Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

The Result of Chance and Inevitability

-What are you doing, Haeng-ja?
You scared me.
The nail polish almost got on her skin.
What do you think I'm doing?
Kids these days love this kind of stuff.
They're better at makeup than grown-ups.
For her toenails,
I went for flaming red. Nice, right?
Hae-e is in a coma.
The doctor needs to check her nails.
She might urgently need surgery too.
Remove it right now.
I just thought
it was a shame
that she was lying unconscious.
I wanted to pretty her up.
Are you lecturing your older sister?
Did you learn that
from your teacher boyfriend?
If you're so smart, remove it yourself.
I'll keep out of Hae-e's hair.
Good grief.
-What's with her?
A lawyer has been charged with
leaking school exam questions to her son
and is currently under investigation.
This private high school
is located in Nokeun-ro,
-a private education mecca…
-That's near here.
Isn't that Hae-e's school?
…came out on top in the midterms.
The police said
the student confessed to the school
that he had accessed
the exam questions beforehand,
bringing the case to light.
Shockingly, his mother, the suspect,
turns out to be a lawyer
working for a top firm.
This has been Choi Hyeon of JBC News.
Yes, that's Hae-e's school.
An 11th grader whose mom is a lawyer?
What do we do, Ms. Jang?
The entrance and the garage
are swarmed with reporters.
How did they find out
about your workplace?
Ms. Jang.
It's not true, is it?
They're mistaken, right?
I think you should sneak out
before they barge in here.
Should I go find some sunglasses or a hat?
That would only attract more attention.
She's here!
-She's here!
-She's here!
-Do you admit to the charges?
-Is this the first time?
-If this isn't your first time…
-Do you admit it?
-Please say something. Everyone's waiting.
-Is it true?
I'm her lawyer.
The case is still under investigation.
We have no comment at this time.
Coming through.
-No comment at all?
Coming through!
How could the school
let things get so out of control?
The education director, of all people,
colluded with a parent
and leaked the exam questions.
How could the school
not even know about this?
This is appalling.
I've only seen these things happen
on the news.
-I know.
-I have nothing to say.
I apologize.
A police investigation is underway.
-Please wait and--
-No, forget it.
How can we be sure that this brazen crime
has never been committed before?
You should look into all of
Sun-jae's grades in high school thus far
and adjust the other students' grades.
-I agree.
-She's right.
-I agree. Please do so.
Also, as a fair punishment
for the student in question,
promise us his expulsion.
Ms. Cho.
Sun-jae wasn't involved in the crime
from the beginning…
In any case, he filled in
and submitted his answer sheet.
-Knowing the questions had been leaked…
As a result,
he got first place in the midterms.
The students who did their best
suffered disadvantages…
-She's right.
This is unfair.
It's only fair to expel…
Excuse me.
What is it? I'm busy.
It's about that credit card payment.
I was buying a gift for my client,
but I accidentally used my card
instead of the company card.
So I canceled it right away.
I get it.
I'm at Su-a's school right now.
Hang up.
What did she say? Is she suspicious?
Not at all.
I told you.
All she cares about is
her kid's college admissions.
That's a relief.
I'll use it well, honey.
It's so pretty.
You're even prettier.
It's me. Is this a bad time?
No, I'm alone.
Are you at work?
I'm on my way.
I saw the news this morning.
It's about Hae-e's close friend, right?
Now I understand
why she submitted her exam blank.
Sun-jae must've shared
the questions without knowing
since they're good friends.
I know you're already shaken up,
so I'm sorry to tell you
something even more shocking.
Is this about Mr. Ji?
Our suspicions about him may be correct.
I've worked with him for six years,
but apparently,
I don't know him very well.
Perhaps the yacht incident…
Nothing's certain yet.
I'll come to you
after I check on a few things.
Mr. Choi.
Be careful.
I will.
This tastes so bland.
It's not like I'm the patient.
I need food that tastes better
to stay strong.
Can you go home
and bring back some side dishes?
A blanket too while you're at it.
It gets cold at night.
The blankets here are too thin.
It isn't that bad.
Just wear some more layers.
Hey, just do it for me.
You know I'm sensitive to cold.
Do you want another patient to look after?
