wouldn't have done it though.
You know yourself.
it would have been a miracle
if I didn't greet him like,
"How have you been?"
Is that why we had our house stolen?
Because we're so naive?
What do you…
want to do now?
I don't know.
I don't know what I should do
so that everything will be okay.
Will everything be okay
if we just reclaim the house?
I have no idea what to do.
I was relieved.
I was like, "Thank God."
Because there was nothing
I took after you.
I'm telling you
that I was unhappy.
I'm telling you
that I've never been happy.
I'm telling you
I'll vacate the house right away.
Moving up the moving date up by a week
isn't that big of a deal, you know.
Well then, the money.
Just give me the money at least. Okay?
I mean, you planned
on giving it to me anyway,
so you must be ready, right?
We've already put our signatures
down at the realtor's office.
How could this be a fraud?
What kind of person do you think I am?
How dare you say something like that?
Wait… Hello?
Excuse me.
Are you the one who called?
How are you?
- You're her son?
- Yes.
I mean, think about it.
She suddenly called and demanded
that we move up the moving date.
When I told her I couldn't do that,
she asked for the money first.
It's not like
we're buying groceries at a store.
It's all the money
we mustered to buy a house,
we'll live in for the rest of our lives.
Of course, we'd be alarmed.
I understand.
If it's tied to an inheritance issue,
wouldn't that require a court trial?
We'll just give up the house.
Just pay us back the principal
and the penalty fee.
If you send that money within this month,
we'll just cancel
the contract and settle it.
Thank you.
It's nothing to be thankful for.
I'll contact you
as soon as the money is ready.
JUN PHARMACY I can go alone.
I'm going with you because I want to know.
I don't want to wait all day
for your call.
Let's go. Haesung's waiting for us.
Let's head in.
Why don't you press charges?
Pressing criminal charges
saves the most time
and is the easiest way
to get the house back.
We'd have to look further
into the actual facts,
starting with the theft of the will,
and then breach of trust,
embezzlement, fraud…
There are many offenses to look at.
She concealed the will, deceived you all,
and transferred the ownership,
so it's fraud.
Is there any other way?
Like a civil suit or settlement.
We could try filing a civil lawsuit,
but we'd only be
giving her time to prepare.
Did Ms. Ma Heeja say
she'd settle with you?
We'll discuss this among ourselves
and then give you a call.
Sure, okay.
Can we meet up in the evening?
Thanks for coming with us.
Don't mention it.
Yes, we went to speak with the lawyer.
We went to a few places.
They all say we have to press charges.
How's Woojoo?
She seems okay.
I'll call you back, Mom.
I know you're not saying
anything because of me.
It's not that.
It's not easy to press criminal charges
against someone.
Anyway, we now have a way
to get the house back thanks to Mr. Han.
Even if you two weren't in a relationship,
I'd still take the time to think.
She's right. You should just relax.
That's better for everyone.
I've decided to meet up with him.
It's not like that.
I'll meet him and ask him
to persuade his mother.
If that doesn't work,
let's take legal action
and go to court to get our house back.
I think that would be
the right thing to do.
When you see him,
tell him I said thank you.
I mean that.
I have something
to tell you as well. See you then.
Where is he?
In your room.
Hey, I was surprised to hear you're here.
Why all the fuss?
A man on leave suddenly shows up.
Of course I'd be surprised.
Are you done? Are you coming back to work?
You have…
something to tell me.
I don't know what to say.
I feel bad for both of you.
I'm quitting the company.
Help me with the paperwork.
With my severance pay
and my company shares,
I'd be able to match the money owed.
Can we get that done within the month?
Dongjin… I'm asking you.
I want to use this
as an opportunity to rest.
What do you need from the store?
We have some vegetables,
so just flour.
What does he want?
I'll go get it.
Haesung, I'll be home late today.
You told us to get groceries
so we'd have dinner together.
With everything going on,
I just wanted you
to make some sujebi with Jun.
You like sujebi.
Keep your spirits up, okay?
You can do it, Sim Haesung.
I'm hanging up.
Haesung, do you need something?
Just say it, and I'll go get it all.
You're overly enthusiastic.
I haven't told you
how I became friends with Woojoo, have I?
Tell me.
She and I
used to take the same bus every day,
but we never really spoke.
But one day,
we were both running late
and got on the bus late together.
And both happened to see
a boy and a girl from our school
walking into an ob-gyn clinic together.
We both looked at each other.
And I thought to myself,
"This news will definitely spread
throughout the school."
But the news didn't spread.
Neither of us told anybody about it.
How loyal.
I know.
That's how we became friends.
She was pretty loyal.
What's your point?
Tell me in a way that I can understand.
Don't be jealous.
I heard you crying from outside the house…
I wanted to barge in and hold you tight.
I was worried about you all night.
That's my answer.
- Hey.
- What do you mean, "Hey"?
Just stop crying.
I'm not crying.
Let's go home.
I'm hungry.
I'll make you some sujebi.
Here are your noodles.
I'm going to miss this place.
You don't have to avoid coming here.
Come eat here whenever you feel like it.
I'll be the one avoiding it.
I'm going to be moving.
I won't take a bus
just to eat noodles here.
My sister says thank you.
I told my family about everything.
Even my mom.
She must have been quite startled.
It was probably nothing.
There's nothing left
that could startle her.
We spoke with a lawyer.
I did too.
You don't have to say more.
The problem with the house
being sold will get resolved soon.
I'll let you know when it's all done.
As for my mother…
…I'll try to persuade her first.
If that fails,
do as your lawyer tells you.
I think I knew all along.
