Doctor Slump (2024) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

I wanted to get her a ring.
I've always wanted to.
That was the moment when I realized…
I wanted to be with her
for a long time.
Could I see this one?
- Sure.
- The one that's open like this.
I'll get it out for you.
Thank you.
But when and how do I give this to her?
Should I give it to her like this?
Or like this?
Or maybe…
Or like this?
Or like this? Or maybe like this?
Oh, no!
Damn it.
Where is it?
What are you doing?
Did you drop something?
No. It's okay.
Go do your work. Pursue your dreams.
What is it? What fell under?
A coin. It's 100 won, but don't worry.
Use this.
No, don't! I can--
I can do it. Please.
Please don't!
I don't want to give it to you like this!
Give me what?
- The 100 won?
- What?
- To be honest, I got you a gift.
- A gift?
- You see…
- Is that it?
Fine, I'll just tell you.
I wanted to give that to you.
Over here!
You pushed me and ran away.
I never did that. I'm not afraid of them.
Why won't they leave?
I was going to give her the ring.
I was thinking about how to give it
to her but I dropped it.
It rolled under the sofa.
So I looked for it and guess what I found.
Cockroaches, so we were
on the sofa like this. Okay?
So I couldn't give it to her.
I've heard of people
hiding rings in cakes before.
But I've never heard of people
hiding them under sofas.
- You're the worst.
- Whatever.
Everything is the worst.
So what did you tell her?
Did you come clean about the ring?
Of course not. How could I?
I didn't want her to remember cockroaches
if I gave it later, so I played dumb.
Good. Hold on.
That ring you tried to give…
Were you trying to propose?
Well, no. That wasn't why I bought it.
But I don't mind if she takes it that way
since I'd love to marry her.
You little rascal.
You're getting in the way of her career.
- How?
- Hey.
She must be so busy
as a new assistant professor,
so you should let her focus.
Don't you think
she'd be very uncomfortable
if you suddenly gave her a ring?
This is unlike you today.
Why are you saying what's right?
I'm speaking from experience.
And I think you're rushing it a bit.
You haven't gone out for even a year.
You need to date someone
for at least a full year.
Different people show
their obnoxious side in different seasons.
Hold on. Are you saying
Ha-neul's obnoxious?
No, I'm talking about you.
From Ha-neul's standpoint,
she might still have doubts about you.
Anyway, whether it's due to
how long you've been dating
or her recent hiring,
it's too early for a ring.
You're right, but why am I offended?
A bracelet will do.
Forget it.
I'll figure it out myself.
Don't be ridiculous.
Hello, sir. Was there a problem?
No, there wasn't.
Could I see some bracelets?
Was it right to buy this?
Did you get off work just now?
Ba-da, you're working hard these days.
I'm slowly starting to lose motivation.
- But I'm still hanging in there.
- Really?
Do you think you could comfort me
by treating me to some tteokbokki?
Of course, I can.
But are you okay with the spiciest kind?
- I'd love that.
- Really?
This is good.
It only took 20 minutes for delivery.
What a great world we live in now.
So why aren't you doing the same?
Let's make deliveries too.
All restaurants do it.
That's a hard no.
The broth will get lukewarm,
and the noodles will get soggy on the way.
You have to make
quality over quantity, you fool.
You and your milmyeon pride.
Are you the creator or something?
By the way, why isn't Ha-neul joining us?
She's still at work.
I see.
Gosh, it's been hard to see her
now that she's a professor.
Treat her well, okay?
Don't prank her
by giving her cockroaches as a gift.
- How did you know?
- It's okay.
Couples can prank each other
like that on occasion.
I wasn't pranking her!
To be honest,
I was going to give her a ring.
But I dropped it,
and it rolled under the sofa.
I tried to retrieve it
when that unfortunately happened.
I see.
We'll pretend not to know then,
so wipe it clean with a wet wipe.
Uncle Tae-seon, that's not right.
She deserves better treatment than that.
Don't you know who she is?
Right, she's a professor now.
That'd be wrong.
No. Forget her job.
She's been single forever.
She's never received jewelry
from a guy before.
That ring he gives would be
her first and last ring.
So giving her one that's rolled around
in dust and cockroaches would be wrong.
- What do you think?
- I agree.
So I got her something new. A bracelet.
- Bracelets aren't her thing though.
- What?
Well, my mom gave her a bracelet
made of gold when she became a doctor.
She said it was a hassle
and never wore it.
