Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e15 Episode Script
Seek and Destroy
(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
His name, Captain Scarlet.
(triumphal music)
- Alright Jackson, that's
fine, lower the frame.
Right, take her up.
- Takin' her up.
You know where you go?
On your way.
- Mr. Fairfield,
something's been bugging me.
- What's that?
- Well the managing director
of the company doesn't
usually supervise the loading.
- I told you before, there's
a lot of money involved.
- Right, you say these
crates contain millions
of dollars worth of equipment
and I just drive them out
and dump them miles
from anywhere.
What gives?
- Listen Jackson you're
paid to drive, so get going.
- Alright, sorry I asked.
(engine rumbling)
(triumphal music)
- Worth millions, I wonder?
- Thinking of looking inside?
- No, I, I was just checking.
- Good, Jackson, I like a
man who can keep a secret.
- Sure, oh sure, I can
keep my mouth shut.
- I know you will, Earth man.
(gun shots)
(dramatic music)
- [Mysteron Voice] This is
the voice of the Mysterons.
We will continue to
take our revenge.
You started the started
the shock wave
with the attack on our
martian complex.
This act of aggression
will be avenged.
We intend to kill one
of the Spectrum Angels.
Spectrum Angels,
one of you will die.
(ominous music)
- Well gentlemen, you've heard
the latest Mysteron threat.
They intend to try and
kill one of the angels.
- Yes Colonel, we've heard.
- And with Destiny on vacation
in Paris, she's the most
likely target.
- I think you're right.
Lieutenant Green has been trying
to contact her without success.
- I just called her at 10
again Colonel,
but she's still not there.
- Well there's only one
thing for it.
Captain Scarlet, Captain
Blue, I want you
to fly to Paris immediately.
- Yes sir.
- SIG Colonel.
- Destiny Angel must be
escorted back
to the comparative safety
of Cloud Base.
(jet engine whine)
- We'll go to the hotel first.
- Right, she may be back.
- Wherever she is, we've got
to find her before
the Mysterons.
(somber music)
- Destiny, Destiny?
No luck, she's not here.
- Well if I know Destiny
she's probably out shopping.
Let's go.
- Wait, what's this
on the table?
- Cafe De La Paix.
- It's a lead, let's
check it out.
Turn right at the next junction.
(soft music)
- Mm Tre Jolie.
How expensive, but who cares?
Now I feel like an angel.
- There she is.
- I'll call up Cloud Base,
the Colonel will be relieved.
- I'll get her.
- Captain Scarlet
- Colonel White, we've
located Destiny Angel.
- [Colonel] Is she safe?
- Yes, she's fine, Captain
Scarlet's with her now.
- Good, and drive straight
to the airport.
I want you all back on Cloud
Base as soon as possible.
- SIG, Sir.
- The Mysterons have threatened
to kill one of the Angels.
- Gee, one of us?
- I'm afraid so, Captain
Blue and I have orders
to escort you back to
Cloud Base immediately.
- "Alors" let's go, oh
wait my perfume.
- Well Lieutenant, Destiny
Angel is in safe hands.
- Yes sir, the
Mysterons will find
it difficult to harm her now.
- Yes but they don't make
hollow threats.
You can be sure somewhere,
Somehow, an attack
is being planned.
- Well Mr. Fairfield, we
got her as fast as possible
but it was no use, the
fire was outta control.
- Thank you chief, I'm sure
you did everything possible.
- The whole warehouse
and it's contents
is a complete write off.
Was there any highly combustible
content in the crates?
- The crates contained aircraft
for the Spectrum Organization.
- I see.
- The design is top Secret,
no one factory holds
a complete set of drawings.
My plant was responsible for
the manufacture of the engine.
When they've been fitted to
the aircraft I crate them up
and leave them in
this warehouse.
The next company is the
last in line.
They picked them up for
final flight tests, spraying,
and delivery to Cloud Base.
- I understand.
Well one thing's certain,
fire was no accident.
There obviously will have
to be a full investigation.
(droning jets)
Hey, they were low enough
and fast, what were they?
