Dr. Romantic (2016) s01e15 Episode Script

The Cornered Stone Syndrome

Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Vod2smi /Fontby Blue-Bird™
You should do this.
May I ask
why you have absolute confidence in me?
I'm a patient who struggles to survive,
and you are a doctor
who tries to save a person's life.
Every doctor
tries his best to save
a patient's life all the time.
Do you think
they will do the same
when billions of money are at stake?
So who is his doctor?
Is he good?
I'm not sure if you remember him or not.
He used to work at Geosan Medical Center
under the name, Bu Yong-ju.
Bu Yong-ju?
Are you talking about that lunatic?
that lunatic.
Times of subordination.
Rather than respecting one's
individuality and capability,
the world compares and standardizes people
to put them into fitting roles.
Dr. Bu Yong-ju. Answer my questions.
Have you ever had your younger colleagues
perform surgery for you?
It's been reported that the two
table deaths prior to the one of
Jang Hyeon-ju were caused
by such incidents.
Is that true?
I told them to do it?
I told them to perform those operations?
Why aren't you saying anything?
When have I ever
told you to perform operations for me?
Quiet down, Dr. Bu Yong-ju!
I ask the questions.
You only answer them.
The so-called elite organization
and the efficient rulers of
the organization own this world.
To know that
the things you accomplished here
at Geosan Medical Center
were based on such unlawful
and contemptible methods
As an administrator,
I have to say it's a disgrace.
I'm sorry,
but you have to let someone else
perform the operation.
This patient is a candidate
for the next presidency.
Clear your schedule
so we can set a date for the operation.
There are patients
who wait up to three or four months
to be operated by me.
I'll operate in the order of
who's been waiting the longest.
You're supercilious and free-wheeling.
Does being a well-known doctor
who makes a lot of money
make it okay to neglect the ethics
and morals as a doctor?
You were the ones
who put your hands together
and gladly appointed me.
We didn't know that you were
such an immoral and shameless being.
Were all these patients operated on
by using my name behind my back?
You're too busy and famous
of a doctor, Dr. Bu.
It couldn't be helped.
Every patient who comes to our hospital
wants to be treated by you.
Even so, how could you use my name
to deceive the patients?
If you're worried
about this getting leaked,
you shouldn't be.
The hospital will
have your back.
You idiot.
Who told you to perform that operation?
Who is it?
We can no longer keep
a lid on your past actions.
The doctor's union
and the hospital association
will be notified.
We will take measures
so you will no longer be able
to work as a doctor.
That is
the final decision of the board.
Loyalty for a clique
becomes the greatest virtue.
Capable men of principles
get abolished once they lose their value.
That is how strange this world has become.
It's okay.
Take me to the hotel today.
-What about Chairman Shin?
-I'll see him tomorrow.
He's probably sleeping anyway.
Good morning.
Is it?
Good for you.
Are you not feeling well?
You seem to be
in a very good mood, Dr. Kang.
-Why is that?
-I'm just
It's a good morning, that's all.
Hello, good morning.
You're here.
It's so hot.
Why is it so hot in here. Aren't you?
The weather must have gotten warmer.
It is hot in here.
I have to go to the staff room.
I need to do something
in the emergency room.
-Okay, then.
-I'm going this way.
It's hot in here?
What are they talking about?
It's negative two degrees outside.
We have a patient experiencing
abdominal pain.
Name of the patient is Hwang Gi-su.
He's a 45-year-old male.
He's not showing symptoms
of vomiting or diarrhea.
He just said his stomach hurts
and that he's cold.
His vital signs are 110 over 80,
pulse 120.
His temperature is 39.5 degrees.
Hold on.
You even checked
if he has a history of gallstones.
Yes, I asked him to check
if that's the case here,
but he said they didn't show up
in the checkup of earlier this year.
You checked thoroughly.
Good work.
I hear your stomach is aching.
When did that start?
A month ago.
The pain used to come and go.
Yesterday, it started to hurt a lot
and last night, my whole body was aching.
