Firebuds (2022) s01e15 Episode Script

Bayani Cookout/Best Of The Rest

(alarm ringing)
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through, our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl, yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come, and here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll, Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
BO: "Bayani Cookout"
Statues of Lolo Ben go on all the tables.
The birthday banner goes on that wall.
And your grandpa's birthday throne
goes right in front of it.
One awesome birthday throne comin' up!
-Do you think Lolo Ben will like it?
-He's gonna love it.
BETH: Bill! I think your adobo is burning!
(chuckles) I better get in there.
Firefighters aren't allowed
to let anything burn.
(laughs) Your dad has the best dad jokes.
Oh, I can't believe we're
finally gonna meet Ben Bayani,
hero firefighter.
Do you think
he'll do rescue drills with us?
-I doubt it.
-Why not?
Well, he doesn't really play with me.
Or talk much. Or do anything.
He acts like he barely knows me.
He usually just stands around
kinda like his statue.
Maybe you just gotta get him
in the mood to have fun.
Yeah, man, you gotta tell him
a joke or something.
Ooh, I've got one.
What do firefighters put in their soup?
(laughs) Good one, Piston!
You been taking joke lessons
from Bo's dad?
Make way for the Birthday Bayani!
-Grandpa Fleet!
-Gimme some steel, Flashy.
Hello, darlings.
Oy, there's my handsome grandson!
Hi, Lola Belen. Is that lumpia?
Oo naman, of course, they are.
Lolo Ben and I
spent all night rolling 'em.
Then let's keep 'em warm.
Where's Lolo Ben?
Happy 70th birthday, Dad.
What do you think?
-See? Told you he would love it.
Now go on and greet your Lolo.
(gulps) Mano po.
Happy birthday, Lolo.
(grunts) You got bigger.
Heh heh, yup. Eating my veggies
Oh, um, these are my friends.
-Happy birthday, sir.
-Pleased to meet you.
Your statue in Town Circle fell on me
and it was an honor.
Bo's got a great joke to tell you.
Oh uh okay.
(nervous chuckle)
-What do firefighters
Let's get this party started!
-(dance music plays)
Who's having a good time? (whoops)
-Ooh, lumpia!
-(both sniff)
-(giggle mischievously)
-Go on now! Shoo, you two.
Food's not ready yet.
Hey, Ben!
Come sit on your birthday throne!
See what I mean? Barely a word.
-Just try the joke again.
-And finish it this time.
(sighs) Maybe later. I need a break.
Let's go to the tree house
and check the rescue cam.
At least Lolo said you grew.
That's more words than the last visit.
-He's looking right at us!
And walkin' right towards us.
Do you think he's mad we left the party?
-Maybe we should hide.
-Nah, it's okay.
He'll never make it up the rope ladder.
-I'm right here.
-(all yelp)
Oh, we were just about
to come back to the party, Lolo.
They sure don't make tree houses
like they used to.
It's our
Firebuds Emergency Command Center.
Bo, what is that?
Oh, uh, that's just
That's the view from our Rescue Cam.
We use it to scout the neighborhood.
And help anyone who needs rescuing.
Hmph. Could have used that
when I was fighting fires.
Makulit ang kambal. Naughty twins.
What's going on with you?
This is the most I've seen Lolo talk.
BETH: Maartin, Maartay!
Back to the party, kids.
KID: Aw, man! Okay.
Hi, Beth,
all these boxes going in the mail?
Yep, thank you, Mina.
(gasps) Mina took the lumpia by mistake!
We can't have a party without our lumpia!
We must go after them.
(grunts, exclaims in native language)
There you all are.
It's time to eat.
Not yet.
Our lumpia got picked up by a mail truck.
-Don't worry. We're gonna get 'em back.
We better. You can't have a party
without our famous lumpia.
(sirens wail)
There she is!
(sirens wail)
Oh, sorry. We thought you were Mina.
'Fraid not. All the mail trucks
are out on their routes now.
(suspense music plays)
-Oh, boy.
-This just got harder.
Okay, here's the plan. We'll split up.
Jayden, Piston, look on Strut Street.
Violet and Axl,
the corner of Rack and Pinion.
The rest of us will check near the park.
Oh, uh, if that sounds okay to you,
Lolo Ben.
-Okay then.
Let's roll, Firebuds.
Wait. We should go this way.
I know a shortcut.
-All right. Lead the way, kids.
Bo. Now's your chance
to tell the joke. Go on.
Okay. (deep breath)
Hey, Lolo,
what do firefighters put in their soup?
(mumbles "I don't know")
Firecrackers! (giggles)
Mail truck straight ahead. Hit it, Fleet.
-Hey, Mina!
The name's Manny.
And I'm on my lunch break
so any mail-related questions
will have to wait
13 and a half more minutes.
JAYDEN (over walkie):
Jayden to Bo. Come in.
-I'm here, Jayden.
-JAYDEN: We spotted Mina at Town Circle.