- If I didn't know better,
I'd say they
were those three Angel
aircraft destroyed in the fire.
(Ominous music)
- The three Angel aircraft
at the warehouse were
completely destroyed.
- There's no doubt?
- [Green] No possible doubt,
And what's more, it's been
reported the fire
was deliberate.
- I don't like it Lieutenant.
I have the feeling this is
the work of the Mysterons.
(dramatic music)
- We'll be at the airport
in about 15 minutes.
- SIG, Captain Blue.
- Captain Scarlet is
anything wrong?
- I don't know, I just have a
feeling that we're in danger.
Did anything unusual
happen in Paris?
- No, nothing.
I did a little shopping,
visited friends.
- Well there's Something, some
danger, and it's very near.
Stop the car.
- What?
- I can't explain Captain,
just stop the car
Get out of the car
and take cover.
- I don't understand.
- Don't argue just do as I say.
- Look, Angels.
The girls have come
to escort us.
- Get down!
- What are they doing?
- They're Mysterons, Destiny
and they're carrying
out their threat.
I'll tell Cloud Base.
- Thank you, Captain Scarlet.
I understand the situation.
The Mysterons have taken
over three Angel aircraft.
And these are now
fliyng booby-traps.
- Yes sir.
- [Colonel] Launch all Angels.
- But Colonel, the
Mysteron threat.
- Get them sky born, Lieutenant.
- Angel one, immediate launch.
- SIG.
- Angels two and three,
immediate launch.
- [Angel] Spectrum is Green.
(mystical music)
- This is an operational
alert, steer interceptor course
to zero, two, Seven magnetic.
Seek target and destroy.
Repeat, seek and destroy.
- Right, Lieutenant.
- [Scarlet] Keep undercover.
- Colonel White, the
Mysteron Jets
are still over flying the area.
- Sit tight, Captain.
The Spectrum Angels are
on their way.
- At our present speed we should
be at the grid reference
in four minutes.
- SIG, Melody.
- I'll talk to them, Lieutenant.
- [Green] Yes sir.
- This is Colonel White,
you are about
to engage three
aircraft identical
in every detail to your own.
They have already made
one unsuccessful attempt
to kill Destiny.
I know that you would rather
meet them in straight combat
then wait on Cloud Base
for an attack.
I have absolute faith in your
ability and ultimate victory.
- Thank you Colonel White.
- They're coming round
for another Sweep.
(humming jets)
- That was just a range fighter.
Next time around they'll
blow us to pieces.
Here they come, looks
like this is it.
- No, look.
- This is Angel leader.
Destiny, Captain Blue and
Captain Scarlet
are near the wrecked
Spectrum Saloon.
The Mysteron jets must not
be allowed to attack them.
- SIG, Melody.
- Let's hope they can
hold them off.
Bonne chance, mes enfants.
- Here they come.
(jets whirring)
- [Scarlet] Keep
your heads down.
(whizzing missile)
- You don't lose me that easy.
(whining jet engines)
- One down, two to go.
- Oh I'd give anything
to be up there with them.
I feel so helpless just
sitting here.
Just let me catch you in
these little old sights.
- Bandit on your tail, Melody.
- SIG, Rhapsody.
It's not polite to creep
up behind a lady.
(whining jet engine)
(whizzing missile)
- I have been hit.
I'm a going to eject.
(crashing noise)
- Here comes another one.
Heading straight for us.
- Bandit at 5 o'clock.
- SIG, Harmony.
Oh no you don't.
(whirring engine)
(whizzing missile)
- Look out.
Are you alright, Destiny?
- Yes, yes I'm alright.
One to go.
(whining jet engines)
- They're diving too fast.
They're not going to pull out.
(whining jets)
(crashing noise)
(dramatic music)
Only Melody could have
pulled out of that dive.
She's a great pilot.
- You're all great pilots.
That's what saved us.
- Melody Angel, what's
the situation?
- Operation complete, Colonel.
All Mysteron jets destroyed.
One Angel aircraft lost,
but Harmony ejected safely.
- SIG Melody.
- Ah well, let's get going,
it's a long walk to Cloud Base.