She said removing it
before surgery was bothersome.
Then, you secretly sold it
and got in big trouble with your mom.
She beat me to a pulp.
I still have the scars she gave me.
I need to be somewhere right now.
Thank you for the meal.
Excuse me.
You're back again. Was there a problem?
Necklaces. Can I see your necklaces?
You've become tricky to give.
As for you,
she might not like you.
And you…
I really hope she likes you.
But exactly when and how
do I give this to her?
Not where there's a sofa or cockroaches.
Not at home
but the clinic would be weirder.
I think I need to see a doctor.
I think I'm going insane.
- Then I--
- Look! Jeong-woo hit the jackpot!
It's too early for a ruckus.
What do you mean he hit the jackpot?
Jeong-woo is filthy rich now.
- They said he got 2.5 billion won.
- What?
Look at this. They've written articles.
"As the biggest victim
of the Macau casino heiress murder case,
Yeo received back the penalties he paid
to his medical referral center owners."
Ha-neul, did you know about this?
I did. When did that article come out?
A few hours ago.
Wait. Hold on.
He's this rich, but all he bought us
was tteokbokki last night?
He didn't order
any fried sides or blood sausage.
Did he buy food for you again yesterday?
Goodness, stop pestering him.
I didn't pester him.
He enjoys spending time with us.
You know he doesn't have many friends.
Of course, he does.
That's what he said in the past.
He said he lost all his friends
after the medical accident.
And he recently lost
his good friend from childhood…
I'm leaving now.
Hold on. Have some of this first.
Come here so I can rip you to pieces!
Why don't you dote on me too?
I may speak carelessly,
but I'm your precious child too!
You little punk!
You didn't even let her have
some tomatoes for breakfast!
- Jeong-woo, are you up?
- Yeah.
I was meaning to call you
because I missed you this morning.
Really? Then, count to three.
Are you going to appear
in front of my eyes?
Maybe, so earnestly count to three.
Okay. I'm going to be super earnest.
- Three!
- Oh, my gosh!
What? I thought you were home.
I couldn't sleep, so I went for a run.
Then, I saw you and followed you upstairs.
You did?
I'm free for 15 minutes.
Want to have some coffee?
I'd love to.
Please come in.
Here's your iced coffee.
This is good.
I'm sorry for breaking my promise
and being so busy.
No, don't be sorry.
Do all the things you want to do.
I won't get in the way of your career.
Just a second.
Jeong-woo, I love you.
- What?
- What is it?
Ba-da texted me. What's wrong with him?
That idiot.
Listen carefully.
Stay alert and don't give Ba-da
any pocket money no matter what.
He knows you have money now.
What do you mean?
He found out about the returned penalties.
I didn't tell him though.
I know.
I saw the article too.
They just won't let you be.
Why can't they
just mind their own business?
You've gone through enough.
What's their deal?
- But I'm--
- "Okay"?
Is that what you were going to say?
No, I'm not okay about the article.
But I'm okay since you're by my side.
Of course, it's uncomfortable.
When the medical accident first happened,
I was hurt by comments left by people
saying it was a deliberate murder.
And I was hurt even more when
the people I knew believed those comments.
I hate it
how my pain is exposed
to the world against my own will.
But I meant it's okay because I have you.
So don't worry about me,
and let's just focus
on the surgery next week. Okay?
Right, do you want to see
the cases I've compiled?
There's a USB in my drawer.
Drawer? This one?
What is it? Why won't you
let me open the drawer?
Did you hide a beetle in there this time?
That's not important right now.
I have something for you.
I'm so out of shape these days.
What are you doing here?
Shouldn't you be at work?
I came by for some tea.
Why am I explaining myself?
- And why are you here?
- Right.
I came to deliver your breakfast.
- What?
- Let's see.
We have your favorite,
stir-fried peppers and anchovies.
- Okay.
- And soy-braised black beans.
- Green onion kimchi.
- That's too much.
And marinated squid and pork belly.
Hey, did you get
Mom's permission to bring these?
You have no right
since you didn't buy them.
Come on, we're family. That doesn't apply.
My money is yours, and your money is mine.
My money is his, and his money is mine.
So can I borrow 50,000 won--
- My goodness!
- I knew it.
- Let's go.
- Ha-neul.
When did you learn the guillotine choke?
If you can spare it, send it to Duna Bank.
- Account number 352-20020408!
- Ha-neul.