-We're on our way.
-That's clear across town.
It's okay. I know a shortcut.
-Did he just smile at you?
-I don't know.
I've never seen his face
move like that before.
Ugh, a red light.
Don't worry. I can turn it green.
-Are you magic?
It was gonna turn anyway.
He's been pullin' that trick for years.
Look! He did it again.
That was definitely a smile.
But, Mina, it's not a package,
it's a tray of Filipino egg rolls.
Doesn't matter what it is.
I can only return it
to the person who mailed it.
You have to admire
how she sticks to the rules.
Mina! (sighs) I'm so glad we found you.
You accidentally took our lumpia.
Well, if it's yours, I can take a look.
-There it is!
-Easy there. I'll get it
Ow! Hot! Hot!
(all) Fire!
We gotta put it out!
(both grunt)
I'm sorry. You should put out the fire.
We'll put it out. Together.
Let's roll, Firebuds.
Just this mornin', I tried to hide ♪
But now we're fightin' fires
Side by side ♪
I love ridin' all over town ♪
Who knew that you were
So much fun to be around? ♪
'Cause we are from the same family ♪
But you have always been a mystery ♪
Well, today I finally
Saw a different view ♪
And it makes me feel, yeah ♪
Much closer to you ♪
Much closer to you ♪
Although I'm quiet I can be fun ♪
'Bout time I showed that
To my grandson ♪
I look at him there
I'm filled with pride ♪
I feel like
We have crossed a big divide ♪
'Cause we are from the same family ♪
I know I've always been a mystery ♪
Well, today I finally showed
A different view ♪
And it makes me feel, yeah ♪
Much closer to you ♪
I had it in my mind ♪
That everything I did was wrong ♪
But now I've come to find ♪
We had more in common all along ♪
'Cause we are from the same family ♪
But we have always been a mystery ♪
Well, today we finally saw
A different view ♪
And it makes me feel, yeah ♪
Much closer to you ♪
Much closer to you ♪
-Much closer to you ♪
-Much closer ♪
I'm feeling much
Closer to you ♪
The lumpia!
I'm sorry, Bo.
I know how much you love 'em.
-You do?
-Of course!
I know everything you like.
You're my grandson.
But you barely ever talk to me.
I barely talk to anyone.
I guess I'm kind of like lumpia.
I take a while to warm up.
I love you, Bo.
I love you, too, Lolo.
Now we've done a lot today,
but we still have one more mission
LOLO BEN: Flip, tuck
BO: Sides in, roll up.
Well, look at you two.
Hoy, Bill, what do firefighters
put in their soup?
Dad, did you just tell a joke?
Oh, yeah. Lolo's hilarious.
(all laugh)
FLASH: "Rest of the Best"
See 'em yet, Bo? Do ya? Huh?
Not yet, Flash.
Time for bed, boys.
But Dad! Mom and Bo's dad put
out a huge forest fire today.
And we gotta hear how they did it.
Can we stay up a little longer? Please?
It's already past your bedtime.
(yawns) And mine!
Hey, kids.
Tell us about the forest fire!
Was it super-gigantic?
Ooh! Biggest we've seen in years.
Until your dad and I got to it.
(both snore)
These two really need some rest.
Ahh, sure is great
to recharge my batteries.
G'night, family.
Now off to bed, you two spark plugs.
(Flash in high-pitched voice)
"Help! Forest fire!"
(grunts) What's that?
"The fire's heading for Gearbox Grove!"
"It's huge!"
It won't be after we get to it.
(imitates hose)
-BO: Flash?
What are you doing?
Oh, hey, Bo. I was just thinking,
sometimes our folks stay up
all night fighting fires.
We gotta practice doing the same thing!
That is a great idea!
Gotta save Town Hall!
-(imitates hose)
FLASH: Staying up late is so much fun.
Why don't we do this all the time?
BO: I know. Who needs sleep?
-Where are Bo and Flash?
Yeah, they're usually the first out here.
-Oh, here they come.
'Sup, buds? You all right?
Oh, yeah. (yawns)
We were just up all night
practicing putting out fires.
-All night?
-You sure you're okay?
We're totally fine, Violet.
I'm Axl.
Right. That's what I meant.
We better get going.
We don't want to be late
for Rescue Club practice.
Bo, is that Principal Kagan
standing next to a broken guardrail?
I think it is.
Principal Kagan, are you okay?
No, my vroom-mate's in trouble.
Coach D swerved to miss a family of ducks
crossing the street
and slipped down into the canal.
COACH D: Oh, hi, kids!
I was able to climb out
but my phone fell in the water
so I couldn't call for help.
Anybody got enough horsepower
to pull me outta here?
We'll help ya, Coach D! (yawns)
-Whoa there!
-You okay, Bo?
Oh, yeah.
We just had a bit of a (yawns)
late night.
All right, Tiredbuds I mean, Firebuds.
Who's got a plan to rescue Coach D?
I do. Check it out.