Fine. What do you need?
-Tell me everything you need.
-There's a lot.
A hair dryer and hair rollers.
A deck of cards too.
It's so boring watching TV all day.
What happened?
She just moved.
She just wiggled her finger.
No, she's not moving.
Are you sure? She's completely still.
No, I saw it clearly.
-Welcome back, Mr. Ji!
-Welcome back, Mr. Ji!
Thank you for the welcome, guys.
But it does feel a bit awkward.
Come on. These things happen.
They say the quarrels of lovers
are the renewal of love.
I knew you'd come back.
After all these years,
you wouldn't break up over one dispute.
Still, I got quite scared.
Mr. Choi aside,
I'd never seen Mr. Ji so angry.
It was frightening.
-It almost gave me the creeps.
-Me too.
I didn't see that coming.
I admit that I went overboard.
Sorry for scaring you guys.
-Don't worry.
-That's fine.
Hyo-won, did you get your eyebrows done?
Gosh, you're scary.
It was just a slight trim.
Not even my mom noticed.
You have really sharp eyes.
It's not sharp eyes. I just pay attention.
-Excuse me.
Come in.
-Mr. Choi.
The academy is having a meeting
to plan the CSAT events for each subject.
It starts at 4 p.m.,
so why don't we get going soon?
Could you attend the meeting on my behalf?
I must've strained myself.
I've got a cold sore, and it's killing me.
I barely managed to book an appointment.
Should we postpone and go to the hospital?
No need. Attend it on my behalf.
There will be a follow-up meeting anyway.
All right.
Thank you.
Really, Ms. Nam?
Hae-e moved her finger?
That's a good sign, right?
It means she could wake up, right?
I'm so relieved.
I haven't seen Seong-hyeon in ages.
Almost never since that incident.
By the way, one of my classmates
recently said in our group chat
that he'd seen someone
who looked awfully like him.
Yes, I'm sure it was Seong-hyeon.
I'm positive.
He's much slimmer now
and doesn't wear glasses anymore,
but how could I ever forget his face?
I was pretty shocked back then.
But he denied it?
Yes. He was adamant
that I got the wrong person.
What was he doing at the studio?
A famous star teacher
had a photo shoot here.
He seemed like his assistant.
What was the teacher's name?
I don't know much about education.
Choi Chi-yeol, maybe?
"Choi Chi-yeol"?
What brings you here?
We keep finding reasons to come back here.
-Goodbye then.
No wonder he looked so familiar.
One, two, seven, zero…
The number of possible permutations
of 4 elements is 24.
I might have a shot.
Hold on.
One, two, seven, zero.
Zero, two, one, seven.
My birthday?
"Jeong Su-hyeon."
Why is her diary…
Su-hyeon told me a lot about you.
I used to have the same exact pen.
Really? My sister gave me that.
Are you Jeong Seong-hyeon?
I think you got the wrong person.
Hello, Ms. Jung.
Mr. Choi.
The meeting just ended,
and I need you to confirm something.
I called you
because Mr. Ji wasn't picking up.
He didn't come to the meeting?
No, he didn't.
He just texted that something came up
and you couldn't come.
If you couldn't come,
he could've at least shown up instead.
At least that's what we thought.
And why would he tell me that over text--
Okay. I'll call you back.
A macchiato…
Get away from her!
I've had enough.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Jeong Seong-hyeon!
Why in the world…
You really don't know?
I wanted to protect you.
You were the only grown-up
that my sister and I trusted.
So I've been removing
every obstacle in your path.
That wasn't for me.
Stop justifying yourself.
I'm sorry for all the misery
and abuse that you experienced.
But that doesn't justify your actions.
This is a crime.
So what?
We've been a good team.
Things would've stayed the same
if only that woman hadn't shown up.
Covering up all our problems.
Killing more people
without even a shred of guilt.
Turn yourself in.
-It's not too late--
-Why should I?
Why should I do that?
For whose sake?
For Su-hyeon.
She wouldn't want to see you
living like this.
Shut up.
I know you've forgotten all about her.
You have no right to tell me what to do.
It's all over.
I'll end it all.
Dong-hui, don't do that.
Dong-hui, please.
Don't do this, Dong-hui.
