Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e15 Episode Script

Episode 15

You are running about bare footed again.
(Ms. Wang)
Cheng, it's for you.
Blind date?
I am Su Luo.
Lu Yue,
you seem to have stirred up a hornet's nest.
If this affects Cheng's performance,
I will deduct your salary.
Are you free this weekend? We can…
I will be competing over the weekend.
Then I'll go to watch it.
My brother is not back yet.
It means that his blind date went well.
We will soon have a sister-in-law.
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 15=
Hey, Yao, what's up?
our captain is going on a blind date today.
Then why don't you stop him?
How could I stop him?
I heard the girl is a returnee
with a Masters in Finance,
1.72 meters tall,
whose family is business partner
with the captain's family.
How can I compete with her?
Besides, why should I stop him?
What's the big deal about a master's degree?
Will Cheng care if she majors
in law or finance?
But I'll need bone extension surgery
to reach 1.72 meters tall,
or maybe God can bring me
Harry Potter who is good at magic.
I think you'd better
pray that Cheng has a unique taste
and prefers shorties.
Why should I pray that he likes shorties?
Then why do you want to compare your height
against his blind date's?
I did not.
I just want to gossip with you.
You are the one who started the comparison.
You know,
there are not so many people
like you in the world.
Tall and beautiful
with a good family background,
and good at studying.
You're good at gaming, Mulan in E-sports.
You are also great!
Shut it.
Sounds pretty unreliable, doesn't it?
It's so funny!
If you poke fun at me again,
you will not be my friend anymore.
Fine, fine.
By the way, it's raining in your area.
When the sun comes out after the rain,
do your best to do some jumps.
Sunshine plus vertical jumps
can help you grow taller.
(FNCKUN, equipment habit, 63% of win rate)
(FNCAlien, ambushing habit, Youtou Hime)
(Rich White Beauty, Business Partner, 172)
(Returnee, Master's degree, Major in finance)
What are you looking at?
Why are you back so early?
Tong Yao.
Where's mine?
Didn't get yours.
Sharing is caring.
Nice try.
This is the taste.
Don't be like this.
That's what I'm doing.
Don't blame me for being unkind.
You are satisfied with the food
or that my brother is back early?
Get your mouth occupied.
(2020 OPL National League)
(Group A Group Stage - Game 2
Hello, everyone!
Welcome to today's game!
The two teams competing today are
So first,
let's watch a promotional video
of the two teams
and last week's top five plays!
(Shield Disappeared)
(TOP 4 ZGDX-CK/Chessman)
♪We love the sharpness that comes with it♪
(First Blood)
♪Young race has deep desire♪
(Double Kill)
♪You know we won't give up♪
(TOP 3 YQCB-CK/Hierophant)
But in terms of rising to the occasion,
(Assist Defeat)
Cheng, it's your Hierophant.
♪Self-imposed sharpness♪
(Double Kill)
♪What the future looks like♪
(Ultra Kill)
♪You know we won't give up♪
♪Dueling above the stars♪
Enemy's shikigami is sealed.
♪Dueling above the stars♪
(Ultra Kill)
Enemy's shikigami is sealed.
- Penta Kill
- Cool!
Our captain killed two people one-on-one
on the bottom lane.
How skillful.
And he's even got two highlights selected.
I only have one selected.
Considering that you're always
standing behind in team fights,
positioning yourself well
to finally clear up the mess.
Tong Yao,
having one highlight is already amazing.
Did you two join
some weird mutual-complimenting chat group?
Game quote?
Why does my face look so big?
Didn't I shadow my face?
I still look so handsome.
You are.
Didn't I tell the backstage staff already
that this section should not be released?
What's going on?
Are you dumb?
Who did you tell not to release this?
You okay?
My stomach hurts
and I want to mm-mm.
What do you mean by mm-mm?
You know, to answer nature's call.
A strong one too.
(Want to poo)
Want to poo,
poo, poo!
No, no, no.
call Lu Yue over.
I can't play today.
I have to save my dignity.
Don't be afraid.
Stand behind me when we go out.
(Let's welcome ZGDX!)
It's showtime. Let's go!
I do admire
that you let yourself go
without holding anything back.
Once again, you've put our team
on the top searches for free again.
The topic is popular enough.