I made a few changes to the J-Hook.
Now you can put on different attachments.
Like this tow hook
that we can use to pull Coach D up.
I call it the J-Hook Plus.
-Great name.
-So original.
Okay! Who's got a rescue plan?
Uhh Jayden just told us one.
Oh, right.
Sorry. Let's do Jayden's plan.
Aw, yeah. Operation Coach-Tow is a go.
-Jayden's rockin' the names today.
Oh, just a little wide there, champ!
You'll get it next time.
-Sorry, Jayden.
-It's all right.
Let's give Jayden some space.
Okay. Now we have to pull him up.
That's it, team,
work those engines, feel the burn!
Uh, team? I'm startin' to tip on over!
Everyone, stop!
(yawns) What was that, Axl?
Stop pulling, Flash!
Well, at least I'm out of the water.
Why'd you keep pulling, Flash?
I didn't hear Axl say stop the first time.
It looked to me like you were half-asleep.
Bo, you and Flash seem tired.
Maybe you should let your friends
handle the rescue from here.
But I'm the leader.
I've got the megaphone, see?
I think your team has it covered.
And even leaders need to get
enough rest to get the job done.
When we are feeling tired
We wind up strained ♪
And drained and uninspired ♪
That is why I say to save the day ♪
Prepare the proper way ♪
To do your best ♪
You have to get your rest ♪
If you are tuckered out ♪
Try not to doubt
What I'm singin' about ♪
Life's more of a breeze
When you're at ease ♪
Because you've caught your Z's ♪
To do your best ♪
You have to get your rest ♪
I see what you mean,
Principal Kagan.
But firefighters stay up
all night fighting fires.
Only when they
absolutely have to.
And they make sure to get
plenty of rest before and after.
Now Bo is gonna doze because he knows ♪
That even all the pros ♪
Even all the pros
Need to take their naps ♪
Or else perhaps ♪
Those chaps would all collapse ♪
To do your best ♪
You have to get your rest ♪
To do your best ♪
You have to get your rest ♪
(gasps) No.
If Mom could do it, I can, too.
Let's roll, Firebuds.
Uh, we're already here.
Oh, yeah. I mean,
let's save Coach D, Firebuds.
If the vehicles hold hands,
we can make a chain down to Coach D.
Then whoever's closest to him,
can tip him back on his wheels.
We just have to make sure
that whoever's up here
holds onto something sturdy.
-Like this street light?
-That'll work.
Okay, Piston, you grab Flash's hand,
I'll grab yours and you both
can lower me down to Coach D.
Yes! Now that's what I call teamwork!
Take my hand, Coach D.
I'll pull you upright.
Here ya go.
He's too heavy.
I prefer the term "big-framed."
(gasps) What if you try
rocking him back and forth?
Great idea, Violet. Let's rock!
Huh? Oh, sure, sure!
(both) Pull! Push! Pull! Push!
That is the way to rock 'n roll, team!
I got it from here.
-(tires screech)
-BOTH: Whoa!
And touchdown!
Teamwork makes the dream work!
Thanks for saving him.
It was great to see
the Rescue Club in action.
-Sure was!
-Right, the Rescue Club.
We were just on our way there.
-Come on, Firebuds.
-Whoa there!
After a tough rescue like this,
you should all skip
the club today and rest up.
-You're right.
-Better safe than sleepy.
Glad we could help, Principal Kagan.
You really better get him home.
Have a good weekend!
Whew! I am pretty tired.
A recharge'll do me some good.
-I'm cruisin' for a snoozin'.
-Same here.
Not me. I can go all day and (snores)
(sighs) Wow!
I feel so much better.
That nap really helped.
Oh! Did we rescue Coach D?
You know it.
Flash, get outta there!
Ugh! My battery so low
can't drive (sighs)
He's heading
towards the water treatment plant!
Grab onto the edge of the tunnel, Flash!
Flash, can you pull yourself
out of the water?
(beeping continues)
His battery must be running out of power.
Then we have to find a way to rescue him.
I have a battery-charger
that can give him enough energy
to pull himself out of danger.
But how are we going
to get it down to him?
What if we use the J-Hook?
J-Hook Plus.
Well, if I can figure out how to attach
the charger to the cable, it might work.
-Hang on, buddy!
I'm tryin'.
There! Ready.
We're launching a charger down to you.
Do you have enough energy to catch it?
I hope so. Please hurry.
-All right!
(engine revs)
My tow cable can pull him
the rest of the way up.
I'll bring it to him. Here I come, Flash!
Hey, buddy.
How do you have so much energy?
I took a nap, remember?
(heroic music plays)
All right, Axl! Pull us up!
Whew! Thanks, Buds.
I'm sorry I caused so much trouble.
Principal Kagan was right.
To do your best,
you really do need get your
-Did he just fall asleep?
-He sure did.
Then I guess we better take him home.
So we can all take a big nap.
(upbeat music plays)
(closing theme plays)
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