Dong-hui. Ji Dong-hui!
Please don't do this, Ji Dong-hui.
So this is how it ends.
I'll help you, Dong-hui, okay?
I'll help you, Dong-hui.
I'll help you get back into the world.
Please, Dong-hui.
I have nothing more to protect.
I'm too tired.
Eat up, Seong-hyeon.
If Mom sees us, we're dead meat.
When I go to college,
do you think I can be
Mr. Choi's teaching assistant?
Why do you want to be his assistant?
Just because.
He's the only grown-up I can trust.
I want to protect him by his side.
Mr. Choi.
A murder suspect, Jeong,
jumped to his death from a hospital.
Jeong was a suspect
in the series of metal ball attacks
that had taken place around Nokeun-ro
and was being chased by the police.
The metal ball attacks
injured or killed at least three people,
including Jeong's students and colleagues.
Jeong had also been infamously suspected
of murdering his mother ten years ago.
At the time, the prosecution claimed
that he had held a grudge against
his mother and murdered her
for abusing her children
due to her obsession with education.
An expert blames the excessive competition
in society and education
for this tragedy.
Goodness gracious.
Guess you truly never know
what goes on in a person's mind.
But if the Trillion Won Man is that smart,
why couldn't he see through
someone so close to him?
He put you and Hae-e in danger.
It gives me the creeps.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen
the Trillion Won Man in a while.
He used to come here day in, day out.
Is he still too shaken up?
Mr. Choi, are you in there?
Please open the door.
Open up, or I'll break in--
I mean, aren't I the obviously pretty one?
How did Haeng-seon
get to date the Trillion Won Man?
She's one lucky brat.
I'm so envious.
Let's see here.
She woke up. Where's the doctor?
Doctor, you came at the right time.
Please hurry up.
Yes, it's your mom.
Do you recognize me?
You're stuck at home all day.
Open your windows once in a while.
There you go. Good job.
Eat just a bit more.
I didn't think I could eat.
But I can.
You need to fill your stomach
if you want to stay strong.
According to my mom.
I'm not sure if I deserve to stay strong.
Throughout the questioning,
all I could say was…
"I didn't know. I had no idea."
You told me this yourself.
No one can read another person's mind.
Today is the last day
you'll blame yourself.
Hi, Haeng-ja. What's up?
Everything's okay now.
Now that you're awake.
Hi, Hae-e.
I didn't think
I'd be able to talk to you again.
I didn't think
there'd be another Chicken Day.
Why were you asleep for so long?
I'm sorry, Uncle.
I'm sorry, Mom.
Don't say that.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
Good job, Nam Hae-e.
Why are you crying?
Hae-e, have some of this.
You used to love peaches as a kid.
These are extremely expensive,
but I got them for you.
Open up.
Is it too big?
Here, I cut it up.
Eat just a little for my sake.
-I want some water.
I'll get it.
Leave it.
Let's see here. You must be thirsty.
Here you go.
Nam Hae-e!
Why would you scare me like that?
I hate you.
Are you okay now?
How's your head? Is it okay?
Do you know who I am?
You're Jang Dan-ji.
Your birthday is April 27th.
Your Myers-Briggs type is ESFP.
Your motto is, "Don't worry, be happy."
You're 172cm tall.
On an empty stomach, you weigh--
I'm 170cm tall.
-You weigh--
It's been a while, Seo Geon-hu.
You must be Hae-e's friends.
You're so handsome,
and you're so…
Thank you for coming.
Nice to meet you. I'm Hae-e's mom.
How's school?
What about Sun-jae?
Sun-jae, Hae-e woke up!
She's conscious now.
I'm on my way to see her.
A doctor's note
and a certificate of hospitalization.
-Here you go.
-Thank you.
I was told to update
the attendance information by tomorrow.
-I see.
-Sorry for the short notice.
No problem.
Anyway, I'm so relieved
that Hae-e woke up.
I know. It's all thanks to you.
Thank you for everything.
You even visited her in the hospital.
It's no problem at all.
Is everything good
between you and Chi-yeol?
Yes, I think so.
The relationship between
you and Hae-e was a surprise,
but you and Chi-yeol?
I never even imagined it.
