Destined with You (2023) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

In this life…
and in the past life…
I love you.
Don't cry.
We got to meet again like this.
We had a very hard time.
Sorry to interrupt…
but the police are here.
We've been on a stakeout around here,
but Na didn't appear.
I think he just tried to lure you out.
It might be dangerous,
so you should go home.
I understand.
- Please focus more on the investigation.
- We will.
Is it okay for you to drive?
I've been living
with my parents these days.
I've been eating well
and am recovering well, so don't worry.
You can drop me off here.
I'll take a bus back.
You don't need to.
We're going to stay together,
just the two of us.
Doors opening.
Hold on.
Doors closing.
Have a seat here.
I'll reapply the ointment.
It still hurts a lot, right?
If you're so worried about me,
why did you leave me alone?
I did it for you.
Promise me
you will never disappear from my sight.
I promise.
Words are not enough.
Once isn't enough either.
Wait, I…
My hands.
I should wash my hands
before disinfecting your wound.
Right. You should wash your hands
before disinfecting the wound.
I should go drink water then.
Sleep now.
I can't sleep.
I'll sing a lullaby.
Sleep, my baby
I'm not a baby.
That's why I can't sleep.
We can't sleep like this.
I think so too.
I'll sleep outside.
No. I'll sleep outside.
Stay here, you're sick.
I can't make you sleep on the sofa.
No, I'm fine.
Who is it?
My parents.
What should we do?
Where do I hide?
Men normally hide in such cases.
Where? The closet?
Why would you hide? You live here.
You're right.
Wait, why are we hiding? Let's not hide.
But I didn't even wash my face.
You look fine.
You're always pretty.
You're lying.
I mean it.
So where do I hide? Where should I go?
Hold on.
I was too out of it
in the hospital last time.
Let me introduce myself officially.
I'm Lee Hong-jo.
Have a seat. Sit down.
Come on.
Why are you so selfish?
He was sick.
He was even stabbed.
Why are you clinging
to someone who almost died?
She didn't cling to me.
You haven't called the whole day
and you didn't pick up the whole night.
Do you have any idea
how much we were worried?
- I'm sorry.
- Why are you apologizing?
Lower your vocal cord.
Voice, not vocal cord.
You just started dating and you're
hanging out in your boyfriend's place.
Do your parents know this?
Why would you bring up her parents now?
He's right.
Do you really have to be
so old-fashioned here?
This is about basic manners
and common sense.
How could you act like that
knowing that he's sick?
And this all happened
because of your stalker.
If you have any conscience,
you should feel guilty to meet Sin-yu.
I'm sorry.
I stayed away from him
because I felt guilty
and I even thought of breaking up,
but I can't.
I like Sin-yu very much.
I can't approve this.
Let's go. We'll talk without her.
I think that's better.
Hong-jo, it was nice meeting you.
Let's meet again next time.
Why meet her again next time?
Your son almost died because of her.
How can you--
Let's have a talk.
Be gentle.
- Let me go--
- Get back safely.
Don't come here again.
I'm sorry.
Don't take what Father said to heart.
It's okay.
I'm the one that should be sorry.
No matter what he says,
I won't give up on you.
I'll drive you home.
No, I can go myself.
Stay with your parents.
Get back safely. Text me.
I will.
Just because she's not your own child,
how can you be so mean?
Because my child is more precious
than someone else's child, obviously.
She even seduced the sick boy into bed.
When he was with Na-yeon,
you even told him
to get her pregnant before marriage.
Why did you change?
Because she's obviously a lowlife.
So was I.
Both my education and family.
That's why we're in this state now.
So we're in an unhappy marriage
because I'm a lowlife?
Fine, then.
Let's just get a divorce.
Sure. Let's do it!
You speak of divorce every time,
but I know you can't do it.
Go on and do it.
I came back for good.
I know.
She was worried about you.
You went there because he called you out?
Weren't you scared?
I had my smartwatch
and self-defense weapons.
If it happens again, never go alone.
I'm too worried.
Let's go back to my place.
I need to go to work after the weekend.
I used up all my leave.
Don't worry too much.
At least I'll be commuting with her.
I knew you were reliable
the moment we signed the contract.
Take good care of Hong-jo.
Why would you ask him that?
Why are you here?
I am Hong-jo's boyfriend.
So from now on,
you can ask me for such things.
You said you'd never see him.
Did you come back to meet your boyfriend?
Not exactly.