Send it to my account.
Even 30,000 won will do.
- Shut it or I'll hit you 30,000 times.
- Ha-neul.
Okay. I hope you make it out alive.
What? You still haven't given it to her?
Hey, you have a ring,
a bracelet, and a necklace.
You have your own jewelry shop,
so what's stopping you?
I don't know.
I want it to be meaningful
even if I'm not proposing,
but I can't get the timing right.
I'm going to focus
on the surgery next week for now
and then think about it.
Right. You're doing
that surgery next week.
I won't be able to work
for two days. I'm sorry.
Don't be. It's for a good cause,
so of course, I'll cooperate.
But will you be coming back?
I don't want you two-timing me.
That's the worst.
- I'm not sure.
- You little…
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Wait, aren't you going to work?
- No, I--
You're so odd at times.
- Is something up?
- Be quiet.
What's going on?
- Shut it.
- Tell me.
I'll hear you out.
Maybe I can help you in some way.
I said get lost!
Did you just tell me to get lost?
No, I didn't.
Then, was that for me?
No, not you either.
Wait, Hong-ran. I…
Nurse Do! I…
Okay. We appreciate the article.
- Thank you.
- What's going on?
Why are you all being so awkward?
We've been getting
tons of calls since this morning.
It's been so hectic.
Calls? What kind?
People have been asking
about Dr. Yeo being compensated
and if he's really performing surgery
on a child patient with microtia.
So I thanked them
for the article they'll write.
I don't think this is right.
Dr. Yeo only made
this big decision out of goodwill,
so how could you use it for PR?
I'm not using him.
We've been getting
a lot of calls from reporters,
and his good deed could serve
as a good example to others.
So it'd be nice
if many people heard about it.
That's only what the media
and the hospital think.
Dr. Yeo and I won't do
this surgery if it's for PR.
Our PR team is talking to him
as we speak, so let's see what he says.
Is Dr. Yeo here right now?
- Have a nice day, Doctor.
- You too.
What are you doing here?
What do you think? To see you.
Did you speak to the PR team?
- So you heard.
- What did you tell them?
I told them I'd think about it.
For what?
Are you worried that saying no
would hurt me since I work here?
You see, this is absurd to begin with.
Because above all else,
I won't allow
for the patient's identity to be revealed.
Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
Why do they keep putting you
in these tough situations?
Why can't they just leave you alone?
In that case,
at least you should treat me well.
- What can I do for you?
- Let's grab a bite.
How long until I can have dinner with you?
I'm all done with surgeries for the day.
Let me just get changed.
Why aren't you answering?
It's just a reporter I know.
What? They want an interview?
Jeez. Ma'am, can we get a bottle of soju?
- Sure.
- What? Are you allowed to drink?
Of course, I am.
I'm upset today,
so I'm in need of a drink.
Here's your soju.
- Ha-neul, what are you up to?
- Hey.
I'm having a drink with Jeong-woo.
- Let me join you.
- You too?
No, I want it to be just us two tonight.
You're so mean.
I'm feeling down today.
Why are you feeling down?
Did something happen?
I'm okay. Tell her to come.
Sorry for interrupting your date.
Not at all.
But I needed some alcohol today.
Actually, a lot of it.
I sensed something earlier today.
What's going on?
That's not why I'm down,
but that incident wasn't nice either.
- What is this about?
- Well…
Can I be honest though?
He's close with Dr. Bin.
It's about Dr. Bin?
Then, tell us.
Who knows?
Maybe he can help you understand.
She's right. You can say
what's on your mind.
As you already know,
he and I had a thing going on.
But as soon as he said
he had feelings for me,
he and Nurse Do kissed
right in front of me.
- What?
- What?
Of course, it wasn't intentional.
She tripped and fell toward him.
But I didn't feel good when I saw that.
And it seemed like
they liked each other during that dinner.
I don't think there's anything
going on with Nurse Do.
- Right.
- Let's drink.
I just realized my romantic feelings
for him made me upset over trivial things.
"Is this okay?"
"Can I be doing this when I have a child?"
I just suddenly feel lost.
That's understandable. Totally.
Gosh, have a drink.
You're drinking every 15 seconds.
Why don't you slow down a bit?
Don't worry.
It tastes bitter today,
so I'll only drink one bottle.
Just one?
A bottle each or between us?
Of course, a bottle each.
I was almost disappointed.
And when that happens…
You need a drink.
I'm truly worried about this pace.