I was burning up.
Please raise your knees.
I'll feel your stomach.
-Does it hurt when I press here?
-Yes, it does.
How about
-That hurts the most.
Do you drink often?
I drink once or twice a week.
Have you recently experienced
a sour stomach?
I have.
I see. We'll have to run some tests first.
You might have an infection
in your stomach.
We'll have to do a CT scan.
Please make the pain go away first.
I will.
Please set up IV lines of tramadol.
Let's do an OP lab of amylase and lipase
-and then do an abdomen CT scan.
-Yes, Doctor.
I'll go to the CT Room.
You scared me.
-Did it work?
The necklace.
Congratulations, Dr. Kang.
I told you it'd work.
I don't want to flatter myself,
but I know these things very well.
I see.
Did you put the necklace on her yourself?
-Do I have to?
-Dear me.
That's basic.
What do you mean?
Why do you think men spend all that money
to buy presents for women?
There is a reason
behind the actions of these men.
A ring is to hold a woman's hand.
A necklace?
It is for a hug.
Like this.
Is that so?
Is Dr. Yun wearing the necklace today?
No, I don't think so.
Oh, no.
If she didn't wear the necklace
on purpose,
it means something.
Maybe, she didn't like the necklace
or the person who gave it to her.
I don't think that's the case.
You shouldn't let your guard down.
Dr. Kang.
Could you go check on
the patient in the third bed?
What do you think you are doing now?
It's none of your concern.
I was just a little jealous,
so I messed around with him.
You were jealous?
-My romance ended in failure
unlike his.
I should go, then.
Hello? What's up?
Are you wearing the necklace I gave you?
Why are you asking me that?
Aren't you?
I'm busy now. I'm on my rounds.
Just tell me
if you are wearing it or not.
Excuse me, Dr. Kang.
We are working now.
You shouldn't mix business with pleasure.
-I'm hanging up.
What was that?
Is she not wearing the necklace?
Good morning, Chairman
-His daughter?
Chairman Shin's daughter has just arrived.
Maybe you know her, too.
She used to
work at Geosan Medical Center
as the head of strategic management.
Stop being so stubborn
and leave the hospital.
You are being absurd.
I'm hospitalized here.
Why would I leave?
You should stay in a more decent hospital.
A hospital with better doctors.
Why did you come here?
Just go back to Florida
and take care of your children.
You are bothering me.
Who asked you to come here?
Was it President Do?
It is an artificial heart operation
we are talking about.
How could I let you
have such an important operation
in this lousy hospital?
Also, you are the chairman of
the foundation.
What will happen if the chairman
of Geosan Medical center
has an operation in such a small branch,
and something goes wrong?
Geosan Medical Center will lose face.
People will soon think
you have poor judgment.
Some will even say you are senile.
If you don't want to be called that,
come to Seoul with me.
I will take care
of the discharge procedures.
Excuse me.
He can't leave the hospital
without his doctor's permission.
What are you saying?
A patient is not supposed
to leave the hospital
without his doctor's permission.
I'm the director of this hospital.
I am higher in rank
than any of you.
Do you understand?
Bu Yong-ju?
What are you doing here?
What would a doctor do in a hospital?
I'm taking care of the patients.
You've already been kicked out
of the medical world.
How dare you pretend to be
a doctor in a doctor's gown?
I didn't do anything wrong
to be disqualified.
And you guys set me up
to be kicked out.
So did you cajole Chairman Shin
for your comeback?
I thought he was just
an old man with a lot of money.
I had no idea that he was
the chairman of the foundation.
Or that he was your father.
It's been a lot of surprises for me.
I will move him
to Geosan Medical Center now.
Is it what Chairman Shin asked?
It is my decision. I'm his guardian.
I can't leave my father
to a doctor like you even for a moment.
A doctor like me?
What does that mean?
-Explain what you mean.
You are being vague,
so I don't understand what you mean.
Let's be clear about this.
What do you mean by a doctor like me?
Look, Bu Yong-ju.