This is my landlady.
This is Jang Sin-yu.
A man too tall and handsome
isn't good as a boyfriend.
I agree.
Excuse me.
Who is Ms. Ma?
That's me. Who are you?
I am… Cha Seung-yeon.
Isn't this too much?
You dumped me to be with someone like her?
What? No, it's not…
I can't believe this.
What did you say?
"Someone like her"?
What's wrong about me?
Let's go out and talk.
Go out where? Why would I go out?
All right.
Let's just talk here then.
Wait, where is she?
Gosh, you're here.
She looks so shameless,
what does he see in her?
Are you shaming me for my looks?
No, of course not.
Are you done speaking?
I'm not done speaking.
You look very good in these clothes.
They suit you perfectly.
Stop it, Seung-yeon.
How dare you slap him?
Let me go. I said, let me go!
Let me go.
How dare you, you crazy…
What is… happening?
Are they fighting over Mr. Gong?
No way.
Are they fighting not to date him?
Don't fight because of me.
Let me go!
I mean,
how can she not like me
for being too tall and handsome?
I told you many times
that you're too much in everything.
Is this about okay?
This is perfect.
Then I'll try to look ugly too.
You look so ugly.
No way I would've actually looked ugly.
I must have looked cute.
Walk slowly, Hong-jo.
You might get hurt.
Standing here reminds me
of our first kiss in the sunset.
Do you remember?
I don't.
You have no idea what will happen to you.
You don't know either.
I know
because I'm going to do it.
Someone's calling.
Welcome back.
Did you rest well without any problems?
Yes. It's all thanks to you.
- Good. Take care.
- Okay.
Welcome back.
We were very worried
about Jung-beom appearing again
and making a mess.
I couldn't even sleep.
Go home with us for the time being.
Ms. Yoo is so oblivious.
She has Mr. Jang.
Did Mr. Jang come to work?
Were you with him until now?
No, I wasn't.
He did come to work today.
I'm so jealous.
I want an office romance too.
I know, right?
Is dating at work a thing these days?
Let's get to work.
The quintet is finally complete.
That sounds so old-fashioned.
Go away.
A big event happened when you were away.
Ms. Ma and Mr. Gong are dating.
No way!
Guess what's more shocking.
Seung-yeon grabbed Ms. Ma by her hair.
Why grab her hair?
Seung-yeon's beauty is on another level.
But despite that beauty,
Mr. Gong chose Ms. Ma.
She must've been very upset.
She's like, "How could you do this to me?"
and slapped him like this.
It was such chaos.
I can't believe I missed
such an interesting event.
- I know.
- I know.
At first,
when I heard you were dating Mr. Jang,
I thought, "My gosh, that's unbelievable."
Then when I found out
Ms. Ma was dating Mr. Gong,
I thought, "Nothing is impossible."
So I will never give up.
On what?
Mr. Kwon.
Speaking of which…
How about another party?
Do you know
that I'm feeling very uncomfortable?
It's because I missed you.
I'm just so happy.
Don't you know I'm injured?
I'm sorry.
When you weren't around,
this place felt so empty
and I realized something.
I realized that I loved you very much.
Please don't love me.
Mayor wants you to submit
a resignation letter right now and quit.
I don't want to quit.
Try to put yourself in his shoes.
He wouldn't want to keep employing someone
who broke up with his daughter
and is dating another woman.
Mayor's daughter didn't only date me.
What do you mean?
Local Public Officials Act, Article 60.
"No public official shall be
laid off, demoted, or dismissed
in opposition to his or her intention
unless he or she falls under any
of the grounds prescribed by this act."
even if I am a contract worker,
you cannot fire me until I'm disciplined
or the contract ends."
Relay this to the mayor.
You could go to any good law firms.
Why are you trying to stay here?
Why are you trying to side with the mayor?
You know it is unfair
to persuade me to resign.
I'm always on the mayor's side.
I'm his advisor, not yours.
Think about it once again.
- Hey.
- What's with the shirt?
It's so ugly.
Let me go.
Those rascals.
Get lost, you loser!
- Hey!
- You little…
How dare you?
U-ram, are you okay?
Did you guys hit U-ram?
Big sis.
You don't have a sister.
Stay out of this, old lady.
I'm not an old lady, but let me say this.
Hitting U-ram just now
was school bullying.
This isn't a school.
So it isn't a school bullying.
You guys--
What you did was a crime.