I was worried.
And I was right.
Wake up, you two.
Your ramyeon is getting soggy.
Ha-neul, you wanted ramyeon
to ease your stomach.
Goodness. Is that so?
Ha-neul, see how Hong-ran
is enjoying her food?
You'll have a bad hangover later.
Ha-neul? Are you breathing?
It's good, Ha-neul.
I'm Jeong-woo.
Since when?
Since the very beginning.
Are you drunk?
You're the one who's drunk.
Are you up?
- Let's eat.
- Who are you?
Your boyfriend.
- Since when?
- Since a few months back.
What kind of conversation is this?
Let's eat, Ha-neul.
Ms. Girlfriend,
you need to take the cap off.
Let me open it for you.
Thank you.
- Drink slowly.
- Jeong-woo!
Dae-yeong, hurry up.
- Hurry!
- It's Dae-yeong.
Did you call him?
No, you did.
What's going on?
Goodness. Are you okay?
Why are you hiding the bottle?
The water…
- I--
- Hey, Ha-neul.
Come on.
Damn it. I dropped it.
- Get up already.
- Please don't fight.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Nice. Let's go.
Gosh, how much did they drink?
Not much, but they drank
at the speed of light.
Why didn't you stop them?
This is all because of you.
You said I was the worst,
but it was actually you.
- What do you mean?
- She told me what you did in front of her.
Hey, then you should know
that it was an accident.
I'm already upset as is, you punk.
Don't call him that.
- Stop harassing him.
- That's right!
Hey, don't be like that to Dae-yeong.
He's such a pitiful guy.
That's right!
Hey, Jeong-woo is more pitiful.
He's the most pathetic person
in this street.
Hey, Dae-yeong is
the most pathetic person in Seoul.
That's not true.
Jeong-woo is
the most pathetic person in Asia!
What are we, their horses? Jeez.
We'll take a taxi
before I become even more pathetic.
Okay, go on ahead.
Good luck.
I feel so bad for Jeong-woo.
He's the most pathetic person
in the world.
I'm the most pathetic one right now.
We'll be home soon.
We're home.
Goodness. Why is she so drunk?
She hasn't had alcohol in a while,
so she must've gotten drunk quick.
She's going to be the death of me.
Who is she calling?
I'm on night shift tonight,
so I can't come home.
Jeong-woo, I lied to my mom.
I'm going to sleep at your place tonight.
Please don't look at me like that.
Where are you going?
Good night.
- Can we sit here for a minute?
- Sure.
Are you okay?
Should I go get a hangover drink?
No, it'd be a waste of alcohol then.
By the way,
I really wasn't talking to you
when I said to get lost in the elevator.
And what happened with Nurse Do
wasn't on purpose either.
I know that too.
Then, why have you been ignoring my texts?
You see…
I think
dating is like being drunk.
Everything's great
when you're chugging it down.
That tipsy feeling is nice.
You laugh at the smallest things.
It feels like you're walking on clouds.
But if you get swept up
in that feeling and keep drinking,
you'll only end up a mess.
After my divorce,
I promised myself
I would never fall in love again.
After all, I have a son to take care of.
Because in the end,
all that's left is painful memories.
You made me happy.
You cared for me and helped me,
so I swooned
for the first time in a while.
But after I get swept up
in this feeling and keep drinking,
I might wake up in pain, like a hangover.
So I'm a bit scared.
You better not harass Jeong-woo.
Damn it.
I won't sit still!
What? Why was I sleeping here?
You said it was stuffy, so you came out
of your room in the middle of the night.
I did?
- Jeong-woo.
- Yes, ma'am?
I can't let you have Ha-neul.
How could I give
this terrible drunk to you? Never.
What did I even do?
For the first time in my life,
I was embarrassed by you last night.
I never thought I'd ever see you
be embarrassed by Ha-neul.
You were always embarrassed by me.
That's enough.
Everyone becomes drunk
and obnoxious at least once in their life.
I'm sure I wasn't that horrible.
Eat up.
Ms. Girlfriend,
you need to take the cap off.
Jeong-woo, I lied to my mom.
I'm going to sleep at your place tonight.
Everything she does is so cute.
Nice. Looking good.
She's so cute.
What are you doing here?
Well… Ha-neul called me.
She was totally drunk
when she called me last night.
She called Min-ho's restaurant
and asked for my number.
She said I'd better
properly apologize to you.
- Or else she'd kill me.