I'm very pleased.
Tong Yao, good for you.
Then can you exempt me
from the live streaming this month?
Nice try.
(The game quote)
(has surely surprised us.)
(It seems that Smiling from ZGDX)
(is a cute midsolo.)
(Looking forward to the next…)
She brings us
- more wonderful moments.
- That girl is so cute.
I can't calm down right now.
Our midsolo has collapsed herself today.
You guys need to do better
in top and bottom lane.
If you get solo killed once,
I'll bring back that video,
buy an extra-large TV,
and put it on replay 24 hours a day.
I will play it for two days
if you are solo killed twice.
Three days for three times.
That's ridiculous!
Don't challenge him.
Our young master Lu here
might actually get
a special billboard made for you.
is my face still red?
Just now it was red like a rotten tomato.
What about now?
Pork liver red.
(Now we can see that)
(both teams are ready to play.)
- Come on, let's start the BP part.
- We'll get to the…
- Wear headphones. Okay
- First part.
(banned Kamaitachi, Yamakaze and Aoandou.)
I want to play Hannya in this round.
Hannya in this version
is particularly strong.
You dare to use it now
after only a few days of ranking matches?
I feel very insecure
with you acting like this.
Why? I want to play Hannya.
Cat, no.
It's safer for you to choose Ibaraki Douji.
(ZGDX topsolo Cat chose)
(Ibaraki Douji which he is good at.)
Then what should I take, Ming?
Yasha is still available.
Maybe you take Yasha?
I think it's pretty good.
- K took Yasha.
- Okay.
If Yasha is selected,
then I can take a late-stage shikigami.
Dodomeki. Good for team fights.
How about our midsolo?
So silent.
Tong Yao,
the opponent didn't ban Ootengu.
How about taking Ootengu this time?
(Tong Yao.)
Do you believe that some people,
even if they don't talk
or try to remain silent,
they will still get into the game quote?
- We'll be in the game soon.
- Go everyone!
- Good.
- Go for it!
(Onmyoji Arena)
(ZGDX vs. FNC)
(Onmyoji Arena)
(We now see that
Kun has hid himself in the grass first.)
(But he didn't go into
the grasses in the jungle,)
(but the grass beside the middle lane.)
(Interesting! Interesting!)
(Chen Yao, have you noticed?)
(This jungler Kun)
(didn't jungle at beginning,)
(but directly went to the middle lane.)
What's that? Have you seen it before?
I've never seen it before!
But I should point this out,
Kun's Mannendake
(can output pretty severe damage
in the earlier stage.)
(- Yes.
- With all his combos,)
(Smiling is now left with
only a third of her HP.)
(Both sides have reached level four now.)
(Looking at the current situation,)
Tong Yao can only level up under the turret.
Let's look at where Kun is.
Kun is still in the river on the middle lane.
(Go! Go!)
(Kun! Kun is there again! Seriously?)
(He forced Ootengu to use Flesh again
to escape back to the turret.)
(What's Kun doing?)
(When the opposite Susabi reaches level six,)
(he'll have the gold advantage
to solo kill Ootengu.)
Can she leave this time?
This way.
K from ZGDX
arrived just in time!
He saves Smiling at the last second.
Susabi had to back off
after getting hit with a set of combos.
- Yes, yes.
- Ootengu is safe for the time being.
(After clearing the line,)
(Ootengu should go back to recover.)
(Oh my gosh, she didn't go back
and has started confronting him!)
(She avoided Susabi's ultimate skill
and is now chasing him down!)
(A direct hit on Susabi
with only half of its HP left.)
Can he get away this time?
Tong Yao, don't persist in chasing.
(It's time for revenge!)
(Just now you hit me so hard,)
(now I'll kill you.)
(Oh my gosh,
Kun came out from the grass again,)
and directly killed Smiling.
(Smiling was killed. Too bad.)
Your eyes cannot lie.
(What's wrong with Kun today?)
(Is he going to be dominating
the whole middle lane?)
(It's only been a few minutes
since the opening,)
and he already ambushed Smiling
several times!
It seems that today the midsolo
would have a hard time.
And if it goes on like this,
Smiling simply has no chance to develop.
Yes, yes.
What's wrong with Kun?
Did she offend the FNC's jungler?
What's this strategy?