Criminal Act, Article 257.
Inflicting a bodily injury upon another is
punishable by a fine of ten million won,
suspension of qualifications
for ten years,
or seven years of imprisonment.
And since there are three of you,
it's aggravated assault,
which means greater penalties.
This is juvenile delinquency.
Kids aged ten or older
can be punished by the Juvenile Act.
Didn't you know?
Still, we won't go to prison.
How dare you talk back--
Okay, then let me explain it this way.
If what happened today
becomes known to the world,
you can't become
celebrities, politicians, NewTubers,
and more. You can't do a lot of things.
Your future will become bleak.
Are you okay with that?
There's no evidence.
Right, there's no evidence.
Why is there no evidence?
It's here.
Hey, let's go.
Don't forget your bikes.
Your moms will worry.
You're pretty cool.
I know, right? I always forget
that you're a lawyer too, Sin-yu.
Today, you really look like one.
I'm not just a lawyer.
I'm a very competent one.
Is he the guy
you talked about all the time?
I give you a pass.
You're a good judge of character.
By the way,
aren't you supposed to be working?
I am working.
I'm here to prevent bullying
and solve the park's safety issue.
You're lying. You came to see her.
You sure are very smart.
You're one promising kid.
You have a very high chance
of becoming like me.
U-ram, please understand.
He isn't normal.
He's conceited.
No, I've made up my mind.
I will become a cool lawyer like him.
I give you a pass too.
What do you like?
You must eat everything well
to grow tall like me.
What do you want?
I hope you don't become too much like him.
I am sorry to pass this to you.
Your wife, Song Yun-ju,
wishes for an uncontested divorce.
What's with the divorce out of nowhere?
She must have lost her mind.
You better not call her.
If this goes to court,
calling her and yelling at her
can work against you.
There's no reason to get a divorce.
if we were to, I should be the one
requesting it. Who is she to do it?
I'm sure she took those expressions
as verbal abuse.
I'll read out some evidence.
"May 17, 2022."
"Why do you have your head for?"
"June 2, 2022."
"A pigeon on the street
would be smarter than you."
"You're so dumb."
Should I… read out more?
Is your mom there?
She's not. What is it?
Your mom…
She wasn't home.
Is everything okay?
Why wouldn't it be? Everything's fine.
Anyway, I'm hanging up.
Shouldn't you
at least tell him where you are?
He'll be worried.
He better be.
He doesn't appreciate me.
Are you really going for a divorce?
I'd made up my mind a long time ago.
But whenever I wanted to do it,
something came up.
You got sick
and injured.
Am I being too selfish in this situation?
Don't think about me.
I want you to live the life you want.
Thank you, Sin-yu.
It's nothing.
I'm sorry,
but can you go home alone today?
Is it Tae-ho again?
No, today, I'm meeting
- my military buddies.
- I see.
- Call them.
- What?
Call your buddies
you are going to meet today.
My phone stopped working since noon.
Maybe I should change
the cellular carrier.
Where do you go every night
after lying to me?
I can't really tell you.
One thing I hate the most is lying.
Just get out of my house.
- What?
- You're out.
Wait, stop there.
Goodness, I'm so glad
I learned the falling techniques.
Are you okay?
This won't make me
go back on kicking you out.
This is bad.
He's the star of the day today.
Serve him well.
Since you stood up, you can just leave.
I don't like beating around the bush.
Is that so?
There's no reason for me to accept this.
I just followed the mayor's orders.
I hear you're Jang's senior.
You could tattle.
I am his senior,
but we're totally different.
As you may know,
I wasn't born with a silver spoon.
Look here.
If you accept this,
we're in this together.
Then the spoon won't matter. Right?
Is this for illegality?
It's for competence.
I can't trust Mayor Yoon
because he's a bit dumb.
Join me.
Long time no see.
Your office looks better than I thought.
Let's have coffee.
The office looks rather fine,
but there's no coffee machine.
Well, should I give you one as a gift?
I prefer instant coffee these days.
Your class has dropped.
You became very humble
after dating that poor girl.
Mayor Yoon told me that you got stabbed
because of a civil servant.
Did it hurt bad?
It's none of your business.
I see you can sound aggressive too.
- Interesting.
- I can punch aggressively also.
So scared. I better leave now.
I wet my pants.
I'll get going.
I'm busy with
the development of Mount Onju.
Don't bother.
You won't be able to do it anyway.
That won't happen.