- What?
I thought this was for the best.
I wanted to call you.
But I thought you wouldn't like it,
and I was too ashamed.
I didn't know what to do.
But I'm glad I have
a chance to apologize to you.
I'm sorry, Jeong-woo.
I didn't know
our friendship would be that shallow.
But I was about to lose everything,
so I didn't know what to do.
I'll forever regret hurting you.
I'll live in shame from now on.
This isn't like you.
I can kneel if you want.
Actually, I'll do that.
I don't have any use for my knees anyway.
Don't be so dramatic.
I accept your apology.
You should go.
Okay. See you next time.
- Yeo Jeong-woo speaking.
- Hello, Dr. Yeo.
This is the PR team lead
from Daehan Hospital.
It's about the conversation
we had yesterday.
Remember we agreed
to do an interview before surgery
and to take a photo
of the patient afterward?
Please ignore all of that.
But why all of a sudden?
Professor Nam told us adamantly last night
that you two would back out of the surgery
if we asked you to do those things.
I'd like to offer my sincere apologies.
That's okay.
Okay. Goodbye.
Was this what she meant?
Are you okay?
Why did you drink so much?
Because I was so upset for you.
While we've been together,
I've seen you in pain
more than I've seen you be happy.
You know what?
I sometimes picture you sitting
in that defendant's seat all by yourself.
And I always cry when I see that.
You've lost so much.
You've received unwarranted hate.
You've lost all your friends.
Your life was ruined.
So why are they making such a fuss
about the compensation you received?
But then,
you used that money you received
to help other in need.
I was so impressed by you,
but I also felt so sorry for you.
You didn't put yourself first,
and that broke my heart.
It did?
If anyone else harasses you again,
I'll make sure they pay.
I'll make sure you receive
apologies from everyone who hurt you.
I've already called them.
So that was it?
- You haven't left for work yet?
- No.
I see.
Then, I'll get going first.
Wait. Let's go together.
See? You gave me an earful
for drinking too much last time.
But sometimes, you just can't help it.
Don't you agree?
I do.
By the way, was I that obnoxious?
You weren't that bad.
Then, how bad was I?
Did I do something wrong?
No, you didn't.
You didn't do anything wrong.
But you were incorrect about one thing.
I did something wrong, right?
You said you saw me in pain more
while we'd been together.
Just tell me already.
But I was happy many more times.
You taught me how to reduce the pain.
I learned how to forget my sadness.
When I saw you…
cry for my pain,
it made me…
believe in the power of warmth.
So I wanted to give back
that warmth I'd received
to someone who was also in pain…
in my own way.
Did you sleep well, sir?
Yes, I'm in good condition. And you?
I'm good thanks to you.
- Right. I heard you refused the interview.
- I did.
I didn't want to tarnish our purpose.
Well done.
Let's just focus on the surgery.
Thank you for understanding
and accepting my proposal.
I'm more than happy
to be a part of this meaningful work.
Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?
She said she slept well
because the bed was soft.
She hopes the surgery will go well
and would like to thank you.
We'll do our utmost best, so don't worry.
Thank you so much.
How do you feel about leading the surgery?
No, I can't do that.
- You'll here too.
- Why not?
You've done a ton of surgeries
like this while volunteering.
And who knows?
Maybe I'll learn a few things from you.
I'm sure you feel closer
to the patient than I do.
Okay, I'm sure you've done your homework.
So why don't you oversee it yourself?
Then, I'll give it my best.
All right.
Good. Let's turn.
And let's turn.
I'll begin the anesthesia.
You can breathe comfortably.
Please administer 35 mg of propofol.
Administering 35 mg of propofol.
Turn on the anesthetic gas.
Hello, Doctor.
May I begin the surgery?
Yes, you may.
As we agreed,
if you take care of the donor site,
I'll be ready with the ear flap.
- Let's begin.
- Yes, sir.
Open it up a bit more.
Why is this so hard to detach?
Dr. Song. Was there
anything else of note about her?
No, she only had microtia.
She had no other syndromes
or complications.
Darn it!
I believe it's a pleural tear.
Her tidal volume is low.
- Let me.
- Okay.
The pleurae is torn.
I suspect lung injury too.
We must treat it now.
Dr. Nam, we suspect there's a lung injury.
Let me know right away
if her oxygen saturation drops.
Please hang in there.
I'll do my best to be quick.
Yes, Doctor.
If there's a problem with ventilation,
I'll resort to one-lung.