Everyone calls me Teacher Kim here.
Teacher Kim?
Do you think you can hide your past
with a new name?
I'm not hiding anything.
Let's just say it is for self-examination.
I once
listened to your seductive words
and worked alongside with you people
to achieve the same goals.
It is to show that
I introspect about my mistake.
-Chairman Shin's daughter?
She says
she is someone
who is much higher in rank than us.
And she seems to have
some ill-fated relationship
with Teacher Kim.
Do you know anything about that?
I told you.
I met Teacher Kim
after he left Geosan Medical Center.
But you have worked with
Teacher Kim for so long.
Didn't you hear anything about it?
What are you doing?
Are you dating Dr. Kang?
Who told you that?
Did Dr. Kang say that?
No, it's just Manager Jang's speculation.
He says there is something
going on between you two.
Is that right?
No, it's not.
It's not true.
-I'm serious.
-I see.
I'm telling you.
Trust me. You have to trust me.
Oh, my goodness.
Where is Dong-ju?
He's in the hybrid room.
-What do you think?
-I think
it is pancreas tail.
I see. I thought so, too.
I don't think it is pancreas tail.
You don't?
It is abscess for sure,
but I think it is originated
from the bowel.
Is that what you think?
Do you want me to page Teacher Kim?
Dr. Kang.
Why would you call Teacher Kim?
I'm right here.
The scan is unclear,
so I just wanted another's opinion.
You've been so disrespectful
and disobedient to me.
Do you think you are all that
because Teacher Kim favors you?
I don't think Teacher Kim favors me.
Look closely at the scan with your eyes.
It is obviously originated from the bowel.
-But it is connected to--
Are you trying to teach me or something?
I'm just giving my opinion.
It may look like that but--
So it is originated from the bowel.
It can't be pancreas tail.
Don't you think, Dr. Do?
That's what I think.
-Dr. Song.
-The patient's BP is dropping.
It is 80 over 40.
Set up the C-line
and execute a full drop of 500cc.
Also, inject 10cc of norepinephrine.
And bring me a Foley catheter.
Stop it.
Stay back.
Set up the C-line
and execute a full drop of 500cc.
inject 10cc of norepinephrine, too.
And bring me a Foley catheter.
Dr. Do will operate on this patient.
He is my patient, Dr. Song.
You can't even read the CT scan right.
Set up the C-line
and move him to the operating room.
Yes, Doctor.
Let me inject antibiotics
while you set up the C-line.
Yes, Doctor.
Dr. Kang looks pretty upset.
I think so.
-Dr. Woo.
Have you assisted an operation before?
-Yes, I have.
You will be assisting me today.
I will see you in the operating room
in ten minutes.
I still think it's near the pancreas.
Seo-jeong, can you knock?
What was that about with Dr. Song?
Why did you get into an argument?
We just had some disagreements.
By the way, Dong-ju,
did you say anything to Manager Jang?
Like what?
Did you tell him that
we're dating or something like that?
I've never put it bluntly like that.
Then why did Ms. Oh ask me that?
What did she ask you?
She asked me if we're dating.
Are you sure you didn't lead her on?
No way. I'm very careful
when it comes to things like that.
Why aren't you wearing the necklace?
Why do you keep asking me that?
I just want to know
if we're dating now as of yesterday.
This is exactly why I can't start
anything with you.
We didn't start anything?
What was yesterday, then?
What happened?
Don't you remember?
I guess it can't be helped.
I'll have to do it again.
-What? What did I do?
How can I start things with you
when you're so blatantly obvious?
I'm obvious?
I doubt it. I have an amazing poker face.
I'm Poker Face Kang.
Haven't you heard of it?
Poker face, my foot.
You make it look so obvious.
Tell everyone here at Doldam Hospital,
why don't you?
Can I do that?
Promise me one thing.
What is it?
Promise me you'll be professional
at the hospital.
I will continue to be your senior doctor,
and you will continue to be Dr. Kang.
Like how we've been until now,
we can't bring our emotions
to the workplace.