I got a very competent person on my side.
To be continued.
It's rare for you to call me.
What is it about?
I read the news.
Are you okay?
We're father and son.
There should be more reasons
for you to call me.
Are you okay?
My company isn't that weak.
This barely affects us.
I've got to go.
I'm playing golf.
So you're saying…
Sangsaeng Savings Bank wants to
recover funds immediately?
What are you doing?
Just checking
if there are secret documents.
Was it you?
Did you transfer the ownership of my land
to Haum after I handed it over to Onju?
You handed it over to Onju,
so it wasn't your land anymore.
Whom I sold it to doesn't matter.
You know it's illegal.
It isn't if I make it legal.
That was your job in the law firm
and that is my job here.
I didn't expect you to be this bad.
It's always fun when things go
beyond your expectation.
Can you leave now? I'm busy.
By the way, where did Mr. Gong go?
Ms. Ma, where is Mr. Gong?
Why are you asking me?
Well, because
you two are dating.
It's over for us.
I think he is going to propose.
Is this the public proposal
that women loathe?
Oh, my God.
Please don't come here.
Ma Eun-yeong.
Please don't kneel.
Please don't propose.
Will you marry me?
There's a ring in this bouquet.
I went around all night looking for this.
You're mad. Go away.
- I won't.
- Go away, please.
I won't leave.
I'll stay by your side forever.
- Say yes.
- Say yes.
- Say yes.
- Say yes.
Say yes.
Say yes.
Say yes.
Say yes.
This is so embarrassing.
Too embarrassing!
She's just happy, right?
I don't think so.
Here it is.
I'm so glad I didn't terminate it halfway.
Back then, I thought
terminating the savings was the only way.
Well, I'm glad that you're glad.
There are other options we can recommend
instead of terminating
the long-term savings.
I'm glad my detailed advice
helped you opt for the best option.
Thanks to you,
I overcame the hardship back then
and could get all the interest.
I feel reassured.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
What a coincidence.
You startled me.
Are you here for me again?
No, I came to the bank
to do something important.
Do what?
Seeing you in the bank.
How absurd.
You're slacking off.
No, I'm working hard 24 hours a day.
Following my heart's command to meet you.
Did you eat something strange for lunch?
Well, I ate soft tofu.
I wanted salmon,
but I didn't want to swim against fate.
I don't want us to drift apart.
I'm never going to eat salmon.
That's too bad.
Salmon is my favorite food.
Come here.
Did something happen?
How did you know?
I can just tell.
Probably because you're my boyfriend now.
Your boyfriend's mom
invited you to dinner.
Why are you telling me this now?
I should've dressed better.
You look good in anything.
You even looked pretty
in that bear jacket.
I know that, but…
What's wrong then?
This won't do.
What won't do?
You must've expected this,
but he doesn't want a divorce.
Bringing this to court means
they'll pry into your personal life.
Then things will get messy.
Why don't you meet him and persuade him?
I don't want to
because I know what he's going to say.
He'll go, "Are you mad?"
Have you told Sin-yu about this?
For both the divorce
and filming a drama,
no matter what I do, he's on my side.
My husband is not on my side,
but my son is. I'm so grateful.
I'm on your side too.
Oh, we're having dinner later.
You should join us too.
With whom?
What is this?
I heard you liked pretty and cute things.
It's so beautiful.
I wanted to become
a ballerina when I was young.
That's why
your first role was a ballerina.
You already looked that up?
Yes. The Nutcreaker, right?
The Nutcracker.
You're similar to me.
You're sweet.
Aren't they so lovely?
What's wrong?
Sin-yu is in love
and you'll go back to being an actress.
Everyone is heading somewhere,
and I'm the only one stuck here.
You're a lawyer, you have a cool job.
Cheer up.
That's the issue.
I'm not cut out for it,
but it's a job too good for me to quit.
Then don't quit.
You can do some moonlighting.
One main job and a side gig.
You're a genius.
By the way,
will you be okay
to get a divorce in this situation?
What situation?
Don't you have any class
as a company's CEO?
Why are you drinking soju with kimchi?
You won't divorce me.
That's why you're back, right?
I'm sorry, honey,
for saying your head was for decoration
and you were dumb.
It's no use apologizing.
I'm only postponing the divorce for now.
Only until you overcome this crisis.
The company
will be fine.
Don't worry too much.
Even if things get better
with the company,
if I don't have you,
what's the point?