Prepare a bronchial blocker
for bronchoscopy.
- Please hurry.
- Okay.
- Contact CS as well.
- Yes, Doctor.
Can you hold this? I'll take a look.
There's an adhesion
in the lungs and pleurae.
That's why the tissue tore
instead of detaching.
Something kept getting in the way.
Dr. Song, why is there a scar
when you said she had no issues?
I did a thorough check,
but I couldn't find anything.
Nothing came up on the X-ray either.
Her saturation level is dropping.
It's at 94% now, but it'll soon drop more.
She's losing air due to the lung injury.
We need CS right away.
Forceps and Metz.
Let me take a look.
There seems to be an adhesion
in the pleurae and lungs.
Did she suffer from TB before?
She had no underlying conditions.
I remember her mother wrote on her history
that she had a severe cough.
If the scar was caused by TB,
neither the X-ray
nor the CT scan would've detected it.
Thankfully, the alveoli
aren't too damaged.
We'll suture the torn area,
insert a chest tube, and see how it goes.
- All right. Let's begin.
- Okay.
- I'll hold it.
- Okay.
It's finished.
Dr. Nam, I'll check for any air leaks.
Perform the Valsalva maneuver slowly.
Okay, I'll begin.
Fortunately, there's no leak.
I'll check for any ventilation leaks.
The tidal volume is stable.
Thank you. I'll wrap up now.
Okay. Good luck.
- Please hold this.
- Okay.
Forceps and Freer.
The surgery was neither
a life-or-death situation
nor was it a particularly tricky
or hard one.
But looking back on it,
that was the turning point in our lives.
JP, please.
Forceps too.
Jeong-woo seemed
to have overcome everything.
And she seemed
to have found her place once again.
Looking back,
the moment when we fell down
was the turning point in our lives.
The moment when we believed
our lives were over
was a new beginning.
Let them know she'll receive
her second surgery in six months.
If anything comes up,
they can contact me right away.
You did well.
Thank you. Kids won't
bother me anymore.
Thank you so much.
I'm so happy to help.
Good luck at school.
I have something for you.
- Gosh, it's so cute.
- So pretty!
All right. We have to catch our flight.
Thank you for everything.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Right. Here.
Thank you.
Good job.
You too. Should we eat
something nice for dinner?
I actually have to go somewhere.
It's a nice day for chicken skewers.
Should we… Let's just go.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hey, Jeong-woo!
What brings you here?
Did you come to see us?
Yeah, I did. Okay?
I'm here to find out how bad your food is.
Thanks, Jeong-woo.
I didn't think you'd accept my apology.
I thought I'd never see you again
and I'd just miss you forever!
What's wrong with you?
You're not even going to
say hello or apologize?
How could you eat those skewers
after hurting me like that?
What do you mean "eat"?
I'm just grilling them.
I'm sorry.
I am…
so sorry.
Honestly, I thought
you'd never want to see us again.
That was my original plan.
But hey,
if I cut ties with you,
I'd have nothing in life.
Jeong-woo, I'm truly sorry.
We'll pay back all the ad revenue
we secretly took from you
by selling lots of skewers.
Actually back then,
my girlfriend had become pregnant,
and my mom's thyroid cancer
suddenly returned.
I was at my wit's end.
I think that's why I lost my mind.
Hey, is your mother okay now?
Yeah, her second surgery went well.
And I'm having a son soon.
What a relief.
By the way, what happened to you?
What's up with you and Ha-neul?
- What do you mean?
- Remember the reunion?
You two came
to Min-ho's restaurant together.
Then, she yelled at me over the phone,
demanding that I apologize to you.
Are you two dating?
To be honest--
Hey, you want him to cut ties again
after just being forgiven?
You should watch what you say.
Jeong-woo would be insane
to date that horrible Ha-neul.
Can I get a glass here, please?
Hi, Chan-yeong.
Hey, Ha-neul.
By the way, what are you doing here?
I invited her.
We are dating.
- What?
- Seriously?
Did you do something wrong?
We mean, what in the world happened?
You were sworn enemies back in school.
- So how?
- It just happened.
"Just happened"?
You're so pretty.
You two.
I didn't come here because I missed you.
I saw how you treated
Jeong-woo in the past.
I only called so you'd apologize to him,
so I'm not happy
that he's here drinking with you.
However, I only came here to say
that you should be sorry to Jeong-woo
for the rest of your lives. Got it?