We'll simply be coworkers.
Let's do that, okay?
I'll promise you
if you agree that as of today,
we're dating.
-I'll have to see about that.
-You'll have to see about that?
When is it going to be?
I'll have to see about that.
Get back to work.
I love you.
I knew it. You need to work
on your poker face.
At this rate, everyone here
at this hospital will figure out.
Stop that.
-Oh, I love you?
You want me to stop saying I love you?
-Stop it.
-I love--
-Stop it.
Fine. From now on
I'll never say that I love you.
I love--
I love you. I love you.
Stop it. Stop.
I love you. I love you.
I love you.
-I love you.
What is it that you're after?
Going back to Geosan Medical Center?
Don't you have any questions
regarding Chairman Shin?
I'm sorry, but President Do will run
things around there for a while.
It's most likely
that the board will reappoint him.
There's nothing for you to gain
even if you go back there.
Chairman Shin
is in a worse condition than we expected.
You must be trying to make
a dramatic turn-around
by performing a successful operation
on Chairman Shin, but--
You can read CT scans, right?
From what I know, you too
are a graduate of a medical school.
Whose is that?
Chairman Shin.
As you can see,
he has late-stage lung cancer.
Lung cancer?
That's what the CT scans say at least.
What about treatment?
Can it not be treated?
There are many different kinds
of lung cancer, Chairman Shin.
First, we'll have to do a biopsy
to find out what kind of cancer it is.
Then, we can try to figure out
how to treat it.
My gosh.
What if I don't get treatment?
How much time do I have?
Three months
at maximum, Chairman Shin.
Regardless of my heart?
what do you intend to do?
There isn't much a doctor
can do at this point.
There aren't many proposals
to make, either.
Dr. Woo.
-Are you going in an operation?
Is it the abscess patient?
Yes. Dr. Do told me to
be his assistant.
I see.
Do you
What are you doing here?
What? I'm the assistant.
But I asked Dr. Woo.
She said something came up.
I'm filling in for her.
It's okay, right?
How are you going to approach this?
It's peritoneal abscess.
It seems to originate from the bowel,
so I will resect it.
Commencing operation. Scalpel.
-Teacher Kim.
Dr. Kang told me to give this to you.
Please take a look at the CT scans
of patient Hwang Gi-su.
Where is Dr. Kang now?
He's in the operating room
with patient Hwang Gi-su.
It's an abscess patient.
Dr. Do is performing the operation.
He said it's originated from the bowel.
But Dr. Kang
thinks the origin is
from the tail of pancreas.
Hwang Gi-su.
The bowel looks
The bowel seems to be fine.
I'll check on the pancreas.
I'll perform omentectomy. Pad.
It's pancreas tail.
Is that right?
I'll call you back, Madam Oh.
-What brings you here?
-Patient Hwang Gi-su.
He's in operation
as the origin being the bowel.
Dr. Do is--
Dong-ju had a different opinion.
Why did you ignore him?
Did I?
I can't remember clearly.
You looked at the CT scans yourself.
Did you not suspect
even by the tiniest bit
that it could be pancreas tail?
I did think suspect that at first,
but Dr. Do was really certain
that it was the bowel is the origin.
If two fellows are in disagreement,
you should have looked
into the matter more carefully.
You are the chief of general surgery!
all you did was taking sides.
What are you talking about?
I can read CT scans just fine.
Dr. Do and I came to the same conclusion.
What kind of doctor do you take me for?
Yes, Dr. Do.
What is it?
I opened up the patient,
but the bowel wasn't the origin.
What is it then?
It's the pancreas tail.
I see. I get it.
It's understandable.
Things can be different than expected
when we actually open the patients up.
Don't lose your composure.
Managing such situations
is part of a surgeon's capability.
So what should we do now?
Have you ever performed
distal pancreatectomy?
I have once.
I assisted it a few times as well.
That's great. You have experience.
Why don't you show us what you can do?
I'll come in if there's a problem,
so don't you worry.