If I had explained the situation to you
as soon as I met you,
you would have done everything you could
to help me get the house back
just like you are doing now.
I should have just told you.
I was so foolish.
I disagree.
How could I have done the same thing?
No matter how nice anybody could be,
it wouldn't have been the same.
This is all just an excuse.
An excuse for me
to be able to see you and talk to you.
I wish winter would never come.
I really don't like the cold.
Who is it?
Open up.
Who are you?
You know who I am. Open up.
I only have water to offer you.
As you would know, if you read the will
The man living with you came by.
- What?
- He asked for 30 million won,
saying he could help me
get the house back.
Do you know the first thing I asked him?
You live with Heeja, correct?
I first wanted to know
what kind of person you were living with.
"So she ended up with someone like that."
I was relieved.
Sim Chulmin's life
must not have been so peachy
all the time while living with you.
It must have been pure hell.
What are you trying to say?
Stop pretending to be classy.
Just yell at me instead.
Would you like to yank my hair?
Sit down.
I won't yell at you,
and I won't grab your hair.
If my anger could be calmed
by screaming and being aggressive,
I would've come
and burned this house or something.
I'm going to remain classy and graceful
till the end, so sit down.
All those years
you visited my house selling cosmetics,
you never mentioned that you had a son.
So I always thought
you didn't have a child.
That means he wasn't raised in your care.
He grew up by himself.
He seemed so pitiful.
You should…
really thank your son.
If it wasn't for him,
I wouldn't be letting you leave so nicely.
I would've dragged you
to the police myself.
Leave this house quietly.
If you do that,
I won't take this issue to court.
Let's settle our past like that.
Did you put my son on his knees?
Tell me!
Did you put my son on his knees?
Who are you to pity my son?
Why would my son be pitiful?
I'm sorry.
I apologize on behalf of my mother.
I'm sorry.
Is this Ms. Ma Heeja?
I'm calling from
the Yeonhui Police Station.
This is outrageous!
The will doesn't mention my name anywhere!
I've done more than enough
for him as a wife,
and he couldn't bother
to even leave me a penny!
The only asset he has left is that house,
and even that is left to his kids.
Darn it.
I'm so mad right now!
What would have happened
if I hadn't found this?
So what will you do now?
I'm going to keep this hidden
and wait till he dies.
Wait, Mr. Kang Namil.
So you knew about this as well?
What? Yes.
After a couple of days,
I started to think it wasn't right.
So I tried to stop her.
But she'd already hidden the will by then.
I didn't even get to see it.
Mr. Kang Namil has reported you
on account of the theft
of Mr. Sim Chulmin's will.
So you must come on the specified date
and cooperate with our investigation.
Hello, ma'am.
I was right.
It doesn't make me feel better in any way.
It just can't.
The pain wouldn't go away
just because I took revenge.
did you meet her?
After all…
That man, Sim Chulmin,
is the worst of them all.
If he felt any guilt
for abandoning his kids,
he shouldn't have left the house this way.
Don't take any legal action.
I don't want to see you kids
going in and out of the courthouse.
For me, it was harder
visiting the courthouse
than seeing your dad having an affair.
I also spoke with Heeja's son
in a way he would understand.
I don't want to take any legal action.
Can I trust you to handle it?
Yes, ma'am.
The person you're calling
is not available at the moment.
Please call at…
I've spread the bedding in the room.
Let's go to the police together tomorrow.
I wanted…
to live a good life.
On some days,
I just wanted to throw out
all of my sordid past…
and live a clean life.
…it was difficult.
I think I've lived…
a bad life for far too long.
It's not too late.
You can…
live a good life again.
Thank you.
And I'm sorry.
My mother came over.
I'll call you later.
Did you give it some thought?
I thought you were joking.
I'm the CEO of a company.
It's never a joke
when I ask someone to work with me.
We haven't done any art fairs before,
and you're an expert
when it comes to paintings.
Let's draw up a project contract
and give it a try.
I wasn't the one to bring this up.
Ms. Baek suggested it first.
I'll think about it.
I don't think Dongjin is
coming back to the company.
It's only been ten days since he quit.
But it feels like it's been a year.
Maybe it's because I'm at work
instead of relaxing on a weekend.
Stop thinking about it…
and let's just work together.
You should…
move on with your life now.
Why are you being so nice to me?
I don't deserve this.
You know how bad of a person I am.
I knew you'd be like this.
Why would you say you're a bad person?
Do you know
how many bad people are out there?
There are plenty of those who hurt
their loved ones and live shamelessly.
But you…
You came back a mess out of guilt.
Back then…
I liked that about you.
That's why I wanted to be nice to you.
Let me taste it.
Is it salty?
It's bland.
Add some soy sauce.
No matter what it is,
everything passes in a blink of an eye.
It may sound harsh,
but that's all I can tell you.
I know.
But tell him to come by
and have a meal with us
when everything is settled.
Tell him I'd like to cook him
a nice warm meal.
I really mean it.
Go tell him that.
By the way, where's Jigu?
He went out to meet someone.
- With who?
- I have no idea.
Tell him to come back home on time.
Okay. I'll call him in a bit.
Gosh, it sounds amazing.
It's good.
Excuse me. Instead of this guitar,
could I try the one in that room too?
- Sure.
- Okay, thank you.
No, we'll just get this one.
You don't have to do this.
Just get that one.
Dongjin, it's not like I'm a professional.
I don't need something this nice.
I just need something to practice with.
I want to get it for you.
When I get to have a concert someday,
I'll play this guitar.
You won't change your number, will you?
I hope I'll be able to send you
a New Year's greeting once a year.
I won't change it.
I'll go on ahead.
Take your time.
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