Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e15 Episode Script

The Brood

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Cicadas chirping ]Grandad:
Cicadas -- the big, ugly bugs
that make the sweet sound
of summer.
They spend most of their lives
holed up underground,
feeding off of tree roots,
until the weather is right
for them to crawl out,
shed their shells,
and make their music.
But every 17 years, a swarm
of cicadas, called a brood,
crawl out of the Earth
by the thousands
and take over the trees!
This is the shell of one
of those cicadas
from when they last
came to Maryland, 17 years ago.
Isn't it
just incredible?
A bug, living underground
for 17 years
just so they can fly around with
their friends for a few weeks.
And all that's left behind
is this delicate, little shell.
I know you wanna hold it!Ahh!
[ Shell crunches ]
I'm so sorry!
Oh -- Oh, it's okay.
I-I-I probably
shouldn't have shoved it
in your face like that.
I'll get you another one,
I promise!
Even if it means
freezing my body
in a cryogenic chamber
until they return.
Now, now, no need to turn
yourself into a Craigsicle.
Those cicadas will be coming
back pretty soon, actually.
Really? When?
[ Cicadas buzzing ]Run!
[ All screaming ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Coughing ]
We got a JP down!
It's crawlin' around
in my throat!
Our only chance
is the stump.
Check your clothes!
Shake 'em out,
shake 'em out!
[ Grunts ]
Ugh! Those cicadas are like
flying baseballs with eyes!
I definitely
swallowed one.
It is inside of me.
Listenin' to my thoughts.
Stealin' my dreams.
Tastin' my food.
I'm sorry, guys.
Eh, I messed up
this whole afternoon.
I thought it was gonna be
a fun bug adventure.
I was gonna find a shell
for my granddad,
and you guys would see
how cool it was
and wanna get
your own shells,
so we'd have a contest
to see who could find
the biggest shell,
and then we'd wind up
with so many shells,
we would be able to fill
a bank vault with them,
and then JP would dive
into the bank vault
to swim in the shells,
and then we'd laugh,
but then
JP would accidentally
get some shells
stuck in his ears
and have to go
to the hospital.
Oh, that does sound fun!
Yeah, but none of that's
gonna happen down here.
Well, did you at least get
the shell for your granddad?
[ Sighs ] Well, at least we did
that, and at least we're safe.
That's true.
[ Shell crackling ]
[ Dramatic music plays ]
[ All screaming ]
I've vanquished
bigger vampires than you!
The shell!
I need it for my granddad.
And it's not a vampire.
It's just
the cicada molting.
It's just the gross,
disgusting cycle of life.
HmmYou up for some
guard duty, Morty?
[ Chirps ][ Screeches ]
[ Shrieks ]
Mortimer!Aw, man.
Mortimer's freaked out!
We're out of options!
We gotta get outta here!
But if we go out there,
we'll be pelted to death!
I-I'll figure something out.
Maybe we can message
someone to come get us.
Well, my mom and Laura
are workin'.
My dad's working, too.
My parents are working,
should webe at work?
Who else can we text?
Aw, man.
We really need more friends.
What about our emergency
messenger? The bottle!
Okay, I-I'll grab paper.
Oh, I coulda gotten it,
Well, can't argue
with a door.
Trapped by cicadas.
Send help
to the tree stump,
two backyards past the rock
that looks like an owl.
Oh, promise a reward.Ooh, let me.
I'll get the bike pump!
Free ice cream
for the first five rescuers.
A little peck
for a little "leck."
[ Smooches ]
[ Cicadas chirping ]
The bottle should be making
its way down the creek.
[ Cicadas chirping loudly
in distance ]
I hope someone's out
there to find it.
Say, Mortimer
is feeling peckish.
Maybe we can finally break
into our super-secret
emergency rations?
Let me get this guy
out of the way.
Ew. Blech.
Come to Mama!
-Aw, yeah!
-Come on, baby.
-Oh-oh, yeah!
Come on!
Sweet choco rolls!
Guh, why is this white?
Uh, it might be expired.
I wouldn't do it.
B-But it could a long time
before someone gets to us.
We better eat everything.