(farcical music)
(dramatic music)
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
His name, Captain Scarlet.
(triumphal music)
- Alright Jackson, that's
fine, lower the frame.
Right, take her up.
- Takin' her up.
You know where you go?
On your way.
- Mr. Fairfield,
something's been bugging me.
- What's that?
- Well the managing director
of the company doesn't
usually supervise the loading.
- I told you before, there's
a lot of money involved.
- Right, you say these
crates contain millions
of dollars worth of equipment
and I just drive them out
and dump them miles
from anywhere.
What gives?
- Listen Jackson you're
paid to drive, so get going.
- Alright, sorry I asked.
(engine rumbling)
(triumphal music)
- Worth millions, I wonder?
- Thinking of looking inside?
- No, I, I was just checking.
- Good, Jackson, I like a
man who can keep a secret.
- Sure, oh sure, I can
keep my mouth shut.
- I know you will, Earth man.
(gun shots)
(dramatic music)
- [Mysteron Voice] This is
the voice of the Mysterons.
We will continue to
take our revenge.
You started the started
the shock wave
with the attack on our
martian complex.
This act of aggression
will be avenged.
We intend to kill one
of the Spectrum Angels.
Spectrum Angels,
one of you will die.
(ominous music)
- Well gentlemen, you've heard
the latest Mysteron threat.
They intend to try and
kill one of the angels.
- Yes Colonel, we've heard.
- And with Destiny on vacation
in Paris, she's the most
likely target.
- I think you're right.
Lieutenant Green has been trying
to contact her without success.
- I just called her at 10
again Colonel,
but she's still not there.
- Well there's only one
thing for it.
Captain Scarlet, Captain
Blue, I want you
to fly to Paris immediately.
- Yes sir.
- SIG Colonel.
- Destiny Angel must be
escorted back
to the comparative safety
of Cloud Base.
(jet engine whine)
- We'll go to the hotel first.
- Right, she may be back.
- Wherever she is, we've got
to find her before
the Mysterons.
(somber music)
- Destiny, Destiny?
No luck, she's not here.
- Well if I know Destiny
she's probably out shopping.
Let's go.
- Wait, what's this
on the table?
- Cafe De La Paix.
- It's a lead, let's
check it out.
Turn right at the next junction.
(soft music)
- Mm Tre Jolie.
How expensive, but who cares?
Now I feel like an angel.
- There she is.
- I'll call up Cloud Base,
the Colonel will be relieved.
- I'll get her.
- Captain Scarlet
- Colonel White, we've
located Destiny Angel.
- [Colonel] Is she safe?
- Yes, she's fine, Captain
Scarlet's with her now.
- Good, and drive straight
to the airport.
I want you all back on Cloud
Base as soon as possible.
- SIG, Sir.
- The Mysterons have threatened
to kill one of the Angels.
- Gee, one of us?
- I'm afraid so, Captain
Blue and I have orders
to escort you back to
Cloud Base immediately.
- "Alors" let's go, oh
wait my perfume.
- Well Lieutenant, Destiny
Angel is in safe hands.
- Yes sir, the
Mysterons will find
it difficult to harm her now.
- Yes but they don't make
hollow threats.
You can be sure somewhere,
Somehow, an attack
is being planned.
- Well Mr. Fairfield, we
got her as fast as possible
but it was no use, the
fire was outta control.
- Thank you chief, I'm sure
you did everything possible.
- The whole warehouse
and it's contents
is a complete write off.
Was there any highly combustible
content in the crates?
- The crates contained aircraft
for the Spectrum Organization.
- I see.
- The design is top Secret,
no one factory holds
a complete set of drawings.
My plant was responsible for
the manufacture of the engine.
When they've been fitted to
the aircraft I crate them up
and leave them in
this warehouse.
The next company is the
last in line.
They picked them up for
final flight tests, spraying,
and delivery to Cloud Base.
- I understand.
Well one thing's certain,
fire was no accident.
There obviously will have
to be a full investigation.
(droning jets)
Hey, they were low enough
and fast, what were they?
- If I didn't know better,
I'd say they
were those three Angel
aircraft destroyed in the fire.