It's the pancreas.
Is that true?
Have you really performed
distal pancreatectomy before?
Why? Do you think I was lying?
You lied about the Boerhaave's syndrome.
Commencing distal pancreatectomy.
I'll start with dissection. Forceps.
Please call Dr. Song again.
What are you doing?
Aren't going to pick that up?
I don't recognize the number.
I'll pick it up later.
What's going on?
Tell me. What's going on?
Dr. Do is performing
distal pancreatectomy right now.
You tell him what the problem is.
I'm calling to ask
whether you're supposed to dissect
the spleen as well.
He's calling to ask you.
Tell him.
Of course. You have to dissect it as well.
Why? Is there a problem?
I'm having difficulties exfoliating
the spleen artery.
I'm afraid I might cut the artery.
I see.
Oh, my. What should we do?
What do you think you should do?
You have to get in the operating room.
Should I be the one going in there?
Okay. Wait there, Dr. Do.
I'll be there soon.
Thank you.
How pathetic.
Spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy.
-Have you heard of it?
-I have.
I don't have experience of it.
If so, consider this an honor.
Watch carefully.
Because of the anatomical arrangement,
the dissection of the pancreas tail
requires dissecting the spleen as well.
However, there's been a report
saying that without the spleen,
the patient's immune system weakens.
So nowadays,
we tend to dissect the pancreas
without touching the spleen.
From what I heard,
you've been off-field for some time.
But you're doing quite well.
Of course. I'm the chief of GS
at Geosan Medical Center.
It's almost done.
You exfoliate it like this
and dissect the pancreas tail.
All done.
Do you see that?
It's clean, isn't it?
What's going on?
I think the spleen artery
has been damaged.
Can you spot the location of the bleeding?
There's no clear vision.
Vascular clamp.
Suction. One more.
I did it. I located the vessel.
This is not looking good.
I think we'll have to remove the spleen.
-Wait a minute.
Wait for what?
What do you think you're doing?
Get out of my way.
There's a tear in the splenic artery.
If we just suture this area,
we can save the spleen.
May I do it?
What are you doing?
This is my operation.
Why are you trying to take over?
If you're confident, you should do it.
You said you have done it before.
If this goes wrong,
this is all on you, Dr. Kang.
Are you still going to do it?
You really are consistent.
The first thing you do
is looking for someone to blame.
Cut the crap.
Are you going to do it or not?
Prolene number five.
Dr. Kang.
Give it to me.
There's no bleeding.
I think the spleen will be fine now.
Should I close him up?
Do In-beom.
When will you stop lying
in order to perform an operation?
What are you talking about?
Take today for example.
You've never done
distal pancreatectomy before.
We should have switched positions.
It was my operation.
I thought I could handle the operation.
I've done simulations by watching
videos of it on the Internet.
How can watching a video
and the actual operation be the same?
That's how I always practice.
How else am I going to
experience all the different cases?
You irresponsible scum.
Without such practice,
becoming a surgeon is impossible.
Once you cut a patient's abdomen open,
no one knows what will happen.
Are you saying
you will keep lying
to get more experiences?
You were just lucky with the spleen.
Don't get smart with me.
I hope you will stop lying
about your experiences.
If you do that again,
I will send the issue to the committee.
You coward.
You little
Let go, you jerk.
Let go!
-Let go.
-Let go!
You punk.
Go tell your daddy on me then.
-You idiot.
-Mr. Gu.
Let go of me.
Get off me.
That's enough, both of you.
What? Did they fight again?
Dr. Kang was so awesome
in the operating room.
And that made Dr. Do look
a bit like a loser.
Was Dong-ju awesome?
-What do you mean?
-He was doing angiogrhaphy.
I thought he was Teacher Kim.
He was just like him.
Stay focused.
Did Dong-ju imitate Teacher Kim?
He was not just imitating.
He was as good as Teacher Kim.
His skills were not as good
as Teacher Kim's,
-but he was pretty close.
-What was that?
He always backbites Teacher Kim
for being a show-off.