I hope Tong Yao can hold on.
No, she may lose temper!
Shut up!
At present,
Kun came back to the bottom jungle of ZGDX.
Let's see whether Smiling
can get out of the turret with the line.
I'm a bit puzzled.
Doesn't Kun need to develop?
Is he giving up his own jungle?
He is either ambushing the midsolo,
or on his way to ambush the midsolo.
And look, there it is.
Kun has ambushed Smiling again.
(Immune from control)
Smiling is really having a hard time.
Are you done?
It's like the game map was cut in halves.
Only the middle lane is left.
He even ignores the jungle
and just ambushes me in the middle lane.
Don't get mad, Tong Yao.
There is still time. Take your time.
Tong Yao finally spoke up.
I thought she was possessed by someone.
I'm not mute.
Tong Yao, stay under the turret
and level up carefully.
It seems that today Smiling
would be traumatized in the middle lane.
- We see that now she has chosen…
- Tong Yao.
- Under the tower
- I'm coming.
(My gosh, Kun went to the middle lane
to kill her despite the turret!)
(He doesn't care about the turret at all!)
(Rise to Prominence)
How come Tong Yao was run over herself?
(What's going on here?)
(He's killing her
despite getting himself killed.)
(I don't get it.)
Is he crazy?
He had no skills,
and took double moves over the tower.
Why is this jungler coming here
just to trade me out?
What the hell is this?
Why didn't we ban Mannendake just now?
If he dares to appear once again,
I will vomit in front of you!
Hold on, bro!
I can't calm down!
Hurry to destroy the nearest tower
and start team fights.
I don't want to play in this lane anymore.
The opponent is taking
the middle lane as a two-person lane.
I can't even get out of the turret.
What did I say?
I said she would lose temper, right?
It's all your fault.
It's my fault for not playing.
What a jinx.
You're the jinx.
- What a doomsayer!
- You…
Come on, FNC!
(Smiling uses her ultimate skill
to interrupt FNC's attack on the Orochi.)
(Kun from FNC also arrived in time.)
(Let's see if they can kill Orochi.)
Okay we now see this side,
they're in the middle of the team
fight over the Orochi.
FNC players were killed one after another
by Chessman.
But Kun is completely ignoring Chessman
Continue to hunt down Tong Yao
with an ultimate skill.
Smiling is killed!
No way, he chases me
even under such a situation?
Does he abandon the Orochi?
If that's how he's playing, I won't be able to
protect you with my shield even in three seconds.
I've already contributed to
half of the team's deaths.
(Perfect Power)
(Jungler K from ZGDX)
(catches up with the opponent's jungler Kun.)
(The Orochi is taken already.)
(The Demon Parade lane is coming out.)
(I'm so angry.)
- Don't be angry, we're going to win.
(- Is this game going to be…)
- Team fight.
(- finished like this?)
(Perfect Power)
The ZGDX team has now acquired
an advantageous line.
They are going for the turret!
Attack the turret!
Any second now!
And that's the end of the game!
Congratulations to the ZGDX team
for winning this round!
Tong Yao, don't be sad.
I am now boiling with anger.
Anger, understand?
How long are you going to
sit there and meditate?
Come and discuss the next game.
Tong Yao,
can you say hello to my fans?
Hello everyone, this is Smiling from ZGDX.
(You guys are well matched.)
Tong Yao,
they say we're a good match.
Isn't she cute?
what are you doing?
No live streaming here.
Can I add you on WeChat?
Add me on WeChat. Let's be friends.
I'll scan your QR code.
Thank you, Miss.
You're so cute.
What was that about?
You are collecting stamps again.
What do you mean?
He had already added all of us in WeChat.
Don't listen to Cheng.
Tong Yao, come here.
Let's summarize
the problems in the last game,
so that we can strategize for the next game.
Okay, welcome back.
We are now half-way into the game.
It is fair to say Kun is having
a hard time in this game.
As soon as he goes to the bottom jungle,
(he would be chased by Chessman.)
He had been killed three times already.
(Yes. Chessman is)
(- chasing Kun.)
(- Enemy's shikigami is sealed.)
(It's as if he wants to dominate Kun.)
(On the contrary,)
Smiling is no longer getting ambushed
like in last round
(and is now roaming with Chessman.)