(Ominous music)
- The three Angel aircraft
at the warehouse were
completely destroyed.
- There's no doubt?
- [Green] No possible doubt,
And what's more, it's been
reported the fire
was deliberate.
- I don't like it Lieutenant.
I have the feeling this is
the work of the Mysterons.
(dramatic music)
- We'll be at the airport
in about 15 minutes.
- SIG, Captain Blue.
- Captain Scarlet is
anything wrong?
- I don't know, I just have a
feeling that we're in danger.
Did anything unusual
happen in Paris?
- No, nothing.
I did a little shopping,
visited friends.
- Well there's Something, some
danger, and it's very near.
Stop the car.
- What?
- I can't explain Captain,
just stop the car
Get out of the car
and take cover.
- I don't understand.
- Don't argue just do as I say.
- Look, Angels.
The girls have come
to escort us.
- Get down!
- What are they doing?
- They're Mysterons, Destiny
and they're carrying
out their threat.
I'll tell Cloud Base.
- Thank you, Captain Scarlet.
I understand the situation.
The Mysterons have taken
over three Angel aircraft.
And these are now
fliyng booby-traps.
- Yes sir.
- [Colonel] Launch all Angels.
- But Colonel, the
Mysteron threat.
- Get them sky born, Lieutenant.
- Angel one, immediate launch.
- SIG.
- Angels two and three,
immediate launch.
- [Angel] Spectrum is Green.
(mystical music)
- This is an operational
alert, steer interceptor course
to zero, two, Seven magnetic.
Seek target and destroy.
Repeat, seek and destroy.
- Right, Lieutenant.
- [Scarlet] Keep undercover.
- Colonel White, the
Mysteron Jets
are still over flying the area.
- Sit tight, Captain.
The Spectrum Angels are
on their way.
- At our present speed we should
be at the grid reference
in four minutes.
- SIG, Melody.
- I'll talk to them, Lieutenant.
- [Green] Yes sir.
- This is Colonel White,
you are about
to engage three
aircraft identical
in every detail to your own.
They have already made
one unsuccessful attempt
to kill Destiny.
I know that you would rather
meet them in straight combat
then wait on Cloud Base
for an attack.
I have absolute faith in your
ability and ultimate victory.
- Thank you Colonel White.
- They're coming round
for another Sweep.
(humming jets)
- That was just a range fighter.
Next time around they'll
blow us to pieces.
Here they come, looks
like this is it.
- No, look.
- This is Angel leader.
Destiny, Captain Blue and
Captain Scarlet
are near the wrecked
Spectrum Saloon.
The Mysteron jets must not
be allowed to attack them.
- SIG, Melody.
- Let's hope they can
hold them off.
Bonne chance, mes enfants.
- Here they come.
(jets whirring)
- [Scarlet] Keep
your heads down.
(whizzing missile)
- You don't lose me that easy.
(whining jet engines)
- One down, two to go.
- Oh I'd give anything
to be up there with them.
I feel so helpless just
sitting here.
Just let me catch you in
these little old sights.
- Bandit on your tail, Melody.
- SIG, Rhapsody.
It's not polite to creep
up behind a lady.
(whining jet engine)
(whizzing missile)
- I have been hit.
I'm a going to eject.
(crashing noise)
- Here comes another one.
Heading straight for us.
- Bandit at 5 o'clock.
- SIG, Harmony.
Oh no you don't.
(whirring engine)
(whizzing missile)
- Look out.
Are you alright, Destiny?
- Yes, yes I'm alright.
One to go.
(whining jet engines)
- They're diving too fast.
They're not going to pull out.
(whining jets)
(crashing noise)
(dramatic music)
Only Melody could have
pulled out of that dive.
She's a great pilot.
- You're all great pilots.
That's what saved us.
- Melody Angel, what's
the situation?
- Operation complete, Colonel.
All Mysteron jets destroyed.
One Angel aircraft lost,
but Harmony ejected safely.
- SIG Melody.
- Ah well, let's get going,
it's a long walk to Cloud Base.
(farcical music)
(dramatic music)
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?