- Okay.
- Okay.
And what were you saying, Chan-yeong?
"Jeong-woo would be insane
to date that horrible Ha-neul"?
Want to see how horrible I can be?
Right. It's rich coming from a guy
who almost wrote
an apology letter
for following her around.
- Gosh.
- What are you talking about?
- Who followed who around?
- Chan-yeong.
I didn't have any serious feelings.
It's just a memory from our youth.
Something like that.
"Just a memory"?
Why? Why won't it work?
I've been at this for three days,
but why am I still stuck?
How do I solve this?
This is driving me crazy.
None of these methods work.
Forget it. I'm done!
I'm not going to college!
Okay, look.
This is the function.
Just find the differential
and substitute this with that.
Jeez, you're so darn noisy.
Hey, Ha-neul.
Do you like Pikachu pork cutlets?
I can buy you some.
How about pork cutlets
with mustard and ketchup
and soda on the side? Okay?
I'll be honest, Ha-neul.
I think you are
the prettiest girl in our school.
When you first transferred here,
I thought you were some sort of goddess.
You're the prettiest
top-ranked student I've ever met.
No, you're just the prettiest.
You're just pretty.
And you're the dumbest student
I've ever taught.
Pikachu pork cutlet, my foot.
Hey, did you get shocked
by Pikachu or something?
Mr. Han, let me explain.
Ha-neul, I'll take care
of this Pikachu. Go study.
- Bye.
- Thank you.
- Come here.
- I'll see you at the snack bar later!
You got it wrong.
No, it wasn't like that.
There was a question
I'd been wrestling with for days.
So I was touched
when she solved it for me.
Hey. I did it for my sake, not yours.
You kept mumbling and distracting me
from studying, so I solved it for my sake.
That's right.
She'd never solve questions for others.
How could you be so deluded
when you bad-mouthed her all the time?
Come on. I know I did you wrong,
but let's get our facts straight.
You actually did all the bad-mouthing.
We'd just agree with you.
You've gone completely insane!
When did I ever do that?
Probably every day.
You hated seeing
how crazy she was about her studies.
- Right.
- You didn't want to be near her.
- You wished she'd stub her toe.
- Right.
What else did he say?
Remember when she solved that equation?
I'm embarrassed to mention it.
Hey, isn't Ha-neul so obnoxious?
- Of course.
- Totally.
Honestly, I'm better
at calculus than her, right?
- Yeah.
- Not just calculus.
Definitely true.
Your middle name is "Calculus."
It's not true.
Not at all.
We were so childish back then, weren't we?
Yeah, we were all immature.
So please forget
that I momentarily liked you.
- Please.
- Please.
Honestly, all the boys back then
liked her at one point.
Uk-ryeol from the news club liked her.
Seok-pil from the baseball team did too.
- Was Ha-neul that popular?
- You bet.
I didn't do something wrong, right?
What do you mean?
I mean,
I only called Mu-geun
so he'd give you a proper apology.
Maybe I was being too nosy.
You did well.
Every time they wrote
new articles about me,
I knew I shouldn't read the comments,
but I couldn't help it.
But there was one commenter
who would always defend me.
It was Mu-geun.
When I saw that, I thought,
"Yeah, I should start forgiving people
and live life with optimism."
That's when you called him.
I see.
I'm afraid I heard way too much today
to just be optimistic.
I had no idea my girlfriend
was that popular.
Well… Yes, I was.
Boys would occasionally ask me out.
I'd say
it was once every term.
Gosh, you were so popular.
So you never went on a date
because of your studies and work?
"Never went on a date"?
Ba-da said you've always been single.
That's not true.
I told you I'd dated before.
That was true?
- Yes, of course.
- With who?
A guy from my neighborhood
who followed me around for three years.
- When?
- I was a freshman in college.
I felt like a grown-up
once I got to college,
so I thought I'd give dating a try, but…
- But?
- We broke up after five hours.
Studying seemed more fun.
You said guys asked you out every term,
so why did you say yes
to him in particular?
It was chilly one night.
And he gave me his jacket.
- That's it?
- Yes.
- Nothing more?
- No.
- Ha-neul.
- Yes?
I can do much better than him.
- I take off my clothes better.
- What are you saying?
I'm serious.
- What? Should I take this off?
- No!
- Should I? Ha-neul.
- Jeez, put it back on.
Isn't dating so fascinating?
Sometimes, you act childish.
the smallest of things affect you.