(It's like she's taking revenge on everyone.)
(Rise to Prominence)
Yes, yes.
(Let's now look at)
(the two top turrets)
(have already been destroyed.)
(Smiling keeps hanging around
the bottom lane.)
(- He keeps attacking.)
- Tong Yao, be careful.
(As for the jungler Kun on the other side,)
(he is not developing well this round.)
I'll go after Tong Yao.
Gold lagging aside,
he is getting chased after
no matter where he goes.
Is Cheng giving me up?
(Guard the tower,
guard the tower, guard the tower!)
(Oh my gosh!)
(Chessman kills Kun in a matter of seconds!)
(He has)
avenged Smiling.
Chubby, follow me.
K, do as we've practiced.
Copy that.
(This time it seems FNC)
(is forced into a team fight.)
Retreat, retreat.
(ZGDX is facing
a five-to-four confrontation this time!)
If they win this time,
(- and owns an advantageous line now…)
- Go! Go! Go!
It is fair to say
they could get the base turret here!
(They're fighting! They're fighting!)
- K, come in.
- Coming.
ZGDX does this to protect the attack of the midsolo.
(to protect their midsolo.)
(FNC's shooter got killed again.)
(They now only have)
(the midsolo Ootengu!)
(Double Kill)
(Their midsolo is also dead!)
(That's a team wipe! Oh my gosh!)
Come on, come on! Let's push! Push!
(If you don't leave now, you can't leave.)
(No one is guarding the base now!)
I've noticed this
after watching the two fights,
as long as the ZGDX team
(midsolo is doing well,)
(the opponent will not
have a chance at winning.)
(I don't think FNC can revive in time)
(to deal with the line.)
The line is already in their base,
would they have time?
(FNC has not resurrected!)
Destroy the base! Destroy the base!
Kill him! Kill him!
What is it?
Congratulations to the ZGDX team
for making it through the finalist!
- Congratulations.
- Congratulations.
You're good, Cheng!
I feel three years older
after finishing the match.
Let's go!
Let's go.
Let's go shake their hands.
nice to meet you.
You are very cute!
Go, go, go!
I'm cute too.
Are we going straight to dinner?
I'm starving to death!
You're already hungry?
You ate the most at lunch.
He uses a lot of energy too.
By the way, aren't you hungry?
let's eat together!
Let's have a meal together. Together!
We've already…
Cheng, long time no see.
Let's have a meal together, shall we?
Is he always so enthusiastic?
I think your definition of
enthusiastic is wrong.
He is out of control.
Let's go!
Let's go. Get in.
Fine. We'll go.
Rui, where does Tong Yao sit?
Tong Yao!
What the hell?
How did he get in our car?
Stamp collecting. Good job!
change your seat with me.
Where should I sit?
Lu Yue, how about you go to FNC's car?
(Li Hengshuo: you played well today.
You are awesome.)
(I haven't seen many girls
who are good at games.)
What's up?
(Tired? Come out to play after dinner?)
(You ignore me. QWQ.)
I have an idea,
but I don't know if I should say it or not.
You shouldn't.
I think,
FNC's jungler wants to flirt with me.
You think so too?
Right now, I just want to
put him and Mannendake
into a coffin together.
Then nail it shut and bury it here
under the ground.
Bury them deep into the ground.
She's my girl. Don't bother her.
You little brat.
What do you mean?
What did he say?
What did you say?
He said he was sorry.
What did you say to him
to get him to apologize to me?
Did you give him a scolding?
Translate it for me.
It doesn't matter now.
Anyway, from now on
he will not bother you anymore.
Cheng, I have something to ask you.
Cheng, really?
The midsolo in your team
is really your girl?
How can you be so quick?!
I thought you are not this kind of person.
What kind of person am I?
Should I prove it to you?
Yeah, prove it.
Even if she's not my girl,
she will be someday.
Preparing to chase her is the same with
the fact that she is already my girlfriend.
Do you think you can flirt with her
just because I haven't gotten her?
Don't be angry with me, Cheng.
If you only want to protect your teammate,
this is not necessary at all.
I'll be nice to her as she's so cute.
I want to protect and love her.
Shut up, you little brat.
She is mine no matter how cute she is.
Don't think that
I don't know about all the girls
you've left broken-hearted in South Korea.