But after seeing you two
at the police station that day,
I was glad.
It seemed like Chi-yeol
was back to his college self.
He was such a kind-hearted guy.
I see.
Expel the student who cheated!
-Expel him!
-Expel him!
A serious crime has come to light.
And yet, the school
isn't punishing the student properly.
Is this fair?
Then who will compensate our kids,
who stayed up all night
studying honestly for their exams?
What about us parents,
who have been at our kids' beck and call?
Everyone, repeat after me.
-We ask the school!
-"We ask the school!"
To promise!
-"To promise!"
-"To promise!"
To expel the criminal!
-"To expel the criminal!"
-"To expel the criminal!"
-We ask the school!
-"We ask the school!"
To punish the criminal severely
and restore order in school!
-"Restore order in school!"
-"Restore order in school!"
-Restore order!
-Restore order!
What do you mean, a criminal?
The crime was committed
not by him but by his mom.
Then he should've submitted
his exam blank like Hae-e did.
He finished taking his exam
and even got first place.
That makes him an accomplice, doesn't it?
-You're right.
-I agree.
Sure, Sun-jae wasn't brave enough
to tell the truth right at that moment.
But his mom started it all.
He must've been flustered.
Isn't it always the grown-ups
that push the kids to the brink?
Plus, he came clean in the end.
Otherwise, this would've remained buried.
We should thank him
for plucking up the courage,
forgive him, and defend him.
But you want him expelled?
-This is too cruel--
-Let me get this straight.
Are you saying
all crimes should be forgiven
as long as the criminal comes clean?
Wouldn't that pose a serious threat
to the public good?
-"The public…"
You're doing this for the public good?
Are you not trying to eliminate
one of your kid's competitors?
What did you say?
I haven't been able to support my kid
as passionately as you all have.
Nor am I well-educated.
But I know this isn't right.
I'm sorry if I stepped over the line.
What did she say?
What does she even know?
I can't believe her.
But hold on.
She does have a point.
This would've been buried
if Sun-jae hadn't come clean.
I don't know what's right
and what's wrong anymore.
I was afraid Dan-ji would cut ties with me
if she found out I was here.
Let's call it a day.
-She's leaving?
-What's with her?
Unbelievable. What…
What do you want to do?
Should we call it a day?
I'd like to pay.
One second, please.
Have you been working out lately?
You look very fit.
Does it show?
I've been building muscles
for a photo shoot.
I see. I knew it.
I'll throw some tofu in
for your protein intake.
Good luck.
You're giving me this for free? Thank you.
Sure. Are you paying with a card?
Thank you.
That'll be 21,000 won.
-See you.
He doesn't look that fit.
He has narrow shoulders, a big head,
a turtle neck, and short legs.
What are you mumbling about?
You're not even the owner.
Why would you give food away for free?
I'm second-in-command here.
I think I have the right.
Why are you picking a fight?
I'm not.
-Hi, Mom. What's up?
-I'm not picking a fight.
I'm free. Why?
Without asking me first?
I like to meet people naturally.
I hate blind dates.
Hold on.
Give me a second.
Blind dates are just not my thing.
I want to get to know a guy
in a casual setting
where my character shows through.
What do you mean, "you never know"?
Fine, I get it.
If I don't like him,
I'll make a scene and leave right away.
I'm going.
What can I do? It's tomorrow.
Are you sure he's good-looking?
Are you sure?
But I can't trust your standards.
This is hilarious. It's insane.
What's with her?
-Mr. Choi!
How are you feeling today?
Already back to your studies?
I'm feeling fine,
but I'm way behind in my studies.
Don't worry about math.
I'll bring you up to speed
as soon as you get out.
-Mr. Choi.
-I have a question.
I heard that star teachers
make a ton of money.
I read about you online,
and you're known as the Trillion Won Man.
Where do you keep all that money?
In real estate? In gold?
Or in a Swiss bank?
It's not that I actually own
a trillion won.
I create that much value.
You don't own that much money?
That's a shame.
But you're still rich, right?
Come on, Haeng-ja.
What? It's important!
Hae-e, when you date a guy later,
look into his financial situation.
How much does he make? Is he in debt?
Does he own a house and a car? Is he--
I guess you didn't look into
my dad's financial situation.