But you don't want to be affected.
Right, Hong-ran?
You don't want to get hurt again.
But I won't hurt you. I'll--
Dad, I'll be home soon.
Order some malatang for me.
I'll only make you happy.
Is that too cheesy?
Dad, order some tteokbokki
instead of malatang.
I'm different
from your ex-husband."
The spiciest one with extra cheese.
I can't let you go like this, Hong-ran.
- Come on.
- And some glass noodles too.
I really like you, Hong-ran.
Please accept my love.
Damn it!
What do I… How…
Eun-jeong, you see…
Let me explain.
Let's order some tteokbokki first.
You wanted the spiciest one
with cheese and carrots, right?
- Or eggplants and mushrooms--
- Dad.
Is there someone you like?
Did this "Hong-ran"
give me those macarons?
How did you know?
I know you don't follow trends enough
to buy such things yourself.
Was buying me underwear
and raising my allowance
because of her help too?
The coolest thing to do is
to ask someone out in person.
Wear your best clothes and put on
lotion that smells nice before seeing her.
And don't go empty-handed.
Then, what should I bring?
Buy her a bouquet of flowers.
Don't get a big one. Get something small.
Be nonchalant.
Okay. Nonchalant?
Hurry. You should act when you've decided.
All right, then.
Let me get dressed up. Okay?
Hong-ran, can I see you for a minute?
This late at night? Why?
I have something to tell you right now.
What is it about?
I'll tell you in person.
Goodness, I'm sorry.
You said you'd tell me
in person, but you just…
What did you want to tell me?
Let's just drink
and not worry about the hangover.
- Let's live like there's no tomorrow.
- Sorry?
You can hold your liquor,
so why are you worried?
I can become your hangover drink.
I like you.
I like your cute face,
how you take good care of your son,
and your nonchalant way of speaking.
My feelings for you grew every day.
And they'll continue to grow.
Give that to me already.
Thank you.
- Here.
- Thanks.
I'll be honest.
I've become a bit uneasy
now that I know how popular you were.
You used to have a million subscribers
on NeoTube and received tons of messages.
That was only because I was
a plastic surgeon who gave good tips
and did it in a friendly way
for the viewers.
But you had guys falling
head over heels with just your looks.
This won't do.
Have your face covered from now on.
Oh, please.
Right. You're not going to move?
- Move?
- Yeah.
It's cramped and uncomfortable here.
You have money now to find a new place.
Gosh. But I don't want to.
You've become so busy nowadays,
so I have to stay here
to see you as much as I can.
You think so?
Also, your mother, uncle, and Ba-da
have grown on me.
I feel closer to them than my own family.
I want stay here
and continue living with them.
In that case,
do you want to join my family?
I want you to be part of my family.
Oh, no!
Oh, my gosh!
- Where are the bandages?
- In the drawer.
What's all this?
I bought them for you.
All of them?
Why did you buy so many?
I didn't know what you liked,
so I ended up buying one of each.
But I didn't know what to say
or how to give them to you.
That's why I haven't been able
to give them to you.
You're unbelievable.
Let's put some ointment on first.
It looks like a ring.
You're right.
You prepared so much for me,
but all I have is this bandage.
I like this much better.
Whenever I was struggling or in pain,
you embraced me like this bandage.
This was the most touching proposal ever.
You wanted me to join your family.
What I meant was we should be lovers
who are as close as family.
Hold on.
You can't make me swoon and then say that!
I can't believe
you would do this to me! Gosh.
- I--
- So you're going to be like this?
I get it. Okay. Got it.
Look, I just meant…
What are you doing?
You're so pretty.
What is this? It's too much. Jeez.
But I couldn't help it. How much it shines
shows just how much I like you.
Be my family.
Be my lover, my friend,
and my wife too.
I want you to be
all of them.
Tell her you have the night shift today.
I wasn't rejected, was I?
- Let's fight.
- You can't even get married.
My chief wants me
to spend six months abroad.
I feel bad for leaving you here.
I told you. I won't get in the way
of your career.
Are you kidding me?
How can I wait for six months?
Please don't go!
I'm so proud that you're a modern woman.
Don't leave me!
I could be happy today…
- I hope we continue to get along.
- Okay.
…and suddenly sad tomorrow.
Let's go.
But it's okay.
I'll give it a shot.
If there's sadness,
there will always be happiness as well.
And that's enough.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Ripped and synced by
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