When we were drinking,
your brother Gun-hyeok
would always tell me
about the crap you've done.
You never date the same girl.
She is different. She is different.
If Tong Yao can be my girl,
I will tell the world
we're together right away.
I will even announce it on Instagram, OK?
By then, even my South Korean fans
will know about it.
If everyone supervises me,
what troubles will I make then?
I'm now begging
as if you are my father-in-law.
You came here behind me.
Forget it.
don't you believe in love at first sight?
Her getting angry during the game
is so cute!
In later competitions,
I can let her kill me however she wants.
please agree to it.
I just like her like this.
It feels like I finally met
the girl of my life.
I will be good to her, really.
What should I do?
What should I do to let you believe that?
Or how about I go and beat up Tai?
I told you, she's my girl.
- I'm so happy.
- You are back.
It's so delicious!
Why did you two just come?
The meat is burnt.
Don't be having meetings now!
Eat up, the meat is cooked.
Well, it's all thanks to someone.
what did you do just now?
You didn't threaten him again, did you?
Why would I threaten him?
Are you nuts?
You are.
Cheng is usually not so fierce.
Eat more and be relaxed.
You're too talkative.
Get your own food.
Eat, eat, eat.
Why did you ask me to come here?
from now on this is our base.
What do you mean?
Ai Jia has been doing well lately.
I pulled him off the internship list.
He chased me all around
and told me his
life plan and so on.
I think it's quite reasonable,
so I decided to give him one more chance.
Since we decided to start over,
I didn't think it's appropriate
to stay at my grandmother's place.
So I found this place to stay.
So you and Ai Jia are back together?
Then you just rent
this five-star suite long term
that's just around our villa?
You really dare to spend.
It's all because of love.
Why don't you move in too?
I still want to live in
the single room inside our villa.
I don't deserve
the happiness of rich people like you.
Why do you say that you don't deserve it?
Girl, you deserve it.
Not only that,
since I live closer to you,
I can give you support, right?
What support?
Oh right, I have something to ask you.
Come here.
Translate this for me!
What is this?
She's my girl. Don't bother her.
You little brat.
What the hell?
What do you mean, what the hell?
Translate it.
She is my girl.
Leave her alone, you little brat.
You sure are free these days.
Still have time to watch South Korean dramas.
No way!
It's not Cheng's voice, is it?
What's going on?
I told you that you need me very much.
Tell me about it.
(A voice message from Luo)
(I heard you will play a game on Sunday.)
(I bought a front row ticket to watch it.)
(let's have dinner after the game.)
What's up with that girl?
Which girl?
Su Luo?
Isn't she your blind date?
Why is her contact in my phone?
Well, she has a good impression of you.
You're good looking
and have a good personality.
Both of you have similar physique
and family background.
That's why you two match.
Our mom is also satisfied, right?
By the time I say it a third time,
you would be laying on the ground.
I'll give you one more chance.
Why is her contact in my phone?
Ms. Wang told me,
that day when you were on a blind date,
you said she did not match you.
But after the girl went home
and thought about it for a few days,
she still wanted to
try to add your WeChat.
Ms. Wang said you would never agree to that.
So she told me to
Let me first explain.
I was threatened.
She said if I didn't do
what I was told and didn't do it,
I must go back to inherit
the family business for you.
And that I have to go on
a blind date, too.
(I've been thinking about it all night.)
(Although you said she was your…)
(I still don't believe it.)
(I'll go to watch your game this weekend.)
(If you are together)
(there would be signs, right?)
(If your midsolo is really your girlfriend,)
(then of course I'll quit.)
(If not, I'll do what I want.)
(Because I like her so much.)
(Do whatever you want.)
Boss, I really admire you.
That day in the car,
what did you say to him?
How could you block my potential date?
You've attracted numerous women
but is blocking others from dating me.
What date?
You heard it wrong.
Are you not explaining yourself?
My brother is avoiding the issue.
Between you,
something unspeakable has happened,
hasn't it?
You go back to practice your shikigami Shaku.
Why are you playing on my account again?!
Just having some fun.
Tong Yao, let's form
a three person party to play.
Let me play some more.
Is your own computer broken or something?
I got it.
You love my cat ear headset.
What? No.
You like my cat ear headset.