It was a different story back then.
I need to dress her wounds.
Only one of you can stay with her.
I will.
I'm her mom.
What is it?
Why do you keep glancing at me?
I can't help but walk on eggshells.
I always expected it to happen.
She was going to show up one day.
She's shameless by nature.
Do you want to go rest in the lounge?
I'm sure you didn't get
much sleep last night.
It's as if you were there.
Come here.
-Let's go in.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I'll do it.
Let your mom do it.
Let me look after you for once.
Too late.
Why are you so cold?
Has Mr. Choi left?
No, he's still here.
But we have a surprise guest.
Oh, my.
Who are you? I don't think we've met.
You're so tall and handsome.
-How tall are you? 190cm?
-Let's go out.
I'll get you a soda.
I just had one.
You're here.
You don't look like your mom at all.
I agree.
What is it? What took you so long?
Dan-ji and Geon-hu already visited.
I wanted to come sooner,
but I couldn't.
How are you feeling?
I'm good.
I finally caught up on the sleep
lost during the midterms.
I feel rested.
So you're back.
Of course.
dropped out of school today.
It's the right thing to do.
I want to take a break
and take the GED later.
School will be so boring without you.
There will be no one to bully.
Call me whenever you're bored.
I'll be waiting on the edge of my seat.
That's a promise.
-Sure, you can--
-I'll call you every day.
I'll call you every day. Is that okay?
Anyway, great work, everyone.
You all held up the candles
and shouted the slogans until so late.
As a result, we achieved our goal.
It's my treat today.
I came here with my husband once,
and the steak was amazing.
I'm not sure
if it's really our achievement.
It was Sun-jae's own decision
to drop out, wasn't it?
The point is, we got what we wanted.
Tomahto, tomato.
-No, it's tomato, tomahto.
I guess you're right.
Dan-ji found out I protested.
She got so mad at me
for attacking her friend
that she's refusing to talk to me.
It's driving me nuts.
Why are you so scared
of your own daughter?
She'll come around soon.
-Why are you so late?
-Let's go in.
-Traffic is horrible.
As if she isn't scared of her kid.
-We have a reservation under Suaimdang.
-Please come this way.
-Come here.
It's him, right?
It's your husband, isn't it?
What are you doing?
Honey, I can explain.
It's not what you think it is.
-Then what is it? Tell me.
-Hold on!
-What is it?
-Come here.
-Hold on.
-What? How dare you…
-Hold on.
Stop it.
You must be crazy.
You lunatic.
-You crazy bastard.
Let go of his hair!
What? His hair? What do you care?
-You jerk!
Go stop her.
-You crazy bastard!
How could you do this to me,
you piece of garbage?
You have no idea.
The entire neighborhood
is talking about Su-a's mom.
She pulled her husband's hair
and beat him up
in broad daylight at a restaurant.
No wonder word traveled so fast.
Someone even took a video
and spread it online.
I think I saw it.
It was one of the most trending videos.
So she's your neighbor? Unbelievable.
How humiliating.
After going around all high and mighty,
calling herself Suaimdang.
Still, sharing a video is too much.
I don't feel sorry
after what she did to you.
What goes around comes around.
What happened?
What did she do to Haeng-seon?
So you're going on a blind date today?
Don't you prefer meeting men naturally?
You always said blind dates
feel stiff and never work.
I'll just think of it
as betting my chances on a lottery ticket.
Anyway, who did Hae-e go out with?
Did you drop out
to come see her every day?
We need to coordinate our visits.
Your wheelchair-pushing skills
are improving by the day.
If you're upset, drop out too.
You little…
Should I?
Be quiet. Just keep pushing.
-Yes, ma'am.
Geon-hu, how's the studying going
without me as your personal tutor?
It's terrible.
So I'm thinking of signing up
for an academy.
Really? That's a great idea.
Right. You're still new to studying,
but once you get the basics down,
it should be possible.
You don't seem to be slow or anything.
Hey. You think I'm smart?
She just means you're not stupid.
-Stop overreacting.
-What, you punk?
Are you okay?
I'll go get you some water.
Hurry up.
I'm okay.
Cover yourself.
I'm good. It's okay.
Just a second.