[ Craig and Kelsey groan ]
I got you, fam.
[ Groans ]
Uh, all that's left
is dried prunes.
I guess this'll be our rations
for the next ten years.
Let's just hope it doesn't
come down to eating prunes.
Say, how's Dracula doing?
Whoa. He's already
out of his coffin.
He's molted.
Now he's just gotta
let his wings form.
He's been waiting in the ground
for 17 years just to do this.
17 years.
Wait, is Bernard
gonna molt next year?
I don't know.
I'll probably never find out
'cause we'll still be in here.
[ Clears throat ]
Welcome, everybody,
to the Cicada Comedy Hour!
[ Deep voice ]
Great to be here.
You're a real handsome
crowd here today.
Psh, yeah.
What's got six legs
and is really weird lookin'?
[ Chitters ]
[ Laughs ]
Ha, I just
made that joke up.
Guess you could say
"wingin' it"![ Laughter ]
I'm really
sweatin' up here.
I'm so hot, I've molted!
[ Laughter ]
But really, you live
17 years underground,
finally hatch
and claw your way up,
only to get trapped
in a jar with you guys --
who are also trapped?
I guess life's
the biggest joke of all.
No, the bug's just
telling it like it is.
We're never
gonna get saved.
[ Normally ] Hey, Craig?
You know I was doin' the voice
for the bug, right?
Jason: [ In distance ] Craig?
Kelsey? O-Other guy?
Who is it?
the Junior Forest Scout?
Thank you for saving us!
Even though
you're a rump!
Where's my ice cream?
-The note!
It said there'd be ice cream
for the first five rescuers!
Oh, yeah.
I promised ice cream
that we don't have.
i-it's at my house!
A whole dang freezer full.
So, uh, j-just help us
get out of here,
and I'll take you back
to my house and --
Are you crazy?
I am not going any further
unless you got ice cream!
No ice, no dice!
But you --
you gotta help us!
Isn't that part of your stupid
Junior Forest Scout code?
You lied to me.
Scout's code
is out the window.
You're dealing with
Jason's law now.
Jason?Is he bein' a rump?
For tricking me into coming
all the way out here,
I'm taking this,
and this, and this
and this!
He's taking our stuff!
And now he's gone!
[ Growls ]
You okay, Craig?
That's it! This afternoon
is officially ruined.
Now we're just gonna
have to wait in here
until mankind rises up and finds
a way to take back the Earth
or our parents get home.
At least we're here
Yeah, underground,
not having the awesome adventure
I planned for us.
Look, if I weren't down here,
I'd probably just be reading
a book in my room by myself.
and let's be honest guys,
I'd probably still
be stuck in a hole.
Craig, I know I seem like
a classic lone-wolf type, but
every day I'm just
counting down the minutes
until I can come to the creek
and see you guys.
I don't care what we're doing,
as long as we're together.
Yeah, man.
I feel bad for that bug.
He did all that waitin',
and he doesn't get
to hang out with
his friends at all?
Up there, they're probably,
like, partyin'
and chattin' about
how different
they all look now
that they're big bugs.
[ High-pitched voice ]
"Oh, hey, Gary.
Remember when you were
the size of a grain of rice?
And now look at you.
The size of a proon goon.
How's that job at the bug bank
goin', by the way?"
[ Deep voice ]
"Oh, it's goin' pretty good.
They got goodbenefits."
What he means is,
we ain't mad at ya.
You guys are the best.
Yeah, we're awesome.
If a cicada can do it,
then so can we.
[ Cicadas chirping ]
Come on, guys!
This way.
[ All grunting ]
Come at me, broods!
Ow, ow!
All of you, stop!
[ Groans ]
[ Roars ]
Whoa, Kelsey,
you look different.
I have emerged from my cocoon
a butterfly warrior.
Is that from
last Halloween?
Time to
set this big guy free.
Aw, you're kinda cute.
Go hang out with your friends,
little buggy.
Have fun, you freaks.
You got the shell
for your granddad!
Maybe this isn't
what you planned,
but it definitely qualifies
as a bug adventure.
Let's take a pic.
Everybody ready?
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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