Maybe he learned something
while backbiting Teacher Kim.
People get closer after a fight.
So where are they now?
What was that about?
What did you two fight about?
Say it.
He intercepted my surgery,
so I got upset.
I will make sure this never happens again.
What about you, Dong-ju?
Do you have anything to tell me?
No, I don't.
If you don't, get out of my office.
I heard you were in a fight again.
I heard you beat each other up.
He hit me first.
What was I supposed to do?
What's wrong with you two?
You two are the same age.
It would be good if you became friends.
You two probably have no friends anyways
due to your difficult personalities.
What are you talking about?
I have many friends.
Is that so? Maybe that's why
no one has come to Jeongseon
to see you since you came here.
That's just because they are busy
with their work.
What about you?
You don't have many friends.
I do.
Ms. Eom, Dr. Jung, Mr. Park.
And I often drink beer with Ms. Oh
and Dr. Nam.
They are all my friends.
-I see. They are your friends.
Then the trees and birds
in the backyard of the hospital
are your friends, too.
I should get going.
You can't just leave like that.
Weren't you worried about me?
Make sure to put some medicine
on the wound.
I should go.
I love you.
I told you not to do that!
It's too cheesy.
That's enough.
I want you to leave now.
You are a grown-up. No more fighting.
I told you Dr. Do hit me first.
Maybe you made him upset.
I know what he's like.
He's not the kind of person
who'd hit someone for no reason.
He grew up without knowing
a day of hardship.
-Are you siding with him or what?
Be more cautious in the future.
This is a hospital, not a boxing ring.
They are not that good at acting.
What was that about?
Why are you so upset?
I'm not upset.
My relationship with Dr. Kang
was not good to start with.
When he intercepted my surgery,
I lost my temper.
You are not telling me the truth.
is it that
you don't know how to tell the truth?
-That's it. Get out.
About Chairman Shin's operation.
I'm afraid
we won't be doing the operation.
He has terminal lung cancer.
Go and tell your father about it.
What do you mean?
That's what you are here for.
And that's why you wanted
to join my operation team.
You know what?
I prefer a cornered stone
than a round one.
If you are a cornered stone,
it means you have your own style
and your own thoughts.
I like to see a cornered stone being faced
with the mason's chisel.
I don't want someone that is
roundish and lukewarm.
I want someone
that will shape oneself and find his own
philosophy and belief.
I may have thought that
you were one of those people.
That day, you did an operation
that you didn't have to do.
I thought it was more than just sheer
bravado on your father's coat-tails.
I thought you did it
for the dangerous patient.
And you were pretty skilled.
That's why I wanted you here.
I think
I was wrong about that.
Go tell your father.
Chairman Shin won't have
an operation in our hospital.
he doesn't need to be
anxious about it anymore.
And I guess
you should leave Doldam Hospital.
Terminal lung cancer?
Late-stage lung cancer?
Yes, that's what I heard.
What about the operation?
What will they do
with the artificial heart operation?
Chairman Shin won't make it until then.
Did Bu Yong-ju say that?
Are you sure he said
he'd give up on the operation?
Yes, he said that to me.
I get it.
What? Tell me.
Can I
go back to Geosan Medical Center?
Wait a little longer
until things are settled.
Stop whining.
Come in.
It's me.
I came here as soon as I heard
about Chairman Shin.
You must be devastated.
Who told you about him?
At Doldam Hospital,
there are a few people
who are my eyes and ears.
I see.
It's hard to say this to you,
but since it turned out this way
I think Chairman Shin has to give up
on the heart surgery.
What is your opinion?
Do you think
I should go through the surgery?
Or since I am going to die soon anyway,
should I not
get the dangerous surgery?
To be honest,
in a situation like this,
following the patient's decision is
the only thing a doctor can do,
Chairman Shin.
If I decide
not to get the surgery,
what happens then?
I was going to fix your heart
and keep asking you for money
after saving your life.
But it seems that ship has sailed already.
You punk.