Hey, give it here.
-I'll do it.
Why do you carry around a hair tie?
You have short hair.
That's yours.
I bought it for you.
You once said
your favorite hair tie broke.
Nam Hae-e.
To be honest…
I want to stop being friends with you.
I've had a crush on you…
for a long time.
Will you go out with me?
Look at you, Lee Sun-jae.
Hey, Sun-jae.
"Will you go out with me?"
Hey, you've been hiding
your feelings all these years
only to get turned down like that?
Cheer up, Sun-jae.
You only got turned down once,
For me, it was about a dozen times.
Hey, I didn't get turned down.
I was put on hold.
She said she'll think about it
after the CSAT!
Same difference, you idiot.
Get it together, Sun-jae. What's with you?
Hey, let's go to a coin karaoke
and sing a breakup song together.
Even if you cry,
I'll take it to the grave.
Don't group me and you together.
-Look at you.
-I'm different!
No, you're just like me!
You asked her out like you were joking!
I was serious.
That's the problem.
Go back in. It's cold.
Okay. Good luck with your date.
Don't drink too much
even if you don't like the guy.
I won't.
Hey, about your sister…
How long is she going to stay?
It doesn't look like
she's leaving anytime soon.
I hope she won't mooch off you.
I won't let her.
Don't worry and go on.
I am going, but…
Whatever. I'll leave it to you.
Good luck tonight.
Why are you doing this?
What do you mean?
You must've heard.
I'm sure I've become the talk of the town.
You heard, right?
Just point a finger at me
like everyone else.
Don't pity me and hurt my pride.
Are you enjoying this?
Don't you hate me?
A little.
But you're my VIP customer.
Where did Jae-woo go?
I told him I had to leave early.
Hey, Nam Jae-woo. Where are you?
Come over here right now, Yeong-ju.
That place we went to last time.
Hey, Jae-woo!
I'm late! What's going on?
I told you I had plans!
What is it? Cut to the chase.
Spit it out. I have to get going soon.
Don't go.
Don't go, Yeong-ju.
I've given it some thought…
and I like you.
I'm not sure if I like you
in the same way I like Haeng-seon,
or if it's different.
But you keep bothering and worrying me.
I do?
And I hate that
you're going on a blind date.
If I take a bite of this,
that means we're going out, right?
What are you…
Hey, don't…
Want to sit next to me?
I like you, Yeong-ju.
I like you.
No, stop.
Leave this kind of food to me from now on.
I like you, Yeong-ju!
I like you too.
These seats are so comfy.
I wonder how much this car costs.
I bet it's super expensive.
Mr. Choi.
You have other cars, right?
How many do you have?
Do you drive a different car
every day as you like?
yes, depending on the situation.
I knew it.
Haeng-seon could really use a car
for her business.
I'm not telling you to buy her one.
It's just a suggestion.
I really want to
since she goes grocery shopping,
but she won't let me even talk about it.
Why not?
Then can you buy a car for us
so I can use it
when Haeng-seon doesn't need it?
Come on!
Stop spewing nonsense.
Why not?
You need to learn to swallow your pride.
It's rude to turn down a kind offer.
-Right, Mr. Choi?
No, I mean…
What's that? Oh, my goodness.
-When did you prepare this?
-Mom, open the door.
Welcome home, Hae-e.
-My goodness.
-Congratulations, Hae-e.
Thanks, Auntie Yeong-ju and Uncle.
-Welcome back.
-This is corny.
You guys tend to take things too far.
Thank you. You should go.
You'll be late for work.
I'll come right after work.
Don't start the party without me.
-I'll be upset.
-What are we celebrating?
Hae-e coming home.
Let's have a small party after work.
Why would you have a small party?
Invite everyone
and throw a huge party instead.
-Mr. Choi could even afford a hotel--
-Thank you for the ride, Mr. Choi.
Thank you.
-See you later.
Nam Jae-woo.
-Let's go in.
I've never been in here before.
So this is where you live.
Hae-e, I cleaned your room
all day yesterday.
I even washed your bedding.
Aren't I the best?
Yes, you're the best. Thanks.
There are only three rooms.
Where should I stay?
Stay in my room with me.
Hae-e studies until late.