Gosh, I hate you.
- Thank you.
- Have a nice day.
You too.
When are you done?
I'm sorry. I have to go somewhere today.
No. I'll be very late. Don't wait for me.
It doesn't matter how late it finishes.
Come to my house.
I told you not to wait.
I didn't say I wasn't going
to go to your house today.
You changed your number and quit work.
What's going on?
For the wedding.
What? Didn't you break up with the lawyer?
Did you get back together?
Not him. Someone much better.
What? You have a new boyfriend already?
I can't believe you actually came.
Were you expecting to see Hong-jo here?
If you miss her so much,
why don't you go meet her?
She works at Onju City Hall.
Long time no see, guys.
Where should I sit?
Can you move over?
I told you.
She's the girl that stole my boyfriend.
You were pretty bad too.
You pestered your father
to change the development business,
just like how you avoided
punishment in high school.
You really never change.
You haven't changed either,
hitting on and stealing my boyfriend.
And you're a nobody.
If I'm a nobody, does that mean
you got your boyfriend
stolen by a nobody?
Are you here for this?
Do you think I'm here to build friendship?
You became braver.
Stop harassing Sin-yu through the mayor.
How dare you order me around?
I want you to apologize
for slapping me the other day
and everything you did to me.
Why would I apologize to you?
I didn't do anything wrong to you.
Don't you remember
what happened in high school?
When I was in the library,
you made Min-ho kiss me forcefully.
And you hid and took a video of it.
I have something to tell you.
Sit down.
Then I'll keep you by my side.
Sorry. I can't forgive someone who flirts
to steal her friend's boyfriend.
I told you. He wanted to talk--
Min-ho doesn't talk to poor people.
Clean the tray for me.
Clean mine too.
Thank you.
The library video.
You staged it.
And you spread the rumor
saying I hit on him.
Well, too bad.
There's no evidence.
There's a witness,
but since he won't speak up,
I guess there's none.
It seems he has nothing to say.
This is the only chance.
Stop the fuss and get lost.
Or I'll tear apart both Sin-yu and Bawoo.
If you do that,
I won't sit back either.
What can you do?
It's my treat, guys.
You bitch.
The seat I couldn't sit on in high school.
I can sit there anytime now.
For Sin-yu, I can.
Someone like you will never understand.
I'll get going.
My boyfriend is waiting for me.
Stop the fuss and get lost.
Or I'll tear apart both Sin-yu and Bawoo.
Is it that good?
I'll buy it for you again.
U-ram, can you go home first?
I'll join you soon.
Right, I have no watch.
Why are you waiting outside?
I couldn't wait to see you
even for a second.
Is a flower receiving flowers?
Is a flower giving me flowers?
What happened to your clothes?
I went to a gathering
and fought with Na-yeon.
So did you win?
I feel relieved.
At least I wasn't bullied this time.
I'm proud of you, Hong-jo.
I've got to go home now.
Okay, let's go to my home.
This bracelet looks the prettiest here.
I'll never take it off again.
You can get changed now. Take your time.
The shirt is too big.
Just a moment.
It's a daughter.
I had a conception dream.
I picked a peach.
Put Hong-jo on the line.
No, I'm alone.
Goodness. Enjoy your morning.
Don't push yourself too much.
Eun-wol said something strange.
What strange thing?
What is it?
Where are you?
I'm working outside.
I was checking the site to plant trees
for Arbor Day.
How can I wait until the evening?
I'll stop by later for a consultation.
Ms. Lee.
Hello, sir.
I know him. It's okay.
it's about U-ram.
Do you have time to spare?
Of course.
What happened to U-ram?
Who are those people?
Don't mind them.
You can go and have lunch.
I'll be talking with him.
It's okay. I'm close with him.
It's really okay.
What is it about?
Mr. Jang.
I checked the mayor's office…
Just a moment.
- Hello?
- Hong-jo is gone.
Search the park thoroughly.
Hong-jo disappeared in the park.
Sam-sik reported it.
She's probably headed to Mount Onju.
Okay, I'll head that way. Bye.
Could this be Na Jung-beom again?
Subtitle translation by: Yeeun Kim
There was something I wanted
to say since 300 years ago.
I don't believe in them. I just know them.
We were too late.
Come to think of it,
I think click better with you than Sin-yu.
Strictly speaking, you are an accomplice.
I didn't know he was such a terrible man.
Hong-jo, wake up.
Ripped and synced by
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