How can you still make jokes like that
in such a situation?
We cannot assure you or predict
which of the two organs
will start failing first.
What if
I decide to get the surgery anyway?
The artificial heart replacement surgery
also has a high risk.
Neither of them would be a good choice.
Right. I see.
-Hello, President Yeo.
Manager Jang, you were here, too.
Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
Yes, thank you.
About Dr. Kang
He may appear to be picky,
but once you get to know him,
you can see that he has such a good heart.
-Don't you think so, President Yeo?
-Well, yes.
He seems so.
In fact, the shapes of his eyebrows
and the area between the eyebrows
indicate that he is a man
who would love a woman forever
once he falls in love with her.
Don't you agree, President Yeo?
I guess. I don't know much
about physiognomy.
He has the face of a man
who would be a good husband
as well as a good boyfriend.
Thanks for the coffee, Manager Jang.
I'll get back to work.
Okay. Go on now.
Just as I expected,
she can't hide her feelings.
Dong-ju, we have an emergency.
What do you mean?
I think Manager Jang figured it out.
-What did he figure out?
-Oh, gosh.
I mean, he seems to suspect us.
He went on talking about
weird things in front of President Yeo.
I think he might spread
a rumor in this hospital.
Let's have a fight.
Let's fight more intensely.
Let's make it look like a real fight.
Dr. Yun.
Why did you give the patient
an analgesic first?
Dr. Kang, it's because I--
Can't you see that the patient is in pain?
-The patient was in so much pain so--
-I wasn't far from here.
I can come here from my office
in only two minutes.
You should have called me first.
I could have checked
if it was a surgical abdomen.
Right. I thought of that too, but--
Don't you know that analgesics
except for NSAIDs don't
affect the physical examination?
-I do. That's why I gave an order.
-In case of an acute abdomen,
call a surgeon first from now on.
The emergency room isn't
a control room for the hospital.
The doctors in here are
also good enough
to make decisions on their own.
Do you want to start a fight between
GS and EM doctors?
Stop talking back. I'm your senior.
What's wrong with you two?
I told you, it was my fault.
-It's not your fault!
-It's not your fault!
Dong-ju and Seo-jeong
squabble every time they see each other.
I know.
-That's fake.
-You startled me.
Fake? What do you mean?
They're trying to hide the fact
that they're a couple.
The fight is a cover-up.
No way.
Don't jump to a conclusion.
That's not true.
What would you do if I'm right?
You can have free drinks
at my bar for one month.
Free food, too.
All right. Food is free, too.
Why would you two make a bet
on whether they are a couple or not?
-It's fun.
-It's fun.
It's from Teacher Kim.
I can't seem to get along with you.
Everyone, please be seated.
What is going on, Teacher Kim?
As of today,
the conference on Chairman Shin's surgery
will be suspended.
What do you mean
the conference will be suspended?
The CT scan result came out.
He has terminal lung cancer.
Terminal lung cancer.
Considering his condition,
the artificial heart replacement surgery
would be too much for the patient.
Therefore, everything we have--
May we come in?
It's okay. You can stay seated.
Are these people the staff members
who will participate
in my surgery?
Yes, Chairman Shin.
I see.
They all look trustworthy.
-Don't you think so?
-Yes, I agree with you.
I was discussing
your surgery with them.
That's good.
Actually, I came down here
to talk about it.
-Teacher Kim.
Let us
stick to our original plan.
Let's proceed with the surgery
as we planned.
Chairman Shin.
Since things turned out this way,
how about you become the chairman?
What do you say?
I think Geosan Medical Center needs
a young chairman at this juncture.
You can call me a greedy old man
or say that I'm senile.
But, even if
I only have one day left to live,
I want to breathe comfortably.
I'm going to die anyway.
It's not too much to ask of you, is it?
Right, Teacher Kim?
It's tough, isn't it?
Thank you so much.
That's pretty.
Was it a gift?
It's nothing
Subtitle translation /Fontby Ryan Oh
Modify /Fontby Blue-Bird™
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