Heck no.
I can't share a room with anyone.
I'm sensitive, you know.
Staying in that hospital room was torture.
Then what do you suggest?
I can't share a room with Jae-woo.
Why do you live in this tiny place
in the first place?
This place is cramped to begin with.
Do you want me to ask your boyfriend
to get you a penthouse?
Stay in my room. I'll sleep on the sofa.
That sounds uncomfortable.
It's fine.
Then I'll sleep on the sofa.
Haeng-ja, stay in my room.
Heck no.
Your room looks like a storage room.
I'll change the sheets.
-Everyone hates me.
-How are you so brazen?
I just can't understand you.
Hold on. I'm getting a call.
Excuse me. Hello?
I was about to call you.
You're so impatient.
I think I found a way to get money.
There's this guy
who's smitten with my sibling.
No, not my younger brother.
My younger sister.
Yes, I think I can figure something out.
Wait just a little longer.
I'll call you back. Bye.
Okay. Bye.
Hello, Choi Chi-yeol speaking.
Hello, Mr. Choi.
This is Hae-e's mom. Haeng-seon's sister.
We might become family,
so it's okay for me to call you, right?
Sure, go ahead.
I knew it.
The thing is, I have a favor to ask you,
but I didn't get a chance earlier.
Haeng-seon can't know about this, okay?
Of course.
I'm a straightforward person,
so here goes.
If you happen to have any
cash lying around,
which I'm sure you do,
could you lend me some…
Oh, my!
What are you doing?
Have you lost your mind?
You were asking Mr. Choi for money.
I heard everything.
-I just--
-How could you do that
to your sister's boyfriend, of all people?
Don't you even have a conscience?
It wasn't easy for me either.
I'm so pressed for money--
Even still, how do you think
this makes your sister look?
Don't you feel the least bit guilty?
She gave up sports and dating
because of me and Uncle.
She's been working from dawn till dusk
for more than a decade.
So where have you been all this time?
How could you show up out of nowhere
and be such a nuisance?
Why do you have to make me
feel so miserable?
Why would you yell at me?
I haven't even borrowed any money yet.
Ask him for money again,
and I'll kill myself.
What, you brat? How dare you…
That rude little brat.
I'm so scared.
Hey, it's me.
You sound awful.
Were you crying?
I must've imagined
my mom showing up one day
at least a couple thousand times.
I wanted to get even.
I wanted to be extremely mean to her.
And then I wanted to accept her back,
pretending I had no other choice.
After all, she's my mom.
I've resented and missed her
all these years.
But now that she's here,
I'm so upset.
Even if she abandoned me,
I used to imagine her
to be a decent human being.
But I was wrong.
Why was I born out of someone like her?
We don't get to choose our parents.
All we can do is
try to become better people than them.
I guess we should.
Yes, we should.
Hey, come on in! We're ready.
Here comes today's star.
Hae-e, I blew up all these balloons.
I feel dizzy.
All right.
Since everyone's here, let's get started.
Let's celebrate Hae-e coming home!
Come here. Have a seat.
-Congratulations on coming home
-Congratulations on coming home
-Congratulations on coming home
-Congratulations on coming home
-Congratulations, dear Hae-e
-Congratulations, dear Hae-e
-Congratulations on coming home
-Congratulations on coming home
Make a wish.
Make a wish and blow out the candles
before they melt.
It's not my birthday.
-Great job!
-Well done!
Thank you, everyone.
You were making a wish for quite a while.
Can I ask what your wish is?
-No, don't tell us. That'd jinx it.
-He's right.
She should keep it to herself.
I prayed that my aunt and uncle
will live happily even when I'm gone.
What are you talking about?
What do you mean?
Are you going somewhere?
Yes, I'll be gone, Uncle.
I'm going to…
live with Mom.
I'm following her to Japan.
I want to try living there with her.
Hey, Nam Hae-e!
Are you serious?
I'm your daughter, not Auntie's.
What's there to discuss
when I want to live with my mom?
Will Hae-e not be living with us anymore?
Want one, Uncle?
How could you hurt me like this?
We've lived together
for more than a decade.
Let's take a walk.
She's a smart kid.
I'm sure she has her reasons.
Just accept it for now.
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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