No, what is it? It's ugly.
I'll be going.
Come on, Cat.
K, come on, let's party up, hurry up!
I'm taking care of my skin.
Would you like to have one?
No need.
I have more.
You look like a coal digger.
Am I digging your coal?
What is the use of that?
Is that OK?
You guys are having a great season.
Good record so far.
You will soon meet us.
Yes, the deadline to defeat you
is counting down.
Cherish the time that
you can still dream now.
When the countdown ends,
your dream will be in pieces too.
I will make my dreams come true.
I heard that Kun has been
He is very restless recently.
What is it?
I always feel that
there is someone watching me.
No one's there. Maybe a ghost?
Maybe it's really a ghost.
Rest early. See you in the tournament.
(Good thing I was quick to hide.
I almost got caught there.)
You're up early!
Yes, I get up early sometimes.
What? Should I have informed you?
You should have.
I mean, you did tell others
that I am your girl.
I think you should let me know
what the color of your socks are too.
That's what I made for Biscuit.
I didn't expect she didn't like it.
It's a pity to throw it away.
Why don't you eat it?
(Stay calm and sensible, gank)
This game today,
Li Hengshuo will also come.
Why could he come?
He is unwilling to give up!
He wants to see if we are really together.
If he finds out that's not true,
you will be his 18th lover.
But he looks like a good boy.
Like you said, he looks like one.
Back in South Korea,
he changes girlfriends more frequently
than he changes his clothes.
But because
he never takes fans as girlfriends
and his acting skills are first class,
so his fans haven't found out yet.
How do you know him so well?
Because long ago
when I was in the South Korean TAT team,
he was already an intern for the TAT team.
So it was not how the media said it to be,
that he joined after I left.
In other words, I am his senior.
And that's exactly why
he cannot flirt with the girl I'm dating.
That's what I said before.
Then before you make up
such a terrifying reason,
can't you inform me?
You have the guts of a kitten.
Would there be a point
in letting a scaredy-cat like you know?
If I had told you,
you would have come to grab the phone,
and he will keep flirting with you.
Finally you will become his 18th lover.
I know, I know, stop it.
The eggs are really well fried.
(Onmyoji Arena)
Your flowers.
Thank you.
Hello, everyone!
Welcome to the live broadcast of 2020
Onmyoji Arena Pro League!
The participants of this game
are ZGDX and LAN respectively.
I'm sure everyone is interested
and looking forward to this game.
Look, such a big bouquet of roses.
Is that person your blind date, Cheng?
Sort of.
Do you see it? Do you see it?
Yeah, it's Cheng's hand.
Just like in the live streaming.
I knew something was between them.
I have long known they have something.
If you dare to make eyes with him again,
next time I'm afraid we will have to
French kiss in front of him
to dispel his thoughts.
I wasn't making eyes with him.
You think I'm blind?
I know. You let go of my head first.
No, he's still watching.
You two are whispering behind my back again.
The game is about to start.
Is it proper for you guys to do this?
Some people are too arrogant
and want to choose Mannendake.
I asked her
whether she wants to live anymore.
Forget what I said.
If you do this,
wouldn't your blind date become jealous?
I've rejected her.
But she says she didn't drop the idea yet
and would have a try.
She doesn't even know what e-sports is,
so what's the point in trying?
She is looking for a boyfriend, not a job.
Why must she know what e-sports is?
Because I am stubborn.
Okay, the game is about to begin!
Let's get into the BP part!
Let's see what the players will do!
♪You say the world
is always not gentle enough♪
♪Fortunately, you're free,
the most special player♪
♪Invite me to be your number one teammate♪
♪So I had my first encounter with my dreams♪
♪You said you'd always be behind me♪
♪Rumors ran to me and hurt you♪
♪How long will it take
from now to the future♪
♪You're love that never needs a reason♪
♪I want to be close to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless
and pretend to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones
in the world who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪I want to be closer to you,
a little closer to you♪
♪You can be expressionless,
pretending to be calm♪
♪The rhythm of your heart is the best proof♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪The moment you think of me♪
♪I happen to be thinking of you too♪
♪You never say anything,
your eyes send a message♪
♪You and I are the only ones in the world
who understand each other♪
♪I like in every season♪
♪I'm at the top of your list♪
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